FommstWiiK 1 ffflrse Building .A: r rr Plan Jfmnber 534 ; ' ' ; ; - Five Rooms Planned for Narrow' Lot hto fire room bontalow teW ;t I1." " " 1 1 serre to shelter the living I . U i. : " ?U" rati T 1U1 FOB ra Tlltt UU t; Construction of Office and - Store Structure Will - - Start Soort hia five room bungalow la de- M to giro ample garden space. 100 bj SO foot-Bite. No res- -ic lot sliould be' of smaller ensions, eapeclally : in Salem." re ground is cheap and cllmat- ' onditions . are . tarorable ' to : wth of lawns ; and shrubbery." 'he house is "Well planned to ird comrort to 4- the . average 5 illy. :The - porch ' across v the fit is -attractive,: and may be d to excellent advantage , dur- - the summer months. If tbe ise faces the west,-the porch ' 1 serve to shelter, the . living -,m from the afternoon sun. . rhe front entranca is conven-"'. t to the stairway and ia'well lo ed relative vo' the privacy -of i Hvine room. The fireplace is - course. Indispensable and the ge the front . bedroom 'as a hall- The dining, room Is large and ng should - be selected wltlx way ; may. prove awkward, and if cheery and the kitchen, with its rdied care, considering - the the size of , the family permits it adjoining breakfast nook, ts well undance of light from the front would be a decided advantage to equipped. The plan far the en lndows. , 7 . ntilize this space as a sewing room closed back porch may be altered IThe two downstairs bedrooms or children's playroom. ' Two. to-affordspace for a refrigerator la larre. and provided with nlen-. chambers , mar !be; finished - up-4 and a small cupboard. Floor area tot window spaae. Tendency to stairs. 1 ft " -i totals 11,44 square feet. "t Excavation for Frank ; Bltgh's 1250,000 -heater, ffled and: store building to be constructed on the southeast1 quarter : block' of High and State streets - has been- com pletedt 'X The steam shovel baa been removed from the location. . i ' Approximately -? 5000 yards of djrti was removed from' the loca tion, most of Jt being damped be tween Trade and "Mill "streets-tor the South Liberty Street fill.-. . t Several trucks were kept busy removing the 4irt,' the excavation covering a period ot several weeks; Construction of the building is to The excavation f or , the Cham bers and . Chambers building on High' street , between -Chemeketa and Center streets has also been completed. Carpenters will . start immediately . constructing j : the forms "to hold the concrete walls of the basement, . Y. Y ueleph FLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED BT- Sbaulding;l5gging Co. one 1830 ...,. Salem, Oregon L! 'i :innDc jii TUCATDC lUilL I llLfl i HL . sien isfUCED 7 J- pats. Will 'pd: Wjien.; fWIork od .the front of the Elsl oref eaterV under constrbctlon n 11 ign, sireet - net ween ciaie fina Perry .streets; f or 'George. Guthrie, WBr-of-he Oregon, theater, is frriv tion. 'W'-ii Vf if . front, ot the Urge - i tx tends across! the V -a .w-i ef the building the Ikj4. "iinore'TiMrbeen set in ' rge, raised letters, constructed H sheet metal. Socket for, lights i ire so placed that:: the name , of ie' theater will, be .lighted gener wlf. :---rU J Sheet metal work on the mar aufse has been completed. The arquise t has-. received its first aWol-palnW This Is red, to pro- .e.metaL The , f inlshedvcoat 75 . I, a. h 1 will , probably be bronze, or some color in keeping with : the general architecture of the building. ' t Because of the intricate.', hand work "of , decorating, this phase i of the work has net progressed mark edly during past wee ; It ts lio'ugkt that; about three - mere weeks will be required : for the completion of, the-decorations. . ft- Immediately' after, the decora tions are finished, .the scaffolding in the" auditorium Will be torn down; iand the scats .KwHlj 'be i , In stalled.', r? WOOD'S AUTO TOP COflHf III MOVE , 4 Will Occupy 'iWeller Building ;0a North Side ot Center streets .s r, t 'Help StoErVrlnt Drownings ts the slogan, that1 will be broad east this summer by fa ore, than. 60 radio "stations" in " leading cities which are cooperating .with the National Safety Council in its per petual campaign to - prevent acci dents in public places, at homes and . thrpnghont 'industry tfeneraK ly. Appropriate, iiirainxo vh au subject., of 8afe' iwiaminlll" circulated by 65 community safe ty councils. C. E. Hill, Ttoepresi- dent of the council, believes that the 1926 war; oJi Tdrowafilgs will result In a substantial decrease in the number of. deaths from drown ing whlcbrin If 2S claimed appro imately 6,500 1 precious, lives i i Wo TbY6ur- flRttof. H,V': I i - - ;-.r ' v-Cvv; K I ; - See Our pisplayfih.Patto - -r;;f cf: 'i tv . Brothers vWihcJow 'on 1 . r-' State S treetl: -".'... . t . Vr Ask 'iii bout a . fire-proof .--" . roor for your hours , , . : :.ZGOri;GRAVEL CO- ' ' " Front SU iri Maj ui . -,( . i i 1. 1 t -Woods Anto Top and.' Painting company. wUlTnote itno the Well- er ' building, on the north side of Center- street- between High and Church streets when it is finished ..installation oi ine gas lUK jieu- the cub has already een accom plished and the gas pump has been put in place. , i . Forms to receive the concrete walls 4of the building, have been completed ana aDOUb-naii ine con Crete pourefl,; irne wans wui oe completely" poured Monday. ; S The building is to be two stories high. It is thought the building will not be completed in less than a month's time. . - , 1 forth above a binding contract be tween the -people: of the state and myself, . and I am. signing this statement - because 1 1 consider - It my 'contract with the voters, and- want to . make the responsibility personal,--rather than to have the statements made for me by friends, a club, a committee or a manager.: : . . . : '- --, HCS OIIILDKiE IISIIEI V S BOY SCOUTS PREPARE FOR SUMMER PROGRAM .?;' (Contioled from ptre 1) I. L- PATTERSON ASKS '" SUPP0RT AT PRIMARIES .. Continued from paga X.) irPortland Volunteers, of. Amer ica plan-$300,000 home. for. girls,' outstanding in the state of Oregon, and no , adequate - provision has been made for their retirement. The : state should authorise no more bond issues until a definite plan has been adopted, for retiring those now authorized.! All future issues should carry ' adequate and definite redemption provisions No more tax-free bonds should be -is sued. All property should bear its just proportion of taxation. Salary Increases Opposed .! If elected I will - request the next legislature to stfbmit to .the people a constitutional amend ment preventing an increase in. the salary of any official of state of county during the term for which such officer-Is elected. - Consolidation of State Offices If, investigation proves it neces sary to maintain, branch state of fices in Portland, those branch of fices should be consolidated under one roor. anereoy - effecting -a sav ing In rental and an added public convenience. No prudent business man : would " have the seveVal de- partments" x his business .scatterr ed as . are - those, of the.Btate nyw in Porttahd t W V H l Enforce "Blue Sky" Law Many securities of doubtful val ue 'have been -sold 'in Oregon. The laws protecting the public against loss from this source ' should he tightened and rigidly enforced:. : ' General '":' I believe ex-servl;e men should have preference in any labile em ployment. Let us show them our appreciation of their' services at all times and not only during po litical campaigns . - Fish and game - commissions should function for the benefit of the state and not as political ma-. chines. . - - - The high standard of our pub lie schools : and , institutions 7 ot higher . learning must a ; be mafn- talned ; : - i-. . . X do not believe In staking any political power from the individ ual voter. ' ' c. -kf.,.-, -- I have made, and "will make,; no pre-election promises, -except those that are made to the entire state of Oregon,, i ...... : In the event of my. election.,.! will : consider the promises horse :aridT)der contest, knot ty ing' relay; mile relay, race, fifty yard, dash, ; 100-yard dash,, water boiling contest, first aid, tug-o'-war. 'judging and rescue race.. ' ; The events listed above -. will count on the general contest for the" Burnett TrophyJ There will be two special events In wall' scal ing and -tire by" friction. -To" the winners of these special events will be awarded pennants for first, second and third place in each events . It -is up to every troop to get .in and train for this rally so that they will make a creditable showing. Troop officers may re ceive, a detailed program of the rally by applying at scout head- quajters- ; - r : - American Forestry Week . Here's a real good turn .for ev ery scout! - Save a forest that's green now but Is in danger ot be- ing--tBurned down this ; summer! Takf ipart in forestry Week! Forestry Week. is Apf 11 .'18-24 and "Boy Scouts throughout - the United States will do their part in makreg it'a'succees. ; i , Government . and state forest protection-agencies Tely " upon scouts,' for reliable, constant, in telllgent help. We must justify their. Confidence in us! -.- : A considerable part of the an nual smoke screen which cuts off the view of our superb scenery is due to small clearing fires which have been neglected or only par tially put out. " A Safe Canip Fire DId you ever ask a scout how he would put out his fire before leaving camp? It you have, the average scout will answer: "Put Some dirt on It," or "stamp Jt out!f wrong both times. The only way to put out a camp fire is to put water on it and plen ty at -that.- So that not a single spark is left. That's the way to leave' a safe camp fire. A safe fire is dead fire. "Earth, half leaves and needles. rotten ,4wood and trash, won't put out a fire; in fact when this de bris .dries out as it will over coals, it makes a -very fine fire starter. "Stamping- .out a fire tdoesn'H hurt the fire very much, and may hurt the soles of your shoes a lot. Water", and plenty ot it, is what wfll kill a smoldering camp fire- dead. . Pour on lots of water, stir the 'embers with' a stick, pour on more water, and then run your fingers . through the dead coals, and. then, maybe, you'll decide to pour on some more water. : - r : W. G. WEIGLE, , Vi : S.! Forest Supervisor Snoqual mle National Forest. f Mack's budding .on the south west; corner of High and .Center streets has- been completed. The corner store is occupied by a mill inery and ladles ready to. wear es tablishment; t The center store is occuDied by a barber shon. -" What concern is to Je 'established in: the south room has hof yet" been dis closed, tfc XS 'i?T-yj' The millinery shop, opened Sat urday. The barber jBhop has been running for.-nearly aweek. " . Barber .Shop-Now iRunnUi Millinery Shop; Opened : ! -.' Yesterday r 4 READ THIS STORY OF BARN-RAISING Cntinnl tft pun 1 earnest. The boss carpenter was in charge. Patrick Delan was ev erywhere at .once.-.----, r t ;.- . . When the. first frame (or .bent, as it was called,) was put together and firmly ..fastened at each joint with the ..wooden -keys driven, in the men took their place te lift the top end, some few holding the loot of the posts. At first the"' men lifted the top end a little at a time until . the ' pike-poles ' could be brought. Into use. Jim Robertson the boss, directing. and giving the word to lift all together. He wouM call 4ut, "Ready, .men. Now all together. Heave-e o-oi hee. The last word'hee," would 'he given in a short; sharp 'command and at . - -. i . .... . that every man lifted! until the frame was .standing upright and braced! The second frame was put up and the two fastened together. and ?so on - until 4 thel five great frames were set up and all braced securely and Joined by the wooden pins or-keyar j: V:" t Now, Jhe. most exciflng part of .the. Job came withMbe setting of the purlin-plates. Thejre were two of ; these, one at each istde and on the top pf the frame; .They are set an. to hold the rafters. . There is always a race to seehlch side can put up he purlin. first.;- Tb carpenter takes., charg "of pne side and his assistant the f other. ' Jim Robertson chose! 2 0 ; men to go up. on the building'; to put up his side, ana -rairiCK jUOianieoK;. .zy men for his. purlin The men took their Places and at a 'w.ordfof. command they .started in.;n.a4'a tuce from the word "go..? 3Hly Lund went -up .to bold.. the fooi oa one of the posts f orPfljtrich.'a side. Jim Stone was up. on. the other side to help the' boss. and hold" tpe-foot of a post so it -would not slip out of place.,, Justin Pat's men were ready to raise the purlin, and they were a little ahead. iot the other side," one of i tbe -"raei seeing that his end of, the plate ineede'd shift ing a little, took a bar to move it. He gave It. a shove and the purlin swung around, for the men' were not expecting this, arid in its swing threw Billy j off his balance. He fell, but as luck would have it, he was able to 'catch wHth his hands the frame on which he was stand ing, and save himself from what might have: been a serious acci dent, for H was more than .20' feet to the ground. This Incident put Pat's men behind and they lost the Just, at the moment the last key dia. " ; .. ', i. : - race. was 'driven into the last brace, the dinner bell rang., , Out, under tbe trees." long tables had been set. loaded with roast beef, vegetables, dishes of gravy,' bread, -pies and cakes. With t a C shout, the men gathered around the' tables and the women were busy p'ouring coffee and waiting atitth-'hungiy--work- i. When the dinner was over, fun really ; began. There v races, contests of strength; lITu Jumping, wreatTing'. AH very good naturedly entered By" the men. but taken quite seriously hy some who boasted their ability. A footrace " between, the boss carpenter and his assistant brought,. a good deal of amusenvent.;Patrlck won' it easily. The -last thing -on the.-program wps to raise: the boss carpenter on the shoulders ot the men and car ry him around the new barn. Jim Robertson ".said '.he--would; not be carried. -That waVa challenge for th : crowds-Tbg "Struggle lasted for . a long time' until at last, clothing torn and Jthred out, he was forced to give up and allow him self to be carried, amid cheering . and shouting. This ended the day and the, barn Raising at Bill Bitt her's." . : ';- ; : ? Snake'sl' In India kill4-about' as many person's" as "automobiles in the United States. eporta the Na tional Safety Cotincil, which says that the accideit -situation in any country, at any. time, naturally re-, fleets existlng conditions and hab- its of living. Wil4 animals in In dia kUl about as vnvany, people as . street cars klfl , in the TJri Ited States; deaths "bjr snake' bites or wild animals are. negligible In this country, and So kre .deaths by au- , tom'obiles -and street cars la, In- , While it is true that our annual accident fatalities here far exceed the total of American lives lost in the World war, it is also true that the saving of lives during the past 1C years the difference between actual deaths during that period and the total would have been at the. 190 7 rate is about five times our loss of life in the war. Every- two year's despite the auto mobilewe save enough lives, as compared with the 1907 rate, to set replace our sacrifices in France. i v -v. . : !Baas T7N Pw . - v r . " 4 , eildnd Pipeless FURNACES ' at-: i Sheettai Work of All . ' Kinds QUALITY. FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS ! : Is Our Motto m m ( - ft .; - ft cq'EURNACES -1 COr.irJERCIAL STREETS ALE:.2,: OREGON m low " inTI . b li MS: IHIoirinie -1- l i . . . 1 i -. . . - . ' : , Let us help you build your home economically not cheaplyTT- but at the greatest possible savings in the cost of goooV materials",; wnicn, lik everytnmg eise tnat s gooa is cneapesr. in cne aps This community has good carpenters, contractors,. , bricklayers, plasterers, plumbers, electricians and all bthqrs who are ne in home buildiner. And it has the . Very . best materials avaiJ for your use at reasonable prices. Therefor -: ' ' r '--t -. . HOME THIS SPRING a ieded ivailable BUILD YOUR Gall on us for anything you need GABRIEL POWDER & SUP PAINT SHOP AND STORE v 175 South Commercial Telephone 728 fx: mm; ; ' LUMBER YARD' ?. Ncirth Capitol t and Union Telephone, 2248" A' IIS MES5-. li ' I . : I - m II 1' -: - 5 '!'. n r i Ill ' - ' ' . - " - l -I III " ' .... , i ! L .1 i West Salem . . .'.j; u- . li in - Not'TMtWeKnow., of Is there a better insurance for the future of your family?' Can you leave them a better inheritance than a home that will shelter them ami that may. double in value in case they want to sell? : i Start Building '. Today - 'And stop paying rent. YouU find it b just as easy to own your own home fasrit is to rent. Come In anytime: ,Ve 11 be glad to help you with your plans. ''Dependably Serving the Lumber Consumer ! v f West Salem Tclcplicno G7G Tards ln 7est Salem, Albaa.'Lca ItuLbard, raiohillf IHUbcrot' r-- 7 4- II'