v: . - s.-.-.. ...J-. --' -t-. - . - . i i T ii irnni -1 mi 1 1 i ar if t riif i- i si ns n i i t w 1 1 -m -, rcaaT-BMBrf oamst jhwbch - -The, k IHrs,, i SaHrUuaUet , Chare Satein VS1 ' hWfd servicer it tneli1 halli ilctVrpck JfUl- this Suoa'av evening! April lltfc. it T.artf a'eJock, , .. , Jf rfc TaeresA SUUfrell at FortUnd Will be tae speaker aaa m ae Wmti Tha pablie is cordially .iavite tkia service. , . ' - . TOtST CHMBTUUT SCXEVCB ' Corner of Liberty and Chemeketa Bts. Bnaday aarfciag services t 11 - o'clock. Bandar" eeeniaa; at eifrht, Subject of lea--aoa aeraaoa "Ax Bin, Disease, asd Peath steal I" ctoadar aebool session eoOTeaa -at t:8S a ad 11 a, at. Wednesday evenias; tettitooaial meetis- st 8 o'clock. Bead ier room 101T Msaonle Tedipls. ope every day eseep 1 Sunday and holidays from U to :30i ery vania, except Wed - netdar ud Sands- r 7:30 to S; Sua rfay a4teraooa from tares t fire. 1 i :pnrkxiAXioirii. bebe mrstxra , .... ASSOC1ATIOH . Ifeet -orvryo Haadar 'ta -Derby- Bid. Comrt and. High streets. Hoars 10 to 13 aw. .-u4 1 to - p as.-- Faeret services cea dotted, fro of . charge ia - Salem ad vicinity -by local' Bible, class. Psoas ' 1450-W. . Ail in teres td in. Bible etody, cordially Invited. ' XZTRAVT. BSTOUfXO CHTTXCH Corner of Oipitei and Marion Sts. 8ua- day -aebool lO a as. aad EncHsa aerrice 11. a.' at. M. Decay, aaiaister. SUVZJITR SAT iOTZHTIR Ceraer 4 t ilth , sad Gsiaee. N. a Xrataon, pastor. , .. ' . : V Sabbath school If W.Sfr.'4 Mrs. W. Harmer. . avperiatendent j preaching at 11:30 by the pastor. . Kiae joiaoa the church makiDf )he jaeiaben)l)p over threo haadred. if. V. mMtiB(t d;00 p. in. Prayer, nteetiot ea Wtdnasdayt at 7:30. The sabjoet for the Baaday bifbt lecture wilt be, 'WjU tbe Bata Catholic church Uomtatef the World Arsint" This- is , a woBderfsl Has of prophecy, einfiaf befina si ,T:3o. Xrerybodjr, ars iavitsd. I' liAlioir coinrtr Rdlnrxu , - v ASSOC IATI0H The regular all day Monthly meeting of the Associativa:- meets aext Tuesday at the r'ree Ifftbodlat church at Wood-boro.-.- Est. . I. : Harris gtoa, pastor. Preach lug iol. the -aaoraior at 10:da by Rer. tdgar P. Biaiaot Safomr ia- tbe afternoon- by Ret.-O-.-r. DePee it fort laad. aad in the oraaiag at 7:80 by Dr. C5' C. PoHng of fek lira. There meetings ar' I aferdenomiaatioaal ia character and alt are invited. Hof tea and coffee wMl bo- arrred thoadJ who bring their luoefcea. i. asiuUT jauuKusvuut linuaun South lath' a4. Perry atroets,, . U. C. 8torstv minister. Residence 245 S. 19th 6. . Phone 1K44.' Hands y: school at Id e m. -C. C. Karris saporiatcadent. Morn inr worship art 11. Sermon on i8fEncoTtrtgemeat., Met, 0 Diy it Rest n Gladness; Schneckef. sang by Mrs. Pmak E. Brown and Mr. 8tover. The . Ssnior aad Junior Endeavors meet as,: 6:43 at. m. Eveainr serrieo at 7:30. The choir will . sins .'How BesnUful Vpoa, tbe Mountains,' Walter Spianey. enaoa for evening will oa " 'The sur plus of Blossoms." Prayer service . Tburtday eve a his- at T:80; -iMi y. . - r : OTrrr AxiAJf CHtrCH .-. . ' Celt a re aad Chemekata Sts. Rev. Mar tin, Pe'reahettaa; minister. Church ichwol fat 10 a. as. Orsded . inttrcction. Class for adults eondacted by Mr. Miles McKey. the Moot. ' leTOtienaI Serviees at 11 a. m " Subject a - tho sermon, "Standardised Machinery aad Staadansed annas. mr . Fereshotian will - Ulustrato his sermoa from the eofiditions existiar in Itsly and ttaaaiaj to day and will bring out the : .natwra at the forces which are work log to bring about anch a rendition in 'this country. Jtrt Jt. r-eresoetian, eon tralto- soloist of the church will sing. "The Lord is Mindful of His Own. .' front the Orsthrio, St. Psal, by , OsaL .Mrs.- w. A. Iittntos at tha orraa. -me Laymen's Leagns will meet on Monday vealng it 8 o'clock. ' The kpeskkr will Its sanooaoed -elsewhere On Thursday ' oveatng tho regular sesiton of the Emer- soacluo si ta parsonage. f It will Ud of interest t mray U .know Ihst ' tha . Jason Lath Memorial sc. n, hrch,' H. Wiattr add Jefferson St. on fiaaHi r.nlnv lirmi'l Od4rel Team, from Portland WiH be ia, charge of the evening service. Jim Pshner, Ches ter " Soott, Joo Keef Snd posibly ona t'nhr.- will constitute, the Their oong aurabers," and atrong manly presen tation Of the messsre of Christ has en sb red targe tttwi to h'os tbem wherever iBy go, ana ass asaas posstoie services mf mitiliiii)ln nrrnl. 'hia chnrch Wbaos to share, with all J who will the splendid aepportnnity this service affords ofl uua Bands evening at v:au. ' 4i-d ' i v.w iTTAk hrz-irr a4i State. .'Tor good lieth not In porsuing, nor . gaining of great .nor of amaJU but laat. in, the doing, sua noing. - Sandaf publii; .meetings at , 11 a. m. abd 7:8 P. ai. Company meeting (Bun dky school) at :30 finish ot "rdd aad hlus' contest. this Sunday, loung peo- nl amoeWatt. S-la Saadas- svenuut. ttpeeiai services - wU bo held . at the Btat Hospital Sunday -morning and tho state peaiteotidry.in the afternoon. Pub- jot oomiag wscay n p. m. . -, ,. SYAHfiEXiCAt. " Tibertv and Center. "aator. C. C. Poling, reiideaco 433 Center St. Phone el-J. Services .11 aV as., .7:30 p. nt. Tha nastor will ttresch st oth services. . Suoday school 9 :45 a. , ra. superinten .. dent, L. L. Thornton. Tonng People's meetings: Senior and Intermediate win see, st 1:80 p. ai.- nnidr st 11 a. at. Week-day services: . Thursday evening, first kail hour, Bible study. A hearty welcome to slL -j - , ITtk -aad Chemeketa streets. Pastor P. W. lnnerv residence 86d hi. 17tk 8t Phono lOOd-W. Services " 1 1 ' a. at, 8 p, . sb Sermoa topic : ' 'The aqneror,' ' a. m.. "God Msnifettiag Himself," p. m.. sSwndny. school- JO a--.nu, .superinten dent, O. B.: Stransbaagh. r Toang Peo- Sle'a meetinsa: At 7p. m. Miss Thelma esgetv Josder. i. Week-day kervicha: Tbursdsy ereaing. -. BUmarkl F. Kurs wss elected aa ntombor- to the annual ' eoaforoaca front this, ckurcht The con ference will b held at tha Lents chnrch Mmf . Atltwv .-.v. ,-.--,- V - ,r--'- mXKXT STBT PBXB MTHtlDiST Corner of -, Winter . c aad Market streets, - Mortimer C. Clarke, residence 1228 N; Winter. . Phona 185-W. fiery. . icon 11 i m 7:80 p. m. Sermon topics: "la tbd Besinniiig. Ood," a. m "Posd ljr Paagcr of Drifting,'!, p. uv A mixed wnartet to sings ia tha morning, ''All is Mine.".1 Ia . tho eveniag Mrs. Hawser sings Oipsey. Smith's favorite. Sunday ' avhool j45 superintendent. Dr. Frank S. , SchvtR -- Tonng People's meetings st 8:80. Tonic. .'"The Holy .Spirit His Worli.V Leader, Emory Goode. Tht meet inr is preceded with a hslf an hour . of prayer. Week-day services; Official board mooting at 7:80. Cottsgo prayer raeetiar each Wednesday afternoon at tho hnme at Mrs. Csrolins .Jackson - Id. J. W later street. - at 2 o'clock. . -Church -prayer meeting each . Thursday evening at 7:80. Prayer : sad eonr aeirvieo at 7 :30.- Class meeting at -18.15 led by Mrs. Clara Cooley- Vou wiU find a warm hearted welcome at those aervtcea aad will appreciate tha splendid spiritual at mosphere f this chnrch at tho Corner. ' " ST. TOSBTpCm t OATHOUO 1 Corner Chemeketa and' Cwttkge Ste.. reetor. Bev. J. K. Buck, residence, 731 Chemeketa. St, pkoos 89. Services 8 10 s.'m. - Sermon topics: ""The Strength of the Cdtholio Church." c ?Tha Academy okoir will render the Eatermnaio again at 8 o'clock msaa, and tha regular choir wi!t ars ia sing tha Easter music at the high mass at 10. BenedictloB- will fol low - las mass. . Week-dsy services: Id rhareh at 7 , a. ." in- Academy am Bat urdar at 7 a. m. Oa Moodsy morntaa April 12th. at 9 o'clock, there friH bo a snlemn requiem mssa.. the-annirersary af the Isto Archbishop's death. Rt. iiev. Mac-ri-Cans will spesk. Every body is eordtsUy welcome, ta all massed and aerv - ices. . , .-- - .fyj - , -' - VAZAP.SXS - 1 nth aad Marion-St. Paktoc,. C." H. -'HikHfti residence l$H Marion.- Assiat r! utM, Mrs. Hopkins, residescs ! Wsrion. Services 1 1 - saws i 7 : 3 -p. m. hormon topics: '.Psitb." a. as, '.Mhd Work of . Consecrated -JKiu.' p. ua. f --rm! mrrtsir and. aincng-ut both. sere, iic .on fei)i-.-.y fruuu v schbbi 0:4S a. tn.. sotMin'ndejit. i'rank - liitmiller.. "i ouis tcopie's meetinif: benior Toung T- weetinc 834 p. m.. Cm rone o .- i "ijESt. donir Ctristisa ! Tening- at 7:30 prayer ajid praise aerrica. tea oj tae pior. ine pasinr -will preach Sunday , morning. T . Mrs. HSpIias . will preach 8unday eening. Every body irel- eo r czsrtx sr. jcet&ttoxsr 18th A Center Sta, Pastor A. T. rtU mer, residence: 684 X. Winter St. Phone ed6-M. Serrices It a. mi, 9 p. ar. Por tha'll o'clock Gcrtnaa serried Aon A. V. Oramer, the Dittrict Superintendent, trill bring the jrospel meskage after which the Lord's Sapper -drill be observed. Sunday school: at 10 e'elock,' tvperinlendent, H.-H. Brallap. Tonng' People's meeting: Epworth Lagdo sercica at 7:13, Lilian Behfaaav leader. At -8 'dock the Dis trict Superintendent trill dgsia bring the me s sags. TSe evening service is in Eag lih. n3 ttdQtos - ' Address 848 H Court St. - Pastor V. 8. Johnson, residence 1935 Maple Ave. Phono 1917-Wj Services 8 Snd 8 p. m. Sundsy school 2 p. m., superintendent, B.OBerkey. Young People's meetings: Pridsy evening.- Week-day services: Tuesday, Thursday and eiaturday aven lags. -,, t t i . mtST MBtaODlSt X7I800PAX. Comer of Chuih and Stste. 8U, Psttor Prod C. Taylor, residence: 038 state St. Phonep-U Director of Religions Ednca tion. Hiss Msry E. Findley, office 138 8. vnarca bi, paone ' 9Ti.- .Lesley elsss meetfnr. claas leader 8. A. Wheelwright. 8unday morning at 0:15. Services 11 a. n-. 7:3d p. m. junior church 11 a. m. Sermon topics: "The Greet Commission," m.. Kaster Concert " bv choir n. m. Juaior church, sermon, Mrs. A. A. Lea, foreign minion studios. The church is always crowded to the doers for tha an nual Easter concert by tha eboir, under the direction of Prof. E. W. fisbsoa with Prof; T. S. Roberts st the ergsn Sun day school: 0:45 a. n. superintabdeiit, H. P. Shanka. koung People's meetings: Tha Three Lea gn as Witt meet at 6:80 in thair nsnsl plmess. Weak-day services: tvednesOay. tne t'oreis-n Missioasrv socie ty will meet aad Thursday at 7:80, the mid-week Devotional service, led by the pastor. junior board meeting after school Wednesday in Miss Pindley's of fice snd official board meeting in church at 7:30 p. m. 8T. PATJX'S ' (EPISCOPAI.) H. D. Chambers. Holy Eucharist at 7:30 . ia me coapet. storning- prsyer the Order of the Rainbow' for Girls will aitena me 11 a. m. service n a body and tho sermoa will be to them, church rector, onng- People's Fellowship meets -at 7 p. m. in the parish house. CASTIiB CHAPEL, V. B. 17th and Xebrdaka Ave. Pdstor, P. C. Hoffman, residence, 1748 Nebraska Ave. Service II a. m., 7.-30 p. m. Sermon topics: "Forskken ChureHV" a. to.; '-'Modem-Church," p; va. Sundsy school 10 a; an., superintendent, W. W. Rose brough. Toung People's nteetings: Jun ior, Senior, 8:80 p.. In. Week-day serv ices: Quarterly conference, Mondsy night 7:30. Lsdies Aid Society, Wednesday afternoon. Prayer meeting and Bible sruay, -inarsaay evening. . PIBST PfltSSTTERIAS CHlfaCH On Church street between Chemeketa and Center Sts. Norman Kendall Tully, D. D pastor. 9:39 a. ra. Sunday school, Mr. H. E. Barrett, Supt. 10:43 d. m.. mdrnlng worship; sermon, "The New Passover," by I)r. Tolly. Anthem, "The King of Love My 8hepherd Is," Shelly. organ nua tiers: "lnere," Devred "Vision." Bibl: "Allerro." Onilmsnt Members will be received and the Lord's chipper observed st this service. 6:30 p. .in.. Young People's meetings. Senior topic: "The Applicatidn of Christian Love"; lesder, Dorothy Hutehsson. Ad vsnce Intermediate topic: "Christian Character in Conduct. the Use of xime: lesder. Paulino Johnson. Intermediate at the same hour under the leadership oi Miss tans .foray. 7:30 p. m., even mg worship. Bermon, "God's Other Bible," by Dr. Tully. . Soprano sdlo h Rnth Emery Riddle Organ numbers: '-'Pilgrim's, Chorus," (from "Tsnhsis- er.; naKnr-lurrats; --spring Bong, Mendelssohn: and "Post hide in C." Wood. A brief installation aerrice for the new officers of the young people's so cieties win be a part of tots service. - ' . JASOH ZJEB MXM0SIAL North Wintfir t jAffrAn AVAnne Pastor, Thomas Achetdn, residence 1060 Jenerson, pnono 77a-w. .Assistant pas tor. Gilbert Wrenn. residence 14S1 Fer ry, phono 2327. Services .1 1 . m., 7 :30 p. m. 8errnon topics : ' "Tho- Lure of the Risen Christ," a. m.; "A Business Men's Goenel Team from 'Portland." p. m. Snecial services. Jnnior church service st 11, Rev. Wrena in, charge. Special Choir music both morning and evening lor aerv ices. Sundsy school: 9:43 a. m.. siroer intendent: Harry Caroentcr. Yound People's meetings: "Three chapters of the Epworth Lesgue meet at 8:30 p. tn. for devotional services. t-8etings are outstanding . in interest. Toung people ard always warmly welcdmed. j Week-day services: Church business meeting Mon day 7 :30. All depsrtmentt kre to be rep resented; Parent Teachers meeting of the church school on Tuesday evening 7:30. Refreshments will be served. Mid week worship service on Thursday even ing 7:15. Special, attention is called to the Sunday evening service. Hear the men's gospel team from Portland in spe cial song number, aad gospel meaaage. Crowds . hesr them where ever they go. Public most cordially invited to all the services, . FIRST dHXItTtaJT CHURCH Center and High Sts. Pastor. E. . C. Whitsker, phone 394,- Assistant pastor, Vivian G. Whisler, residence 444 X. Win ter St., phone 48J W. Services 11:00 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "God's Messsre to tha Church," a. as.; "Tho Painted Face. m. .Morning An them by the choir, "Hearer -My Uod to Thee," Tohsmn. Evening, group of songs will he sun by Mrs. Irvine of Inde pendence. Bandar school 9:45,- Superin tendent: Dr. H. C Eploy. Young Peo ple's meetings: 6:80 Senior aad later mediate Christian Endeavor will discuss the topic, "How Can We Show Our Christian Love." Helen MUtonberger will Sm a solo. - PTR8T COWOEEOATIONAI. Center and Liberty. Pastor. Charles P.. Wsrd, residence 44 Center 8t phone 591-R. -Services 11 n. ut., 7:86 p. m.. Sermon topics: Qod's Oarden," a. m. : 'The Paasioar PIty p m. Sunday school? 10 o'clock, superintendent : Mark McCalRster. 4 Week-day services: - Mid week prayer meeting and Btbla - atuby Thuriday 7:30. Th Wemtt'i Cnkin 111 meet at thd ehmbc Friday. t :3 'clock for work aad baaiaeaa meeting. All tha wemed ara asked to attend v . CHRI8TTAK AHD nSSlONART ALLIAKCE TABERHACLB ' 355 Ferry St. Pastors H. E. Cstwell Mrs. Caswell. 26o Oak Sr.. Phoak 942-M. Sudd ay school nnmm at - St fv vnt., , Special,: ' ehjldf edTh Swnday lesson Gea It 1-8 S6-81 boiden .Text. Ia tho beginning God. created ths besvenssnd the earth.' Afternoon- preaching service 3 p, k Sdbjecf. Bedenrptiua. through the Blood. - , Eveninu: EvsageJistie aerv ice 7:80. Taeaday evening 7 :0 prayer aa dpraise. Pridsy evening Bible study. Saturday evening the Tonng People hold there service.: There is a welcome to all aerv ices. . ; Corvallis on Wednesday evening April: 1 4thRttr20.Jnitrf-1 the young son of Mr. aad Mrs.- Homer Goulet, '. and, the talented pupil of Byron D Arnold. He will play "Over the Hills by Lbgan. Twi light' tor FrimL -Rnd "Balancelle" by Paul Wachs. , iv " Highland Study Class fV Entertained at Luncheon ' i , : Members of the HighlAnd Stsdy clab 4 were entertained i av a'l o'clock luncheon on Friday after noon v when ?Mrs. Maurice "Shlpp was hostess for tbe group, assisted by Mrs.' Goodman.' Th" resulii I (Continued from page 3.) lnea werVi fi;. the, tmbject "Know YoitiP Town' by HraC M. tislesbr, ilrs. A. tE. Edwards, Mr. B. E,;C6diiepj JArrtl.CliBtjffe Weaderotb, ' Mrsw Javeavi Stapleloa, and HrkO. C. Ogleebr. y i. Prafiil :W8re made for. ft mbtdr trip tcr Cham poet; to ttodr tfld blfe- loHcal fac bt , tnat: plate. ; 4 On April 2 the class will be eBter- Uihed at the Elk's club tor a 1:10 o'clock lnneheon. It is beinc alren In honor of Mrs. Gale Alexander of Independence. . From the .Elk's blab they Will go to the library for study. Bruk'EUct to be Honored in Portland Mrs. Harry Hollister and Mrs. A. C. Clark hare sent but cards for a bridge tea for .which they will be joint hostesses April 13 at the home of th former In hon or of two brides elect. Miss Helen Darling and Miss La Vers Lesris. Civic Music Club to- Present iAiertnci Strauss in Distinctive Program Lawrence ' Strauss. tenor. will be heard in concert Rt , the First Methodist church. Monday ers- hins;, April 19 at 8:30 o'clock. This concert Is the fourth and fi nal artist attraction in the Splen did series given by the Civic Mu sic club this year. Music critics have commented especially upon Mr. Strauss as a sons: Interpreter. In this respect he is recognized as a foremost artist, and -Salem people are be ing afforded a real musical oppor tunity through the appearance of Mr. Strauss. . The following program will be given by Mr. Strauss: 1 Aria from Suzanne . . . ; Paladilke L'Adieu da Matin (Farewell at Morn) .......... ; . . Pessard Fantoches (Queer Figures) . . . Debussy Le Moulin (The Wind Mill) . . , Pierne Auf Flugeln des Gesanges (Wihgs of Song) .Mendelssohn Die Forelle (The Trout . . ; . . .... SfehtlBeTt Die Llebe Hat Gelogen (Love Has Lied) SehdbeH Ziegeuner Lied ( Gypsy -Song. . Brahms III . Recitative and Air irom Dido. and Aeneas Purtell A Piper Michael Head Silver Armstrong Gibbs Lord Rendal (14 Ceiit.). .......... . Arr. by Cecil Sharp An did Carol Roger tCuilter When I Was One and Twenty ... ... . . . . i . . . Arthur Bliss Do Not Go My Love. . . .ItagemRn A Rbund-tjp Lullaby . ;. . . .Ross Cargoes Toiri Cbbson My Father Has Some Vry Fine Sheep ..... i Arr. by hughes Miss Branson to Speak on "Art Appreciation": .. .. A program of more than-- ordin ary interest Will take place at the city library, on Tuesday evening under the auspices of tne Salem Arts league. On this occasion. Miss Annabelia Branson of Mon mouth will give a delightful lec ture on "Art Appreciation." There will be no admission, although, a silver offering will be taken. The public is very cordially invited to be present for Miss Branson's talk. Guest From Sublimity :. . Mrs. W. A. Heater, whose home is near Sublimity,, spent Saturday In Salein as the guest of a daugh ter, Miss Clara Heater. Leslie Ladies Aid to Give Pageant tonight The Ladles of the Leslie Meth odist church will give the pag eant. "The King's Highway," to night at 7:30 at the regelar church service. This is the fifty seventh birthday of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society and they are glvlnjs.it at the reuqest 6f the pastor. About SO women will appear in the costumes of the dif ferent nations and the story is a stirring presentatidn of the work of the society. The pastor. Rev. ff .' 1 ,a . i d. - S ; j ' - , - . -r T. ; : ' ----- J i , - - . - i i Ln T-BVa.-M- 'tra Mr - " ' f ' - xj , Hi'' ; . ; ff esYo-wndarf ftee - confined to t bed with the fin alt Week', will Speak . la -?' the i morning at 11 P&Stie IdrderK . ' , 5 I- in addition to . the large class recently received Into the drder of Sens of Uaieh Soldiers of the CIv lt, war this order will receive four mere members next Tuesday eve ning, , Walter T. ; Stols, Wm. Mc Adams, Walter Lennon. Mr. Peter son. Charles Fessenden, secre tary, 1421 N. 17th St would be glad to learn of Any one' eligible to membership in this order. Gueit at Independence ' Mrs. C M. Oglesby and little granddaughter, Elaine Oglesby, spent last' Thursday in Independ ence visiting at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. B.-F. Swope. EVE'S TWO LOVERS . Continued from page 5) bfei, 1 1. Wliat was he going te do how? His mother would, of course, ;reate a scene. ' Mrs. Wales; feeling her way dow the ttairs,1 re4ched the bot tom step and suddenly looked up to see John Ihgate. To her he Was a stranger. She struggled to calm herself. "Good morning, Mrs. Wales," the visitor said, stepping toward her, with the idea of helping her to R chair "I am John Ingate, your Son's employer. M ' 6he sit down, . a little moan es caping her. Clay came to her side. "Do yon feel better, mother? Hadn't you. better lie down?" Mrs. Wales looked up at her son with eyes , of - agonized hate. To John Ingate she blurted put: "He jjust told -me that he is going to be married."" The 'eyes . of employer and em ploye tihet. John Ingate was shocked. Clay '8 glance dropped. '-'.'It's a surprise to all of us," the visitor jvfelt called Upon td eay. "Miss MftcLurie is a mighty fine girt.,ClayJs lucky to get her andi of course, she is lucky to get Clay . i .I'm sure they'll be very hsppy.'h . "I didn't want to tell mother un til it was all over," Clay said, with a flushed; expression full of guilt. "I thought it would be easier for her tfiat Way." v "He .wasn't oing to tell me at all!" Mrs. Wales moaned. Jehu Ingate wished - that he r ' 10 A. M. Sunday School 1 1 A M. GodVGardfch 7:30 Passion Play With Beautiful Colored Pictures THE CHURCH FIRST A. M. 'Personal Responsibility' P. Me- 'Why I Believe in Life Aftet Death" Choir and Chorus Will Reproduce Parts of the Easter Music A half hour of music beginning; the evening worship at 7:30. Mrs. Helen Selig-0Nelll. Violinist Mrs. W. F. Foster, Pianist Mr. R. H. Robertson, Director You'U N6eV , . ; . Imagine , going back to France-seeinfe all the old ' haUnHand those we wanted to c goings AWOL. Imagine goinir fhnerawith those who fought Pi4aeya "; a rm ? -1- - -Of course youll want to attend tne 1927-Paris eon- " vehtiori of ihe;Americair Legion.- 'Start saving for it now at' the, United StetesfNationai,authOTized deposi- : tbfy. for the American Legion certain, ims onaenui trip. i -.'"5 Uiiitedf ..... . V UdtibiiGl Bahlr v SQlijBfVOrcgbn: were out of this. . -"Children have to get married some , day, Mrs. Wales," he said, af ter some hesita tloh, trying la M ehcbnraglng:. ri suppose yoar mother was well; bfokeri up, on yourWed'ciing dar.' To this Mrs. Wales had no an awer. Slid,' UriSBed . this stranger would go away. She wanted to tAlk td her Sort, to plead with him. to make him see what he was do ing. "I'll be going now. I'B send my car for you too, at one o'clock," Ingate said, as if divining her thought, going to the door Again. "I think those clothes will just about fit you," he remarked to Clay. "Ton can leave them here before yon go and I'll get them sometime." "He .can't marry," Mrs. Wales exclaimed. John Ingate did not tarry. He closed, the door behind him with relief, his mind, awhirl. A fine mess Clay Wales had made of things! . . . . Hia first thought now was of Eve. Should he tell her? He was reminded that he must phone his sister. He got Josephine at MacLurle's. "Listen, sis, I'm a little afraid now that this affair may not come off. Don't tell Eve, but the bridegroom is having a fearful time of it with his -mother. He's made a mess of things With her, I'm afraid. How ever, we'll go ahead with our plans, and 111 go back there about one o'clock to see how things are. Did you find something nice?" Josephine ignored the question to ask one of her oWn. "Are you sure you haven't made a mess of things with your interference?" The remark tried John's pa tience, of course, but he resisted a hot impulse to reply. What could he say, anyway? "Yes," Josephine went on, when a retort did not come, "she does look very pretty. She's awfully excited, of course. But her mother!" "Is Siys raving, too?" John visioned her and Mrs. Wales in the same state. He suddenly wondered how Josephine could be saying alt of this out of earshot of the Mac-1 Lurles, and regretted the query. "Well, you know how mothers are about the weddings of their daughters." He dbubted at the moment if his own mother would be anything but elated on Josephine's wedding day. However, he wasn't in the mood to reply to that effect. "WelU good- Firit Center and Liberty tlEV. CHARLES E. WARD WITH A HEART BAPTIST CHURCH LIBERTY AND MARION STB Rev. Ernest H. Shanks Forget Iti, see but couian'i.witriout i in comfort In bit ocean , beside yot-gust & few Savings Club, and make V 1 States by, siSi there are some other mat ters 1 must attend to. Please stay with the bride so that there wont he any silp-npa.", 't "Yoa seem awfully anxious i to tret her-married to SOMEBODY," Wntli That reply in his ears, ;ni rins dfT, and stood by. tie initrn nient in the drugstore, lost In thdught. Why was he, he aSked himself, going to so much trouble to brinf abbut Something that he didn't want to "happen? . His heart pangs returned. What kind of man was he anyway, he asked himself i to surrender so easily? Why didn't he take What was his? i "Well, are you through with the phone?" j He looked np with a start as a portly woman maneuvered him away from the door to the tele phone booth. He WaS Scarcely con scious of the incident. .A great hope was growing in his mind: possibly Clay Wales wbuld not show up at the church. ... (To be continued.); In the next instalment: ' "Here Comes the Bride!" One of KPeisler's Hobbles i Is Playing Stock Market TAMPA, Fla. Fritz Kreister Plays the stock market in his idle moments. i A newspaper report found the noted violoinist seated before the blackboard lh a broker's office. With him was a friend whom he referred to as "Foley." The. lat ter, he explained, was his official stock buyer and adviser oii Wall street matters. During conversation, Kreisler divided his time about evenly be tween paying tribute to the violin as the king of Instruments and conferring sotto Voice with "Fo ley" as to the advisability of pur chasing various stocks. He noted the changing figures on the board as keenly as any for the fifty-odd other traders in the room and fi nally agreed with his companion on the buying for the dSy. Astoria Surfacing of C a n non Beach highway will begin at once. n m Sloriel "aBasBSsBBsasjaasiatiiij isi '.sBfcsaBBBBBasaLaTM -w"',li'i;' rl' "'"IsBf n'.ij ia r " ''-ir, m i" '" ' 1 i" ' " 3 . - i "i ' 7 ' .. - I j Standard - ' ; j.' ; ., . . y ... ... ;v: L - - if - ! f. I ' : 11: . . 3 ttot Plates, White Porcelain Enamel AH Nickel Trirrii $126.50 OVENS-PURE ALUMINUM LINEd-Truss Kraced, handpacked with miqeral;Wdolt the very best insulation. Nd Waiste Four Open type Hoi Plfe WilH Oveii -Broiler Hements;, - A Regtilar 0125 Valtie tji WALL tta .Jecteilare: dependability is assured y Banfires which has been the . .." -1.4- i. oi me era ui cicv;tici vwiuujj. IMANYXJTHER .. -., .. . - r Turn in your We Charge ' H" V-f W L l$o ftitcrest ;:Pgram Pilots' Ja the fitting name given eighth leaders - of the National League oi .Women Voters. They direct Hn stttdy and Wok in behalf of theleague' prdgVsm. When at an annual convention the leaifue adopts ii program for each of the depaf-tments and commlt tees,; there) mustbe k pilot to direct the way. To each tof these leaders falls the work of suggest ing, ways of carjTing ont thd pro gram so that the greatest benefit may j be derived therefrom. These women will have an Im portant part in the proceedings of the league's, seventh, annual con vention to be held in St. Louis April 14-aft. Miss Belle Sherwhi of Cleveland is chairman of the com mittee On efficiency' in govern ment. Miss Shfrwin "is national president ot the league. Miss Ruth Morgan, New York City, heads the committee on International co- L operation ; . Mrs.. Percy f . Walden. i-bw nsTea, vn- on cnua -welfare;; Miss Cornelia Adalr, Rich mond, Va., ,1s edueatiohal chair man; Mrs. Harris T. Baldwin, Washington, D. C-, of living costs. Heading the committee studing the problems of Women in Industry Is MisS Mollis -Bay CarrolL Balti more; Misa-TEsther, A. Dunshee, Chicago, Is chairman of the group On the legal status of, women, and Mrs. ! Ann Webster. . Washington, D. C, heads ' the . social hygiene committee,' ; j A statue to the memory of the Marquise de Sevigne, famous lTth century letter writer, will be erect ed this year On tjh bfceasion of an exhibition to celebrate the ter centenary of her birth. She is called the "first womAn journalist of France." 4- England's first woman air pilot, Mrs. Sophie Elliott-Lynn, thinks that in time women will be using airplanes as enthusiastically as they bow drive .motor, cars. She The Leader fbf 17 Years So. 521 , - Spae6 Easy SPECIAL :i ! K 7 ; nowsfiistM !in many aparWehW and hornet Their the; remarkable success ht thfe ehtire. Standard t Jn4 ht choice of discrimmatinir hnnu uJ- , 1.J ,... i " " MODEIS ON DiSrL'AY .- pld range oii a new OectricRahre . EN is advocating an international avi ation meet for women only. 2 Helen Grays ! Seattle. Wash.18. yeajold student aOthe University of Washington, was recently made editor-in-chief of the .lanip Fife r!lla manilna tT-vo-r -frl. ""v "Ever 'L v ncttoftae Britlsl The Ulster branch of the British Association, of. Commercial Travel ers recently rejected proposal that womefl he admitted to their association.-One member declared that, women travelers absorbed storekeepers', attention so, mtfch that Sen travelers roUOwlng them missed their trains. : w - DIDYOUEVER that In ftfder for a city to oove ahead in the march ot progress its citftens must be progressive, enthusiastic and aggressive. ;.. -:o That nrofecta for a Citr better- W0M a --- i men t., when property planned inl'V I. (h r-ls-ht fnrMi rjtit behind thern. T r will go over withi s bang. .. That i is hot always wise to have . tod many projects to put over at a time; some cities try to put over too many projects at one time and some of them fall. , , That good plans require much thought and some people don't think quick enough: wthey shoot too quick shoot before they see anything to shoot at. w . "That each - plan should be for some specific thing and of such a hkture that work and energy will accomplish, something definite.: Wonderful things - can be ac complished by planning ahead. Some cities keep busy doing-today what they; ahbuld have done yesterdays - :'r Plan today tof . tomorrow. f (Copyright If 16) "Forest GoveCdntract let for construction 6r 440,000 bJiBding;. at MaSonie and Eastern: Star Children's Hbthe. " -. Designed Fot : ONVENICE BEAUTY COMF.ORf , t-Iave - Been Tested and Approved By4 (Sood Housekeeping Institute Priscilla Proving Plant N ' The Tribune Institute tfo Heat and raMge uuvw ,! Sy-i!.. y - - .kNi se Your . Crc Jit Si''-' V fj J Mo J'i A v ;' :