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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1926)
T 1 i i m. 9 1 I H 1 i ' V o H PS 02 WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORES-WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE "-WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORES-WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE ----- ENGLISH PRINTS 11 .New., pngjlsh, prints "and'' lurtre 'cloths, many new and pleasing patterns, som bordered 'effects 36 inches wide, fast Tblorajspecially priced during our Dol lar Week Sale at 4 yards tor..v..iV, ' ; -'. . . i (Main Floor) , Ladies' Cashmere Hose J2.25S and $2.50 rallies. ; Ladies all pore wool, also Bilk and waol fine Im ported, hosiery: . Fancies. .'including plains, buy 'them now for next fall: and winter season. -We now of fen you an exceptional saving. Daring our 'Dollar Wee It Sale'! at per palr.,..V)l TYPTjA nnPrVyf T?KTT WORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE-g-WPRTH'S DEPARTMENT STORE j v ; .wnere you Save Every Day Bovs ,Vash Suits ; ----- ?;- .- s-i.-iy'v J - Boys' r Wash Suits, size 3 to 8 J years. Baseball, novelties includ ; en fast colors and full i- standard - sizes. Made of "Devonshire, MChivIots, and khaki cloths. Dur , ing the balance of our "Dol- ? lar Week Sale" at per suit.. 0 1 CURTAIN NETS .Now is for new ing our the time to buy your materials curtains All or our . i.z. n iVsK nnaiitiea offered dnr- J)olJarWeek Sale at per yard. . arid (Main Floor) IS o o H 55 05 Q I !.J 2 to CO O T o H w Q ?3 13 o 8 I CO W is 2 Q i K IH ' O 1 H H l ' w 02 STOCKING FEET "Racine" stocking feet, black all sixes. "Dollar Week ale 10 pairs for... LADIES' HOSE Ladle pure silk hose, lull fashioned, S2.25 values. "Dollar Week Sale" at per pair ....... v X (Main Floor) SILK HOSE ; "Liberty Girl,",, semi fash ioned silk hosiery,' cordovan only, $1.25 values, wJiUe they last,' 2 pair for., vl (Main Floor) HOPE MUSLIN Bleached Muslin. 36 inches wide, no valuation on this particular item. We A-t offer 6 yards for pl (Basement) OVERALLS Boys'' heavy blue denim ov eralls, 6 to 16 years. "Dollar Week Sale" 1 at per pair v v' (Basement) Ladles' Vests ' 'tdi:t Soniwer - Knit' VMU.'Siie,B4, 36, 88, 0, 42, 44, 46. 48,-50, ear -ternUr 85e Ttlne. 5 -Thtrtac "Mr J,,Ur i Wek . SleV-rw -, will Ml) 5 for f "..' I, . '9 f .Jr B?lia r rontinr'C flaancl JjTijht- Gowns, ; from" Xtoriac nr'!'JDoI ; y (Ba9eot) . s -. - il: 7 Men's Hose 4 twa tibrr.of, ;thk , 9wat ' aoreltiM, in th - nf dirj coior eom kinatioaa. BUtt 1 t 1 11. ur regular -SO '- valuM. - DnriBS r "Dollar Woek Bate." 3 pair for , , . , m (Baemetit) Li : Uniott Suits . Wen' Baflmf raa .- Un- A . Job Saita, abort cleaveaC w ankU lenrth, Xryptin . eolor, sii 84 to 46, oar ragular 91.25 aln. ' ; 1 Hiring- en "Dollar , ' Week Sf at peruii, -r ' jBiaemeat) :. ; , - I J Sweaters Boya Coat , Sweaters, jf browa inlXet,'iwoi pM , sisea 28 f 84, our r era lar 1.3 valuli: ins- our --Dollar Week Bale" Tour choice ; ' eack '.... ,i i ,. , .i 1 '(Basement) J -tit it a Cretonnes Braae! new Iin4 of 38 lack fancy cretonaes all SSe otafities." ' Iorinf or " Doflar Week Sale W offer 8 yards for. ' ( Basement) , - Percales Percales, 36 iaekea wide, t V: L . . - - m uiai, vmiiaia man ; dark lancies, , all ' roods, fast eoVors, 22e 4 Talaea, r . f. Dariox . " ear "Dollar Week Sale" ' yards , ' ; (Baaeatent) Curtains Raffled Berim Carta ins ptaia and aovelty barred t ffeeU, loop ties,- 2 I 7rd( Ion, dnriae oar -! rlxrflar Week Sale, iw llolct at per pair.; . ' '. ' (Basemeat) ' Union Suits , Bora athletie Hnioa e-oit, barred naipaook, Jk aiaea' 24 to 84, -select theaa M wkile we haT - a. complete lino t aisea. . Dnrinr . our " - ?tpHa, , Week Bale" af 2 salts ' -for , il: . .tM. if '(Balemeiii ! IJ iUnion Suits s Mea'a Athletic TJalon Jk T Suit made white barred ' qaiooK, sises 94 to , - our regular 85c value, - DnriBf ar .."Dollar J 'Wakj..8aJ,t2iita i rVn's Hose yen's Dress Boss in black or cordovan, siaes Va to 11 hi, Mr rep lar "15cValnesr ' Duriaa; onr "Dollar Week Sale" 12 pairs for v (Basement) " .Slippers .- .'4 - V ' - T Mi i. V - fajavkieB, -inisacB, ouyr arau , children's feeti siippers, : broken lines, we wiak to clone ' oat. Tallies to s 1.75.' DnriBK oar . 'Dollar Week Sale,-" 8 pairs for '.. Iaseaflant A Ginghams I ; ; j33; ;.lcheaj 1 ,V new - T spring paiierns, last eei- ('Ors 29e values. During ,; Vor 'Dollar Week Sale" 6 yarda for t ' (Basement) Ties Men's novelty neckwear, a big. line of the newest Y to chooie from, onr reg alar SI values, daring: oor "DolUr Week . Sala" choose 2 . .v Baaement) I j Men's Hose Men's' mercerised 1UI a hose, gray, Palat Beach, !k Mfdttll IHll l 1 . M V Mil I ' aisea, our regular SSe values, . '.Daring"? nr "DolUr 'Week Sale" . 4 pair for ;S,.,Bement) Men's Handkerchiefs, fi . goaranteea an pare y : linen, hemstitched, ear -. regnlav 40c aAC5c vaK : s "During nr. "Dot 'I Ur Week Sl S for .: -,:. . ' .-. . ,. .V:.:, - ; - '.. i- (Basement) ill Ladies ' Silk Hose -:W s--n - Ladies' silk hose, seitti-fjashioned,' each and every pair guaranteed to give satisfactiortVery pair perfect,' sizes 8' to s 10, and regularly ' worth $1.25. ChooOT from the following shader ; ' SAUTERN, GOLD, MAUVE, GRISSETrE, MAUVE TAUPE, BER GERE, NUGREY, OPAL GREY, STONE GREY, BLACK GUNMETAL, N0THIN, WHITE, SHELL, BRAN; FALLOW, CHAMPAGNE, BLONDE ROSEWOOD, MAPLE, WINDSOR TAN, RUSSIAN CALF. 22 shades to choose from, specially priced Mt per pair ; ' - , , ; ..: -) (Main Floor) ; i 5 sa Y ! SHIRTS Men's Chambnay Shirts, fast colors. 14 '17, 85c val ues. "Dollar Week , f Sale" 2 for. ...-. ... 1 i t (Baseknent) i M. . . . w w m w m . . . 7 . a a-i . m m m B . . V ; . fp; ' i i"'1 '1Tth' ' At 6 P.M. ';;- Kp j 1 I I ' II i i 1 1 1 1 tt i 1 1 i i ii i a- v II ..IS. I;i. j,, s ii-it- i .... ...... -Mi..; j-r- . ' - . . . - . . . i y -s s . .5 r . i -fc Hi. sr-'l I & 2 11 Mil' t r- i - va I ; al! II III II IIITmi I A ' ii - m Mi PEPERELL SHE.ETING Peperell sheeting," .81 inches wide, bleached. This standard make ' and quality at a real savingfree from dressing, close and firm weave. Dur ing our "Dollar Week Sale? at 2 yardi m union surrs Women's athletic union suits, sev-: era! stylesall sites in pink, white8, orchid, peach. Our' regulaf Si .25 to ""25 values." During- our "Dollar ttA brand new ' shipment of-bojra? caps, tnade of imported ' English tweeds, lined all- sizes,1" specially priced for bur "Dollar Week Sale" at (Main Floor) BLOUSEiS SHIRTS TOM SAWYER" blouses and shirts for real boys many new fancy "patterns-to choose from-iall ages and sizes our regular $1.25 and $1.50 'values to. choose .from. ! 1 During our "Dollar Week Sale" at each , (Main Floor) ; : play isurrs -."TUMBLEIN" play suits for the lit- .' tie fellows, madej of Devonshire,' cov ' erts, cheviots and khakiclotkeit- ly made and trinmied fancy and t plain ;TtateriiIs ages 3 to 8 years. " During ' our "Dollar Week Sale" at (Main Floor) STIRRING VALUES -:;-AT : EVERY ' TURN 11(1 ill l u l a t d it s - i . . . .. . , - --t t 'fl BLOOMERS ; Ladies' bloomers, mad,e of plain crepe's, batiste and lingette, also f an ' cy flowered effects many colors to choose from $125. and $1.5a,yahies,, i x during our 'Dollar Weejk . Sal".., ' ach ...::..:. j tsecona ioor; .-i ENVELOPE CHEMISE ts b t t '--Ladies' envelope cliemise, made 'of ' . ' i k"t?i -"it ((Jin a very tine nainsooK, lace uimraeu, au i sizes, values - ', aunng our "Dollar Week. Sale" at each .(Second., Floor) - t , NIGHT GOWNS Ladies' night gowns, made of Wind-, sor Plisse, Crepe and plain Batiste, choice of orchid and pink, our regular $1.25 values, during our "Dollar Week Sale" at each ..J-.. (Second Floor). ; . .. BRASSIERfiisI ; f tjrassieres-made of heavy fancy v Coutil, pink novelties in severalde - signs to choose fromall "Sizegyf values ";to 75c. .During pur; "Dollar .Week . .Sale' at. 2 for fKT t:..; & I .X ; ill 7 : -A77 1 xiyv . - you : ' fi- save Ever Day v , Pget,. f . 4 MSMwaanfaV Pepsodent Pepsodent jTooth. Paate : aln;ajr. SOo at any.dni store. During our "Dol lr Week, sitle" yon can, ' porehasa 3 ftnbea lor " fi.i,(lliiJ Floor)-V .. ,'. b - for Watkina Sfnlsified Co coa no t Oil ;Shampoo, al- waya 7 0e.:tX&rig -ari - (JfatiJ FtoorJ "Pompeian eream 8 os. site, f l.OO 1 sise. On i lasts at '2 iale -while j( gara for . (Maia Flqor) "LaToris" H "Pebeeb Night Cream n I c h t liavoris V Anlueptic f-1 and TaAAalni-iinl nu thi s. 1 as a nuih 'r wash, ' the ' t ae. Whilel it lasts 2 lor (Uaii FloorT y ' Pebeco 1 yMtkpasie. rl 1" Alwaya 50e; " Wnile it lasts we eer S 'Wr'it (kail IFtoor) . ' " Cneme Oil ToHet8oan.';S f Osaally soU s't lOe. v T . lor 'SSej Unrinc oor" ban for (Baement)!: , ,pu6st Jvpry ! Gnestrr jpoa. r-yw-H 1 Ur 5.i. "O finer spapf f t ieSet J; Pi4i H I I 4 v1 npe nor 'J3wi. s rwct Sale 2S hiii '6 : C ? (BaUmeni)? I5 ' ! - - Cnildren'a ; PUy 'SnitS, :asa4e af .blue oenina,-J) lehambray, khaki cloth, .plain and fancy patterns, .ares 1 to 6 .years" aU . new graraeats. Dnrinf lonr DoHar-Week-Saleif - , 2 for ,. . : , (Basement1 Ui Men's raner ose. sisea Ik U Wi t 11 nneelel' j for ' arear, fhr ilvtgnlm: : 65e Talnes. Dnrina tour ' 1 'Dollar WaOiSal,!, , pairs for Scrinis5 ; ea . widie, white, ere sua p ana ecra, aiso isncy nv, aijrna. ralnes - to ', 29c !--yard. During r- Dol- , kr Week Sale' yarda - for ...... " i, ' ,,.. i i t. : , (Baseinent) " - Bloomers Ladies' Knit Bloomers. oar regular 69s. Taluea. kWhibt they. . .last- at 4 pairs lor . . , ... . '(Basement) 1 Union Suits Ladies ' Snmm'er "Weight TJnron Suits, the wotit'ip wanted styles,-aiies-34 j .to 50 - TahM-ft T5e. V IVtl l'V an C'lialli- - UeX Sate'i3. suits fa (.: , , r -i - . and Girls Ribbed black," in size 6 to wire twist, fine rib. dandy for wear, tegu- 8Se Talae.. . lorn: ."Dollar Week Sale" pair for - 7. I lW a 1:1 12. lYillar l.Var - II lm M RWta, jjitt-iped. Ijin our (Basement) Toweling 25 qnafities Glasa Tow- T ling crash and linen Y plains, checks and Tonr choice dnr 'Dntlar Week Yards .' iM i '. www'-'i inaiarr neaa Tndian Head, 88 inches Cfl wide, linen finish,' a V r limited quantity, to he - Tsolil Dtprinj our. "Dol jla? WeelrvSalaV. S yartfs IO , . ,, t r (llainl Floor). 3 73 H C ; ' , Afteirhpph's (Usually Always Buiy jv 1 ! -' .-' ' . -t. igBtK Jowels .umiMi.ur jotois,- i -white with fancy , - tVi f ana eags. good hlg elzes, Rupplr durltqs , our ; Dollfar Week Sale at I k w 1 a sit 1 , o w 11 S3 C K 1 5! i zn 8 o 2U P3 o i i 3 )' 3 H 55 H IP H O O 1 ! Hill I f H 1ST If si - 1 : : v . (Main Floor) ' : ; "4 "" ' .'. i 1 ufiBranriw sAlem.ohecon :0 rti. i ,,1 , . A' '.V';-'"1' .7 .- 1 in-wM r ' 1 rim if" T --mm ill