The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 18, Image 18

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New Criterion Set in Light
Six Held; Is Engineering
lJ " Masterpiece
Each year sees an outstanding
leader established in tbe Various
pricand general type classes
which make up the wide range
ot motor cars.. The greatest struggle-
for supremacy during the
past - twelve months has been, in
the so-ealled light class In which
i several new entries hare been
. made.
The, total aggregate volume of
sales in the.. light six class con
titutes around a third of the en
tire output of. motor cars of all
classes going to a group of buyers
which make up the cream of the
blame- of ' business done by fhe
Industry as a whole.
. The presentation of the Over
land SU. by Willys-Overland a
year'ago was accepted as the brd
of this strong organization Tn the
most highly competitive field in
the automobile world.
j-Jfrom its position as a newcom
er In the six-cylinder field, this
cm ha forged ahead until at the
present. time it is accepted as the
outstanding leader is its entire
group offering more power, great
flexibility,-a wider range of per
formance and a greater body
beauty. and -comfort than is found
' tn any one ot its broad list of
Priced, jbelow 1 9 00 at the fac
tory, for a full sized five-passenger,
sedan. Its strategic position
nromi- the. point of cost alone is
markedly in its favor.
i Equipped with a motor which
develops a full 38-brake horse
power, it has established its su
perior performance value in the
. greatest of all tests,, that of ser
vice in fhe hands of owners.
( In.. Its first year .of. production
it has gone through a steady pro
cess of improvement, both in me
chanical merit and in nicety of
design and finish until it ranks
in external appearance alongside
the majority of cars selling in the
price class of from -1L&00 upward.
The tremendous demand for
this car' which has -caused the fac
tory schedules to -be increased
each month until now better than
5000 of these cars are being de
livered to new buyers every
month, has brought about manu
facturing economies; which have
been reflected in the price, two'
important price reductions having
been made in the past year.
. As shewn at the automobile
show this .year, rtie Overland Six
slandX direct mechanical compar
ison with other sixes 'costing sev
eral, . hundred 'dollars more; in
price, comparison there is but one
cJze offered at "a lower cost while
there are at least two 'four cylin
der cars priced at' a" higher level
for -the enclosed models, than the
-Overland. ......... .'.
? ;From the viewpoint . of - the
trained mechanical mind, , this
Overland product s an enjgineer-r
ing masterpiece incorporating the
highest developments '.in. general
mechanical design and utilizing
the "finest materials which can be
put . into an automobile, -
The motor dimensions are: bore
3 inches., stroke .4 inches, ' cylin
ders and crank case being. a"mon
obloc casting, ' crankshaft being
drilled and oil cooled. Crank
shaft and connecting rods are oil
ed by a force feed system, the
pistons and valve actions being; lu
bricated by a spray. The motor
is hung exceptionally low In the
chassis affording the advantages
of a straight line drive and keep
ing tbe centre of gravity well
down in the car.
An Auto-lite starting and light
ing system are used. Smooth con
trol and transmission of the driv
ing power is obtained through the
use of Borg & Beck clutch and
transmission , gears of a special
alloy steel.. The service brake
operates on rear wheel brake
drums while the band or emer
gency operates on a transmission
brake drum insuring a positive
and quick control of the car in
case of emergency.
Such features as these are those
generally associated with sixes of
high price. They are found in
combination in the low price field
only in the. Overland Six.
The construction of the bodies
show equal superiority. The se
dan, shows dimensions which are
On a par if not greater than those
of the larger sixes. Overland has
not attempted to save in price by
building coaches. It offers a full
sedan in every detail.
The seats are wide and deep.
There is a amazing amount of
leg room in 'ool'a the front and
rear compartments. Upholstery
in the standard sedan model is
done in fine velour of tasteful de
sign serving both the require
ments of appearance and of wear.
Windshield is of the one-piece
type. The windows are unusual
ly wide and, when opened, give
the same freedom as the average
touring car. Finish is in the high
est quality of polished lacquer,
the body being a beautiful two
tone grey, with a fashion black
leather material top and rear
An analysis of the sales made
by the Willys-Overland dealers in
this model alone during the past
year show that it is replacing
cars, which at their present prices
are in a general group ranging
from 600 to $1000 higher.
New Finish Is Durable, Wa
terproof, Tough and.Elasr
!a CUa.;.
ll,J2i5 21!jLLlL Ijamove all trace of JJ& chemicals
The progress of -chemical re
search in developing a new fin
ish for domestic purposes was ex
plained for the -first time by Dr
Charles M. A'. Stine. director of
chemical research of the Du Pont
com-pany. under whose direction
the Duca finish for automobiles,
furniture and industrial -uses wag
developed and perfected. Dr. Stine.
who is recognized as one of the
leading industrial research chem
ists in the United States,-speaking
recently before the Ontario Retail
Hardware association, told the
story of the creation of 'a quick
drying finish which - can be
brushed to produce a film which
would ,be "durable, waterproof,
tough, hard, elastic, have a good
adhesion tp the surfaces to which
V tfBuMtCoiM Standbiest! i
-Bulck Kas the only chassis, built today that can take; a .
"shower bath" while the engine is running and driving ' r
the wheels. -:,. J
i -- - i-A--. - v ...,
Only Bulck provides the design which can undergo such
iwmishment. Of alt cars bull today, Bulck alone has the
complete protectioa of the "Scaled Chassis' and "Triple- .
Every Bulck operating part Is "sealed inside a dlrtlght,
oil-tight, watertight Iron or Meet housing. The "Triple Seal"
(air cleaner, gatoUna filter oUfilttr) keeps dirt, grit and
Road slush and grit cannot reach Bulck vital parts. Rata
and moisture cannot cause short circuits In the Bulck eUo
; trlcal system. Evea the' spark plugs are protected I
Come In and see),- with Your own eyee, why Bulck 'motor
dependable .Oalr a Buick could stand lhs v
, "ahower bar testt ; . T - v, , ry " "
TXXEPnOXfi .220
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wiiniiiaw 1 iiumyiiMii jmiimn 11 1 11 n 1 .mi, 'nmmiii Hum im nin mmimmmmmKCmmmmm
t - '; v..- $ t- ? jTr- 1 " 1
Wt'f a: --1 -:-:.; . - ;
- hgk M
it is applied, which would have no
tendency to lift off the old paint
and varnish surfaces, which would
have good gloss and hiding power
and above all, be fast drying. "
After years of painstaking re
search and a background of ex
perience in which each ingredient
had to be originated, perfected,
and made chemically pure. Dr.
Stine declared that the product
developed was certain to have a
ready market because of the do
mestic needs which it would srve.
Unlike paints, varnishes and
enamels this new product is made
from nitro-cellulose. "Cotton lin
ters," said Dr. Stine, are obtained
from the cotton seed mills. Be
for nitration all impurities have
to be" removed. This purification
begins with the digestion with
chemicals under pressure, fol
lowed by bleaching treatments'?
asid. a longseries of washings' to
'ised. Tbe next step in the manu
facture is the nitration of the cot
ton. The nitrated cotton is then
water, until exceedingly delicate
chemical tests show that the py
roxylin has atained a chemical
stability sufficient to insure ex
tremely long life of products made
from it. Because of our long ex
perience in the manufacture of
nitrated cotton and the training
concentrated solutions deposited
much thicker films upon evapora
tion. They yielded finishes which
Dr. Stine, in explaining each
stage of the research develop
ment toid of the experiments to
produce the requisite brushing
properties, of the concentration -of
we have had in manufacturing the solutions and development of
nitro-cellulose and nitro-cellulose i 'uenncally pure pigments and of
powders for the U. S. Navy, we
no doubt, carry the purification to
a point far beyond that which is
necessary. We do this because we
are accustomed to producing a ni
trated cotton of such a degree of
stability that the I'. s. Navy,
which has to sleep over powder
made from our nitrated cotton,
can do so in perfect safety. We use
the same methods and the Fame
tests in our pyroxylin manufacture
of quick drying finishes.
.. ."After some years of experimen
tation, we fortunately hit upon
aTgood workable' method for the
treatment of pyroxylin which en
ables us to produce pyroxylin solu
tions with the necessary content
the accurate control of every step
in the manufacture in order that
the finished formula, when ap
plied to furniture, floors, walls or
any household use would deposit
a film which would outlast any
finish product ever developed be
fore and at the same time have
the polish and gloss of ancient
Thus, chemical research created
a new product for home use out
i.f substances which had never
been used before and possessing
qualities which satisfied home
Baker Bond issue of $10,000
for new school house approved by
boiled, with frequent changes of of pyroxylin so that these more Kock Creek district.
for Economical Transportation
j ,
. Jh r 3& Coach
I Touring 35XO
Roadster 50
Coupe 645
I Sedan 735 I
1 Landau 765 I
Yi Ton Truck ' aOC
1 Ton Truck, cCft
' . r I in . m. k. FBc MfafciMa '
t -
Yt has its 3? &atuces
Think of buying for only $645 a beautiful
, Fisher body closed car, finished in beautiful
colors of lasting Duco and offering such quality
features as 3-speed transmission, balloon tires, i
Alemite lubrication, oil and water pumps, and
Remy electric starting, lighting and ignition!
porne inl Learn how little it now costs to
own and drive a quality closed car of modern
i design. 'r .
Everyone Is Talking Chevrclet
Newton Chevrolet Co.
----- -
, Opposite City Hall s Telephone 1000
Simplicity of Design Is
Keynote of Auto Makers
Conservative Manufacturers Now Rending Efforts Towards
Simplification and Greater Value; Cadillac Leads
- in Move; Ideals Now Realized
Simplification and greater valudare proving to be the two
oat3kinding developments of auto design during 192G, accord
ing to Ernest W. Seaholm, chief engineer of the Cadillac
Motor Car company, who sees in ihe present competitive per
iod, elimination of undirected experimentation and a further
development of the era during which motor car owners are
receiving greater genuine value than at any time in the his
tory of the industry.
"The subject of auto design is jno longer in its infancy.
We liaveJearned which lines of investigation will yield results
valuable to owners and which will hot," states Mri. Seahan.
"Until science unfolds some radically new and as yet un
discovered principle of auto design' he continues "the ten
dency among substantial manufacturers will be to. continue
aJong already established lines, to simplify present designs.
improve performance and increase
"The industry, as everybody
realizes, is at present passing
through a highly competitive
phase. This is redounding to the
benefit of motor car owners. Well
known makes of cars are estab
lishing a sound reputation for de
pendability. Motor car owners
generally realizo that lluv are
receiving greater actual value to
day than ever before. Sound pro
cedure along present lines make a
greater appeal than wou'd be pos
sible with something radically
new and departing from princi
ples which have proved success
ful. '
Under these conditions, im
provement and refinement result
ing in the best of service are being
offered to buyers during 1926 and
advances in aesign and in manu
facturing methods are resulting
in owners receiving vehicles which
will give the best service and the
greatest satisfaction of any that
the industry has so far produced.
While for many years purchasing
power of a dollar in most com
modities lias declined, the dollar
invested in automobiles has con
sistently in the past and is still
obtaining greater value in return.
"The motor, driving public is to
day well-educated in what consti
tutes real value in a car, and in
this highly competitive period only
those manufacturers who give in
creasing value per dollar invested
can retain leadership in their re
spective classes.
"The situation has also substan
tially! changed the character of en
gineering Investigation. With a
broad foundatiott of wide experi
mentation i upon. which f to build,
automobile engineers are now able
to turn their-attention to simpli
fying the mtchanlsm and to pro
ducing greater Talue tn perform
ance without Increasing costa." ,
King Alfonso of Spain likes oc
casionally to travel Incognito. Not
long ago, the story runs, he uibT
to red under an assumed jiEad
through the wild region of Jtu
and put up at a modest ina.y Ti.f
following morning, desiring , t
shave, he asked the chambermaid'
to bring him a mirror. When h
had done so she remarked: "You
are not just an ordinary traveler.
"Why do you ask nfe that?"
"I don't know' eaid the girl,
"but there la something about you
perhaps you belong to the roy&i
court at Madrid."
"Yes. I do." he answered.
"Perhaps you work tor his ma
jesty himself." .
"And what do you do for him?
"Oh, lota of things." the king
replied. "I'm shaving him Just
rr la naturalrthat you should look to the Author! ted Ford
Dealer in youi purchase of a used Ford car he is the '
authority on Ford value.
You are sure that the used Ford car you buy from him la ,
good value for the price and honestly represented as to !
condition. The reputation of the Authorized Ford Dealer
assures you courteous treatment; and you may expect a fair
trade-In allowance when you are ready for your new Ford.
When Your Ford
Needs Repairs
Years of Factory and Shop Experience
have fitted the proprietors of this firm
with a thorough knowledge of the
Ford car and the requirements of the
Ford owner.
From cleaning a spark plug to the
complete rebuilding of a car, our men
know how and will do your work
Our mechanics do jiot tinker with
your car, wasting expensive hours in
4 'investigation.' ' They know how to
locate trouble; quickly-r-they work fast
and their work is thorough and
You may not need our service just
now but when you do we are
equipped to dp the work promptly.
We will be gjad to test and examine
your car, quote prices, and otherwise
give you the benefit of our long exper
ience in repairing Ford cars.
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