. - t :- V. I- , 'i. -:.'r .r. If 1 HIE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM; OREGON A s - SUNDAY MOKMlNC;AFiilfc4r 1826Wfv. -t ' For Rent Apts. 23 FOCR AND i FIVE .ROOM APART menta. Coort Street. Phone . 1516M. 239 FURS ISH ED MODERN 5-ROOM APT. with bath. 700 North High St. 23a6 0O2Y THKKK ROOM APARTMENT bath. Nieely ' famished - or nafnrnish d. Close in. Reasonable, j 106OW. - 3Sa4 JicK Kt'RVIRltrn TWn udw ...... - v., a iitkc r. i Hm apartment, , First floor. 59n LARGE 2-jtOOM APT. FURNISHED OR uBfrain4. 1138 Court 8t. Phono 8" iV'P 23m25tf on Lwi .apartment, lights rn4 wa'ficlud4. 117.50 per month. 15a 8. Vnreh. Phone 2421 237 PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BT j warning, "Room to Rent. price 10 cents each. Statesinaa Busiaesa Office, rronnd floor. For Rent Rooms' 25 FUR.XISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ' 99li N. Cottage. 25al0 2; 3 OR 4 WELL FURNISHED HOUSE j seeping rooms. Close in. $41 Mill S i- . 5 25a TWO : STUDENTS MAI RATI ROOM i with sleeping porch privilege, la mod i arm horn, la convenient location. Ad I dri a. D ear -SUtaaa. t9f3U FOR GENTLE 585W. 2310 82.00 PER rooms. fnrniSBsd and bath.. 810.00. 1388 Fsrry. 25a5 JtOpERN 3 i 670 Union. ROOMS ' UNFURNISHED - 25a7 FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO. TWIN bed. Breakfast. Before ace required. Reasonable. 845 Market St. 25a25 DOWNSTAIRS SLEEPING ROOMS. 160 Union. 25al0" ROOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, 1a modera home. Close ia. Refer oaeea. Aadreee Home, ear Statesman. For Rent Houses 27 FURNISHED 6 ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE. Call 1540 State St. 273 FOR RENT 7 ROOM BUNGALOW, 435; & room bangalow, $25; furnished and .ttnf nrnished apartments. F. I. Wood, 341 8tte St. 274 FOR RENT 5-ROOMED HOUSE, tie per month. Phono 2044-W. 27m30tf FOR RENT I ROOM HOUSE. 818; M room hoote. $25; 6 room house close in. $35; H room house, $40; 6 room house close in, $25. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. 27a4-tf FOR RENT Houses? Furnished and' unfurnished, $9 to $40. Childs A Bechtei, Masonic Temple. 27a3tf ICRNISHED AND UNFURNISHED houses. Brown and Johnson, 109 8. Oom'L i 37jl7tf FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE CLOSK in. $30. 8-room house with apart ments, close ia $55 7-room house $28. 8-room boose $25. Furnished house $32.50. FnrnUhed house $35. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 402 N. Cottare Street. 271 tf For Rent Farms 29 I HAVE SEVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rent: P. E. Thorn a son. Turner, Ore. Phone 6 XX. 29s 1 tf Wanted MisceHan's 35 WILL PAY 25 CENTS FOR JANUARY 23, 1928 Library Magaxine. 1525 State Street. 35a4 FURNITURSt PACKING FOB 8HIP auonto. Cliaao-Fowesr Furniture Co. it?. 52etf WOO DRY -THE AUCTIONEER BUYS .seed furniture for eaah. Phoaa 511. BSatf WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loan. W hae seTeral applica tiooo on hand. Ilawkina A Roberts Inc.. 805 Oregon Bldg. 85dl4tf For Sale 37 LARGE CHRYSANTHEMUMS, 25c PER dosen. J. J. HalL end South 12th. Box 28-B. ,- 87a6 BEES 16 STANDS. MUST BE SOLD NOW I Phono 46F32 Jefferson, Jef ferson Rt. 1. - 37a7 FINE SILVER PLATE. . GOLD BELL, almost new C saxaphona at a sacrifice. See it at 849 Rural Are. 87m21tf 5 ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN $700.00 down, balance terms. C. J. Crook. 504 . Be.raont. , 37a6 RABBITS ! FOR SALE, BREEDING stock and young stock. Lee Obmart. Phone 108F31. 37a4 NEW FOUR ROOM HOUSE ON 1290 .Madison St., 1007, Care Statesman. 37a4- FAIRMOUNT HILL, BEAUTIFUL COR ner lot. Small house. Fir and Super ior 8U. By owner. 374 RECEIPT BOOKS sIZK 8" BY 8tt". ' 50 receipt form in book. 15 cent per booh or two (or 25 cent. Statesman ' office. 2 IS South Commercial 6t 8s- SEE THE RPANISH TYPE STUCCO buugslow. on Ben Leonard Hill east of McKinlcy school, wonderful view, strlrt'y modern, best of construction. $6750. Also a few hill lot for sale. Easy excavation. No rock. Chan. E. Con on top of hill. 37a4 TRESPASS NOTICES, 8IZB 14x8 INS.. priatod OS pood 10-onneo canvas, bear ing the word, "Notice la Hereby Given That Trespassing la Strictly Forbidden On Those Premises Under Penalty of Prooecntion." Prico 15a eaeh or 2 for 25. Statoaman Pub. Co.. Salem. Oregoa. FOR aiLS OLD NEW8PAPER8, TEN cents a bundle. " Circnlation department tnoo Bts teems n. For Sale Livestock 39 TEAM FOR SALEOR WILL ,TRADE for wood or a light car.- rfono neon 3J5 Oregoa Bldg. 39 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN rmm itn a lnmmarcis.L Phona 1198 Rea Phono 1666. 8m23tf lMtDitra -f. RALE 18 HEAD AT . i.tnA to 150O lbs. each. . Rntht ont of work. Sale to be hold at H.kk.nl.Vd Bora Hubbard, Ore. Starting at 1 p. ta. W. A. May, own er, M. H. Hastetteis auctioneor. v 89a4' f Wood for Sale 43 nuv iwuiuwtn AN' r T.I MB AND AL der for aale. Phone 254 or 832- 43a4 BEST GRADB OF WOOD 4 ft. and 16 Inch. i OreeS "wA- ' ' IrW ion growth fir. ! IryU. sh, and oak. ruas . k WELLS Prompt delivery aad reasonable price. 280 South Church. Phone 1543. 4311 Btf BRIQUETS THAT LKAVE NO ASHES. Hri.t um JMTU CO. la-tismr BIW1K WOOD. 88.75- FER v load. 8 load 814.00, alao dry fir aad 1 j oak. any leagta. Cho .Chrlitenaen. I " Phona 142.' . - - oeap' COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE ' . TELEPHONE 1855 . T1TT J UAN FUEL COMPANY . . - - 43a31tf . WOOD SAWING. PROMPT AND -Y7ARF1-ITT.I.Y. HK.IJIAH FUEL CO. ? JICE FRONT ROOM t jf man. Close -in.a ' phpner TpRONT SLEEPING: ROOM. week: S honsekeemnr WpbfbrSale143 WOOD, DRY. SAWED. 1 ANY LENGTH. HIU.MAN FUEL OO. PHONE 185& - ' ' v . 43a21tf 4-FOOT GREEN BLAB, 83.90 PER CORD 18-1. dry mill, 4.Jo par Wad. dry fir and oak. Phono 141. 3a5tf . COAL A1A, THE rfETTER KINDS -' . HILLMAN FUEL CO-PHONE 1655 X 6-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH oak and ash. Phoas 72F2. M. D. May field. ; ":K 3fltf SALEM FUEL ' TRANSFER. 752 Trade Street. Wood. Coal. Briquet, Transfer and Moring. -phono 829. 3a20tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD; 83.75 18-in. 2nd fir per load. . $3.75 : 1- Inch old fir per load, 4.2 5.. Prompt delirery. TeL 2313, Tracy enel Yard. 1067 D Street, : 48n22tf GOOD OOAL--PRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. ' HILLMAN FUEL ,CO' TELEPUOXE 1855. , 43J2tf CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old board. . Fisher Bros. . Phone mm. ...... , , -, -M 4ati atf Poultry and HZggs 45 BABY CHICKS THAT LIVE. MAN varieties. Beginning April . 8, . custom hatching price much lower. Pnone 32FM, Iee't Hatchery. 45m28t( MisceHaneous 51 WAGONS FOR SALE 3V and 3 V ia with wide tires and low wheets. John H. Scott. 305 Oregon Bodg. 51a4 FURNITURE . repairing. Store. CPHOLSTXaiNU - AND Gisee-Powrre Furniture Sls20tf INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Fire, Life, Automobile. Casualty, Ac cident and Health I BUSSELLE A A8PINWALI 222 N. Commercial St. Phone 36. We write Surety Bond. 51a3tf Lost and Found 53 MARRY IF LONELY: JOIN "THE Successful Correspondence Club." Re liable. Description free. Box 556. Oakland. California. 534 LOST OR STOLEN PASS BOOK NO. 87925 of the Foughkeepsie bsvmrs Bank is missing, and payment stopped. Any person making a .claim on it is hervby required to present the Bonk at hsid Rank within 20 days, or aaid Book will be deemed cancelled, and a new duplicate Book Issued to the de positor named therein, or money paid Dated 4-4 1926. 53s4-ll Personal 55 ATTRACTIVE .YOUNG WIDOW WORTH $3,000 will marry. -Write: Club B 1022. Wichita, Kan.- 55A4 LADY WORTH $160,000.00. BEAITl ful home. Deairea saarriage. (Flor ence) Box 100, Detroit, Michigan. ...i, .' 55 A4 HIZZ TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS "It-Is-Wonderful.' ' Free information Address Hiss Co.. Portland. Oregon. 5516-1925 Money to Loan 57 FEDERAL FARM LOANS SA. F. L. Wood. 341 State SI 57mTtf I HAVE MONEY TO LOAN TO ASSIST you ia -buying or building a home or business property in Salem, or to re fund your present mortgage. -No stock to buy. Cbas. Hudkins, orer Millers, Store. Phone 96. 57m26tf Money to Loan 57 LOANS On city property, closed without delay. Reasonable' tw maj Monthly paj uiiaw. State Savings and Loan Association'. 189 N. Hich.- 67apll4 Wanted Loans 59 WANTED Money to loan on good real estate se curity." W. H. GRABENHOSST CO. Realtors. 134 8outh Liberty St. Phone 515. 59mltf Business Opportunities 61 RESTAURANT DOING A FINE BUS- mess, in a good location and will be sold st the right price. See BC8SELLE A ASPINWALL 222 N. Commercial St., Phone 36. 614 Real Estate 63 Own Your Home 25 OR 50 ACRES, 8 MILES OUT, paved road, best soil, buildings, ma chinery, cheap, 1396 No. Front St. ,63a21 CVKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKJO K FOR SALE K K K K K K K K K K Strictly modern house of 5 rooms: 2 more easily finished upstairs. Paved street; cement walks; garage. One block to South Com 'I ear line in South Salem. : Price $5250. Terms Wi G. KRCEGER. 147 N. Com'l St. f3s4 K OKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKO i 1 Investigate OUR NEW E A 8 Y PAY MENT PLAN IN HOME BUILDINO Bulgin & Buigin V 275 Bute St. 63m27tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over 8000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of, property, very price, every location. We eaa match your exchange EXACTLY. If you would like to trade your property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GAS KILL A EARLE. Realtor. 1 Successors to Parker Realty Co. 166 8. Liberty. Phone 3242. MINUTE MOVIES SCORCHING EPISODE- 15 3 LDVE SACRIFICE KEEP VOUR fM, LAtry DIANA -"TO rAORROUJ NWE START IN SEARCH YOUR HVS&AND -n I CAH NO i OMSER DETAIN YOO.ASAINSrHXte I LOVE VOJTOO MUCH tT but youa. Its .. iieO I. Real Estate j X 63 CLOSE IN VALUE A 7 ROOM HOUSE, hath, toilet, light, basement, furnace and fire place. A close in borne, love ly . lot, pared street at tho bargain - prico of $4000 'on tern. A 6 room house, plastered. bath toilet, t light, - lot 60x148 in good order outside and ' in. Near school sad bus Una. $1800, $250 down. A lot for two houses on a corner and ear line, beautiful, .ewk tree,' pared -street and si dews Iks ta, ' site : S4xld0 feet, $850, terms $8O0 ch. See J. A. Mill.. 331Ji State St, . . . ;' 3a7 GOOD WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS, v 83 acres, 27 sere prunes, balance pas tars and garden. Good - 6-room plas tered house like new, prune dryer and barn for $4300.00. $1500.00 down. 165 seres, 100 acres clear, balance . pasture, good bouse and fair hara and ailo, $45 per aero. 173 acre on pared highway, two sets gooi buildings, all ia cultivation, $105 per acre. 370 acres, 820 acres plow land, good :' building, 8 mile from Salem, $50.00 per aero. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 U. 8. Bank Bldg. . Phono 140. 3ltf GENUINE FARM AND HOUSE BARGAINS 40 acres, 21 cleared, the' best of well drained soil. 4 acres good mint land, r 19 acre the best of pasture with some j timber, log house, good new barn, oo fruit bouse, welt fenced, on a main i US road, 10 mile from Salem north, priced finest of running water, ' family or chard, $4850, term. 80 acre good nut and barry land, close to town, want auburban store in Salem. What have youf 1 acre, 4 rooms and nook bungalow, farag, bsm, on the highway, $2200, $1000 cash, balance to suit. 8 rooms, woodshed, fine shade, lot 50x135 feet, $1050, $200 caah, balance to suit. . - - 5- roora new bungalow, woodshed, ewer, city water, light, $1475, terms. 6- room strictly, modern new bunga low. $4250, term. Hudson coach and cash for 4 or 5 room bangalow. SOCOLOFSKY, 341 State. 63a2tf FOR SALE FINE LOT. CLOSE IN, paved street, bearing fruit trees, $1250. Strictly modern new house, close to , Ui State house. $70OO; 7 room bunslow I , paved street, Esst Salem. $5000 ; I Apartment house showing good income j u shuuu: iuu acre farm, mite out. 1 as part river bottom, good buildings, good road, $100 per acre; 700 acre stock ranch. 60 acrea bottom land, 100 un der plow, good buildings, close to Pa cific highway, $30 per acre. F. L. Wood 341 State Street. 63a4tf 1 LOOK Gro4 6-room plastered bouse, snap $1800. 4 room plastered house $1000. 4- room papered house, $800. 5- roora house, large lot, all kinds of fruit, $1750. Any of these houses can be bought with $200 cash, balance like rent. We have a restaurant and a nice lot to trade for 3 or 5 acres. 15 acres improved, want city prop erty. TII0MASON, 331V& State St. 63atf WHY PAY RENT When you can buy a home with a s-aall payment down, balance like rent. 200 down, $15 month. Price $850. House 5 rooms. Snap. $ 800 House and lot or $1150 with 2 lots. $1000 Cozy bungalow, 4 rooms, owner in California. Must sell, sacri fice. If you are looking for a snap see this one. $1550 Cozy 4-room nice lot, $250 essh. If it's home on easy payment See CHILD8 A BECHTEL. Masonic Temple. Phone 1727. 63a3tf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, LOT 17, Block 29, Hot Springs addition, for sale. Make offer. Box 3645, Tampa, Florida. 63A4 FIVE ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. LOT 50x66. $3750. $200 will take auto in trade. 5 room modern house, paved street, B-ange, - $4&0O, $1970 down. Beautiful home on N. Summer street, $17.0O0. Attractive lots and beau tiful home on creek $10,000. Apart ment house furnished. Isree lots, 85800. New 6 room house $3150. will take auto in trade. 5 room house paved street $3000. Spanish stucco. 86OO0. Lots $400 and up. Acreage $2000 and up. We have trades. We Write Fire and Auto Insurance. Let us show you vlues. Gertrude 3. M. Page, 492. N. Cottage St. 634 tf FAIRMOUNT HILL 5 ROOM 8 NEARLY -new home, with ll modern conven ience. $45. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT, 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore gon. 634-tf 2 GOOD SALEM RE8IDENCE PROPER ties valued at $4000, to exchange for close in improved acreage. A. C. BOHRNSTHDT. 147 N. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. 63s4-tf LOTS NORTH. IN PROTECTED home district, $475 on up. Terms. See Laurel Park now. Where Capitol htreet and Fairground road meet. Becke A Hendricks, 169 N. High St. 63a4-tf LO BARGAINS $100 OX UP. AD joining new school south. Terms $10 down, $5 a month if desired. Becke A Hendricks. 189 N. High St. 63a4 tf EASY TERMS. BUY LIKE RENT. NEW bungalow. Cement basement, fire place, furnace. Paved street between Summer and Capital. Would consider car as first payment. 1138 Shipping 63a4 Buy A good stock of groceries nd fix tures, including the delivery truck, for $3500. A fine location. Or You can buy a fully modern 5- room bungalow. East front, large rooms. A good buy at $3H.0. Trade for 80-acre dairy farm. A going concern, 38-head of registered Jer seys. Electrically equipped. 7 rooui houae. Ia a good town. Sell bneaay terms or trade for prop erty in Salem. For $300 down you can buy a fully modern new bungalow in North Sa lem. Price $3000, balance like rent. That Is your loss, if you don't buy be fore farms go up. 22 acres good bottom land, all been in clover at 816O0, $400 down, balance term of years at 6. Farms -s are going ap. A very good 5 acre tract, with building near Sa lem at $5400. or will trade for house in Salem. ' New is the hest time to buy 60 seres seven miles from Salem at $6000. Very easy payment and terms. We write fire insarance in the Com merce Insurance Company of America. ULRICH A ROBERTS 122 North Commercial. Phone 1354. pRD LIONEL IN VAtM FOR THE SEVmLRX I SHOULD POOR DlAN TOR- ME? HIS FRJEND. AVEAR "THE B1S ffALMta EJrisriiGwT . DIANA UES AWAVE , WlNKNCr, OVER. THE -WCREDlBLE-. EVEMT3" OF TW2 PAST , Days '7 . v r 'V aval Real EstateTSCSf OREAL ESTATE-LOAN8-INSURANCEO HOME BARGAINS $1650 Attractive four-room homo with fireplace, well locat ed in 8. Salem. Small pay-' nent down, balance like rent. $2650 New four-room homo with fireplace, oak floors, ce ment porch, paved street, cement walk in, new and . ready to occupy. Let a show you this bargain. $150 down balance like rent. $1850 Good four-room home lo cated on paved St. Terms $1600 Four-room hoffie located on paved street. A real t-uy: $300 down, balance $20 per month. $3860 New four-room home with basement .furnace, fire place, well located in North Salem. $300 down, balance terms. or will take car aa first payment. $3500 Fire-room home with base ment, furnace, fireplace, located close in on North Liberty street. Now rent ed for $85 per month. $500 down will handle. ' $3500 4-room home with base ment, located 5 blocks from Ladd AV Bush bank. Will exchange as part pay ment on larger house. $3100 9-room home locsted at 996 S. Commercial St. in come $34 per month. Terms cssh. Invest your money in Salem property 83500 New five-room home lo cated on paved street with basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot : $250 down will handle. See us. today. $2700 Good four-room home lo cated on Ksinnount hill. $500 down, balance terms. $3700 7-room home paying good income located at 360 N. 12th street. $1000 down balance $25 per month. $4250 New Spanish stucco home located on N. Summer St. Immediate possession, easy terms. $4200 6 -room home well locnted on N. Cottage St. Mod ern with 'basement, fur nace, fireplace. "$420O 7-room home well located on S. Liberty St. near Lincoln srhool, terras. Lot 75x162 feet. $5500 Attractive nine-room home in the best of shape with garage, paved street, fine view on Fairmonnt hill, Vt cash balance terns. If you want a real buy here it is. $5600 Nearly new stucco home, 5 rooms well locsted on Fairmouni hi'... modern in "every way. $500 down balance $50 per month in cluding interest at $8500 New attractive stucco home 6 rooms, well located on Fairuiount Hill. SEE US FOR BARGAINS. Let Us Write Your Fire Insurance W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS. 131 N. Liberty Street. 0 I m i i Co n h A n M 0 so 01 H K 03 0 a u x as I 0B "if. 9 H tn u Ed Si 0 w OREAL ESTATE-LOANS INSCRANCEO SACRIFICE BARGAINS 5-rocrm furnished Bungalow North Salem, $2400, good terms. 7-room furnished bungalow, largo lot, garage fruit, nice location $3500 easy terms. 7 H -acre suburban close in .nice bungalow and other bldgs. Fine soil, $5500, terms. 2 H -acre suburban, close in, 4-room bungalow, snap, $2000, terms. Fine, well improved, 138 river bottom farm. 100-aerea in cultivation, good lo cation, $100 per acre, good terms, take city property. 2 all modern 5-room bungalow large lota close in, clear $7500 for equipped farm. " For real bargains see ns. PERRINE A MARSTERS 212 Com. Club BAg. 63m31tf : OLOANS AND FIRE INSURANCEO a? SOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT K 2 SMALL SUBURBAN ACREAGE f 50 -down and balance $10 per month will buy a fine 4 acre W 00 building site on N. 21st street, 2 s city water. Price $600, inter- est 6. H $100 down and balance $20 perR month will buy a fine 2 aere W tract located on Market and o 5 20th street. Will cut into lots. c. A fine suburban home site. oo Price $2000. interest 6. 00 U 25 down and balance $10 per, j month will handle a fine tract on the Portland road containing-; g nearly V4 acre. Price 8800. in tereet 6. g At 50 down and balance $10 per V month will handle 2V4 acres lo- f cated near the Portland road 2 on gravel road. Price bl25u, 4 fc; interest . x $ 70 down and balance terms wtll J buy 1 40-100 acre tract on thJ r Willi iSIITCI Wll V.U Hill I O I M m t . i. - , X - r: W main from the fair trrounds. Price $700, interest 6. ' $87.50 down and balance $10 per 0? month will handle a fine 2 V4 pj - acre tract located aorth an CM close in. Price $875, interest M 6. V 10 down and balance $10 pern m month will buy one of those fineco V; 10 acre tract located south and P close to the Skyline orchards, .4 Q first class walnut, filbert sndw " fruit landll cultivated. Price $1250, interest 6. g H$200 down and balance term will handle a fine 5 acres 1 all in V! fruit and small buildings, lo-90 U cated south and close to paved rood. Price $2500. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. Real-2 U tors 134 S. Liberty 8t. 5 w 63.2OL0AN8 AND FIRE INSURANCEO NEVER HAVE QrVEM TTHAT MAP TC KEEP; PJ WHAT IN THE T f JJORLD 13 ) VWTH ME ? I '.SHOULD BE HAPPY NOUI-BaJT rrr" $150 AND MOVE INTO FURNISHED house in Portland, balance $25. month. BUSSELLEVA ASPINWALL 221 Xi Commercial 8t, , Phone -86. '- ' :y , - 68a4 FOR. SALE NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW large, attic, double eonstruetioa, mod ern except heat, 4 'lots 17 fruit trees. '191 Roaemoht Ave- West 8alens. - 63mayU ... THE BEST BUY 4- i Modera home on State St. Oefttr leav ing the city. Must sell at a sacrifice. Prico $75O0. Oaly $3500 rsh will handle deal. Strictly modern 7 room. Largo lot. Ideal location. This horn is well built, donbhj constructed best material. Was built for a home by owner. . If interested in a real homo take a look at 1765 Sta St. or see Childs A Brchtet. Masonic Ten: pie, will how you this home. 633tf . :m 72 ACRES IHVWALDO H 11.18 OJ paved road. 8 mile out of Salem. No building. All in -rop looking good. Possession in 30 days. Price $85.00 per acre, good term on bal ance. 25 ACRES 8ilverton road district abont 6 miles nut. 5 room house, barn and ahod. New chicken house. 8 acres in .cultivatioa, 6 .acres timber, bal ance paature. A good buy for $4000.00 halt cash. 8 ACRES of view property, asnall build ings, closa in aad only $150OO0 VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 No. Com'l 8L Pkon 677. 68ml 4tf 8TORE AND SHOE SHOP BUILDING on corner, living rooms in 'addition' $2250. Will take lot or ear part pay ment. 4 room new 'house, bssemenf, south $2600. Strictly modern new house, east, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, excellent construction,. $4200. Modern home Oaka -Addition, stucco, some very unusual features, corner lot, oak tree. $17,000. WINNIE PEXTYJOHN. Realtor 2' 6 Oreeon Bldg. 63a4 tf Real Estate Trades $5 TRADE SMALL PORTLAND HOME for business in Salem up to $1500. BUSSELLE k A8PfNWALL 222 N. Commercial St., Thone 36. All Kinds of Insurance I Surety Bonds! 65a4 FOR SALE OR TRADE acre fine land, near Fair ground stores, covered with cherries and loganberries. Fine building site. Good terms. $600. rite-room house, paved street, ce ment walks, all in good shape. $1900. Four-room house. South Liberty street. Street sll pare. Lot 75x143. Fine location. Price $3200. Terras. Eight-room house. Highland avenue. with seven lots. Fine location paved street, lots covered with fruits of all kinds. All Eatt front. Price S250 Fine apartment house. Will take rood house in city as Dart payment Income over $200 per month. Price $18,000. 40 acres highly improved, not too far from Salem. .New six-room bouse, all plastered, good barn, 36x40, wood shed and cellar, plenty of fruit, consisting of prunes, apple, walnuts, etc. Mostly bottom land. Cash, sen 8..o. Five-room house, basement, lights water, etc Gravel street, close to nsvement Price 12100. VTen fine acre close to Salem, seven- room house, electric lights, good barn chicken house, good cellar, good well. May take some trade, frice f 7500. A large number of lots running from $250 to $1200. For farm snd city loans, see me la&t. G. W. .LAFLAR. .410 Oregon Bldg. 65a4 'MUTUAL EXCHANGES' Wfc ARE qualified to effect SATISFACTORY exchanges according to acientifie meth ods. If you wish to EXCHANGE VOW, come in and see us. FRUIT fsrm, 20 acres, bearing, ideal condl tion. Due to illness owner will ssc rifiee on Salem borne. Take this now and reap a neat income from this year crops. POOL room for residence or farm to $5000. WILLAMETTE vl -ley farms for any good property or eastern Oreron wheat farm. TV small farms for timber. SEVERAL city lesidencea for small acreage-, one modern and new will consider close acreage unimproved. IF, it is farms, city or business property or car to ex change let us MAKE it for you. "SATISFIED SERVICE." is oar .mot to. TRIANGLE REALTY OOMFANl. 213 North Liberty St., Phone 651. 654-tf Real Estate Farms 67 FOR SALE 40 ACRES OF FINE LAND 8 miles from Salem. $10,000. John H. Scott, 305 Oregon Bldg. 674 FOR SALE OK TRADE Stocked .and equipped dairy farm 64 acres, crop all in, $9600; will take house in Salem as part. See us for small acreage as well as for large, farms. If you have anything to sell or trade let us Know about it. SALEM REALTY CO.. 462 State St. 67a4-tf HERE IS A MIGHTY GOOD BUY IN A 32 acre farm in good farming district, losrans. strawberries, and walnuts on the place, has house, barn and good water, enough timber for your wood for years. Good terms. WE HAVE severs! good farms to trade for Salem property. Bl SSELI E & ASPINWALL 222 N. Commercial St. Phone 36. 67a4 FARpViS FARMS FARMS We have some of the best farm bar gains in the valley. Large and small ones. 165 acres, fair bttrgs., stock, crop and implements. Price $100 per acre. Terms. ANOTHER ONE 1 10 acres, 130 acres in crop, good bldgs. Price with stock, crop and im plements $140 per acre. FINE HO ACRE DAIRY FARM All cultivated, fine buildings, on paved road; a real farm for $16,000. Will take city property as part pay. For farm bargains, hiec CHILDS 4 BECHTEL Masonic Temple. Phone 1727. 673tf IF LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN CAN MAKE MOSEY HERE 1000 acre wheal farm; stocked and equipped ; in irood wheat section near lone, Oregon. Price rut to $26 an acre and will con Kider clear valley farm any terms on Us lance. Keltsie Devi a. Mount Hood. OreEon. 67s4 Real Estate Suburban 69 MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 18 1-aere lot, plotod ready to build on each tract. Paved highway, elose to City limit and car line. Oaly $350 per acre. Best opportunity for in vestment around Salem. .Contractor and buildera you had better look at this. tor bargain and exenange in anything sea Barber, 200 Gray Bldg. - 8m25tf OF SHEIK EL . HAXARt, LAW tHANA CALLS iN THE HAHD- SOME BAHDfT -: I TO WE-R TemT VHtLE EL HA2ARD t BURNING- .HOPELESS WVW.'i SttSOUTSDE?"HS TENT.XmMr a.li STTiKT V4AREiTi,r ARB 'CREEPING- .EAr- JBAREr. Wanted Real Estate 71 WANTED-vra HEAR FROM OWNER of farm or mmproved land for aale. O. K. Hawley. Baldwin. Wis. 71 A4- : Automobiles Wanted 77 CASH ' PAID FOR FORDS EDXER 77ml2tf Auto Oo. Used: Cars for Sale 79 See MacDonald USED "-'OAR BARGAINS ,1924 Overland roadster $275.00 1919 Ford Touring .$ 75.00 1921 CteveUnd Touring $400.00 1924 Ford Coupe .$395.00 Franklin Touring $550.00 Dodge Touring . $ 75.00 Chevrolet Touring $ 75.00 We have many other good hays, doa't fail to- see them, convenient aad liber al terc, made. . MacDonald Auto Co. CoHare and Ferry Fts. Phone 409. MarmoD Willys Knight Overland 79ltf 1M Stn4efcee Brtecial Six . U00.00 1925 Packard Touring $1850.00 1921 Pierce Arrow 8edan 1 0O.O0 1923 Cadillac Phaeton $2650.00 4 Pass. Lincoln Phaeton $2000.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Call 1995.- Ask for Mr. Olaen. 79m30tf We have a very large and select ' stock of both open and closed ears. " And if you re ia the market for a good used car, in justice to yourself you can't afford to not look them over. - .Ford tourings...... $25 to $225 Ford Coupes. .. $250 to $450 Ford Tudor sedan $475 Chevrolet J $ 50 to $350 Overland . $ 50 to $750 Bniek .. ; $100 to $550 Oldsmobile Coupe $550 Hudson Speedster $470 New Overland Sedan, license and equipment. ...$750 . Cash Term Trad F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 CADILLAC HUDSON ESSEX T9M2sft Hiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1925 Tourmg . 1924 Coupe , Ford Red ..... 1925 Roadster 1925 Touring . 1925- Coup . - $335 . $335 $345 . $345 325 $455 54 other cars tn Stock complete.. choose, from. Some as low a $45.00 . EJKEH AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79m23tf Reliable " Used Cars W hive a complete stock of good fetandatd ftnake at all times. It will ay yon. to look them over before you uy, - . Fred M. Powell Motor Cars 850 Hi High. Telephone 2126. 79mUtf L?ok- to, Yonr Fo Dealer- for Best Used Fords 1922 Tract, stake body, cab, pneumatic tires. 1922 ToBflng,"new tires, lot of extras. 1923 Roadster, $45 worth of extras. 1 92 t Coupe. Old Delivery cars, very cheap. 1923 Chevrolet Coupe. 1924 Star Roadster. 1924 Star Sport Touring. We will aacrifice these last 3 cars. Valley Motor Co. Salem, Oregon, 79a4tf Rebuilt Used Cars 1920 Ford touring. 1921 Dodge touring. 1922 Chevrolet touring. 1923 Chevrolet coupe. These cava are completely overhauled new paint, good rubber and are priced for quick sale. Newton Chev. Co. 525 Chemeket. Phone 1000. 794-tf Spring Fever Brings tht irresistsble DESIRE AND J often time NEED for a good DEPENDABLE Used Car ASK ANY OF OUR MANY FRIENDS Here are a few of our present good values: 1920 Chevrolet touring, good buy .$ 75 Maxwell touring, 1923, 2 new tires, good top, upholstery. new paint $350 19. '4 Oldsmobile Coupe. A 1 condition, tires and mechani cal new paint .$550 Ford Sedan, license, overhauled Kood tires - $15o Dodge Delivery, all reserviced $150 Velie Touring, a knap $125 Hupp Touring. 1920 $285 Ford Touring. See it, new tires $185 Republic Truck. 1 Vi ton $825 Dodge Touring $275 BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. "Under the Big Tent" Center and Com'l Sts. 79m31 Vick Bro's. Used Cars These ears are in fine condition and priced to sell. 1 Oakland 1926 Coupe. 1 Oakland 1924 Touring. 1 Oakland 192,3 Tourins. 1 Overland Champion Sedan. 1 4 door 1925 Ford Sedan. 1 Overland 1924 Rtadhter. 1 Overland .1924 Touring. 2 Ford 1923 Coupes. ' 1 BuicV 1920 Touring. We have a - few- cheap cars that are Just whet yan need for your fishing trip. Be sure to see us before buying- , ' OAKLAND AND PONTIAC Vick Bros. High Street "at Trad. . Telephone 1841. . : - , , 796 " ' r.a'r . I vIStCH SWO0LO iMTteST V I f sTebl 1 w f 1" - 1 iVw . . f5skV f Rctuuri j w ; if j K i i t - "f 1 ; CUSSlHEP'BuSiN Of. Reliable BtIiie8 'and IfcQnat ijras lArrd In' j -; AlphAbctical 43rdcr ftitv Quick Befewiwce;.': , ' AMSTJUsSOB GOLDEN AMBULANCE- PHONES 608 and 883-R. Day or -night-sarrica. f!4tf ATJ0TXOXES1S ! F. N. WOODRY Salem's f Leading Export Livestock, Fur niture aad Real Estate Aactioaeer aad Appraiser. Re, and Store, 1618-JT. Summer Street. Faono oil rnr o 'e uim Established Siaea 1816 . 6tf I AccotnrrAMT G. ED. ROSS, ACCOWTANT 1 AND Aud itor, all to out, rsoat wo-. al7-'2 ' BATTEKT" AJTD BlJSCTRIClAiri R. D. BARTON EXIDE .BATTERIES, starter and goaarator work; 171 South Commercial .-.. !,- Cjpim Phono 18 COURT ST. JOV WILLIAMS BXCTCl8 AND REPAIRIM0 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA Bi cycled and repairing; 887 Court. p CHIMB SB REMEDY . i. L. DICK L. M. HUM . Chinas. 'Mediein ComDny TT.ln known diseaae. 420-426 Stat. : SOtf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO. CHIROPRACTOR 258 N. High. .Phona saa-K or oi. tt n ornwrr.T.r). PALMER CHIROPRUC tor. 328 Oregon Bldg. Phone mn't DRESSMAKTIIU MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, buttons. Koom iu, over u- ler's Store. Phone 117. ELECTRICIANS FLEENRR ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by hour or contract, catimatee furnished. Fbone 8D ni wn as. FARM FA7FB v n TTAtt txt i vt rr n Tvr txtv t ar " 'a ' Vhe" PseT?u NEW. MODERSV "M. Hom-sVesd. silem. Oreg-i. for a three rlTl- MM1. 81 ' month' trial .uhscription. Mentis. '&r?ZW&- mill BltAe I 4k 80 A taaeai m . ' . -V 2, ' I KCIOn mafWt' w . - m POULTRYMEN SEND FI0HI, 960 . PARR18H itrast- WeptioniVrw eent stamp for special threa month I HodttiL iTg tana,bet trial for the best and oldest Journal in the west. Th articlei and. adver tisements ar of tecil interest to the I Northwest Poultry Journal, til Com-1 FIKANCIAXi , I TO LOAN ON BA-1 block, and aoart-l INSURANCE MONEY lent homes, business went ; houtesi Schneider-Bell Oo-, 17 North Commercial St. .Room 4W. Phone FOR SALK-f-FlRST AND'STSOOND Mnrt- FARM LOANS ' FLENTY OF MDNEY to loan an food I Arm eeunty. OTTY LOANS Wa are loaning ' Prn dential Insurance Cempaay money on city at A FLORISTS etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Fa'trgrWind t.:i r-! soon H.'R Rotd, Tat. 1280. UT FLOWERS,' WEDDING BOUQUETS Funeral wreath, decorations. C. F. Breithupt, . florist, 123 N. Liberty. Phone 880. tNSTJRASCE Insure Your home or car now : Phohe 161 BECKE HENDRICKS Heilir Bide. 189 N. Hich St. Jt-tf an 1 11 aa LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY -268 8. High street. Phona 28. oldest, larg- I est and best. Established IboW. TRY THE HOME WET WASH LAUN- dry. ; Phone 171. 1858 B Street. JlTtl CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Phone 185. Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264, Broadway. j!4tf LADIES' TAILORING D. H. jMOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Court St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding Co.. 119Q North Canitol. Called for aad delivered. All work ruaranteed. Pbon 18. fl9tf MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phhaa SIT-W. i JCTJSIO STORES fiF.O. O. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machine. heet music and niann atndie. ReDairm phono graph and sawing machines, 432 8t,U street. Salem. NEW BP AFSBS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. Tel.' 999. THE OREGON STATESMAN, 50 CENTS per i month delivered to your aem early each morn inr. - Tel. 23 or 868. p HTJR8ERY STOCK " FttUIT. ' NUT AND SilADE TREES. V FACXOid Ayp'BglFPINO TOR EXPERT FCBNrrURB PACKING and i shipping, call Stiff 8 Famitar Store. - Phone 94l ' ' --.-- Buy el Want At Pays Big CuleWm net 6 M ' CSftf qAWx6if&X J6FidlFHdNl Hem Rldg 189 N. High St. W M.y 7- r..V ; . ' ' ;-' . ; - v ll i FOi OOttD SOiTENOt S t ftTtCE Can ' resiaenee ana ouine proper iy. wi--, n jrvrxm-rTTirwrt B T-LoTff 5H.,plna a eanastaaion. nawaina 1 .i. :.V ArSlilii Roberta, Inc., 205 Ofegon JJnJ wing. i-f Z-nV 'vT '.7s 'r.7, aBMHBaaaa!rassrarwi"" I mmilm&iBmmmmmmm&&miaimUmmma VT S A. MAFlDt SOME BURIED n...s raJ XT" -TUTS NCn? fp A- i, 4- FAFsaHiJs'arjra axo tAarxxm PHOJB GLENN ADAMS FOB tauCSK decorstiag. paper hangiag. tiBUsg, ate. Reliable workman. H v BS3aaHKsMSswBtasssHamBBsnBSMBsnBaa EDWARD VELPZXPERTINCtD Ptaa taaer JLaveorder j1, M",'gl."Tj- FOR aTATtONEBYl CADSr AMPlf: let, program, honks aw ay:kiat Briatiec. -Call at the-Stt5rran Print . Ut. DepfrtmeV 'lf . ssiaareial PLUMBING AND fltNERAL lUFAIiJ, work. : Grahar Bra. 14 . UoortT Phoeo $50. - ; i . flntt ADI0 t. SPUTDORF RAWO:- SALS ANt I W - . , RErWCB . Si K beltar radio ada l .if prieo, ' ' A 1--' :ivi. -'.C 1 - - i ' i-t Hlg aa TradAv TadiOiasfc. Fsw BrerV, FupdaaErary'Fnrta 19 fUBdAriVBUag f Rsii Tvba i , HALTS F0FF ELECTRIC SHOP, $37 Oowrt PL -ho 48 ' ' ' .. BJBA& SIT ATS 4 : - i 1 . IF tOTf HAVB PROpifeRTY TO , 8LL ir i( yon are ioo.i . r m . ; Or buiB property. e -v, i ? BECKS A HENDRICKS - 189 N. Hlrh St.. -H.IIif Bldg, 8f : BS9SSSBSSaSBSS9BSaBBBBaBBBWJM9BWJiaBBBSSWaSWBS REAL ESTATE WOBTR DOUBiB. THB JPIICg-4 to atrea Mar nortB' city limits toa . oes macadam spad and Oregon tleetrif. $1400. onayXtarnsaor le. of. caah. . con.t ruction ; - beautiful 4 itmvtilutt, , $&7o: 50: term; "; t f , 1 Aad l.'.Bloek $,Bftawfror ' af 0 4nd 1 61 It each 68x87 1. price f $40 and J700.. Fiae ioAtii"'ja grow; sAello. Nertll front aof pa vi atraou. aci8.f r'iV; .-; 1- TTiBDhooHilntalM-io h Lc eased , rifke.JatktnA al.'i-:v ? '1 4 vritttH oBuUfai Bid, LT8i, . If . ffTi VT V -V ' IfflVTWimU r-i 4 W.w..f7-. in!, ?0 Vf : - ? 1 .l , 1 , ,, ,. ii 11 f t. WE NOTE' STORE' A9D Blilr MOIBI ld good. Our aoecinltr la Piano anl fur tutor 8Mvfnlf, W Uo-aafcs eaua try trips W Aandla th heat al anf toed. Call ma for arte, W gin: ' od Bteasura. food duality d o, servle. Lannar Tfanifsr Co. iHieo 931 . - - -11 1 CAPITAL CTTY TRANSFER X-" 2 ; Biiw ds. i-none wo a. ymnrausfi'.' warding ghd toraga out nssialty. Of our rate. - j - . WELL BSXU4V0 i R. A. West, Rt. 6. Box 108-E. Phono HOF5. 2 mile east on Garden read. WATER t - -w SALEM WATER, LIGHT POWER CO. 4iUte SO south contmaretai rt. las per coat diteouat on domestic flat rata paid la advaaea. dedaetiog tor absenc or any eua. htues watat U bnt off yaT premise. . " - TRAVEL ". 1 - ' " K Safely. 8wift!y. aal Cotnf ortahly 18 bate of -tad Parker Staff Llnaa. f . Btage iev8 for ' i J C Bllverton f a. n It Sr atj 5 p. am. Mt. Angel U 8. S 9X m. Dall 7 a. aw 8 a. nv, 11:28 a. as, 8:IO : n 8:18 p. aa. J ; 4 f" Falta Citg 7 a m J;l t. a; "6:15 p.aa. . ji . .- s Iadepeadaca 7 a. pn t "8,a, v litis a. tn 8:10 p. mjlS a. am. Sunday" only 8:80 p. m.- - . Menmoath 7 a. ar.. 11;1S h. nv.i 8:10 p. at 8:15 p. am. f Sunday aaly, 4 7:10. p.-m., 8:80 p, mm.-- ' MeMinaville 8:80 a. am, S:18-p. u.,' ' 5j15 p.s ta. .-- - . . :- ; 1 . i Jtewbarr 8:80 . 8 81IO p. an-'. - 8:18 p. am. . - . ; - . ?J ' -t -Tillamook 8: 8f a. 8:10 p. Call .822. or 8 . for laforajatioo. ; t ; . , . , - d-3r WOOI) BIDS INVJTEP I . . . J t. A..rf - - " - -- t r 1 . TAIrla. r' triwttArl fnf tti8 fnrn- 1 .f - I iAi... p.hw.i v-H.iinf1 e a - 1 7- ll ..v 1-A' : 1 a.ruin,coi4ai7 .yiesur wilu wvum ; I - gefioof YRr 12 l-t1i the tovd ir idb4.'fd of flr eUB of big seconditTOWth tti The . estimated adirftrBt- for.-thA MYeral ; cbqdls mre: toHotr8 1 ; t v 1 Higil fcfchdoi Z'if &ZLiMor&9 Gri!snti-rC--i cords nzlochti:z.t.Ziji T0 cords t4nccinA...Atp tsords iLreirivilB. r. - fa cards 7.0 cords i tffvaaiMvf -r Richmond V. -C'i -kr n.0 cords . i m m jr as m t t j m ' t r sAA'a -t f i ". l: I I T. , BlBtV Bc4f nger' CUAuajna . ana GfclHeld cords HUthlahi zsi&U-.Z. 5 eords n A - cerjlflte!. jpaeck t lu per ceot of ifae juRottBtpoXrach hid mufct 8ccotBpvay.VsicR bids thf Birte -being- Addressed. In Plata eHYe1ops: marked f Bld8 t otrWooa." and ad dreBSwd th 7. H Borir4t, clerk; 3Tl;'BtaU slrecl.-Alem, Oregon. , fbId8jwyLJe-jB?ened at the regular nieethT ot'thi j school txfatd orf , April Ui;ilfc Th rilht td reject -aar aod.Ailjhids Is resurred.!" it.Vr.'"!! ? risigned) Wth fitHGIUitDt. .f mwlr--- Clerk.. ' i -CV S,-ti.' .vvrtja" Ri.ke la.'tttilte; t CaSe"artrot;;iL-s.i t-ik Increases ' capital stock frcra ' r t f 'I I50! V . i