The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1926, Page 14, Image 14

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1 .
-. '
Corner,, ef iftk and Usines. . Sabbata
school at 10:30 a. m. '-'A, ! forvery
ace, Unifon lessees la11 MivisioBa
the Jil l,Chrtt- IsBiBr Bf.:0
v- ik. ' If 'Vj-meetiflca St 4 P. B.
0"Tave ancttal ? Wednesdays i .aV; 1 1
On.- What WUtBe ae fsseet 'Hew
iWill (. Terminate t" - .Ony few asore
)Kini tbia yrer. Tiaayfceve bf"T"
joy inr them, com twnnj ;-
eur lnenas. BiBim
s.. - . "Ri ink ai TMF
L . h rent In and warn and
-i.un ,MtH ku as taere's
Ui.L-iL VfBf. ui We will be eweetAl
.to. yoa. ' Tha Meats M cans, er.
sllm reWreata,wiUle?'fiven sway ' in
(special Bandar- eveaiBr eWieatie serv
ice, 7:80- Sunday aseraiae; keUaese saeet-
jai at 11 'etock. Company meatias at
J:30, for rB; mad 1 tm paopW
v. . and b tee younr. Jteet-
Saturday, - 8
-Corner Eigiueeeta and State treets.
Q. Keekler. pastor. - SaBaey
"e-30 a.- a. . Geraaaa 'service at, 10:80
after waiea the. quarterly n.tiH
meetia- wiU be teld. . Tba Lather Leape
.Satu fpfV-Tha Laftara. Bretbar-
hood will Tlonif T 1"
lrBrsdsy at the boe- o'rfc Miller.
Jl280 Nerth CeMereisL The eoajreja
Uioa is Invites. . '., j
f - rvr;; tnnTAWA
I Cettara end Caeaseketa - etreets. Bev.
brartim Fereshetiea, :i , Minister. .J"
r,ool at- 1, W a.... rrmdrd t"rho.
Class- lor adalta eoadoeted by, ha Buper
iiataeBt, Mr. Mile MaKayv I'o"1
.will preach, baring lor hta ram topic.
:"V.rj.ChrUtiL.ityt'' .Tha
JwiU eooduet tfca aarwaa.' 'a. Martm
Lfc-erwbatiaB. oBtrlt Bfit iJf
Ch.rrh. - will oMer aa aolo, Pflaucel
a. .Tha Lord la Mindfal -of -Hi V"
rMra. , W. A- iobuh ai
Knema cl vu vw
asoal "
Thurdy anlac at 8 at tho paraoaaBja.
Ta elaia baa decided to' Uha ap lor
f . j auuitk ICmoraoB'B aaaTB.
j 1
U ara welcome.
'1 Tanar l Capitol aad Marion itrett.
"Soaday achool at 10 . aad Uarmaa
'aervia at 11 v M. Danny, manatar.
South Nineteenth and rt"?
CI- Stover.- niiBiater. Bidejiea 245
c, .i. vi..iuiK l PkaM 1924-J. ' Kan.-'
IQVlia .( inc.- -
1 day achool tt 10 t. C C. Ham.
UapariartMdeBt. MotbIb aerricat ,1"1-blorniBC.BeTB.-'-ThaJLord'a
Solo. 4'Ha Knows tho Way,'' Bnejca. Itr.
Uay ' Thomson. Chriatian EsdaaTor t
UnthaiB. ''lraaf Than Ma." WSlaon,
iSermon haina. la Highways - In tha
Heart. 'V Chnrel mght aupper Wadneaday
- Comer -of - Ijbwty and ChemekeU
.struts. Sanday Korning r7 J
' clock.- Sandsy aTening at 8. Subject
fof . lesson -sermon, "Doctrine of Atone
tBMt" r Sanday school sessions conrena,
at :0 and 1 1 a. as. Wednesday Te
ninff teatiaonisl meeting at cloes;.
JRaadinir room, 209 Masonic Terapie. open
ary day xecptSwndaya and. holidays
Jrero 11 to 5:30; every evening except
(Wednesday and Sunday front 7:30 t
onday aiternooaa Icom J ,t.S.,r -..
t . : AS80C1ATI0 v ,-v.v
L K act every Sunday in ilerby bnilding,
Cwnrt and High streets. Honrs 10 to 12
.mvand SJ4P. All interested in
iBiblo'Btady cordially inTtted. Funeral
Tscreicea eondocted free of tharge in Sa
les! and vicinity by local-Bible '.
Paone 1450-W; Sanday, April 18, at 8
'p-. thero willlbe free public lecture
fc Derby building by -Chaa. C. Best. 8uV
'jeet, f 'Three Worlds of tha Earth.1 " Seata
ffraa. So" eolleetion. .""t-v zi''
t t
Tha' First Spiritualist church of Salem
srwa-ifl hold aervieea at 'their '.hall, over
OtiUer'a tor,.thU Snadly avfhing April
lit t 7 :80 o'clock. Mrs. Anna M.
Coakley of Portland wjU . be ispeaker and
aieMsra bearer The irobUc is cordially
iavited." -' i , ...
1- V caxuTzur avt kissxonaxt
; . - .auuajtcb
- fTaWnl o$5 ferry itreet Paitora.
ill. -1' Caawell iaBd.i3lr-,Caiwall, 2680
,Oak street. - PhODe 042-M. Sunday school
J3 o. as. Lesson is fenad'in Gen. 3:1-12.
sGoldea test. "Fer a in Adam-' all die.
'even .so in. Christ shall al be made alive.'
f Afternoon treachSnf service .2 ' ?ekk
i 8abject hre Aspects of WalkiBg."
tKvening evaagelistic service 7:80. Sub
'iect,'.Prayar., Tuesday evening, prayer
J and praise. . Friday evening, 7:30. Bible
study. Saturday evening, young people s
V"sf. jrosEF cAT&oxio
iChemeketa aad Cottage su-eeta.
J.. IU, Back, psttor, 751 jChemeketa street,
phono . Services at s tw iu.i. nu
Beaediction follows last mass. Just after
mass and before benediction.,- tha status
et ; Tha -Littla JTower' will bo . blessed,
Week-day. services in church at 7; Sat
urday in. Academy at 7. 4-
. t ; v.-" KVAirozaioAX. . :
SeveateeBth and Chemeketa streets.
F W. Launer. pastor. 2488 Seventeenth
atraet, phone 1003-W. Morning service
at ll. Sermon, '"Joshua's Choice."
Eveaia service at- 8. --Sermon, "Old
Times.' ' ; Special -music by the choir.
Rundsy school at 10 a. m., Oscar Straus
bsurh. superintendent, ,Xwog. people'!
meruag at 7 p. - O. &. Straosbaugh,
leader. Week-day service-Thursday eve
ning. .Mrs. F. W. Lauaer, class leader. :
Nineteenth and Manon streets.
C. li
f ' i
t "
m j
JO A M:j$unday Schbol !
! 1 A. M. "The Conquest" ! .' V
7:0 P. M. Sacred Concert j
By Men's , Glee Cluh' of Pacific University
t -
i . ,
f ' f , ,
A, II.-
Anthem: "Exalt Him,MIIansc6m, quartet choir.
Sob; The Lord is
2 Irs. Elma
- Scrrnon: llr. J. II.
P. M.-r-Musical Prosrarn at '..7:30.; Anthem; violin .solo,
' v s , . Chorus Choir x
v Sermon: SWhat Would I Do if J Have But One
- : ' Veck to Livs?"- .'.:'''. - ' - - ' t i .- r 1
' Pastor's fourth sermon to youn pcc?!i;'f ' ". 1 ;'
"'-. VISITORS XiZLCOltZD. ' ' :
Ifopltrnaraatorl II r.HopTtla,TI4HstaBl
pastor. lew jaarion street. Jtornmc
fcerricoat 11 Sermon Pillars In tha
Tpl." i T.v seme t,7;!0. ;sy.
man. "B Keady. : special mutic and
liitrfnff at both terricen. Swndsy 'School
i4t& m. : Prank Latnillnr, rtperrn'
Undent.. 8cnur -ounr people's meet in
9 $4
;:JO p. .. Ciarenca Utnilter, president.
Jsaior, Christian .Sadearor , o:'45 p. raxi
M's-.AU N orris. , leader. , Weekday
err ices Wednesday' aveoinf ' at 7s80.
Prater bimI prsie nriea Jad by tha
pastor, Mrs. .ilopkins will preara . 8sn-.
day ntominf , the psator will preach in
the Tening. All . ara intiled to . these
serrices. - - , t"- -i ' .
' Coraer .of ' Church aad -8tte streets.
Fred C. Taylor, "pastor, 636, State atreet,
phone 874. Miss Mary K. Find ley. di
rector, of . religious . education, tfice 120
South Ohureh atreet, -pbone 872. Mora
iog service dst-. 11, sermon, f"Tao Church,
Losing or darning." Evening service at
7:80, sermon, The Price ,- .ProfTess."
Junior church at 11, sermon, "The
Christian's Thank Ton. . Wesley clsss
meetinav lass leader. 8. A, .Wheelwright.
Sunday aehool at . 9 :45- a. m., '- superin- J
tendent, H. F. saanxs. 1 ne tbreo caap
ters of the Epwortk. laguo will meet at
6:30 in their respective places. . Leaders:
First chapter,- Dorothy 'Fisher; second
chapter, Mary . r'ladley ; taira chapter.
taper in tendents, MisaIalnuten and Mist
Jjadiaa' Aid eirclea , maetint? m
their respective plseea Wedneidsy at
t. ;
Pkmeer Boys', club . Thursday at
7:15 ia Epworth ball, leader. Mr. Crarr.
Mid-week devotional service- Thursday St4
7:bo p. m- lea ty;tiie pastor. . '
f .i ': : . . ' t i .--- -j.
South Commercial aad Myera. J. Wil
ls rd Do Yoa, pastor, 848 Myers, pbone
188-J. Moraing service at Sermon,
"The Minion ol Christ's CnurcB." Evo-
nlag service at 7 i80. j Sermon. . Tha
Possession - of Our IaheTitaace.' - The
chorus, will sing both morning and eve
ning. Ittaa Melntyre tha morning offer
tory: Miss Arnold. the evening. Sunday
school at 9 :45. Superintendeat, A.
Uoten. Epworth "Lea rues at 6:30. Sen
ior Jed by Alice Fa lk, 'Chrit In the
Wo rld.' a Xiltefatare. ' ;l atermedista.
"What My Church Is Doing,", leader
Masino Clrtch. Mid-week service at 7 :B0,
xnursosy - evening. Buniect, my
sponsibility to the- World.' - Reed 1 Cor;
13..The Woman's Foreign Missionary
aocietv will 'meet next Wednesdsr after-
Boon at' 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
E. T. .Bar us, o90 Saginaw street.
Thirteenth and Center .streets. - A. F.
lijlmer, -pastor, 84 North Winter, phone
680-M. Morning ' sermon, " Waiting in
Readiness 'for tljOh Lord." i , Evening ser
mon. - VTh(. New Heaven andTEarth."
Sanday school at JO o'clock, superintend
eat, H. H. Grallsp. Epworth Ueaguo at
7:15. Esther Hilmer. lender. These eve
ning- services., "are ' English. 1 Ootarw
prsyer -meeting, st the residence of C. O.
Schramm, on Marion atreet, Wednesday
evening-at 7 :45. ,
Seventeenth and Nebraska avenue. .;- Vj
C. Hof fmaa, pastor, -1743 Kabraaka ave
nue, . Morning service at 11. . Sermon
"Tba Onen Window." 1 Evenin service
7:30. Sermon, "The Measuring Stick.",
Sunday school at .10 a.. m iupenntend
ent, W. W. Rosebrsugh. Junior and sen-.
tor younr people a meetinr at orau p,
Special The Oregon branch. Woman's
Missionary convention will be held at
Castle Chspel April 21-21 with services
each mernina B:30. afternoon 1:30. snd
evening 8.- -Everybody r welcome to these
serviees." This will be a feast of spiritual
thiags. . ; .v . ; ..
Marion and Liberty streets. Ernest M
Shanks, pastor, S49 North Liberty, phone
1920. Morning service St 11. Sermon
by Mr. J. H. Lang. Sydney. Australia,
Evening service at 7:30. Sermon "What
Would I Do if I Had But One Week to
live!" by the pastor. Morning anthem,
"Exalt Him,' ' Haaseom. ouartet. Morn-
inr solo. "The Lord - Is Mv lirht.
Speaks, Mrs. Elm R. MscAUister. Eve
ning music: Anthem, "My Faith Looks
Up to Thee' Bchnecker. ; Chorus enoir,
-riolfn oblissto. Helen- SeBrO'Meill. Sum
dav-school at . 8 i45.. anperiateadent. Ed
8chunke. t Young people's meeting 6:30.
B. ;T. P. , VS meeting fall of "pep" and
a rood. time. Thnrtdsy evening at 7:30.
mid-week prayer meeting. Young mar
ried people's Bible class" will meet n
Wednesday . evening Tor regular meetfinj-
sst class supper as. o;ou. -
. . . : ;- 'Til
3434 Court street - C S. Johnson.
pastor, -195 Maple Aven phone 1917-W.
Serrieea st S and 8. p. m. Sunday school
2 p. m, superintendent, sam uerkey.
Younr people s ' meeting Fnday evening,
Week-day serrlcee Tuesday, ..Thursday
and Saturday evenings, jull gospel meet
ings, earnest testimonials, lively singing,
' r
237 -State street. Ralph D. Ballock,
pastor. 251 Mlssioa street, phone 1439-W.
Harry J. Morriss, assistaat pastor. Silver-
ton Koad, pbone isri4. services st z:ao
and 7:30 p. m. Sunday achool 2:30 p. m.
Bible study .or evangelistic meetings
every night, at 7:45 except Monday ana
Friday. All are , inn ted to tneae Apoe
toiler gospel meetings where the Lord
Jesus is ' blessing - the people spiritually
and physically as in the Bible days. Ho
collections. . -w r :
' Corner of North- Winter and Market
streets. Mortimer "C. Clarke, pastor,
1228 North Winter, phone 1856-W. Serv
iees at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p.- m. Sunday
morning is the third Quarterly meeting
ol the conference year. . The district
elder, Rev. W. N.- Coffee, will preaelt
both morninr ana evening, u se aaminte
tration ' of the 'Lord's supper following
the morning, sermon. Sunday - acboql.. at
9:45. superintendeat, Dr. Frank S. Scbnts.
Toung people's meeting 6:30, preceded by
a half an hour ef prayer. To
ra yer. Topie, -".The
Holy Spirit dti Work,
leader. Emery
Wednesday at the home of Mra. Ci
'First,' i
Ccngregat :nl Cfcrch
Center and Liberty
. S Rev. Ernest H. Shanks '.!V-. -
" -- a- i- ' - t " "
My IJght," Speaks, f .
R. MacAllister . '
Lan?, Sydney, Australia.' ' '
Church prayer meetliTd Thursday at 7:30.
Aa old fasoioned, iiove reaat win do neia
Sunday morning beginniiHt at 10:30. ? All
are. invited to these services. Yon will
enjoy the spiritual atmosphere :of this
church - oa the corner, . -,, t -' v -
Commercial .Tind , .Washington , streets.
Cart r. Miller, pastor, 1655 South 'Lib
erty, "phone -J33-nI: .MorBint service at
11. . Sermon, . '-Prophecy Fulfilled,' Eve
nine service 'at 7:30. Sermon. ' "The
Triumph f justice. t, Tbe Triumph of
J sat ie is a smUob nietare .wttn a grip-;
ping mettage. -" R. .E. Close, "superintend
eat 'of Aaii Saloon 'League" of Oregon,'
will apeak. Snday achool 10 . a. sup-,
erintendent. H. J. C. ratton. xoung peo
ple's meeting :45 p.-nu. Prayer meeting
Thursday 7:d0 p. m. - ' .
Ornrck street at Chemeketa. Rev. M.
D. Chambers, rector.- :Holy : Euehanat at
7:30 a. m. ia the chspel. Morninr prayer.
aad tttaBy- at 11 ' a. m. Sermon, "The
Seveatli ' Commandment. Church school
at 9:45 a. m., asperintendent,. the rector.
Thp young people' a fellowship will .meet
la t5pazsh-lieaae as T-p. aa. mr. wii
ter .MacpHeraon, -a field aecretai7of the
St. Andrew a uromernooo, an erganisa-
lioa 'for beys sad toes, is expected to bo
at St. .Paul's lor the . day and will, meet
the men at breakfast after the 7:30 a. m.
service, aad the boys st the church sehoot
bear. - ' j ' - i
Vnrtk WiiilM . , . .ruin Avnufl.
Thomas Afheson, pastor, 106p Jefferson
avenue, phone 77a-w. Uiieert wrenn.
assistant pastor, 1461 Ferry street, phone
2327. Morning aerviee at 11. Sermon,
"The Living Chriat." Evening seryiee
St - 7:80. Sermon, "The Belated - Chris
tian. Junior church meets down stairs
at 11 a. m. Rev. Gilbert Wrenn will
preach, . We specialise in young- people s
werx. sunasy senoot :ea a. m-. super
intendent, Harry Carpenter. Three chap
ters of the Epworth League nseet at 6:30
p. a. ferwevotiOBal services. A splendid
boar of : fellowship lor young people.
Others are welcome. Monday. 7 :4S, board
of stewards. Tuesday, 6:30, men's broth
erhood sapper ana social nour as ine
ohureh. "Thursday, 4 p. m. and' 7:15
p. mv mta-Week aevotionai ana atuay
periods for young ana aauita, -rae caoir
will; furnish specisl music at both morn
ing and evening services. A warm heart
ed welcome Is extended to the puDuc to
share with us ia the services of this
Center and High streets. E. C Whit-
aker, paster, phone 294. , Vivian tt.
Whisler, assistant pastor, 444 North Win
ter street, phone, 481-W. Morning serv
ice st 11. Sermon.' "Worshiping Hod 1n
a Foreign Land." Evening service 7:30.
Sermon, "Feraonal Uberty. ' 1 Be, cnoir
will sing an anthem. "Seek Ye the
Lord" by Roberta at the morning hour.
At the .evening hour Mr. Bloomingburg
will play, a harp solo and Mr. Muston
will sing "Follow Me" by Metta. Sun
day achool at 9:45, Opsrin tendent. Dr.
H. 'C.'Kpley. ' Senior and intermediate
societies at 6:30. Interesting meetings
with apeciai music. ... v- , ,
Center aad Liberty. Charles E, Ward.
pastor, 440 Center, phone 591-R. Morn
ing aerviee at 11. Sermon, "The Con
Quest." Evening aerviee at 7:30. Con
cert by Pacific University glee club. Sun
day achool . at lO a. m., auperintenaent.
Mark McCalHster. Prayer meeting and
Bible study Thursday at 7:30. The atudy
book . this -week will be Meveiation, its
date, .author snd purpose. The sacred
concert by the men s glee, club of Pseilie
Vslveriity will be well worth hearing.
Let every member plan to attend this
service. . 1
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center streets. Normsn Kendall Tully,
D.-D-, paster. Sunday achool 9:30a. m
H. E. Barrett, anperintendent. ' Morning
worship 10:45. Sermon, "The Sin of
Silence", by Dr. Telly.. Anthem, "Be
aide the Sea." Hawley; bass solo. "Out
of tha Depths," Scott, sung by Lloyd E.
Thompson. Organ 'numbers: "Grand
dioeur Dialogue," Gillette; "ranfare,"
W eatbrook-Ascber. Young people's meet
ings: Senior, advance intermediate and
intermediate Societies at 6:30 p. m. Eve
ning'' worship -7;30i p.. -m. " Sermon,
"'God's' Springtime." by Dr. Tully. An
them,' "Rejoice Ye," Parker, will be
sung .by the young people 'a choir -and
Miae Elaine, fiteingrude - will play violin
aolo .'The Star of . Paradise," Fearis.
Organ numbers. 'Adoration," Borowski;
"Ave. Maria."! Schubert, and "March in
G," Williams. New officers ef the
yenng people's societies will be installed
at this service. ' j ;
.1346 North Ohureh street.. ' J.
J. Gil-
lesDie.:iastor. 1315 North Church atreet.
phone 1878-M. Morning service at 11.
Sermon, "HsmUity." Evangelistic serv
ice ia eTSfiaf V 7:S0 Sunday school
10 s. tb superintendent, Lyle Knox.
Ycmag people's -meeting 5:45. Subject,
.'The Chriatiaa'a Beereatioa." Regular
weekly' prayer service Wednesday evening
st 7:30. . ;. . .
Fifteenth and Mill streets. Patr'ik
Dahlia, pastor. 2095 Trade atreet, phone
077-j. Bweoisn service at ll a. m.;
English it 8 p, n. Sunday school 9 :45
a. m superin tapdent, the psstor. Toung
people's meeting 7 p. m. You will enjoy
a .missionary, evenjng Monday. ' Supper
wiu oe . serves as o :au, ioiiewea ny I
short pregrsni and organising ef a worn'
en's foreign missionary society. Bring
your own sandwiches and ; ten cents.
Prayer meeting "Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
lou are all cordially invited .to our
services. - .
"v ". ' (Continued from page 8.) '
. -i -t
spent In the attractfy KunU.sar
At the next Meeting of the phap-
ter, on Thursday May 6, Mrs ParT
arid Mra. Temple ' will be the hos
tesses for the groupr entertaining
at the Parr home at Claxtar sta
tion:-. - ':- r
Chapter members fn the grpup
on : ; Thursday were Mrs, s X,
Beechler, ' Mrs. i WlUlam McGU
chriat. Sr., Mrsv P. E. Churchill,
Mrs. L, Godfrey, Mrs. : E. J.
Huffman, Mrs. W. M. Hughes, Mrs
C. K. Logan, Mrs. B. J. Miles.
Mrsv W. W.? Moore, Mrs. A. ,C. Parr
Mrs. H. S. Poisal, Mrs. F. W. Se-
lee, -Mrs. A. T. Woolpert, and the
hostess, Mrs. P. J. Kuntx. -y:'
Young People Attend I
State , C, E, Convention -
in Albany" vf ' a ; " ' "
Miss Dorothy Hutchason of the
First Presbyterian " , chnrch Is 'vat
tending- all sessions of the- annual
Christian Endeavor cpnrentlon In
Albany. Yesterday I Mrs. Henry
ailbert Miss-Loatse 'Ntmn, '"Miss
Helen Darls and Miss MOdred Mi
liken motored down for the day.
Pa)tetarkeu t3 Bride ;
Mr. ana Mrs. w. A. star key an
nounce the ', marriage of their
daughter, Faye to Mr. Arnold
Swarts of Portland. . The wedding:
ocesred Thursday at, high -noon in
Portland." Mrs- Swartx is a mem
ber 'Of the 'Junior t class 'of 'the
Salem High School. After a short
wedding trip they will be at home
to their, friends in'.Portland,
OAC Club Wai Give
Scholarshinj -
At the April meeting of the Sa
lem OAC club on. Thursday' eve
ning at the Woman's 1 tlub house
the group voted to give a scholrr
shlps to a .hih school senior who
intends to go to OAC.': The strl
dent will be selected dn the t
and personality. Following the
business meeting,' six tables lot
bridge were ia .-play, r-v f- r
Miss Amelia. Babcock "was1 chalr
man of the social committee; for
the -evening; her-ssistants includ
ing Cpl.and ;Mrs. Carle Ahrams,
Mri and -Mrs, William Anderson,
Mr. and i tMrslbert. -Anderson
Mr. "and Mrs J Breyman Boise. Miss
Elizabeth Taft, and Albert Bayne.
- ' : . , t
Mrs. Duns ford Entertains
Priscilla Club ,
Priscilla clubaembers were en
tertained in a delightful; manner
when Mrs.' George .Dunsford ;was
hostess on Thursday afternon at
her. home. t,'jC f
- In tb ; group for -an afternoon
of needlework and conversation
were: Mrs. W. S. Mojt, Mrs. Wai-
Graver. Mrs. C. :M. Eppley, Mrs.
" .i. a
Fred Stensloff, Mnu Carl ? Webb,
and the hostess, Mrs. George Dun-
sford. - ;i ?: ' ' : " '. ; .'
At the next -meeting of tne ciud
Mrs.? Buckner wilLbe the-hostess.
Class ttakes Plans V,,
-At -'tne Tuesday nosra
of the T Wi C. "A., Mrs. js. e.
Elljottt chairman of the Dhysical
education .department, 'made the
lnteiwatins announcement that ar
rangements are being -completed
for claaset in swimming and gym
nasium work one -day each week
in Hhe new Y. 1C -t!. A- bttUdlng
R. R. Boardman will Te in' charge
orthe.ihstrractlon. It Is expected
that ! the' classes will open "daring
May::,; --r ,;'
Return From Newport , j
Dr. and Mrs. J N.mHn nav
returned thorn following a short
sojourn at Newport. ", .- ;
Portland Visitor is Guest ;
at Luncheon i , v ?
Mrs. Walter F. Buckher enter
tained early vlast; week f at a .de
lightful afternoon of bridge
plimentiBg Mrs. -O. P. Hoff. of
Portland, a house guest of Salem
friends. Mrs.fE. T. 'BuBelle won
the bridge '.prisVfjf -the afternoon.
Lilacs were nsed effectively in the
decorating. , , ' ' ", " '
In.the lgroup'were: Mrs. O. P.
Hoff, who formerly - made t her
home m 'Salem. Mrs.' Frances
Cornell of - Jefferson, Mrs. 'James
Imlan, Mrs. G.-W. LaflSr. Mrs. -F.
E. 8hafer, - Mrs. G'E. Schuneman,
Mrs. IE. T.l Buselle, and 'the 'host-,
ess, Mrsl Walter '.F. Bnckner.
Mrs. Patterson Honors
Birthday Anniversary
j i The seventh birthday of little
Miss Edna Savage was the inspir
ation for a delightful informal
line and luncheon party on Mon
day at" which Tlrs. "Edward Gray
Patterson was the. hostess. - . 7.
The group Included - the mem
bers of .the Juvenile orchestra of
Which the honor, guest Is a mem
ber. In the group were'Edna Sav
age, Marie 5Paton, eJan t Patton,
Margaret ' Ben, Margaret Savage;
and Esther Gibbard.' - "
Mrs-. L. F. Griffith, Mrs. 'Bert "T.
F6rd;and Mrs. Donald Toting are
home following several weeks at
the Griffith summer home at Nes-
koWinJ rt' .
Week-End Guests tit
Conner -Home j
Mr. and Mrs. 'J. I. Jones and
daughter. Miss Inez, of Eugene;
were week-end - guests of Mr. 'and
Mrs. W.'C. Conner. v
WCTU to Meet - -
on iTuesday
The WCTU Will meet at 2:30
o'clock Tuesday afternoon iin the
hall. - f An ' ahtl-cfgarette program
will be given Vlth Mrs. Benjamin
Blatchford and- a. group of ' ladles
from the First Methodist church
in -charge. E A tea hour will fol
low the program ,'
Attractive Bridae Benefit :
Sponsored bv Guild Women
, una 01 tne spring season a jnost.
attractive benefit affairs was the
12table . bridge tea on Thursday
attthe home of Mrs. Russell Cat
lJj.via- :
' lAa asa '
'('.: .' t - . ' ' . , t .r da,- a
.... ... , . . t ...
lin and- Mrs, Franks Spears. - A
number of additional guests called
at the tea hour. - . ' .-..
J MrnvRoy. MIlhv wotf the after
noon's jTiighesf 'scttre, whlle the
second -prize went- to .Mrs. S. P.
KimhalU - . ., - ., . . , t - . t
; Purple Iris and: lilacs decorated
' he rooms throughout, v The guests
were received at the door by Mrs.
William "rNlemeyerv president f
the guild , and Mra. Russell Catlin
and Mrs. Frank ;Spears.i 4 t)?,t
; Mrs. N.; C. Katonry had charge
of the serving. Assisting her were
Mrs.' J. H. Ollnger, Mrs. G. E.J Ter
willlger, ; Mrs. WenlooJc -and Mrs.
Moore. l Af n ':': -
House Guests at
Robertson Home
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H
ertson are- entertaining as
a bT UnnOPTOnn e-mT n-rnww IB Tin ann RV1 a-
G. Robertson of Portland and Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Apperson of Mc
Minnville. Miss Levy to
Play in Portland -
Miss Eliza beta Xvy will be a
contributing .artist on the Shrine
musical program - in Portland on
Tuesday -and. Wednesday at the
Municipal auditorium. Miss Levy
has been : invited to take part in
the extravaganza on both evenings.
Special Meeting 0 ,
War Mothers
AH members of the. Salem chap
ter of the American War Mothers
are urged to be in attendance at
the special meeting which has been
called- for 2:30 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon in the chamber of com
merce rooms, plans will be made
at this time for the carnation sale.
Alpha Xi Delta Bazaar
A' number of unusually beauti
ful pieces of fancywork will be
offered for sale at the Alpha XI
Delta bazaar and cooked food sale
Which ; will b held on Saturday
in the S. V, ticket office at .184
N. Liberty street. Miss Ruby
Drkger, who is a Salem member of
the Corvallis chapter of the soror
ity, is in charge of . the bazaar,
proceeds of which will go to a
fund for 'sending delegates to the
national convention of the soror
ity. Miss Levy Announces
Recital Date
; i Miss Elizabeth Levy Will pre
sent a group of her advanced
students in violin In recital on
Monday, April 26, at the First
Christian church. Those who will
take part are: Alice Skinner, Fay
Irvine, Mabel Kullander and Ruby
Attend Musical
Comedy in Portland
' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry at
tended the popular musical com
edy, "No, No, Nanette," at Port
land Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
W, C Conner and son Claire were
lso amonc those - in attendance
from Salem. . .
Theater Guests in Portland
J Mr. and Mrs. TV A. Livesley and
daughter laiss DbrOthy 'Livesley,
were among those from Salem at
tending the distinctive stage suc
cess; -No, No, Naxiette" at the
Heillg theater in Portland one day
during- the -past week.
. , . .-', . .
Motor 'to Beach
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCorkle
have opened 'their summer home
at Neskowln f or the season, having
motored to, the coast on Wednes
day,' Accompanying them were
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Brophy and
Mrand Mrs. George Riches.
St. Monica Society Card Party
i .St. . Monica's - Altar society will
sponsor a. -card party at 8 o'clock
Wednesday evening at St. Joseph's
auditorium, ? Mrs. J. G. Nadon is
chairman for the evening; her as
sistants including -Mrs. George
Schmidt, Mrs. John Nathman, Mrs.
Perry, Mrs.1 Jentzkow and Mrs.
Charles 0BrIan. , ,
PHngle Pleasant Point
Club Meets .
Mrs. D. -Vanderbilt was hostess
to the Pringle Pleasant Point So
cial' club and a number of invited
v ' Every successftirbusiiiesi has i fund labeled "Sur
nlns nnrl Undivided Profits." The United : States Na
tional has one. v -
rirrK;a? ri efanrla" ciard : acrainst r the unforseen
Quirks of , fate and fortune. -'Make it. your (bulwark of
safety through .'Surplus Savings -Account, j -
t " LaberaV interest dn savings, . . , . .
Rational Bank
: 1 Salcm.Oregon..-" -
gliesUThursdy. Many beautiful
flowers decked the rooms. ' Luncheon-was
served at, noon... Visitors
In theV group were -Mrs. V Emma
HerrenVMrs P. E. Fullertori, Mr.
and f Mrs. Horace -Herren, , Mr.
Herman Hanson, E. S. Cates, Mr.
Vanderbilt Mary Alice Jones and
Gene Wechter. - f ; '
! Club members were Mesdames
E. G. Clark. C. C. Jones. J. , W.
Vates, H. Harrison. T. J. Clark,
Mary Clark, H. Quimby, W. M.
ebburn, L. W. ' Potter, . J. - Shafer,
H. Wechterr Charles Spnrlln,. E.
S. Coates, Miss Ada Simpson and
the hostess. .
(Mrs. J. Shafln will entertain
the club at her home at 515 South
Twenty-first - street, on Thursday,
April 29. : .. :
Philathea Bibler Class
Mrs. August Hilfiker entertain
ed the members of . the Philathea
Bible class of the First Evangelic
al church on Wednesday afternoon
at. her home, 330 Mission street.
Two high ; school girls. Miss Lu
cille Cummings and Miss Jewell
Gardner furnished the program of
the afternoon which included en
joyable readings and songs. - t
"At the tea hour Mrs. Wenger
and Mrs. Boetticher ' assisted the
hostess. At the next meeting of
the class Mrs. 'St. Clair will be the
i i -
Mrs.-Lee is Hosiess
For Older Pupils
A, group of the older pupils of
Mrs; Henry Lee enjoyed a delight
ful musical evening at her home
on Thursday. -
. In' the group were: Florence
Karst, 'Lavada Carter, Mina Ott,
Laura Gas pell, Minnie. Bohlsen,
Ernest Shand, Enima MCClorough,
Lulu and Ruby Weidehker, Billy
Mullen, Victor Wolfe and the host
ess, Mrs. Henry Lee.
... .-. , f
Ladies of the GAR to
uoserve Anniversary
; 'The. -twenty'seventh birthday
anniversary of. the organization of
the U. 8. lrant! circle No. 5, La
dies of the G. A. R., Will be held
in the W. C. T. TJ. halls, on Wed
nesday, April -21, , with the pro
gram opening at 2:30 o'clock.
Miss Mctntyre to Sing
in Philadelphia
A distinct ire honor has come to
Miss Gladys Melntyre, daughter of
Mrs, Ora ' F. Melntyre, with her
appointment by Governor Pierce
as the first Oregon singer to rep
resent the state at the Sesqui-
Centennlal which will be held in
Philadelphia in July.
Miss Melntyre is one of the
njost popular soloists ever to
graduate from the Willamette
University school of music and
ably Qualified for the honor which
has been bestowed upon 'her. .
(auests in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Will
spent several days last week in
Portland, returning on .Thursday.
Felicitations Received
, Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Crawford
(Mary Follrich) are receiving
many felicitations upon the birth
of a little daughter, .Barbara Jeon.
The little girl was born on April 7:
Polish Woman Ski Champ Is
Beaten by 14 Year Old Girl
WARSAW. -Poland is proud of
holding the women's .world ski
championship. Mrs. Ela Klenkie
wicz has been victorious in all in
ternational:' ski competitions held
in the Pyrenees, Alps and her'na-r
tive Polish Tatras..
- Mrs. Zlenkiewicz has been beat
en, however, and beaten in her
awn native Tatras, by a ski phen
omenon, a 14 year old girl, ' Miss
Pawlak. 4diss Pawlak will repre
sent Poland -at the first interna
tional ki competitions held 'this
year. -: - ;- - , '. -.
WASHINGTON. -The army sig
nal corps radio pet, .interconnect
ing military posts all over the
country probably will be .made
available to members Of congress
for the sending of messages rlbw
going by commercial wires.
-'JW -'
i -
usyers, Nspaper
-."li- from page' 'V;
east iWDI trawl irw fThorirtWf ri
JcorJc '.to 'New Orleans, and return home by; way of Califprnias
, l. I , i mursaay, April 15 s
The Presron Statesman' issued its 'ahnuhriwparaj-rus slo
t?an number.
Coinfident With the opening- of the fishing season, it was
announced that jmore than .465,000 trout had been liberated
closed streams. of Marion and Polk counties, and that
additional numbers would be freed during this. week-end.
The season opehed for trout, croppies, , perch, sunfish and
Other VflriPffoa fThMlrt-Vl ,ml.lnn 4..n1n 1 m. -3
Wait until Juno tis-
rJl4 m't T tl(T '
. CitV iAttorrtPV Frpfl WilKowia Kf i Vv rp.y.'
Waldorf vs city case declared that Waldorf could not demand
an injunction forbidding" the city's 'paying. Stevens. & Koork
for the appraisal of the Salem Water, Light & Power com
pany, plant unless he can show that the payment would
increase his taxe3. (. . ; ,k': : v'''---.
Archie Cody, slayer of Sheriff Goodman of Harney coun
ty, saw his last; hope- of commuted sentence fade Thursday
night at 10 o'clock when Governor Pierce refused to interfere
m his case. -"Ho new evidence was introduced before me'
read the statement, "and the case remains the same today
as" when Malheur county jury returned its verdict. 1 cannot
interfere." .. if j ' -. : .. . . :aA: ... u . . -
v Simon Director announced that the present Bligh theatre
buildmg Jiadbeen leased by himself for a long period of
years and will be remodeled for use of his second Salem store
to be open for business about October 1.
In the interests of economy the Salem school board voted
at a spwial meeting; to eliminate the office of assistant prin
cipal at Parrishj junior high school. Periods of study at the
balem high school will be shortened from 60 minutes to 45
minutes to allow for an extra period a day. Each teacher
wiU be able to take one more class, thereby eliminating the
necessity of hiring additional teachers. ; The richool board
announced the policy to hire no more- married teachers to
fill vacancies unless they are unable to find satisfactory
single ones Contracts will be presented to the teachers
approved ;by the board, and when these have Ijeen signed by
the teachers -and by the chairman of ihelboard, they wili
become legal. The number of teachers will not be increased
next year. i . ',- s if
Three measures are definitely -to be placed , before the
people at the MMy 21 primary, each asking for money. One
seeks two mills i for bridge cpnstruction, one seeks 1.5 mills
lo seet maintenance, and the third asks for issuance of
$30,000 iii bonds for extra fire department equipment.
: j Friday, April 16
Filing for state and 'national panrlirlflt
come before voters in the May primaries, closed.-many regis
tering on the final day. t .
The armory! was filled to cariacitv the ssmo nio-Vif fnr
j m - k : mf 4 W ''-'a. V11U
of the most varied and entertaining popular- musical pro-
grams given m oaiem in montns, and the indications are that
proceeds will eive a jrratifviner imnptns tn ih T?
Memorial; fund which will honor not only a -great president
but also a croumof the noblest
ciucx Lttiiiiiicnu was spoiisureu uy nai niuuara tanip, opanisn
Amerifflri War Veterans. The Salem TtAva f"Thrnie. xoaa Yia
A Z n i. 1
" .. . y ' - -
feature attraction.
The body of! Archie Cody, sheriff -slayer, wis taken from
the Oregbn state penitentiary, followine; hisnexecution at
8:41 Friday morning. i ' : : ; , V ; u; V
Saturday; and early Sunday news - will befoUnd in" the
main news section of this issue.
I staples
Yes, Sir, They W
f'- ' r iVIvr Rl-'foi1 i ?S
Tar a i
PHONE 1200
With'the Red
. y ' i . Salent,
rBdclce &
nsrr-ince of
TTcII.'i? rh(At,i
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'I'r'.;' " 72 '
.f . u!!S,Ss. -
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traii-hiflrem nf tThi wool Tin
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- " ' - - j - v uy i v.iv.
r ... . , , .
Sees to aw
jYour" "f
- 1 '.' t : I f
soaring in the
for the past few ;
days it reminds one as
he returns to "everyday
affairs that there really.
are many reasons why ,
our eyes should have a
little (special attention
at times. -'
' '-"- ' ' , " -. '
First : to : keep the crows
feet away. Second : our
health depends upon our,
reserve supply of nervous
energy and it must not be
wasted by. eyestrain;
Third: of all the joys of
.living seeing clearly and j
easily is. by far the most
essential . . ' ' '
1 farAYBE!
; Oreg6n ' " ' J - '
MlwiMS ' '
' Ut '.. .. . Alia " y'D "
T' - 1' - in 'Kh.n'h mvh
of , f ctc!ars!:!?t S"x?cr ectiTlti:;,
-a, '