Tim OREGON STATEClIANrSALEir. OHEGO:i :- ! 1 r I I i I 4 IS .1 J f f f Union Roster i awn w iiimh imiwi'Wiiiiwiiiiniiiiw CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL .UNION No. 210 Presides t, O. F- Ktui; eeo retary. M. D. PUkentoa. HnM second Saturday, 4:00 p. a. , K fARPENTKRS' UNION .NO,- 806 TV Meeta Thura. evening. An Arthur Tack- r. pmnwij wrtm r-r. Skilled i hanice tarnished. Phone 179. SALEM UXIOH - LABEL LEAGUE MhIi at Labor Hall an call ( presi ; dent. P. Sears, t secretary. Be i n. Selena. 'Ore. tqaf;Jt6ater wmtmmmmmmmmUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmli FRATERNAL ORDER O" EAGLES. Mat every Wednesday. Fraternity Hall. 8. M. Willett, See'y. Tel. 889-R. KNIGHTS OF J PYTHIAS -MEETS AT Fraternal Hall every Tuesday tmitf. Visitor tavitad. Fred Dunham, C O.; ; Walter Leaenv JC of R 8. - tl Publlahed rm mernian- (except Mm-1 4a J) at Satan, the capital at Oregon. Local Rates For Classified Advertilfrig Dally or Saaday 9 eaata par word 8 cento par word On tima Three tint wora a timee eaata par ward 1 ma., daiJv and So. SO mil par word g la order ta aara the nor thaa aaa I Una rata, ndvertieemoBt must raa ia 1 cmsecutive issue. . , - . fj Ne Ad. tak.a fWlMt fa a f S eaata. I 1 fAde. raa Sunday ONLY ebrgd ate I oae time rata. , g Ad vertieemonte-f (except Paranatal ond Situations Wan tad) will be takea I over tha telephone if tha advertiser is f g a aubeertber ta phono.- , , ' . . - B Tha Statesman will receive adyar-1 Itieemente at aay tima of tha day ar 3 night. Ta iaaara proper InaeifJea- 2 ttaaa ada. should ba in before 7 p. as. g -,- TELEPHONE 23 OB 583 S ruaiTiiajiiai uawiiiiaiiaaiinai iiaiiiiajiiin'aaaimiinaiimirwniii Money to Loan ON REAL FSTATM , 41 !' T. K.-FORD (.Over Ledd Bush Bank) - : ADVEIETISINO . HONEST A DTERTISING Tbaaa aal anta aut ba kept free from aaythiae; of a aaeatioMble aatara. Miarepraaea tationa will aot be tolerated. Iafor aiatioet abowiag aay aaeetioaabie ia taat aa tha part of tha adyertiaar ahoald ba reported to thla aewa paper or the Salem Ad Club. Auto Tops 5 JfOt.1t ITS FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hall Aata Top Bad Paiat Shop. 27 8. Commercial.. aaioii Help Wanted a . BjbXE tour spare time pat. have eaay aeiuag ortieia. vatt a vro- roa Bldg.. aaoraiBra. i98tf Wanted Employment 19 experienced woman cook wants poaitioa ia reataarabt or hoteL Phoaa ' 42-F15. 5 19al3 RESIDENTIAL . WINDOW ' WASHING. Loral ref erenaea At .Wilcox. Phoaa 225. MalO FOR GARDEN FLOWING. .BASEMENT dirainc and team vara, paeae ntn Iml4tf Fot Rent 21 3 ROOM SCMMETt COTTAGE. LIGHTS aad water. . Phoaa 2044-W. " 2U7tf WE KENT AND COLLECT RENTS Buaaelle Aaplawall . . 222 N. .CommerciaL ; . Phoaa 88. 21a8tf FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH garden. 1SB N. 4ka. 81m34tf FOB RENT HOU8E8 AND APART maata. F. L. Wood, 841 State St. ' - . . aimlJtf PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14 BY. YH wording "For Rant"; price 10 eaaU each. BUteamaa Baaiaeaa Off tea, aa ground floor. ' -. EUGENE DEBATERS WIX ifT EUGENE. April a.-4-tAP)- Ett W gese high School debaters tonight AtatktxA Nnth Ttafllt tWA In ADA in an inter-dlstrlct oratorical con test on the free text book Ques tiott. Margaret Edmonson and Mary Klein m, of .Eugene, took the negative side against Raymond Carakadou and John Hurd, at XirmatiTe of North Bend, , ftvnooaia of tha Aonnat Statement of the KQU1TABLE lAVK INSURANCK . COMPAKT . of Iowa, ia the Suta of Iowa, aa the thirtv-f irt day of Leoember. 1928, at to tha Insurance CommiaaioBer at tha State, at Oregon, puraaaat tm law: n, y ' Capital - iHiit 'tf eaaital atoek paid up 70O.OO8.00 lacoata . ; . Tntkt nramiwa tacema for .the year 818.T1I.459.52 Zatereat, oUtideada aaa , ' ,.bu MMimd iurt.'' ' tha - year ... 3,880,4Ti.08 Ineome from other acuyeoa raceirad dariaa tha yea 88,040.01 Total la aa .-.. .?l,oaa,ao.a Siaawraassaa&a Paid for- maaea, endow-, mit unnitiiM aad ear- .reader value 1 DiTideada paid ta , policy . vt aotdera dnrtna tae year.. 8.548,124.68 ' 49,000.00 8,594,451.03 893851.80 (AOIDieidenda - paid . oa eapital ft' atock dariag the year. tCommtMioaa aad aaianea .f' paid daring the year.. f, Tfaaca, ttcenaea '!aad ' feoa i , ' 1 paid dariag the year -v i-Amount of all ether oa ' . aoadituroa - , ,.......-. 89W87.58 -Total espoadibarea -lf 9.S19.8T1.13 V,hu nf ml aatat mmwaA ' market value) 1..-.- $ 9,888.458.89 Value of atocka aad boo J , . . AvmA I mark mi T' ' - , . tiaed yahu) , 8.72,598.75 Lean. a aaortgagea . aad' . ' collateral, ate 47,885,198.04 . Premium no tea aad policy ' , loaa .- S.IU.VBS.SJ Caah in baaka aad aa head . 620,7 ttu.va Net nneallerted and da-' ' : ferred premiama 1,547,955.55 ' Interest aad voata duo aad -. - -- accrued i. ' 1.789.144.82 Other aaaeu ta-tl - 51,728.o- Loaa areata' rVeodlt bat- - aace 1 f 15.0T8.44 - . t . i : Total adaettte t aaeta.867.685,724.77 .-kMlttiaa Nat roaervea 9St.884,B5.oe Groaa claima for loeeoa ua- - . paid J -vJ.55.21T.78 AU other liabilitieA . .473.oi.uj Total Uaiatlaa, eehit.a s ; , . ? ' , ' oao aa 868.965.734.77 m. .'.:":!'. am aaiUILJhl Mlaa at aiuu. ' Baataaaa ta Oregea far tha Teat ' , Grot mOraae nmalial raceirad y dartu tha year i .-8 ' Z0B. 105.7 1 .ill Premiama and dividend re- ' . - J - turned daring the year.. - j 88.918.48 - Loaaea paid darif the yer e 15,084.00 iQUITABLE Llr'E.IN? SASCE COM i , PANT OF ludfA J " ' H. 8. KoIIao. Preaideat. - " B.. V. Hadley. PeereUry Statatory resident attorn for aery ice : For Rtnt -Apta. - 23 PLEASANT - ' 3-ROOM FURXI8HED apartment. 475 N. Commercial. 23al9 NJCELT FURNISHED DOUBLE APART mata. sroaad floar Court ApU. Pboa , M7-J, : - 23all FURNISHED APARTMENT. PRiy ATE bath,- faraaea - boat. 5S - Coart St. Phona 1057. - '- 2 Sal 5 FURNISHED APAKTlM EST raaaoaablaj. 2tti North. Suauaar. RENT 83alS LARUE S-R003C APT. FURNISHED OK atnraUhad, 1I3S Coart St. Pbona , 5-V. ISatS&U 4 ROOM. FURNJSHED APIARTMENT. iirat - lloor. Adulta. 1082 , Oatar - St. PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BT -wordiac "Kooma to Roat." prta 10 eaata aaeb. . Utataaaua Baaioesa Otfiea. graand floor. For Rent Booms 2S FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. Bl NCottag. ,, A ZSalO TWO STUDENTS i MAT HAVE BOOM rnritb aloapiac poreh priyikagaa, la aod ra aaata, ta aoavoaiaat tecatioa. Aa draaa A, D eara Stateaaaaa. tSfttl NICE J FRONT . ROOM FOR 6ENTLE . aaaa, Cloaa la. . Phase , 88 5 W. 5al0 FURNISHED ROOK FOR TWO. TWIN . beda. Braakfaat. Reference required. . Raaaoaabla. '845 Market St. 25a25 8 PARTLY FURNISHED ROOM a S59 a 19th. Phono 1825-M. 25all DOWNSTAIRS SLEEPING ROOMS. 10 Unioa. -.r' - -SSalO ROOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN ia Btodara hooae. Cloaa ia. Ketaa AdAreaa Ba, aara Stataamaa. For Heal Houses 27 FOR RENT 4 ROOM HOUSE. fl8; 8 rooat hotiae, 925 ; 8 room bouae eloaa ia, 935: room boaaa, 40; 8 roots boaaa eloaa ia, 925. Gortrada 3- M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 27a4-tf 0-ROOM i MODERN HOUSE. LARGE yard with fruit. Near Ma Hon Squar. Call S8 or 1187-J. 27al3 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED hooaea. Browa aad Johaaoa, 109 8. Oom'L ' S7J1TU BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED MODERN home. Mahogany fnraitara, piano, wonderful ruga, fireplace, fnrnace, re meat basement, garage, rloaa ia, 2 blocka frost Capitol building. 985 per mouth. - Reference required,, bo chil dren. See my Ageata. BUSSELLE A A SPIN WALL 222 N. Commercial St. Phoaa 3. 27all For Rent Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent. P. E. . Thomaaon, Turner, Ore. Phono 6XX. 29a ltf Wanted to Rent 31 WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED 10-room bouaa. Tel. 1078-R. Slat 3 WANT TO RENT A RANCH FROM 200 to 600 acre ia Willamette valley. . iGASKILL E ABLE, Realtor. 188 8. Liberty St. ' , Phone 2342. Slall Wanted Miscellan's 35 FURNITURE PACKING FOB SHIP maata. Gieao-Pover Furaitare Co. ;, . - aSaiOtf WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BUYS iaraitar for eaaa. Phoaa 511. . ISatf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farmv loaaa. : Wa have aoveral appliea tioaa oa hand. Ilawkiaa m Keberta Iae4 805 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf FRESH EGGS WANTED. 1T05 .IC COT 33aI3 tare. Fred Steiner. " For Sale 37 t MODERN 5 ROOM FURNISHED. 280 Ko. ,23rd St. . GOOD. PAIR MULES FOR SALE OR trade.' Phone 108F5. . . . 87al8 GOOD APPLES WILL SOON BE GONE -get yonra now. Warebouae - near bridge. . ; 37all MY 9100 EQUITY FOR 91800 ON NEW room at I wo Madiaoa Ave. write Rt. 7. Box 827.- 87m7 GOOD WHITE WINTER WHEAT 81-40 per baihel at bara. Phone 14 rs. - FINK SILVER PLATE, ' GOLD" BELL, almost aew O aaxapbone at a aaerifie. Sea it at 849,Rural Ave. , 87m21tf OATS,' GROUND FEED, 16-IN. PLOW, doable, farm haraeaa, hay Carrier . and cable, ailo. 6 and 10 gal. milk can. Fred Steiner. 1705 N. Cottage. ,37al RECEIPT-BOOKS SIZE 8 BY la. fi reeeip forma ia book,' 15 eeaU per oooH or two tor eeata. Btateemaa affiea, 818 Santa Commercial 8t, 8a- ; ; . . '-;-v Biraoix A I RD ALES. MALE AND FEMALE. Six teen ' montna old. Kegiateroa. r-rtce reaaonable. Phono 57F14. 8716 HIGH GRADE STANDARD MAKE player piano left with u. Wm aaert- fica for quick aale. See thia anap at once. Tallmaa i Plana Store, b3 South. TweUth Street. ,37al3 TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW atock, we moat eloae out our Standard make new piano. Ta da thia we will aell at 8225. 8250 aad 8295. Kaaily worth twice tbeao price, r - 3 10-. will n.ake first payment.- Tallmaa Piano Store. 895 South Twelfth atroet. 3713 TRESPASS NOTICES. 8IZB 14x9 1N8..' printed oa goad 10-on ace eava, bear - fag thd worda, "Notice la Hereby Givea . That Treepaaaiag ta eltrietly Forbidden Oa Theea Promise Under Penalty of ProeoeutioB." Prioe 16e eaeh or 8 for 85a. Stataamaa Pa Co., Beieae, Oregea. 87atf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEN eaata a bundle, Circamtioa departmaat "treeron Mtatetmaa.' " Dallas Willamette. Valley Lumber Co. ' thill, starts.) second shift, adding SO men. . MINUTE MOVIES u ED AUMEElAN.: t ;.s fcptsope 20. J, "..,' a. tfsti tcico iori hOmT- t-i. -vx ' : ii i i i tS For Sale Livestock S3 FRED W. LANGE, VETERINARIAN Offle 420 8. Cowawreiai. Pboao 11S ' Raa, Phoaa 16. S2SU GOOD 1200-LB. WORK HORSE. SELL ; for 825. Taka at oaa. Rt. 4, Baa ' 12&-M. ' K rnila aoBlhtaat ( rad of v 12th St. ear line.- Willtaia A, Cob. ' . - - 8al0 FOR SALK-VORaE8. ' TOUR CHOICE 4 Bai(iam aiaraa and goidiBKa. waight 1SOO ta 1700. Sh '.mt writo David. Afrtr. Scio, Orrgoa, R.. 1; S 8. K. of Btaytoa. ! Wood for Sale 43 BEST GRADE OF WOOD . 4 ft. aad 18-lnch, Dry Bill wood. Oreea mill wood. Dry aeeoad growth fir. Dry 4-fU aah, aad oak. FRED E. WEUL8 Prompt delivery aad reasonable price a. -280 Seath Chnreh. Phoaa 1548. 43fl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LEAVE NO ASHES. ' UILLMAN dniEL OO. ...,!.. -x,, 4Sa21tt 18 INCH BLOCK WOOD. 33.75 FEB toad, 4 loada 314.00, a Lao dry fir aad oak, aay length, Chas Christenaea. Phoaa 148. : - " 48aprll" COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE TEOTPHONE 186 HTLLMAN FUEL COMPANY ? 43a2Itf WOOD SAWING, PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HiLLMAN FUEL CO. .' 43a2Itf WOOD, DRY. SAWED ANT LENGTH. BILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1865 r- j 43a21tf 4-FOOT GREEN BLAB. 83-90 PER' CORD 16-ia. dry mill. 94.83 par mad, dry fir aad oak. Phoaa 148. : 43a5tf COAL ALL THE dETTER KINDS. HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 43a21tf 18-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak had aah. Phone T2P8, M. D. May field. 43fl8tf SALEM FUEL TRANSFER, T53 Trade Street. -Wood, Coal, Briqaeta. Traaafer aad Moving. Phoaa 529. .... . 43u30tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 92.75 - 18-in. 2tM fir per load, 98.75; 18 taeh old fir per load. 84.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313. Tracy aaal Yard. 1067 D; Street. 43n22tf GOOD COAL- DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL 0O. TELEPHONE 1855. ., 43J29M CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old board. Fisher Broa. Pboao 1819. 43jl3tf Poultry and Eggs 45 WHITE MINORCA HEN WITH CHICKS or egga. i. 8. Hiatt, Rt. 1, Phone 63F15. 45mT BABY CHICKS THAT LIVE, MANX varieties. Beginning April 9, custom ' hatching prices mocb lower. PHoae . S2F21. Lee'a Hatchery. 45m28tf Miscellaneous 51 FURNITURE UPHOL8TXLRTNU AND repairiag, Gieae-Pewara Faraitara -Store. 64a20tf BEAUTIFUL STEIN WAY PIANO. CON : d it Ion like new. Meat aell at once at taerifiee. Do not overlook thia bar gain. Tallin sn Piano Store. 51a 13 USED PIANOS. HIGH GRADE MAKES, in good condition, for Immediate aale at 950. 975, 9100, 9125 aad 910. Worth twice the price. Will accept at fnll price oa exchange for new piano, any time within two year. Tallmaa Piano Store. ' M , 6118 Lost and Found 53 LOST IN BUSINESS DISTRICT Short handle, umbrella. ' amber tip, brown, cord. Mrs. O. I re ion. Pboao 21. 53al Personal 55 ; . 'HIZZ TREATMENT - FOR APPENDICITIS -It-Ia-Wonderfal." Free information Address Hist Co- Portland, Oregon. ... " 65al8-192S Money to Loan 57 FEDERAL FARM LOANS la. F. L. wooow Dtaia ci. iiu I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN TO ASSIST you in buyiag r building a homo or basineaa property law Balem, or to refund- your present mortgage. ' No atock to buy. Chaa. Hudkina, over Miller . Store. Phoaa 98. 57m26tf LOANS Oa city property, closed without delay. Reasonable terma. Monthly payment. State Seringa and Loan Association. 189 N. High. - ' '67aaH4 .Wanted Loans ' 59 WANTED . Money to loaa oa goad real aetata ee- eurity. W. H. 0 RABENHORST CO, Raaltora. 134 South Liberty SL - Phone 615. 69mlStf Real Estate 63 Own your Home 85 OR 50 ACRES, 8 MILES OUT. -paved road, .beat aoil, baildinga, c binary, cheap, 1398 No. Front St. Investigate V O B N B W - : A 8 Y PA T- MEN T, PL AN I N H .O M E . BUILDING Bulgin & Bulgin . - r 975 SUte St. 63m27H GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST - Wa have aver 8000 properties Hated for exchange. Every kind at property, every price, every locatioa.j We eaa match , your exehaage EXACTLY, if ' yoo would like ta trade year pru patty TODAY, coma In TODAY. Bee GA SKI Lie A EARLE. Kesllors. ' Successor to Parker Realty Co. 186 8. Liberty. Phoaa 8248, ; ARAB (SUlDCiS , GATHER ARCXJND lM?flt.?J' : desperate, bans ; f TOR. 1HE TOLLDW- AHO AT; TVUS ey MOMENT.'.' 5HE.K EU HeXtARD 4 i Real Estate , 63 FOR SALEEXTRA GOOD BUILDING : let with frait. - Call 1820-M. . 63all , BEST BUYS IN HOUSES . AND FARMS S aerea oa pavement close la, f 1500 terma. - ... 5 aerea Joialng Salem, auitabla 'te eat iato lota, 93150. 9650 eaah. r. t rooms, .English typo, strictly mod ern, Fairmonat Hill. 37100, terms. d rooms, east front, Fairmonat Hill, garage; if taken at mem 95209, terma. 5 room baogalow, modern, pavement, eloaa la, 92650. terma. ' - 8 room aiodera bungalow, garage, an pavement, close to ear , line, 93250, terma, 40 acre dairy, tha beat of soil, good paetare. good location, eloaa in. oa50. , 239 aero Irrigated well improved reach la Marion coanty, thia la a gold wine aad will please yoa, 9150 per acre, term. 80COLOFSKY 341 State 6Sa7tf "REAL INVESTMENTS'" STUCCO store aad apartment baiUHag, 918.000. Income almost 12. Con aider Salem property to 910.0OO. '910OO:' will put yoa ia a paying bnsines and make you owner of a building comprising 8 stores, all reat ed, 34750. FRAT nOUSS Corvallla, 97500. Well located earning 13. CHICKEN DIN NER aad lake resort on toariat high way for only 96500. (Now is the time to get thia). SIX-room .house plaat . ered and - oa paving aad baa line, r ahowa 19 on investment only 91800. WE HAVE smalt eloae ta ' acreage that ia under-priced. Yoa ran make 50 en it this year. LIST YOUR PROPERTY where SATISFAC TION i yonr guarantee. s TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 218 T. Liberty Street. Phone 651. 63a8tf NEW STUCCO BUNGALOW Strictly modern 4 room, built-in. Breakfaat nook. Paving paid, located N. Salem. "only 9800 cash will handle deal. .Price 93300. Can yoa beat it. See Child 8; Bechtel, Masonic Tem ple. Phone 1727. S3al0tf FOR SALE NEW 6 ROOM BUNGALOW large attic, double construction, mod- ' era except beat, 4 lota 17 frait treat. 191 Rose moot Ave., Wast Salem. 63may3 GOOD WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. S3 aerea, 27 acre prunes, balance pas tore and garden. Good 0-room plas tered hoaae 'like new, prune dryer and barn for 84300.00, 915O0.OO down. - 165 aerea, 100 aerea clear, balance pasture, good bouaa and fair barn add ailo, 945 per acre. . 173 aerea oa paved highway, two eta good baitdiaga, all ia cultivation, 9105 per acre. 370 aerea, 220 aerea plow land, good ; baildinga, 8 milea from Salem. 950.00 i per acre. T MeGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON 809 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phoaa 140. i j .. - - - - SSaltf FAIRMOUNT HILL 5 ROOMS NEARLY ; new home, with all modern conven ience. 945. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT, 147 It. Commercial St., Salem, Ore gon.. y: : ' 63a4-tf 2 GOOD SALEM RESIDENCE PROPER- tiee valued at 34000, to exchange for eloae in improved acreage. A. C. BOHRN8TBDT. 147 N. Commercial St.. Salem, Ore, 63a4-tf 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GARAGE, walnut and. fruit tree. Located near Capitol. Mita Ferguson, phone 23. 63a7tf NEW MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW 'rarage, fruit, paved atreeta. 83200. Furnished 7-room Bungalow garage, fruit, paved atreeta, 33200. Income property paying: 10 on f 25,000 aacrittce 918.0OO terms. 5-aere auburban eloae ia, 93500. for reaideace. - 50-acre farm all ia cultivation, bldg., fruit; 5 acres strawberries, team, 4 cows, fowla, machinery, tools, feed, crop, 90500. Eaay terma or take resi dence property. Good 8-room home and 7 Iota N. Sa lem, paved St. Snap, 95000, easy terms. See ear list before investing. PERJILNE MAR8TERS, 812 Com. Club Bid. - 63a7tf 5 ACRES CLOSE IN, GOOD HOUSE AND barn. liocanberriea and strawberries. - , A bargain at 9400O.00 50.00 cksB. - - fi aerea at city limit. .Mostly straw berries. " Good house will trade for houe in town. . , . 5 acres. A mile' from town. AU in prane. A good house on term 'far 34.000. , ' 94250.009300.00 cash. Bays new 4 -room modern Spanish stucco. ' 83750.00 9300 cash. Bay fine 7 room bonsa oa paved atreet., . Fine lo cation. 91800.00 33OO.00 cash, buy good 0-room house oa paved atreet. 31400.00 9300.OO eaah. Bnys new 4-room house oa pavement; - Business snap Grocery aad meat market in North Salem doing a good business. t ' SEE GASKILL A EARLS FOR PROPERTY , .' : 166 S. Liberty Street, Phoaa 2243. - t , -' 63al AN EXCEPTIONAL BOY! . 7-room house, X. Commercial v Street, modern except basement, garage, .tot -50x135, hottse in excellent condition. 'Cherries, walnuts, nice lawn, garden and lovely neighbors. An exceptional buy at 9350O, with 91000 down, easy term. . . BU8SELLE A A8PINWALL 222 N. Commercial St. . Phone 86. : r 6810 SMALL LOT, 5 ROOM FURNISHED house close in, 92100. 4-room house, psved,street 91800. . 2 . lots small house en ' attractive . street, 921D0. 4-room bangalow, beautifully locat ed. 33500. 5-room bungalow, everything modern, paved atreet 4000. Attractive Spaniah stucco on popular street, aouou. . 4-room bungalow, fireplace, 93150. us rare nouse, corner tot, t irnii trees. 91100. Lot, gsrsge bouse, fruit trees, 9300. Garage bouse, lot 9800. Good bny in 2 E. front lot, take the two for 91000. 2 N. front lota, will sell these to to yoa for 91400. We have lots 960 down and 910 per month at reasonable prieea. Wa unit aell you the moat attractive her-e In Salem for 916.0OO. Among oak' trees aa English bouse built absolutely to your taate, 97800. Colonial heuM'v 'oak treea, close fn brand new 990O0. For trade, beautiful 8-room slacco house far well located lot close In. . Will take aa part payment a lot on a beautifnl borne. j Close ia - ineome property baa ' great future, 913,000. s Large grouoda good bay for, the speculator. 315,000. ? ' Contractor, look lata thia V. black ' groiiad f.r 98OO0. , - ... ,'' GERTRUDE J. !M. PAGE 492 N. Cottagfi. , S3at0tf VtZIL TURN HIM Tr4r SrTUJTILS UANtR: ABOUT V AUtfV PROM ( IN THE OeSERT CE A3 HI S DIP?. ALLAH. "WE MUT HASTEN -l , rtiri e c tu rn?" aX AMy - IHEy LOOK UKE Desert bandits fix l Real Estate ,3 63 LOT LOTS ' LOTS j Some Real Bargains. : ' 5 lota, N. Charr-h for J -.8125- a lots.i Saginaw St. : 1W 2 fine lot,, paviag - paid Jear - ' State street,' snap ',8108 Choice lot on D. St. '.. .: 50 8 choice lots close - ta- on Stato street, one facing North, one - ; SouthaPric ZJLui- 31750 Abo thr oaty choice fat mm N. Samme street' close in aad. not far-. from the atate hMsa toT 2150. Paved -street, alleys and-walk. '. Buy now. Prieea wiH advance. Sea Child Bechtel. Maeoaie Tempt. ' Phone 1727,' 63al0tf ; SPECIAL . , . .. , ' 814 aerea' with :ew house, eloeo in, bargain for. J32000. room, p Us tared bouaa, sasp tor, 31000. 6 room plas tered honaOv large krt. 91800. 5 acre fiaa hot torn land close In, pared raid; for 91200. 3 & acre 9750. - Close ia apartment bouae, snap fa 96MM . - - ' f t 1 acre with good buildings, cloa In, THOMASON, 331H State St. 63a7tf SPECIAL t New 5 -room bungalow, basement, fnrnace, fireplace, laundry trays, bard wood floor,' good location,- 33750. Terma. Let oa North Cottage St.. 9400. lv cash aad 910 a month. - Lot 65x156 on Nebraska St. jast off N. Capitol, aioOO. Terma., Let ob 8. High 9450, paving paid. Houaea for rent. -Money to wan on city property. Wa write fire insur ance. MELVUf JOHNSON. Room 14 Capitol Hotel Building. Phone 842 8a15 BEST BUYS IN HOMES 94750 Buy a good and well-built " of 7 room. Basement. Paved St garage; en 20th Ktreet. targe tot East front. For a real bargain aee thia. Na show property. See Child a Bechtel, Meaonie Temple. Phone 1727 for an appointment. 63al0tf FIVE ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. LOT 50x66, 93750. 3200 wiU take auto ia trade. 5 room modern house, paved street, gsrsge, 94500. 91970 down. Beautiful home on N. Summer atreet, 917,000. Attractive tot and beau tiful heme on creek 310,000. Apart ment hoaae f urniahed, , large lota, 9580Q, New 6 room house 33150. wil takd 'auto, ia trade. 5 room house paved atreet 93OO0. Spanish atucco 86OOO. Lot 9400 and ap. Acreage 92000 and np. We have trades. We Write Fire and Auto Insurance. Let na ahow yoa valnes. Gertrude 3. M. Page, 492 X. Cottage St.. 3a4-tt FOR SALE FINE LOT, CLOSE IN. paved atreet, bearing fruit tree. 91250. Strietly modern new house, eloae to State house, 97000; 7 room bungslow paved street, Eaat Salem, 95000; Apartment house showing good income 98OO0; 100 aere farm, 5 miles aut. part xjver bottom, good buildings, good road. 9100 per acre; 700 acre stock ranch, 60 aerea bottom land, 100 un der plow, goad buildings, close to Pa cific highway, 930 - per acre. F. L. Wood 341 SUta Street. , 03a4tf 72 ACRES IN WALDO HILLS ON paved road. 6 miles oat of Salem. No buildiags. Alt ia crop looking , good. PoaaeaaiOB ia 80 day. Price 985.00 per acre, good terms oa bal ance. 83 ACRES Sitvertoa road diatriet aboat 6 milea out, 5 room bouaa, bara aad aheda. New chicken house. 8 aeras in cultivation. 8 acres timber, bal ance pasture. A good bay for tji 94000.00 halt cash. ,8 ACRES of view property, email build , ' tnga, eloae in and only 91500.OO terms. , VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 No. Com'l St. Phone 57T. 63ml4tf FARM BARGAIN. 100 ACRES. ALL UN- der cultivation crop in, Welt fenced, fair house, two barns, ailo, 14 reel tared cow, 3 horse, 125 chicken, alt ' farm implements, located North of Sa lem half mil off the highway oa good gravel road. On account of sickness owner will sacrifice. Prica 912,509. , Would take soma, trad e . Gen.-P. Peed. " 341 State St. Room. 8. 63al STORE . AMD SHOE SHOP BUILDING " on corner, living rooms in additioa. 12250. Will take lot or car part pay meat. 4 room . new booae, ' basement. otb . 92GOO. . Strictly modern new ' house, eaat furnace; fireplace, oak . floor, excellent- construction. - 8200 ' Modern homu Oaka Addition, stucco. some very unusual features, corner lot. oak tree. 3 17,000. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor 2'8 Oregon BWg. - 63a4-tf r ! Real Estate Trades 65 WILL EXCHANGE HOUSE" JN "INDB--pendence for Salem - property. 1053 care Statesman. ,- - f--, 65ali- fOh SALE OR" TRADE v ' One acre, -4-room bouse, wood .abed Near. Fair Ground store. Cherries, loganberries, etc. WiU accept a good clear residence a little nearer business district. Price ia right. . 40 acres near Salem. 11 acres ralti vsted. Nice spring water. -About 1500 cords of : wood. 8 aerea prune, some -Cherries. 'Tinner easy to . cot at. Will aeeept a good residence ia Salem at -the right price. Price 35000. This place should go very soon. . , 98 acres, good bnilding..24 aerea a der .cultivation. ' Close;? to Crab tree oa good road. 65000. WiU take place near town up to S3500. This is A-l. 8100, wheat ranch north of. Walla Walla, Wash., for a good large ranch n tua .valley, iet me Jieaj- trom yaa 930,000: 1 'or your insurance at rait kiada aad farm aad city loans, aee Qj W. LAFLAR. 410 Oreron Bldg. ' " ' ' 45a 1 ) Real Estate Farms 67 FOR SALE OB TRADE Stocked aad , equipped dairy farm 84 acres, crrop all in, 89600; will take- house ,in Salem as part. See as for small -' acreage . at welt ea for large farma. If yea have anything to aell or trade let ua know abou it. SALEM REALTY CO., 46x1 State St. - 67a4-tf Real Estate Suburban 69 MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 18 1-acra lots, ploted ready to balld oa each tract.. Paved . highway, close ta City limits aad car line. Only 9350 per aero. Best opportunity for in vestment around Salem. Contractors and builders yon bad - better look at thia. ror eargaina aad exeaangea ta anything aeo Barber. 800 Gray Bldg. .9ui25tr Automobiles .Wanted 77 CASH - PAlf Aato Co. FOB i FORDS EIKER TTmiSti L0OSC WC F?JN NO RISK fCSt , , re spot &er tor ; ( AND MIFE, jj8l5y DiANrX, -jcbpROfls ; To CONFESS ; FOR. THE : bOLD "SHEIK. ETTSNDS. Used Cara.for Salt 79 FOBtX TRUCKS FOR , 8 ALE ALL equipped for hauling wood, and berries, 1, iacludiac licoaae. Terma. oa grt. John H. Scott, S05 Oregon idg. . . ? t9;,i i SPECIAL SALE - -OF REPOSSESSED CARS Essex ' Coach. - eurrent ' model, fully quipped coat the purchaser about 91100 driven aboat 800 ml), ia ia ex cellent condition, thia ia a real bay at our price of - r f 7"" Hudson Coach, current model, drivea leas than 7000 miles, ia fully equipped, . originally sold for about 91450, a wonderful bay t. ..91200 Lata Model Hadaon, & passes ger pa ac ton, very geod condition, thia ia a bard one ta pass np at oar low price of J650 We have several others priced from 9300 to 3900 which we can highly recommend, also soma priced as low aa 925, which are sold As Is. FOR, RELIABLE CARS Bee BIDDY BISHOP 870 N. High St. Phone 9125 79all These Are Real Bargains 1 1923 Dodge Type A Sedan. Like new. ,.. 2 1823 Ford Coupes. 2 Buick 6 Tourings, 9300.00 sseh. 1 Ford Touring, 9125.00. 1 Buick 4 Tearing. , Many others fust aa good. Otto J. Wilson 388 N. Com'l. Salem, Ore. 7911 REAL USED CAR BARGAINS WE HAVE THEM MacDonald Auto Co. LOOK WHAT 975.00 TO 92400.00 WILL BUY Lincoln Sedan. Cleveland Sedan. Stndebakor Sedan. Ford Coupe. Jewett Touring. 2 Maxwell Tourings. 2 Chevrolet Touring. , Hapmobile Touring.' ' '' Cleveland Touring., btndebaker louring). rranxiin Touring. Hayhes Touring. 1 Dodge Touring. Ford Touring. Values that esn't he duplicated at thla time ot 'the jear, ,wa need the-pc yea ned tha car. LIBERAL AND CONVENIENT TERMS Open eveniaga and Sundays. MacDonald Auto Co. MARMON -WILLYS NIGHT- OVERLAND - 79all 1924 Studebaker Special 8ix . 3800.00 1925 Packard Touring . 91850.00 1921 Pierce Arrow Sedan 8H00.O0 1925 Cadillac Phaeton .- 92650.00 4 Paaa. Lincoln Phaeton $2000.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Call 1995. Auk for Mr. Olsen. 79m30tf We have a very large and select stock of both open, and closed cars.' Aad if yon are tn tha market for a good used car, in justice to yourself you can't afford to not look Anem over. Ford touring. 925 to 9225 Ford Ooupea. -3250 to 850 Ford Tudor aedaa - 9475 Chevrolet .. 9 60 to 9350 Overloads .,.,. 9 50 to 9750 Btticks . 9100 to 9550 Oldsaroblle Coupe 9550 Hudson 8poodator - 9470 New Overland Sedan, . - license and- oqaipmeat 9750 ,'t Caah, TermaTraaa. -.; . F; V lttijohri Co. 885 N. Commercial SL ; '' Phone 12C0 OADILLAOU HUDSON ..... ESSEX . 79M28ft Eiker's dtiarahteed Fords 1925 Touring 1924 Coup Ford Sad '. 9335 .9335 ,9346 .9345 1925 Rosdater 1925. Yoariug 325 1925 Coupe- 9455 Stock complete... 84 other , -cars to 'cnoos : from, v 8om ar low as 945.00 . P.IKEJt AUtO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry, phoaa 121. i "f ' . ,.. . - 79m23tf 7 -v::Relfiibie'- . ; Used Cars We hav ;a eotnpleta stock af 8ood stsndard mskes ft all times. It will psy yoa ta look them over before yon ...amy. -,,," .-rf ' -J 'z? frte 'i P0w i, 850 N. Iigh, Temphoa?-8126. 79m9tf Look: ter?YotorrFpa Dealer for - Best Used : vi'". Fords," 1922 Truck, stake body, cab, pneumatic - .- lire. 1923 Touring, new tires, lots of extras 1923 Roadster. .845 worth of- extras. 192 Coupe. 4" Old Delivery ears, 'very cheap. 1923 Chevrolet Coupe, : 1924 Btsr Roadster, ' - 1924 Star Sport Taurine. We will sacrifice these iait 3 ears. Valley Motor Co. Salem. Oreroa. 7a4tf Portland will, be' district head quarters of Pacific Northwest Ad iaory Board -of, r American Rail way JAasoci&tlont . to 1 speed up f-Jnt car'aerylce.. - , -a VPS . iT rs TH CASIS OP OiCRti - I WIL i U'fiH VCUR HUSBAND AND OOD &yfc.;i -( fOREVERL. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DinZCTOaV Ot BeiDtble Baalmesa aad ProfeMlonai Flrata ArraaevMl.lii ' Alphabetical Order for Quirk Reference i ' i -' .. ? . ' -- - - . -. i AhaUZJUlOB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 09 and 883-R. Day or nifbt service, flstf AUCTIONEEIla 1. F. N. l WOODRY Salem'a Leadiac Export Livoatork, Fur- niture, aad Real Eatata Aaetioaeor aad Appraiaer. Res. and Store, 1810 N. Snmmer Street, f Phone 5111 For Sale Data I Established Since 1918, a6tf ACCOUNT ANT G. F.D. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Aad itor. 831H sHjaBw WWy-t BATTERY AND BLBOTRICIAN S R. Dj BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter aad generator work 171 South Commercial. - f- I i I I- n - I 1 - Phono 198 COURT ST. JOE "WILLIAMS i BICYCLES AHD KEPAIEXN 0 LLOYD E. RAM$DEK COLOMBIA BI cyTlea aad repairing, 887 Court. CHXJTEjUB BEMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medieine Company Help any known j diaeaaa. 420-426 State. e30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. 0. L. SCOTTj PSO. CHWOPRACTOR 256 N. High, Phone 828-R or 87. H. B. SCOFIELDaPALMERCHIROPRjAC tor. 828 Oregenj Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf 9RE8SMAKZXO MRS. C. B. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, button. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS FLFJENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by bony or contract. Eatimatea furnished. Phone 980171 Court St. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANTS TO GET THE BEST farm paper sud 15e the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, Hor a three months' trial I subscription. I Mention this ad. ! POULTRYMEN 4- SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps fdr spseial - three months' trial for tha best and oldest ' Journal in the west. iTha articles aad adver tisements are ot snecisl Interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest- Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com merrial atreet.! Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON 8A- lm homes, business blocka and apart ment houses, i 8chneider-Bell Co., 147 North Commercial St. Room 4. Phone 577. ,i m26tf FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust ueeas, vontrncta aa houses Will bet 6 to 80. BECKE -A HENDRICKS Hailia- Bide 189 N. Hixh St. ; Ji-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loaa en good farm security. CITY LOAN Si We are loaning Prn dentin! Insursaee Company money on eitv residences ana Duamesa property at 5V. plui a commission. Hawkins A Roberta. Inc.. 205 Oreron Building i i - d-14tf FL0EI8TS FERNS, CHOICE ROSES,' -GLADIOLUS. numla. -awmna waopma oirea, ina. etey Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Road. TeC 1280. f 15-'2 !UT FLOWERS.! WEDDrNO BOUQUETS Funeral wreathe, decorations. u. r. BreUhaapt, . frtat, 123 r N. Liberty. Phone 880. 1 . 1 XNSTJRASCX Insure ' Your home or car now ,r. ' Phone 161 i - . BECKE HENDRICK 8 Heltig Bldg., 189 N. High St. - Jt-tf LAUWDEIES SAJ.EM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 8 High , atreet. ; r-hone 2S, oMeat, irg tst and best. Esublished 1889. ' TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. ; Phone 1?L 1858 B Street. ' J17U CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phoaa 165, Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. jitt LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER -TAILOR FOB MEN . and women. 474 Court Bt. - . i ' MATTRESSES . . MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 -North Capitol. Called tor aad delivered. All work' gaaraateod. Phone 19. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY t Phone 17-W; . . - - - MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PUN0S, PHONO graphs, aewtnv machines, sheet musid and piano atudies.' Repairing phoae- grapna is aawtag auwaiaas, dmh ' Street, wsiem.i -' ' VXWSFAPEES THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency me Aee. iT..3.- ... THE OREOON STATESMAN. 60 CENTS per ' month delivered- ta your home any earn morning, toi.' a or NT7B8ERY STOCK FRUIT, NUT ;AND SHADE TREES pearey Bros.,1 178 8. oommeretai. PACKING AND SHlFPUra FOR EXPERT FURNITURB PACKING , and ahipping,, eaU .Stiff 'a Faraitara Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big By. Ed, Whcelan VJH35RE THOSE Z&Ol LEAVE PlrNfS RE- CEWE$VA v surprise: ! EPI SODS i PAPBBHANOINoT AMD PAUTTLaO PHONE GLENN ADAMS. FOR tsoOSE . p""r aangiug, itntlag, eta. : Reliable workman. ' T . , fxaxo nrxxaa EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Plana oaer. sheave oroer Will i atasia nro. PRIJTTXNO FOR' STATIONERY. CAK(8. -AMi'M. i wis, - program, nooae or aay kind C priating. Call at tha .Statesman, Prina-' ai9 B. Oaauu.rct.aL ' T.I. 683. PLUMBINa PLUMBING AND - GENERAL RKPAlli warn, uraoer israa, 164 8. Mbert. Phone 850,- - - - . - " fiatf RADIO SPLTTDORF RADIO, BALES AND . . SERVICE . . , Na better radio made at aay prion High aad Trade Radiolas For Every Purpose Erery Purse AU Standard Biaea f Radio Tabes' HAL1K A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP c 887 Court 8t. Phone 488 V REAL ESTATE IF TOO HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL lr if yon are looking for a borne, farm, r buainese property, aee ue. . , BECKE HENDRICKS ' 189 N. High St.. Heilig MlJg. -. 9tt READ ESTATE- HARXIB OFFERS ' NEW. MODERN, 6 rooms and large sleep ing porra: naiT btoca aontb rsrrmh school; full basement; fireplace; walk built; 93800; terma. , ' - NEAT 5-ROQM COTTAGE N. Birmmor aad Jefferson; bath, garage, lot 8;x75: bouae, practically new; bargain ?' at 92800 ; terma. . .. HARRIS,' Maaonia Bldg, TaL 795, 1943J. SCAVXKQEM CITY GARBAGE CO. OrFICB PHONH 85, 157 8.1 Commercial. Uoa. Phn FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SEE VICE Oalt 107, salens Bcavangar. tjumwiaa an Trotter... - ' . - nStt SECOND BAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing aad shoes. Best prices paid. Cspl tsl Exebsnge. 843 .North Commercial Phone 136a-W. . - - , TRANSFER AMD HAULZNO' TRANSFER AND HAULING- OF AAA kinds, fkene IBra; ? . : 1 WE MOVE STORE -AND SHIP M0U8B , hold good. , Oar ipeeialty ia piano and. furniture moving. Wa also make conar try trips. Wa handle the best coal aatf wood. Call on us for-price. We g good me sore. good, auallty and. aooar ; service. Lermer Traaafer Co. Phone 93 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 223 statt m. paone 933. -uistrtbuttag, rog - warding and ejorag auriaoiK. our rate. . - t rWELK XRXLLXHO -s- R. A. . . Wet,-Rt . - 6 - Bo X; '109'R, "Phone nur a, is nHi9fi "BT oi uiraon roto r WATER SALEM WATETti' LIGHT A PUVVKi Ot2' . vnioe ana. Boats uommereiat ct. , TeuL ; Jr cant" discount on . domestic tsirf r rates paid. In. advance.. W -dedaetta4 , for absenca" or aay csueoubleaa wata H hnf off yonr premises, ' . . - ; .Safety, Swiftly, and CwntioHabty tj ia inn os uo rvHi otage , ,iaea. Stage reave. for r , ; t ,i HiiTertoa 7 a. aavxi a. mVA p. nx.' Dallae T a, m ; a7m.,ai:C5 a. Fall Jity r a- ia ?10.; iL mj. t iaaepeaaaviea-i - av nr a a. , aa., . . 11:15 a.- tn 8 :10 o. ' mi 5 sli .m. . Sunday only 8:80 a. at, -? ' "Monmouth 7 ; 4k. '.irfi5: m :it p. a, jmj p.- aa. tjunoay aiy, 7:16 p. m., 8:30 p. m.' V- . MeMlBBVille 8r3 a. m . 8:0 p. 6:15 p. a. ' " Newberg 8:30 Jk. inW .SUav. BaVhai S:i p. as. v. . . Tillamook 8:30 sj. 8:10. an. , Call 222 or 694. for '4atorntatfa - "-- . .en i. maoBossaa Lll ' -.11. 'y OBXOON STATESMAN AUTO.CONTZ8T List 8f ; C8n4U8' f .', hi JAjra B j V BaUot.Bes aealsd 1 Beath, Evelyaj' V.,, : Crowher. Mra. 88. ZZ 8.040.1&4 6.848..tl 6,594.900 4.531,600 fr,46,50' 4.600,2(10. 8.800.40l 3,foa,2(iOi Feller. Miss - Bernlce Greenwood, Frsnees hi Gronke Mrs. Iw Hayes, .Luciaa Hayre, - Mrs. H.- B. lioddleaton. Mr. Loo 8,u'0,4tK Jepasa, vDalbert - -... S.loij.vms Judsoa, - Mildrad. . . , l ',8,4u.t oi Leaner, Beulah ....'...- - 4,600.i Levaland. Mrs.vFloronse..i.vU , 2,828.400 Maw. Russell i, i '8, 1 ,80O Miner. Koneid MeCtarr. Ellsworth 4,49l,Olk S,00,40l 8,191,600 6,474, 4i(i 2,900.400 4,128.833 8.546,900 6,419.800 8,041.70. S,998.4b(S 4.849,60 4.228.9tM. 8,686,80) 6.298,67.'-. 8.690,200 -6.126,38 3,003,234 MeVey. Mrs, R. B.. , Naah. Mrs. Winifred 1 - r-itt. .captain- Alien fhiiups, Helen Sanderson, Alms enepard, - Marvin i ... . ' SkopiL Mr. Ralph j , , Snyder, Violet - 8t!w. -tfasell r?mitlj MraT Joa N ZL . Thocaaaaa. Margaret Williams; Xia WaoUry, Cecil '' - i.'-' Welch. ., Elisabeth xaaagv May - - . ' , - C0T7NTXY Dradea. Mra. Winami-- t . . f ' 8.09T.ai 2.8,7 9,900,4 OO 4,42l.2u' Jbryaac Adda Beuglir , Nellie Clymer,' " M rs. . OeowJ., l?nrkfiM &f rL . .W 8.400.i!O Crane. Clement- Cr.-.--' , TB,S0O,4 Chandler, Mr. Guy, ,. , ,..,.', .:' 8.4T3.b t, Joha lU i j-Hr t .672.a.i Oood.,Mr.--Ada...,,..,;i1.....,T i 4.316.20U Hieka, Mra; W. R. j,., , Z 8.t28.80. Konkin. Merguerita - a.aoo.soii Knanf. MUtoa . 6ll62,20 8.203.10(1 Kellorr: Mrs. Yarn Klaaipa. Valatar : LmL, -8.l00.48fl Laiai Evelva, I I. 8.392,79 Lytic, - Elf a Potts. E. JT. vna.ov 6,OO.20 6,42(1, 10 9,44t,4ia 2,054,43.1 8.U'4.490) 4.01t.4D Powell, Mra. Clava., Kieharda. .Grace 8 nod art t, Urw, Roy. Swaa, Arcbia . Tewasaad, Mrs. if. A. Wyaa, Alta Wheeler, Marc ret Youag, Mrs Mertoa-a .d.CSSfcrt j 4,o.'e.2J4 , 3,500.40a f i - CinCAC6. April .s.t-cap; Charles' Hoff of Norway trckfj tta world'a indoor' pola' fault .record tonight for the seventh Vz stneo comlns to thU-coattry -vvlxea ta cleared the. t.if at htrtfa feet. eUht sad on. Qflsrter.ttec!, ot tering bjr "three-fo?rttycf lncf his ova' record ':st- Lv l.'ew Yori recently. ;; .. - mv'-jzr. is " T. J. JMBuer. ... . c , f i J . ? - - - ', ' ' ' . . .. - " .4 - . ' -