The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 14, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    v. -
, ...Jinj Daily:
215 Seats Commercial SW- Salam, Orc6a - ,
? Yr4 T. Toaaa
"v X aaariar-Editor;
i i- J. gauta TaleKrapa Editor
. , . AaareJ-Banca. - Society Editor.
. . .. . KZiaXX OK TKB
... TV wtMciateI Pfaaa Ur xeklTlystitld to th a for paklieatiea of all Mews
r ditpatcM or Bat ,otbrita craditad ia taia paper and alaa haleai
m paelUaa. aaraia.
I i "ATbert pyart" 8S WoreMtar BW PortUnd, Ore. " ' 1
Thomas F. Clark Co., Sew York, 128-1 W. Slat St? Cliiesfo. Marqnetta BIdr;
Dot Payaa, Saaroa BJdc 8aa Franeitco. Calif.; Hirrinf Bid. Laa Angeles, Calif.
Dali Affix &V ' ' .' '
Clreala Uoa
' Etars4 at taa Past Office ia Salaia, Oreraa, aa saeaa4-las aatar.:
hearted I hare pat-wUdom, that
' SOiniH SALfiM
- -There is evidently to
tioji tdmde.iippn aT. site for "the proposed junior, high school
building for the southeraiparfcof the city . 1.
rTnlhrs" geems;t6 W thepnly wajf to giver the schoop
ttutuwtiujr tu pryceea atong unes inat tne
' ries of toiness judg
-Xi lW t arrangement
.. tfiatiwiUappeal to-tef rWdent of South ISalem ; that they
- will nptquariil byer?Secohdt inake the ballot statement so
. , plpin that ntetitiir about its meaning.
v ;Thsouthern prt pf -the HK
school bbiidingi anol : it should Be provided with a suitable site.
1 -At -
: - - Theu nght way. to pay; fpr permanent bridges in Salem is"
tliroiigh thiale of bonds. Part of the burden should be pass
edioataunggen? will have, the use of
, them' age3 after the people now living shall have passed on.
'-. :Tmpprary.r fridges arenas much 'a makeshift , as- dirt
roads; VlThey are jnote expensive than permanent structures,
ffrithe wrseTofyears. ! not in keep-
; v ing'.wlth .the beauty." which is-and ought to be an asset to
' Saletn;;--::K; V
; vlfe'thlfpple; a. p&grain-f or. permanent bridges, includ-
; , iig the whole city; andrbne that will conserve costs while pro
idiivgper -struci endorse the program
witH their votes. v
XiV the issuance of the bonds' be' spread over a consider
" abietinfe;- if thought best. "But letrall the bridges constructed
hlVthtfuture- and pay . for
J ptB66 by;the Issiiancelof- Iciignimilbondfl.
'. . ''M-Thitp are..eightbeet ugar factories n Idaho, and the
t?4hoSUte Journal atPocateJlo publishes the figures for that
Btatefr of
. i AieuittheilAd forl924 and 1925 which show,
S36,6tfd6r f49.66 per: acre average in 1924, and $3,350,000,
pr 133.74 oer acre, in'1925. 'The same price is taken for the
figurcforl ihewfyears,andthe acreage was 59,000 i
Jtf4, anq Wtyw jn ;it;a tue uiueraice was in me average
yJelditwaSjfStia in 1925
: " A!n iirtrnirise'. increase. This was due partly to a better
growing Reason last yjear than the year before, and partly to
better jncthods of growing' thg beets, gained through exper
ience and exrrimntsl. ' ' : "-,--.
'.The fdaho fanners regard sugar beets as a splendid rota
tidn crciThfeftreanany oth increase in
iUgarT&'inione lastT year oyerlthci year: bef ore, over ?40
'per Cent, made upthe best showjiisPof IargeV i Ai Operations
in tnatsiate, witv xne, exception oipopawes, wnicn coaiioanu
ex an'iUmorrnial briefcnot likely to be repeatedof ten.
"j.nero IS .ajVpryj lnieresung; ueveiupiii,pLui, yi-c m
the - sugr industry, in the United States. which yhas been
referrte4HoUeve of
VUti IfC la! the imdeesk of experiments -carried on by the
United States" Department of
ulated sugar from both dextrose (corn sugar), and levulose
(artichoke sugar.) ' ' ) " ' ;
, , -! The, time is . evidently coming swiftly when- all three
sugars win be. sold regularly in the. markets
- And1 th win look alike, 'i The difference will be in their
wu sweeteninir Ppwexv with beet:pr cane. sugar (sucose) at 100,
- conr sugar aCf43 and artichoke sugar at 173.
I r;i.The imter'usesthe term artichokesugar for the levulose,
V! because Jerusalem artichokes have been used in the experi-
"nients, mostly,? some pfj them from Oregon.? But levulose is
."f ruit:suskr,7;aniit 'may be made from tlie by-products of
! beet sugar,' and also from dahlia bulbsand ther products;
i; . There is ho flanger to thesugar Industry of .our country
i from thesis nesugars, either deiktrose.or yulosej for there
tt -J--3 I ivU :.J-f,-; (mV fA-r Aa-rimst? Mich
1 5 d? .And leet sugar factories, .with few and inexpensive
. changek; can Jbe fit to'iriake leviilce-
o C dl4isingachikes, the tonnage per acre is larger
vJhanaofga factories
: working on artlchbkes will fee runthe winter through,where
(1 asiefiia'sonidmug profitable storing
iishortthreej tQolirrinpnths. j , , -
v. So;haseen said before, Salem will finally have fac-
' v tories 'prbduciii aureetktadsf ofsugar,s for all the raw
..r -. ' it l -r-Jl i - xi..''..
- products can De grown to aayaniage m w)s uwirKt.
- - - ' -
-Vciol; tbgrb flaTi 4 T
If yod'arey makeyburTcontract
liJiyrbf.tbvortow.Ii-r! ;H i .
? - y V: 9i 'A ' k L A
7 L ;' -mormi.o8tractS:toig'row
ius. ivf tlie-titewere Taai?&;ye3-
terday. Lesj than 200 acref Ctore
Except Jtoaday r ' 4 ! ' , ?
-' W. H. Haadataoa i--- Ciretilatioa Vtufir
' Ralph H. Kletsiag AaertiJnf. M aaacar
Frank JaskatkJ " - IbuptJskDipt.
1 .-J1a
"W.C. Conne
- Poultry Ed j tor
Kers PeaartmsafX ar 109
"In the hearta of all that ar
ihey Jnay. mako all that I hare com-
an attempt to hold another eleo-
Agriculture in producing gran
is thV acreage limit, and the time
limit; I tomorrowTff 1 i ' ;
i . dL a. !l l!i
1 1 The , state lime plant s due ltd
start tip today. " TheVm'acblnery
had to 6e largely rebuilt. H'i'i
I .-iv-1.: y u !;
, ( Asparagus. Slogan 'stuject ' to
raofrowl ; Tell the ; Slogkn cklltor
wEit' yo u. kuo w. about XL i ladas-
: . r .v . ... ...... . i . ... t
- Br the -way, hsye yon sampled
the asparagus corning to the Sa
lem' market from local gTowers?
Ahd hare jroa erer seen or tasted
better asparagus! t
1 at first yon do not succeed,
try, try again. Tha.t is the motto
for the South Salem people with
respect to their junior high school
building. And they should work
In harmony from now on.
, . . : "w
The strawberry growers of the
Salem district are baring their
troubles in getting plenty of the
light kind , of labor to cultlrate
their yards.'
;? - - V -
! The Santlam mining region Is
going, to be fuller of. prosjractors
than ercr before, the coming sum
mer. ; The rush ia already begin
ning. One could wish for a wider
highway than the one that hugs
the side of the mountain a thou
sand or so feet abore the Little
North Fork of the Santiam, for
several miles this side of the
moutli. of Gold cresX. .
List of Contestants Added
to Roil Headed by Stan
field and Shumway
Robert N. Stanfleld of Portland.
incumbent, and A. R. Shumway of
Milton, Tuesday filed with the sec
retary of state here their declara
tions 'of. candidacy for the office of
United-States senator at the prim
ary, election. . Both Mr.' Stanfleld
and- Mr. Shumway. are republi
cans. "It ' nominated and elected,"
read Senator Stan field's platform,
"I "will support the Coolidge ad
"My powerful committee posi
tions, chairman of public lands,
member finance, v postoff ice and
post, roads, civil service; also
claims, enable me to give far great
er service to Oregon than a new
member could who under the sen
ate seniority rule, must accept the
lowest committee assignments.
"Having helped secure largest
appropriations in Oregon's history
for harbors, highways, reclama
tion, etc.. I will continue con
structive work for Oregon's development."-
.Mr. Shnmway's platform reads:
llt nominated and elected I will
impartially represent the interests
of air the people."
. - He has asked that the following
slogan- be printed after his name
on the official ballot: ;
'Farmer Cooperation between
the producer and consumer for the
prosperity . of Oregon," ,
; Other declarations of candidacy
filed in the state department here
Tuesday follow:
Ralph P. Cowgill, Medford, re
publican; candidate for state sen
ator for -the sixth district, compris
ing Jackson county.
Dal M. King, Myrtle Point, re
publican; candidate for represen
tative la the legislature for the
fifth district, comprising Coos
R. M. Turner, Toledo,- republi
can; candidate for representative
in the legislature for the 14th dis
trict, comprising Polk and Lincoln
1 Allan A. Bynon, Portland, re
publican; candidate for represen
tative; in the legislature for the
18th district, comprising Multno
mah county.
" John W. Van Horne, Portland,
republican ;- cand idate for . repre
sentative in the legislature for the
ISth district; comprising Multno
mah county.
Dorothy McCullough Lee, Port
land, republican; candidate for
representative in the. legislature
for the 18th district, comprising
Multnomah county.
: C. GL Schneider, G-resham, dem
ocrat; candidate for district attor
ney for- Multnomah county.
" A. S. - Ellis, ' Portland, republi
can; candidate for representative
in the legislature for the 18th dis
trict, comprising Multnomah county.'-;.-.
".. ; ... -',
'Joseph N. Scott,' Pendleton,
democrat; candidate for represen
tative in the, legislature for the
22nd district, comprising Morrow
and Umatilla counties.
E. D. Jasper, Allcel, republican j
candidate for state senator for the
21st district, comprisingUnion and
Wallowa." counties. . ;
v Bhenmailam, lumbago," . . neuritis,
backache,- stiff .neck, sore muscles.
Strains, sprains, achingtjoints. When
you are suffering so yeu canjtardly
get arouhdV just try Red Pepper Rub.
Nothing. . has such eoneenteated,
penetrating heat as red peppers, and
when heat penetrates right down into
pain and oongeatioa relief comes at
Just a soon as you apply Red Pep
per Ku1 you feet the bugling heat.
In . three initiates "the? sore spot i
warmed through and through and the
torture'! gone. : V,c. ju'i'
Howies Ilea Pepper Rib, madei rom
"red pej-ers, costs little at any drag
tfcore. eta jar s wnce. - Be sure to
get the genuine, witS: "U.S BtS' Cowles
C. Si Hamilton Co. Unloads
CariHuhArJIples to
bUHding ;
A large car of, furniture, was
received TuesdSy by the C.. &
Hamilton . Furniture Co., and
hauled to the new YMCA build
ing. . ;r " : :;: - ' r..
It "consisted, of f ine overstuffed
furniture for the reception, rooms,
desks and writing tables, and fur
niture for about j-40 dormitory
rooms. Also , there . were .rugs,
carpets and.ijnpjeum; for various
parts of the bnUding. f; , "
This ' car "contained practically
all of , the furniture for the build
ing exceptfor-Tt-feltems which
were purchased from other local
firms. The contractors are push
ing the work : and 'the bunding
should : be ready K for occupancy
soon. ? ; ' ' - vfrjiri-
- aia.ii .n'-'h a- r.. isj ; " V.
' (CbaOnled; fm pa(a I)
who is also a member of the city
council, declared:; .
"You are absolutely wrong. The
council has gone on record as
favoring an open street there. It
is already dedicated.
When discussion had brought
i'i.-' v
try, i,'
' i
li I.
m .rm w i -alii j a v vj'iM"i is.,' k tfi"i , s I h ; A . h Kitf " - 1
i V'-1 iiiiiiMri-i-'H-frirV1 i --n ----- r"11 '.ini.iiffniii-iii n f fi l-f k-. :
i-.'ii-'.'.-.. 53.-...- o- .o ! I .". . :
?H C k ' t? ;
1 Vis - l -
t - F" .it - J J v ;
I. - - sr'
out that certain residents of South
SkTem had-: "pouted" because they
couldn't have "the whole pie" and
had helped to defeat the election.
Dr.. F. JL. Utter asked:
4 Ahe you going to back the
f board or are you going to stall
xuround? Somebody died on the
Job: In our neighborhood. The
board has done more than we ever
traought'ot doing. We shouldn't
kf?lc about the election returns.
Soiflh Salem has nothing to be
eiDiPeetor William Gahlsdorf in
formed the board that he ht.J
heard expressed repeatedly the
sentimemt that South Salem was
getting " too much land for their
site; He- Bald that South Salem
folks fought, among themselves.
' "You tell us that 200 or 300
would not. vote tor the measure
because we cut the sitef rom. three
tracts; to rwo. - There ara 1000
taxpayers south, of Mission street.
If they, had voted to back up their
own measure, you would have won
with ease.," i
I "South Salem residents are try-
By Using
Schaefers Herbal
Cough Cure
On Sale Only At
?The Yellow Front
" rhonel07
133 North Commercial St.
The PensSar Store
l 2 i - - ' I
e Lowest Prices At Which
! i
& These Cars Ever
325 to $50 on Every Car
DonVl Jecerved by "F. O.
tr m iBtjwfii. ior rrcignt, tax, equipment, wncrc mai is 1101 suuuom, ouu buuux uui
duoses mast be added. Hudson-Essex A.Y.D. (At Your Door) pricfis tell what you pay
ffrtrl ALL you pay. They make Hudson-Essex price and value advantage more out-
jflpdsoini Bro
Front and Rear Bumpers; Automatic Windshield Cleaner;
View Mirror; Transmission Lock (Built-in); Radiator Shutters;
1 Moto-Meten Combination Stop and Tail Light
.. . 365 N. Commercial Phoiie 1260
ing to scuttle their own ship," D.
H. Upjohn said. "Here are some
friends I admire greatly. But I
don't admire their Judgment.' If
the school board in Its- wisdom
picks a certain fcite. let's get be
hind it.
"Let's go before the taxpayers
in another election and boost for
votes among the progressive peo
ple who have a little pep.
"There is a hard-faeed gang in
this town which, is against any
bond issue or further taxation, be
it good or bad; right or wrong.
What we have to do is to enlist
the progressive bunch and see
which is the" best crowd. I want
to say once more we are foolish
to holler 'all or none!'
At this Juncture Director Frank
Neer suggested that South Salem
residents circulate a petition re
questing the board to call an elec
tion again to bring up the matter
once more. The board voted to
lay the matter on the table until
such a petition should be brought
in. Dr. Mat this declared the peti
Plae Saes
B. Factory" or so-called "list
Your Dooir
Nothing More
COACH . $ 90S
Easy and Convenient Purchase
i4Z Cars are Equipped With '
a 'vS- WORLD'S
tion would be started immediately.
cnooi was .meuuuucu
cAUister said ; the rat
...- . At Jt
and Mrs,
't .
you should know abCut
Finer Body Construction j
rTrirTr-i no stronger.- moi?e durable
body construction in ho m'otor , car in-
dustry than Studebaker. First gfaele
northern white ash and meple are used
throughout. Body joints Aare mortised,
tenoned, glued or screwed to prevent
rattles and squeaks, i Door posts ari . . ,
completely iiicuii
flush and tight,
dust but. They
with the click of
Studebaker body
that ot any 5UUU
25 South Commercial Streot Telephone .362
prices." They mean nothing
to Pay
V . - - t - - - . - -
question! was still alive, there. She
said one evening she cjounted 14 o
rats at the school. j
r .x -H. - - 4 ' f
Cars uuuia. in i
keeping drafts and (,
open tend close easily k
precision. Compare '
construction with
ca:. .