THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON i SATURDAY MORNING, APRIIi 17, 1926 if twV. 0 ) . i Union Roster t5 CAPITAL -i TTPOORAFHICA1 UXION . N. 2lO-i'-Preeldeas, tt. V. Evaaa; Bee rotary, 1L D. Pilkeato. HhU seeoad Saturday. 8;00 . as. 4 , , . .' CABPEXTERS . TJNIOS $ XO. 108S - MmIi There, eveaiag. Arthur Tack- er, president ; Wb. Pettit, secretary. Skilled mechanics furnished. Phone 119. UNION LABEL. LEAGUE Xmu tl UWr Hall on eaU ( presi dent. P. W. Bran, . secretary. Bos 443. Salem. Or. ' Roster FRATERNAL ORDER or EAGLES. Nt every Wednesday. Fraternity Hall, 8. M; wlliett. See'y. TeL 88S-B. KMIOHTI or PYTHIAS MEETS AT Fraternal Mall every Taeeday evening. Visitors Invited. Fred DenbAas, C. C; Wilr Leaon, K. of B. 8. tf da Oman &tsXttmxn Pklik.A M.r inemia (except Men- ! da 7) at Salem, the .capital of Oregon. Local Rates , For Classified Advertising Dally or Snaday & . , Oaa time mm. a hum ymw wvrw . 5 caata par ward I S eaata par ward I Three timea . iBiiliBaj u 1 1 mo., daily and Sua. SO eaata par ward f 1 is order ta earn tka more tkaa aaa itime rata, advertieemeat mast ma ta I eoaeeeative Issues. I Na Ad. taken fdr laaa tka a 25 eaata. Ade. rna Saaday ONLI akargad at one-time rata, t . Aevertlsesaaata f excess Personals aad Situations Wanted) wUl b takaa ever tka telephone tf tbe advertise la : a subscriber to paone. Tka Statesman will receive edver- tisemeate at aay tuna al tk day ar aia-ht. Ta iaaara proper ctaaauiea- tiaaa ada. should ka ta before 7 p. as. TELEPHONE 28 OB 888 - , malMiimi iTnir 1 ; Money to Loan ; : " ; OX REAL FSTATK K : T. K FORD - (Orer Ladd 4 Batb Qkak) , . i - 4 ; ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING -Tnaaa aai an malt be epa free from any thing of a questionable natnra. biiarepreaea tatioKa will not be tolerated. Infor mation abawiag any eaeitienable la tent on tka part at tka adrartlaer aaoeld be'f reported ta tkia aewa ttaperoT tWe Salem Ad Clnb. Notice of the IraproTememt of le - Street Between Twenty-Second Street and Twenty - P an r t h ISt aPPtw vm(m la rirhv riven that the Common Council ol the City of Sa Tem. Oregon, deema it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to Im- . . i i 4 pr,ove Lee street irom tne east, unei ntf Twntv-KPCond street to the I west line of Twenty-fourth street. at the expense of the abutting and I I auai.cub -,s - mt root nnd nllpv Intersections the - . a I expense w wurcu wv uo 1 hv the CitV Of Salem, hy brlnclne! said nportion . of. said. fttrest.ta-te 1 es ta u wjc graae, conBirutviua; w mont filcrete curbs, ana paving said portion of said atreet with sit inch cement concrete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council ApTfl 5th. 1928, now on file In the office of the City Recorder, and which are hereby referred to and mide a part Jaereof. The Common Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement by' and through the street improvement department of the City of Salem, Oregon. PjssrswiswsaMeMKSeistw vJ1 order of the Common Coun - r n:ttlo Rth ilav ff Anrll. 19S8. cil this 6th day of April, 2. f M. FOULS EN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is Airil 14. 1926. Dale of final publication hereof la April 25. 1926. .' ; apl 14 to 25 Inc. police of Ibe Improvement of Mc Avense Between Hunt Street and Brlxon Street. Notice is hereby given that the r.n nonncil of the City of Sa- . . . lem. Oregon, deems to necessary ni einad lent and hereby aeciares Its ; purpose and Intention of lm mat ucCot Avenue iromime south line of Hunt street to the south line of Erlxon street at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street anJ alley intersections the ex pense of . which will be" assumed by ithe City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said avenue tor the established grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paVlng said portion of said street with six inch cement concrete pavement in norktrdnncft with the i plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common uouncit April 5th, 182., now on file In the otTlce of the City Kecoraer, wu which are hereby: referred to nd maae a part hereof. : - The Common' Council hereby de clares Its purpose and intention to make the above descriDea im provement by and through the t street Improvement department of J thd City of Salem, Oregon. Bj order ot ther Common Conn- clt'tbls 6th day of April, 192. v f M r-OULSEN, City Recorder. Pate of first publication hereof ,!toAprU;t.l2- t ; 1 : Date, of final publicatloa hereof Is Apr-a.5, 1926. apl 14 to 25 Inc. she had been married a month, j When her friend called to see hdw ' , she was gee ting, on. 5 'We're getting on fine!" ex fhA Tonnf wife. We h.w n inint account In the bank: : it such fun to pay- bill by cheque." . , . V What do yon mean by Joint ac eoTintTM asked tbe caller. , you put in equal sums?" , "Oh! I don't put la anything. ' was the explanation.' "Tom puts ' Auto Tops SEC US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hall Aaaa Tea end Faint Shop. 267 S. Commercial fs!6tf Help Wanted HAKE TOUR SPARR TIME PAX. HAYS easy selling article. Call at 420 Ore gon Bid?., mornings. Sm28tt Help WantedMale 11 EXCELLENT OPPORTUXlTT FOR salesman witk car. Permanent ' con nection "witk every support given ta aaaa selected. ' Tkia will bear investi gation. References. Apply Monday a. at. Wm.' Ghahlsdorf, 135 8. Liberty. llal8 Wanted Employment 19 WORK BY THE HOUR. : REFERENCES. Paane 1411-M. 1923 FOR OAJtOElf PLOWING. BASEMENT diff inc and teaai work. Pkaaa 12 P2 19atl4tf WANTED.: SOOX HOUSE WORK OR tabl waiting- by experienced girla. ttox 134 Staytaa. Ore. 192 For Rent 21 WE KENT AND COLLECT RENTS " Baaaalta a Aapinwall 222 K. CoaunereiaL Pkoaa SC. . 21a8tf FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH garden. 1896 N. 4tk. 21m24tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND APART ta. F. Lb. Wood, S41 State St. , 21aal2tf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY IVk". wording "For Rant", price 10 eeota each. 8 ta teaman Bnaineaa Office, - on ground floor. For Rent Apts. 23 FURNISHED APARTMENT. PRIVATE batb. 345 Coart St. Pbane 1057. 2.3a20 LARGE APARTMENT, 1311 COURT. For information call 1335 State St. 23a20 4 AND a-ROOM apartment. ; Cloae Center. UNFURNISHED In. AdulU. 405 23al7 APARTMENT FURNISHED 2 ROOMS Beat location. 592 N. Summer. 23al8 LARUE 2-ROOM APT. "FURNISHED Oil anfurniaked. 1133 Coart St. - Pbon S85-M. 23m2.itl PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY T wording, "Rooms to Rent." price 10 centa each. Statesman Bnaineaa Office, ground floor. ' For Rent Rooms 25 TWO STUDENTS MAY HAVE, ROOM witk sleeping porch privileges, in mod ern tons, ia convenient location. Ad . draaa A. D., rare Statesman. Sf2tl FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO. TWIN beds. Breakfast. Reference required. Keaaonabla. 45 Market St., 25aZ5 ROOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, in modern noma. Cloae in. kafea Address Home, care 6 ta teaman 25f?tt For Rent Houses 27 GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. GARAGE. Reasonable. . 1444 Center. Phone 1377-J 27a24 - ' 1 4. room modkrn house, inquire Saturday or Sunday at 995 N. Winter. 27al7 furnished and unfurnished hoaaaa. Brows aad Johnson, 109 & FOR RENT (FOUR-ROOM MODERN almost new honse. Breakfast nook. furnace, wash trays, front and back) , rJf "Hr.IV For Rent Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent. P. E. Thomaeea, Turner, Ore. Phone SXX. 2s1tf Wanted to Rent 31 YOUNG COUPLE WAXT8 SMALL FUR nithed honse. Prefer South Side.. Ad diess BoV17145 Statesman. 3Ial8 Wanted Miseellan's 35 FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP manta. Giaaa-Pawar fnTaitar 9St20tf WOOOKT - TBI AUOTIOHXER BUYS need fnrnitnra for eaeh. Phone 511. S5aU J wanted poles, posts, I all aiies. Ouote nrices. stal PILINO alt aiaes. Quota prices, state shipping points, quantity can t furnish, when could ship. - Spot cash. NIEDERMEYER-MART1X LUMBER CO. Portland, Oregon. : ,35al8 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans, Wa have several applies--tiena on hand, Hawkins Av Roberta Inc.. 905 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf For Sale' 37 PUREBRED ENGLISH BULLDOG PUP ptes for sale. 1035 Belmont St., Ha- lem. 97a30(f must leave town will sacri I tica 93O00 worth of new furniture at haU Jrice Terms Telephone. i8-w. - 87ai7 J TKE8pa.g8 notices, sixr 14xS INI prtated oa good lQ-euaee eaavaaa, bear ing the words, "Notice la Hereby Gives That Treapaaalag la nltrietly Forbidden On These Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution." Pries 15a each or t for 85a. Statesman Pan. Co-, Salem, Oregon. j - 87atf WELDING AND .BLACKSMITH SHOP, garage, -service station. Building and 2 lots. 6-room hoase and 2 'lota. - 910.5O0.' Will trade for Salem -prop-: erty. Gertrude J. M. Page, , 49 A N. Cottage. - - 37alltf RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE t" BY 8'. 50 receipt forms is book, IS easts- par book ar two for 35 casta. Statesman effiee. 915 Soutk Commercial 8t 8s- j KOHlEb . electric . light plaxt. only a sea -a short time., same aa new: will sell at discount. ' Reason far seising extension - of power line to my place. t an be seen in operation. Adareuft nog 853 Salem. 1 . , t -37e21 MINUTE MOVIES SCORCHlKCf I CrANJE HIM BACKTAB TO RcTTURN THEM 12) FRIEND I AM COKTENT Ifi THE PROTECTION Of Mv JL0VE t 37 ITT $1400 EQ01TY FOR 91S00 OS NEW .4 room at 12M) Madiara Ava. Write RA. 7. Box 227. . , . t 17T FINK SILVER PLATE. GOLD HELL, aiataat a aw O aajupkaaa at m aaertfira. ' Saa it at 849 Barai Aa. : S7ai21tf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TKR aaata baadie. Cirealatiam depatnaat i Oragos Stateaoua. , . . i ELECTRIC BROODERS , Popalar wall-knawa atak. Thraa at tkeat aaw, aeer a aerated, aisa l&O. 2 SO aad 500 chirka. WiU maintain ' a naif arm ' seat at low aL Very .depe arable end no tremble ta operate. Will tell at a diaeoaat. Can be aeen at tkia cMice. Stataaaan Peklisk- inr Company. 27al4tt For Sale Livestock 39 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAK Offiee 420 S. Coauawreiai. Pkaaa II - Kea. Phone I66A. 0ai29tf Wood for Sale 43 DRY WOOD FOR SALE. OR 622. PHONE 254 : 43a10 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. aad lS-iaek. ..-Dry mill .wood. . Green mill wood. Dry second growtk fir. ' Dry 4-ft. nek, nnd oak. -FmED E. WBLL8 Prompt delivery and' reasonable prices. 280 South Church. Phooa 1542. 43fl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES. 43n21tf ie-INCH BLOCK WOOD. 8.75 PER load, 4 loada U.00. also dry fir nnd oak. any length. Che Christenaea. Phone 142. 43nlltf COMPLETE FUEL 8ERVICR TELEPHONE 1855 HTLLMAN FUEL COMPANY 43n21tf WOOD SAWING. PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. H1LLMAN FUEL CO. . 43n21tf WOOD. DRY, SAWED ANY LENGTH. HILL MAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 48n21tf COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAX FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 48n21tt - 1 18-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and aak. Phono 72F2. M. D May field. 43fl8tf SALEM FUEL TRANSFER. 752 Trade Street. Wood, Coal. BriqneU, Transfer and Moving. Phono 529. . 43n0tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 92.75 16 in. 2nd fir par load, 93.75; 16 Inek old fir par load, 9-25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2318. Tracy fuel Yard. 1067 D Street. 43n22tf GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAX FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 43J29U CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old boards. Fisher Broe. Fhoae 1819. ; 43jl8tf Poultry and Eggs 45 WHITE MINORCA HEN WITH CHICKS or eggs. J. S. iiiatt, Rt. 1, Phone 63F15. 4 5m 7 JERSEY GIANT PULLETS FOR BALE. 81.75 eaeh. Phone 2024 J. 45a20 BABY CHICK 8 THAT LIVE. MANY varietiea. Beginning April 8, custom hatching price much lower. ' plons 32F21. le's Hatchery. 4.1m28tt Miscellaneous 51 FURNITURE repairing. 8 torn. VVH O L8TKHHN O AND Giase-Pewera Furaiture 61s20tf GRACE'S MIRROR. SCALP TREAT ments and fscisls a specialty. -840 Union. Phone 1882. 6Iml7 Personal 55 HIZZ TREATMENT . V FOR APPENDICITIS - "It-Is-Wonderful." Free information Address Hiss Cbx, Portland, Oregon. 55016-1923 Money to Loan 57, FEDERAL FARM XOAN8 S4. F. L. Wood. 841 8uto.8L . 57m7tf I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN TO ASSIST yoa in buying or baildiag a noma or business property in -Salem, or to ' re fund your present mortgage. No stork to bay. ' Chss. Hadkias, over MjUera Wanted Loans t- 59 WANTED 91200.00 PRIVATE MONE at 7 oa close in aereage. Guilt Edge security. . - -- OASKILL at EARLE. Realtors. 166 8. Liberty St. Phone 2242 59al6tf WANTED Maney to loan oa gawd real aetata se curity. . W. H. GRABEXHOR8T A COv Realtors. ' v 134 South Liberty S. ' Pkobe 51"5 . BwnilStt 'WANTEP' ,x , ; .soo; :. . Private Money on Good " "J - . First Mortgage. Bulgin & Bulgiti Business Opportunities ,61 STORK FOR SALE SMALL OROCEBY and confectionery. Good location, living rooms, long lease. Cheap rant. Lane Morley. Phone 1913-W. 61s22 APT. HOUSE ALL FtTRX ISH EO AND . A rooming' house all furnished., both goW money makers, Seo Edwin G. Coppock. Gertrade J. M. Page.- 482 X. Cottage st, . . , ;i - , . tuaiatf INOOME PROPERTY WELL LOCATED, brings great dividends. See Clarence E. Bareness. Gertrude J. If. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. - -. - -6loltf Real Estate 63 HARDWOOD FLOORS rERMS--QE-ment basements -Double construction . Furnaces snd fireplaces. If yea want these things in real home of 4 to t rooms at a total coat of $8700 to 843O0. Ready Mr . ocean. lot in eluded SEE' US NOW. ' Becke Hen- dricka.189 X. High street. - 63al7tf six h " ' t 5O0D r AMAXCD AND : .. f j it HAZARD IS AH, AMERi CAM , AlovjO "TO HER WUSEAr4l ( 7 ! OT For Sale .I l ' - -V 1 Sv Y t SHALL GIVE W I A 1 sms.a aea- Saw aA.. a.av oS WE I I rvrc.trr, 1 I IH15 WCt-C urc I I Real Estate ' C3 . Own Your Home 1 8ROOM MODERN HOME. J 4 roem modern kerne new. Carl 869 8. 12 St. Phone 2O07-R. Owner R. K. Eaton. : - - ?- 63al7tf FOR SALE NEW -6-ROOM BUNGALOW large attie, doable eenatrnetien, - mod-, era except heat-, d Iota IT -fruit trees, 191 Haaemoet Ae, West Salsm. . r . ., .. SSanayS 80 FT. E. FRONT, SEW BUNOALOW. hard wood -floors, everything medem, pared street, 94OO0. . -4-room new bungalow, fireplace, N. front, gsoeo. : " 4-room honaa. .comer .lot, . paved atreet. $ 1800, 9250 down.' - Spanish atneco. beautifully finished, SftOoO, 11 pavement paid. Apt.' house, large corner, enough room for 3 kouses, $5800. Attractive corner on creek, koaaa haa ' 2 completely furnished flats, price f 5tMt0. Apt. house right down town, all fur nished $7500. Furnished 5-room. house, 121(H). close in. Most beaatifnl residence for sale in Salem ia located oa an attractive cor ner with many oak trees, tka newest architecture, the latest finisk in walla and wood work, it aaat be aeen to be appreciated. Large (-rounds 100 ft. frontage. 4 room house, all oak floors, not count ing entry hall, mnsie room, and break fast room, $11. OOO Creek properly witk modern home in very respect, $9400. Large stucco house in among oak trees. 912.000. Attractive lots and business location for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 4S3al3tf LOOK 2 good buya ia houses, 1 on 8. Lib erty and one on 8. High ; 200 acres of timber near Salem on paved road, a good boy for 970 per acre: 4-room plas tered bouse, snsp for 91000. 40 seres on paved road for $50 per acre. 2 lots with lots of fruit, a snap for 9500. Terms. THOMASOX 331 Vi State Street. 63al6tf OKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKO K K K BEST BUYS! K K 91000 down buys beaatifal K K went, garage, furnace. Price K V .-.Wirt V 1 K 8420O will bay one of 8a- K K lent 'a best new houses. Good K K location, modern. Worth tha K K -money asked. K K 93250 will buy a 5-room bouse K K in North Salem. Garage, base- K K neat. $50 rash, 950 a month, K K including Interest. WHY RENT f K K FOR GOOD VALUES 8EK K K Loans. W. O. GRUEGER. K K Insurance. Realtor, K K 147 X. Com 'I St. K K 6317 K OKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKO 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GARAGE, walnut and fruit trees. Located Bear Capitol. Miss Ferguson, phono 23. 63a7tf 25 OR 50 ACRES, 8 MILES OUT. paved road, best soil, buildings, ma chinery, cheap, . 1896 No. Front St. 63a21 FOR SALE OR TRADE 5-room new plastered bungalow, full, basement. Linoleum in bath and kitchen. Lace curtains in all rooms. 2 large bedrooms, front and back porch. Price 92900 9100 down, balance monthly. 1 fine acre. 4-room bouse. Logan berries, cherries, etc. On good street close to the Fair Grounds stores. - Will take other house. Good deal if taken soon. 65 acre all tinder cultivation. "Land lays ideal for farmiug. Only 1 Vg mile from good small town and 4 mile from Highway, frice. if taken quick, 85500. house, barn. etc. I want good corner lot close in for a fine farm close to Sslem. Prefer 2 lots, 100x150.' Can give yon a good deal.- Speak ap soon if yon have any thing srooa. 80 acre close to ; Spokane. Trade for city property in Salem or some good town near here. Price right. Clear of inenmberanee. I make farm and city loana. Call ia and ae me. v G. W. LAFLAR. . 410 Oregon: Bldg. : ' . 63a 18 STORE AXD SHOE SHOP BUILDING oa corner, 'living "rooms in addition. 92250. Will take lot or car part pay ment. 4 room new - bouse, basement sonth ' 92600. Strictly modern new, bouse, east' - nirnaca, -fireplace, oak floors, excellent construction. 94200 Modern homo Oaks .Addition, stucco, some very nnnaual features, corner lot. 04k tree, - -WINNIE' PETTYJOHN. Realtor 216 Oregon BldgVv - V ' 63a4-tf 72 ACRES' IX WALDO n ILLS OX paved ; road. . 6- miles out of Sslem No baildiacc - : All in croo . looking good. Possession. ,tn SO days. Price 8S5.0Q' per acre, good - terms on bat ance, .'" . 25 ACRES Silvertoo' road district abeut 6 miles out. 5-room house, bars-and sheds. Xew chicken house, 8 , acres in cultivation. 6 acres timber, bal ance pasture. A good buy for 94000.00, naif rash. 3 ACRES of view property, small build ings, close in and only 91500.00, terma. VICTOR SCHXEIDEBv Realtor. 14 Xo- ComH St. - i Phone 57?. V,- JJ Vv . . JaSnjldtf LARGE BUSINESS ( W-SUITABLE wholesalai and rctaU. Trackage, pav ing, etc. 812.00O,, Becke Hendricks, ltt9 X. igh -street - O.lal'tf GREATEST THAlJlXG ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 30OO1 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, .every JocatMn. We can match your - exchange- EXACTLY. If yon woald -like to trade vour property TODAY, come in TODAY. See OASKILL A EARLE, Realtor. Successors to Parker Realty Co. 166. 8. Liberty. Phone 2242. . BACK TO THE BACK BOXE OF ALL WEALTH 239 ' acres, 125 cleared, . 200 acrea ir rigebie, family orchard, 5-roow bouse, new barn 64x100 reet,. garage, shop, milk bouse,' a real gold mine, 9130 per acre, cash, suit. 180 acres. 120 cleared, well riled. 8 rocm bouse. Urge barn, woven , wire fenced, ran n is g - Water,' a first class ranch, 4 miles from .lit. Angel, $24,000 9 10, 000 rash, balance to suit. . 7 -room strictly voders Dutch Colon ial home, 998 North Capitoi atreet. , 5 rooms, sleeping porch, modern, ga rs re. ISO North iirL . ; 5 rooms modern close x ia, 92650 terms. ; - - 2 rooms: , garage, 9750, 9150 cash, balance 915 and interest -monthly. SOCOLOFSKY. 34 L -State. - -ilv . r- -. . 63al7tf rREt DOM AS ZOON AS REACH;HOME C. let me: STAy ey VOUR SIDE , My SHEIX, AHX? TOGETHER. WE' ROAM TH ALLAH " - a-) r , - taV -' L, t 111 k , v. 1 Real Estate 63 FOR SALE 12 -ROOM DUPLEX. HOUSE Call 5 Center St. . 3a2 IO ACRES. PRUNE ORCHARD IN 8CX l act Fmit tracts. 91600. . E. FISHER, SMALL BUTCHER. SHOP FOR RALE i tieed paying business. Owner must -.leave soon., Bocr3113 tera-.Stateaman. - S3a20 COOL IN SUMMER WARM IN v IN ter. S-room tiie stucco, strictly modern, - paving, content walks, near car, lot r i3200. "Owner says, SELL, so DOWN GOEStua price to 935O0.V Yon can't replace the house alone for that . price.. 9350 will handle. WHO HAS an ncre with shade, fruit aad .small hona ta sell? ' TRIANGLE REALTY " COMPANY, 218 X. Liberty St. 3a tt TWO LOTS- 8500. SOUTH LARGE lota with trees and view. Reck A Hendricks, 18S N. High street. 3al7tf LOVELY 4-ROOM BUNGALOW ; Living room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms, ce : meat basement. - furrnnre,- hardwitod floor, paved street and side walk in and paid for. "buirt ins, garage aad nice large lot. Owner leaving city aad will sacrifice this lovely 'buagslow for 92900. Only 250 down and the bal ance easier than rent. BUS8ELLE A ASPIXWALI. 222 X. Commercial St. Phone SS. 63al7 WHAT 8600 WILL DO WILL BUY eqoity in 6-room plastered honse on paving and bus. Income 92 16-per yesr, less 998, (taxes and Interest) still leav ing 9118 earnings on your 960U "ALMOST 20. About fall, when people are hunting houses yon can sell at $400 or gaOO profit. Speaking of BARGAINS See TRIANGLE REALTY CO 218 X. Liberty. 3al4tf 6 ROOM MODERN. FULL BASEMENT, furnace, 95500, terms. 8-room house, 1 Va acres, garage. . on paved streets. 42rf. , 8ALEM REALTY CO. 462 State St. 63al7tf FOR SALE FIXE LOT. CLOSE IX, paved street, bearing fruit trees. 91250. ' Strictly modern new house, close to estate souse, aiuuu; 7 room bungalow paved street. East Salem. a.iOOO; Apartment honse showing good income sauoo: too acre farm, o miles out. part river, bottom, good buildings, good roaa, a too per acre; 700 acre stock ranchi 60 acrea bottom land, 100 un der plow, good buildings, close to Pa cific highway, 930 per acre. P. L. I Wood 341 State Street. 63a4tf BE8T BL'VB IX MODERN HOMES All are strictly modern. Priced to sell quick, with terms. Can't be beat for location. 9750O State Street. 7 rooms. 9250 Brand new stucco, English type. 6 rooms, H. Salem. 96000 Several good ones 5 to 7 -room. 94250 Xew 5-room near Parrish school. 93750 Xew stucco 4 rooms, Nook, fire place, furnace. X. Capitol. 92350 New aad nifty 4-room at 210 S. 23rd, owner away. Muat be sold. 92100 Best buy you ever saw for the money. Payment down, balance 920 month. , GARAGE HOUSE 9100O Terms. Double constructed. Hst lichif.. city water. chimney. Large lot, east front. Paved street and walks. Fruit. Ideal location on 16th juat north 01 - D St. Owner non-resident. Must teU quick. For Real Real Estate Bargains, See CHILDS A BECHTEL Masonic Temple. Phone 1727. 64al5tf 9200 DOWX BALANCE LIKE RENT Price rut Broadway. to 92450. See at 1703 Becke A Hendricks, 1K9 X. High atreet SPECIAL Xew 5-room bungalow, plastered, lino leum in kitchen, full basement. 829UO, 8100 will hsndle. Xew 4-room bungalow, basement. furnace, lanndry trays, fireplsce, hard wood floor in living room 93150, terms. Modern up to dste 7 -room bungalow close in. paved streets, fine location. 95OO0 : 9750 will handle. Good lot on, X. Cottage, 425. 910 ' cash and SlO-a montk. -; . UELVIX JOHXSOX t 109 S. Ckxamercial St. Phone 559. ' . 3al4tf .OWXErC MUST HAVE CASH The owner of a seven -room modern FairmonnMUU home valued: at 96500.UC must have . cash and will "sell 852IU3.00- it taen .. immediately and 92.OO0.OO easb.paid. . s A, -C. BOHRXSTEDT 147 Xo. Conv'l. St., Salem. Ore. : . 63al0t1 j. ReartoteFarms?67 5 ACRES i : OX PAVING MODERN bnintv r Enu-cd "at 95000 gash to sell NOW. Another of 4 acres, terms ai SsawO. -Both close to Salem. Becke A Hendricks. 189 X. Hieh stret. - --. 67al7tf 100-ACK.K FARM 20 TX CULTIVATION, lota wood timber; 82500, want resi dence. ' 82-acre farm, all in berries aad fmit. new bldgs., near town, fitte team, cows, fowls, tools: $950O. want residence. 5 acres bearing cherry orchard, near Salem. $2100. terms. 97-acre farm near town. 70 In eatti vation: fruit, large house and barn. timber, creek, wells near school, quick ssle. $73pO,easy terms, take residea nroDertv. Money to Joan 9800. 9900. 910O0. Xice level. 50-acre farm all in culti vation, bldgs fruit, stock, tooU, crops. sacrifice.-ouwk sale, on easy terms.' If you want to buy, sell or exchange. See PEKRIXE A MARSTEKS, 212 Com. Crab Bldg. 67altf 20-ACRE FRUIT FARM $8000. BL'ILD- ings. dryer, etc. All bearing. Becke A- Hendricks, 189 X. High street. 67al7tt LAXD BARGAIN 1 FROM 50 TO . 125 .1a.A . . 1.. uw SI 4 to l.fll". V.l.d ! creek and springs. 2000 cords fnel timber. Price vei-y reasonable. $1500 cask. Will take wood for a part.V e miles from Salem. Might take some trade. John H. Scott. 305 Oregon "" 67al8 64-ACRE FARM BARGAIN WELL LO CATED ONLY XV MILES FROM HIGH SCHOOL AXD TOWX. 6-room f honse. hard, -plenty of room for feed with stanchions for 8 eows, poultry bouse, hos- house, pasture wits i ning water for stock, all kinds bearing fmit. 4 acres bearing prune orchard. all in good ronilitioa. 40 acres Tarmea. 24 acrea - pasture. 10 acres valuable timber. Can take in good Salem City residence as part pay on this farm, terma en balance, nrice 86400. See WE1A.S TALLMAN A SOX for the best bargains in farm and city prep . ertiea for ale aad exebange. they have a very extensive list for sale ana ex - change. 'See ns at 216 MASONIC TEMPLE.- -PHONE 618. Public Steno- grapher in office. 67al. THAHK VtAJ, LtONELr- flU wait for. uo-o fron VOVJ AT TUNIS -AMD THEM SHEtK EL HATAfBD AKD T VJILL GET HARRIED ! 4. , LATER . AfEARSTVIE : t3Ht7RS,Or -QLDEAvSlAND V V .:. F. Real Estate Farms 67 1 DAIRY AND STOCK FARM.-200 ACRES for 92U.OOO. Eqaipoed. . CASH. Paved to Salens. Beck A Hendricks, 189 13:. High street. s fi'altf WE HAVE A FARM OF 100 ACRkiS -. oat a few miles from Salem with -a 5-room honse, n barn' 40x50, row barn and machine nbed, SO acres tillable, 40 acres timber pasture, on gravel road aad near school aad the farm machin ery aad stock goes with it. The price is 97000 mortgage 92500 at 5H and the owner will take a honse ia Salem in exchange. 4 We ' have atao 25 Improved acres worth f5000 to trade for Salem resi dence. We have 5 mighty . fine acres ' in Strawberries aad togaa berries with a , good house and barn for 92SOO. McGILCHRlST A PEXXIXGTOX I 209 C. S. Bsnk. Bldg. Phone 40; . " 67al6t( FARMS FARM8 FARMS I New in the right time to buy a -vfarm. large or small. 165 acres, stock, crop and implements. Only $ lOO per sere. Fine 70-acre fsrm, hslf in crop, fair buildings. Some timber. Real . snap. Fine and well improved 10-eere Fm it land district for 94500. ' A dandy well impioved 2 3 4 acre tract. Paved road. Sightly place for 92000. For Real Farm Bargaina ! See CHILDS A BECHTEL. J Masonic .Temple. Phone 1727. 67alStf Real Estate Suburban 69 BEAUTIFUL 3-ACRE SUBURBAN home. North of town. Xew 6-room hnngalow, fnll cement basement, dutch kitcben. electric Kchto. A strictly mod ern home. Can be bought on terms. See OASKILL EARLE FOR PROPERTY 1 166 8. Liberty St. , Phone 2242. 69a 17 MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE AX ESTATE 18 1-aera lots, ploted ready ta baitd on' eaeh tract. . Paved highway, close to City limits ana ear una. only 4oo per acre. Best opportunity for f i vestment around Salem. Contractors and builders yen had better look: at tbia. For bargains and exchanges; in northing sea Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. om:itt Automobiles Wanted 77 CASH PAII FOR FORDS EIKER 77n02tf atn Co Used Cars for Sale 79 FOR SALE A FORD TRUCK WITH license, juat right for loading wood and berries. John H. Scott, 305 Oregon Bldg. 9eia CHEVROLET OOACH i 1925 model, many extras, spare tire, rnns like new. 1922 Chevrolet Touring, completely overhsuled. 1921 Ford Touring, overhauled. XEWTOX CHEVROLET CO. 79al7tf We Have a Very Select Stock of Both Owen and Closed Good used cars. We lUt here a few for yonr approval. Baick Touring 92.0.OO Ford Coupe 200.00 Olds Coupe g.WI.OO Essex Coach 8750.00 Hudson Coach 8950.00 Chandler Touring 8 1000.00 Maxwell Touring $350.00 Earl Touring $50.00 Auburn Touring $550.00 We also have Ford and Chevroiets at 950.00 and up. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 X. Commercial S. Phone 12f.O. CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX 79al"tf Reliable Used Cars We have a complete stock r of good standard makes at- all times. If will pay yoa to, look them over before .yon -nuy,. . - - " a iFi-ed M; Powell. 1 - Motor Cars i 850 N. High. Telephone 2f28. 79m9U Eiker's Guaranteed Used For4s 1925 Touring T9Z4 Gonpe 9335 . $335 $345 ..9345 325 $455 Ford Sedan 1925 Roadster . 1925 Tour lag u. 1925 UQUpe. Stock complete. 64 other cars; to choose, from. Some as low as $45.00 KHCBK, AUTO CO. Llbertv Street at Ferry. Phone 121 79m23tf Fords Fords Be Safe Buy Before the Best - Ones Are Gone ' Get. yohr used Ford from aa authorized Ford Dealer. He is best equipped to take care of your requirements. ;Our nsed -cars please the most psrticiular buyers and they are priced very ilow Sea these. : Dec. 192 3; Touring. 850 worth of1 extras - 9290 Nov. 1923 Tourinc. new paint $'J 1924 Coudc. excellent condition $365 19-iO Sedan - 8145 1922 Truck, stake body and cab 92G5 Overland Sedan, driven less than : 70O0 miles , 9400 Several delivery bodies for Ford i chassis 920 ap Valley Motor Co. j Salem.' Oregon. ' 79al6tf THE-1 PUBLIC '-KNOWS VALUES OUR NUMEROUS USED . CISR SALES IXDICATE THAT THE MAC DOXALD AUTO COMPAXY II A S,- -REAI. VALUES .A choice aeleetioa of Sedans. Coupes, sad Tourings or aranoard makes, lit would be impossible to find a better selection - of -nsed csra, at the unusiial prices we offer.- ' COXVEXTEXT AXD LIBERAL' TERMS TO OUR CUSTOM ER8.f MAC DOXALD AUTO, CO j. . Open evenings and Sundays. I Cotta'ga- Ferry Sis. " Phone 409. . Marmon Willys-Knight Overland 79at7tf gjMD NOeJ ' CARAVAN ti VM1TH THE ; MSCQNSOLAlfe. r ' . . :.l . . .. ' ... . . -.- ..j.1. .. I Afpy TS - My pttJM FAULTTHAT j r?lMAt TEfSODE - I '2 S AOFTHIS-AMAKA : W -QiVP SERiM. wax be viowf A t , - - I - CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of Reliable $uslneM and Profesatonal Firms Airangvtl la I AJpbabetlcal Order for Quick Reference AUCTIONEERS I f. n. woodrt Sm' Leading Expert Livestock, Tnr aitns and i Real Estate Aacuoner and Appraiser.. 1 s Kes. aad Store. 1610 X. Summer Street. Phone 511 For Sake unto Eatahliaked Since 116. a6tf 1 1 ACCOOTTAJIT G. EIX ROSS, ACCOUXTANT AND Aud itor, 831 to Btata. - rnone !. : j - - al7-28 BATTERY AM EXBOTRICIAXB M D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIE8, starter aad gaaaratar worn. 41 a sws CommaremJ. VtiUcJ) Pkoaa 198 COURT 8T. WILLIAMS XIOTCLBS AND SXPAIRIWO LLOYD E. j RAMSDEM -COLUMBIA Bl eyclea and repairing. 887 Court. CHTXESB REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company .B. kxown diseaaau 420-426 State. ' , s30tf i j CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT, P8C. CHIROPRACTOR 256 XJ High. Phone 828-B r 97. H. B. SCOFIELD. tr. S2 Oreron Bldg; Phoae 2194. mfttf DBESSMAKINO MRS. C. E MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stampingj buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phono. II 7. ELECTRICIANS FLEENER I ELECTRIC CO. - HOUSE wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phoae 980 171 Cowrt St FARM PAPFB IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T farm naber send ise 'a tna raciiie Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three months' j trial subscription. Mention this ad. POIII.TRVMEN 8EXD EIGHT TWO cent atsanna for sneciai tareo montaa trial fori the best and oldest Journal in tha west. The srticles and adver tisementa are of special interest to tha poultry breedera of tha Northwest .Northwest Poultry journal, zu vom merrial street. Salem. Oregon. FOfAMCXAX. INSURANCE MOXEV TO LOAN ON SA lem bonsea. business blocks ana apart ment bosses. Schneider-Bell Co.. 147 North Commercial St. Room d. Phone 577. m26tt FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOXD Mort- CnlH. ittusi unas, vonirscw - houses Will net 6 he 30 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg 189 X. High St, Jltf FARM LOANS PLE-TIT OF MONEY ta loan en good fsrm security. CITY IJOANS We sre loaning Pm dentist Insurance Company money oa city residences and business property, at 54. plus. a . commission. Uawkina A Roberta. InC. 205 Oregon Building d-14tf FLORISTS PERNS, CHOICE ROSES.-GLADIOLUS, nsisnm l anruDa. weemnn mren. ins. etc. . Bemnott Xursory Co. Fairground Road Tel. 1280. tl5-'l6 i - - - OUT FLOWERS, -WEDDING BOUQUETS rbnerat wreatns, dCHrationa. i!,.r, Br'aRh'aupt. ,'f totUt ml X. fLiberty Phone S8w..r- r Insure ... -- - Yean home er car' mrwr ' . - i Phone 16i f 4 BECKE EXDRICK8' Heilig flldg.. ISO; X. .Higk St. "Jt tf XATJXDBiCB81 SALEM LAUNDRY ,CQtPAXY 262 8. est and Iiest. T.ataWvjtifd IB89. TttV THr HOM K -WET-WASH LAUN dry. Phone lit, 13etf;t tita-ee, -Jiiu CAPITAL iCITY LAUNDRY Phone 163 Service with a smile. .Uaahty work 1264 Broadwax. , J14tf LADIES' TAILORIXG D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 onrt St. ,i" aCATTKXSSES MATTRESSES REXOVATED ' BY THE Canitol City Bedding -Co.. 1 190 North CapitoLi-Called for and-delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. fl9t( MXDIOAXi MOUXTA3X .BALM COUGH REMEDY Phono 517-W. 1 mrsiq stores : GEO. 0. j WILL P1AKOS. PUOXO graphs, ! sew tug machines, wheel mnsie and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs had Bowing machines. 442 State street, 8" lem. -- - . , .-. . XEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Ace. TeL 939. TliE OREGON "STATESMAN, SO CENTS per-moath delivered : to year home early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583. i NTJRSERT STOCK FRUIT, K-UT..AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Bros.. 178 8. Cowimereia facxxko axd sBirraro FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and ahlpping, call . tiff 'S Faraitara Phone 141.' . PAPEXHAXGIXG AMD PAIMTrxa i PHONE GI-ENX ADAMS' FOR noUSS doeoratsBg, paper haugrpg. tinting, atat. By Ed.Wheelaii BSIUPH SSTIBIS, S I -V'"- ' I I tea. V " . 'IP'?'' f I PIAJTO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Mnsie Store. rsixTiso FOR STATIOXERY. CARDS. PAMPH Jeta, programa, hooka or aay kind of printing. . Call at the Statesskan Priat ag Department, 215 S.- UsmmerciL Tel. S83. PLUMBING PLUMBINO AND GENERAL REPAIK work. G ruber Broa 154 8. Mbettv. Pboae 6&0, . f it RADIO 8PUTDORF RADIO, SALES AND .SERVICE v High aad Trade l Radiolas 7 For Every Pmrpoaa Every Parse All Standard Siaea - of Radio Tsbea HALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC' 8HOP 837 Court St. Phone 488 REAL STATS IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO BELL u if. yea are looking lor a noma, 4arm, 4S Mai Bess property, ace as. BECKE HENDRICKS " 18 K. Hirh St.. Heilig Bldg. j8tt REAL hasris orrsRS XFW. MODERN. 6 rooms end large sleep ing porch; halt block south Parrish school ; fall basement ; fireplace ; wall bmu; 9moO; terms. .- XEAT 5-ROOM COTTAGE X; Summer and Jefferson. bath, garage, lot 6ox?3: house practically new; bargain al $2800; terms. HARRIS, Maaonic Bldg. TeL 798, 1942J. , .- all SCAVEXaEES CITY GARBAGE CO. OFFICE PHOXg 85. 157 S. Commercial. Kea.- fbons 2290. . . - . - -- FOR GOOD SCAVENGES) SERVICE Cah 167. Salem Scavenger, Cummins aaa Trotler, aJt SECOXD BAVD GOODS WAXTED . EVERYTHING IS CLOTH lag and shoes. Bast prices paid. Caps f si Exebange. 842 North Uomssreiaf Phone 1368-W. . r - tsakbtxr ajx laiuLnro - TRAXSFER AXD HAULING OF kinds. Phono lrs. WE MOVE STORE AND SHIP HOU8S- hold goods. Our specialty is piano ass furniture movuig. Wa also make eoaai try trips. Wa handle tha best eosl aid wood. Call a us for prices. We gtat good measure, good qnslity aad god service.. Larasr Trsasfsr Ca. Phaae 94 4 CAPITAL CITY TRAX8FER CO. 2'4" State 8L Phone 933. Distnbutiag, fog warding gad atorage ear apaeialty. OA onr rates. . 1 11 A wlz. paxxrnia ' R. A. West. Rt. . Box 103-K. Pb t3 110F3. 8 mites- est t en nsreen vos ie-s- 1ISSJ . J. V. 8 A LEU .WATErtlir-raT ft'Pt.W ER Hi 0iTV 34 it ,oonirf i 1 " Ht, . ,-1 8 , peK'oeirt.iaoouat- on-.e uiSktie .is4 rtobpaMriA-adaee.r-e-dydeViB fqr Absamea' pr1? asws. A Bjesg ,wtes tv bt;-oavto Irecaie;-:. i , I fia!f ary,v Swnry,- aad -ComifoHably;-id. wuaes to Pgrks, Stag -Liaee. Stages thaee VrT- A .- -, ' v ' SI ijrartonr-rJ m il: W.."-. f. aa. Mt - An I - lit , mr'vSii ' DsJJa7ve.:sh ;,, al I.a. wt,, FaMa vCHy-ri-1 ,f -W-i am, 1 DiepwaeDea-JT .a:rsu;?'F ssi- ; 7jI sv SBrl'-A-sffft-.n'.' sa.'w-. ' fwejiJVsUeVJ uivi.a. 3f pw;..&ti a. si Sunday only Tf 3r.?fr,' ' 'J . i MenmoutU 1 i . . f fit : a. m W SirO sr sb Sl(V-.-m fiundav waiy. H t MCMingviUa--ijg S.-BH 1:10 p. Stl , . fiJS p.-vst. ' - i f'- -i e Newbrt--S; idtJlO p. ta . 5tl5 p.'. aa. is '.."' THIamook :80- m.," t tlO p. a. Call 2 22 or - 606 -for , IstormatVaa.' ' Ho-was n' :stoat man1 and his, feet were-big In proportion.. He wore stdut boots,. too. with -broad . " square,, senslbry-apedutoes: and when,' he csm.e frjlo "the-boot shopj, to buy snother, pair, found ha had. some " 'dUfieafty ;t ln-getting what'he, wantedXVi ' ,Cif.-. i i . A aozentwo oe-en..t.Ttree aocen ; nuirs were ' brought : and 'shown him. M.yWi , -No, . no! 'Sfia are :. toes-s mutt ' have square 'toes he'tftsisted; . r "But. sir. this year's- style edict says everyone must .wear ' pointed , hoea"vLv.';- ''it-'Z' ' 'Sorry," the ostomer retorted. . "but I'm still wearing "me last Nsdlceof. tho-Imprfrre.nrent of Cot . ta'ge i iiiwrr:;ltwren' WUber Street and llgwarir Street - - . . - Notice is hereby -given that the : Comraoa Couf-citJof ,tbe City of Salem, Oregon. -eems-it necessary 4 and expedient . aJSifmereby -decfarea It8purpose.'aid."intent1onto 1m-, prove i Cottage atreetj rfrom tne north 41ne ef Wilberslreet to the south line of Howard 'tteet at tbe expense of the;'apitting.'aod adja cent?, property. V"-iecept th street nd alley Intertertton"tJie expense) of "jwhlchVwill he-asgArraed by the CUy.'of Salenf, Vf .hrtpflng said portkn'otraltttreetHo the concrete"ujrbs;. and paving; saldT, portion ftiaW' .itreet t wlth six loch cement-ioncj'ete pavement in ACjffrJtdabca wlth ,thjlns and spwclflcatlona-tberefor irfslch were adopted by ibe Common Cquncil. April 6th,? i9? BOW On- file in the offieeVof the! Hta , Recorder, and whldt afe hereby n14 ' 10 and made a part.hpxf ajt-. t ' :: ' The Common Cqanctl hereby de clares Its pnrfcqse inakre the alioTe described Im provement - byand-through the street Improvement department.ot tbe Cttr f t?a!ei, Oreoa.. f -JEty.' 'ordCF of tbe Common Coun cil this 5th day of April; 1326. ' C rOf5JLS,N. City Iiecordon , Date Ml' firfct pullicatlon hereof Is April 14.192 pate of final r atlon hereof Is Aprjl -25,'192j3, , - i ' p'L14 to t It In srnl I draw It OUl! . . I 1 - V