, . ... . : 11 i i I i f 1 v i, V I 1IL.U1III1L.1I UU1IIILU I 1 HUE IMPRESSION Issue Statement Concerning Religious Belief, Faculty is rraisea rC2e'tIy a questionnaire Issued from j( he university of Oregon psrchology department was sub mitted to the members of the freshmen Bible class at Willam ette university. The questions had to d owith matters religious, such as the nature of heaven and hell, the mal ? up and powers of God, the malrfe up and powers of the deril, anj immortality. Because of the conflicting an swers and wide difference of opin ions as revealed by the students, the questions and answers at tracted considerable attention, be ing sent throughout the oounlry on press wires. Members of the freshman class, feeling that the results of the Questionnaire has riven nnf an Jv2 erroneous impression concerning V, their religious beliefs, have issued a statement, which Is herewith sub mitted ta part. "We, the members of the Fresh men Bible History class of Will amette University desire to make the following statements concern ing this matter in order that the true religious beliefs of thia class based on the results of this ques tionnaire may be mon fully pre sented. "Furthermore, the nature of the questionnaire itself made it difficult to answer. It might be appropriate hers- to. note that the sixteen students who , Indicated Christ to be a mythical character also believed that He was the Di vine Son of God. and was born of the Virgin Mary. "There are in every group of ppople those who do not regard seriously an unsigned questionn aire? of any character whatsoever. We believe that this class is no exception to the general rule, and that this fact accounts for many f the . seemingly contradictory statements. "Finally, we, the members of 'UiVI Ihp Prenh'rapii Rihln VHatnrr rlaas of Willamette University, hold in rfceir earnest endeavor to point out to ' us the possibilities of thought, and to encourage us to form our own opinions upon mat ters involved. We believe the teachings of the faculty, therefore, to be in no way responsible for the statements as expressed by the tab&tion of the results of this queVVfcaire." , COMMERCE TO CENTER i ABOUT PACIFIC COAST (Continued from page 1.) Exportation of lumber is the thing Ithat unloads money here in large quantities. "Oregon means nothing to the easterner. The only oort he knows is New York. He isn't going to boost for a merchant marine that will benifit the west coast. The east has its ports already im proved. Who did it? The federal government. But ! now that the east is fixed comfortably, eastern ers are objecting to further pa ternalism nn the nart nf the eov- ernment. I "But people are going to quit t!) New York and use the smaller r harbors. The farmers here are commencing to Bee that It Is more . profitable to ship from the west l coaet than it is to ship from New '" ' York: - "We need a merchant marine. The shipping board is doing' bet ter than most people think. True, it is not making money. But neither are' its foreign competi tors. When the board started )l neven yearn me suicus" wui- I panics pooh-poohed it. Now they l are asking for conferences with I' the board to see if something can ) not be done to stem the losses a they are meeting. (V I "While the shipping board merits a lot of criticism hurled against it, we seldom hear of its accomplishments. "Wheat is being shipped across the Atlantic for less money than Ri cost to oaa " unioaa n, uui L a J 1 A. 1 the result is that the country is "V nrofltinz bv nrosoerity. Ultimately ff. we will have to give the board : our, backing or we won't have any Wv. nlilnnlnff Ifif t "Editorial writers who know nothing about It and who are in fluenced by foreign propaganda, say our ships 'are tied up In our harbors. Why do they not tell the rest of the story that ships in every important shipping country are tied up just as severely as i ours are. Other countries have I made the mistake of launching too rnaiy ships. But they are not v givinfOjp just because of their niisUawe. ; "For our coaust's progress, a 'merchant marina is necessary. We are in a position to Torce our own : rights. The control of this coun try is in the west right now, and - . ,we can demand our rights. - r "But if you want to kill the shipping -board, Just cut Its ap propriation each j year until it jff ' can't float enough ships to be r consequental. or make the ahlp- v ping board atone man board' ! Clarence v Gould of Allegany - fined. $250 for causing s forest af' Ill Virion Roster I CAPITAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Ho. 210 President, O. P. Kvaaa; sec retary. 1C D. Pilkenton. llNti second 8atarday, 8:O0 p. m. CARPENTERS UNION NO. 1065 Meet Thar, evening. Arthor Tack er, president; Wm, Pettit, secretary. Skilled mechanic furnished. Phone 179. 8ALEH UNION ISABEL LEAGUE Meeta at Labor Hall on call of preai- t dtnt. r. W. Bears, secretary. Box 443. Balcm. Ore. f Lodge Roster I FRATERNAL ORDER OP EAGLES, meet every Wednesday. Fraternity Hall, S. 34. Willett, See'y. Tel. 889-R. KNIGHTS OP PTTHIA8 MEETS AT ' Fraternal Hall every Tnesday evening. Viaitora invited. Fred Den ham. C. C. : Walter Lenon. K. of R. 8. f tSht &xtcon tattsnuin I ! Pnbliahed every morning ( except Mon- 5 : day) at Salem, the capital of Oregon. MWMBWIMIllaMIUBWIWIBIlMIHmMnWHM Local Rates for Classified Advertising Daily or Sunday g 2 cent por word i 5 cen ta per word g 8 eenta per word 1 e On time Three timea g Six timea f 1 aon daily and Sun. 20 cents per word I In order to earn the more than one I time rate, advertisement matt ran in g 1 eonsecutiye issues. n I No Ad. taken for lefts than 25 eenta. 1 s Ads. ran Saoday ONLY charged at i 1 one-time rate. M s Advertisements ( except Personals and Situations Wanted) will be taken I over the telephone if the advertiser is g 1 a subscriber to phone. 1 The Statesman wifl-Teeeive adver-J j tiaements at any time of the day org night. To insure proper elassifica- j g tions ads. should be in before 7 p. m. S TELEPHONE 28 OR 583 j ninniiaiiiaiismiaiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiimiiinmriiimimiiiTiiii n Money to Loan ON REAL F8TATB T. K. FORD (Over Ladd k Bush Bank) ADVERTISING HONEST ADVERTISING These eol nms must be kept free from anything of a questionable nature, ia isrepresen tatious will not be tolerated. Infor mation showing any questionable in tent on the part of the advertiser should be reported to thia news paper or the Salem Ad Club. Auto Tops SEE US FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hull Auto Top and Paint Shop. 27 S. Commercial. 5al6tf Help Wanted UAKE YOUR SPARE TIME PAY. HAVE easy spiling article. Call at 429 Ore gon Bid;., mornings. 9m28tf MAKE YOUR SPARE TIME PAY Have an easy selling article. Call at 429 Oregon lildg., mornings. 9a2tf Help Wanted Female 13 8ALF.SLADY WHO CAN DRIVE CAR Nice work, investigate. 1011, ..Cart Statesman. 13a7" Wanted Employment 19 FOR GARDEN PLOWING, BASEMENT digging and team work. Phone 72P2 19ml4tf For Rent 21 1 2 ROOM SUMMER COTTAGE. LIGHTS and water. Phone 2044 W. 21a7tf " FURNISHED APARTMENT garden. 1398 N. 4th. - WITH 21m24tf FOR RENT HOUSES menta. F. L. Wood, AND APART 841 State St. 21ml2tf PRINTED CARDS, 8IZE 14" BY 7H", wording "For Rent", price 10 eenta each. Statesman Business Office, on ground floor. For Rent Apts. 23 FURNISHED APARTMENT reasonable. 292 North. Summer. RENT 23al3 FOUR AND FIVE ROOM APART mcnts. 1311 Court Street. Phone 1516M. 23a9 NICE FURNISHED TWO, THREE room apartments. Fimt - floor. 5O0 Union. . - j": 23aT LARGE 2-ROOM APT. FURN'ISUKO OR unfurnished. 1133 Court BU Phono 885-M. "F; v 28m23tl 4 ROOM FURNISHED APlARTMENT, first floor. Adolta. 1082 Onter 8. ' 23alO- OXE 2 ROOM APARTMENT. LIGHTS a ii4 -water included. $17. SO per month. 152 8. Church. Phone 2421 23a7 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY .7" wording, "Rooms to Rent," price lO cents each. Statesman Business Office, For Rent Rooms 25 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 991 N. "Cottage. 25alO rWO STUDENT8 MAY HAVE ROOM with sleeping porch privileges, ta mod ern homo, in convenient location. Ad dreaa A. D., ears Statesman. 5f2U NICE FRONT ROOM FOR GENTLE man. Close in. Phone 585W. 25al0 MODERN 3 ROOMS 570 Union. UNFURNISHED. 25a7 FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO. TWIN beds. Breakfast. Reference required. Reasonable. 845 Market St. 25a25 MINUTE MOVIES C0RCH1NG- ANLS" filmed ey ED WHEELAN 1HE BEDOUIN'S BULLET s i irrBBiainu i i i a 1 1 i PEAK TO ME - SPEAK lb ME - OH. For Rent Rooms 25 I DOWNSTAJR8 SLEEPING ROOMS, 160 .Union. , . : , 2510 BOOM POR RENT POR GENTLEMAN, ia aaodarn home. Cloao ia. ataf oaaaa. Addreaa Hosaa, eara Stateamaa. 25f2a For Rent Houses 27 FOB) RENT 4 ROOM HOUSE, $18; S room honse, $25; 8 room hoaaa close in, $35: 8 room honse, $40; 6 room house close in, $25. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage St. 27a4-tf FURNISHED AND UNFURNI8HED bouses.' Brown and Johnson, 109 8. Oom"l. I7jl7tf For Rent Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent. P. E. Thomaaon, Turner, Ore. Phone 8XX. 29a ltf Wanted Misceilan's 35 FURNITURE PACKING FOR SHIP soents. Giese- Power Furniture Co. 85s20tf WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER ROY 8 -seed furniture for eaak. Phoaa 511. 85atf WANTED PRIVAT1 MONEY FOR farm loana. We hare several applica tiona on hand. Hawkins Roberts Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. 85M4tf For Sale 37 MY $1400 EQUITY FOR $1300 ON NEW 4 room at 1290 Madison Ave. Write Rt. 7, Box 227. 37m7 BEES 16 STANDS. MUST BE SOLD NOW! Phone 46F32 Jefferson, Jef ferson Rt. 1. 37a7 FOR SALE TWO TON DENBY TRUCK. Rood shape, good tires. Write or phone H. Wipper, Turner. 37a9 FINE SILVER PLATE, GOLD BELlZ almost new C saxaphone at a sacrifice. See it at 849 Rural Ave. 37m21tf MUST SACRIFICE NEW HOI'SE FUR nishings for a five room home, com plete. Write Box 520, Statesman. 37a9 RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8" BY 814", 50 receipt forms in book. 15 cents par ! nooa or iv o tor cents, statesman office, 215 Sooth Commercial St., Sa lem 87f25ti TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 INS., printed on good 10-ounee canvass, bear ing the" words, "Notice Ia Hereby Given That Trespassing ia Strictly Forbidden On These Premises Under Penalty of Prosecution." Price 15c each or 2 lor 2 So. Statesman Pub. Co., Salem, Oregon. 87atf FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEN cents a bundle. Circulation department Oregon Statesman. For Sale Livestock 39 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 420 S. Commercial. Phone 1198 Res. Phone 16B6. 39m23tf , Wood for Sale 43 BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 inch. Dry mill wood. (nen mill wood. Dry second growth fir. Dry 4 ft. ash, and oak. FRED E. WEfLLS Prompt delivery ad reasonable prices. 280 South Church. Phone 1542. 43fl8tf BRIQUETS THAT LKAVE NO ASHES. HILLMAN TVEL. CO. 43a21tf 16-INCH BLOCK WOOD. $3.75 PER load, 4 loads $14.00, also dry fir and oak, any length. Chaa Christensen. Phone 142. . 43aprll COMPLETE -FtTKL-SERVICE TELEPHONE 185 HILLMAN FUEL COMPANY 43n21t( WOOD SAWING, PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEL CO. 43a21tf WOOD. DRY. SAWED ANY LENGTH. HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 43n21tf 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB. $3.90 PER CORD 16-in. dry mill. $4.50 per Wad. dry fir and oak. Phone 142. 43n5tf COAL ALL THE BETTER KINDS HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1 855 43n21tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phone 72F2. M. D. Mav field. 43fl8tf SALEM FUEL A TRANSFER, 752 Trade Street. Wood, Coal, Briquets. Transfer and Moving. Phone 529. 43n20tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, $2.75 16-in. 2nd fir per load, $3.75; 16 inch old fir per load, $4.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2313. Tracy luel Yard. 10C7 D Street. 43n22tl GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT -DELIVERIES. HILLMAN I'OEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. r 43j29tf CITY AUD COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also -old boards. Fisher Bros. Phone ; 43j1tf r i Poultry and Eggs 45 OA BY CHICKS THAT LIVE,'MA varieties. Beginning April 8 euttom r hatching " prices much lower. Phone 32F21, Lee's Hatchery. 45m28tf Miscellaneous 51 FURNITURE repairing. Store. UPHO LSTKR3NU AND Oieas Powera Fnmitare 5ls20tf INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Fire, Life, Antomobile, Casualty, Ac cident and Health I BUSSELLE ASPINWALL 222 N. Commercial St. Phone 36. We write Surety Bonds. Slattf Lost and Found 53 PICKED UP A HORSE. 14O0 LBS. Brown, star on, forehead. Mr. Clegsett. it'. H. 53a8 Personal 55 HIZZ TREATMENT POR APPENDICITIS "It-Is-Wonderful." Free information Address Hiss Co., Portland, Oregon. 55al6-195 NSPRED bv BSHEIK EL MEN SOON F?OVjT THE. ATTACKING BEtOUlM S iTME CURSE OF ALLAH UPON gKRU THE UjCNG VlATCMrrX OFflHE SILENT NIGHT, DIANA NURSES "WE ju0UMDED rvvsJ SHE HAS SO BlTTERiy . HATED - 1 - . 1 Money to Loan 57 FEDERAL FARM LOANS 3H. F. L. Wood, lil Stat feL , . .57TU. I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN TO ASSIST yon ia bnjiog or building a ' home or buaineaa property in Salem, or to re fund your preaent mortgage. No stock to bny. Chaa. Hndkina, over Millers Store. Phono 96. 57ss2Stf LOANS Oa city property, closed without delay. Reasonable terma. Monthly payments. State Savinga mad Loan Asaociation. 189 N. High. . 57apll4 Wanted Loans 59 WANTED Money to loaa oa good real estate se curity. W. H. GRABENHOR8T GO. Realtors. 134 South Liberty St. Phone 515. 59al3tf Real Estate 63 Own Your Home 23 OR 50 ACRE8, 3 MILES OUT, paved road, best soil, buildings, ma chinery, cheap, 1396 No. Front 8t. 68a21 OKKKKKKKKKKX KKKKKKKKKKO FOR SALE Strictly modern house of 5 rooms; 2 mor easily finished upstairs. Paved street; cement walks; garage. One block to South Coml car line in South Salem. Price $5250. Terms W. G. KRUEGER. 147 N. Com l St. 63s4 OKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKO ivestigate OUR NEW EASY PAY MENT PLAN IN HOME BUILDINO BuSgin & Bulgin 275 State St. 63m27tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, very price, every location. We can match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GASKILL A EARLE, Realtors. Successors to Parker Realty Co. 166 8. Liberty. Phone 224$. CLOSE IX VALUE A 7 ROOM HOUSE, bath, toilet, lights, basement, furnace and fire place. A close in home, love ly lot, paved street at the bargain price of $4000 on terms. A 6 room house, plastered, both toilet, lights, lot 50x148 in good order outside and in. Near school and bus line. $1800, $250 down. A lot for two houses on a corner and car line, beautiful oak trws, paved street and sidewalks in. sixe 5 4x140 feet. ?850, term $800 cash. See J. A. Mills, 33 i State St.. 68a7 GOOD WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 3:t acres, 27 acres prnnes, balance pas ture snd garden. Good room plas tered house like new, prune dryer and barn for $4300.00, $1500.00 down. 165 acres, 100 acres clear, balance pasture, good house and fair barn and ailo, $45 per acre. 173 acres on paved highway, two sets good buildings, all in cultivation, $105 per acre. 870 acres, 220 acres plow Isnd, good buildings, 8 miles from. Salem, $50.00 per acre. MeOILCHRIST PENNINGTON 2U9 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono 140. 63altf FAIRMOUNT HILL 5 ROOMS NEARLY new home, with all modern conven iences, $45. A. C. BOHRN'STEDT. 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore gon. 63al-tf 2 GOOD SALEM RESIDENCE PROPER ties valued at $4000, to exchange for close in improved acreage. A. C. BOHBXSTHOT, 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. 63a4-tf 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GARAGE, walnut and fruit trees. Located near Capitol. Miss Ferguson, phone 23. 63a7tf 35 ACRES. 9 miles north, black loam soil, all level, fruit, berries, nuts. 33 acres under plow, some pasture, house, barn. $3500 handles. COUNTRY STORE buildings and ground, good town, two stories, large lota, shelving all in ready to start. A good by for some one. price $2600. BUSSELLE ft A8PINWALL 222 N. Commercial St. Phone 36 67a7 SACRIFICE BAROA1XS 5-room furnished Bungalow North Salem, $2400, good terms. 7 -room furnished bunralow, )are lot. garage fruit, nice locution $350o easy t terms. i IV -acre snburbsn close in .nice 1 bungalow and other bldgs. Fine soil. fS5O0, terms. 2 -acre suburban, close in, 4-room bungalow, snap, $2000, terms. Fine, well improved 138 river bottom . farm, lOO-aeres in cultivation, good lo cation, $100 per acre, good terma, take ciy property. ' all modern 5-room bungalow large lots close in, clear $7500 for equipped farm. For real bargains see nn. PERRINE ft MARSTERS 2KJ Com. Club BHg. 63m31tf BEST BUYS IN HOUSES AND FARMS 5 acres on pavement close in, $1500 terms. 5 acres joining Salem, suitable to cut into lots. $3150. $650 cash. 7 rooms, English type, strictly mod ern, Kairmount Hill, $75l, terms. t rooms, east front. Pairmoont Hill, garage; if taken at once $5200, terms. 5 room bungalow, modern, pavement, close i $2650, terms. 6 room modern bungalow, garage, on pavement, close to car line, $3250, terms. 40 acre dairy, the best of soil, good pasture, good location, close in, 4850. 239 acre irrigated well improved ranch in Marion county, this is a gold mine and will please you, $150 per acre, terms. SOCOLOFSKY. 341 State C3a7tf VOU.DHSERT RaTS J: ft m -kmzz. s"Lr t?n i I lAKt V.AftC r; T S AmM W Real Estate 63 FOB SALE SEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW iargoattic, daublo construction, mod ern except heat. 4 lots 17 trait trees. 191 ttosemont Ave., West Salem. 63may3 SPECIAL 2V acres with new house, close iat, bargain for $2000. 4 room plastered house, snap for $1000. 6 room plas tered house, large lot, $1800. 5 acres fine bottom land, close in, paved road, for $120O. 2Vi acres (750. Close in apartment house, snap for $8500 , 1 acre with rood buildings, close ia, 2500. THOMASON, 331 , State St. 63a 7 tf SHREWD INVESTORS ARE BUYING SALEM PROPERTY I Here's 10 acre tract in city limits, cozy 5 room honse, good barn, garage, chicken house, price includes 50 R. i. lieds and cow ; all implements neces sary. Move in snd in few years triple your money. BUSSELLE ft ASPINWALL 222 N. Commercial Phone 36 63a7 FIVE ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, LOT 50x66, $3750. $200 will take auto in trade. 5 room modern house, paved street, garage, $4500, $1970 down. Beautiful ' home on N. Summer street, $l7,OO0. Attractive lots and beau tiful home on creek $10,000. Apart ment house furnished, large lots, $5800. New 6 room bouse $3150. will take auto in trade. 5 room honse paved street $3000. Spanish stucco, $6000. Lots $40O and op. Acreage $2000 and up. We have trades. We Write Fire and Auto Insurance. Let us show you values. Gertrude 3. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 63a4 tf FOR SALE FINE LOT. CLOSE IN, paved street, bearing fruit trees, $1250. Strictly modern new house, close to State house, $7000; 7 room bungalow paved street, East Salem $50OO ;. Apartment house showing good income $80OO : 100 acre farm. 5 miles out. part river bottom, good buiWings, good road. $100 per acre; 700 acre stock ranch, 60 acres bottom land, 100 un der plow, good buildings, close to Pa cific highway, $30 per acre. F. L. Wood 3 41 State Street. 63a4tf LOTS NORTH. IN PROTECTED home district, $475 on up. Terma. See Laurel Park now. Where Capitol street and FairgTound road meet. Becke ft Hendricks, 189 N. High St. 63a4 tf LOT BARGAINS $100 ON UP. AD joining new school south. Terras $10 down, $5 a month if desired. Becke ft Hendricks. 189 N. High St. 63a4-tf 72 ACRES IN WALDO HILLS ON paved road. 6 miles out of Salem. No buildings. All in crop looking good. Possession in 30 dsys. Price $85.00 per acre, good terms on bal ance. , 25 ACRES Silverton road district about 6 miles out. 5 room house, barn and sheds. New chicken honae. 8 acres in cultivation, 6 acres timber, bal ance pasture. A good buy for $4000.00 half cash. 8 ACRES of view property, small build ings,' close in and only $1500.00 terras. VICTOR SCHNEIDER, Realtor. 147 No. Com'l St. Phone 577. 63ml4tf BEST BUYS in Rtriitly modern home. $7250 New stocco English type 6 rooms with all the ins! beauti fill corner lot. Paved btreet. Grsnd view. BEST BUY ON STATE Sl'KEET $7500 Strictly modern 7 room 2-story bungalow. Owner leaving city. Must sell. Sacrifice. TWO NEW STUCCO BUNGALOWS Both in north Salem. Each 4 rooms, one priced at $3300, the other at $3750. Easy terms. WORKING MAN'S CHANCE TO BUY A HOME $ 200 Cash down, balance like rent ' tiuya- house. 5 rooms, dandy lot. Price $850. IF YOU WOULD RATHER BUILD Wc have some choice lots. In all parts of the city. Price $150 'nil ill. For real estate bargains See ('1111,1)8 & BECHTEL Masonic Temple Phone 1727 63aGtf STOKE AND SHOE SHOP BUILDING on corner, living rooms in addition, $'22.j0. Will take lot or car part pay ment. 4 room new house, basement, south $2C00. Strictly modern new house, east furnace, fireplace, oak floors, excellent construction, $4206. Modern home Oaks Addition, stucco, some very unusual features, corner lot, oak tree. $17,000. WINNIE PE'i TYJOHN, Realtor 2' 6 Oregon Bldg. 63a4-tf Real Estate Trades 65 MUTUAL EXCHANGES' WE ARE qualified to effect SATISFACTORY exchanges according to scientific meth ods. If you wish to EXCHANGE NOW, come in and see us. FRUIT farm, 20 acres, bearing, ideal condi tion. Due to illness owner will sac rifiee on Salem home. Take this now and reap a neat income from this year's crops. POOL room for residence or farm to J5000. WILLAMETTE val ley farms for any good property or eastern Oregon wheat farm. TVV-' small farms for timber. SEVERAL city residences for small a crease, one modern and new will consider close acreage unimproved. IF, it is farms, city or businesa property or car to ex change let us MAKE it for you. "SATISFIED SERVICE." is our mot to. TRIANGLE REALTY OOMPAaii. 218 North Liberty St., Phone 651. 65a4 tf Real Estate Farms 67 j ACRES I MILE NORTH. WILL MAKE a dandy home. Inquire 920 Hignland Avenue. 67aT FOR SALE OR TRADE Stocked and equipped dairy farm 4 acres, crop all in, ?96K); will take .house in Salem as part. See us for small acreage as well as for, large farms. If yon have anything to sell or .trade let us know about it. SALEM REALTY CO.. 462 State St. - 67a4-tf Real Estate Suburban 69 MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 18 1-acre lots, ploted ready to build en each tract. Paved highway, close to City limits and ear line. Only $350 per acre. Best opportunity for in vestment around Salem.- Contractors and builders yon had better look at this. For bargains and exchanges in anything see Barber, 200 Gray Bldg.; 69m25tf AT DIANA'S request; EL MAZAPtt FREES OLD HAREM EL . SCARE M , ATTEMPTS A Treacherous REVENGE bb O I a rv . Ano now a r STRANGE COM--fRAST.CDME3, TO HER, MIND ; AS SHE CbNimRES HUSBANO VBITM . TrttS FEARLESS Automobiles Wanted 77 CASH pau , iiU Co... FOB , FORDS EIKER . , 77al2tf WANTED SMALL MODERN HOUSE. lawn, garden space, country or city. NoBeTliJ Used Cars for Sale 79 PICK OCT A Good USED OAR Dodge Touring $275 IM ton Republic Truck (solid tires) $325 Ford Roadster (license) $150 Dodgo Delivery $150 Ford Delivery ..$ 75 Ford Touring, license and all $ 85 Oldasnobilo Coupe (1923) $550 1928 Dodge Roadster .$450 1922 Dodge Roadster - $825 Ford Roadster ...$125 BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Under the Big Tent Center and Com'l Sts. 79a7 See MacDonald USED CAR BARGAINS 1924 Overland rosdster .....$275.00 1919 Ford Touring $ 75.00 1921 Cleveland Touring $400.00 1924 Ford Coupe $395.00 Franklin Touring . $550.00 Dodfce Touring $ 75. Oo Chevrolet Touring $ 75.00 We have many other good buys, don't fail to see them, convenient and liber al terms made. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Ferry Sts. Phone 409. Marmon Willys Knight Overland 79altf 1924 Studebaker Special Six ..$800.00 1925 Packard Touring $1850.00 1921 Pierce Arrow Sedan $100.00 1925 Cadillsc Phaeton $2650.00 4 Pass. Lincoln Phaeton $2000.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Call 1995. Ask for Mr. Olsen. 79m30tf We. have a very large and select stock of both open and closed cars. And if you are in the market for a good used car. in justice to yourself you can't afford to not look them over. Ford tourings $25 to $225 Ford Coupes $250 to $450 Ford Tudor sedan $475 ChevroJets ..$ 50 to $350 Overlands $ 50 to $750 Bnicks $100 to $550 Oldsmobile Coupe $550 Hudson Speedster $470 New Overland Sedan. license and equipment. ...$750 Cash Terms Trsde F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX 79M28ft Eiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1925 Touring $3.15 1924 Ccrepe $335 Ford Sedan $;u.S 1925 Roadster $345 1925 Touring aa.i 1925 Coupe $455 Stock complete. 54 other cars to choose from. Some as low as $45.00 EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79m23tf Reliable Used Cars We have a eompleta stock of good atandard makes at all timea. It will pay yoa to look them over before you buy. Fred M. Powell Motor Cars $50 N. High. Telephone 2126. 79m9tf Look to Your Ford Dealer for Best Used Fords 1922 Truck, stake body, cab, pneumatic tires. 1922 Touring, new tires, lots of extras. 1923 Roadster, $45 worth of extras. - 1924 Coupe. Old Delivery cars, very cheap. 1923 Chevrolet Coupe. 1924 Star Roadster. 1924 Star Sport Touring. We will sacrifice these last 3 cars. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon. 79a4tf ReujievUs"ed Cars 1920 Ford touring." 1921 Iodge touring. 1922 Chevrolet touring. 1923 Chevrolet coupe. These care are completely overhauled new paint, good rubber and are priced for quick sale, Newtofi Chev. Co. 525 Chemeketa, Phone 1000. 79a4 tf SPECIAL RALE OP REPOSSESSED CARS Essex Coach, current model. fully equipped cost the purchaser about 1 1( driven about 6000 miles, is in ex cellent condition, this is a real buy at our price of $700 Hudson Coach, current model, driven leas -than 7000 miles. is fully equipped, origins II v solii for about $1450, a wonderful buy at $1200 Late Model Hudson. 5 pasen?er pnae ton, very good condition, this is a hard one to pass up at our low price of $650 We have several others priced from $300 to. $900 which we can highly recommend, also some priced ii low as $25. which are sold As Is. FOR RELIABLE CARS See BIDDY BISHOP 370 N. High 8t. Phone 2125 79all Portland. Pacific International Livestock Exposition bad 110,000 people attending. ( PIE !- tXXr OF JIPTl HA- HE WAS OH , SWE1K K M Lionel - j "4 .YOU'VE lost S Jg. :! a I jsPV M baa : - JWk wt- .. w- Jlr -i. y. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIHEDTOIIV- Of Reliable Bustaessj and ProfeMloaAl Firm. Arranged In Alphabetical Order for QckRereBcbt ., : AMBTJUUICB GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 0O9 and 883-R. Day or- night aervice. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS r. v. 'wood sir Salem's Leading Expert Livestock, Fur niture and Real Estate Auctioneer and Appraiaer. - ' Res. and Store, 1810 N. Summer Street. Phono 811 For Sale Data Established Since 1916, oCtf ACCOUNT ANT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND Amd itor, 331 Vi SUte. Phone 2098-R. a!7'28 - 1 ' ' -gHggMBPJssaM-"Wsl'f'IPallLaaM BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. C WillaM 3 , Phone 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND BXPAXRXKQ LLOYD E. RAM SDEH COLUMBIA Bi cycles and repairing, 887 Court. CHINX8B REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Help any known disease. 420-426 State. s30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSC. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High, Phono 828-R or 87. H. B. SCOFTELD. PALMER CHIROPRAC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m-Vf DRESSMAKXKU MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by boor or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAPrR IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE8T farm paper send 15c 'a the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. j POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stsmps for special three months' trial for the j best and oldest Journal in the west. 1 The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the Northwest . Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon. FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON SA lem homes, business blocks and apart ; ment houses. Schneider-Ben Oo 147 : North Commercial St. Room 4. Phone '. 577. m26tf FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gages. Trust Deeds, Contracts oa houses Will net 6 o 80. " BECKE, a HENDRICKS Haiti Bldr.. 189 N. High St. Jl tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY i to loan on good farm security. j CITIs LOANS We are loaning Pro- ; dential Insurance Company money on i citv residences and business property. : st 5V4. nlus a commission. Hswkint : a Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. o-itr FLORISTS PERNS. CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLUS perennials, shrubs, weepiug birch, iris, : etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fairground Road. Tel. 1280. fl5-'28 2UT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS ! Funeral wreaths, decorations. U. r, Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 380. MgTJ BANCS Insure Yoor home or ear now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg., 189 N. High St. lt-tf LAUNDRIES- SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 263 S. i High street. Phone 25, oldest, larg ' est and best. Established 1889. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN dry. Phone 17L 1356 B Street. jl7tf CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 165 Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadway. J14tt LADIES' TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Conrt St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 1190 North . Caoitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Phone 19. flOtf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM ' Phone 517-W. COUGH REMEDY MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO j graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Repairing phono- I graphs and sowing machines, 432 State i street, tsaiem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM ; Agency The Ace. Tel. 939. THE OREGON STATESMAN. 50 CENT8 I per month delivered to your bono i early each morning. Tel. 23 or 583 NURSERY STOCK FRUIT.- NUT AND SHADE TREES i Pearcy Bms.v 178 S. Commercial. PACKING AND SHTPPINa FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING i and shipping, call ' Stiff's Fnrmitara Store. Phono 941. Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big By; Ed Wheelan toTwes Diana MEAN pi -THESE V0Rt&? r4AS v; SHE FALLEN 'M LOVE'VMfiX AH - (5) '4-3 rArssHAjrouro a$z rArjrrca' PHONE GLENN ADAMS 'FOR taOCBft? decorating, paper, hanging, tinting, ato. Reliable workman.' ' ' - . rxuro mtii - EDWARD WILP EXPERIENXED Plana tuner. Leave orders Will's Masie iVoro. FOR STATIONERY CARDS, PAMPH- lets, programs, hooks or any ts nt printing. Call at ba Statesman PrlaV ing Department, BIS S, Commercial. Tel. 588. pumsora PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPA I tt . work. Oraber Brps 14 8. Lisorty. Phone 550. - f -. . f . tf RADIO 8PLITDORF RADIO, "SALES AND ' 8KRYICB ".-? - - Ho better radio made a any ariee t.j- '9 . JHlgfe. ni Trada. Radiolas - T, gw'Piiwrt Evtrv Pnraa . 4 All Standard Slaoi '! Radio Taboa . HA UK A EOFT ELECTRIO SHOP ' 837 Conrt Btj Phone 488 REAL B STATS ' IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO "SELL , . i ... lr ii yoa are ravsiog iw Buum, uai or businesa property, see na. . BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N.- High St.; Heilig Bldg r 4tt REAL HARRIS OTTRRS GOOD -7-ROOM HOUSE, lot 59137. 1405 N. 17th street -r east front, pavaol street, fina location, only $2300; very , easy terms. f.K-.A 'r. 8-ROOM HOUSE, fina condition: lol 45x137, N. 17th street, paved, aoMbna. . Rent 980,, or bay; and pay. like root.' FIXE LOT facing east on Capitol and aaaded by the big osas near rarriaa achool: 43 feat rrontae and lS-tt.-alley rives practical frontage .it A3 feet; 150 feet long; $4850; easy terms. FINE CORNER lot with east front 'oa Stewart street one block aowth of Par rish achool; 50x125; aew paving front and side; best of near homes surround ing; price covers paviag and avery- thiog; $1650; tarmsv: , rv ' HARRIS. Masonic Bldjt TsL 795, 192J SCAVENGERS . CITY GARBAGE CO. OFFItiE J PHON 85. 157 8. Commercial, ' Jttea a'nona FOR GOOD,. BOA VENGEBt SERVICB 3aN 167, Salem Scavenger, Curawi aai Trotter.' ' - A" v " atl SECOND BJsJrT GOODS ' WAITED SVERTTHINO IN CDOTH log and. shoes. Uest prices Jism, -vspi tal - Exchanga, "84 North CommOrttaf Phono; 18o-W, . jSi2. i TRANSFER AND'HAtJLINO-OFAU ' kinds. ' PBoao l9Fa.-H - o-svv ,WE MOVE STORE AtfD SHIP HOC8B cnoia-gooou far apvoiBiiy sa piano mm furnitura movinfc, i,W also tnak$ cava try trips. Wa handle Ua bast ooal at4 . wood.' Call on tut; for. pritaa. Wa gi good veaanra, rood ouality and .goof service. Larmer Trantfer Co Ptena 93 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. H SUte St. Fhone 933. Distributing, rot , warding and storsga bur specialty.- G our rstes. ' t - - ii ii aaaaaaiMaMaagjjaasawawaBBtaaBsaBaaa WELL BULUIO ri'V R. A. West,' Rt. 6. 1 Box 103-E. 1 Phono 110F5. a milos sst jQB'Osrdtw-oa, '' ' WAXES ' - - ' SALEM WATER, LIGHT 3 POWES CO, Office 804 Sent Commercial Bt. Tea) - per cent discoant oaj . densest ie flag ratea paid in advanoo. No dedaetioa for absence or any eause mnlesa watea ' is shut off yonr premises. ' - - TRAVEL . Safely, 8wiftly,t and Comfortably in buses of the Parker Stage Linos. Stages leave for j ' Silverton 7 a. nvj 11 b. m S p an. Mt. Aagel lk a. aW 5 P. m. Dallas 7 a. at., 9 ay. m 11:25 a. 2:10 p. mM 5:15 p. as. 'Falla City 7 um 1:10' -5:15 p. m. j . . , - - Independence-' 7 b ta, . .- '., , 11:15 a. m., - t:I0t p.' sn 5:15 -a. ta. Sunday only 8:80 p. tn. Monmouth 7 a. ia-j -11:15 ' m., ', 3:10 p. m., 5:15 pi m..' : Sanday only, 7:10 p. m., 8:80 p.- an.' . - , McMinnville-8:3Q a. tn4 S:10 p. sa4 5:15 p. m. -," i 1 Newberg 8:80 ..( r& t:l9 p. , ; 5:15 p. m. - " - ; .-' Tillamook 8:80 ai.' :1 PJ-' m. Call 323 or 698 for Information. ' baixii zxtiiiaTiarf No. 1, wheat, white No. 1, red, aaeked White oata . , j Gray oata , ...... . ,. , Barley ,,. ,. . i , -4f81Vb - t.99- - .4 -.4I Barley 40 POSJC MTTTTOat AND BEEP Top hogs , .. ( ... ...... Sown T f..., - -V ' OQ IO Draaaed hoga - ,, .,,.,-s, : . ' Top ateers -- -.99t9.nl Bella L U"-u 9H4 Sprlnc lamba aader 80.1ba. -lw Hebiar - U. t T. 0 1 . potrttaT . Lia-hl bens .20 .11 Heavy hens Old reenters ?8 E03B. BUTTER AJf D TJTTSRr AT Buttorf at . .. .4 - Creamery; batter .43 0.44 Milk. est. ,.., , Medinm eggs-.-.,,,, 'Standard egg -i ! a.ea - , .18 CAMmDATEslLEAD, MUST GETiMORE VOTES ;L (ConUaled from ptf IP. - all rights to a cotamlssion." 1 his ruW It inlitcordance with the opening afinodncemcnt of the contest and innsl-fc . adhered to. This small req0st Is .placlxir bo hardship b arjy qne.' ?ani tnls method, of - tv-axninr 1a made "that there wlll be."' no) m Uo n derst an d- Mrs. -Leo XSronke on accoufit of belnr bodrlcrdea 1ll:wi:i be Enable to reaeh er. pt leoCa perse-ally. She iisistfth4y: please bring sabscriptloni In, personailyvt ; The Statcsniantriia' last oek ,i r the Contfest.; '.',- ', Calnnfcla county Lis clr: : i best jrear'a road program the coun ty' history,- - I fire near 5ottsourg. i-