The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    W a.--- UU1
, . . 1 'I , .. ' - . - '''.' ... ." ' - w 1 '
. Last Friday afternoon the lib
erty school went to KaUer and
played Co ball came with the
' teams of that school. " The score
was 12 to 11 In favor of the Lib
erty, girls, and to to 3 in favor
of the Kaiser boysT Return games
will be played uere Friday. April
23rd. :;.; .i";"' .-'v
. The pot-luck supper that was to
. have een glren by the Woman's
- clrJ& j) been postponed .indefi-niuY-The
reralar ' meeting; of
the Tub Twill be Thursday after
noon. April 15.
"Mrs. Tubs of Shanty Town. a
three-act Aomedy given ,hj the
Falls City Dramatic dab here last
Saturday deserves much praise. In
the tirst place, the play is among
the Tery best, .and was ably given
tly each i'ha'ractcr on'the cast. W.
jnpprectate .thet tact "that - they
trame to us. - -'t :'-'r
5 Miss Bernjee Colby has returned
-i to her wcVU Toxtland after be
ing home fo$' several weeks on
. account of Illness. - ''
Chrtstoff and Annie Schmidt of
Marion spent Sunday at the home
of their aunt,' Mrs. K. Schmidt. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ncufcns of Val-
aets are visiting relatives here.
Robert Cunningham. Who was
out of school for at week on ac
count of Illness with flu, la able
to be with "us again. - , -
We are glad able to re
port that Mrs. Ed Tnek. who has
been nick for several weeks, is
now recovering rapidly! ' i
Frank Kolsky and son. Melville,
.were in Oregon City Sunday.
Some of the "best spellers of th
'Eighth and Ninth grades Jll speil
with an equal. numberjL-adulU
fat the nail on the evening of April,
Miss Mary Van Handle of Sub-
Ilimlty visited at tne -n;. r-s. ,oimj
fhome last Sundays i i
Mr. and Mrs. Hoag. and Miss
Cooler- at tended -the teachers in
?atitute held at Anmsville last Sat
urday! t;f '----
C C. Sehnke of Florence -vlsit-ved
at the W-R. Dallas -home over
the Weekend. He I Mrs. Dallas
father. 4 ' r: :";;,-r'-
H Mrs. A. B. Browning gave a
birthday party last Thursday in
honor of her daughter, little five-year-old
Margaret. The little
; friends present hod a delightful
time. '
The regular and last meeting
for this year of the Forensic so
ciety will be at the achool house
In Mr. Hoag'a room after recess
next Friday April 18. Visitors
-are welcome. .This Fame day at 1
-o'clock there' Will' be a debate by
"the seventh grade. We tru3t that
many visitors ; will be present for
both of these programs.
Mrs. Gladys Hill, formerly Miss
Gladys Trask, visited in Lyons one J
day this week. - -
Sunday evening at 8-o'clock Pro-r-feasor
Brenton Vedder, snperin
SteneViit of schools of Clackamas
Yct "will apeak in the M. E.
Cl5h at Lyons on the subject,
V-The Union High School, Its Ad
vantages, and How, to Secure One
for I-yona and Vicinity." Every
one' interested In education and
he future welf aretf Lyens and its
youth will be present. ' This is
'one time your vote may count for
the everlasting good of your home
Sunday, May , has been deslg
t nated t'Homecoming day." Sun
, day school will convene at 10 a.
-m. Rev. Harry O.' Crouse, the
past or, will preach at 11 a. m.
A picnic dinner will be Berted at
noon. After dinner a'mlscellane
'one program, will be rendered by
representatives ot the various com-
caunitiss present. r '
An address on Law Enforcer
inent will be given in the M. E.
- ehurch at 8 o'clock Every patrl-
otic, loyal citizen of Lyons ' and
1 vicinity is invited. -
f The Lyons high school has re-
versed itself and will not give a
i school play as previously announc
f ed by students.'' - :
t Mr. and Mrs. M. Townsend en
J tertalned relatives from Liberty
t and Rosedaie Easter Sunday. -i
Mr. and Mrs. Franks Lyle and
' v rhildren of Portland - spent their
r Easter with Mrs. Herman Wiper.
, Mrs. Hugh Roselle of Silverton
called on Mr. and, Mrs. Hamilton
. Easter Sunday. 1 " " "
- Mr. and Mrs. , Will, Morris and
-children spenUEaster at Anmsville
with relative: v 's .
" i - Mrs. Anna Kunke was hostess
for WCTU at their April meeting.
It proved to be one of the best at
tended sessions of the year. There
were - 24 ' me?? hers j and visitors
present besidesthe children and
inen folks. .. Over 30 people ere
Served at the dinnerJionr. " 4h f it
I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blaco of
Newport have sold - their fruit
ranch here to Joseph Morris,; so
" report says. -
Mr., and Mrs. Graham have a
; brother, Mr. Hare- and famlly.from
. ; the east visiting ftat:: ' ? ;
. J The Roberts sUtlon on . the
Oregon Electric baa? been pain ted
: cream color with green , trim
5 mings. ' - j
i John J. Roberts lias Just had
completed a modern hog house on
his farm here, and has purchased
sonyS pure - bred Poland , China
stoffcT Mr. Roberts is also hav-
' InzA. large well equipped poultry
. ' - I V A . w n m
-biult a few weeks ago.
if j Mr.i and Mrs. h Charles , wooa
ward and family ol Portland spentU- J- I4Tweedia who has. been op-
Sunday with Mrs. Alice Coolidge.
i The prospecta for k very, large
trnit crop are the finest ever. ;
( The early flax is looking- great.
Alfalfa will be ready to cat! soon
If this weather continues..
The Riverside Telephone com-
pAny i is - rebuilding the bid.,- line
from Salem,' putting la new poles
end some new wire. The line will
extend past JlaTls- Ferry "where
there are eeveral new, patrons.
,' The early sown flax is looking
very fine.;. -Alfalfa is far advanced
for this season. -
. UMr. ;and .Mrs. .Ben Bntton of
Portland .spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs.;J. W. Ingram."
; Mr Z-and Mrs. Forest ' Edwards
were Sunday visitors at Jack Ed
wards'. - - . -
Blanche and. Dale Boalin spent
the week end with their aunt,
Mrsr-O. .Fowler at Rosedaie, their
mother Joining' them- on Sunday
and spent, the. day. , x
I Mr. and rs.f A. -Lewie of Sa
lem were at Jdr. and Mrs. J. A,
Townsend'j undayyUFred.vCrist
of Sea View, Wash., was! also ta
visitor. ; - M v.- ; w :i X. I
Arthur 2JelkIe has teen visit
ing, his lather recently. , v. ; i -
Mr. and. Mrs. George Higgins
and children. " Raymond and ' Jan
Ice, spent Sunday in Salem with
Mr. and Mrs., J. R. Parker, j j.
G." If.; Hansen and family have
moved 'tOSa4em.'"-W -m
Hazel Green
Snpt Fulkerson visited school
Friday and had the "standard
plate taken down, as the require
ments were not being filled. ' .
QuenUn. ;son ot jB. C. Zelnlskt
has pneumonia. : '--t
J Gene Parmentier, who has been
studying music In Portland is vis
iting parents, Mr: and Mrs. George
Parmentier.; .-v ' . -
Mrs. Maurice Xranlgan'a sister,
Mrs.' Mable Faucet, died in Los
Angeles recently. Mrs. Faucet la
well known "here, having lived
here before her marriage. -'Mr.
and "Mrs. E. B.Fletehef and
son Ellsworth and grandson Dan,
were visitors at G. G. Looneys
Dr. G. E. McDonald, superinten
dent of Oregon conference of Unit
ed Brethern church, held a busi
ness meeting at the church Toes-
day evening.
C. A. Van Cleave made a busi
ness trip to Portland "Saturday. -
Ben Clemens is. drilling a well
and installing a water system.'
Mrs. Marjorle FelleVs ia spend
ing some- weeks at home caring
for her mother who has been sick
for the past. month. ;. f -
' Mrs. Albert TJarlson and son
Stein of Portland, called at G.
G. Looney's Sunday.
W. T. Riches and son have
new Page milking machine. . :
The high school will put on. ?a
play Saturday night. K
Ben Tunston was Salem Tlsi-
tor Tuesday. , - ;
J. Mullenax was in Portland Sun
day. : - '.
"Nearly 20 of Mrs. Hewitt's lady
friends gave her a surprise birth
day dinner at her home-t Wednes
day. ' .. . f s:r
George Burnett is ill at the
Deaconess hospital; '-'H
MIsrf Thelma ; DeUell, teacher
near Woodbnrn, spent the week
end with her parents.
The boys class of the M. E.
Snnday school who won in the re
cent class contest, were given a
banquet f Friday .evening by the
superintendent, Mrs. F. C. "Gun
ning. ' -'
Fred Moore and wife were down
from Mill City Frfday evening for
the school orchestra concert. They
were accompanied by their niece,
Miss Agnes Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomason en
tertained company from Cottage
Grove Friday and Saturday, w : -
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Hewitt went
to Hubbard Tuesday to -attend 'the
funeral of f Mr. Hewitt's aged
grandmother. ' f ' i
Miss Viva Davie left Wednes
day for Salem where she "has em
ployment as nurse girl in, the Holt
home. i i:C . ,- S-.. :
.Mrs. E." D. ;.Crabtree has been
quite Ilt'the past few days suffer
ing from,' throat affection. '
Word reached his city today of
the vdeathlot : Oi ; L Weddlei ia
former Stayton man, and a broth
er of Wi A. Weddle of this city
The ; body will , be - bronght here
for burial Thursday. Mr.-Weddle
lived JU Oregon City. - 1 1 1 - ' -
A. E. Roy and family 1 of Port
land, J.,F. MaCk andi f amUyf a nd
Wm. Smllhnd;ifamUiofafetn
were Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mm.' El Boy. f "v
"t ., Mr 5 Hnrd ; anil family t moved
here this week from Newberg.
Mr. Hurd Is a mechanic of some
ability and is employed in the
local jCtfevrolet garage.- f . , e '
r MralT.'C. Crabtree and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Townsend came over from
Salem Wednesday to . attend the
funeral of Alvah Davis who Was a
nephew of -the two women.1
. The senior play at the high
school': auditorium : Friday' night,
was exceptionally well rendered,
and enjoyed by the large crowd
which the 'school playa never (ail)
to bring out.. i . . -v v' J
eraung ae uooa .ais resLaur
"ant; on J t!Th street for' some
taonths :pz.i Ji33 41'posei ' of liia
Interests' Xob liags ted wiio as
sumed4 charge of .the business the
first of the week. For the present
the new management will conduct
the business at the same old stand.
- F. F. Foster. lost a horse which
he valued 'very highly, Sunday.
The an tmal has long -alhce r passed
its iisef ulnsshut was kept ly Vhfi
family a. a. pet$ " ,ki .rs&
.Wednesday ' was the warmest
day of the seaaoaaa far, thermom
eters about town registered 83 de
gress during the warmest part of
the day, 'which was an unusual
temperature for AprlL r . , 1
Mr. ,andMrs. Will. Darby ot
Ashland were recent guests at the
home ef Mr. '.and : Mra; Frank
Lesley. Mr. Darby and Mrs. Les
ley are cousins.. ; r . s. ;. . ' ,
Joseph Fishe has. been improv
ing - hia residence property-1 by
pulling a new root on the bouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Cleave
ot Portland Were Week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. D.; A. Harris.
T. Wallace is building an ad
dition te' his houee ' ' 1
" Mr. and Mrs.' C. McCnlly and son
of AumBVille,-and Mrs. M. Mc
Cnlly of Eugene were guests ef
Mr. and Mrs. Magee Sunday.
,W; Sheridan intends to build a
modern dairy barn in the near fu
ture.. .::'
Mr. and Mrs. E. Cox of Salem
spent Sunday -with Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Harris. . v u:.: !
Work, on the A. J. Hager house
is progressing nicely. v
1 N. Fryslie and son hare started
planting potatoes.
The Rosedaie Community 'club
meeting was held at the school on
Friday evening; April 16. This was
a joint meeting of the Sunnyside,
Liberty and Rosedaie clubs. The
Lota Stone whistling quartet from
Portland gave the program.
There was a Bocial party held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Boje Saturday evening, April 16.
Herman - Boje 1 has 'purchased a
new Har ley-Davidson motorcycle.
The Rosedaie nine played the
Fail-view team last Friday after
noon."' The Rosedaie team was de
feated 3 to 10.
The Smith, Boje. Gardner and
McDow families motored to the
Sandy river for-a picnic
Mrs. Parker, an old resident of
Tangent, more recently of Albany
died on Monday and was buried
on t Wednesday, the funeral was
held . in the Methodist church
here; Rev. Mr. Pendleton preach
ing the funeral sermon.
Mrs. Howard Jenks, who has
been in the hospital ' at Albany,
undergoing an operation, has re
covered sufficiently , td return to
her home. : '
Miss Unice Griffith, who has
been dangerously ill "with pneu
monia, and was tended in the Al
bany hospital has. been able to re
turn ' to her 1 home; but ! will not
be able to "take up her . school
duties at once. '.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fox, who
have been visiting in the home of
the parents of -Mr. Fox, will move
to Albany, where they will make
their , home. Mr. Fox is engaged
with the Chevrolet 'automobile
dealers. "
The, county assessor has been
busy in his official work in this
locality the. last few days. '
James Hensley, a former resi
dent of Tangent, who has spent
the last year in California, has re
turned jto Tangent, fully satisfied
that Paradise is not south of Ore
gon, and that this locality Is just
about right. y 1
On Tuesday afternoon Tangent,
again was obliged' to yield tne
laure to the. Shed high school ball
team. ' f'
,,Mr Kees, field secretary for
the ISpworth .League- addressed
the. local chapter here on Sabbath
evening. . f j 4 f
; Farmers, on .every hand, : have
made' good progress ; ,wlth their
field work and spring seeding as
ha result of the splendid ' weather'
conditions. ;; f '" .."f;
;,Mr.' and Mrs. E. S. Fox were
business visitors to . the j Hoed
river country! on 'Monday. "They
were accompanied by their daugh
ters Grace and Laura, and, their
son, Lawrence. - ' ; '
- The ,Womens Auxiliary o Port
land .lodge. Elks, with , headquar
ters In Portland and capital -stock
of 500, filed articles in the state
corporation department here FrI
day. - The .., incorporators are -. Es-
tella M. -Foley, Caroline J. Shaw,
Nora Crandalf and others. : j
; Other articles filed Friday fol-
low:- ' ? ' - i ;
"; Oregon-Idaho Mining and Con
centratlng company, : Portland,
50,000f Ralph Thow, Frederick
Greenwood,- J. Hunt Hendricksoh,
Larson's Pharmacy, r Portland,
$20,000; Louis Larson, Rose M.
Larson and Allen Larson. - " ;
tiilmick ' Knitwear company
Portland, IIO.OOO; Gilbert F.
Fallman, "Malcolm B. ' Rasmussea
and A. C. Bull. r"--
Eugene Contract let 'for par
lrig -Tenth avenue ' from Monroe
to.Alm&den, for I27.S65. ,
'f ms a
fi i , otbeadache-mbthsfoTehasd
J vl -telt and izdal the atxa
What Has Happened Before ' 1
EVE MacLURIE, young;, beautiful, passionately satisfied
lue, private secretary to . . - - .-f .
f JOHN .'INGATE, tlilrVlot at name to be prIdnf of . Jolm
Iagate's Sons, Inc4 wholesale- leather jnerrhants, reckonnl at thirty
to be a "woman hater. Jor! and Is IdvM by, : both bor employer and
, CLAV WALES, one t plq Kmploye ' When John In-ate po
SKwes nrriage to; Eve, Ja: therfae eftlm oppoitioa nt hl mother and
a".1 roafeeees b5pr 4ove'tte re)ece binrtn tavrsf Clay, a youth
weak and irresponsible, because ebe believe Clay needs ber more.
J oha Ingate cannot anderfttand r;her . choice between dominance and
domination, weakness and strength. ;- He doc not realize that it is
weak men who make tlie greatest appeal to a woman's sympatliy and
heart. 1 ' .'. ". - . ,v; -1 -
'-' Clay, knowing of his employer's love or Eve, jealously fears
him. - - - ' ' " :.-.;.:. J
1 - -Neither Clay's nor Eve's parents attended the wedding, which
John Ingate wa impelled to make something more than the ordinary
affair. And with the. festivities over and tha couple ready to leave on
their honeymoon, they receive a epol reception at the MacLnrie resi
dence.. With sinking heart, Clay-sets out witli his' bride for his own
home. . ' -, -;-: .v.;.,., . ,.,',.
Now go on wit-the, -story. ! - ' " ' '
THUtTEKN ''' ;,J
A repeated ringing of the door
bell finally aroused a response in
the darkened house; lUay Wales,!
Btraining his eyes through,, the
door curtain, exhaled relief when
he discerned a form making its
way down the etairs; how ;.fl4nmi
nated to a degre by a globe in the
upper hall, and murmured i She's
here, allright. ' He had been
afraid she wasn't. ,t -;;; .
Something else was on -Eve's
mind at the. moment:
j Isn't. it funny. Clay, none of
our relatives were at our wedding
except Madeline Overstreet? It
is , Just, as if we had eloped." It
was. to be understood from her
tone that she had -not been affect
ed by the absence of her close kin.
She bad been too excited to really
miss mem
- i . i .... i i r : j -r 1 i ,i t i i i I, , i ,.n in .11,1.1 IB I, 1,1,1,
I ' ' ; .
- ' . . t- t ' : . fs '
' ' J y - :- ........ . ... ... . . . . , ; . -,...,'. ..". .,,- ., . j"".
-- ,iLii n7l ni . -a treat for those who? U:: : ;'
'llYJnhi y WJZr 4 : ' V- wear-dresses and those JC - J f- - h , -
-I 'iill'lfl!J K. . , '$i i V t who pay for them. ,tjfM: ; ';r'
wMKie N-Crtxr. Jyxm:irii-
'v M
il . w
f uuouoim um mil, ikijiu.
i eyes met nis momsr a tnroago
the glass dubiously. He ,bad fore
bodings regarding-" the reception
awaiting them.
Satisfied by " her glimpse out
that no peril lurked at her door.
Mrs.- Wales opened It. "Well i . J
How eloquent' that word! Well!
. . . Well? ... . Well.)
"Here we are mother," Clay
managed to say. His wife was
already at Mrs. Wales' arm
length, waiting, expecting, to be
kissed. It was a feeble embrace
Clay's mother, gave Eve.
.. , "Is dad home yet?" Clay looked
around eagerly. '
"He's late tonight-i-twohurs.'
Mr. Wales was a railroad Conduc
tor. He had been climbing over
freight cars, braving wintry winds
find; torrid rays, for 20( years.f
Adapted from
'P' 7iSr Jut' U
1 fZZ? . s TV'V tT JS2 It -Gown a' that wlTl A
w 7 J f I ' . JET ' ' . - m
v-rir' ;JWfT)sv -can this Coilcti
&n xtll ' I'iomwdy; achieve.
.ChaVKe'Mtay JEva NbvikLloydHubH
: Adults U , . . .' .50c ...
rCfoildren i . . . . SOc O -
to - s . . '
'i.1 ,! '-
' - Clay . was ; really dlsoppolatetl.
He cared- morefor ;hi9 aher.
ThatSi "too'bad . r We won' t get
to see him untiliWe get back.!1! i
'I don't know, whether he will
want to ed y a,? Mrs. Wales saldJ
Clay Wineed -and - avoided Eve's
eyes.. ,Why did his inother have
to ay a thing like that? -Anger
healed her cheeks. "Well, excuse
me, Eve.. . . I'll run up and get
my things. ----- - - . ..
Mrs. Wales, seated by the win
dow, glanced out. "Is that, Mr,
Ingate's automobile? -'
"'Yes." I do'nf knox what we
would have done withoat him to
day. He attended to everything,
as If I: were his daughter or jCUiy
hist- aon.; .-r.-;.-V f-f ' Vir ?f :i ; h '.
. Mrs. Wales regarded her daugh-ter-Jn-law
out of - the corner t an
eye. .Eve, intuitively feeling the
glance was,uncomfarUbler!-.yl"
r "He's ahighty young arid hand
some " himself, 1 atidM HB5 ' ) has
money." . Mrs, . ,W' .observed
challeaglngly;? , lUv - h ?:
Looking at hia"' inother.' the
bride had -her first doubts about
Clay,. She ought quickly to
change the subject. "I'm, going
to expect you ta help tne with my
recipes and things, Mrs. Wales. -1
know I'm net one-tenth as good a
cook as fyoa are." ; This wa$ ac
companied by a friendly smile.
""Where are yon two going to
live.?" "
Eve flushed. Why, Clay had
said-r-... v.
i Mrs-- Wales read 'the .glance.
"Mr. Wales is out on the, road, so
much, and I don't like, to be alone,
so 1 think lH rent,Claya.ro0m."
She spoke as if she were Innocent
of design. !
"Oh, I think we'll take a house,"
Eve spoke up airily, but not with
out a queer feeling around i her
heart. She looked up darkly when
Clay came back . down the stairs.
The sight of .her son's luggage,
the sudden realization -. that he
WAS. going away . from her,
thawed., out Mrs. Wales to some
degree. She got up and regarded
him with dull eyes. Her baby
boy, grown up, a man, married! j
v!ki iJiiv ,trJ KU kmajcer ,n
tf r i i -v .-
llie Famons Blnsical Comedy
! rWill Present an Especi-illj Selected f ;
And iovr be waa-leavloB -
-Sproethlng pulled at Clay's sen
tinmental strings at the name mo-'
zuent ; He dropped the, bags, and
folded the gray-haired old lady -in
his amf":-;...r: ;C v--vv
j "Goodbye, mother. . ;-.'-'ir.-He!
looked helplessly down, at
her; she was crying.- The "strong
est "man as8 well as the weakest
feels the tyranny of - tears; is
there anything else that '.hurts a
man as much? - '-"
V. Eve leaked ; away from 5 this
scene;: It hhrt. Instinctively she
knewj that; Mrs.: Wales waa hlanrt
lag her. : ' - - ' 1 . .-,
rGoodbyeHmother. Clay'a eyes
were jwet. ' - -- . ' ' ' - '
! ."Goodbye, oh. my son. , ." ." '",
Mrs.-jWales . looked -across at Eve.
Clay jcaught his wife by the hand
and pulled her ' to , his mother,
divining an impulse." . - .
"Be good to my boy," Mrs.
Wales sobbed. "He's ' a -good
boy.1 . . Eve was crying, too. - VI
don'tj think he has done, right LIn
getting married, now, but"hS'S;a
good jhoy.v,"i :. . r-,C-v;'-.'.f.-'.-,'
"I knew he is, Mrs. WalesT 'I
love him so inuch ... . And I love
you for being his mother.', v She
kissed her motheitti-lw upon the
forehjead.-' ': .. ' - .- '. ' ;
Clay was nervously glancing at
his watch. " "Come, dear, we must
The bride tilfed her hands with
lUggaige and went -out; "- this .'last
minute - belonged to 'them alone.
She' felt badly when Clay followed
"her immediately, taking the bags
from her. flow could he ,be so
callous? " He' did not look back
until jthey were In the car. .
t As j the motor moved , slowly
away j his eyes were on the house.
Eve, with something tugging at
her heart, was plunged into a -fit
of crying: "I feel so awful about
taking you away from her.. ...
- A, little frown of impatience ap
peared on Clay's forehead. , Tears
always annoyed ' , him. ; 4 He felt
foolish now. tor acting. like a baby.
The automobile aped out . River
Road i toward Wliloughby. to en-
will :open
JIcCARTIIY, C o in p b s er s
- Uvatci Price. yr:. ' ,
-V 0rcaciIt,8 v Good";
' .ves--r .a a. a i .a
v "vtl-r. ' l! era. Nn wondfor thew 1
" i -mil nM.V "S A.
-Orfmn M ilium nn. .
Irene; with Upyd Hughes,'E
morale, unanea Murray, . Kate
Price.lfrom be ; big ualea cfrm
edy rsuccfess. , . -..... i . .
v f .....;.. . ,,, i r i ic-t 1 1 ft
; .nellig '-The Dixie Merchant."
, ;.? w..,.f .,. . , : . tyi 'lift .
'. Bllgh 5 t acta - vauaexilla and
oiciure.- -. .,; L. , ... j- )4 -
able them to escape pons i Me
"send-oft parties. ... ; . - .. .T
Clay put . his. arm' around Eve
and nulled-her tnr-tirm Rh wn
his now, his woman! .How beautl-
rai sue was! . . . Just let x that
aamnea Joan Ingate try -to steal
1 To bs erintlnnv- - T -
''jJn. .the next iastalmeatV A tele
gTam from Joha Ingate.'-- - -"
.William was not a fovdrlte with
his rich uncle. In -vain did. ha trv
to impress hhn, bmt the old man
was. not impressed. f: -,, j..
une evening the tonne man
called at his uncle's house, ostess- '
foly -to ask after the old gentle
man s. health. In the course of
conversation he asked:
-vuncle, . don't .you . think .it
WOUld be fOdllab fn. mo tn'mo T-r"wr
a girl who was intellectually toy
tnieriorT'' -' .'V i.'ti
j ''Worse tian foolish, Thomas,
my lad, was the reply "worse
than foorllsh lTnnMn! 't'
: f i f :
a.-wire once complained - to- a
clergymaa of her husband's 'tiri
satlsfactory renduct, when he 'said
- a . a a'"
to .her: '
'Cottage . Grove ,Anders6n i &
Middletoa Co.-wUl Hifart; Mill rB.
to. cut- 40.000.000 feet irovern-
i menr timber a year. f- '- - 4 4 ,
.1 r
. . . .
...... - - '
. . i-..-.
.. .-: -...f-fc- '
J H' "VI,, .. '
- i -ar' y i- i.w .f