The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    . . i . .... TV : . .... . - . ' ' t : ' i- :-.- . - ...-,-- ,
- 1mm4 DsilyXxMpt Kesosy r
: 4 tsm ttrrzzxJLM jptnttissnro ccraurr
I SU Intk CMMnUI St, Bstasv
l J. He' 4rlk "" Katfr
rm4 J. 1 m - JUssftot-EAiWr
Ut U. Ur bnt v CHy Editor f
Ralph H. KUtilas
W. C Cear
Ctmtetlea If
MMfr Jb Dept.
. - Po-attrr Mir
- TW litat U widely Alittoito t. m tr MU"
Mvs ybl4 hmtttm, V. a--- . - r - - - - ' -
BtrgnrTss oinoiii
?kM . Clark C. N TrkTl 8-1 81 -?.- Ml
D7 rrM, uim Bu., sm tviimUm. om.t Hiwfaw am. t
BuiM btnM r sea
S Irty Elite ,.. ., 104 ,
VCrntoUB !-
Ami CoatMt OitMulM
JCirs 0pt t-flee 1M
.Xa at Ua Pat Offfe tai
t BH TMti&SXn& Ibom lJt Uke io Rift; for the rin bllndeth the
iria, and-pefrTWteth the word oliaa rlgbteoM." - Ex. 23 : 8.
... '
dia not kaotr thow falthf nt ones rho vent
-.UoIu and soryowlBf r tb mtracl - ' , '
iiwii fwu, iraan wro(Hi ua mya t ium-uTwu ivuiui
.bepa.trUiX.trent tlier iorth-nd met their Lord!
-vf v ;pew-riejitvictor orer a eat n, serene:
unei iaaea, ana . an eajtacy was norn, ,
(Written tor The Statesman.)
I lore thee, sweet land, ot the gold and. the gleam;
With thy peaks rer pnrple.thy ralleya all. dream;
: Where the. gardens of roses Trare 'bright in the sun.
And the mockingbird's song Is forerer begun; " '
Where the pine and the hemlock are 'stateliest grown.
And the breath of the myrtle forerer is blown;
Where the flowers ,un gathered are bright on the sod,
And the mountains are great as the patience of God;
Where the soft winds are music through lattice and grove,
And the lutes ever throb to the pulses of love.
' How restful thy light and how balmy thy air.
As soft on the cheek aa an unspoken prayer;
How lovely thy clusters, thy fruit-folded tree.
With thy brow in the dawn and thy feet in the sea;
How radiant thy fountains, how flashing thy waters; '
; How burning thy romance and how lovely thy daughters,
Whose hearts are as pure and whose, bosoms are fair
v As the bloom of the cherry which jests on "their hair.
Here the song of the singer Is wildest Of note,
And the Children of Beauty are fairest of throat,
- Oh, here would I dwell tilf I sink to repose.
Like the hands of the night which shut" gently the rose,
And soft as a' hue fading out of the west
Be folded for aye in the sweetness of rest.
Guy Fitch Phelps.
council tneetlng-a to .what "streets
would W best for this- purpose r
;1 petition will be presented, to
the council asking permission to
continue with the fill on Liberty
street - between Trade and Mill
streets. As the council is already
conversant with the situation and
as the matter is said to need im
mediate attention, the petition
will probably be acted upon at the
meeting. .
h Several street petitions will be
submitted to the oouncIL - The
city sotting and planning commis
sion Will submit a report recom
mending that the fill on Liberty
street be allowed to continue!
Bits For Breakfast
A fintsrA dAathloaa. all nnfrtraAn.
i ' Some day, whose coming seems but commonplace,' . -1
.f '- Perchance, agloom with woe. and unaecord, i - v
iaisanaes ana surrermg, i.snaii gt iortn. . ' ,
t j j nter the, glory-dawn, and meet ray Risen Lord!
VUTf K . K r r . .
j liquid be a fine thing- if still more flax could be grown
UiEy&arJn the SAlein district .
: t Hor than the 2500 acres or so contracted for by tit)
"Christ the Lord is risen today."
Sons of men and angels say.
Raise your joys , and triumphs
Sing; t heavens, and . earth re
ply. ' .- - . -i
''! i Charles Wesley.
AprU shower- - !
But some ot the May flowers
came in. March this year. '
Let it be known that the Salem
district is never to be short of
water, and it will give a stability
not another thing can do. Take
over the water workse. and get a
mountain supply large enough for
the distant future. That is the
big thing tor Salem now.
Eugene has already seen the
ule. It will then be up to the city
council as to whether or not the
matter warrants placing before the
people of 8alem for approval or
disapproval of a bond issue to
cover the entire bridge program.
Although the report of the
bridge committee, whlceh is head
ed by C- B.. McCuIlougb, state
bridge engineer, was the principal
matter up for discussion at the
meeting,' a few, building matters
were also taken up. Mr. Joy is
seeking to build a laundry on
South Commercial street adjacent
to the marble works.
Report of City Attorney. Fred
Williams in regard to the annex
ation of West Salem by Salem,
was heard. In the report Williams
expresses, the opinion that the
only way to make possible the an
nexation is for West Salem to en
ter Marion countx or for Salem to
enter Polk county.
(Continld . from page 1)
this year for the republican nom
ination for governor. It would
not do, said Senator Harrison for
two administration candidates to
go before the voters in Ohio and
it may have been thought advis
able Mto get Mr. Thompson out of
the country." Both Ohio senators
protested that no such purpose
figured in the selection.
Senator King; democrat, Utah,
suggested that the purpose of the
Thompson Investigation more
likely was to determine "how
much farther we can exploit the
It was conceded by Senator
Harrison that many explanations
had been made, 'some saying it
might be a reflection on General
Wood and others that the presi
dent, still had confidence in the
general and wanted to reassure
the country by exonerating him
after an investigation.
:$eaFlea" to Try to Set TransatlantUlR&ord
- ... .. s i . '
II r
mini 1 jcxr;::.v?.
- A new type of speed boat,' known as the oceanoplane, will make an attempt to cross the Atlantic
fn record time, piloted by its designer. M. De Gasenko. He will start from Marseilles and head Cor
Pemamhucco. He estimates the open sea speed of the craft at 10. kilometers an hour.'
There is a ready sale for the flax seed, at the oil mills light, and is acting on the insnira-
in Prtrtlinrtii iwith . o-liartintAPd tirirp fihnVa SLKft n rtiiafipL I tion.
end the linen rnills In Salein' will need 'more fiber than there
is si SlrtesWtJitfsIshtiK , ; .vt
T-Bo(h lori lme fifcr,And spinnmo; tow. .
i! F Bui- there1 Is a 11 rnii to jhat the state can buy ; a limit
of the' cai6ttAt of money that can be had to pay the 'fanners
for then?, flax; That limlt ia probably reached now, with the
onin&U already out, and most of the seeH in the ground.
Eut the staie-haS plenty of seed, and i3 threshing more
at thk rkti ot 100 bushel a day..:;,.-':
"t If .some', one :has a sugjreation for financing more flax
sroyrnscll wouiaoe a xine inmjf- ii xne proposition can De
otkxdkrate at OnfXTsw:;:-'f5i ;
-WMhas uch-a scheme?- - - -
s u w
Read what W. T. Rigdon says.
tat, the Statesman this morning.
Los Angeles has reached the limit
of Safety in growth without a
larger water supply, and San Die
go has gone for beyond it.
m -W
The- penitentiary flax plant
played lucky. By working over
time, the forces got in the flax
drying in the field Friday night.
in time to escape the wetting ot
yesterday's showers.
The high man in the scutching
mill at the penitentiary earned
(Con tin led from page 1)
problem of finding unfrequented
thoroughfares where skating will
not be dangerous.
Several of the councilmen have
been investigating the situation.
It has been suggested that Center
street be set aside as an open air
skatlnr ttavllion. The street is
hadsomely wide. Moreover, the
street is little traveled.
One objection meets this plan.
It is simply that the children
grammar school or college will
not skate on Center street. For
Center street is paved with con-
r 4 i . l. mk. i. I . . . . . - . -
- ii.w-i V Ami -jtiJLt '.jLiwj. r..r-iiui m vam.a1.. i.u utw t 101. uuuiu. iu Kitbvu l ere, anu tne concrete is oia nuu
. JH? f&Tmn themselves might lnR u paid by piece work. The cracked and the skating there is
planrflax' and te paid for It some months after delivery.
i' . .. .
pay of those not on the scutching
machines is 50 cents a day. Near
ly 200 of the Inmates are now
working in the flax plant.
The crowds in the stores of Sa-
lnm - vmttAnlAV nriir atari tlit
Bead . W.T.Rifirdon s article ln The - Statesman this everyone win hate something new
rrmrrttfttr X - ' to wear this Easter day
,ABQ UlCflBttJ U JWU nuiiv, ""'"J fc-wvfc ivm I Vf rv w. . flKor will tiauloH hT
n city ownership of the water worxs
any aeiaym pruvMuus vrvct euppij uj Kntvuauon i .
zrom fije vascaaea , y - . . -
1; 1 : 0&you want toput thfl i matter of f?
This ls a Uve.question, and haste 14 important.
extremely rough
That some street or streets
should be set aside for skating
seems to be conceded, and it Will
probably be threshed out at the
--1 ..'
f in''' ' 1
i Parents live for their children, and whenever called upon, die. for.
j thentlso J
f fnr everv natural parent is In th position of the scorpion mother
' whlchihat lu'chlid mar grow strong, allows iu body to bVcmi
Wen death does -not. relieve me preui irvm io.iu,.u
'ity, fOr, jrhat parent .dies, happy in the knowledge that he Is lff-f chiidrenr ,t - i, . ?
t'.' Mothers and'fathers scimp ana save, for rwnj uy, . ui wuu
Sealed bids will be received by
the County Court of Marion conn
ty, Oregon, up to 1:00 o clock p
m., April 15, 1926, for doing the
following . hauling
10,000 cubic yards of gravel
and crushed rock from the Silver
ton crusher
5,000 cubic yards of gravel from
the Turner crusher
4,000 cubic yards of gravel and
crushed rock from the Stayton
1,500 cubic yards of crushed
rock from the Union Hill crusher.
Specifications and. bidding forms
are on file at the county clerk s
LEAD EASTERN STATES office, Salem. Oregon
fVOnUBJfa ZrOm pm2 X t I . s,v iwk saaj va
af .-. . ji . I
mob. Bl we raoior veuicie aepan- r jj. G. BOYER, County Clerk.
mH5. I 4.7-11
My conclusion gainea irom od-
servation and study were that the
or very little more, can
taken on, to be paid for with the
funds in sight. But there is
plenty of flax seed available at
the penitentiary plant. Who has
a suggestion for financing more
flax? Now. At once.
Possible Eruption of Mount
McKinley to Be Investigated
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. Alex
Liska, Alaska guide and moun
tain climber, believes it possible
that Mt. McKinley peak may be
in active volcanic eruption. To
find out he plans to ascend it,
following the route taken by the
late Archdeacon Hudson Stuck,
who in 1913 scaled the heights,
approaching from the Northeast.
Stuck described the crest of the
mountain as containing a crater
like snow basin about twenty-five
by sixty feet in dimension. He
made his trip in company with
Harry P. Karstens, Robert G.
Tatum, a missionary, a thiry vet
eran of the Klondike, and three
Indian boys. On the summit.
reached June7, the Instrument
reading disclosed the peak to be
20,300 feet above sea level.
The stuck expedition made its
start March 17. nearly three
months being required for the as
cent. Proceeding by dog team
from Nenana. a month later, camp
was established 4,000 feet up at
Muldow glacier. This was twen
ty miles from the top. The re
mainder of the trip was more dif
ficult, the greatest obstacle being
a 'steep ridge between the lower
and upper glacial floors.
The spectacular eruptions of
subterranean forces in the North
in recent years, bringing into be
ing the Valley of Ten Thousand
smokes and other natural phen
omena, lends interest to the undertaking.
Nearly 140,000 orphans have
been rescued and restored to nor
mal life, or now are in the or
phanages of the Near East, he
says, and this army of young peo
ple is being organized into "ser
vice leagues" on the general prin
ciples of the American Rotary
clubs and other similar associa
tions. This Is being done to further
the ideals of peace in , the belief
that these boys and girls will fur
nish the leaders of the coming
generation and bring about a new
and better civilization in their
In connection with efforts to
counteract so called disorganiz
ing influences, the secretary says
that all the major allied powers,
with the exception of the United
States, were occupied in "mater
ially increasing armaments and
military forces in the Near East"
during 1925.
. The relief organization spent
$4,219,000 in its work last year
and because contributions
amounted to $4,752,000 was able
to eliminate a deficit og S298.000
and have a small balance for
Crown-Willamette Paper com
pany will start logging in Clatsop
county to salvage spruee damaged
by fire.
WK Ilk
Cruel to "Physic"
Your Child
dr. w. a. Caldwell
i To Dr. W. B. Caldwell, of Mon
ticello. HI., a practicing physician
for 47 years, it seemed cruel that
so many constipated infants and
children had to be kept constantly
rBtirred up" and half sick by tak
ing; cathartic pills, tablets, salts,
calomel and nasty oils.
I While he knew that constipation
was the cause of nearly all chil
dren's little ills, he did not believe
that a sickening "purge" or "phy
sic" every day or two was neces
sary. ! In Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
he discovered a laxative which
helps to establish natural bowel
Regularity, een if the child was
Chronically constipated. Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin-not only caus
es a gentle, easy bowel movement
but, best of all, it never gripea,
sickens or upsets the most delicatt
system. Besides, It is absolute!?
harmless, and so pleasant that
even a cross, feverish, bilious, sick
child gladly takes it.
Buy a large 60-cent bottle at
any store that sells medicine and
just see for yourself.
Near East Relief Starts
Movement Among Youths
NEW YORK. A "youth move
ment," in which American ideals
of service and international good
will are emphasized, Is being pro
moted in tne wear inast, says
Charles V. Vickson, general sec
retary of the Near East Relief, in
a report to his board of trustees.
tical and fair motor vehicle , laws.
In fact, much that the conference
was striving for already has been
included in the Oregon motor ve
hicle act.
Safety was the keynote. In
formulating the model code, which
it was
and reduce the number of acci
"I found In many eastern states
that the law enforcement depart
ments are much less liberal In
their . application of regulations
than Is the Oregon 'traffic depart- j
meat. In one state I was advised
r on. are far in advance or the
' the thogfcht in the back of their "heads that they must leave something estern states with relation to prac-
, fn tha Children to "get started on," . u u uui
490neVfa leave to children. .
t I. vna. as , a Barents, comer upon Jur. cuu i
HhBorU .Wisdom. 6r Just good name? . "
. r ,:re&r unonc dbtbbu unre uun
Kb rllahmaffrwinr left 1whind-thisHUV WIIK and Testament
I rrhar'oart of my Interest which' Is known in law and recognized wni be published shortly.
lnfshe-oound rolumea as my ' property being inconsidexablo.anjnon- the, earnest , desire of all the del
aocounti I will mike no disposition of In this, my will. ; My right to egates at the eonf erence that the
3lite.fUlng hat esUte, Is not at my disposal, out mese r-; . " .7 rC " ,
Accented:, au else m tne-worm i now prwww M ut..u H-.
t'-ItSSI -1 giro to-all good father and mothers' In, trust fof their
children git food -little words of praise and encouragements , .and I
eharsraaid narents to Use then! Justly, but generously. as the needs
nf thtbi children shall reauire. - wT-
" IViTEM. I'leave to children Inclusively, hut only 'tor; the, term of
! J.. .n i.a mmJ flAn nf t1t f MAn Mil MoSBOmS Of th WOOdS
ClUiaauuu, Ml uU otW., V""- - " ' " . 1 tfc.t .rM.n.Mnn.
wtth4he rixht to play among them freely . . . And. I devise to enuaren rM Y TkT ZZ
the banks or tne nrooas.ana m; ,----i tortBt who T0ited the speed law
taerec:, ana oaors 01 m (uw u ------ i Dr tnree or iour mues was arrest-1
that flcat high over the giant trees.;:. ' . - led. taken before the courts and
"And X leave to the children the long, long days to be merry in, J fined a minimum of $S5."
. i,mi..n w.v.. mI tn niaht and the train ot the Milky War tcl Mr. Raffetvsaid that while Ore-I
- . r ' -t- .-.f:.". 4. ? ; gon is in advance of the eastern '
.a.. ht i m h nia all nleasant waters wnere one 1 , . - . . . ... . . .
tuiumuMo " . . . . i iTrnnmiio . wuicn wm assist in i
ra-y wlm. all anowclad hula whera one may coast, and all streams and J 1- future traffic problems in
T.radjwhere ono may nstu pwner gnm wrawrwrnoH v.., i tBto sUte. -
" r ' . . . . .4..,. . A .111 . ,.
sVil". td hold-the same tor-tu penoa oi wwr uvuwi. , r
' . . . . . . . . krittwfllu th.MAII 1)A WOOdS 1 7
meadows wwn iae ciotct viohviub i AF4 tnrnv nni
v in. K.i. ...m tii tnniFMlt the birds and the echoes I Ol,OOrUlDcn l Or MH
and' the. streams' noises, ana; m m oi4ni ,w wv rvi - jt m u f.uuuni
ftlt: :, t"2ether with .he adventures there louno . . . - i J" '"-
J -i.r vrf t : To lovers I devise5 their Imaginary world, wna wnaiever i ; .Next plans that the special
teed, as the Stars la the say, tne rea roeeajByt wiuimmumuiHico. w wu
'rt the hawthorn, the sweet strains of music, ano-augnt eise wj wo .-ww--. .
- ' . . .f . t.A s la.tin maMm inn immitoi luetr i ---, - - -
coast sUtes. and particularly Ore- COngregCltiOTl StaTldS by Pastor
Accused in Oil Promotion Deals
L-4v i - " j ' !
P ' ' " ' V"4 - ft :
rry 5 1 r m 1
I-; - i J -?h -I J" 1 -
. X"- s - i t
Vr r
CMtry rrM Pfcl MSBSsaMMBBS3r3assaaBsssssasMSeMS
Back to France with Your Buddies
; . ' t -.. - ,
Back to the old scenes of experiences you'll never
forget. Back to. the battle-scarred fields to pay rever
ence to those baddies who sleep in foreign soil. Back
for one glorious week in "Gay Paree."
- ' - 0"-'; -: -r ' ' -
You won't want to miss the American Legion Paris
Convention in 1927. - Join the. American Legion Savings
Club for which the United States National is an author
ized depository-i-saVe regularly a few cents a day will
pay your j way. . ': " ?
United States
National Bank
3 to iiurw iv w-vmc . r-- -Lr fi e 11 la t
'. i r.D?3 Via re Utt . long er?M wre- r.ouintur-t woodeii
- y a-1 1 ' . u c ath ' to- ihem the" poenflM Barn and j othe' prepQsed; bridgas mp
r" r.ri.ta. If there i s.ctfcera,": t tb??.ajth
'-" " ' 1 - -.4 " lit.. 1 i'- mmmmmm a 1m . ; AkkL. 'l r
. ,v ... . v t, " y J hopes to have p!
-:. 4 , ; rT:r.rr-;; cr'rrr " 1 " r J stszt 'hruga nee
- Guilty or not guiltjwM the, court may decide, A. CParter,;!
Dallas. Tex Christian rrchr and ex-IL K. & grand cyclop, will
fiiuJ his flock waiting to welcome hhn back tohls pulpit after he has
heen tried jn.--ticwYork'J ederal eoort ehargt f misuse of -the
teiaU. Cojrrejratlon refused to he
umm!. Uilliiilrted for Alleged illegal oil stock salesSi Photos show Parker.
ant drswn tip fori rwa waiting to u is Mmt wc bmiiw a-i ww wr
needed. la tha schsd-l
be drawn np;. bridge t
place of u the 4 present
structure and uniform the
1 j-.uii- - .
: , . ' vv ,. .--:
iTlbai Aire .Legal
W carry In stock over' 115 legal : blank Bultei to most any business
transactions. V nay hare jiist the f orrt you tie looking for at ft bis
saving aa compare4 to made to order format ,
: ; i ' - -j- r , - " . '
Some of the forms : Contract of Sara; ; Koad Notice, WTO forma, Assign.
ment of Mortgage, i Mortgage f ormv' Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form,
Bill of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
v-encra jj-cue. rower or Attorney krune liooka and Pads, Scale Ite- 2
CeiptaVFtc Tnese ffcnns are carefuDy prepared for the courts and private
ose. Price on forms Iranges from 4 cents to 16 csnts apiece, and on nott
books from 25 to 50 cents. ... . ....'A-'
The Statesman Publishing Co.
- ' I "-si
Bcsiscss Office, Grcus Fbcs