The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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' 'V ..(... , : ,; . W -&
I t -v, ,. . w
Announces Candidacy, for
Office of State School
Superintendent ;
Charles VA. IToward ot Marsh
field', Saiur "i tiled with the sec
retary " ot t ' i hero 'hU declara
tion of 'cWjduC3Jor the republi
can nomination for state' superin
tendent' of oublic" instruction at
the primary election; May 2 1. "
J'lf I am nominated and" elect
ed1 rWd ?Jr. "JlOward'k ' declar
ation r. will conduct' the; state
department' of pubtlc instruction
in ay businesslike' manner.'' v
' plr, Howard has requested that
thif follow in 5 'slogan ba printed
after his name on the ballot:.
"fcnslnessllke administration,
thorou&h and definite instruction,
JonfetructWe edace'tioaal policy for
E. W. Eastman of Portland has
filed for the j republican nomina
tion for representative in the state
legislature for the 18th district,
comprising Multnomah county. .
Continld (rom page 1) "
knowing how hard each had their
minds set upon winning whatever
prize is nearest to the heart, the
contest editor can but be .filled
with "regret that there4 are not
aOtos enough so that all the de
serving 'ones - might carry away
such a prize.
However, it is all up to the can
didates and their friends, and if
there are. any in the contest a lit-,
tie mora' deserving., than tho oth
ers, who have shown by their work
that they ax entitled to such hon
ors the! wlshTolHhe'cont editor
is that the highest' honors to be
bestowed by " tho Judges will bo
theirs. -A " mV
Contest editor'aflnal count ap
pears Tuesday. Ballot box locked
and sealed, to be broken by Judges
after midnight Saturday night.
Outcome still in doubt nad finish
kwlll be furious. Winning vote
will be close. '
The final count to be made in
this contest by the contest editor
appears in Tuesday issue -of The
Statesman. The list will stand
as it is, Tuesday until the final
count is ' started by Ihe judges
after midnight Saturday evening.
If you have any kicking about the
count! as it appears Tuesday, be
sure to do 'it before Friday non
or forever hold your peace. Of
courseHSte wtll no doubt be sev
eral whoCdink they have not re
'received credit for all the votes
they have coming. And the con
test editor will be glad to patient
ly explain away all misunderstand
'ings according to her records.
1 The ballot box will be locked
and sealed. . The box which has so
faithfully guarded the interests of
-millions of votes, will soon have
outlived its usefulness. The judges
will soon, have broken the seal the
'contest editor so carefully set up
'on the guardian of tho candidates
'future, andthe--tinal count which
?will spon' pleasure and satisfac
'tlon to many." will at the : same
time add further, incentive to the
losers to try again" ta the future.
' ' There still remains that final
sprint made this week. With
out that final effort those wfco
'stand close to the autos and the
"other prizes could not Hope for
'success. ' And- aa the last few
"hours give place. to the last fren
1 zled minutes, the contest editor
'Cannot refrain from repeating the
fitrta mn nl curl and wave
hnKKAji hat tn Annear their pret
tiest, r. But constant curling and
waving bura and dry the luster,
vitality and very, lite . from the
hoi V - - ' i r "
To offx bad effects, just
get a suncbtiiuai or aeugnnui,
refresh "Danderlne" at any
rr. mtK-i-a tntiat counter and
Just see for yourself how quickly
It revlvesdry, brittle, iuet
fading hair. 1 ,
,'Danderine is a dependable
tonte and wUl do wonders for any
miri'm it nnnrishes. stimu
lates and' strengthens each single
i halt, : bringing back tno : jouwim
'gleaim, glint and rigorous luxur
: lance. Falling stair stops and
" dandruff , diaaiineaJCS. A'Oanjler-
Oregon Jack HoltJn J'Sea
Horses. , ' '
Ileilig -Havoc,', with Madge
Bellamy. -; 'A ' v
Riigb -Hippodrome vaudeville,
and pictures. ' y . " .
'! "T,, n i ,. i " '" i , mi ,
old well worn, warning, J"do not
overlook a single subscription, no
matter how, small it may be." You
cannot afford to. ?A- '
."If the various candidates are
&tlsf led "with their campaign the
cpntest editor and The Statesman
certainly "are.r tt Is one of the
most successful contest ever con
ducted. "... 'A 'Xy- - v -. t
V And as the morrow approaches,
let not "your energies abate. " .
. Again- get your subscriptions
in early in the day. u Don't wait
until the last minute. And above
ail things,, if you have anything
to ask about,, anything you want
the contest editor to: look up for
you, don't wait until the very, last
for- there will be, many things do
ing the last few hours, and the
contest editor won't do a single
thing but Issue votes on subscrip
tions the last few hours? " So," if
you wait until the last, don't ex
pect the contest editor to spend a
' lot of valuable time answering
foolish questions that could have
all been settled hours before.
Last word has been said -final
efforts will bring reward Satur
day do not wait until last min
uted to turn in "subscription avoid
long wai at closing hour.
Now that the Statesman con
test hasf narrowed down' to & few
short days' and' hours, the contest
for honors and prizes will increase
with every hour struck by Father
Time, until the last few frenzied
hours-houits of nervous activity,
suspense and wonderment.
Saturday must show the sur
vival of the fittest the reward of
the, persevering the honors of
the winners the happiness of the
friendsthe enthusiasm "of the
; Saturday will develop another
side of human "nature -the! loser
in defeat- their hopes and ambi
tion cast to the winds their nerve
gone their failure In life explain
ed. It is the parting of the ways
the persevering on up Jo suc
cess; thebthers down to defeat.
Saturday is the day of "Calam
ity Howler."
tThe Calamity ; Howler the
Ne'er do well the pessimist. The
Calamity Howler will not win
dpn't even want to win. He can
not bet the sluggard In his brain.
-Neither does he want to see an
other win. He plots, he flatters,
he invents, he ridicules. Rumors
and absurdities are his stock of
trade. ;,; V' ' '
Yesterday he traded. Saturday
he is going to seek you to trade,
but this will not do.
Don't be misled by a pessimist
or a calamity1 howler. It is work
that wins. Remember, there is
no palm of victory without the
dust of the battle.
Recently a calamity howler met
a contestant She has many sub
scriptions to collect. "Why, you
have ;no chance to win. I have
25 year subscriptions myself."
Miss contestant listened she
heeded she quit. "It's no tise.
tm beaten" and that Calamity
Howler didn't even have 500,000
votesi - v ,
It worked!
It will work' again!
Are you going hand In hand
with "The Calamity Howler," or
are you going to walk alone?
It's important!
A 'ij&jOjfero'es to
H ave New Marker
i w "
?iGrave 4)f Jewish soldiers la
A E. F.cemeteries . in ' France!
are to ' nave a cusxracz maraeri
whIetJembodici I the tSUrJef,
f (
' CoWplete-symphonlc scores ican be played on a new organ developed hy1 John Hay Hammond;
Jr., in association with Leslie JBuswell, director of the .Hammond lahorsAorjcs.Thej- are shown with'
the instrument: Bus well is standing.
Follow your own inclinations
and win.
These last few hours will make
years of difference.
Keep your friends helping "you
up to the last hour.
At the close of the .campaign
the Judges will take charge of the
ballot box and will count all the
ballots they find in the box. Tht7
will then, add their totals to the
totals last published in The States
man and the result will show the
As the close of the contest ap
proaches, as the day3 narrow down
to hours and minutes, one thing
makes itself apparent: the win
ners may not be'ihose who have
given out the impression that the
various candidates were unbeat
able. In their enthusiasm they
have in some;cases Halked too
much and tipped their hand, and
some of the other candidates- have
taken up the challenge: They ar?
so rapidly overhauling those erst
while leaders, that' an entirely
new set ofoontenders are holding
the limelight as lime goes on.
And "they are doing it with new
subscriptions. They are spread
ing out and getting the votes' and
subscriptions by the dozens and
Truly the last week of the con
test will be a battle of ballots
Let's go.
' (Cob tinted from piffe 1)
rain came at the close of an un
usually windy day.
The first snow melted almost as
fast as it fell and the precipitation
was welcomed, especially by the
farmers, because of the unusually
light snowfall during the last "vrlon
ter and the lack of rainfall during
the month of March.
EUGENE, April 3. Eugene will
have a wet Easter, according to
In Kafoury's Pawn stairs Store
"The Country's Greatest Seller"
This is merchandise of the
isizea amau, mecuumrge to.oisva
Guaranteed to
Salem Store
466 State Str!;
1 Jf"
indications tonight. Rain has fal
len here all day. While the femi
nine population of the city Is wor
rying over prospects for tomor
row's weather, the farmers of Lane
county are rejoicing over the
moisture. The ground had be
come very dry and crops were be
ginning to suffer.
, M.EDFORD, April 3. The long
est dry spell in the spring since
IS 88 in the Rogue river Talley
bids fair to be broken at Easter
tide, after six weeks of almost con
tiguous sunshine. Predictions for
tomorrow are for showers. Show
ers of rain fell today, recorded al 4
the weather bureau as traces,
minus." V1
Weather forecasts issued at widely
separated Pacific coast points to-i
night did not augur well for East
er Sunday fashion parades tomor
row but were received Jubilantly
by agriculturists. -
Cloudy and insettled weather,
with the possibility of showers is
expected to prevail in California.
Rainfall in the northern part of
the state is a '.'Probability," a
"possibility" in the central section, j
and an "uncertainty in the extreme
southern region where cloudswill
prevail along. the. coasts Tehipera"
tures were mild today, except in
the mountain districts, and -ne
marked drop of the mercury ia an
ticipated tomorrow.
Rain will be welcomed eagerly
by farmers in California in view
of what is said to be an abnormal
period of dry weather. . T
Conditions in eastern Washing
ton will be reminiscent of "a
white Christmas," Spokane report
ing snow with rain or snow and
intermittent periods of sunshine
tomorrow. A complete reversal of
climatic form was reported in
western Washington, the forecast
at Seattle calling for "light show
ers and sunshine." - - . ...
Portland, Or., expects to shardj
New Fabrics ?T
and Patterns
'Among ; the . assort
-ments you will,f ind
new novelty 'fabrics
P r in t e d ; Sateens,
tl 1 n o Broadclothsr .
Challeens, and high,
auallty jGiashama
In- tbe I, prettiest of -5
new 'patterns shown
for the first' time.
highest possible grade.
Give Satisfaction
Portland Silk Store.
. 383 Alder SL -
in weather similar to that pre
dicted for San Francisco. Early
reports received from points in
the Pacific northwest did not indi
cate that the visitation of snow
and rain had inflicted any exten
sive crop losses.
(Cotittnled from page 1)
further Investigation on its own
account r That will depend upon
the facts developed and the
charges made wtyh respect to en
forcement of the Volstead act.
, . Intimations were given today
that' the.' Wets had not abandoned
their fight to have the commit
tee subpoenae state and munici
pal officials.
t The committee has ruled against
ihas by a vote of four to one, but
the leaders of the wets hone for
a: reversal upon a showing that
yiey, win try to make that their
case can not be presented proper
ly unless certain state and munic
ipal officials are called.
"I think 'the, committee played
u n ft )J nil i
A. B. Chase
iviiuer ziD
Good Grand
!:' - '
In suck fine makes as Knabe, Behr 3ros.,
a bad, piece of strategy," said Sen
ator .Edge, .republican, New Jer
sey, chfef, leader of thewets. "We
will make further efforts to have
these witnesses summoned.
' "What'weVwant are facts rather
than pinions. ""These -people have
the facta' and the only way we
can get them here ia on commit
tee subpoenas."
Assistant Secretary. Andrews of
the treasury who- is in general
charge of prohibition enforcement
and -district, attorney Buckner of
New York City wlll.jbe the chief
witnesses fdr the wets at the open
ing of the hearings Monday.
As the wsts have outlined their
program, thus far, Senator Bruce,
democrat, Maryland, will make a
preliminary statement on behalf of
his resolution to amend the 18th
amendment so as to permit gov
ernment manufacture and sale of
intoxicants in former wet territory.
Senator Edge will make a brief
statement with respect to his so
called beer bills and the presenta
tion of the case for the wets then
will be turned over to Julian Card
man, of Boston, General counsel
for the association against the pro
hibition amendment.
Besides public, officials, the
wets will call In a number of doc
tors, officials of labor unions, so
cial workers, ministers and others.
f V " i
' .":"' ,i . r .. .. i
-yfkM Aft
J fl I Wjk0i : ! '
New Pianos $275, $325,
New firaM Pianos $63lfi8$7Sft: ft!ttM5S
' V . ' ' " : w '
sell anjr: piano oa terms
: r9 j -
432 State''3t.
I Salem's Own tlusic
iythe first two days of the pre-
utfdClir.ryg'wtll "be un
r direction of officers of " the
tubmen's Chrtetian - Temperance
Union. Oother dry organizations
Will follow with' Wayne-B. Wheel
er,, general Counsel .'for 'the. aatl
Sajoon league, among the. last to
appear. ' :. '.f' - ' - '
I . i r- " ' v-:x
I NEW YORK, April 3. (AP
Willie Hoppe, billiard champion
for almost two decades relin-
Juisbed the last of his titles to
ight to Jake Schaefer of Chica
go by losing! the final block of a
1600 point match Tor the world's
18.1 balkline crown, 300 to 230.
The final seore readr i
! Schaefer 3,600. ,
Hoppe 2.92C.
Hoppe entered the 12th and
final block facing an almost in
surmountable handicap of 604
points. He made a gallant stand
in the seventh inning, running
1 4 4. but Schaefer closed with a
spectacular spurt, clicking otf 74.
io2 and 21 to win the champion
ship. t , '
Glance oyr these, extraor
rli'nnrv vaIum in ornnd. tiPf?
pianos. Evcr end a genu- ?
ine value.
Six Used Pianos
We will accept any
purchase price on a
time1 in one year.
Voe & Son
$350, $38342idui
rClarenxlon, Starr, Hoddorff and ethers
, A - -AAAA ?--AlA,J A AAA -A-
; to jpit your, convemeacafc
- , .rr w a4. 'r-p'A-A AA '.-l
i - t
Storo f or !45iVcars
Lift Off-No Pain!.
Doesn't hurt one. bit J Drop, a lit
tle "Freesone" on an aching corn
Instantly that corn stops hurting,
the shortly you ' lift it- right off
with, fingers. - .
Your druggist sells a tiny 'hot-'
Ue'otFreezone" tor a few cents,'
sufficient to remove fvery nard
corn," soft corn, or, cojrn, between
the toesT and the foot calluses; .
without soreness ' or Irritation.
Adv. ' ' -
s ' -
t.j. . -j
of these at full
i., i .
;V :.-:f,i!.
. i i. ttl.
'.-V . . . .- .
'if -TJili.
M 'i:
... f
: 4 .
. ' r. ---- - " -
v -Ine" 13 pleasant and easy to use.