fc -AAA. W A ft A J I By AUDRED BUNCH Flume 108 - .V Guest Meeting ' a Club Today A special feature of the gaest day meeting of the American Aa- toltatloit bf Wniversity Women this afternoon at the" Elk clan will, be the reading of the play. . "The Youngest written by Philip Barry; author of "Ypu and 1 - Mrs. Frank Towslee of Portland will gjhre the play hi her charming manier . i ' v The business meeting will take p)kcet 1 o'clock, with the luneh- eon -Xol I owin g at 1 : 3 0. American Legion Auxiliary;: to Attend Initiation . ? : Ceremonies !.V " Salem memberfeof (He American Legtolf 'jkftxltiiurfJ IM. W' hostesses af the AnieriaCegion initiation Monday evening, at the armory, as ; well as guesta,. for members from Portland, Pallas and Silver ton 1 hare all been,. invited for .the oc casion. All Salem women eligible , for membership in the auxiliary are' invited to be guests at Mon- ... dax'a ''open meeting. Auxiliary members are particu larfy reminded of the important bwrinewa -meeting which will "take place In McOornack -hall promptly at 8 , o'clock. ' Following the busi ness" session the group will' go in a body to. the armory. &dJ)rby-Levis lUedding - Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby and her mother, Mrs. Junk," "spent yes terday In Portland where they were In attendance in the late af ter Boon at the wedding of Miss La Verne' Levis and Mr. Herbert DaT by. The ceremony took place at 944 East Twenty-ninth street. Benefit Dance The Royal Neighbors of America ajid....tbe Modern .Woodman will sponsor a benefit dance on Monday evening, April 19, at the Frater nal halL . Dance at St. Joseph's The Ilarmonie club will sponsor a musical entertainment and dance at 8:30 o'clock this evening at the new'St; i Joseph's " auditorium. Members and their friends are In vited.1 Drv- R. W.' Hans Seitz Is in charge of the musical part of the program. The recently organized Ilarmonie. orchestra' will furnish the muefci ' - r , v-j5oCiai Calendar t j : American. Association ' of Uhl- vrsity Women Elk's 'club. Guest day. Business meeting at i o'clock. r Regular- meeting of -Rainbow clufcr ' ' l ";. . t ! .. -Z-T "'-" Jlonday f Lawrence Stf afs;fettQr, , First Methodist church, 8:16 o'clock ; American-Legion, auxiliary. Mfr CJqrnack $all, ? o'clock. " i Auspices Civic Music "dab. tTftK 'get-together. St. Paul's parisn. pinner at s : 3 o o clock ' ' '' Wednesday Central circle,, Jason Lee. Ladies' Aid "society. Mrs. P. L. Frazier, 195-N. Capitol street, hostess. fBoSsS.. amir tat Ilie tonic and laxative effect of - Laxative , BROMO 'QUININE Tablets will for tifythe system affainstGrip, .InfLoenza and other serious XLU'&soMSng'tranL CoM. tTh box bean thia cifnatore ?. f., : Price 80c. . it it1-. 4 . in - Beclce & HcndncLa Insurance of All Kinds. TeL 161 " " ' ; HeUfjr Tlieater Lobby lS3f Kortk I IdW K' . " : '1 ,71 FoMn7 - v -. . .... , Club -Meets ! "f Mrs. L.' McDonald ,waa hos4 tess at her home on Nortb,Capitol street for members of the Young Mothers' club on Tuesday 4 after noon. Following the business meeting, " music and , sewing were the, diversions. The rooms were decorated for the occasion with lilat-s and Jria. Special guests; for the1 lasting hrere .Mrs. Lucille Huft and Mrs.. Lucille 1 Hunt. In t fee club group; were Mrs. J. H. Klinser , Mrs. Floyd - Bacon, Mrs. Jam 63 Moorman,- Mrs. " -T"..' A. Mc- Leod, Mrs. O. Pk - Wenger,- Mrs. J; Nixon, Mrs. Kv Smith , and Mrs. O. li. McDonalds k .-- " " -" j ; '. f To Spend-Week-end iri Portland - Miss Mlpatf Palmerton will be among those from Salem in at lendaho at ,No. No, Nanette," at the Portland Heilig theater this t en in sr. Miss Palmerton plans to be in Portland over the week-end. Goulets Motor to Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. Homer poulet and their son, ilfdmer Jr., motored to Corvallis on Wednesday -evening where 'Master "OoHlet broadcast s successful, group of piano numbers from the college station, KOAC. Mrs. O'Neil to be Guest in Portland 1 . r Quite the 'most novel entertain ment Portlanders have attended in years will be the informal race meat -and tea for. which Mr. and Mrs. Walter mith will entertain at their home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Smith ia the owner of a string of -racing horses, many of whom he expects to enter in the races In Winnipeg nejit. month, , andlhe races Sunday1 afternoon will try out these mounts. The Portland Hunt club expects to enter four horses, and four pOn ies are also expceted to compete from Vancouver , barracks. About 100 guests have been 'invited for the occasion, which also .will hon or, the wedding . anniversary of Mrs. Smith's niece, Mrs. Edward A. O'Neil of Salem, who will ar rive tomorrow to take part in the event. Jason Lee Circle to Meet ' The Contral circle of the Jason Lee Methodist Ladies' Aid Society will meet 1 for " a 'social " afternoon next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. P. L. Frazier, 795 it. Capitol street. " I Stevens-Barilett Nuptials The marriage of Miss Ella Stev ens and" Mk. Willard S, Bartlett was Impressively 'solemnized at high noon" featurtay.,:" April "the tenth at Oakjand Fieiai, the new Tiome of the yeuttg conple." . Only the most .- Immediate friends of , the young- couple wit nessed the ceremony. There were no attendants. The wedding , was. solemnized In the living room of the, new home before a bank of' white iris, white lilacs, and. bridal wreath. . The bride's .gown was a lovely creation of .peach-tinted . satin crepe. II er bouquet was an at tvact Is e Shower f , bride's roses and;pink "staeH peas. The single Ting service was used. ; Awed ding breakfast was served following the ceremony. Miss VIo lft Judy, Miss Joy HUls, and Miss Janice Fawk assisted in the serv ing. Tulips, in the most exanisite shades of pink, decked the dining room and centered the breakfast table where a -delicious menu was served. The .bride cut the two tiered angel-food wedding cake With Its elaborate decorative icing. Miss Volet Judy caught , the bride's bouquekl -r J- , .Among the attractive gifts re ceived was a radio -from a brother M Ihe groom. Dr. E." L. Dunn'ef Chicago, "TerJ which appropriate' wedding- musid, including "At Dawning,4 and' "Just a-Wearyihg for YouT was heard. r t After a motor trip to JPortland, Mr. and Mm. Bartlett. will be at home ta their 4 many friends at Oakland Fields. ; " Needlecraft Club Meets . Mrs. ,A. J. , Base j. entertained members of the Needlecraft clnb at' her home C91 t N.' Capitol street, on Tuesday afternoon. Fol lowing an . afternoon of, needlework.- refreshment were "nerved at 4:30 o'clock. At the next meet ing --pf, the club, on April 27 Mrs. L. XX rotherton will entertain at her home, 670 N Winter street.' The' members in the group on Tuesday included! Mrs. .K. K. Gil liam, Mrs.- tM.' tJ.; Moyer, . Mrs. George Martin, Mrs, T; W. LaBare, Mrs Ruth' Denison, ..Mrs. U C jBrothertoo; Mrs2 ;-P " QT-, Stearns and., Mrs,'!!. Bechtel,, . - ' . , ; -j Glee Club to. Gits', V i vf 1 t Sacred Concert ' : : f "!:"' : . 'The Pacific . 'prnrversUy - Men's Glee club will give a" sacred con cert at 7:30 o'clock tombrrow evening at the First Congregation al church. .The club has' recently returned from a -successful tonr ' Into Idaho and Eastern Oregon". 6 AC Club Will Give Scholarship At the April meeting of the Sa lem AC club' en Thursday eve ning at , the. Woman's clnb house the group voted to give k scholar ship to alhigh school senior who intends to go to OAa The "stu dent will be selected on the basis of scholarship; school activities, and personality. Following "ithe business meeting, ' six tables of bridge were in play. The committee for the evening included: Miss Amelia Babcock, Col. and Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Breyman, Mar jorie Black, -and Albert Bayne. TfllBUTE IS PAID TO HUTU MATTHES Victim of Accident Laid to Rest Following Beauti ful Sejvioe QUINABY, Or., April 15. Ser. vices for Rath Matthes, the six year, old child of Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Matthes, were held at 2:30 Wednesday at the Webb chapel at Salem and were attended by a large number of people. The tragic death of the -little girl Fri day evening at which time her mother received severe injuries in an accident at the Quinaby crossing of the Oregon Electric, aroused the sympathy of the en tire country, letters and telegrams from remote - places are- finding their way to- the stricken family, while the floral offerings were so numerous that a special car was required to carry them. The Rev. G. L. Lovell, presid ing elder of the Evangelical church, preached the sermon, and Miss Naomi Phelps sang two songs. The little white casket was borne to the grave by four beautiful young girls, Ethel Har ris, Edith, Larsen, Thelma Blan- ton and Fay Penney. The Per kins school was dismissed for the day in respect to the child's mem ory. . Interment waav made at Hayes ville cemetery,' beside the little girl's grandfather,-the late George Si MeMnnn.: - ' . Only Students in . Upper Jhree-Qua'rters of Class to Be Admitted . UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, April 16. (Special.) As a further step in raislnr the scholastic standards of the Uni versity of Oregon, the faculty has just passed a ruling that hereaf ter only the upper three-quarters of the classes of the various high schools will be admitted, with full student standing. High school graduates whose grades hate placed them in the lowest Quarter of their class will be Accepted where other require ments are 'filled," hut only as stud ents on probation. To avoid pos sible ton fairness to smaller high schools a special exception was made "of those, graduating classes of less than 15,- In which cases the university will examine separ ately into the individual records. Notice the Improvement of Haael A Venne Between Loctost Street aiid South Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby, declares its purpose and intention to im prove Hazel avenue from the south line ol-Locust street to the north line of South street at the expense of the abutting and adjacent prop erty, except the street and alley Intersections the expense of whieh will , be assumed by - the City i bf Salem, by-bringing said portion bt said street to 1 the ' (established grade, constructing cement con crete -curbs, and paving said' por tion of said street with Six-inch bemfent concrete -pavement in' ac cordanejb With -the plans pi- speci fications now on file in .the office of the city recorder, and which are hereby, referred -to and madea part hereof. . f.. . . , ; The common Council hereby de clares - It4 purpose, and intention la 4ake -the- abore - deseribeti im provement' by and thorugh , the street imprbvemnt department of the City. of Salem. Oregon. - - ' " By order; of the cemmon coun cil the 5th day Of Apri!i l$2. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. ' i Date of 1IH publicBUon-hereot Aprn. 7,-1528. r.u-- y'r" - V-' 1 ; : Date "bt ttnal pubtft'aUon, hereof Ayrifi gf 1925. an BKoi Pacific TrHyerty1 . V: 1 T. The club -whichiwill elve a gational church at 7:30 O'clock E fltTRflCTS PISE Special 98 Page D. A, R. ' Number Will Lon Be Kept as Souvenir The special 98 page DAR num ber of the Oregon Magazine for this month is destined to have a ... very long life as the life of a mag azine is reckoned. Besides many articles written ' by competent writers, who are liigh In the ranks of the Daughters of the American Revolution, it .contains a complete roster Of the DAR of Oregon with the name ef the aneestor or an cestors making each member ellgi blei -"A chronological chart, is printed in the front of the mag azine which is the accepted form used by genealogists in recording ancestoral records. ' v There are portraits of many of the prominent women of the .so ciety including the state officers, the chapter regents of 1 the 20 chapters and the national officers who reside in Oregon. These form a picture section printed in browns and greens on India tint enamel paper. ! The state association of the DAR have purchased 4060 copies of thia number. They will bo dis tributed to the 20 different chap ters throughout the state and will be sent to the different DAR state historians throughout the United States. " ) NEWS BRIEFS ' ' (Continued from page 5) ' .' , turn either by way of Newberg.or McMinnrille. The new ta'te -is Notice of the Improvement of the Alley in Block ; 31, University ,. Addition, -f Between - Fourteenth aftd Fifteenth Streets. ' Notice Is herety 'gtventhat the common council of the". City . of Salem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby .declares Its purpose and Intention to im prove the alley In block 31, Uni versity Addition to the City of Salem, from Fourteenth street to Fifteenth street at the expense ofj the abutting and adjacent prop erty, by bringing said alley to the esablished grade, and paring said alley with six inch cement con crete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifications there for which were adopted by the common council April 5th, 1926, now on file In the- office of the city recorder, and which are here by referred to and made a pari hereof. The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention t make the above described im provement by and through the street improvement department oi the City of Salem, Oregon. v '.'."Byorder of the common c6hn cll the 6th day of April, 1926. ! ., f- POTJLSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereol is April T, 1926. - ' Datef final publication hereol is April 18. 1926. al8 Notice , of the Improvement , of '.Nineteenth Street Between Ferry Street and,, TtJelleyuc Street, Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, .deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and Intention to im prove Nineteenth .street from the south line of Ferry street' to the north line of Bellevue street at the expense of the abutting and- ad jacent property, except the street and alley intersections the expense of which will be assumed by; the. City of Salem, - by bringing said portion of said street to the estab lished grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving- said- portion of said street with six inch cement concrete pavement in ac cordance with the plans and- speci fications ' therefor ' which " were adopted by the Common-Council April 5th, 1926, now 'on fllein the office of the City -Recorder, and which are" hereby Referred -to and made a part hereof " . x The Common Council hereby de clares Its purpose antl'fnte&tidn to make - the above described Ira- . k i : I W MAGAZ prorementr Try "nd through: fthrtprovemeat by and through the street Improvement department of. tne L,ity -of saiem, Oregon., , - . ; - By order of the Cprnmon Coun cil this 5th day of AprUr-J 926. : ; t M. POTJLSEN, City. Recorder. " Date et first publication herfeof Is Apr fl 14! 1828. Crv..r Date of fiaarptftU&ttMr-heretF IS AprU 25, 19.C.rcif iiQ ; eplii to 2j lac. Men's Glee Club ii'J C' Iff l J ,i ;-vv . sacred concert at the First Congre Sunday evening. from -10 cents to 70 cents less than provided in the present tariff. Week-End Program The Week-end specials at the Salvation Army are as follows: Tonight at 8 o'clock Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Porter of the Rosedale Friends church. Sunday, 7:30 p. m, unique and impressive dedica tion of infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gipson of this city. Salem Grange Meets Today Salem granget will meet ip La bor hall on Saturday. This is the busy-time of year, but matters of importance are coming up and all members are asked to attend. Bus- Notice of the Improvement of the Alley in Block OS Between Cen ter Street and Marion Street. ' Notice is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem,. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove the alley in block 68; Orig inal plat, City of Salem, from Cen ter street to Marion street at the expense of the abutting and adja cent propery, by bringing said al ley to the established grade, and paving said alley with six Inch ce ment concrete pavement in ac cordance -with the plans and speci fications therefor which were .adopted by the common council jApril 5th, 1926, now on file in the 'office of the city recorder, and iwhicb are hereby referred to and 'made a part hereof. ; The common council hereby de clares its purpose and Intention to make the above described Im provement by and through the street Improvement department of 'the' City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the common council 'the 5th day or April, 1926. M. POULSEN, City Recorder. . Date of first publication hereof Is April 7, 1926. Date of final publication hereof is April 18. 1926. alS Notice of the Improvement of ..Hood Street Between Fourth , Street and Broadway Street. ' I "Notice is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove Hood street from the east lin,e pf Fourth street to the west Une'of Broadway street at the ex pense of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and al- ley Intersections . the expense, of 'which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the eg? tablished grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with six inch cement concrete pavement in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council ok April 5, 1926, now on file In the office of the city recorder, and which are hereby referred to and made, a part hereof. The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described Im provement by and through the street improvement department of the City of Salem, Oregon, By' order of the common coun cil the 5th day of April, 1926, M. POTJLSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof Is April 7, 1926. Date of final publication hereof is April 18, 1926. alS Notice of Improvement of South Winter Street From Cross Street to Howard Street. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it , necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and intention to im prove South Winter street from the north 'line of Cross street to the south line of Howard street at the expense -of the abutting and adjacent property, except the street and alley. Intersections the expense of 'which shall be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing 'ce ment concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with six inch cement concrete-pavement in accordance with ; the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by . the Common Council April 5th, 1926, now on file in the office of the City Recorder, and which, are hereby referred to and. made a part hereof. . - - The Common Council hereby de clares its purjuwe add intention to make the, above described Im street; improvement department of the City of SalemOregon. . " By order of the Common Conn- ell thi-5th'dar of April. 132. ! .ruiiLbtirt, tity ueceraer.m Date or erst publication hereof Is April 14' 19 2.v r; r ' " Tiatjer of final publication nereof ia Arrtt5, 11 ineas sesskaVopens aCIf :30 a. tiiUt dinner jitnoon. and a lecture pro gram .in the afternoon. Marion County Pomona meets next week, April 21. with- Ankeny grange.- i Will Is Honored Oeorge ,C.!,wni, prominent Sa lem, music dealer, was the guest of honor of the Knights of Pythias at the Aurora hall. He founded the Aurora hall and also the Hub bard hall.-. Delegates of the or ganization were present' from Port land, Silverton, Can by, Oregon City, Hubbard, Aurora and Salem. Build Where Protected Laurel park- lots sell today for $475 to. $1200. Proper restric tions Insure a district of 50 fine homes. ' Make a dorn payment now; reasonable terms. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N. High St. al7tf Mrs. Bishop Returns Mrs. C. P. Bishop returned to her home here Friday evening af ter visiting in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bishop. Mrs. Bish op has been away since Tuesday. Fined for Speeding E. L. Kuebler of . 1495 North 19th- street was arrested, Friday by officer ' W. O. Edwards and charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest. Later the same day he was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen upon having been con victed of speeding. Give Concert The ladies' glee club of . Will amette university presented their annual home concert at Waller Notice of the Improvement of Uie Alley in Block 1 Between Union Street and North Mill Creek. Notice is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems 'it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to im prjove the Alley in Block 1, orig inal plat of the City of Salem, from Union street to North Mill Creek at the expense of the abut ting and adjacent property, by bringing said alley to the estab ished grade, and paving said alley with six inch cement concrete pavement In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the com mon council April 5th, 1926, now on file in the office of the city re corder, and which are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. The common council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to make the above described im provement "by and through the street improvement department of the City of Salem, Oregon. By order of the common council the Eth day.of April, 1926. M. POTJLSEN, City Recorder. Date of first publication hereof is April 7, 1926. Date of final publication hereof Is April 18, 1926. - al8 Bctsebstll Score Sheet ' (Managers of amateur baseball teams are. invited to clip this blank, fill it in following each game, and mail it to the Sportg Editor, The Oregon States man. A full account of your game will then appear in The Statesman the following morning.) Winner Loser Where Played... Winners Next Game...... Blank s t7 tsxrf, fa etodc oter 115 Jszal Jasks mlttl to inesl tay btis!acs InLasutlons, We iiaay have icst the fOna yod are looking for at. . bix avmr aa compare t&rnade to order fom . , Soraeof the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will fonag, Assize aent of Mortgage, Mortgage forma, 'Quit Claim Deeds,1 Abstracts fozxa, Bifl of Sale, Building Ckmtracj Promissory Notes, Installment Notes, General Xease, Power of Attorney, ?Prniie Books and Pads, ' Scale Re ceipts, JEtc These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and prifUte vse. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 c?nts apiece, and on note books from 25 to 50 cents. . , ' : , -pnninj'AND for sale bt The Statesman" Publishing vCb. . "- tall Friday nizh t -fcetf 0 re VkoqjiT aadtenee. A The-, audience . was a thusiastic, and the club was call ed ; onr repeatedly ' for encores. Solos of Hlen Sellg O'Neil, violin ist, ; and Louise Flndley; I pianist, were received warmly. ' NATIONAL ARMIES LEAVE FKAU OF MANCHTRIANS CKI1 . CHIN'KSE CAPITAL PEKINGl April, 15, (By Asso ciated Pres.) Fear of the im pending arrival here of Munch ur Ian forces of Chang Tso-Lin. .th dictator, is gripping the Chinese capital with the rattle of guns and vehicles of jthe retreating Kuomln cbun (national armies) which be gan to withdraw from the capital after they had managed to hold it since October, 1924. ; General Wang military com mander of jPeking fears the Man churian troops will insist on en tering the capital tomorrow. The southern gates of the city were opened ,atll o'clock tonight to admit the j advance guard of the Ktiominchun army coming up from Fengai, whose retreat has been surprisingly rapid. The streets of the capital -are deserted wjiile police armed with rifles stand at street corners, and i frightened j .eyes peer anxiously j from behind windows. SMALL DIAMOND BRIQUETTES - VeJM ','"'WWi7 MP. JmF WE CARRY ALL SIZES OF, COAL . from the large furnace to -the smallest nut sie. Tell us for what purpose the coal is required and we'll point out the proper size to use. But although we carry all slzeswe handle only one quality, the very best coal from tb very best mines. Our coal service Is yours to command. Prices range from SIO to $14.50 , Alw lndlo the best Diamond Briquettes 915 PHONE 930 Larmer Transfer & Storage Co SCORE Runs. .. Hits. Errors Runs .-Jlits . Errors ........ When Played... ;...L Losers' Lineup Lineup ..... (Signed).. i. r . LEGAL BLA2JK HEADQ0AIlTEIi3 , At Csdss CIcev Grocai Flc?" v 'It. Ross, Lang & Thomsen's Ciujcqlates 7 ' ---0 " r ; Assorted and individu als in light and dark . ' coated. Special for Saturday . -. 3c a 2 lbs. for ?0c We reserve the right to limit quantities - Only At DRUO STOBJ0 The Yellow Front Fboae J07 135 North Conuaerclal Street The Penslar Store are exceptionally ' good for Chicken Brooders ns they - are smokeless and have more heat units. - - . 52 Manager r Are Legal 1 A 7 - 'vi 1,