The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' .: .. . .1.
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Unusual. Plantings at . the
Big Institution at, .End of
:. CenteF-Street
Editor Statesman? -
. , The : spring 'styles In : garde
- ornamentals seem to be rnantos
to - new and - rare - shrtfbberjfand
' plant, and mainly of anerer
Ereentaatare, this season. -I
VTha .groand at the state hos
v pital hare become noted through
out, the length and- breadth of the
lQd, tuot, only for. their beauty but
for. the gceat rariety of treea and
plants growing -there. "
r 'Last spring orer 1000 new .trees
- and shrubs were set,' mainly on the
new grounds (recelTlng wards j on
the north of the street. -;.TifO rock-
eries were baflt and planted. New
lawns' seeded and '"drives paTed.
This season an interesting 'coUec
tfon of foreign and semi tropical
specimens are "being ' Introduced
, and their soltabiiity;to this eli-
mate "will be" watched and report
.ed $on. ' -' ;.J -X -
-douDt, nnn4reds of readers
of The statesman would be glad to
learn bout. and Inspect ;somo "of
'these unnsaal -things, 'ereh though
they mayjaot be able to bare them
in,, their own yard.
r. r A brief, mention of a few of the
most Interesting follows:
Varlegatld forms of honeysuckle,
English iTy, Virginia Creeper, and
nasturtium Tines for covering the
.'".. new summer house. On four sides
of this arbor, are variegated beds
x of - aucuba; dapline, thuga, enony-
mns, and.wiegalia. The big rockt
eryv will surely appear tropical
rthia ' season, with big banana
trees, " castor beans,, 'umbrella
- plants, , blue lily of toe Nile, cala
' dumins or elephant eari, cannas of
' Tarioua sorts, drocenias and aspe-
- distUs, both the Utter palm-like
, , , Around the-edges trail a .half
dosen .kinds of Tines, .irhlle from
between "the rocks appear Amasses
-: of rock and alpln plants of all
. descriptions. .
. For frnits,. besides the banana.
now have Mexican orange,
pomegranate, fig, ; cocoa - paimi
grapefruit, ' a double .flowering
Alak cherry,; and Bechtel's flower
Ins cfabapple, and the gorernment
sent na two flowering plums from
- .Armenia and. a ; pyracantha which
f .ilrlll hear orange berries Jo feed
the . winter- birds. ome . of. the
- evergreen f trees jthatjwill be
watched with the greatest Interest
- are magnolia, grandiflora, CSaTl
fornia pepper tree,' madrono, myr
tle. Portugal iaural, aid acacia
ballayana. ..while Ithe . following
shrubs can '.'not' fall to attract at
tentlon either on account of their
foliage, their blooms, or their .ber-
rlos: Chinese holly, azalea m.ola,
box donicere, kalmil, Jfcyper leum,
Panrin's barherry, kerric, rero-
.' nles, a new.rarjlety of cottoneasjter,
anf 4brejcolors of pernettya.
Several new varieties Of palmsare
beag started from seed in the
1 . greuiouse and three vivid col
ored Jwater lilies have been planted
in fhis IHy pond. Any person, who
has not seen the hospital grounds
since 1? last year' is getting behind
f the! times, and missing a good
f treat as well. -.A
H. C. BATEHAM, Florist.
'.-'Salem, Ore., April 3, 1926.
; .:. - if VOX-. ::: Jgsm$ms.:,
"Havoc," Drama qf:War Is
to :8e Seen, at the Heilig
.-:- 5 Theatre Today
Whjn ; yoji 4ee ; the realistic
wartime f scenes ' depicted in
"Havoc, at the Heilig , theatre,
; you piay marvel how great crowds
of jextra actors, and ' actresses
I could jio well convey, t the screen
th'e f Jatmospbero? ot; those tragic
A days n4 nights of . JSIS. w
v The. reason, ; however, Ilea in one
' man jRowlandt V. Lee, .who ' di
: rectedf this production at the- Wil
I liam f ox WestJ Cjoast Studio.
. rof.4Va not. only an ar
tist f a. hs -concjeptloB, , of staging
; a picture jbajt a k?1 student of
1 human caturjs la .tbe direction of
the men and wonjen piaying in his
prodaction. ; 4He furthermore had
. ther adraniage, in .making a .war
time .picture of baying-, served In
the erican forces in Trance as
a HeuenanU(Ia other .words, "he
knows bit ,; stuff."-" f
s Mr Xee4lieTes La ere atlas In
:the .actors minds a.' mental at
mosphere cr etimulusswhlch will
enable , theEji, to . gQ ; through . each
' scene or ;gseiuence ,afJf they ac-f
tually were UvlngV theirspirts,
v When the nlghtJsceneai,were being
shot for the trench warfare,sPttoc
; tor; Lee sat. down, In tj: a; dugouts
' with the soldiers and. for almost
two; hours .recalled to . them, all
veterans, tte . hjarrprs-nnd jhueki
the' slaughter 9f modern warfare;
: be built up a mental image of san
guinary "conflict vwhicb remained
with the soldiers for a long, time
afterward and enabled 'theni to
". carry ci" r" - parts'rcallstlcally.
, orL. During October; 82,-
JlSO.Sll fset of lumber was ahip-
; . '-Knight Memorial Congregational ' rGKurphf, to Rise
. 1
," By unanimous vote of the con
gregation the members of Central
Congregational church have now
e hanged the name -of the church
organixatidn to night Jlemdrial
Congregational Church." The njsw
church,- structure; now being, plan
ned Is to be a memorial to the Rev.
F." S. ' Knight, who organised "jthe
church and was its .beloved .pas
tor. ; . ' :
, Rev. Knight" WM a;famlliar . llg
ute In the life of Salem for' almost
half. a century; HerJjras called, to
the, First Congregational; church
in ,1867 and seryedns pastor, tor
1 years. He organised Central
church In 189 i,; remaining with
the church seven years. In 1913
he purchased live acres , of , land
east of tue fair grounds nd; erect
ed on It a, tworstry; build ingiThe
land' was - set oat . to slogan berries
and f-rpes. The two-story huUdJug
served a double purposei . Jj-Tbo
first Coor.jwas the h,Q9ie of ho pas
tor and, -the second floor; was Used
for public "worshrp and' aa a com
munity . center. ' V. ;;iV5'
i -This last veature, cauie io aud
den end in.the 4eath of ev.tUr.
Knight in -114. ,;it:is.vestlniad
that-durlng his long .career inga
Jemi and vicinity -he ''officiated ;at
2,500 weddings and as many fune
rals, i .The memorial tOv be .- erected
on the corner of Souths Nineteenth
and : Ferry streets wUlrbela1weod
structure .with stucco finish. -TT he
building wl be iiby fcetfl
The 'seating capacity of the audi
torium will be 425.' with a similar
capacity in the Sunday school and
social room. The baildingas now
planned is well adapted to the so
cial and-educational needs of the
community. :
- vWork on the memorial building
will begin June 1. When complet
ed and furnished the memorial and
pipe brgan will cost 10,000.
Three-fourths of this -amount has
already been .secured. The build
ing committee is enthusiastic in its
praise of members", of the church
and th,e. friends, of Rev. .Knight,
who ' responded generously with
their .'gifts .for .the memorial, and
plan ' to . dedicate . the church Sept.
ixIree jDf all debt '
Body to MafehrirtFullUnl
Aform to-Firsts Methodist '
Members of DeMolay Command
ery No. 5, Knights Templar and
visiting Sir Knights 111 meet 'to
night at 7 o'clock at the Masonic
Tenpe and proceed in a body in
full uniforms tb'the Jirst Method
isCchurch -.where thf y "will have
their Easter, seryicei
The order of 'tbe knights Tem
plar is founded .upon the Chris
tian religion and every Sir Knight
Is enjoined by special edict from
Geo. T. Cochrane graad command
er of the. Knights Templar of Ore-
', - . '' A
gon, to assemble at a cenvenieftt
.- - - .'"-
place ; for. public or .private ; wor
ship on Easter Sunday- auditor
the, convenience .of the members
pf the order , this special Easter
service ..will -be .iheld.and .alljSlr
Knights may Join therein .in. com
pliance, with such reqjolremenC. ' .
Serriees at the First. Methodist
church will commence at 7 i50;and
will be in. charge of Reverend and
Sir Knight Fred C.F Taylor, Jpasjor
of that church,' . The. service jslil
open by an prg&n prelude "bx-jPro-fessor
T. S. Roberts ;oa-the' pipe
organ. . The Easter Psalm wjll4, be
read by Eminent Sir, R.;. C. Arpke,
commander of DeMolay Command-
. The Easter : gospel will : be read
by Sir Knight' Gvge?h.,Burnft,
prelate of DeMolay -Commandery
No. 5. The sermon by , the pastor
will; be on "The - Conauest .ot;ths
rT-n Cnlt 'mn.t; will', ha
furnished by. Professor Pobson
and the choir, with Professor Jjob-
erts at the organ,. which will vln-
clude the following: . .
Anthem,,"As It Began to Dawn"
Harker; cher us choir.
. A'iSOloV "Glorja," Buzz! Peccia;
Professor Hobson. -.
.'Anthem, 'Christ JTfiumphant,"
Pietro A'Yon; kChorus choir.
. , j . - .
v Organ recessional, by Professor
T..S.V Roberts.
" The service ,1s qot exclusively'
fpr Knights -TSmplar, but is held
at the, regular .evening church
serrice hour and the public is invited.
; XLW4CO,,)Yash.,' April 3. (By
Associated Press.) Hukla Slnilu
ppo, wjlfe pt -A." G". Sinlluotp, veter
an.'keeper of.the.Northhead light
nouse. is dead, the result of heart
failure brought n by a. chronic
disease Ifrom which she .has been
aijing f or years. She is jsuryived
py .her husband.
; Eugene- Mountain States Pow
er C(Xwill spend S40;000 extend-
lnjrj(sei7ice, during 1926.
SEA MSES'.ffl .
if na mots
; ;' , t :
rlewTParamount . Picture at
the Oregon -Is av Strong
Acuon Drama
, "SCa Horses" the , new. Para
mount picture, . which .opened at
the Oregon yesterday, proved to
be aU that had. been claimed, for it
a etlrring and colorful. &eb
dtams . with, n choice . assortment
of spectacular .features., A first
night audience yesterday was of
ten thrilled, constantly interested
and frequently amazed during the
projection of the: film. V '
It Is to the credit of . Allan Dwan,
the , director, and .his .capable as
sistants,. Becky Gardiner, adapter,
and James 'Hamilton, scenarist,
that fhe photoplay retains much
of the plcturesqueness and flavor
which made the original story by
Francis Brett Young such a pop
ular best seller.
The early scenes are laid on a
big ocean freighter, and Dwan
haa managed to recreate very
TiTidly the coarse, crude life of
those who go down to tbe sea
in ahips. A .realistic fist fight and
a wild storm at sea add to the
general excitement The rest of
the, action takes place. in an Iso
lated port on the East African
coast, where the principal charac
ters .come into open and .bitter
conflict, and where the plot
reaches a crashing climax at. the
eompanied by a blinding tropical
Acting honors are pretty evenly
divided, for all of the players do
excellent work. Florence. VIdpr.
as the lovely. English glrU .whja
brayes , passage on the freighter In
order to join her husband In Afri
ca, plays her part wjth'a slm
pllclty, sincerity and natural
charm that makes her perform-i
ance a memorable one. Jack Holt
achieves further laurels with his
portrayal f the two-fisted sea
captain. George Bancroft rises
to dramatic heights' with his char-!
acterization of the burly, brutal
mate, who redeems himself in tbe
end; and William Powell gives a
very convincing account of him
self as the romantic husband who
degenerates into a drunken beach
fpitiafive proposal WW Be
Filed Sob n ; Accord ihg to I
; ; forecast' ,
An Initiative,, Income tax ; bill
providing for a prqpertytax offset
to be deducted : from , the amount
of income tax paid Instead ot trom
the earnings,. will be !filed In, the
of flees "oft the" secretary of state
here next week, according ; ,to let
ters received at the state , depart-v
mept Saturday. ',-' ,
t wag said that the exemptions
and rate structure - would be the
same as contained in the state in
come tax measure fifed hem re
cently by the Oregon state grange.
and farmers union. The . bl . 11 Is
being drafted in Portland.
.. ft-. . , . ' f v . -
A clause, in .tbe s proposed new
state ucprae v tax ; bill relating to
property offset reads:'
rProvlded, , however, that there
shall be deducted as agn offset
from the, taxes ao imposed all pro
perty levies during the preceding
year within the state of Oregon
It utiMiDt taxes levied for local Im
prove ments of sueh nature as to
increase the yaiue, on tne properp
assessed) tand actually paid; by .a
taxpayerldirecily Xor through a
- . . . . . J v if " 1. mtJ a! a -w - it nvtn ss
scribe rules and regulations under
whic the ft f setoextendedvby this
proviso; shall be made secure to
tk tyer,v-.4i;:FSai j
tThk secretary, ot saf e said that
uponlrecefpt.of.the bill he' woud;
ref eri if i to the . attorney general
for bjUloiOiUs. lAyejatanCXlci
ent.nnmber,of jsjgnaures to the
petitions nre, obtained. the bill will
go before, the .voters .at the next i
general election in 'November. :c ''
ment's measures tor the restora
tion of France's finances was fin
ally voted early this morning by
the chamber Atjl senate, 100 to
-r-; TPPAV
. f
i V I i' -Ct it I H 1 1 r s
i hgf-M : '-'
m. Tk0 41t: Think of
sl - mii: We Missed
Ll-r-oIan---plant save save, and
all that time we could have had our home
-lddking just as good as anybody's. -Yes, -I
npw ittm'ds sort pf independent to brag about
ryincash for everything. But, after all, dear, it
was .a .rather empty Idnd of boast, wasn't it?"
4.l6ghr fn told llenry things but this was
-;no tHttie time in putting over.
.Fnpndjib about buying
. Tot ee ; ed .up our home too pretty
- ::ibrword'd'- pay as we go along-let a little
pi" pur mqdey go put as it comes in and never
'$i$slti Witt's tile use of waiting, and, waiting,
"fi waiting?"
' . -. ",,v . . , f .
vJd.Henry agreed she was right
v t tpw '
If -they f&d waited until they saved the cash they
r D rne here and choose new ftirniture
nmv! JVe cah Arrange me payment on such" easy
tcr.rn3 .tint yqU;U-.harcuy Know you are paymg at au.
lu'cci- fhiTj'iiHt yof ' v-Wcstcrn Buyers Syndicate's large
17 !'t V- s0'
' V.:
,- TjhcjeX.PP Always Do Belter
' Comrnilt 192 Lrr ' i ' ' ''
6m Schsfscr c Um tis-ZTf -
lilt .
know itfsJihe ngMlMmmi
when you
When you buy clothes Or any
thing else inj pur $tore yoiinjiyays
gt . something besides jWnht you
p.urchi&s;e4t iQUet n coinCbrtible
and satisfying assurance that tHe
?tjrle i$ correct; ltie quality is
genuine, that the patterns and
colors are ip$rfectj tasl and
iat the value in relation fo the
iirice is sound and itasUrorthy;
vprtjb having
spring Quits at
That's JWm haa
, can t nnd more 8tyle, m
more value
inore sierpice anywhere A
1 - ' v. i , , . - r
aaxsttMMMMsalMMSi J .
cx' Jx
- t - - - - . ; . r