The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Colleen Moore
Beauty Touches
represent a complete
Rouges,1 Compacts, Perfumes, Bath Salts, Bath Talcum,
Bath Astringent, Toilet Water, Face Powder,
and Lip Sticks
Of secrets of Beauty there is but one, and a simple one at that,
. . Make Your Skin Work! 0
We are Exclusive Agents
J! H. Willett "Only the Bestr
Colleen Moore Now Showing at Oregon Theatre in "Irene"
I OurWeatherAAan I
Probably rains m west portion;
mild temperatures, with light to
moderate winds, mostly southerly.
Maximum yesterday, 64; minimum
56; river, 0.8, falling; rainfall,
trace; atmosphere, part cloudy;
wind, northeast.
Larceny Charged
Antone Schmith, arraigned in
Justice court Saturday on a charge
of larceny, requested time to con
sult an attorney and was sent to
the county jail, unable to furnish
bail of $500. He is charged with
taking a watch from Mrs. Frank
Vanity Hat Shop
For millinery, 347 Court St. al8
Thff County Clerk's Office
Will be open from 8 a. m. to
It n m thin rnHilner Mnnrlxv for
pUi.. closes Tuesday, April 20,
1926, at 5 p. m. a20
. Divorce Is Asked
Charles Ward Davis has filed
suit for divorce against Blanche
Margaret Davis, charging cruel
and inhuman treatment. They
were married In Salem in July,
For every figure. Howard Cor
set Shop, 165 N. Liberty. al8
Houses for Rent $10 to f 10
A fire room with large sleeping
porch and garage. Vacant, at 650
North 16th, $30. Another 3 room
and sleeping porch, south; garage,
furnace, $30, vacant, at 1550 S.
Winter Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. a!7tf
Files for Re-election
Jim E. Smith of St. Paul, Mar
lon county commissioner, filed his
declaration of candidacy with the
county clerk Saturday for re-election.
' 'Mr. Smith is secretary of
the county judges and commis
sioners' association. v
Wood Special
Prices are sure to raise, so order
; now; 5 loads 16-inch mill wood,
' $17.50. Good wood, prompt de
livery. Spaulding Logging Co.,
phone 1830. a20
Fonr Licensed IssWed
Fout marriage licenses were
v Issued Saturday by the -county
clerk. Then were applied for by
Stanley PrxybylskI, car, Inspector,
: and Ella Jackson, both of Port-
land ; Cecil D. Green, Taklma, and
I Adeline Shields. ISO Electric ave
nue, Salem; Edward A. Gent, far-
mer-of Eugene, and Geraldine
i Horning, Woodburn. rt. 1; Floyd
. Myers, 670' Eighteenth street, and
. Mertle Foster, Salem, route 4.
Jfe State and
Liberty Street
Underwood Typewriter Co
Direct Factory Brandt
819 Cetart Street Phoae S89
Typa writer Rented, Bold, ;
Special rental rate to ktndanta
assortment of
Girl Is Bom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford
of 1659 Court street received a
daughter April 7 and have named
her Barbara Jean.
Last Chance
For walnut trees, perennials
and shrubs. Pearcy Bros., 178 S.
Commercial St. al8
Bobbins VisitH
John Robbins, who is teaching
school and coaching at Sisters,
Oregon, was a visitor in Salem
Saturday. He formerly resided
in this city, graduating from Wil
lamette university.
Used Motorcycle 74JD
Terms. Call Salem Restaurant.
f?flJ a 13
Use Derma-Night Cream
And stay young. It eliminates
the wrinkles. Swart Specialty,
4 53 Court. al8
Contract Let- v
Mayor J. B. Glesy and City Re
corder Poulsen entered into a con
tract with the Beaver Portland
cement company of Portland Sat
urday to deliver to this city 4 0,
000 barrels of cement. The' ce
ment will be used for paving of
about 95 blocks of streets in this
Mack's Summer Millinery
Opening, continuing through
Monday. Hats and wearing ap
parel. Center and High. al8
Yon Can Save Enough
In buying a refrigerator to buy a
ton of ice at C. S. Hamilton Fur
niture Co. alS
Water Company Imome
The Coos Bay Water company,
with headquarters at Marshfield,
had net operating income of $31,
334.21 during the year 1925, ac
cording to the annual report of
the corporation filed in the office
of the public service commission
Saturday. The operating revenues
of the company were $88,195.32,
while the operating expenses ag-
gregad $45,138.14. Taxes total
ed approximately $11,000.
For Sale Grocery Stock-
Fixtures; good location; living
rooms. Lane Morley, Phone
1915W. al8
Benefit Dance-
Sponsored by Royal Neighbors
of America and Modern Woodmen
of America, Monday evening April
19, at the Fraternal hall. Same
music, same crowd, and same
price as Modern Woodmen of
America. Everybody welcome. al8
Clubs to Meet
A joint meeting of the Jason
Lee Brotherhood and the North
Salem Business Men's league will
be held Tuesday evening at 6:30
in the basement of Jason Lee
church. A supper will be. followed
with stunts and music bv Willam
ette . university students. The
unique topic, "Salem as An Oppor-
Salem's Leading
Pays Oaah For
Residence and Store v
1010 Nortb Bnmmer
- PHONE 511
"Established Since 19ir
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1&C3
- . . . ..
General B&hlzxnzr'Butlstej
, Offlee Hoars from 10 a. m. to m.
I .
tunity and as a Danger," will be
discussed, with C. E. Wilson, sec
retary of the Salem Chamber of
Commerce, and Ben J. Kimber,
secretary of the Marion county Y
M.C.A., leading the two sides .-61
the discussion.
Lawrence Strauss, Tenor
First M. E. church, Apl. 19, $1.
Build Where Protected
Laurel park lots sell today for
$475 to $1200. Proper restric
tions insure a district of 50 fine
homes. Make a down, payment
now; reasonable terms. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High St. al7tf
Good Window Display
An attractive window display
has been placed in the Patton
Book store window by the Oregon
Gravel company. Two houses are
pictured, one burning up. the
other shingled with fireproof ma
terials resisting the live sparks
that are falling on the roof. Value
of fireproof roofing is well dem
onstrated. Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Each Has Furnace, Hardwood
Etc., $3700 and $4200. Finish
ed to suit. Reasonable terms.
Best built small homes you have
seen. Finished and complete. See
at 1925 Myrtle and 1195 Tamar
ack. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.
High street. a!7tf
License Suspended
Francis E. Gould of this city re
ceived a 3 0 days suspension of his
driver's license Saturday when
Judge Poulsen found him guilty of
having exceeded the city's speed
Dog Harness
F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com'l. al8
De Harport Files
J. C. De Harport has filed with
City Recorder Mark Poulsen his
candidacy for city alderman for
the fourth ward. He will oppose
Ellis Purvine, Incumbent. Purvlne
has already filed his candidacy.
Garden Tractoi
Four sizes. Pearcy Bros., 178
S. Commercial street. al8
Visits Salem
Mrs. M. J. Earnest was a visitor
in this city Saturday. She is a
resident of Albany.
Chicken Dinner
Lunch Box, 181 S. Liberty. al8
Employment Report Filed
Out of 141 men to seek work
through the Salem Y.M.C.A. em
ployment bureau, 61 received jobs,
according to a report filed by Sims
Phillips, head of the bureau. There
were 91 Jobs called in but only 65
men were referred. Agriculture
took 29 men and common labor
took 30. Nine women out of 29
- The Battery lfaa
Systematic Wirk,
Hot Ob ms Work.
, . f WILLARD ';
8S1 Coart St. Phone 108
Wood Wood
yard r- -
187 D Street Telephone 31
..1 -
Any one who is in the market
for a Ford Coope can't afford
to buy a new one when yon
ran get one equipped with
special wheels, fall balloons,
motormeter, swipe and many
other extras, for $473.
to apply received work through the
bureau. Eleven Jobs were called
in and 11 women were referred.
Civic Music Club Concert
Strauss, teuor. Mon. nite, 1 1.00.
Visit Corvalils
H. B. Van Duzer, chairman of
the state highway commission, vis
ited Corvallis Saturday. He was
accompanied by Roy Naden, also
of this city.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Qiese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Services Hehl
Rigdon & Son mortuary was the
scene of the funeral services of
Walter Sandell, held Saturday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. Sandell
passed away last Wednesday at
Aberdeen. Wash. His body was in
terred In City View cemetery.
Hotel Marlon
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. J2tf
Rosehurg Man Here
E. M. Wood of Roseburg spent
Saturday in Salem.
Spends Day Hero
Miss Rose Chromey of Sclo was
in Salem Saturday. Mrs. G. J
Johnson, also of Scio, spent Satur
day in this city.
Suits Cleaned ana tressed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office.
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Returns From East-
Mr. Christiansen, Frigidaire and
Delco-Light dealer of Salem,, has
returned from Dayton, Ohio, where
he has been attending the tenth
anniversary Delco-Llght and Frigi
daire sales convention which was
held In that city April 8 and 9 and
In which 1500 members of the field
organization of the Delco-Light
company took part. Those who
attended the convention, Mr
Christiansen said, won free trips
to Davton. all exDenses paid, as a
reward for securing a required
Volume of business for the com
pany, and this honor came to Mr.
Christiansen as a reward for sales
efforts in his territory.
Boxing Armory Arena
Wednesday, April 21, 8:30 p.
m. 24 rounds of boxing. Mike
O'Connor xs. Danny Garth, 10
3-minute rounds. Snappy prelim-
Reckless Driving Charged
Carl Newton, 488 North Com
mercial street, was arrested Sat
urday evening by Officer G. W.
Edwards and charged with reck
less driving. The charge reads
that Newton shot past five cars
going the same direction on State
street between Liberty and High
streets. He was cited to appear
Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Travel Right!
Rely on our baggage as you do
on first class transportation.
Nothing takes the place of leather.
F. E. Shafer, 170 South Commer
cial. alS
Crarged With Not Stopping ,
J. W. Savage, route 7, Salem,
was arrested Saturday night by
Officer G. W. Edwards and charg
ed with failing to stop before en
tering a through street. He was
cited to appear Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock.
Vanity Hat Shop
For millinery. 347 Court St. al8
Failure to Stop Charged
Lester Sankey of Silrerton was
arrested Saturday by Officer G.
W. Edwards and charged with
failing to stop before entering a
through street. He was cited to
appear April 21 at 2:30 p. m. "
Old Time Dan
Thursday. April 22. Clemen's
Dance Pavilion. a22"
Shoe Store Ope:
J. R. Pollock, connected witi
the Price Shoe store for the past
six years, has left the company
to go into business for himself.
He has purchased the business of
A. J. Paris, who operated the
shoe shop in Rottle's store. The
business has been moved to the
Center Ferry street store of the
Eckerlln building on the corner
of Liberty and Ferry streets. The
Operating in connection with
the Salem Navigation Co., from
Salem-to Eugene. ?
V; Dally Track
Salem phones, 967, Res. 2106W
Eugene phone: 477
(In no ' way connected with
General Transfer line.) -
Btore is cahed the Salem Shoe
Shop. Mr. Pollock was in busi
ness for himself here for nine
years before affiliating with Price.
He claims to hare brought the
first shoe repairing machine to
Vanity Hat Shop
For millinery, 387 Court St. al8
Mark's Summer Millinery-
Opening, continuing through
Monday. Hats and wearing ap
parel. Center and High. alS
Charged With Speeding
Winford Giese of Salem Is fac
ing a charge of speeding in the
city court, having been arrested
for the offense Saturday by Offi
cer W. O. Edwards. He is also
charged with having no driver's
license. He is cited to appear
Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic
..Physician and Surgeon.
Grange Meets-
Members of the Salem Grange-
held their regular monthly meet
ing at the local labor hall Satur
day. Max Gehlehan was present
at the meeting. He was formerly
county clerk of Marion county.
Routine business was executed by
the grange.
Chicken Dinner
Lunch Box, 181 S. Liberty. alS
Organization to Meet
The members of the Willamette
Valley Typographical conference
will hold their quarterly meeting
Sunday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock
in Corvallis. M. D. Pilkenton of
Salem, secretary of the conference,
is planning to attend. Salem, As
toria, Eugene, Portland and Al
bany are expected to send dele
gates. The president of the con
ference is Paul V. Womer of Cor
Boston Terrier Puppi
For Bale. From prize winning
stock. Dr. Fred Ellis, 1330 Cen
ter street. al8
Traffic Violation Charged
Harry Steinboch, of 5G5 North
High street was arrested Saturday
by Officer W. O. Edwards for hav
ing driven his car with improper
license plates. The police blotter
bears the information that Stein
boch was using California Instead
of Oregon license plates.
Hats Cleaned anil BlocTfcea
75c. Cash and Carry Cleaners,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Bishop Doing Well
Bib Bfshop, student of Salem
high school, has successfully un
dergone an operation on his leg,
according to word reaching here
Saturday. Bobiwas injured while
J plfcfrhfc Vitft- $tlfj Salem high
school football team against Mor
an school of Seattle. He has been
forced to use crutches for over a
year. The " operation was per
formed at Boston. Chauncy Bish
op, his father, was present at the
operation. Complete recovery is
considered probable.
See Our Ad
On page 6 this Issue. C. S.
Hamilton Furniture Co. al8
Date Changed
The funeral of Miss Anne Tow
will be held Tuesday morning in
stead of Thursday morning as an
nounced at first. Miss Tow died
tn San Francisco after an illness
of six weeks' duration.
Benefit Dan
Sponsored by Royal Neighbors
of America and Modern Woodmen
of America, Monday evening April
19, at the Fraternal hall. Same
music, same crowd, and same
price as Modern Woodmen of
America. Everybody welcome, a 18
"Salem's Show Place of Fashion"
Many new gowns- and hats
both for sport and dress wear will
be shown at the French Shop this
week. M. Buffe Morrison, 115
High St. ' al8
Gifts of Leather
instantly appreciated, constant
ly used. F. E. Shafer has them.
Harness supplies, 170 S. Commer
cial. al8
The French Shop's
Coat Sale If you are Interest
ed in a beautiful dress coat visit
our store this week. Our hat sale
also continues with many new
models added. M. Buffe Morri
son. 115 High St. a!8
The French Shop
Will, place on sale beginning
Monday,- 60 beautiful dress coats
of charmen satin and silk. The
utmost in value giving. M. Buffs
Morrison, 115 High. al8
Vanity Hat Shop
For millinery, 387 Court St. al8
Charged With Speeding
Glenn Wilber of this city .was
arrested Saturday by Officer W.
O. "Edwards. A charge of speed
ing was placed against, htm and
he -was cited to appear Monday
afternoon at 4 o'clock.' - -
Speeding Charged f
Frank Vanderwal oC- Portland
was arrested -Saturday by Officer
W. O. Edwards and charged, with
speeding. ' He was cited, to appear
April 21 at 6 p. m. - f .
Visit Instltojloni
The varioti
this city we
by a group'
istitutlotts In
fted Saturday
itaaents irom
' of social ser-
vice,, which, j
ka of the ual-
versity of Oregon extension di
vision. Clinics were held at the
state hospital and at the school
tor the feebleminded. Elnora
Thompson of the Marion county
child health demonstration and
several of the staff nurses accom
panied the students through the
Hemlnway Hosiery
"They wear as well as they
look." Swart Specialty, 453 Court.
Sewing Club to Meet
The Barbara Fritchie Sewing
club will meet at the home of
Miss Mabel Murray, 4 80 North
Twenty-fourth street on Wednes
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Get That Hat Cleaned Up
For Straw Hat Day at Eaton's
Hat Shop, 141 S. Liberty. Your
credit is good. Office of City
Cleaners and Dyers. Phone 1919.
See the New Homes
And vacant lots for sale sale on
Ben Lomond Park Hill east of
McKinley school. Queen Ann
house, 7 rooms on upper drive.
The bungalow on lower drive has
5 rooms, breakfast nook, bath and
garage, $6750. Lots have 60 to
85-foot frontages and about 118
ft. deep. No rock, $1750 to
$3000. These lots and homes
have about the heighth of lights
on the state house and an unob
structed view of 5 snow capped
mountains, the valley, the city
Herman Leurs, at a local hos
pital, April 17, aged 80 years. Re
mains are at the chapel of the Sa
lem mortuary. Funeral notice
At West Salem, April 16th.
William Wallace Bales, a veteran
of the Cival war, aged 8 2 years,
father of Nora Bales of Salem!
William J. Bales of Minnesota,'
Elmer W. Bales of Long Beach!
Wash., and Mrs. Josephine Shutt
of Medford, step-father of Frank
A. Fredrickson of Iowa, James W.
Frederickson of Salem and Ed
win J. Frederickson of Idaho,
brother of Commodore Bales of
Nampa, Calif.; John Bales of
Point Richmond, Calif., and Mrs.
Sarah M. Huff of Calif. Also sur
vived by several grand-children
and eight great-grandchildren.
Announcement of funeral later
from the Rigdon & Son mortuary.
The body of Archie Cody who
died in this city April 16, will be
forwarded to Jacksonville, Oregon
for funeraiexvJees.,Att. interment.
The WeB TiMeta-I "parii&Ts are in
charge. .
The body of Oliver E. Wright
who died in Salem on Friday,
April 16, will be forwarded to
Canyon City, Oregon for funeral
services and interment. The Webb
funeral parlors in charge.
I. who in time of dismay be
lieve that all wrong is for
getting. That man is no plaything of
Fate, to be broken, dis
carded and wasted
How can I fear the Unknown,
the hope and the friend of
the fearful!
Robert Underwood Johnson
W. T. Rigdon & Son
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical Therapy In
cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
No Charge for
Physician and Surgeon ;
606 U. S. Bank Building
Salem, Oregon
rT.ts. maq
"Fairrooant milk is the high
hoisted standard of health food.
" - Saya the Farmer Boy. r
Purity Pasteurization
Food value Cleanliness
and Prompt Delivery : ,
are each one. a Fairmount
sanitary and service safe'
guard, around which a Ions:
story could be written But
we wilT sum it up in brief
for you and say "they are
the reasons why. you should
phone us to double your-?
milk order.? Call 725 today
and Polk Co. 'hills. See owner in
Queen Ana for particulars. Cbas.
p. Conel Phone 1 597. , l 8
- I
Club Entertained i " ft Mill
Mrs. Paul James Rice was hos
tess to Ihe "Just For Fun" dub
on Thursday evening at her new
home ojn South Twelfth .street
Prtitect Your Eyes
From the Sunlight
Today more than one-half
the population of the United
States! spends the greater por
tion of its time in offices or
rooms! away from sunlight and
frequently under artificial
Thej eyes become unaccus
tomed to sunlight and yet ev
ery week end and every holi
day these same "cave dwell
ers" -"your eyes' spend the
days at the beach, in autos. un
der thle most severe light glare.
Yoi come home with weary,
blood-shot, squinted eyes and
wonder why.
We are mentioning this be
cause we want you to realize
that hnder present living con
ditions tinted or colored lense
are njecessary not merely a
Wa have - tinted and colored
lenses which can be ground to
your j prescription for all oc
caaions. Call, we will be pleas
ed to explain their advantages.
Morris Optical Co.
30 1 -2-3-4 -Oregon t -a
Salem, Oregon S
Why not buy now and make money?
Mfrtr avenue ready to be
$450 to $700. Two houses,
202S Fairgrounds Road Telephone 520 . .
I lhave purchased the Paris
wjas formerly located in the
mjoved it to the Eikerland
J. U. POLLOCK. Prop.
, and PLANTS
Fix your porch boxes now. Don't wait plants
are all picked over. Greenhouse is open juuid and
all day Sunday.
Phone 18S8 or come to 906 North Front,
Corner of D Street -J '
New Show
ri in .
r II '4
Viewing th new house and cards
wa the diversio nof .the Vening.
Mrs," Rice waa presented'With a
silver berry boouu fioni thwwfem
bers of the club. Members pres
ent 'were: "Mrs. Dorothy Van De
Walker, Miss Marlon Miller, Miss
(Continued 04 psfte 6.1)'5--
CHOICE of Traub Genuine . j
.Orange Blossom engage- J
ment and wedding ring Is a
tribute to the Judgment and
good taste of the wearer. : .
. fiqnait DcJ Jawcler, Cornar
State B4 Liberty
It ;1 - " i
ivy t
Your stomach will Iw workinjr
as It should in. a few dsva.. I-t
a Chiropractor remove .the
CAUSE of your disturbance.
CM Free Consultation J0
The Best iri Chiropractic
328 Oregon Bid. Salem
" ' V : - 111
mved. For Sale 16- lots,
$u)0 will handle eithi..See .
Shoe Repairing Shop which
Rottle .shoe store and have
building, 415 terry btreet.
.1 v - t
- - 1 C
JohnGoIdens -,r
, Stage Plajrj;
On the Battle With a
Newly, Married Couple
.. . WITH
. . Matt Moore V
Kathryn Perry
foxkews; r,
! -