The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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'Catapulting Rapr6U&& From Home
, J , ' - . ' . i. -;
' ' V i - - ' - -j - . - -
. 1
n"vt Hoiirs before Powerful
VlOiei; nays equivalent
,to Sunlight '
r-y ,
-I. . ;
' Could jrou'endure In five boon
tae.eqaiTAlent of tare month of
the vhottsst Tone. snnsnJns? Yoo
would-1 probably bswilling to
chines It If the question were put
to.y6;In "the 'middle of the wln
- terr.but yon-would sarsix 1
Alaska -4f oro many seconds had
passed ' iwhile ywir eyes - would
nmhihi tiAAd a cores of occnllsts
to repair 'laa damage caused, by
the strati of this Intense light.
' wSttchr t 'fesl, Tiowerer, was not
devise toff human' beings," sayt
1 J. Tf VatsoH. 'Chlet chemist and
metallurgist at Hhe JIapP - factory,
-but for cldth to dtermlne Its
resistance tUght. -,Thellmit of
timAihmt material wHl retain 1U
detemin! $ytais powerful light
.t'ba tested is
placed -in : Arcabhwr fitted with a
seHea- :t;.4owerfttlTtolet t rr
UghU. rThe -strength -of this light
Is entreat that: Just, nye, nour w
It 1 equal tp three, months, of mid
day -iun feunshlne. rBy regulating
v the dlstAnoe"' .theoDject irom
the..llghi bufbs lhe cloth pro
teoted "jMm7tcutchln, '7.. -;
Mli selecting thi hpholstery" for
the!JJttioblte clcedT cars, yar
Idtt trade -and makes', of. uphol-
gtefy I'a: Specified color are tried,
this ' test" la . conoectlon witn an
I acid test fhfch ;de$rmines the
1 quality ..oflhi feittare enables us
to1 iooaer hbt" only thii "material
wMtch ,wil! "glre fh' kmgest saUs-
. factory wear but also one .wnicn
- wm fetaln 'thef brlglual color so as
to' remain tiig harmtmy with the
' iyheh'y6tf consider the are rage
amouat: otr'sua ahd Ught.-that the Interior of the car it
i-eTldVUiat this short but eM-
clehtteat- i a saf e precauUon
m tni I W it Ma of uuholstery
which mjfht lose its-original color
lh a;ihort7tlinoi
V'ThU'tett Ja typical at the thor
oughness of. 'the -many -that are
. gtren 'to Hdpmobile cars. Not an
Item!; of car's: total equipment
bat what hfiaergoea a;eioso mspec
tioh test at the taTctory laborator
leslt Tp thlaLcare iu the selection
of material it-due' the long life
and dtahUlty that'i has . always
marked 'Hapmoblle crs,f . - '
"""" '""
'A .
J'' -
- .
7 r . '.
Asks Questions of
Vter Royaler
coarcmancsr -
' Family of Syevo Oaluske, wnose nouse in ruiMmgn is wiinm m wwnc wrvw i
! home when a- refrlgeratoi' car was knocked from the rails and tomed 85 feet, smashing an outbuilding
. . i il. Hmilllnv Uimhn nf thfl famllv. 'rlinintr in the kitchen, saw the car
ana nsnvwij nunuig wc to. . ... - - - - ,
catapult towara mem. . .
QfJESTION": How many motor
vehicles in the world?
ANSWER: 24,600,000.
QUESTION: What percentage of
these motor vehicles are In the
United States? ,
ANSWER: 81 per cent.
QUESTION: Of all the rubber
eonanmed in the United States
how much goes to the automobile
ANSWER: 84 per cent.
: QUESTION: How many motor
vehicles were exported last year?
ANSWER: fc50.000.
m e ,
QUESTION: How many were
ANSWER:. 630.
is almost entirely conauciea on
capital Invested by the owners, ac
cording to an analysis made by
the National Automobile Chamber
of Commerce, . based on published
financial statements for tne year
ending December 31, 1924. The
tockholder's equity.
Is 88.3 as compared with 75.4
In 459 companies in various omer
Industries. Net worth comprise.
72.3 of the total capital In the
steel Industry, 82.2 In the meat
packing Industry, and 80.7 j la
the cotton mills, ny nei worm
meant capital stock, surplus and
true reserves. ''ti
n QUESTION: What te. thtred
in automotive production la tne
lower prlcjs classes?
ANSWER: In attempting to ah-
Wer that question I must ellmln.
ate the Ford motor car, which
should bo5 considered separately.
Since 1921. cars selling from
11001-11250 have. Increased in
production. monthly from approx
imately 18.000 to 55.000; cars
selling from. J81j.$1000. from
it Ann frt as.000:icani seuing
from 31251-11500 from 8000 to
Feeding Cats in England
Is Evidence of Ownership
GAN,,England.---If ;a jKsrson
feeds! kcat this act . in' iteelt is
accepted in English law. of assum
ing the responsibility of own. r-
ship. -
Thatwaa how. the. law was in
terpreted to John Henry, Dapf r,
when he was sued for the'Te iltr (rf -two
pigeons alleged to havtAjeH'
worried by the cat. Draper dftoipd
ownership otthe cat but admitted
that he had given it mux.
QUESTION: Did the export bus
iness of the American automobile
business in 1925 increase over
; ANSWER: A 44 per cent in
crease was made.
New Styles Offered in Six-72
Model; Color and Fin
ishing Unusual
Major Chambers Inaugu
rates Air Route With Big
, . 8-Passenger Planes
Cannonball Baker Plunges
Along Road at Average
, Speed of 78 Miles
QtJESTION : How many car and
truck dealers are there in the
United States?
ANSWER: 4T.014.
QUESTION: What percentage
of the cars and trucks made in the
United States are exported?
ANSWER: 12.2 percent.
QUESTION: How many m
tcars were on display at
nf ars were on dlsDlay at the
New York Motor Show?
if ;
"Casey VJones Receives Ap
pointrnent'Witrr Durant
.-.Motor7 Company,..
OAKLAND. ' Anril 4v- The ap-1 one name.
.Hurii( fcpineit S. 'Jones. 'ret-
rn western tfutomobilo man and
MlAtlX. known . ihroughot' the
rfntyaa sales manager of the
Durknt Motor ;cmbaay ot Call-
forttla. UI' car;buHuera,-was an
siounced here, today by Norman i'vltm .nresldent and 'gen
eral' tnAnilfeef.,T4iappcintmeiit
la rfftlr ImmedUtelfcV '
tkmm miH ta tkafoaarhly f amll
lar- wkh thr,Pciffc cdast trade
throuiKleara ;- ot;ftontact ? wotk
with automobile, dealers, has been
connected with tb& Stif sales de
; paHment for sereral years 4n dlf
: fereut espaclUes," for. some J.ime
la' charge of lh.e4.tiorthwestern
1 gone '"jroHi mQre recently- as assiat
aat' sale manage?- ,
Hevha hundreds -of friends la
" Cher automobile industry, most of
whom 'know- him ms "Casey"
innttkr Ha is already well known
throughout the Star ear deae or
gaulfcatlen. through Terat years
pt persona! conUct as factory rep
reaentatlrt 2 In practical all of
the territory covered by the Cali
fornia - Star factory,, and the ap
pointment has brought a flood of
congratulatory messages to his
'" - In making the. announcement,
DeVaux sUted that much of his
'9W11 time t would " be .. deroted to
sales department fwork. and that,
with Jones.he would direct the
ales department policies la the
future-?- 4V rhl;-5V - -
'J ones finds a mighty task ahead
tot bin; according, to factory men.
The announcement of ;thatteflhed
star Four, and the success of the
"new Star six, has brought a rent
able fjood pt erdert front all brer
th west for. thessl automobiles,
mad. the; factory Is : Ceing , rushed
4ft. fltt carload orders. from rirac-
tloaliy etery. dealer1 In lhe",organ-
lxaXlonv:?'.-?-, -'
'Jones aucceeds H.. W." Curtis In
his' n.ew position,' ',CurtJa resigned
,ari 4 .ias. jusi an nounced "his pur
fchii? 'of tn'f of, the Ii Angeles
IbtsprtfrBiorwnlchi1e'. former
ly 'dirpcUdy .and will- hSnjlle' sales
a4Vs?mce orSfar-cars as a ui-
The. Peerless Motor Car corpor
ation has announced new de luxe
body styles which are being offered
In the Slx-72 model. These new
body styles are offered In the Are
and seren passenger sedans of the
larger Peerless six-cylinder model.
Three attractive colors are avail
able Brewster light green, Ohio
blue and Tudor gray. The in
terior is unusually luxurious in its
appointments. The upnoistery u
of fine quality mohair velour.
Genuine walnut panels' are inlaid
in the , doors. ' ' The instrument
board is finished; with a walnut
effect. The instruments are of
special design and include an 8-
dav clock. '
In addition to the standard
eaniDment1 of the regular Six-72
sedans, that of the de luxe bodies
includes bumpers and bumper
ettes, as well as a winterfront fin
ished in lacquer ' the same color
a the car.'
The de" luxe .models are to be
finished entirely in lacquer, in
eluding fenders, hood sills, dust
and splash shields. The entire
body will be of one color. The ef
fect is distinctive and atftactive.
Announcement of the new styles
adds to the completeness of the
Peerless line which, since the ad
dition of the popular priced Slx
80 model, has become what Is
probably the' most complete line
offered by any manufacturer under
QUESTION: Is it true that
automobile manufacturing is con-
i ducted almost entirely on its own
I ANSWER: Manufacturing of
Fireproof Storbge : Fuel : Transfer
Coal and Dry Wood at Reasonable Prices
I V 1 i
P""- gs"i
143 South Liberty j Telephone 930
With-water and soap so cheap,
and fresh air free, It costs so little
to be decent.
DETROIT, Mich. April 3. Ma
jor Reed M. Chambers who Is
third ranking American ace and
during the war the closest . Bud
die to Captain E. V. Rickenback-
er, American Ace of Aces, fa now
President pf Florida Air1 Ways,
which flys big 8-passengr all
metal aeroplanes fro m point to
noint in Florida.
Maior Chambers considered "it
only fitting that he should select
Rickenbacker cars for taking pas
sengers to and from hotels fn the
various cities to the airport; from
which they make their quick trips
across the State.
Time table of Florida Airways
shows the actual time from "ho
tel to hotel- not from; flying
field to flying field.
In other words, time of leaving
is not the time you leave the air
port but the minute the passen
ger steps into the Rickenbacker
car at one hotel' and steps out
of' another Rickenbacker at an
other hotel at end of hlsdestlna-tion.
These .fleets of Rickenbacker
sedans whisk passengers from ho
tel to airport and vica versa In
the shoTtest possible time the
route can be covered wltnout
breaking the speed laws.
Lebanon growers ship 90 tons
of prunes last year. A record of
three cars" in one day was estab
DETROIT. Mich., April 3.
"Wait a minute and you will see
a flash of fire streak along G randy
Ridge," was the kindly request of
sentinels at each end of the long
est bridge in the t-world that
span of five and six-tenths miles
connecting Tampa and St. Pet
ersburg, Florida.
Cannon Ball Baker had deter
mined to set a speed mark for
others to shoot at, with his Rick
enbacker Vertical Eight stock
He did it covering ' the dis
tance in 4 minutes 23 4-5 seconds
at the terrific average of 7 8.3
miles per hour for the entire dis
Gandy Bridge is not perfectly
straight, but curved and the road
way" is narrow. Baker made his
spectacular run at 3 a. m.. As
the bridge is a privately owned
toll thorofare It was an easy mat
ter to have it closed for the brief
period necessary. Therefore no
laws were broken and no risks
taken by any but the Intrepid
driver himself and his four pas
sengers all newspaper men.
Early as the hour was there
was a goodly crowd at each end
of the bridge to watch the fiery
flight of the Rickenbacker.
Ports. belching flames and ex
haust roaring, the spectacle was
awe inspiring as the car rounded
the long curve triumphantly.
passenger cars and motor trucks , : s ' .
. . ; 1 1
The Price
the man X
who awns
Packard Six
Corrallis Oregon Agricultural
college will offer 100 summer
courses. .
hae -OAKLAfc
All America has bestowed upon the Oakland Six the one
lure mark of preferace-ever-growing demand. State after
state has favored the car so strongly that sales have doubled
in tnejpast six montns.
The reasons for this unprecedented favor will be readily
. anyone who ;tests Oakland Six abilities, .
The car has power for any hill you will encounter more
speed than you will care to use acceleration that excites envy
-smoothness of performance unmatched in its fieldana,
f better still, a rugged endurance that assures years of service.
; . Moreover, Oakland's amazing prices to 350 lower
; J , single out the Oakland Six as an unequalled investment.
fx. .i-K-'v 280 StrathHigh andTrade Street
V y7 1 I N G AJIP HOLD 1:N G -G O O
.'Wt-'deklsr.ln the big Star organ-
W U ATTiYil 1 i-V-J JT,-L.Si .:1LJ
1 Cj 11 :
Considering its
beauty, its comfort
and its distinction,
the Packard Six is
not high in price.
For example, the five - passenger
Sedan costs but $2919 delivered
at your door witji all necessary
accessories, freight and tax paid.
The accessories include, in addi
tion to those usually furnished,
front and rear bumpers, automatic
windshield cleaner, rear view mir
ror, electric cigar lighter and spare
tire and tube and cover.
Many prefer to buy on the pay
ment plan, knowing it is much
better to buy a long life car that
way .than a short life car for cash.
Under our plan you may have a
.new Packard Six five - passenger
Sedan for $896.80 down and
$185.43 a month.
If your present car has a market
value, we will buy it from you and
apply its price on the down pay
ment on the new car.
Quite likely you would not have to
write a check for more than one or
two hundred dollars to have a new
car a Packard Six at once.
Those who buy Packard cars this
year, either for cash or on the pay
ment plan, will not have to buy
again for years to come.
Packard has offered no ye a r ly
models for more than ten years
arid haa preserved the traditional
beauty of Packard lines.
Packard cars are improved from
time to time as occasion warrants.
Progress could not be made other
wise. ' ' y
But the owner of a three," four or
five year old Packard is never
ashamed in the company of the
latest purchaser.
; ' v .. p--: ' " . " , '
Rather, he feels the, pride of pos
session that comes only with long
attachment and association.
You must live with a car to love it.
May we examine your present car
arid tell you how easily you may
have a new Packard?
-Packard cars are non being sold
on the basis of the hczv tax.rate u
Fred M. Powell Motor Cars
350 North High Telephone 2126 ;
t i
I JS- Slw JL-A a..iL. .-. KJ- JL -d'
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