The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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    f 4 .
nf fr Nnlan's idea. I
P. W: Steusloff buys acre lot lo
cated North from R. B. Walsh.
Consideration $800.
A.'Senke buys the Adam Enrel
home located, on 5th. and Hood
streets. Consideration $8300.
Adam Engel bays fine building
lot located In Parrish Grove from
Henry Lee. Consideration $1500.
will here insert his fourth hint:
(This is; a clipping i from the
San DiCgo ;Sun of Feb. 13, out
lining a' widening of street? and
with new; bridges' ana new parks,
that would cost many millioiia of
dollars, and cannot be well under.
" (Continued .on Vf l -
Colonial Bwelling Pleasing
- . . .
Walls Will Be Poured Before
End of Coining WeekJs
increasing Activity Seen in
Report of Local Real
' tors' Day - ' '
r (Continued from paga 1.)
other Improvements, especially
- " ' - - !V i ' r A . -n - I
-X.-: v. M" lilt Tl i n r 4lln i - 1 t I k-s TV 9L I
1 t - . I . . I ."a U L 1 l' I U'. i
pUH PHOT LIYlliq- tODK- j tjp
ft i eiepnope lu ' v
R id W RoofiLends Attrad
V . iyTouchtoGra-" ,
if: ?-:Rrfn:R4inHJno-&
1 Uppl Jcitiqn ,jl Hie f final dash
Jxwkf Ta stucco to) the ' front4 and
-w4str side fMUrofh8,iVAlteHa
ouiiaing'iiaa oeen completed. The
!huildlniE U nndlsi'eoAarnctioai on
vt;nter street, beti
Liny;trBt. . T
iJight gray-green.
n Hlgnt
stucco is a
U.. red tfle roof for, the front
,.leda an attractive touch to the
btdWtotv'TnV wll, wab con-jsttneted-
bf hollow flile, V as , it Is
rjpllnired U ete'nQ ejbu31din to
tnjii topie Jbi rigaJidV' Center
stet8,iir Jhearytutur?eL Th
Ailvarailf haa bni tjBawlth
.gjliala- - :&MX
Ji Latberar were, at work during
?th;Iasfr jjartrorUie wek, and
lahlas M?etrptW;taJaen
rcohiletedThareJis vxh.ll aux-
lUfry bnlldtog :jns to the 1 rear of
Th ajn JtrdIni. JThia jwill be
ae3 ;ot''"; uysln gj xaachlnerjy. 1 .
Some, grtt obstmction aronnd
. nrlIch, tttldej' mast, flow ; The
piours of- the tidSsskhowv titat they
plow; tta circles of "the Siberian
t .coast arojind'to'AJaska.lbhlBg aer
ent boyrst'eartler-at Benpe'tt-Jsland
thin I'd! TifiBajrow ; -f-
" ? 1 rtt. r evidiace? of ?laiid; to the
no-th v. ytni5he, JMrvCllarris,
itojnt-- v ct.. fax JJa f Wn Uhat
. 4h Lra.rprt aea,rtaal3ra;clo
- .d; 1:to" UiVnorthEOd eastward.
Ic4 does .not drfft IrueJy ,to die
northward. It seems caught
In a pocket, and is of remarkable
thickness and age. Northeast
winds wijl - dive the ice f to the
westward, but there ta little or no
movement of r the ice when the
wind blows from the west.
-uMr;! Harris cited the accounts
and papers of the navy, page 162,
volume-42 1854, which describes
how the tides are .affected by the
wind at Elson's Bay, east of Point
Barrow. When the wind was from
the east or northeast there was
scarcely any rise in tide, but with
the wind blowing a gale from' the
southwest the tide sometimes rose
three and a half feet. The infer
ence of Mr Harris drew wa that
the unknown coastline wa not
greatly distant from the north
coast of Alaska, making a pocket
in which the tides pile up.
: Driftwood carried by ice cur
rents i also .gate f eyidence; little
driftwood being found as far east
of the moqth of the Mackenzie
river at Coronation Gulf. Virtu
ally none had. bee'nlfo'und along
Banks Island; :
f . That. the Beaufort sea" is an ice
trap' is -indicated by the observa
tions of-several explorers. -Osbora
described It as follows:
MIce' of stupendous thickness
and in extensive floes, some seven
or eight miles in extent, was seen.
The surface of it was flat, such as
we see in Baffin Strait and the ad
jacent seas,, hut rugged wKh; ac
cumulated how,frost and thaws
of centuries,'? ' " M 2. .
. Important ! evidence! alsot was
furnished by the drifting of the
ill-fated Jeanette- sunk, in ,18$ a
after it had been' deserted by CajK
tain ,Dlong,: ,who wlth. hia . crew
froze to death-; i' vV:;f-.
" The Jeanette. beeam 9 Jodged: In
the ice at ' .: a point , northeast f
Wrangell Island and drifted west
erly," going to pieces northwest of
Bennett Island. - , fcI "
i The; Pram, .Hansen's - ship, be
came icebound northwest of Ben
5 Th acoothpanytng plan for , a
Dutch colonial ' bouse poBsesses
dignity and charm and offers
every-, facility for comfortable lir
ing Its simple exterior lines may
be strengthened by a well de
signed chimney and its attractive
ness enhanced by wall plantings.
The entrance leads to a good
sized reception hall," with a coat
closet, openings to all parts of the
lower story and a stairway leading
to three chambers on the jupper
LlVlnV room and son room, ex
tending across the front of the
house, are excellently well lighted
and the atmosphere of good cheer
Is accentuated by the wide fire
place at the end of the oblong
living room.
Dining room, kitchen and break
fast room are arranged to advan
tage and an entrance leads at
grade from the outside to the fear
hallway and basement Btairs.
' ' The hon 8 as planned would
. look well .on a corner site, though
I r it f 9 adapted to almost any: good
location-"-" t - ' - :
S'..-. , n.Hi .,. . . . - 4-
inine" upper story are "tnfee
good siied bedrooms and a bath
room; besides plenty of closet
space." ,
Salem, Oregon
netr island ana arutea in a gen
eral cdurse toward the Greenland
sea,' showing a sharp turn In the
ocean current northwest ef Ben
nett-Island. Mr. Harris-believed
this Indicates the point of a large
body of land extending down to, a
point not far from Bennett Island,
deflecting the ocean current south
ward. He also claimed that the
unknown land cannot extend much
beyond the pole, or it would have
deflected the current in which the
Fram drifted. ,
At the same time, he believed
the undiminished tide at Bennett
Island Indicates a fairly narfrow
channel along which Nansen trav
eled.' ,- . . i i
The division of ocean currents
in the eastern section Of the Beau
fort sea, . one "current flowing
northeastward and the other west.
ward ralso indicate a large ob
struction to the north In Mr. Har
rls' opinion. ' !
Mr. Popeand others supporting
his- expedition, feel that in these
reason thejr nave sufficient evi
dence of a, polaf continent to justi
fy thefr exploration. .
Michigan rid Hen Better h ;
Than Average Men Scholars
"ANN : AltfiOR- Class room In
telligence is an asset In football,
grades of the University, of Micht
gaa, football - team for the first
sethesierj of ' the prsent.iichool
ywrdisclwr'vi,' i
The .team that-won her. Cham p
lonship of the Big Ten- was eight
points better 1 In; scholarship than
the averaige Jf Mlcnigin meft I ;v 1
All men who played more than a
h alt Tn. conference games attained
ant average grade for the semester
of vsl.8. -The ; average 'grade "of
men inf - the- University 'last' year
was .73.4. .
.The 'substitutes., aa, represented
by eleven of the twenty-five men
getting leters, were slightly below
the general etudentjavejir.. j,
" t ' ' ' s t
, W. H- Grabenhorst & Co. report
niany eal, estate, aalea. ,r -s vv
Lawrence Bach employed at the
Bishop Clothing Store, buys fine
building lot located on East Lin
coln from Cuyler VanPattea. Con
sideration $1000.00.
Adam Engel buyB building' lot
from C. W. Barker. Consideration
Wiiliam Dumphrey purchases
house and two lots on S. 25th
street from Avis Martin. Consid
eration $1000.
A. Schendel buys a fine 2-aere
tract located on the main Silver
ton road in Scott acres. Consider
ation $910.
. J. A.j Baker buys the Emma
Hurst homelo6ated 9. Coqamer-'l
ctal and Lafelle streets Consider-
Carrie O'Neill boys a, fine 5-acre
home , located South of Salem .; i
the Grabenhorst Fruit Farms
from Jennie Sealey. Consideration
. Earle Morphew buys a fine ac
reage building site located on the
Portland highway from Dr. Beech
ler. Consideration $800.
Ethel Folger buys home on S.
Commercial street. Consideration
,W. R. Speck buys three fine lots
1n the Rosedale Addition from F.
W. Steusloff. Consideration $1800.
D. W. Pugh buys fine lot locat
ed in Pleasant Home Addition
from the Noble Estate. Consider
ation $500.
Henry ' Lee buys the Mary
Goughneour property located on
D street. Consideration $5500. Lf
W. M. Pickell buys the Guy
Boyce home located at 1795. S.
High street. Consideration $3500.
R. C. Churchill buys fine lot on
the corner of 2 0th and Court
street from Dr. Findley. Consid
eration $1000.
Sam Adolph buys two. fine lots
located on the corner of E. Lin
coln and S. Commercial streets
from ftuyler VanPatten. Consider
ation $2000.
Harry Hawkins buys business
location on North Liberty street,
expects to build in the future.
Wm. B. Mbotry .buys new 4
room bungalow located on N. J.Sth
street in the Kay, Addition. Con
sideration $2650, 0.
. Ada E. Jory buys two fine lots
located in Nob Hill overlooking
the. city.. Consideration $1200.
Anna G. MIcke buys, modern
home on Marion stret'rom R. P.
Riggs, "' Consideration $4000. .
G, KLorfeln buys 6-room house
N., Commercial street from Frank
Loose.' Consideration $ 5.0 0 0. '
J. A. Baker sells bis home prop
erty on thejcorner ,of Center and
N. Liberty streets to local parties
"for an investment. Consideration
$16,000. -
: Jack Barry buys two lots locat
ed In Tew park, expects to build.
Consideration $500. J
All the Rent Receipts
in the World
Won't Pay for
a Home
' V
if n . . jr--
for 'Water in that basin, namely,
taVsan Diego river, which has not
the v' past winter, received water
enough to well wet up the sand
in its bed. In times of heavy rains
this, river pours a large volume of
water into Mission Bay. No doubt
the question rises in the reader's
mind "why in the world don't
they tap the San Diego river?
Why did they not do so long ago?"
A very legitimate question not
easily answered.
Some sixty years ago, a poor,
barefoot boy was selling papers
on the streets of the little village
of San Diego, with a small popu
lation of Spanish. Mexicans and
Americans. I cannot follow up the
history of the- industrious and
frugal lad. whose name was
Fletcher, or "Fletchy." as they
then called him, but now he is
known as Mr. Fletcher and Is
matching his powers with that of
the city of San Diego. Mr. Fletch
er, is one of the principal owners
in a water company which many
years ago tapped the San Diego
river and took out a small quan
tity of water for Irrigation pur
poses. This company has had for
many years the undisputed right
to draw away water from the
river. I think they also claim to
be successors to the first man who
ever tapped the river. Well what
of it? That is what they have been
trying to find out for several
year, or ever since San Diego has
been awake to the fact that tbb
city must have the San Diego river
or call a halt on the growth of
population and .manufacturing.
Well-, what is the contention? It
is this: That the attorneys for the
city claim that the Fletcher com
pany, is entitled only to the num
ber of Inches of water per acre
foot that the company has been
taking all these many years, while
the attorneys for the water com
pany claim that the company is en
titled to all the water if they
choose to take it or that their
priority of Japping the river gives
the' company the prior right to all
the water. A battle royal has been
raging for years and has not yet
reached the state supreme court,
much less the federal court, where
it vwill likely go unless the city
should make a satisfactory offer
to purchase the priority right.
' Another occurance that Is hast
ening the matter on the part of
the city is its prospect for immed
iate rapid growth, for during the
months of January and February,
1926. a, number of Los Angeles
land boomers have gone to San
Diego and purchased seven mil
lions of dollars worth of property
and are applying the Los Angeles
method to San Diega. and should
they succeed in San Diego as they
have in Los Angeles they will not
find the wherewithal with which
to water their stock.
So you cannot, in this dilemma,
blame San Diego from putting
Herds the whole
proposition in :
a nutshell:
The money you bow pay
oat : brings yoa : nothing
bat rent receipts. . By oar
There are no "lf a" or
Mbut8 about 1L We'll
show. you. how you. can -
become, a - homo, owner,'
jest as we're shown '
scores of others. -;
-1 ;
Forms to receive the concrete
walls of the Welter one-story store
building are nearly completed, and.
It is expected 'that the walls wilt
be poured before the end of thi$
week. The building is under conf
struction on Center street betwee
High and. Church streets. Just t
the rear of the Newton-Chevrolet
agency. , . . . ; j
Fyttom portion of the front
walls have already been. JouredL
It Is thought construction of: the
building will take about a month
more. I
forth every legitimate effort t
secure more water.. i
The state of California has
joined with six other states in
bringing pressure on congress to
make a gigantic effort for the con
struction of the proposed Boulder
dam on the Colorado river, from
which almost an unlimited supply
of water can be utilized to make
the whole of the fertile land of
southern California bloom and
blossom like the rose.
' This project of damming thje
Colorado is one of the most com
prehensive pieces of work ever
proposed in the United States, and
it carried it will' in time enable
San Diego to rival Los Angeles in
population and entirely out reach
her in attractiveness. The city
council has now: and for some
months has had in its employ at
a salary of something like one
thousand dollars per month, a city
planner, a Mr. Nolan, who is plan
ning to make San Diego the most
beautiful city in America. His
plans are not yet ready for the
public, but he has given out
some hint as to what ought to be
done. j
To give you a better undef-
Home owning is
important mijestone
in the passing years
A woman in the new home finds much to do in things dear to a
woman's heart fixing little touches of ; home daintiness here,
soft lights there comfort and coziness withjn, flowers and foli
age without. -
liave about 20,00
which we will close out this week at 515.00 perl thousar d
Feet. Good sheeting inside or outside.' y : 1 - .-'U-.
:. ;"Evpry thing in Buildmg:Materiar y
Telephone 813
Does service count? You can buy lumber in
many places but are you always sure of getting
the kind you order at the time you want it.
We fill our orders with care. Deliver promptly.
That's why we have been successful. Service is
the thing that distinguishes one place from.,
another. (
. . ;'.--- j -
"Dependably Serving the Lumber Consumer"
J. W. Copeland Yards
West Salem Telephone 576 ;
Yards in West Salem, Albany.f Lents,' Hubbard,
Yamhill, Hillsboro, Eugene
an mirm
; pmm
She keeps! youth in a home of her own.' Make sure of
the PERMANENCE of those things about a home that
grow dear with association. ;
North ! Commercial Street"
r . .,,
r i
3 ; i
1 1- -
349 South Hi-li
, 1 '