The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 15, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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    - !A
Phones 48 end 49
For Your Breakfast For Your Lunch-For Your Dinner
oars -
Royal White Laundry Soap
30 bars .
Large pkgv . .
White King
Large pkg. "
Citrus ;
Large pkg. Dew Drop
V -
Washing Powder L
Our delivery service is Free. We deliver your food, stuffs to any part of the city on
regularly, scheduled time. When we deliver your groceries there is no waiting. Our
drivers are always on time. . j ,
: x ...COOLER
Fair east,' Increasing cloudiness
and- not dnlte as warm west, por
tion: light to moderate westerly
winds on, the coast. Maximum
yesterday, 87; minimum, 48; river
1.3; stationary; rainfall, none; at
mosphere, clear:', wind;: southeast.
Kotariana to Meet i, j
Q. B. McCuIlough, of the city
soiling and planning commission,
wilt be principal speaker at the
Botary club luncheon to be held
this noon at the Marlon hotel. He
wUl explain. the purpose of the
Dance Old Time Dances
ETery. -Saturday, Crystal
dens. ! J ' ;
Bargain In. New House
: ytrBj. house off Fairgrounds
-JUe$3 on, M jrtle Te strictly mod
" atra'K toom haiiM with unfinished
upstairs, .;r double constructed
throughout; ' extra heary joists,
. very deep basement, furnace, fire-
place, laundry trays, garage, walks
- light fixtures and shades complete,
-. $4200, reasonable .. terms. This
"s house, must be seen to be appre-
latedv fcecke ft Hendricks, 189
N. High St. tf.
Sat orday and Monday
Are the days of the opening of
Mack's Millinery, corner of Center
and High. Two hats will be given
away, the drawing to take place
Monday at 4 o'clock. All ladies
are invited to register. a!5
Ranges 1 Ranges!
. Bridge-Beach Range demonstra
tion now, at Giese-Powers. al5
Millinery Sale
: 100 hats formerly $10 to $18.60
now on sale, at $5 to" $8.76. The
French 8hopv M.-Buffe Morrison.
115 High, street." , . al5
Trade Strictly Modern
t S room home on beautiful cor
ner on NSummer street to trade
for modern "home on small tract
close Jn south ot Salem.. Becko
L Hendricks, 189 N. High St. tf.
ilaccabeei to Meet
' An old-time party will be held
this evening at ' McCornack hall
by the Ladies and Slf Knights of
(he Maccabees. Cold drinks will
be featured, the entertainment be
ing Xree for -members ; and their
friends. - ! '
Big Dance Satnrday ;
.At Brooks. Ramblers playing.
. ? A17
. Ladles! Register Sataarday
Or Monday at Mack's Millinery,
corner of Center and Highland be
In line for one of the hats to be
given away Monday at 4 o'clock.
- - .-' al6
Lenves for' South -
V Mrs. E. J. Bulgin lett Wednes
day for California and Florida aft
er visiting in Salem with her son.
Wi Li. Bnliln, and her brother-in-law.
L. jQt Bulgin.-Salem realtors.
nM Martqa ' -
'i Alar dinner, served to $
ex-f evening. '
M my to Celebrate ' , .
A m1ot ride" with a "roast" at
the end. to celebrate the finish of
al recent membership contest. wntcn
lasted, over anerlQd of seven. pr
, eight .weeks. 4s Jelng; planner, by
the local Salvation Array for Its
Direct Factory Iaci -'
fl .Oowrt Strees- Hom
Typewriters IUntai Cold.
" . . . He;ard
CpeeJ rental tiUj to gat'
i 155 North
Mountain Honey
2 cakes "u. '.
: Fancy Ripe Bananas
. 3 pounds
Freshly Baked Fig Bars
. 2 pounds :
Fancy Bacon Squares
per pound
Fancy Boned
per lb. .
Sunday school of about 100 mem
bers. The 'reds-baring won out
against the "bines," 1093 to 63$
points, respectirely, it Is now up
to the latter to treat the winning
side.) according to; a ruling of the
contest. Autos; Will ocnreyi the
crowd to a spot near Eola Friday
at 5:30 p. m., where the remain
der kf the ejrenlng will,-ofpent
The local Army corps has a' suc
cessful work going on among its
young people, and Its average Sun
day school attendance has been
close to the 100-mark for some
considerable time.
Complete line of Girdles
At popular prices. Howard Cor
set Bhop, 165 N. Liberty. al 5
"Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends for their kindness and
sympathy shown us at the time of
the passing ot Sarah A. Wilson.
May we also express our-apprecia-tion
for the beautiful floral offer
ings. .Mr,' and Mrs. John W. Smith
and Family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ms Smith and
Mrs. Sarilda Smith.
Mrs. Llnna Sacry.
- Mrs. Nettle Sherman and Fam
ily. alS
Hats Cleaned and BlocazeO
75c Cash and Carry Cleaners.
352 Chemeketa St. t21tf
Prayer Meeting
A special prayer service for Na
tional Prohibition will b bel 1
the First; Methodist church on
Thursday evening. Rer. F. C
Taylor will speak on "Prayer and
Prohibition." Rev. James Lisle
will speak on "Wine in the Bible."
Discussion of the present status
of National Prohibition will be a
part of the service.
Stop the Waste in Food
Get a Cavalier refrigerator now,
$1 down will place any refrigera
tor in your home. C. S. Hamilton
Furniture Co. al5
Bridge-Beach Range-
Demonstration now
16 Powers.
Will Inspect Hospitals
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superin
tendent of the Oregon state hos
pital, will leave here this week for
points in Canada where be will in
spect a number of institutions for
the Insane. He will be accom
panied on the trip by Mrs. .Steiner.
This Is Refrigerator Weather
Don t let tne not weainer oeai
you. ";Be preparea oy naving an
Automatic Refrigerator installed
this week. We furnish the Ice
gratis for a long time. H. L.
Stiff Furn. Co. al6
Phone 727
..,' Salem fmodtnt '
Fays Oaeh Fur Fsvsdtsov
Residewca aad fttors)
. 1810 North But sine:
Established Since 191
LADD &DUSH,Banlters
-.: i General Bf.nlnng Dusinisc , -J'
' , ;' CSos Eours froas 10 sw su to 8 p. an.
f r
Commercial Street
and Rolled Picnics OOu
Prayer League to Meet '
-';The women's erangelistic pray-;
ei leasne-'wDlTOeet today at
o'clock' at the hotneof Mrsi JVT
Salamon.1333 State.street. Mrs:
p. Johnson .will lead.
Fnrnltwjre upooistery1 turn
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture, company. .s20tf
-i- rrn rlft.V": ' P
Auxiliary to Meet
The Ladies Auxiliary of the
American Legion will meet today
at the home of Mrs. H. R. White,
2009 South Church. street. Large
popples for use as ferave markers
on Memorial Day will be made.
All members of the organization
are asked to be present.
Dance Saturday , . . , .
At Clemens Pavilion, Haxel
Green. A16
Takes Position Hero
D. J. Holtxman, formerly with
Olds. Wortman it King, and Lipp
man, Wolfe & Co., In Portland,
has taken a position with the . Di
rector Department store here lh
the shoe department.
Salts Cleaned and
f $1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
OVerloadins Charced r
v C. D. McPherson of Salem,' ar
rested. Tuesday on a charge of
overloading his truck, entered a
plea of guilty in the justice court
yesterday. His case has been con
tinued for sentence. The arrest
was made by O. O. Nichols Qf the
state traffic denartment. r
We Are Anxious to Show Yo
-. How good a reasonably priced
refrigerator can be $1 puts one
in your home. C. S. Hamilton
Furniture Co. al5
Contract Awarded
Bulgin & Bulgin, , Salem real
tors and contractors, have been
awarded the contract to construct
Senator j Charles McNary's new
home' on the Wheatland road,
about 5 f miles from Salem. The
building is to cost approximate
ly $7000 and the location is to be
beautifully landscaped. .
Heaiw-v 0 . ';. . " . .
."Horses", Olson's "latest dancerf
hit Victor Record at Stiff's. al6
Speeding Charged
Joseph Bellinger: of Salem was
arrested. Wednesday afternoon: by
Off leer W. O. Edwards. ; He is
charged with exceed ing the city's
speed limit and '.with drivfQS, his
.... . . . . . . -
car wiineieciive Draaes. , ,
Millinery Sale ?
100 bate formerly $10 to $16.50
now on sale at $5 to $8.75. The
French Shop, M. Buff e Morrison,
116 High street. a!5
Building Permits Are Issued
Three 'building "permits .were
issued from the office of the, city
recorder5 Wednesday. 4 F. M. WUh
Hams took out a permit to con
struct a one story dwelling at 1875
The Battery IXaa ' .
Task SatUflM.
&Si Court t.
187 D Street
Telephoae S31S
We hare a-dandy Overland
Coupe f Sedan 'with S 5 per
cent rubber, spot, bumpers
and sereral other extras. '
This ear Is in Al shape and
snap at S470.
Center street at a cost of $3,000.
Enos Presnail was Issued; a per
mit to build a one story dwelling
at 2685 Hazel arerine, toTeost f 2,
000. O. R. Thompson'recelved .a
permit to erect a two story dwelt
in&: at 125 North t Twenty-third
street at a cost of $3,000.
Furniture Upholstery. . 4' .--
And 'repairing. Giese-Powers
FurnKure company. s20tf
Speeder Fined
H. Weiland of this city was fined
$7.50 by Judge Poulsen Wednes
day tor having exceeded the "city's
speed limit. "
Trade In Tour Old-
Refrigerator on .a new Automa
tic refrigerator and pay the bal
a nee as you can. H. L. ! Stiff
Fvrn. Co. " 15
William Pwtn Fined ' t
'..William Penn of tbif jcltr-. was
fined $1; by Judge Pou'sen Wed
nesday upon having beei convicted
or parking overtffie4 -a?,
"' , yLi i ii'rM
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic
Physician and Surgeon.
Motonteter Stolen
J. F. Hughes, 576 South High
street, has reported to local po
lice authorities that the moto-
meter was stolen from his car
while it was parked on Oak street
some time Tuesday evening,
Held for Inrestlgati
A. w. cieiiand, transient, was
arrested late Tuesday night by
Officer Wright and held for InTea
tigation. George Stone, another
transient, was arrested late Satur
day night and Is being held,;
Saw Found
. A wood saw was found in. the
alley between Commercial - and
Liberty streets by Officer Daris
early Wednesday morning. It was
turned in at the local police sta
tion. T .
Call Hasollton Furniture Co.
For furniture upholstering, re
finishing and repairing. al5
NpunofHere . .:JZA
George Neuner of Portland and
United States attorney for Oregon,
attended the luncheon of the Sa
lem Rotary club Wednesday nopn
as the truest of I. L. Patterson.
. -"rs : i
Falls From Stagings
E. B. Taylor was knocked un
conscious when he fell from a
broken staging. He was taken to
his home and spent Wednesday
resting. No serious injuries result
suited from the fall.
Returns to Salem
Kenneth Rice, who nas been liv
ing in California recently, was in
Salem Wednesday and expressed
hope that he might make his home
here soon. He was formerly em
ployed at the Marlon hotel.
Rods Found
A Pair ot auto curtain rods were
found in an alley Wednesday and
turned. in at the local police sta
tlon. See the Delcraf t and -
Delart Rugs on display In our
windows. Something new in town
and perhaps - they are Just what
you have been looking for. H. L.
Stiff Furniture Co x all
Carlton Receives Honor-
Edmund F. Carlton of this city
was elected deputy grand master
at .the Oregon grand council of
Royal and Select Masters of the
convention of Oregon York Rite
Masonic bodies held in Astoria.
Richards Chose
The last voting act of the sen
ior class at Salem high school was
to elect Homer Richards to repre
sent the class as valedictorian In
the - graduation ' exercises this
June. . Richards is a member ot
the high school debate team that
is to trsyel to - Msssachusettes to
represent this city in the cross
continent debate.
V Orange Blosaom'engage- ,
menC and wedding rings is a ;
tribute to the judgment and j
good taste of the wearec ,
. gqasrs Zal Jmlm, Coratr
. ststa aaa Ussrty.
Operating. in. connection with
the Salem Navigation Co.; from
Salem to Eugene ;
. , . -! , - 'Dally-. .JTrweks i
- . HIRB - -
Salem phones, 96 7Res 2106W
" Eugene phone:. 477
la no sway connected with
General Transfer lines.) ' '
Twlaa ArriTe , ' : f v ,
' Dr. and Mrs. A. Bates re
eelTed twin baby girls Wednesday
morning. , One weighs S pounds
and the other . f pound. Dr.
Bates, Who' tips the - ruler at six
feet four. Is president ot the Salem
Lonstellows clob. . ,
Six O'clock Club Date -
The Six: o 'Clock Men's club of
the First Methodist church will
hold its monthly dinner next Mon
day, evening. Rev. R. N. Avlson,
D. D. formerly pastor .of the
church will be the speaker.
Any Sewing Machine-
In our : stock placed In your
home for $1 down and $1 per
week. C. S. Hamilton Furniture
Co. ' a!5
Kelson Speaks
J. .C Nelson, principal of Salem
high schooL addressed the stu
dents of Willamette university
during (heir chapel hour Wednes
day.; . - . . ' ;
Official Board Meets
The official board of the First
Methodist church,, met in the
church on Wednesday evening.
ReT. F. C. Taylor, pastor presid
ed orer the business session.
Two Candidates File-
Webb W. Has kins, republican
of Sllverton, has filed his de
claration of candidacy for the of
fice of constable of that city.
James P. Feller has filed for elec
tion as precinct committeeman for
the Aurora district. He is a re
publican. .
Suit Money Wanted i
A motion was filed In the cir
cult court - Wednesday by Pearl
Edna Purr, to collect $100 at"-
torney f ees and $60 suit,: money
from: Samuel Aaron Burty folfcm-d
ing her suit for divorcef f ti
For Economical Refrigerators
For your home, get a Cavalier
refrigerator for $1 down, balance
easy terms. C.- S. Hamilton
Furniture Co. - ' H 'al5
Explains Planks of Platforn
in Campaign for Party
W. A. Carter, seeking nomina
tion for republican candidate, for
governor the coming election
spoke before a representative
gathering of the Salem Woman's
club Wednesday, April 14, at
o'clock p. m.-
Mr. Carter, who has been a res
ident of Oregon for the past 32
years was received with much en
thusiasm. . -Mr-' v ' - r-i
.in-brlafMr. Carter covered his
piatiorm. laying special siress on
the reduction of the income tax
the boss ridden convention sys
tern, the enforcement of tne vol
stead law; the propeir system and
education of our youths In Our
schools. Mr. Carter spoke qiute
extensively on putting through
the passage of the bill giving the
school Children tree text-Dooxs
All of the issues received hearty
Melvin Carter, chairman of the
meeting, then called on the audi
ence to make a few remarks and
all expressed their appreciation ot
the talk by Mr. Carter.
Mrs, Flora F. Fair, of Portland
stated how much the free text
book issue meant not locally but
throughout the state.
Instead of soda thereafter take
a littre "Phillips Milk of Magne
sia" In water any, time for Indi
gestion or sour, acid, gassy stom
ach. andTellef will come Instantly.
For flfty years genuine "Phil
lips Milk ot Magnesia" has been
prescribed by physicians because
it overcomes three times as much
acid in the stomach as a saturated
solution of bicarbonate of soda,
leaving . the' stomach sweet and
free from "all gases. It neutralizes
acid fermentations in the bowels
and gently, urges the souring waste
from the-system without purging.
Besides, . It is more pleasant to
take . than soda. Insist ' upon
"Phillips." Twenty-five cent bot
tles, any drugstore. Adv. '
The nicest - thing about
headaches is not to have..
them. ......
Chiropractic removes : the
; .cause of headaches ,
.Why suffer?
, The Beat in Chiropractic
cr? prison IM&s, ' , .. ; .Saleai
j Sour Stomach
"PhilHps Milk of Magnesia" X
f Better than boda 1
E. H. Rhodes Delivers Ad
dress at First Baptist
Church Banquet
In ; six weks from now the
Northern Baptist, convention' will
meet at Washington, D. C.
The convention will be presided
over by Mrt E. H Rhodes. Jr.,of
Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Rhodes - was
elected - president at Seattle last
yepr, Hl is a'priciicing attorney
in his home city, and a member of
the Ashland Avenue Baptist
church of that Uy.
For a number of years he has
been prominent in the affairs of
the denomination, as well as in
his own" local church. Previous
to his election as president of the
Northern Baotist convention be
was on the staff of the admlnis
trative committee of the Board of
Missionary Cooperation. He is
now holding the highest position
in the gift of the Baptists of the
This . evening, Thursday, he is
to be the speaker at the evening
service of the First Baptist church
where the Central Baptist asiocia
tlon Is in session. Theevening
meeting begins st 7:30, o'clock
and is open to the public. Earliel
in the evening he will address th
men at the brotherhood banquet.
meeting at 6:15. A small charge
is being made for the banquet.
Coming to Salem with Mr,
Rhodes will be Dr. O. C. Wright
of Portland and Dr. W. T. Mllli
ken, also of Portland. Delegates
from other cities will be present
today, and a Drozrain has beea
fm ade oWttTTat ' includes tEe mlar
sionary . activity . of the denomin
ation. The reports yesterday,
showed a healthy gain in most of
the church. . ?
Revival meetings were held in
nearly all the churches of central
association, according to the re
port of Rev. E. H. Shanks, .who is
Eyre .
At the residence, 1973 Mill
street, on April 13, George W.
Eyre, at the age of 69 years. He
was the husband of Ida M. Eyre,
the father of David W., Charles
E., Mrs". Edith Eyre White, Parl.
Mary and Winifred Eyre, all of
Salem. He is also survived by
seven grandchildren. Services will
be held on Thursday, April 15, at
10 b'clock -from the Rigdon &
Son moTtuary. The body will be
forwarded to Onarga, Illinois, for
Were a star quenched on high.
For ages would its light.
Still travel (downward from the
sky, , 4 . '
Shine on our mortal sight.
.. " . . 'i '
So when a great man dies.
For years beyond bur ken,
The light he leaves behind him
. lies .
Upon the paths of men.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellb
W. T. Rigdon & Son
For Colds
rs Schaefer', .
S e v e r a 1 severe ' com
plications sometimes fol
low a cold.Tv''V:v;'-"7"''.'7
Schaefer's Cold Capsules
will break,! up .your cold
. in. 24 hours. . .
l . SoId"OnIy;At -
The Yellow Front--4hono 197
133 North Commercial Street
-'fri t i , eA
A.". 1 1
. - -- ' -
The- association closes with this
evening's session. Rev. W. P. Os
good of Albany was reelected Mod
erator, and Mrs. - B. Neptune of
Salem as association clerk. ,
Straight Streets, .Restricted
Building, Called Import-
. ant Factor
That the careful arrangement of
a city is'as desirable's the care
ful arrangement of a . home was
pointed out Wednesday to Salem
Rotarians by C. B. McCulloUgn.
member of the city planning and
sontng commission. J'"
1 - For instance, without a xoning
ruling of some sort, it is perfect
ly, legal fdr a man to erect a liv
ery 8 table next to a line resiaence.
Tne tnree oojects oi me somns
commission, he stated, are toning
Solution of transportation prob
lems and beautificatlon. As for
transportation, Mr. McCuIlough
"Narrow streets are passe.-' In
the days o( Rome streets were nar
row. Means of transportation did
Sot require wide streets, and they
built them narrow to save prop
erty. . Methods ; of warfare were
hand-to-hand, .so they built the
streets crookedly for military
strategical .purposes.. f,i
i"Evt now we - bulid them wide
nd straight. Automobiles require
Wider streets and' as warfare has
graduated from the .hand-to-naaa
class, we po longer .need ) to build
hem crookedly.- By making the
streets straight we save miles and
miles of our travel."
l.-Mr. MtCullough wheld :taat
beautificatlon ot a city is an asset,
even financially. While commer
cial facilities count for a lot, the
appearance of a city counts for
1 "The best paying industry one
Can imagine.", said Mr. McCul
lough, "is an ice plant in Hades
The output could be sold , imme
diately add top prices could be
t "Yet you don't find any .he
starting up the industry because
no one wsntavto live In a place
where living conditions are so un
If the city zoning and planning
commission is allowed the $5000
yearly it lis asking of voters, it
plans to mark off particular, dis
tricts. For instance, an industrial
fdlstrlct De created. There will
be a commercial district, : There
will be residential districts. ; And
chairman of Missionary find Evan
gelistic coiumittee. ....
and PLANTS : i i
Fix jyour porch boxes now. Don't wait Until plants
are fll picked flver.1 Greenhouse is open nights knd
all day Sunday. -b-K?'
Phone 1S98 or come to"P06 North Front,
Summe r
2 Hats Will J3e Given: A way Monday,
the 1 9th, at 4 o'clock - i
All ladies are invited to register their -names
before that time.i The names will
be deposited In a sealed box and the 10 th -and
12th drawn out will be the lucky '
ones. .-': - - . - ; "
Corner of Center and High
Saturday; Apr. 17th
- 2083 State Street
if v
7 roomed plastered house with electric lig , - -and-toilet,
lot 47xl36y& feet, sold on terms, rations
balance arranged at' same time' and place., J0eccC
furniture and furnishings of said home which mncet
listed later. Everything" will be sold without rpart
., as the; owner is leaving" Oregon. : . f ' V rf
M. DULLER, ' . . N. VOOCI,
OwnerJ . .' Salem's X-eatlinj Aucilo -
This !l3 the Su,cr Clrect Vrciry n :tK
t MM i M Mr
jtfeti-iXksi ''Times Today i
there- w.lll-.beL semi-commercial,
semi-residential districts.' - , '
Such xoning, .McCuIlough held,
would stabilize- real estate, stimu
late the activities of building and
loan associations ' and thus stim
ulate building, which will fnake
for added prosperity. ' . - i
. Corvallis Northwest SecttritieS
company- will build' office '- and
store building. - -' -i i
of D Street
17 and 19 ' '
. nd July
1 - and-" '-''r. 'Cr) '-
- - - -v- r- ,1
" I