t t THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON . SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1926 . A Mrs. C.'S. Hamilton Wins Nomination for Wai V x r-v V l " - J ' y... .:..::.. rf-- ... t ' &-m , ' - , ' , ' Li lTtDT left: Misa Julia Currie. Cutrle. who Is a popular member of the "Pled Pipers," high Bchool girls Jaza orchestra. - The group 'contributed numbers at the bene-fiti'-nroeram sponsored for the Salem-Salem debate fund. Miss Currie also has the distinction of being an expert amateur swimmer. Cen tefc right:" Mrs. Charles Sappingficld (Cora Mist) whose marriage was an event of Easter morning. Mrs. Sappingfield is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nist. Lower left: Mollie Hill Styles (Mrs. Harry M.), chairman of the committee appointed by the Salem branch of the Oregon Music Teachers Association to make arrangements for the observance or Mrs. Styles" is a past president of the is also a prominent member of terhood, as well as a member of Woman's' club'. THE ANNIVERSARY 1 The mighty tides of fate still ebb and flow. The rnighty moons of fortune wax and wane. Death and disaster out of pleasure grow And Qod's high ectasy returns again. ' ' ' ' ' ' But that whieh grows where nothing flourisheth, And that which blooms where ruin else would be, And that which heals the sting of even death Is loveVrand I love thee and thou lov'st me. Gamaliel Bradford. Woman's Club Nominates Officers or-1926-7 fTfce chief business of an outs standing meeting oC" .the Salem ? ' WomaaVclab. taking? place yester l day at the club house was the nomination of officers for the new year. 'Mrs. C.'S. Hamilton, who has" served as vice president .during the past year, wis nominated to r.ifreeed Mrs. William Fordyce ; Fargo; as president.-Mrs. FranV Tip Erlckson was nominated for - the office of vice president, while Indications are that Mrs. Harry J.-1 Wiedmer. will succeed - herself atreeording secretary; Mrs. W. I, Staiey. succeeded herself as fln aqce secretaryj Mrs, O, E. Price, treasurer, .the ' secqnd .year, and Miss Hattle Beatty, also for the cecond, year, parliamentarian. The only other nomination made wVt the Introducing of the name bCMrsI WIlHanj JFordyce Fargo, 'retiring:. president, for, re-election. ' Mrs. Fargo.ronwniliie to establish a UrtcedenV declined the Uonor In favpr of Mrs Hamilton who Is wJl-fltted to receive the honor.. -Mrs. JTosepa Baumgartner war notainated to fill the vacancy the - expiration of Mrs: C.F.' Breith aupt'a term on the board of di rectors will leave," while Mrs.' W. ElCirklwas nominated to a place ' t h tm&rd of trustees, the ex piration of MrSi Anderson's term - .leaving ,ino . . FurSner Important bnsfnesa.was th naming of delegates not only .. to" the- county convention which wlij take place In Salem on April ' 2 2 nut also ' the choosing' of , re prehtatlres to the-"state confer .t tn.La Grande. 'The local club wi'l to "represented "atthe county daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Music wee, way z-. in saiera the Music Teachers' Association Chapter AB of the P. E. O. sis the music commute or tne baiem ronventlon by Mrs. Wnt Fordyce Fargo, Mrs. Harry J. Weidmer, Mrs. S. M. Endieott, Mrs. W; I. Stalev. Mrs. Seymour Jones The following will act as alternates Mrs. F. A. Elliott. Mrs. II. J. Bean, Mrs. Roy Burton. Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. George H. Alden Delegates to the state conven tion will be: Mrs. William For dyce Fargo. Mrs. H. J. Bean, Mrs. C. S; Hamilton. Mrs. E. E. -Bragg, You Wouldn't Rate the "Limited" to a Crossing Eyes once strained cannot help themselves. They never mend alone. Theyv"keep going," by overdrawing on your nerrous energy... . Right glasses l wilKli" that "pinned , down" feeling that actually holds yoa bask -makes you Irritable unable ,to xonoentrate-worTled! because yon ... know you're' not getting results yon know you're capable of. , ,-..- 'V . I Pomeroy & Keene : - Jewelers, and Optometriats--Salent, Oregon Mrs. Seymour Jones, and Mrs. W E. Kirk. Power is Invested In the president to name alternates. The program yesterday which in the form of an extremely In teresting preientation of the "Am erican Essay" was given by Rev Martin Fereshetlan, procedlng an unusually full business hour. The club house was never de corated In a "more fesltve manner than for the meeting yesterday Tulips and carnations in almost In- credible profusion made the audi- torium very atractive. The flower? were the gift of Mrs. C. F. Breith- aupt. Unusual Meeting of Thursday Club Is Held The inspection of the Miles Lin en Mill proved to be the particu larly Interesting feature of the April meeting of the Tjhursday club at which Mrs. E. C. Cross Mrs. Russell Catlln. Mrs. H. B. Thielsen. and Mrs. B. C. Mile: were hostesses during the past week. The guests first assembled at the home of Mrs. Cross, going i thence on a most interesting tour of inspection to the Miles Linen Mm wnere me aeians oi twine-maKing process were i- nessea. Alter, me remrn oi tat group delicious light refreshments were served, with Mrs. Robert Dann. Mrs. Ross Miles, and Mrs. Frank Spears assisting the host esses. A center-piece as lovely as it was unique, a basket of fifty-nine variety of garden flowers, the gift of Mrs. M. N. Chapman, was given an appropriate space on the tea table. , At the May meeting of the club, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding will enter tain. The, following prominent Salem matrons make up the personnel of the Thursday club: Mrs. John H Albert. Mrs. Henry J. Bean. Mrs William Brown. Mrs. A. NT. Bush Mrs. C. P. Bishop. Mrs. E. C. Cross. Mrs. M. N. Chapman. Mrs. Rich ard Cartwright. Mrs. Russell Cat lin. Mrs. M. Cuslck, Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Mrs. S. B. Uyer. Mrs. F. A'. Elliott, Mrs. R. B. Fleming. Mrs. William Fleming, Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks, Mrs. W. E. Kirk. Mrs. B. C. Miles. Mrs. William McCall, Mm. Carl Gregg Doney, Mrs. George J. Pearce. Mrs. C. K. Spaulding. Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mrs. Charles- Park. Mrs. A. N. Moo re s and Mrs. Henry B. Thiel sen. Aurora Woman's Club . A meeting of unusual interest was held by the Aurora Woman's club on Wednesday afternoon,. March 31. at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Sadler whose home is always a center of hospitality, when with Mrs. George Knapp and Mrs. Wil liam Wurster as assistant host esses she entertained, as" guests of the club, all the ladles of the town whose family had been mem bers of the Aurora colony and a few visitors from out of town. A delightful program consisting of the following numbers added much pleasure: Violin numbers by Henry Ehlen. one of the favorite musicians of the "old days" were much appreciated. Mr. Ehlen was accompanied on the piano by E. E. Bradtl. A history of the colony from te time of Its inception in Bethel. Missouri, through the pioneer struggles, and later life at Aurora. was given by Mrs. Aurella Powers. Early impressions of the Aurora "n'onv were flven by Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. "The Landing of the Pilgrims" was read by Mrs. George Yergen. A, group of delightful piano numbers were given by Mrs. E. C. Robinson and Peggy Sadler. As a concluding number, eight of the ladles who. in their girlhood were members of the well trained choir of the community sane Aurora." the song whose words and music were composed by Dr. Kell. and which was dedicated to his followers. Notable among the friends gath ered were: Mrs. Henry Ehlen, a granddaughter and Mrs. Emanuel Kell. a daughter-in-law of Dr. Kell the founder of the colony, who was loved and revered by all his peonle and another guest. Mrs. Margaret Stauffer. 92 years of age. whose family joined the colony when' she was a child. Beautiful corsage bouquets were presented to each of the honor guests, who were as follows: Mrs Emanuel Kell. . Mrs. Margaret Stauffer. Mrs. Chris Giesy. Mrs Charles Snyder, Mrs. Chris Zim merman. Mrs. Joseph Erbsland. Mrs. Charles Becke, Mrs. Henry Ehlen. Mrs. George Kraus, Mrs William Kraus, Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks. Miss Lizzie Will, and Mrs. E. W. Bird. Out of town guests were: Mrs. William Knight and Mrs: George Knight of Canby. Mrs. Eugene Masnberger aQd Mf8 prank tiamt,ior r rence Beckman of Hubbard. Mrs. Earl Gribble of Champoeg. Mrs. E. Hocken of Newport, and Mrs. F. A. Elliott and Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks of Salem. The gentlemen present were: Mr. Henry Ehlen. Mr. E. E. Bradtl, and Mr. J. W. Sadie. A social hour and dainty re freshments followed the program. ind "Colony Day" will long be ft happy memory in the annals of the club, as in the hearts of all the guests present. Aurora Ob- erver. Two Outstanding Social Events Are Given at Spaulding Home Ten tables of hrlH nWM.w afterno0n and ten tables of bridge TiBJBWSjnWwIDWIIWTBWi f lQ2G ' Tlhupee More. Days of AjnurMversary ;' on Saturday, were in play when Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, and Mrs. Roy H. Mills entertained jointly at two of the most attractive affairs of the entire spring season. Both events took place at the Walter L,. Spaulding home on Court street. Iris, tulips, lilacs, and peonies were used In profusion throughout, with yellow candles adding to the beauty of the color scheme which was predominantly lavender and gold. At Friday's affair the hostesses were assisted by Mrs. P. A. Eiker, Mrs. Ervin Smith. Mrs. W. H. Darby and Mrs. A. L. Wallace. Mrs. Harry J. Wiedmer won the afternoon's highest score, while the second prize went to Mrs. Linn C. Smith. Friday's guest group included Mrs. John L. Rand. Mrs. Allan Jones. Mrs. Linn C. Smith. Mrs. Joseph Albert, Mrs. W. E. Ander son Mrs. George Arbuckle. Mrs. E. T. Busselle, Mrs. S. J. Butler. Mrs. F. G. Bowersox. Mrs. Grant , uuucii, mis. b. ti. oragg, Mrs. ueorge Biower or Portland. Mrs. W. J. Busick. Mrs. J. C. Currie, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Mrs. R. E. Downing, Mrs. B. L. Darby. Mrs. W. H. Dar by. Mrs. Robert Duncan of Stiver- ton, Mrs. Earl Daue. Mrs. Dillard A. Elkins. Mra, P. A. Eiker, Mrs. J. C. Griffith. Mrs. W. T. Grier. Mrs. Edgar Hartley, Mrs. Paul Hauser, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs. Walter J. Kirk. Mrs. Karl B. Kugel Mrs. William McGilchrist. Jr.. Mrs. C. B. McCullough, Mrs. J. H. Nicholson. Mrs. Merrill Ohl ing, Mrs. W. M. Pennington, Mrs. J. C. Perry. Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Mrs. Edwin F. Smith. Mrs. Her bert L. Stiff, Mrs. U. G. Shipley. Mrs. C. D. Wallace, Mrs. Harry Wels, Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. Merle Rosecrans, Mrs. Robert Craig, Mrs. H. R. Worth. Mrs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. H. L. Marsters, Mrs. Lenta Westa cott and Miss Zoe Stockton. Yesterday afternoon a second affair as attractive as the first, was enjoyed. On Saturday the hostesses were assisted by Mrs. "aymond Walsh of Eugene; Mrs. Claude Steusloff, Mrs. Paul V. Johnson, Mrs. Dwight Quisen berry, and Mrs. Phil Newmyer. Those participating in the card diversion yesterday were: Mrs. Karle Becke. Mrs. Harry Belt, Mrs. Prince Byrd. Mrs. Breyman Boise, Each 15-cent package contains directions so sim ple any woman can tint soft, del icate, shadea or dye rich, perman ent colors in lin gerie, silks, rib bons,, skirts. waists, dresses. coats, stockings. sweaters, drap eries, coverings, hangings every thing! Buy Diamond Dyes no other kind and tell your druggist whe ther the material you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it Is linen, cotton or mixed goods. adv. Maoy.iJew: VISIT "DIAMOND DYES" COLOR THINGS NEW j: Just Dip to Tint or Boil ; to Dye !; Ms.; Lester Barr. Mrs. G. F. Cham bers, Mr jban ,H. Carson, Mrs. John Evans. Wrs. Asel Eoff. Mrs. Bert Ford, itirs: Clifford Farmer, Mrs., T; S, Galloway. Mrs. L. S. Qeer. Mrs. J. R. Humphreys, Mrs. Gua Htxaon. Mrs. Ray Hartman, Mrs. K. W. Heinleln. Mrs. Hollis HBBtfngton, Mrs. Oliver Huston. Mrs. E. H. Hobson. Mrs. Paul V. Johnson, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. E. E. Ling. Mrs. F. G. Myers, Mrs. Leonard L. Nelson. Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mrs. ;Darrell Proctor, Mrs. Max Page, Mrs. Leo G. Page. Mrs, W. L. Phillips. Mrs. Frank Pate and 'Mrs. Guy Irwin of Al bany, Mrs. Dwight Quisenberry, Mm Don Roberts, Mrs. v Charles C. Robertson, Airs. Willis Rough ton, Mrs. Richard Slater. Mrs. Rex Sanford. Mrs. Laban Steeves, Mrs. Claude Steusloff. Mrs. George H. Vehrs. Mrs. Carl B. Webb. Mrs. H. R. Worth, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Fred Brock. Jr.. of Olympia, Wash.. Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. Raymond Waleb of Eugene, and Mr9u Clifford Sraulding of New- berg. Yesterday's prizes were won bv Mrs. Io Page, who re ceived first, and Mrs. Hollis Hun tington to whom went the second award. Adolynk Cliib Enter 'Mined Mm berg' of the Adolynk club and their husbands were entertained in a delightful way on Tuesday evening when Mrs. Reed Rowland was hostess in her home. Mrs. Earl Paulsn assisted the hostess. Lilacs and apple blossoms were combined In a beautiful manner Civic Music Club of Salem Final Concert of th4 Season LAWRENCE STRAtfSS, Tenor First M. E. Church Monday, April 19, 8:30 P. M. Admission $1.00 Chickering Piano (Note the change from Heilig) Do You will still find many good patterns and assort ments to choose from1 at one dollar a yard Salem Store i 466 State Street mmm Oaiei THROUGH TOMORROW about the rooms. Bridge was the diversion of the efening with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse George winning the; prize. s Additional I guests for the evening were Jklr. nd Mrs. Edwin Armstrong. j ' Those participating in the play ing were Mr. and &jrs. Edwin Arm strong. Mr. and Mrs. James Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Letnmon, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse George, Mr.i and Mrs. Carl Chapter. Mr. and Mra. Oscar "Sel ler, and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rowland. i ' ! University Grotyp Are Guests of Turfifld Schindlerat Coitntry Home One! of the mot enjoyable af fairs of the entire week, as far as the university is Concerned, took place last night: at Mountain View, the country home of Tur fleld Denton Schipdler. the host for th0 affair. The Moonlight. Ser enaded furnished the music at the refreshment hour. The feat ure of the evening was a farce radio Bkit. j In the receiving line for the party, j which was! formal in na ture. Were Turfleld Denton Schin dler, the host, M(ss Irene Clark, Miss Iva Crozierj Clair Geddes, Mrs. Leon Jennlson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith. Prof, and Mrs. Horace Williston, and Prof, and Mrs. Florian Von Eschen. The! guest roup for the eve ning included Elma White, Reva McLaughlin. Grace White, Mildred Tomllnson, Mary j Martin." MaTy Eakin, Eugenia $avage, Alberta Kafoury's oti IV 1 mar m& ENDS MONDA Y, 6 "CAN AND DO Portland Silk Store 362 Alder Street i Adlded jEadh , Day a4Vcs Koontz, Elf a ' Persy,' Margaret Brown, Margaret Arnold, . Elsie ; Miller, Frances Ma pes. ; Dorothy Robnett, Hollis Vick. Doris Pheon- ecie, Mildred McKilllcan, Jessie Pybus. Eleanor Merriweather. yir ginla Crltes. Ruth Wechter. Jessie Stone, Lot ha Miller,. Mra. Joseph O'Neill, Helen Rice. Ru(Uewettf June Gaines, Louise Find Gen evieve Junk. Zelda Mulkey. Flor ence Spencer, Helen Bridgeman, (Continssd b ptf 8) to the Slpril 8iA x N sunshine or shower, the dainty Sweet Pea offers its delicate beauty to the April GirLXet us prepare your bou quet for the girl of girls if her birthday falls in this month of opening' Spring. C. F.. Breithaupt . Salem's Telegraph Florist 123 North . Liberty "street ' Telephone, 3 80 .. mi P. M. stSy X-w-7 Vw' iv a n S I,