The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1926, Page 19, Image 19

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RiiTnii nni nn nnnr
.Villi 111 bULUti SIILt
j Fair Sex Able to Match Co!-
ors in Spring Togs With
'J:-. vTheir Automobiles
Matching colors for mer spring;
wear-IVtbe favorite occupation of
thrVrjL mx at this; time of the
yJk And the latest fad la to
select colors in hosiery, and suit
ings or dresses which will match
the color of the car milady is about
to drlre. : . y " :r'r c;-;;-.
It if an easy matter for her to
be In the best of good style with
the OTerland Six and to be. faith
ful to the latest dictate of fashion
'as regards color. v -x. . ' .
Greens and treys are the pre
dominant colors of good fashion
this year. No green could be "more
' characteristic of , the . Northwest
than' the Fir green which is one
nf tha inUnia rAloni naed nn the
Wf jtjverland and no. grey could be
i "Troore characteristic of this land of
V th. Affect df the fir hue. -
A new combination has Just
beea disco re red by Mildred Mnrga
troyd of the City of Paris- in which
the latest grass sandals are topped
off. with ; sage grey hose and the
skirt and blouse are in fir green.
She says that the color engineers
of Willys-Overland have as good
an eye for "temlnlne fashions as
the most erudite of the Parisian
designers and that It is an easy
matter to keep In good style, in
every way with this Six as a back
ground. , ' '.
Mildred also allows .that the
anaDD ' lines of this car are 1 in
accord with the lines of the 1926
clothes being snappy and with just
the right' Indication of speed in
thein.v i "Beware boulevards this
sprang for young man's fancy is
likely to turn Jo fir green and sage
grey as It flashes by.T -, : t '
Department stores will do well
to let their buyers study the modes
in motor i car coloring. . ,
5 ,:Ko;iSWii of
(VimnTin nilniirn nil nr
r 111 mi i 111 11 n lib
Ollln uIIUhu iHLUL
Spectacular Tests' Quickly
. . . r I r I
Attract ruDUC, ueaiers
Soon Determine
That proven merit quickly at-
"tf Aft & wins the buying public
! ' 1 . ... - " , 11 4 ltV.
is eviuencea oy an inuueui
recently tjbok' place . in Pdntiac,
MtrhtFn. when a Star Four spec
tacularly but-demonstrated all en
tries In a hill' climbing contest,
according to advices received by
v Oi rjelano of the Salem Auto
mobile Co.-local Star car dealers.
As a. Tesult of Its victory, orer Of
ten carf were sold by the Pontine
Star 'dealer the-following flay, ne
stated.' : -', - i - ' .:
Included in this hill-climbing
contest at Pontine were two; sixes,
two lours and one 'eight-cylinder
jM car. I Avvery steep Incline ouUlde
f m of pontine was selected for the
Miniut fitri rrm ' first trvine
r . m' ww. -- - 7 .
M j the grade in second, only three of
them made It,-two sixes and an
eight being eliminated. t.
;The -tree remaining cars then
tried the grade In high gear;-and
the Star was the only car to na,
lshJ ;
v "While the demonstration was
n remarkable one In itself, it was
-Agitation for stricter govern
ment Inspections and closer en
forcement f safety laws Is stir
ring ult ports following the third
fatal tank-ship explosion within a
few -days. Upper photo shows
tanker "bT. Waring", which was
destroyed by fire after exploding
in a dry-dock at New Orleans,
' i . . ' i- hi i . i . .... . -!j.J -i - :- - . -
- -: BlasisA board Janti Ships Take Heavy Toll ii
' , Unv.' 'XXI5x k XX" x V'"!i '' :
si. -.1 VlJ - vrc ' mmgm.
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Both R. Al Wurxburg and F.- H. Hull are con
gratulating themselves as well as each other over
the fact that they have each recently secured a
quality product.
R. A. Wursburg, who Is president of the local
C. T, C. factory is very much pleased over the Lin
coln sedan he recently purchased from Mr. Hull,
who is the Portland manager of the Ford Motor
Company: ' i-i-'j- & li--.-..- v f-y-,-; ,
Mr. Hull in turn Is pleased that C. .T,. C. tires
have at last been adopted as standard equipment
on the Ford cars the local plant is turning out, .
When the recent contract specifying C. T. ' C.
only one of the many such -examples
of the Star's power which is
being proven throughout the Unit
ed States every day," says Mr.TDe
lano. 4'-
. 'The superlative power of Star
cars, : and reliable, comfortable,
economical performance, has In
creased Star sales nearly one hun
dred per cent duving the past six
months, over the same period of
1925,., f:';':-r; - :
"This is' proof that the buying
public is won to a great extent en
tirely by the proven merits of any
car. The competition of today de
mands these demonstrations, .and
Star- dealers are never reluctant in
proving the merits of their car in
any contest." '.'
Important Subjects Before
Episcopal Church Congress
RICHMOND, Va. The relation
ship of the church and war will 'be
one of the principal subjects to be
discussed at the 1926 Church Con-
gress of the Protestant Episcopal
Church which meets here April 27
for. a four-day session. Brigadier
General Harry A. 'Smith, assistant
chief of staff of the army, will be
the principal speaker on this topic.
The , place , of mysticism-, in'
church affairs also will receive at
tention, with Rev. J. O. H. Barry,
rector of St. Mary the Virgin. New
York, and Rev. ' Robert W. Nor
wood, rector of St. Bartholomew's
church. New York, conducting the
discussion, i - , i
. The divorce.problem is expected
to bob up at a conference on the
church - and marriage., ,v Professor
Hornell Hart, o f Bryn Mawr, and
Rev, Charles N. Lathrop, executive
secretary of the department of so
cial service of the national council
of the church, will conduct, dis
cussion of thiiK phase of the; con
gress. -i J::-f::V";;-:? '
Serious attention will be paid
to - t.he question of whether the
church is a success when speakers
methods "of'" administration vto
spiritual values. Ascendency of
psychology in present day thought
likewise will : find a place on the
program. , -
with loss of more than five lives
and injury of many others.' 'In
bottom n photo i Is. Dutch tanker
"Silvanas" J on which: morei than
3 5 died after it collided with an
other ship In New Orleans harbor.
In a third, blast, at Pdrt Atihur,
Tex. 25 ( seamen were" burned to
death la! their berths. iAa explo-
Exchange Congratulations
equipment for
stated that he
tract for nearly
the Ford Motor
Mo reland Com pany Sees
Bright Prospects for In-
- dustry on Pacific
LOS ANGELES, April 17.-That
the Pacific northwest will more
than hold its own with California
in business activity this year was
the prediction oY PhU Mallery,
general sales manager f of the
Moreland Motor Truck company
who has just completed a trade
survey of Washington, Oregon,
Idaho. and Utah. i t
, On his return to the factory,
Mallery announced that the More
land company would be more en
ergetic than ever in lining up
western truck business this" year.
A new northwest manager has
been appointed in C. M. Snow, for
merly Los Angeles manager of the
Woods Hydraulic Hoist and Body
company. ' George "A. Keep will be
wholesale representative for Ore
gon. -
In, the past six' weeks, Moreland
dealers, have beemappoJnted
practically all of ; the, important
trade points in Washington and
Oregon. These dealers are featur
ing the new Moreland road runner
model, a light weight speed truck
for hauling loads up to .two, tons.
In addition, dealers. .are. being en
conraged to sell the ' Moreland
heavy duty, line which includes
trucks up to ten tons capacity,
Trade conditions In the; north
west are the best in years, accord
ing to Mallery The lumber Indus
try is on the boom with tremen
dous activity centered around Cen
ttalia, Washington. The wheat
country in the vicinity of Pendle
ton. Walla Walla apd Spokane-will
have bumper crops 'all of which
means the pur chase, of new trans
portation units. Fruit growers in
both Washington and" Oregon are
Bion of gasolinefcmade their'ship,
"Gulf of Venezuela 7 : roaring
furnace." Inset, ( i. to r.) Adolph
Goodyear, Captain Dietrien uooa
year, I II. Be'nnen three "of 'the
rauuM -who saved aoDroximate-
ly 4$ .lives , following the explo
sion on the,"O. T, warms." - ,
Ford cars was .signed, Mr. Hull
had been anxious to place this con
a year, because it is the policy of
Co. to use only the highest possi
ble grade of materials. r ,..r
' Mr. Hull expressed great pleasure at the suc
cessful consumation of the ,' contract because , it is
the policy of the local Ford Motor Company to
buy any materials possible in the Northwest. v
According to an examination by Mr. Wurcbnrg
the big C. T, C. plant delivered one thousand tires,
the first bunch of tires under the' new' contract,
last week ana Ford cars equipped with these tires
will start going out immediately. . ' f ,
in a very prosperous condition and
are buying large, numbers of More",
land trucks.
4 -
"Sales Tactics," Discarded
by Repair Station in Favor
. . of "Service"
"Not .by aggressive sales tactics
but, by superlative service."
That is the slogan adopted by
Parker & Company,. 144 South
Commercial street, authorized
Ford, remanufacturing . shop. C.
S. Parker, operator of the shop,
gave his views yesterday on the
matter of keeping customers, and
pleasing them all the time.
"No, matter . whether a repair
job coming into this shop is from
an old or a new customer, each
order is actually a test order,"
Mr. Parker said. "Each custom
er means another opportunity for
us to serve in such a way that we
may deserve and be worthy of his
future patronage. ; -
"Only by serving each custom
er to the best of our ability can
we hope to deserve future busi
ness," Mr. Parker continued. "And
we like the -way most of our new
customers place their first order
with us. ; It is not in a blind trust,
neither is i na cynical spirit, but
rather in an honest spirit of in
quiry mingled with hope of satis
3k . .
- Safety sermons are good but
safe practices are- better, avers S.
J. -Williams,, director, public safe
ty division, National Safety1 council.
IJere Is iuch parity of line;
. tuch balance of proportion
" such eager power, thrilling ac
ceieration and extraordinary
flexibility as to imply only
one thing--. .
High standards strict
1 ly maintained and fully
: expressed in every
a nd detail of appear
I V , - n
At Salem
870 JiV Hlghi
Sav Product Turned Out by
Factory Deserves to Ob- ;
f -tain Greater Price
"In all my experience, and that
dates-from the dawn of the auto
motive Industry. I never before
heard a group of dealers. In con
vention, -ask for an' Increase ' In
price of the product" says B. F.
Everltt. president , and . general
manager-Rickenbacker Motor com
pany.' . ' '. . t
' "ThU last week we had a thrill
lng and unique experience. We
called In what we term our "Key
Point" . distributors and asked
them for ; suggestions as to mod
ifications in the product or other
plans for the. future. From past
experience we expected to hear
advice as to Increased - discounts
or price cuts or both all kinds
of radical changes in models and
all those other suggestions which
we makers have come to consider
as "standard and interchangeable
at dealers conventions.
To our great surprise there
were none such. Instead of ask
lng for more models they asked
for less types or more cars of
present types. On one point they
seemed almost unanimous, name
ly, that prices on our vertical-8
line are too low and should be in
creased. Only disagreement was
to whether the price should be
raised one, two or five hundred
ice argument advanced, was
interesting to say the least. Au
tomobile buyers have gotten into
the habit of classifying cars ac
cording to price" said the dealers
"Not one buyer in ten really
knows anything about quality. If
a car has a certain size engine
and a certain wheel base, the pub
lic compares It with others of sim
Har sze and on price alone- not
on the difference in quality.
"Our eight cylinder line suf
fers in such comparisons-; buyers
imagine n can t oe sucn a won
derful automobile and yet list at
such a reasonable price. So they
asked that we raise the price to
a level more nearly that of -other
super-fine eights, In order that It
might be more accurately classi
fied in minds of buyers. We did
not adopt the suggestion,, how
ever." said Mr. Everltt.
"We told them they would have
to go through the same process
With the eight that they had to
do with the six .earlier In our
career prove by performance.,
with the prospectivebuyer' ; him
self behind the wheel, tht he
Quality is", the highest even- if the
price is below the average level
for that type and size of ear. j -"
"T6 prove that 'this will come
about we only .'had to refer them
to their own records which show
a very rapid gain In eight cylin
der popularity and sales. " Why,
some : of principal "Key Point"
distributor s have been selling
many vertical ' eights as sixes and
the averages for- the entire coun
try is about: 60-40 Sixes, and
Eights respectively.: . '
"If we are to judge by the .en
thusiasm which prevaded the two
days conference ' our sales force
are thoroughly satisfied with the
entire line as it now stands. Even
those few 'who in the past 'have
- U - Tk car maatmua ta' J
thm I Iua SUn. , 'v 1
Fz1m4 IXS70
BISHOP, Manager
Bt." , 'f ; ; f Phone 2123
m i
urped us to relax a little on our
standards of quality and get down
into the field of price competition.
now urge us to concentrate on
quality instead.- " " - ' '
"This attitude was nrnt evident j
in the applause which greeted my
denial of rumors , which of late
have been rife in the rade," when
I stated "there aint a-goin to be
no little cheap six with the Rick
enbacker .name on it; and we
never - will offer to.' out. 'clientele
any car upon which- we -rau't put
that; name and back it with that
guarantee. ' r
"Some time ago, inresponse to
urgent appeals Irom.some of our
dealers, we jnade a premature
statement that sometime- we might
build such a car: : That statement
.-. VISION . .
Telephone 959
Xterff ' STEEL
' - ' 1 -: . sedan-v.: . bi54o fefe? ;
' . i ..1
.v - -.
1 ;
. . .. uisunaiy exertional quality tins
tx a Nash Sedaiv
s 31 1 N. CcJiimercial
soonjcrystallited into a report tht
auchf a modelj was actually in pro
duction. " . j'"-' .
,;. :"If we are jto judge by the sen
timent which prevaded the entire
session the dealers-of the country
are "rapidly changing from . their
attitude of asking for less price
on ; automobilies, to insisting on
more quality ( and lesser upkeep,
and jthat fits ideally Into our. own
program, says the Rickenbacker
head.- -;!-.. '
4 To avoid. that, run-down feeling,
cross" crossings cautiously. :. ,
-State lets.
bridge and gradlqg
Jtoosevelt Highway
I ontracts, on
-In Tfllamook
000.1 ; '
bounty, to cost $2 SO,
Yuu cannot find in any other car so many safety"
featured. You cannot find another car that handles
sd easily nor one that obeys your wishes so ouicUy
arid surely.:.; . - ': . .' 1 ,:: -
The New-Day Jewett Six is the safest car in the world
to; drive not by accident, but because it was built to
be just that But really youH never known how safe
a car can be how safe the New-Day Jewett Six is- i
mixta you "take-ka wheel and drive. . When will you
- .
Trumm Motor Car
t !
: . . . . m w . - . - m
the LOWEST. PRICE ever
Eirlcv7obd Motor
- , j?hone 311
. i.v- v.
5. t 4 t
Wherein a Princess Learns
What Princess Should Wear"
i-r K UU( jrcaF tlia I'eSf 1 - - .
Hay Is not.willlng to beliv-tat t'
a princess Van - xist "without. .
white gownand a sparkling crowru i
The little miss was -commisr ...
sloned to hand bouquet to Prln
cess Marie Louise at the opening
of the Ideal Home Exposition at . f
Olympia. ' ' . - ; .'''
."Bat you are not a ; real prln-iw" .
cess," the little girl protested. .
. "Yes I, am'1 Princess Marie V
Louise laughingly repUedr- ' ' ' '
Where's your white gown and
your. sparkles? And whereas your ' r
rcrown?;-r4; t;-'"- - -" ,;
, . 'Oh they only show at night'V '
me princess repnea., ' .
4 j .-.."
take your first drive in' thi nt
remarkable automobile f Wa ,
, invite you without any oblig-a ?'c ;?
. ation on your part, of course.- ' '
... . - :,r. f
- - . r
thm Stmndmtd Sedan; Dm Lwx Touting ' 1
- Ltrott. tmxmxtr. jLiW o man bxy
timnm pmy mmntm through on
" - ' i
r i- ;
- z - - m - - -
- f
..J -
.. r
. - - j' '
I . -