The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY MORNING, AfRIL 17, 1926 'i"aivir- V
Phones 48 and 49 155 North Commercial Street
Nothing Counts But Your Taste
Many things can be said about a good coffee, but the thing to remember
ALWAYS, is that nothing counts but your taste. Make the test with
Then you will understand why we can easily say it is the highest possible f
"This Is just the car for jrotr
1925 Overland Standardise
dan with extra good balloons,
spare, bumpers, 1926 license
and many other extras.: This
car looks like new and Is Just
as good. .
The Prfco is 650.00 ,
Quality Coffee 4 .
CORN .--
!wn Hard Wheat if lour
Golden Iris? Corn
2 caris .-
Golden Bantam Corn
2 cans
Broken Sliced
3 large cans
Libby's Fancy Black-Label
Pineapple, 2 cans
lisil . fReeularlv at 59c a Yard) i 2A j ll - .
er sack .
Waldo Hill Flour
per sack : :
Large Burbanks
per 100 pounds
ed with the Salem branch of the
Maytag company. The scene , of
the fishing was just below the
falls at Oregon City.
Hats Cleaned and lllockeff .
; .,, PEAS
Preferred Stock Telephone Peas Of
2 cans . . ; . ODC
Oak Tavern Garden Run Peas
3 cans . OOC
75c. Cash and Carry Cleaners.
S62 Chemeketa St. - f 21tf
.1 M
.1 j.
IF i I'
ll . "1 .
Our fresh vegetables are always the best just a glance at our front windows will
convince you of the Superior Quality of our fresh vegetables. All orders; are. de
livered free to your pantry shelves. ;
1 QurWeatherMan I
Unsettled; probably local rains
near the coast; not so 'warm east
portion; light Tariable winds,
mostly southerly.. Friday Max.,
78; Min., 42;" river, 0.9, falling;
rainfall, none; atmosphere, clear;
vrlnd, north.
Speeder Is Arrested
C. II. Kimball of McMinnville
was arrested yesterday on a speed
ing charge by O. O. Nichols of the
state traffic department. He was
cited to appear In justice court.
He was charged with driving 40
miles an hour.
Vanity Hat Slio
For millinery, 34? Court St. a!8
Millinery Sale
100 hats formerly $10 to lie. 50
now on sale at $5 to $8.75. The
French shop, M. Buffo Morrison,
115 High street. al7
ljC'fraham was arraigned in the
justice court here Friday on a
non-support charge, following the
signing of a complaint by his wife.
Graham asked time to consult an
attorney. He is now in the county
Jail. - unable to furnish bail of
$500. He is the father of fire
Get a console Set for 98c
Saturday only. C. S. Hamilton
Furn. Co al7
Attention WlUrs-Knlght
And Overland owners, for ex
pert repairing and service, Mac-.
Donald Auto Co. al7
Marriage Is Performed
Joseph Dumire, a lumberman,
and Georgia -B Andrews, both of
lafayette, married here Fri
day by J. T. Hunt, Marion county
judged 1 .'f: rfe ':.'r .'
Lawrence fStranss,::Tcnor
First M. E. church, Apl. 19, $1.
i , ' ." ' alS
We Are located
One mite from the high priced
rent district of ?a!em. We do not
employ high priced commission or
salaried salesmen, but give the
saving as a discount from the re
tail price of our pianos. This is
the reason you cn buy standard
make pianos at J225, $250 and
$235. Terms. Tall man Piano
Store, 395 South Twelfth street,
Salem, Oregon. , a!7
Two LJeenseii Issaed
Two marriage licenses were ap
plied for in the county clerk's of
fice yesterday. They were taken
out by F. L, Gerspach, Salem, lum
berman, and PriseIHa Kahler, 1381
McCoy street, and 'Joseph Dumior,
I u m berman and . Georgia B. An
drews, both of Lafayette. -
; Stat and .,
Liberty Strccta
Undefwood Typewriter Co
Direct Factory Braach
019 Cwrt Street Phone 983
Typewriters Rented, Bold,
- Bepalred
Special rental rates to ktudenta
ft - 7! Vin J L
Exhibit Kmls
Grant grade school's art exhibit,
which lasted for a period of three
days, came to a close last night.
The attendance has been satis
factory, according to reports. The
money raised by the exhibit will
be used to purchase pictures for
the school.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Benefit Dance
Sponsored by Royal Neighbors
of America and Modern Woodmen
of America, Monday evening, April
3th, at the Fraternal hall. Same
music, same crowd, and same price
as Modern Woodmen of America.
Everybody welcome. alS
11.-l.ln-n TS.ilK
The old bridge over the Mill j
stream that intersects Mission
street has been replaced with a
new wooden structure. The old
bridge had fallen into such con
dition that it was considered dan
gerous for motor travel, the boards
being very uneven.
Doff. Harness
F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com'I. al7
Suits Cleaned and lTessed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Blnck I.Hy niooniing -
The first Lily of the Nile to
bloom in Salem this year is now
to be seen at the JT W. Maruny
greenhouse, 211 Miller street. The
flower, with a bloom about - a
foot long by eight inches in diam
eter, is coal black in color, and
is In the nature of a botanical
curiosity. Mr. Maruny has in
vited all those Interested to see
the -.-blossom.
Hotel Marioi
. Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. . 'J2tf
Travel Itlght:
Rely on our baggage aa you do
on first clap's transportation. Noth
ing takes the place of leather. F.
E. Shafer, 170 South Commercial.
Spend Iay Here
Mrs.lM. F. Corrigan of McMlnn
vilie was a visitor in this city
These Day
When you can t buy gasoline
cheap, buy.your meats at Farring
ton's, 147 N. High. al7
To Addrewt niainber Memliers
1L R- Van Duren, chairman of
the Oregon state highway com
mission, will be the principal
speaker at the chamber of cora-
Phone 727
Salem's Leadins
Tay bash For Furniture
' Residence and Store
OIO North Sommec
MEtabIiihed Since 1919
LADD & BUSH; Banlters
1 Established IMS -f
i A i General Banldns Builnsci
Of floe Hoars
merce luncheon to be held Mon
day noon in the banquet hall of
the chamber. . It is expected that
he will talk on the road projects
for Oregon.
Saturday Specials
At Farrington's Public Market.
147 N.'IIfgh. al7
Gifts of Iicather
Instantly appreciated, constant
ly used. F. E. Shafer has thorn.
Harness supplies, 170 S. Commer
cial. al7
Visits Salem
Mrs. S. J. McKec of Independ
ence spent Friday in Salem.
Money Goes for Cottage
Salem Lions, who recently
staged an old finders' contest,
proceeds of which were to go to
ward the building of the YMCA
cottage at Mehama, have turned
over $397.50 to the association to
apply toward construction of the
Vanity Hat Shop
For millinery, 347 Court St. a!8
Boxing Armory Arena
Wednesday, April 21, 8:30 p.
m. 24 rounds of boxing. Mike
O'Connor xa. Danny Garth, 10
3-minute rounds. Snappy prelim
inaries. , . -a21
Four Candidates File
Four Marion county candidates
filed with the county clerk Friday
for the office of precinct commit
teemen. Those filing were E. A.
Auf ranee, for Salem; Frank Os
borne, for Aurora; Almira A. -Hoover
of Detroit, for Breitenbush;
C. H. Rrewer, Stayton. for East
Stayton: Arthur H. Moore, 241
North High street, for Salem No.
16. All are republicans.
Yes, Business Is Good
Why? Quality meats, popular
prices. Farrington's, 147 N. High.
The County Clerk's Office
Will be open from 8 a. m. to
8 p. m. this coming Friday, Satur
day and Monday for registration
of voters. Registration closes
Tuesday, April 20, 1926, at 5 p. m.
Meeting Held
A joint open meeting was held
Friday evening by the Woodmen
of the World and the Neighbors
of Woodcraft. Following the bus
iness meeting a lively program
was presented.
Mack's summer millinery open
ing, corner of Center and High.
Dance Old Time Dances
Every Saturday, Crystal Gar
dens. v 17
Fishing Good , -
Three husky salmon, the larg
est ' weighing 37 pounds, is .the
catch brought back to Salem by
Elmer E. Myers, who is connect-
The Battery M aa ,
8ytmUc Work, i J
Not Guess Work.; j -
- 'WIXX.ARD . , I . "Y
631 Covrt St. rhoM IBs'
0- , - . ' ' "
Wood Wood
107 D Street Telephone S31S
lO a. aau te S pw as. i
Wood Special-
Prices are sure to raise, so order
now; 5 loads 16-inch mill -wood.
$17.50. Good wood, prompt de
livery. Spaulding Logging Co..
phone 1830. a20
Burglary Reported
C. P. Armstrong called the local
police station late Thursday night
and reported that his home at 170
West Bush street had been broken
into. Officer G. W. Edwards was
sent to investigate. Investigation
revealed that entrance had been
gained through a window. Arti
cles reported missing were an ov
ercoat, a dark suit and a pair of
shoes. No trace of the culprit was
You'll Need a Refrigerator
This summer. Get it now, $5
down places one in your home. C.
S. Hamilton Furn. Co. a!7
Civic Music Club Concert
Strauss, tenor, Mon. nite, $1.00.
Ivooal Man Broadcasts
"The Story of. Silk" was dis
closed to radio fans throughout
the northwest Friday afternoon.
Allan Kafoury, local merchant
and considered one of tho best
authorities on silk in the north
west, told the talc of silk over the
waves from the tower of KGW at
For every figure. Howard Corr,
set Shop, 165 N. Liberty. al$
To Send Flowers -
Salem school teachers are plan
ning to send flowers to San Fran
cisco to the funeral of Miss Anne
Tow, formerly teacher in the com
merce department of the local
high school. The funeral will be
held at 10 o'clock Thursday, April
22, according to word received, sit
the superintendent's office Fri
day. Folldwing the funeral thie
body will be forwarded to Mon
tana for burial.
Correct Fitting
Howard Corset Shop, 1C5 N.
Liberty. al7
Drum Corps Practicing
The drum "corps of the local
post of the American Legion was
practicing Friday evening. The
corps will practice regularly now
on until the first part of August,
when the, state convention of the
Legion will be held at Marshfield.
The local group will be entered
in the state drum corps competi
tion. Cavalier Itefricerat
All sizes; your choice, $5 down
places o6e in your home. C. S.
Hamilton! Furn. Co. al7
Leave on Fishing Trip
Dr. G.5 E. Prime, president of
tho Salei Rod & Gun club, left
Friday morning for a fishing trip.
Ho plana to return Monday or
Tuesday.! Accompanying him are
C, E.,Giee and Grant Farris.
Big' pa nee Sat urday
At Brooks, Ramblers playing!
Fountain i Renovated
New spouts have been 'placed
on the public drinking fountain
on tho northeast corner of State
and Liberty streets. The foun
tain was painted gold.
MilltHcry Sale
100 hats, formerly 10 to $18.50
now on sale at $5 to $8.76. T&e
French Shop, M. Buffe Morrison,
115 High street. a!7
Building Permits Issued ' .
Two building permits wefe
issued Friday from he office of
the,: city .recorder. E. A. Rhoten
took out a permit to construct a
one and onehalf story dwelling at
1875 South High street at a. cost
of $3850. O. R. Thompson was
given a permit to erect a one story
dwelling at 805 North Twenty
first street at a cost of $2,000.
Free Bible Lect
: "Three Worlds of the Earth,"
illustrated by chart. Derby Bldg.,
Sunday. 8 p. m. 'al7
Portland Students
Twenty-three: members, of the
Portland school of social science
spent Friday in Salem where they
visited a number of the state in
stitutions. Clinics were, held at
the Oregon state .hospital, state
home for the feeble minded and
state tuberculosis hospital. The
visitors , were entertained i at
luncheon at the feeble minded in
stitution ; and ' state industrial
school for girls.' The junket was
IMJ Tliese are printed, beaded andi flock dot voiles, also some border- (a&B
f JiSI ed ones in the lot splendid qualities ajnd colors see them today : . - Pf I
WJ2A 5 vards maKe a. dress. - f?-
made under the direction of tho
Marion County Health Demon
stration bureau.
Christ mas
Is a long way off, but you get
Christmas beef at Farrington's.
147 N. High. al7
Fire Causes $60O Loss ,r
Fire which ignited from a
spark Friday resulted in approxi
mately $600 damage to the boiler
room at the cottage farm which is
operated in connection with the
Oregon state hospital. The fire
was extinguished by the farm fire
Houses for Rent 10 to St
A five room with large sleeping
porch and garage. Vacant, at 650
.North 16th. $30. Another 3 room
and sleeping porch, south; garage,
furnace, $30, vacant, at 1650 S.
Winter. Becke & Hendricks, 189
N. High street. al7tf
Attention Willys-Knight
And Overland owners, for ex
pert repairing and service, Mac
Donald Auto Co. al7
Return to Salem
Chris Paulus and his son, Rob
ert C. Paulus, have returned to
this city after having spent several
days in Vancouver, B. C. Com
pared to cities along the northern
route, Salem is outstanding in
building progress and in general
prosperity, they declare.
Any Sewing Machine
-In our stock for $1 down, bal
ance easy terms. C. S. Hamilton
Furn. Co. al7
Visit Salem
Mrs. F. E. Hagan of Woodburn
was a visitor in this city Friday.
Dr. Gerald B. Smith, also of Wood
burn, was here Friday morning,
having come to witness the hang
ing of Archie Cody.
Demonstration of
Bridge-Beach Ranges now at
Giese-Powers. al7
Fire Reporteil
. A fire broke out at the Cottage
farm boiler house Friday. A
spark is thought to have; started
the blaze, which was extinguished
with equipment on the grounds.
Damage is estimated at about $600
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20lf
Each Has Furnace, Hardwood
Etc., $3700 and $4 200. Finish
ed to suit. Reasonable; terms.
Best built small homes you" have
seen, i Finished and complete. See
at 1925 Myrtle and 1195 Tamar
ack. Becke & Hendricks, ' 189 N.
High street. al7tf
To Jlold Carnival
Co-eds at Willamette university
will hold their annual co-ed car
nival this evening In Waller hall.
Only the girls are invited, the men
being taboo for tho evening.
All Ladies Invited k
To attend Mack's summer mil
linery opening, corner of 4Center
and High, today and Monday. al7
Petition Is Filed -
City -Recorder Mark Poulsen Is
in receipt of a petition seeking a
3 0-foot .pavement on Norway be
tween Capitol street and the Sou
thern Pacific's right of way .The
petition bears the signatures of 14
property holders. - ...
Cavalier Refrigerate
Priced from $18 to $68. SO, now
ready t;for, your ; Inspection. '$5
places one In your home. C. S.
Hamilton Furniture Co. , . al?
John Campbell Dies .
A:' telegram received Friday
morning by Bertha H.- Masters, of
the - circulation department- of the
Oregon': Statesman, told of the
sudden death of her uncle, John
K. Campbell of Roseburg, who
passed away at 0:30 a. m. Friday.
Mr. Campbell was also an uncle
of Lane Morley of The Statesman.
A. L. Morley, D. W. Morley, W. II.
Motley, George Morley,' all of Sa
lem, left immediately for Rope
burg to be present at the funeral
which will bo held it 10:30 o'clcjck
today. ! -
We Will Have a Big Sale
On millinery Friday and Satur
day. All children's bats reduced
and ladies" pattern hats from $5
.o $8.75; also some at $3.75. Conic
early and get a good selection.
Mrs. H. T. Stith. aI7
Harmonica Verein to Meet
The Harmonica Verein will g
At West Salem April 16th,
William Wallace Bales, a veteran
of the Cival war, aged 82 years,
father of Nora Bales of Salm,
William J. Bales of Minnesota,
Elmer W. Bales of Long Beach,
Wash., and Mrs. Josephine Shutt
of Medford, step-father of Frank
A. Fredricksan of Iowa, James jW.
Frederickson of Salem and $3d
win; J. Frederickson , ofv. Idaho,
brother of Commodore Bales; of
Nam pa, Calif. John Bales jof
Point . Richmond. Calif., and Mrs.
Sarah M. Huff of Calif. Also sur
vived by several grand-children
and eight great-grandchildrfcn.
Announcement of funeral later
from the Rigdon & Son mortuary.
At Aberdeen, Washv April 14,
Walter Sandell. Funeral servijees
Saturday, April '17th at 2:30! p.
m. from the Rigdon & Son mort
uary, interment City View ceme
In this city, April 16, Archie
Cody, age 30 years. Survived
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cody. Funeral announcement
will be made later by the Webb
funeral parlors.
At a local hospital, April
Oliver K. Wright, age 31 years
Survived by his widow, Reta
Wright, his father, Leonard
Wright, and three brothers ,
two sisters, all of Canyon City,
Oregon. Funeral announcement
wilt be made later by the Webb
funeral parlors.
Funeral services for Ernestine
O'Mara who died in this city on
April 14, will be held. Saturday,
April 17, from the St. Vincent de
Paul church at 9 a. m. Rev.
Thomas V. Keenan will officiate
Interment will be in St. Barbara's
cemetery. The Salem Mortuary! is
in charge. '
There must come a full pause
to weavo perfection into
- m usic. j
Life droops toward Us 'sunset
. to be drowned in tho gold
f . en " shadows. : ' - : .
Love must be called from : its
i play to drink sorrow and
i' be borne to the heaven of
. tears. !
Brother, keep that In mind and
." rejoice. . - . . j
Rablndraaath Tagore.
W. TV Rigdon & Son
GHOICE of Traub Genuine :
Oranee BkMom engajfts- , i
tribute to the judgment sod
"' good taste of the wearer.
' Sqwtr Dml Jrvelarm, Cornr
- atatc and Uty. . ,
at St. Joseph's audi-
Saturday evening. A spe-
cial hafmon
ic orchestra will play
u$ic following the pro-
A humorous play will bo
by the members. An-
baS been made that
member is expected to invite
his friends
onstration at Giese-Powers
re store today.
Birthday Surprise
Mrs. J. H. Yarnell was the in
sniratidn of a pleasant surprise
given at her home on Wednesday
evening of this week when a few
of her jmany friends gathered to
her-qf her birthday. Those
Were Hev. P. C. Hoffmjyn
wife and daughter Thyllis, Mr. and
Mrs, J.JW. Koerner, Mr. and Mrs.
Biggerstaff and son Norman, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Yarnell and daugh
ter Louise, Mrs. Delia Smallwood,
Miss Helen Yarnell and Mr. and
Mrs. J.jH. Yarnell.
Try Mrs. Gamble's Lunch -
Served at the Bridge-Beach
demonstration at Giese-
Powers: today.
Speeding Charged
Maden of 764 South Corn-
mcrciat Etreet was arrested Fri
day byjofficer W. O. Edwards and
charged with having exceeded the
city's speed limit. ;
New Round Trip Fares
A special Sunday round-trip
a progfam
: Individual' Rights
The much over-worked phrase used today
Come and Hear the Sermon
Arti President Coolidge and
' their stand as regards law enforcement? t '
The echoes answer YES! j
" Subject of morning sermon:' - -
"Worshiping God in a Foreign f Land"' l"
Special musicAnthem Seek Ye the Lord MoringJ
solo, Mr. Bloomingburg. Solo, Mr. Muston Eve.j
E. C. Whitaker, Pastor , .
Ifix your porch boxes now." Don't wait until plants !
are all picked over. Greenhouse is open nights and i
a)l day Sunday.;; ; , : J "r'A
Phone 1898 or come
Corner of
- . ;:;v TOES AY r
1 20S3 State Street 1 :30 P. M. .;
l 7 roomed plastered
r!. I ... Ford Sedan , ; . - -
- .z - NOTICE!
Terms on . house "changed to .? $500 ; cash balance !
erranscd. .Terms on
M. Miller Owner
1 Owner, 2C63 Slate T
Cash paid'foir used furniture, tools; etc.; Only. Ono
Slor-iSuBtmer"and onvay Strects--lhona 511
fare of $1 affecting'all pointa on
the Sotithern 'Pacific lines between
Portland and MeMinnviller; axl
Portland and Newber.g, , has been
authorized by ihe railroad com
nant. according tova -"new tar frf the offices of rho nablic
service commissicn- here - Friday.
Persons taking advant age of tho
low Sunday rate may .d' ands,fe-
'-,'. ' , - t-i
(Continned on ps fS. f
The nicest - thing about'.
headaches is not to have
them. -. - ' '.
Chiropractic removes the
cause of headache)
.Why. suffert
The Best in Chiropractic'-
828 Oregon Bldg.
Governor Pierce right in
to 906 North Front, ;
D Street :' ' ' '
house, furniture, piano ,r .a.
person propertyr-C-ash
F. N. Woodry,
:10 Years SaicsiV
' ; Auctioneer
m ' '