The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    i. -
111 SAttmDfeMORmNlSPRm if
tot V V
1 J - .laaaad Daily Zceapt Monday by
' '215 8ovta Consiertial Bit; 8alaa,;Oreso;
R. J. KeMrWka -h. afaaat t
'r4 J. Toot - Vaaarnt-Kditor I
Ln M. MrHma - - - City Editor j
Loalia J, Smith Telfra Editor .
Aadrad Buca - " -i "'- JSociaty Editor!
i ,1 . . . : atXatBZK Of THB ASSOCIATED FEX1S
Ilia attotlata Fraaa la oxclaaivatr eatitlod lo tka as for paatteatioa of atl aawa
alapatahaa rarditad to it or oot otaorariao eraditad ia thia paper aad alao too loeai
aawa publiahed harala. , . , -' ' ; " - r . ..
i:.r,- : - BUSINESS OJTICE8: - a
A!rt feyari. fSo" WoreeMor Bldg.. Portland. Ora." . r . . -Taoaaaa
F. Clark Oa, New Tork, 12S-18S ,WV Slat St.;'Cllar. Marqaatto Bide:
Dot?. Pafaa, 8aaro Bhll, 8a Praaeiaco. Calif.; Hiarriaa Bid, boa affalaa, CaUL
Baalnaa Of 0ea33 or 58m
Bwa -i ...
104 C3rtobtk
Soefety -Editor,..-... ,...
Xaiorod at tka Foot Of f iea la SaJoea.
rt r.
f i ;
." '.".TIIB LORD'S SIDBThB Mowbs stood' ' In the sate of the
campj &n& Mtd "Whor Is oh the Lord's, side T let him come unto me.
And 41) the was of Lerl gathefed themselTes .together unto- him."
C-rey;jyteray;i some fne- attemxted to
rijB'ieihQie Cthe j e&tof; br The Statesman, with the
requesi that an deventh-hoar effort1 be made 'to save from
thd,'Hoo8e the heck Of: Axichie Cody, who was hanged at the
penittlat.X.i: : ' 'kXCi- , ; ";' ' '
iHe bunlett or the request was based on the published
ia56nsof CroyenaorJR6 why he
coutdJiof bring himself to extend clemency in the shape of a
commutation to life imprisonment;
- And the main reason- Urged was the claim that the mur
dered Jtheriff, Austin Gobdman of Harney county, had no
warraht of arrest when' he overtook Cody in Malheur county.
" . The record discloses, that Sheriff Goocfenan did not have
the-warrant of arrest - with - him ; but a warrant had been
issued-asxd was inthe hands: of &J deputy sheriff of Harney
county, "who had. telephoned to Sheriff Goodman. Upon this
information. Sheriff Goodman hastened in pursuit of Cody,
and overtook him in Malheur county.
Cody submitted to arrest, and the evidence at the trail
showecj that he saw the star of the sheriff and that he" asked
that Jhe might get his saddle, which request the sheriff
granted But Cody Jii going for his saddle secured a gun or
guns,' wJth , which he
. Sheriff Gtoodman was acting in the line of his duties. The
majesty of the w was his protection
. And 'hewpuld have, been within his rights had he not
bcen;;sherif tti - but; wly1 a private citizen. A felony
had been committed tyCo CKe was attempting. to escape
frrjm;alrrestIHe was outside the pale of ;the law. He could
.conW tinderth.lavi's )nf ectloii' only' by submitting to arrest
and appealing tor every, man's right to be, considered innocent
till proven guilty.' i .
' Thp point of thesheriff having no warrant was sub
mi ttea in the transcript of the'evidence to the supreme court.
It was brushed aside as insignificant.
" No matter what we may think of the principle of capital
punishment,' that is the. law in Oregon now, in cases of first
degree murder andj the absence of direction of the, trial jury
that life imprisonment be substituted.
y In -the absence : of the discovery of new evidence not
before the trial court and the supreme court, Governor Pierce
could not have interfered with a commutation.
The data concerning the, cost of getting improvements in
the Willamette river that will give Salem still water naviga
tion to Portland is beiruT asked for. f ?
; Alsd7 the probable cost of a highway, over the Minto pass,
connecting ) the Willaniette yalleytidth the central Oregon
.counCry; M' ill' " ' '. 1 ? ' . ' : : r"
- These are twb projects that deserve the support of all
our people, and'the thing to do is to get the fullest possible
information, and then hammer- away on their importance till
the, improvements arejmade
..-1 - T
J- Sam A.- Koxer, secretary of state, issues from time to
time 'a mimeographed statement concerning the business of
Ihe state of Oregon, under the heading, "Items.' Number 10
of this series, dated April 12,' is the latest one. It gives full
infortnation to those Who wished to" file for office, a sketch
concerning" the coming celebration at ; Champoeg,- May a
comparative record of : the motor vehicle registrations, the
figures :of the tourist travel, a record of the gasoline taxes,
a complete report of the motor traffic division, etc.
: ; This record represents a mountain of painstaking work,
nd the undertaking is commendable. It gives information
that i will be valuable in all the departments of the state,
and. especially useful to the members of the legislature. .. r
It is the kind bf work that Kelna in mnrlr fVi nain'ctfflVinw
efficiency of Oregon's secretary of state. t :
. : . ''Someone. has discovered . as an argument for the new
Cntiim Pass road across the Cascade mountains that 'the
C-ntlim show field is but five miles across while that" of the
. ricICcnzie pass is 18, :But it would be a road-worth building,
cnyivay.-. V ' ' ' ,'' --'5' ;
t : :The paragraph gupted above Is from the editorial page
of tKi Portland Journal! - V I. : ; ' I ... " . " ;
yjit every one who ougiTt to be intrested will pull together
for this ; road, connecting the Willamette j valley with the
; cc: iirl Oregon country, through the Minto pass, we twill get
.- ti:.t ;iishway. buai'; :0yyyi0y-
r.d it will make 4 loop trip that will be used by thous
cnjli ' c ?t oun 1 1 3-evcryesr- :r-:
-vAi4 it' will' join together in a close and mutual crommer
ril trrn tv.o cf the greatest sections of Oresn in potential
,' W. H. Haadaraan
Ralph H, K let slag :
Frank Jaskoaki -
, K. A. hotea . -.
W.C. Coaaar
Cirealatio If aaagar
- Adraruaiae; Manager
' ataaarer Job Itopt,
' , x Livestock Editor
- . - . Poaltry Editor
, ... a nova uoparaaa
Offia58 j0fc Dapartaan
Km Xaartmaat2 arm
Oreron, aa aoeoad-olaaa aaattar.
An eorraapondaoeo for tfcla dapart
nt wait ba aigaod ky tka writar,
Mat bo wrlttaa os osa aid of tk
papa, only, and aaoald sot bo lo&for
tka 160 worda. i ,
Salem's' Opportunity ! j i
.Detf Editor: The annual rose
festival of Portland haB been defi
nitely postponed untU next ear on
account of the remodeling of Mult
nomah field, the only feasible place
to hold the ceremonies. The North
California flower show has been
called off on acconnt of the death
or Luther Burbank. The Portland
Garden club's flower show is a
thing; of the past. Yet there seems
to be a growing demand among
professional florists, as well as
amateurs,' to gather together some
where each year to show what new
and 'wonderful things they, hare
produced, and compare notes and
get ' acquainted. On ' ther other
hand the garden growers and home
owners are always eager to arail
themselTes of any such opportun
ity - to increase their fund of in
formation so as to" apply it to' the
beautiflcatlon-of their own home
grounds. .
AIw there is the ever-increasing
throng of tourists who ate out
fora ' good time. All . dressed up
and nowhere In particular to go.
Just epollihg for some big objec
trrejlike a festiral so as to make
thai an excuse for traveling. r
; Why should not the sereral - and
various clubs of Salem get their
heads together, seize this oppor
tunity, gratify this evident desire
to congregate anH admire and at
the same time put Salem on the
map In a magnificent way.
I am sure that all in any way
Connected with the floral industry
would -gladly cooperate to the best
of , their ability. It need not be
held early, .tor Salem .has flowers
enough for a festival at any time
of year. . .
Some . organization should take
the Initiative and then let us know
what's wanted, and when they
want it, . i
.. ; H. C. BATEHAN. i
Florist, Oregon State Hospital.
, , . Tears of Love
Editor Statesman:
I hare just read Ella McMunn's
masterly tribute to Little Ruth
Mathls, and I do say, that Robert
Q. Ingersoll, has nothing on Ella
MeMunn, when it comes to
wrenching the human heart and
causing the tears of lore and ten
derness to flow! "
" Tours for the pen.
Which Is mightier than the
. -. swordl
. . y: : : A Mothftr.. '
Salem, Ore., April 17, 1926.
' A country boy who had never
seen a circus before was walking
around the 'tent when one of the
clowns lifted up the flap . and
stepped outside for a little air.
This- excited the boy, and he ran
around to the ticket taker, crying:
- "Hey; mister, come in back of
the tent! Ver clown's loose!"
- Two gfrls were talking oarer the
wire. " Both were discussing what
they; should ' wear to the coming
party. -In the midst of this impor
tant conversation a "masculine
voice Interrupted, asking humbly
for a number. One of the girls
became indignant and scornfully
asked: . "
' "What line do you think you
are, on. anyhow?"
, ".Well said the man. "I am
not sure but, judging from what X
have heard. I should say I was on
the clothesline. . ; ' t
The bride and the groom were
visiting In San .Francisco. ?They
stopped at a restaurant to eat. A
flip young waitress waited on
thenu y.l. . I .' .... : :
."Would you care for some honeymoon-
salad V she asked. -
"What is It?" asked the con
fused groom. - ' - ,
Just lettuce alone," replied rhe
waitress. ' '
.' tOoUao troi pas X
mers on the program. In response
the ' pair granted encore after en
eor. i
The Woodburn Ukelele club was
one of the most traveled groups
to appear on last nights program,
the girls having already appeared
In as many as 25 places. Helene
Anderso, a member ot the Wood
burfl bigh school f acuity t who di
rects the girls, accompanied Ger
trude Shorey. Dorothy j Commach,
Pauline LInsay and -Yvonne Smith
to Salem for their successful ap
pearance ast. night., ,. .
For lads under 12 years of age.
Bobbie Brown woa the; first prize
in the harmonica contest last night
and. for older boys - the. awards
went to .Wallace Kennewick and
wiiiism 'smith. - - y v ? ?
. In the musical stunt contest the
Brown brothers placed first and
Ellsworth Fletcher second. j".r?
' The "judgesf or the evening were
William McGIlchrtst, Sr.; Stephen
Wolfe and H- T Love. ..
A tremendously worthy program,
sponsored in a fine manner by Hal
Hibberd camp, United Spanish
WalT.Veterans, ' characterized last
night's endeavor.; The Salem boys'
chorus closed "the program with
the triumphant number, "Hail,
:- S. - .
.TU the Midnight Hour." : -. ,
srai jg;:es
wit Pirm mm
He Tells Why His Name-Will
: Not Be on Primary Ballot
for Governor fe-
" - 1 '- -'V-r1;
Hon. Seymour Jones considered
for a time the urgent requests of
many friends . that he allow his
name to be used on the May pri
mary ballot as a candidate for the
republican nomination for "gover
nor. He made up his mind,' how
ever, that he could not afford the
time or the expense, and he- frank
ly explains this to his friends in
the following statement." The
farm home of Mr. Jones Is near
the Kaiser school, route 8, Salem.
His statement follows:
"Several weeks ago, I had un
der serious consideration the ad
visability of becoming l candidate
for the. republican nomination for
governor. '
. "Many flattering offers of sup
port came to me from friends id
various parts of the state. ,1 felt
however, that to enter the- eon
test, with a reasonable prospect
of success, it. would be necessary
to make- a 'Vigorous campaign
throughout the . state, spending
much time In many of the -more
populous counties. This would in
volve considerable expense. ,
"After having fully considered
the matter. I have felt for some
time past that X would not be
justified in giving the time and
incurring the expense necessary
to make the campaign I deem the
situation required. .
"I have been receiving recently
many inquiries from friends who
desire to know whether I intend to
become ' a candidate, and I take
this means to inform them that I
shah not enter the contest.
"In doing this I am not un
mindful of the support tendered
me by my friends, and in with
holding my name from considera
tion, I wish to express my sincere
appreciation to those ' who have
thus shown their confidence in
me." v
High Tribute Paid Alvah Clay
Davis, Dead After Long ;
Illness - . 4..
Alrah Clay Davis, a promising
young high school 'stuceni and the
only son of Mrs. William Crabtree,
passed away at his home in Stay-
ton Monday morning. April 12, af
ter an Illness covering many weeks
The. passing of this young man,
just as he was entering into man
hood, leaves a void in the hearts
of his loved ones, schoolmates and
friends which only time can heal.
He was born in Madras, Or., on
January 7, 1909, and at the time
of his passing was 1? years, three
months and five days of ago, and1
the youngest of three children, r He
was a member of the Christian
church, ; a constant attendant at
Sunday school, and ln his school
work was diligent and ambitious,
often working beyond his strength
and endurance.
He was a kind hearted dutiful
son and a patient sufferer. Prof.
O. V. White of the Stayton school
assisted by Rev. Westbrook of
Portland conducted the funeral
Wednesday afternoon. Out of re
spect for the deceased a half holi
day was declared and the high
school student body attended 'In
a body. Six of his schoolmates
acted as pall .bearers, and the
school male quartet sang several
Choice selections. "
' Followed by a large number of
relatives and friends, the body was
taken to a picturesque little ceme
tery near Central church, 'eight
miles east "of Albany, and there in
a grassy, plot beside -his .father,
under a canopy of beautiful flow-
ers Alvah was laid to his last long
sleep. " ' . : . ;
, The immediate relatives are his
mother,, Mrs. W. W.' Crabtree, his
step-father, William Crabtree, and
two Bisters. Mrs. Clifford Hall of
Salem and Mrs. George Mielki of
Portland. . .;
Solitary Monk Is Remnant
of Life ia Old City Ani
ERIVAN, Russian Armenia.-
Anl, an ancient Armenian , city,
within . .the shadow df Mount
Ararat, probably has the smallest
population of any city in the
world. i. ; --' -y-t . j - .- j -i'
Data gathered by the American
Near East Relief shows that an
aged- Armenian monk is the sole
inhabitant of the city, which once
had a population of 100,000.. His
Qnly companions are an Angora
cat and a few, owls which live .In
a ruined church near the monk's
but. i :--.y
'An! was once a nourishing city
and was the residence' for several
centuries of the Bagratlde Kings
of Armenia. .' From' the Eighth to
the Tenth", century it was under
the domination of the Caliphs of
Bagdad, among whom was the ro
mantic and scholarly Haronnral
Rachid, hero of a dozen stories In
the "Arabian Nights." .But Ant
is now. in ruins, and the Armen
ians are too poor to. rebuild IL . It
la 4 600 f t years ; sinpe the city
throbbed, with the pulse-of human
Ufa.- .
uu flu
as Shown When Records In
" rClCatlonal Committeeman !
Republican Ralph E. Williams,
Portland. :, i
Democratic Oswald. West,
Portland: Milton A. Miller, Port
land;, Will R. King Portland, i
TJiilted States Senator
.ItenubUcan James J. Crossley.
Portland; Clarence E. Evey, Moun-
tathdale; L. B. Sandblast,': Port
land; Robert N. Stan field. Port
land; A. R. . Shumway, Milton;
Alfred E. Clark, Portland: Freder
ick Steiwer, Pendleton; Rose E.
Barrett, Seaside.
Democratic Elton Watklns,
Portland; Sargent K. Brown, Chtl
oquin; Bert E. Haney, Portland.
Representatives ln Congress
First district:
. Republican W. C. Hawley, Sa
lem. Democratic
Second district:
Republican N. J. Sinnott, The
Third district:
Renubllcan Norman S. Rich
ards, Portland: M. E. Crura
packer, Portland; B. F. Mulkey,
"Democratic Joseph II. Carson,
Jr.. Portland.
Republican Jay H. Upton,
Bend; I. L. Patterson, Eola; W.
A. Carter, Portland.
Democratic Walter. M. Pierce.
Island City; Louise Palmer Weber,
Supreme Court Justices
(Three to elect)
Republican Thomas A. Mc
Brlde, Deer Island; Henry J. Bean,
Pendleton; George M. Brown,
Roseburg; George Shepherd, Port
land. .
Democratic ,
State School Superintendent
- Republican Rosa B. Parrott.
Roseburg; Charles A. Howard,
Marsh field; Fred J. Tooze, Salem;
W. C. Alderson, Portland; Mts.
Emma Bryant, Washington county.
Democratic R R. Turner, Dal
las; J. O. McLaughlin, Corvallis.
Labor Commissioner
Republican C. IL Gram, Salem
Democratic G. A. Von Schriltz,
Public Service Commissioner
(State at large)
Republican Thomas K. Camp
bell, Portland.
Democratic Clyde T. Spooner,
Circuit Judges
Fourth Dist. (Department 4) -Republican
John A. Mears,
Portland; Sanderson Reed Port
land; Martin W. Hawkins,
Portland Frank C. Howell, Port
. land. . i
Democratic John H. Stevenson
Fourth Dist. (Dept. 8)
Republican James P. Staple
ton, Portland; W. A. Ekwall,
Portland; Milton W. Smith,
Democratic Ashby C. Dickson,
Tenth district:
Republican J. W. Knowles, La
.. Democratic
Eleventh district :
Republican E. R. Woods, Fos
sil; D. R. Parker, Condon.
Twelfth district:
Republican Glen O. Holman,
Dallas; Roswell L. Conner, Mc
Minnville; Arlle G. Walker,
Sheridan; Clyde R. Ellis, Inde
. pendence.
Democratic William M. Ram
sey, McMlnnvllle; Roy Sparks,
14th district:
Republican Arthur D. Hay,
Lake view; T. S. McKinney,
Democratic O. C. Gibbs, Lake
view; Orlando M Corkins, Lake
view. -A
2 A 2
State Senator
First Dist. (Marion), two to elect:
"Republican Otto J. Wilson.
Salem: Lloyd T. Reynolds, Sa-
,lem; Sam H. Brown, Gervaia.
Democratic " "
Second Dist. (Linn), one to elect:
. -Republican Willard L. Marks,
Third Dist (Lane), one to elect:
' Republican J. S. Magladry,
Eugene: H. C. Wheeler, Pleas
ant Hill.
. Democratic Edward F. Bailey,
Junction City.
Fourth Dist. (Lane and Linn),
. one to eleet:
Republican Willard A. Elklns,
Eugene; L. E. Bean, Eugene.
Democratic if ,
Sixth Dist. (Jackson) one to elect:
Republican George ' "W. Dunn,
Ashland; Ralph P. Cowglll,
Medford. ,
Democratic I ;
Ninth Dist. (Benton and Polk),
; - one to elect:
Republican A. B. Starbuck,
? Dallas; Herbert J. Elliott, Per
rydale; Herbert J. Elliott, Per-
rydale. .
:'" Democratic -
10th Dist. (Yamhill), one to.elect:
- Republican Clarence B"u 1 1,
4 Newberg; Peter Zimmerman,
:t'Yamhni,v:f y i-i..1.--. Ay,
; Democratic Ray H. Wlsecarv
er, McMlnnvllle; R.f J. Moore,
Yamhill. .yy.- I ;
12th Dist. (Clack.), one to elect;
i Republican Linn y- E. Jones,
Oregon City. ,; ;
Democratic O. D. Eby, . Ore-
y gon City.-: : " -!; .
13th Dist. (Mult), one to elect:
Republican Milton ; R. Klep
i per, Portland; Walter T. Snear
ley, Portland; A. II. Burton,
eteList of Candidates
" Portland ; J. E. Bennett, Port-
Democratic J o h n Manning,
14th Dist (Clackamas. Colombia,
r multnomab), one to elect:
Republican K. K. Kubil, Port
land; Joe E. Dunn, Portland.
Democratic John J. Beckman,
Portland., v.
15th Dist. (Clatsop), one to elect:
Republican A. W. Norblsd, As
toria; Mrs. W. S. McKinney,
19 th Dist. (Morrow, Umatilla,
Union), one to elect:
Republican Fred E. Kiddle,
Island City.
Democratic Henry J. Taylor,
21st Dist. (Union and Wallowa)
one to elect:
Republican (To fill . vacancy
caused by resignation of Bruce
Dennis) A. T. Hill, La
Grande; E. D. Jasper, Alicel;
Colon Eberhard, La.Grande.
Democratic (To fill vacancy
caused by resignation of Bruce
Dennis) Albert Hunter, La
Grande. 20th (Umatilla), one to elect:
Republican--L. L. Mann, Pen
dleton; James A. Best, Pendle
ton. ,
Democratic TiJ. C. Prestbye,
23d Dist. (Baker),. one to elect:
Democratlc-r W. II. Strayer,
Representatives in Legislature
First Dist (Marion), four to elect:
Republican H. H. Vandervort,
Salem ; F. W. Settlemler, Wood
burn; Mark D. McCallister, Sa
lem; Mark A. Paulson, Silver
ton; A. N. Moores, Salem; Sam
uel A. Hughes, Salem; Mrs.
Louise RiggB, Salem; John B.
Giesy, Salem; F. J. Larky Sa
lem. Democratic
Second Dist. (Linn), two to elect:
Republican Harry E. Tucker,
Albany; L. L. Swan, Albany;
Hector McPhersoh, Albany.
Third Dist (Lane), three to elect:
Republican Emmett Howard,
Eugene: H. C. Potter, Eugene;
S. S. George, Eugene; C. W.
Allen, Vida; Lynn S. McCready,
Eugene; Charles M. Emery, Eu
gene. Democratic
Fourth Dist. (Douglas), 2 to elect:
Republican R. L. Gile, Rose
burg; B. F. Nichols, Riddle.
Democratic Walter Fisher,
Fifth Dist. (Cooa), one to elect:
Republican Dal M. King, Myr
tle Point.
Democratic George H. Chaney,
Sixth Dist (Coos-Curry) 1 to elect:
Republican Berton K. Lawson,
Wedderburn; S. P. Pierce,
' Democratic
Seventh (Josephine) 1 to erect:
Republican Theo. P. Cramer,
Jr., Grants Pass; John II. Rob
inson, Wilderville.
Eighth Dist. (Jackson), 2 to elect:
Republican William M. Briggs
Ashland: John H. Carkin, Med
ford. Democratic
Ninth Dist. (Hood R.), 1 to elect:
Democratic James II. Hazlett,
Hood River.
10th Dist. (Benton), 1 to elect:
Republican Claude Buchanan,
11th Dist. (Polk), one to elect:
Republican S. L. Stewart,
12th Dist. (Wasco), one to elect:
Republican Albert S. Roberts,
13th Dist. (Yamhill), 2 to elect:
Republican W. W. Lunger,
Lafayette; Walter W. Russell.
McMinnville; J. II. Teegarden,
Yamhill; William Richard
Everest, Newberg.
Democratic J. C. Compton,
McMinnville; 'Arthur HcPhillips
14th Lincoln-Polk) one to elect:
Republican - R. M. Turner,
Toledo; A. T. Peterson, Toledo.
Democratic William V. Keady,
Waldport; Joe Minton, New
; port.
15th Dist. (Wash.), three to elect:;
Republican Charles R. LaFol-j
. lett, Cornelius; L. M. Hesse,
Scholls; Loyal M. Graham,' For
est Grove; Edward Schulmerich
. .
v Hillsboro. . r , : i
Democratic William Schut-
merich-Hill8noro. ( . ;
16th. DUt. 1 (Clack.), 3 to elect:
jRepubllcane-J.' F. Clark, West
h Linn; Philip Hammond, Oregon!
City; Harold C. Stephens, Esta
cada; Charles T. Slevers, Glad-i
stone; M. S. Shrock, Milwaukie;
' H. H. Chindgren, Molalla.
Democratic Louis . Kohl; Ore-!
gon City; AL A. Price, Oregon
f City; E. G.' Robinson, Aurora. .
Wth Dist. (Malheur). 1 to elect:
Republican J. D. Billingsleyj
Ontario.. " i j
18th Dist. '(Mult.) 13 to elect :J
Republican D. C. Lewis, Wal
' E. Leonard. Jarrett G. Beckett,
ter G. Lynnj J.0. Bailey, Barge
" ' Ambrose H. Johnson, F. R Pet-i
'' erson, Ramonda H. Edgrngton
Campbell, W. C. North, Bradley
"A. Ewers, -Ed. Popick, E. WJ
Filing For May Primaries
State: House Closed Friday
Eastman, Tom : F. Mahoney,
Herbert Gordon, Joe Day, H. J.
Langoe, James S.f Gay, Jr., Bar
nett II. Goldstein, Oscar W.
Home, Addie S, Kimble, Louis
Kuehn, Allan A. Bynan, John
W. VanHrne, Dorothy McCul
lough Lee. A. S. Ellis, James
H. Cassellj J. E. Anderson, John
B. McCout, Fred W; German,
Wilber Itenderson; Dorr E.
Keasey, L. D. Mahone; J. B.
Ofner, Eajrle Wellington, Earl
C. Bronau'gh, J. N. Barde, Wil
liam P. Lord. Dr. M. II. Mc-
Mabon. Etigene E. Smith, D. D.
Hail; Sanield MacDonald, A. G.
Frank J.
James D. Olson,
Lovergan, Fred C.
c Albert . Asher,
r Alice Maqaris, Frank Schlegel,
Grover ' Frctwell, Walter
, Oleason. ! Albert Sanderson.
19th Dist. ((ilatpop), two to elect:
Republican w. s. Hamilton,
Astoria; E, G. Bates, Gearhart;
James W.j Mott, Astoria.
20th Dist. ColumbIa), 1 to elect:
Republican -A. E. Allen, Rain
ier. .. .
Democratic- Reuben E. Strati
ton, Clatsjkanie.
21st-Dist: (Crook, Deschutes, Jef
ferson, Klamath, Lake), 3 to
elect : . . ;
Republican T A. . M. Collier,
Klamath alls; Denton G. Bur
dick, Redmond; R. S. Hamil
ton, Bendj.
Democratic . .
22nd Dist. (Morrow, Umatilla),
one to elect:
Republican Thomas P. Gilll
land, Pilot Rock; Roy W. Rit
ner, Pendleton.
Democratic Joseph Scott, Pen
dleton, j
23rd Dist. CUmatllla), 2 to elect:
Republican Carl F. Engdahl,
Helix; "Glenn G. Dudley,
Athena; 'James Johns, Pendle
ton. -
24th Dist. (Union, Wallowa), one
to elect:
Republican Charles Hunter,
Democratic . "
25th Dist. (Union), one to elect:
Republican II. ''" II. Weather
spoon, Elgin; R. J. Kitchen,
26th Dist. jfBaker), one to elect:
Republican F. W, Eppinger,
Baker, j
27th Dist. j(Grant, Harney), one
to elect: f
Republican Archie McGown,
Burns; jw. S. Cavcrh ill, resi
dence Cajverhill.
28th Dist (Gilliam, Sherman.
Wheeler), two to elect:
Republican C. A. Tom, Rufus;
E. W. Spell, Arlington.
29th Dist. (Tillamook), 1 to elect:
Democratic C. G. Schneider,
I J. TV T l-wW
xaai i uus x u-L.y
William Fox
:'. ;aSet:
--. v ? '. ? - -- - v
. Stock Limited : '
340 Court Street
Republican George P. Wins
low, Tillamook.
30th Dist. (Clackamas, Multno-
mah), one to elect:
Republican Fred J. Melndl,
: Portland.
Democratic Sam M. Williams,
District Attornors
Benton county:
Republican - Fred rafpTlenry,
Klamath countyf
Republican W. A. WIest,
Klamath Falls. .
Democratic Edward B. Ashurt,
- Klamath Falls; W." M. Duncan;
Klamath Falls.
Multnomah county:
Republican Stanley Myers.
Democratic C. G. Schneider,
t.resnam. ,
'Polk county:
- RepubHcan-arElmer Barnhart,
Falls City.
r-mrrj In TVIIIiam TXT TTi
combe, Dallas.
Wallowa county.
Democratic George W. Cherry,
Wallowa; Max Wilson, Joseph.
Polk County Urged to Pave
-Five Miles Between Bueil
and Bridge
Now that the Polk county court
has completed the macadam roml
from Dallas to Buell there remains
only, five miles to be completed
between Buell and the Wallas,
bridge to make a fine highway
connecting Salem and Dallas with
the Tillamook highway.
Efforts are now being made n
interest the people of Polk and
Marion counties in the com plot ion
of tho five miles which will con
nect Buell With 'the Roosevelt
highway and thus shorten the dis
tance between Salem and Tilla
mook beach points at least 1
In order to macadam the five
miles f. in knnan thnl it uill I...
necessary for I'olk county to vote
bonds this fall to aid in tho ex
pense of construction.
Among those who are interested
In completing the five miles of
road, there is a feeling that I'olk
county should first show a dispo
sition to cooprate and then take
up the matter with the state high,
way commission to interest, th
Btae in tne proposed improve
.. Buell, the point 4o which Jtolk
copnty has already con8trid a
macadam road, is about lVJiikvi
northwest of Dallas. FromjBuell
to a connection with the Tillamook
highway. It Is five miles. It is
this stretch of road, which If ma
cadamized, would place Marion
and Polk county points about 21
miles nearer Tillamook beaches.
Madge Bellamy, Jack Mulhall Sj
and a strong supporting cast
A Thrilling Racing Picture
S - , ;
.... .-..