The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 18, 1926, Page 10, Image 10

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" i
Marion,''. 'County Woman 's ' GMBs ':.i&f Convene . in Salem ! on . Thursday
JjSy V ''"' ' '
l ....: 1 . :
": . '
- ; I - ' - I .
vtliTinF left; Mrs. nor o. Smith
ertaiicl James Howard. Lawrence (right) is : eleven years of age;
R6fc6rt (left) is nine; and James Howard is eight. months old, . Mrs.
.Smith Is-a prominent member of both, the Salem Woman's club and
of the Rapbeterian club as well as other social circles, f t r ' '
Upper right: Miss Ruby Drager, who Is chairman of the Alpha
Xl JDelta bazaar which will be held In Salem on Saturday. Miss
Drager is a popular student at the Oregon Agricultural College. : 7 -
Lower lefti' -Mrs., Iran Corner (Laura Pemberton) (.whose mar-
Viagra was an attractive event of Easter ; morning in Independence.
Mrs. Corner will graduate from Willamette University in June. 7f- -
l Lower right: Miss Margaret Fisher who contributed two groups
ofl piano numbers on the tlosins MacDoweli club program of the Bea-
son on uonaaj ai wiur nui.;
iTfi-ir-. .ii i ' i '
All night long from set of sun t
Thcoagh the starry -woods they run.
Singing through the purple dark 'i j
Songs to' mate" a traveler hark J " ,
All night long, when winds arelow.
Underneath my windowgo ;s ; Xi
The .immortal happy streams,, s 4 1
fn.Vlnfr music through my dreams.
17 wtncne Tenor Soloist f 0 '
Appear in Concert Tomorrow
.The appearance ' of Lawrence
Ettauss, tenor. In his much" antic-,
ipated concert tomorrow evening
ntJtEe First Methodist church calls
attention , once more to the excel-lnt-artist
aUractlons that the Sa
le oi Civic Music club, has been
bringing before the local public
slice;', the beginning of the season.
Tomorrow's concert will be on
tbeame high plane as the altraej
tio'v In the sorles preceding.
.Mr. Strauss, according to the
authoritative London s, y Musical
Nw and .Herald,, adds to, a vel
vety tenor : voice j an exceptional
interpretative power, . combined
with an. enormous respect 'for the
poei's intentions. We welcome to
our-shores an artist Vbo can sing
as well, as he an and who givef
us the ads'd joy of recreating our
Bofipi in a way few. of our native
singers trouble to achieve.".
. Coming from England to Amer
ica" the San Francisco , .Examiner
has this to say of himv He is that
rare thing, a singer with brains."
And the San Francisco' Journal
has; this: "His diction rivals, If it
does not exceed, that .of any Amer
ican singer with whom we &re;.-far
rifliar. ' ' i kt': rC:--A
" Plr Strauss, will .sing the' fol
lowing" program : . o ? ''; f S . i :? : .
. : -7 ' " I " . ; ' ' i ?'
Aria' from Suzanne". .Paladflke
LA3feu du Mati (Farewell at ;
Worn i.V. . . . . . . . . :. Pessar d
Far f ocbes (Queer Figures) i . .
.. .... .....'.... Debussy
1' Moulin (The Wind Mill) . .
........... . ...... Pierne
; .u' ...::'.v..
AV risrn di Oe;3iS5J ' ''"
Dl? 7cre"a (Tlia Trout ,
k-h 1 , ' - A ' : . ......... .. , .
ill v
and three sons, Lawrence, . Rob-
.r?J..," -. .- r i . -
' ' '!'.!' " ii
f ? I Blissi Carman
Die Llebe Hat Gelogen (Lore
Has Lied) . .,. ..Schubert
Kiegeuner Lied (Gypsy' Song)
-''Su. .. I . i-.'. . i .U.i s Brahma
;'L:V': ivjw !lw- 7, ' '
Recitative and Air from Dido "
'.1 and Aeneas . J7 i , i Purcell
A ' Piper M ichael. Head
Silver .'..i . . . . .Armstrong Glbbs
Lord Rendal (14i.CenL); ii '
77i .-. . . . . Arr. by Cecil Sharp
An Old Carol .-. . . .Roger Kuilter
When I Was One and Twenty -'
v 7. -.7;VV '.t.i. . ; . . Arthur Bliss
Do Not Go My Lovef. .Hageman
A lound-Up Lullaby . i & :. Itoas
Cargoes ; :V ? ft Tbm, Dobson
My Father Ha Some Very Fine ?
4 Sheep I'l-'i Arr. by Hughes
: s . . fj-i i if-
Just Dip to Tint or Boil
f---7 . to ;Dye'7: 57.77
'.a?.. f ;--t .
Each I 15-cent
package contains
; (Hrectfons so sim
ple any '4 woman
,cn tint soft, del
icate .shades or
colors In lin
gerie, silks. ; rib
bons, skirts,
waists, dresses.
coats, stockings.
sweaters, draper
ies, coverings, hangings every
thing! A. fi " "
' Bay diamond Dys no ether
kind and tali.; your ' drur-ist
whether t&t ntudal ysu
to color is wool or ullt, cr whetter
it U liaca, cottoascr cxixel csoli.
elT, -. 7- : "
Former Salem Girl is
Chosen Class. Poet i
j;' Salem friends of Miss Helen
Magers daughter of the late Al
bert G. and Augusta Magers, will
be interested to know : that, this
eighteen-year-old girl J who' is this
year a senior at the Washington
High school in Portland' has been
chosen official poet of her class
which numbers - more than; two
hundred. Iiss Magers is the niece
of Miss Minetta Magers, prominent
in musical circles.
'The Lens, the Washington High
school- publication, features the
work of this young poet in a very
prominent ' manner. In a recent
issue, 1 a full page ; is devoted to
Miss Magers - charming i poem.
while "The W. H. S. Ghost" is giv
en a half page in 'the same man
ner. ' - .
' One of the loveliest of Miss Ma
gers poems is entitled ."Easter
Morn," and Is as follows: 7 ;
eastbrmornI ! f
- -
Howdeathly still the morning air,
That hovered o'er that Garden
fair! ..; ;,--7 7 : . - 7 yy
.Tho lilies clad in purest white . '
Had raised their heads to greet
the light. . . !
They saw the women come to pray
At Jesus' tomb at break of day.
They saw the one who once did sin
Weep silently, and enter in.
For lo! ..The. stone , had Tolled
7 away! -'
The- lUies - saw it done r you : say?
Oh who may know what's hidden
- there '
Deep down within , those ; petals
. fair? " . .
Did they see Christ, the Blessed
One, ,
Step forth, before the rays of sun
'77-."7" 7'."-" f77 ' . " -"'! 77,n ?'.s7.7' .. -i- ,: '
Xooking "do wn-at-th e-heeP whciC the "chance
comes" keeps many a man on the tail-end of oppor tunity.
Good-Iookins eye-glasses the kind you see
on the aggressiTe, go-getter type of business man
are an assurance of good appearance, at east from
the collar up-1 Get them today but be careful where
you go to get them.
.. ;:F0L1ER0Y
Jc.vt!:r3 cr.i 0;tcr.:tr!:i3
Had pierced ; through Egypt's
blackest nignt? .
IS-they saw an ioh, what a sight!
Scvthis is why-the Hues, sow, .
Are purest white, and always bow
Before .you, when you . chance to
: pass, 77vV7 ' 7 - 7'.: 7-7
Or silently step through tho grass.
They've been" entrusted to this day
To keep God's secret tor alway,
And they are kissed with morning
deW. , S.r' , ,
To scent the air with fragrance
-new . - - - - ' i- -And
mystic. Oh, you chosen few
Who understand the ways of God.
Explain to ua how from t the .sod
Came forth a flower virgin pure,
To live, -to suffer, to endure. 7"
Through countless ages, in-the
I past. ' i - 77777' -7 U777A
The questions that will ever, last.
And oh, thou flower t rem the sky.
Droop not when strangers pass and
sigh; ; : !-:7 ,v, v- -'-,-;
For they but wish that they like
you; ' .' ?-'7-
Might know the story ever new.
And so proclaim throughout the
land '
That selfsame story ever grand.
Marion Lawrence Class Meets
at H. F. Shanks Home
An outstanding meeting of the
Marlon Lawrence Bible class of
the First Methodist ' church took
place , on Tuesday evening at the
borne-' of Mr. and . Mrs. .H. P.
Shanks, 195 S. Cottage- street
when sixty-four members gather
ed for a delightful evening.4 Mrs.
M. C. Findley is the teacher of
the class. 1 v , . ' 1
The rooms of the Shanks . home
were exceedingly lovely for the oc
casion, with bowls and baskets fo
lavender lilacs, spirea,- white iris,
and rose tamarac, and potted
Delicious refreshments were
served followlng the program of
the evening. In' charge ef these
features were Mrs. J. Mickey, Mrs.
A. A. UnderhiU, Mrs. Hobson, and
Mrs.! Kerehner.
The first hour of the evening
was devoted to conversation. Later
an oldtlme song-f est .was enjoyed.
with Miss Grace Elisabeth Smith
at the piano.
The foliowing were in the group
fori the evening: Mr. and Mrs. F.
C-Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Blatchford, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Mickey. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Under
hiU. .Mr., and Mri W. L. Cum-
mlnga. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hob
son, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilkinson,
Mr, and Mrs. J. C. McAdams, Mr,
and Mrs.-L L. McAdams, Mr. and
Mrs. U.' GBoyer, Mr. and Mrs. F,
C0irilr- ind Mrs. U. G. Holt,
Mrs 'teerrUXZMra. Lavender, Mrs.
"Arj'Cejjtm.'iara; W. p. Smith.
Miss Grace 'Elisabeth Smith, , Miss
1 J" Social Calendar
. .i Today
f Pacific f University Men's Glee
club. Sacred concert. First Con
gregational church, 7:30 o'clock.
-J- Monday -t
Lawrence Strauss, tenor. First
Methodist church, 8:15 o'clock.
- American Legion auxiliary. Mc-
Cornack hall, "8 o'plock. v
Auspices Civic Music club.
; Spring- get-together. St. Paul's
parish. Dinner at 6: SO o'clock.
Tuesday , . ;
t ; War Mothers. Special meeting.
Chamber-of Commerce rooms, at
2:30 o'clock. -
I . WqrV. Halls. Anti-cigarette
program, 2:30 o'clock.
' Wednesday c
Central circle. Jason Lee Ladles'
Atd . society. Mrs. 'P. L. Frazler,
795 N. Capitol street, hostess.
. Business and Professional Wo
men's club. Chamber of Com'
merce rooms.
Stv Monica s Altar society.- Card
party, St. Joseph's auditorium, &
o cjock. ;
; " Mauon x county Federation of
Women's clubs. Annual conven
tlon.; t Salem Woman's club club
house.--: ; '
' - Saturday
Salem Woman s club. Club
house, 2:30 o'clock.
- Benefit bazaar and cooked food
sale." Alpha XI Delta sorority." S
P. ticket office, - 184 NV Liberty
street. . . '
Adella Chapter; Mrs. Cherrlngton,
Mrs."M. C. Halverson, Mrs. Joseph
ine Davis, Mrs. I. T. Slade, Walter
Lehman. Mr. and Mrs., C F. WU
BonT Mr7 and Mrs. .C a! 1 Clark,
Mrs. Emma. P. Witter, Mr. and
Mrs. Kershner, ; Mrs.; E. i 3i Swaf
ford, Mrand Mrs. C. Wl . Bryan,
Mrs, F. . B. Senthwick.Dr, Lisle,
Mr. and Mrs. C W. Day, Mrs. N.
Saloman. I Mr, and Mrs. ; Seward,
Mr. and Mrs. Pontious.- Mr. and
Mrs.' W. L'. Parks, Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Fisher, Miss Emma Rodger,
Mrs-Heisler, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Beckley, Mrs. Littler, Mr. and
Mrs. Rlgdonj - and the hosts', Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Shanks.
Interesting Recital '
Presented at Denton Home
Parents and patrons of students
of both Mrs. Walter A. Denton and
Miss Carol S. Dibble are always
exceedingly interested In their pro
grams, and the following, which
was an event of Saturday evening,
formed no exception:
Dance of the-Demons HolBt
Helen Darby, Eloise White.
Twilight ....;.... ..... ; Friml
7 ' Dorothy Stafford.
Water Sprite ; Warner
Kathryn Elgin.
Rosary .. . Nevln
..Virginia Berger.
Reading "The Debutante, Old
7 Sayln's of Mothers"
Katherine Goulet. ,
Sheep and Goats ..Guion
Country Dance .MacFadyn
Drifting ... Friml
Laura Crabb.
Habanera, from rCarmen"
William" Gahlsdorf. '
Reading A group of boy poems -
Mrs. S. H. Van Trump.
Russian Song Sidney Smith
Helen Darby.
The Fauns Chamlnade
. " v Gretchen Thielsen.
Reading The Mysterious Cat;
The -Faithless Flowers .
Grace Elizabeth Holman.
Cradle Song MacFadyn
Serenade .' , Dent Mowry
An Indian Love Song.... K. Logan
Mrs. Mildred Brunk Greenbaum
Reading- The Explorer Cotkldnt
be Done
r Laura Crabb.
Butterfly - Lavalee
Reading Columbus, Three
Girls j.
Lorene Rideout.
Russian Dance Friml
Margaret Stelner.
Woman s Club Svonsors
Program at Woodbum
i raining school
The Woodbum Training School
for Boys was the scene of one of
the ' most delightful programs
which the institutions department
of .the.' Salem ; Woman's club has
sponsored during an active season
on Tuesday evening when numbers
in music and magic were given.
, Mr.; and Mrs. Richard Robert
son gave a pleasing musical skit.
with Miss Lucile Rosa playing
their accompaniments. The Pied
Pipers' orchestra gave delightful
numbers, while Jack Spong capti
vated the boys with his sleight of
hand performances.
Included in the group motoring
to Woodbum for the evening
were: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hamil
ton, Mrs. C. K. Spauldlng, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell, Mrs. Arietta
M. -Page, Mrs. George H. Alden,
and. Mrs. S. M. Endjlcott.
Herbert Darby Married in
Portland on Friday'
The Portland Journal gives the
following details 'concerning: the
marriage of Miss La Verne Levis
and Mr. Herbert J. Darby, son of
1 Clever, frocks of Rayon and Rayon mixtures just
the thing for these susnmer afternoons.. ,' f . .
J: 73!48;4;90k95, 7.48 7:
" 7 - - ' '' 1 -7 '
Bertha Junk Darby and! grandson
of . Mrs. D. P. Junk, of Salem, in
Friday 'evening's issue:
) Ml - V IT- V I tv.
bride of Mr. Herbert J..Darby this
afternoon at 4 o'clock at a pretty
apd simple , wedding, at No. .944
East 29th street north, at which
the Rev. Norman J. Tully of Salem
officiated. , The ceremony was per
formed in the presence of about 75
guests before a fireplace : banked
with flowers; A trio composed of
Hulda. Haf ner, piano; .Agnes Ken
nedy, cello, v and Murta Boyer.
violin, played during the service.
' The bride's gown jwaa an after
noon frock of two-toned blue chif
fon with cream lace trimming. 6he
carried a shower, of yellow roses.
Ivory .white sweet peas 'and forget-me-nots.
, .
Mrs. Francis Boiler was matron
of honor and wore a. yellow seorg
ette gown and carried pink roses,
lavender sweet peas and forget-me
nots. - ': . - 7' . 7"
Miss Anne Roberts was' maid of
honor in green georgette with pink
roses, lavender sweet peas and forget-me-nots,
, Mr. Harlan Gram was best man!
; Berl and Betty Bernitt. cousins
of the bride, received guests at the
At the reception held after the
eryice, Mrs. Harry Hollister and
Mrs. -Albert C. Clark poured and
Mrs. P. A. Boatman and Mrs.
Bradley Ewers cut ices. t
Assisting in serving were Miss
Ninon tTrenkman, Miss Miriam
SwartxMIss Elsie Skoog, Miss Ed-
wlna Richen, Miss Viola Johnson
and Miss Lucile McClung.
Leona"GreKory sang during the
wedding service.
Mr. and Mrs. Darby will be at
home in Portland' after May 1.
American Legion Auxiliary
to Witness Initiation
Members of the American Le
gion Auxiliary are anticipating the
American Legion initiation on
Monday evening . at the Armory
which they j will attend as guests.
following a business meeting at
McCornack hall. Following their
business meeting the ladies will go
In a body to the Armory where j
they will meet groups of guests
from Portland, Silverton, and Dal
las invited for the evening. The
men have also invited the Portland
post to be present for the cere
monies. A' dance' will follow.
"All women of the city eligible for
membership . in the American Le
gion Auxiliary are Invited to be
guests at the "open meeting" on
Monday. .
v v ' -: " i '' "
Attractive Bridge Tea at
T. A. Roberts Home
Attractive among the affairs of
the earlier days of last week was
the bridge tea at which Mrs. T. A.
Roberts . was the hostess, enter;
tainlng in her home. The affair
was planned for the pleasure of
Mrs. Roberts'" bridge club and
eight special guests.
7 An effective color , scheme of
lavender was .used In a charming
manner, tall lavender, tapers and
lavender tulips giving the chose e
effects. v
' MrsClifford Farmer was suc
cessful in winning the high score
f the afternoon:
4 At the tea hour Mrs. Arthur J.
Rahn presided at the urn.
I In the group were: S :
v Mrs. Donald Young, Mrs. John
H. Carson. Mrs. Paul -Hendrlck,
Mrs. Karl ; Becke, Mrs. Frederick
Lamport, Mrs." E. V. McMechan,
Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mrs. P D
Quisenberry, Mrs. Harry Hawkins,
Mrs. Frtti Slade, Mrs: Curtis Cross,
Mrs. W. Connell Dyr, Mrs. Prince'
Byrd. Mrs. i Arthur ? Rahn. Mrs.
Ercel Kay, Mrs. R. M. Hofer, Mrs.
Frank Spears. Mrs. Keith Powell
of , Woodbury Mr7 pn J.1 Fry
atfd the hostess, Mrs. T. A. Rob
erts. - j , . , .
I. .i I '. : 'r-
Mrs. Rodger Entertains
Club at Mehama
. Members of the -Capital Bridge
club and their guests were enter
tained in an exceedingly delightful
way on Wednesday as the. guests
of Mrs. George F. fiodgers at the
Albert's summer htme near Me
hama," the STosp-motoring to the
mountains for the event. .
The special guests for the onee
o'clock, luncheon anil afternoon' of
cards included Mrs. William Boot,
Mrs. Henry W. .Meyers, and Mrs.
Fw B. Erwin pf Astoria. Woodland
and meadow flowers ware used in
decorating the rooms. 4 The high
score of the afterboon went to
Mrs. dinger, Mrs. j William Boot
received the guest trize.
Covers at the luncheon were
ON-- .
Elementary har
mony and ; arrang
ing. Beginners or
G. R. Golding,
360 North 12th Street
Civic Music
Final Concert
First M. E.
Admission $1.00
(Kote the change from Heilig)
New Rayon
Beautiful, Glistening, Shimmering .
m 1
i- -
Strictly high grade, rich and elegant looking. Colors
are Solid Gold, Rose, Blue or Lavender. Size 88x108.
These, spreads are extra long to tuck under pil
lows, forming bedspread and bolster all in one.
Lovely New Rayon Spreads
Woven in pattem$ that
Slae' 80x03
or . 81x103 -
See Thern Displayed .in Our
.7 1 i
raleci etore
48 S CUts Et.
1 r
placed for: Mrs. William Boot.
Mrs. Henry W. Meyers, Mrs. F. B.
Erwin of Astoria, Mrs. Edwin L.
Baker, Mrs. Frank W. Durbln.
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner. Mrs.
Wt H. Dancy, Mrs. L. F. Griffith, '
Mrs.; O. C. Locke, Mrs. Frank:
Meredith, Mrs. . IL dinger, Mrs.
R. E. Lee Stelner, Mrs. W. Carl
ton Smith, and the hostess, rs.
George F. Rodgers.
Mary Jean Porter to Appear
in Harp Recital on Friday
f nnnsual Interest, in musical
circles this week will be the ap
pearance In harp recital of Mary
Jean Porter on Friday evening,
April 3S, at 8 o'clock in :St. Jo-,
seph's Auditorium. , .
Miss Porter will be accompan
ied at the piano . by her sister,
Thejma ; E.- Porter - Readings by
:i - 0oatiBM4 m Vf '").'-'
Lake Ly tie Hotel
-Mrs. George Watt, Mgr.
Twlxt Lake and Ocean
The largest and most mod
ern hotel on Tillamook
Surf and 7 lake bathing,
boating, sea and lake fish
ing, clam digging,, hiking
and hunting.
Open All Year
Post Office
Rockaway, Oregon
Club of Salem
of the Season
-Monday, AprU 19, 8:30 P. M.
Chickering Piano
Values in
Bed Spreads
Rayon " .
. The very heat to ' be
7 Jad at this price.
' This is an exquisite
7 spread " of heavy,
raised . embroidered
all over . Medallion
;i design, it's the first
7. time they've ever,
been brought but in
this effect. -'
stand out sharp and distinct.
Slae 88x108
$8.50 $11.95
K tit ,rrA
1 ft t u
and Do'
Portland Silk store
162 Aler Street