The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1926, Page 11, Image 11

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"smionfiGCN statesjiaisXle; Oregon -St
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(Contlwd trom pc ) ..J"
lal kensington circles., spent he
afternoon with needle work -and
conversation croup Vol April'
Fool's jokes, particularly timely;
Interspersing the hours and adding
variety. The livings rooms? were-!
lovely In their springtime deckings
ot lavender and ; yellow Scotch
bloom, marigolds, and lilacs pre
dominated In" the development of
the chn scheme: A golden art
baskeit?irith lavender tulle,
ant fOvnth apple blossoms,
purple nrovm-eyes susans, and
purple lilac, arranged with maid
enhair ferip centered the tabt,
where tall, green tapers', burned in
crystal-atlck&r On the smaller
tables'" where refreshments- were
served at - the ea hour yellow
candid were-used.' .
Dr. and Mrs. TuUy
Visit in Portland .
, ut. ana mns. iorman j&ena&u
Tally and daughters, Resma'and
Norma, were guests of friends in
Portland - on' Friday.- On" Friday
noon Dr. Tully addressed the YM
fcA under the auspices of the Port
land council of churches. In the
afternoon4, he spoke at the Rose
City Park Jchurchi
Brown ' H6me
, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eldridge
will spend several weeks In Salem
lem as house-guests of Mrs. "Wllt
iam Brown who returnedjrecently
from a three weeks' visit in south-
the trip south in company with
Mrs. R F. Prael of Portland.1
Mrs. Adams Entertains at
Skyline Orchards
Exceedingly - delightful among
the affairs of Easter season was
the three-table bridge party at
which Mrs.' M. P. Adams was host
ess at her home, at Skyline Orchr
ards, on 'Friday" afternoon! ' The
affair was planned particularly for
the pleasure of former friends of
Mrs. Adams of the Wallace Road
community. , Mrs. Adams' home
is most beautiful during blossom
time and tHcf drive' to the horde of i
the hbstess" was" an additional
treat for the ladies.. .
Three prizes were given during
the afternoon, first prize going to
Mrs. Karl Kugel; second, to Mrs.
n C Pan tnrl Vifr-rl tn Kfra TP
Bi -Mercer.
The rooms of the Adams home
were, decked with .English laurel,
dogwood and tulips in the pastel
Easter favors .were featured on
the long table where delicious re
freshments were served at the. tea
Sharing in the hospitality of the
afternoon were: Mrs. . Corydon
Blodgett, Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs.
Edt Pratt, Mrs. C. G. Page, Miss
Nellie Taylor, Mrs. Arthur tftley,
Mrs. Vou Grote, Mrs. C, C. Chaf
fee, flits, ijames Imlah, Mrs. M. C.
Pettys, Mrs. F. E Mercer, Mrs.
Ralph Allen, and the hostess, Mrs.
M. P. Adams. -
Students to Present Musidal
Play on April SO
"The Bells of ZBeaujolais.' a
musical play in two acts, will be
presented by the chorus classes" of
the Salem high school Friday eve
ning, April 30, in the school audi
torium.. The scenes of this charming op
eretta 'are laid In France, and the
characters contrast ' the - French
With the Americas. The settings
represent the sprlng'of the year,
a flower, fete' blna In progress.
. The music was written by Louis
Sees to
Adolphe Coerne, well know com
poser or Boston .The liberetto ii
the product of David" Stevens. v
The classes- are-already busy in
preparing.1, the operetta, which
promises to' be one of the prettiest
and most tuneful ever undertaken
by the muale fblk of the" local
school. . This production? will open
Music week In Salem inasmuch as
it wilt be given, the Friday before
the first week In Max. Lena Bene
Tartar is incharge of the operetta.
WCTU Meeting
"Child. -Velf are," with Mrs.
Mary Hogg In charge, will be the
program topic at the regular meet
ing of the WCTU on Tuesday att-
erneon at 2:30 o'clock in the hall.
PrisciJ&Wi Entertained
r 'Mrs.' Kftty Grater entertained
delightfully .for members of the
PTiscllla' club: on-Thursday after
noon, spring blossoms" being the
decorations . and needlework and
enjoyable : hours.': At'" the? next
conversation the diversions for the
meeting of the club "Mrs. Dunsford
wilr'be the'hostess. , At the meet
ing on Thursday Mrsl Elliott was
an additional gnest.'.
' Club members present were Mrs.
Fred Steusloff, Mrs. Dan J. Fry
Sr., Mrs.' W. S". Mott, Mrs. Ida
Babcock, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mrs.
J. B. Craig, Mrs. Carl Webb, Mrs.
C M. Eppley,, Mrs. A. p. Brown,
Mrs. George Dunsford and the hos
tess, Mrs. Grayer;
Guests in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hug
and sons, Robert and Wallace, are
spending Easter Sunday in Port
land as guests at the home of Mrs.
Hug's aunts, the Misses A Anne ,
and May Shogreh.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts
Entertain at Dinner
The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Roberts was the scene of a charm
ingly appointed dinner on Tuesday
evening , complimenting Mr.- and
Mrs. Emmets Rathbun and Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Garbade of Portland,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Jacob Rmley of Ore
gon City, MrTand 'Mrs. Lyle Me
Croskey of Stay ton. Miss La Verne
Levis and Herbert Darby of Port
lands and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
D.'Cr Roberts. ,"'
. A color scheme of blue predominated-
In the table appointments.
Entre Nous Club Group
Meets at Club House
The, Entre Noua club and friends
were delightfully entertained Wed
nesday evening by the Misses Ana
Del Lawrence and Dorothy Smart'.
Huge baskets- , of . .-dogwood and
cherry and,. masses- of apple blos
soms made the clubtoom most at
tractive. Five tables of five hun
Lee and H.' A. Smart h .secmnt
dred'were'played, Mrs. Ralph Er
hart Lee' and H. A.' Smart winning
high score,' and Mrs. Ralph- How
ard and H. C, Hunimel receiving
the consolation awards. A' dainty
lunch was served, by the hostesses
aftei which danelng was the di
version of the evehing.
Among recent events of the club
a no-host party on February 27,
honoring 'Victor Swartz, who was
leaving f or'Portland, , the regular
monthly o'clock dinner on March
3, and a box party March 17 were
pleasant affairs. Guests of the
club and members include Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Swartz, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Humphries, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
Burk, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bright;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall," Mtt
and Mrs. F. X.. Joseph, Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Poulia; Mis. Ida HkZt
man, Harold Cook, JacWalk,
Miss Dorothy Smart, Miss Ana
bel Lawrence, Mr;. and Mn. John
Jelderks, Mr.' ant Mrs'-WtiUam
S . i
If- you will notice the xricn
who are getting1 ahead and
who are wide awake your will
see 'that a large number of
them wear glasses. WHY?
Because they realize that "eye
strain is a constant drahi on
"their nervoua -syStfeiii5amt:i3
therefore a detriment to their
hefeltli and vitality. Are yon
&of thVfew who are not a
hundred per cent sure about
your eyes?
Mesesv'Mp. and Mrs; Herbert Hale;
Mr and Mrs; H. A Smart, Mr' and
atrs. Ralph" Howard, Mr.' andMrs."
H. C. Hammer, Vietor Swart and
George- Johnson. 4
Lamport Home W
Ente'rtaming for the pleasure of
lier bridge' club,! Mrs. Frederick
Lamport was one of the-delightful
hostesses, of the past week, Thurs
day being the day on which her
club meets. Mrs. W. C. Dyer and
Mrs. George B. Dorcas were ta
in vtted guests. Tulips were used
in decorative profusion about the
rooms. At the next meeting of
the club Mrs. David W. Eyre wlU
In the group on Thursday were
Mrs. T. C. Smith Jr., Mrs. T. A.
Livesley, Mrs. Dan J. Fry Jr., Mrs.
J. Shelley Saurman, Mrs. O. C.
Locke, Mrs. John McNary, Mrs.
David Eyre, Mrs. Henry Meyers
and Mrs. Lamport, Mrs. W. C.
Dyer and Mrs. George-Dorcas.
YWCA Girls Spend
Easter Vacation ,
Sir girls ; who are residents of
the city TWCA will spend" the
Easter vacation at various points
throughout the valley. Miss Isa
bel Bartlett, Miss Julia Currie and
Miss Gladys Paul will all be in
Portland over the week-end. Miss
Bartlett will be the guest of her
parents, while Miss Currie and
Miss Paul win visit at the homes
of frTends. Miss Florence Lake
will be at Hlllsboro for the Easter
holiday, while Miss Clara 'Heater
and MIss'Mlzpah Palmerton will
go to their homes. Miss Hester's
being near" Sublimity and Miss
Palmerton's near Marlon.
Pringte Pleasant Point
Social Club
Mrs. Harry Weehter entertained
members of the Pringle-Pleasant
Point social club and a few special
guests at her home Thursday.
Luncheon- was- served at noon,
one of the pleasing-features of
the meal, which was thoroughly
enjoyed by all, was the proverbial
Visitors" In the group were Mrs.
Mary Clark, Mrs. Weehter Sr., and
Mrs. Osborne. - Club members in
cluded Mrs. J. N. Robertson, Mrs.
W. M. Coburn, Mrs. Charles Spar-
lln, Mrs. Homer Harrison, Mrs.
C. C. Jones, Mrs. D. YanderbUt,
Mrs. L. MoBher, Mrs. L. W. Potter,
Mrs. T. J. Clark, Mrs. Quimby,
Mrs. J. Shafer.'Mrs. J. W. Gates,
Miss Grace Robertson, Mrs. R.
Drager, Mrs. E. S. Coates and the
hostess, Mrs:' Weehter.
Mrs. D. Vanderbilt will enter
tain the clubat her home at 1541
State' street, Thursday, April 15L
Kensington Club Meets
at Power Home
Members of the Thursday Ken
sington club were delightfully en
tertained last- week at the homfe
of Mrs. Frank Power on North
Thirteenth street. The rooms were
lovely with wistaria, flowering al-i
mond and apple blossoms. At the1
the tea hour dainty refreshments
were served.
When the club meets next week.
Mrs. George King will be the hos-j
tess. '
The personnel of the club In-'
eludes Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, MrS-
N. C. Kafoury, Mrs. I. M. DougH
ton, Mrs. R. E. Morris, Mrs. Her-
LiitteTHngs for
That Are Most Essential
bert Hairser, Mrsc F, Anjinsen;
Mrs. George M. Ktng, Mrs?-Albert
Smiths Mrs. Paul Hauser,- Mrs.
C. &. Pratt,- Mi.George-.v Grif
fith, and Mraw Frank Poweiv the
Piety HiU Club '
. Instead of meeting next week,
as r piahned, the members " of the
Piety' Hill club" will not meet uh
til' the first Thursday of next
month May 6. " Thechan'elias
been made on account of the ben
efit bridge tea scheduled for Wed
nesday, the day Mrs. Cross; Mrs.
Thielsen. and Mrs, Catlia plainied
to entertain.
Guest at Love Home
"Mlsa Iva Clare Love, daughter
of Mr. "and Mrs. H. TC" Lore i'ia the
guest of her' parents this Week.
Miss Love is - a student of violin
at the Cornish" School in 1 Seattle
and has many friends in Stelem
greatly interested in her talentf
Music Teachers' tor Meet':
Miss Dorothy- Pearce wilt' be
hostess on Tuesday evening-. April
, at her home. 267 N. Winter
street, for the members of the Sa
lem branch of the AmertcanvAssoc
latlon , of University Women.
Mrs. Curtis Cross
Entertains- Club
Delightful among the events on
the club calendar for the past
week was 'the bridge luncheon: on
Tuesday at which time Mrs. Cur
tis Cross was hostess -for the plea
sure of her club group and three
club guests Mrs. Chester Fox,
Mrs. Orris Fry, and Mrs; Milton
Meyers.- :..-
The I o'clock- luncheon waa
served1 in-' the Chinese room at the
Gray Belle, with bridge; following
at Mrs. Cross's home on ' Falf
mOunt Hill.
Mrs. Milton' Meyers, -won. -tm
prize of the afternoon. .
At the next meeting of thefrfubr
Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr., will' be the
Guests in Portland ... -Mrs.
Joseph H. Albert and Mrs.
J. C. Griffith spent yesterday to;
Portland. 1
Guests in Vancouver
Mr. and' Mrs. B: L. Stee-vest'were,
guests early' in the week; of their
son-in-law and daughter,; Mr. and
Mrs. Paur Morse (Murier SteevesV
In Vancouter, Washington.
Mrs. McCail Entertains
Sweet Briar Club
A delightful- affair-of ' the past
week was the -meeting of the
Sweet Briar club" on Wednesday
afternoon at which Mrs. W. F;
McCall was hostess, entertaining
at her home on the Wallace Road.
Mrs. Blevins. was an. additional
guest during the afternoon. The
rooms were beautifully decoratedJ
with art baskets of tuUps, the
gift of Mrs.. W. C. Frankjin, and
clusters of wall flowers. Each
member participated in. the pro
gram which- included: pleasing
readings Tw Mra.vMercer;
At the tea hour refreshments
were served. Itr theTSfcoup were:
Mrs. Bllvens,- Mrs. C. C. Page,
Mrs. M. C." Pet ley, Mrs. A. H4
Bunn," Mrs. James- ImTah, Mrs. C
Ci Chiaffee; Mrs. Glenri Adams
Full fashion silk hose in such makes as Cadet,
Phoenix, Granit, McCijlum and4 Gordon V line
(pictured aboye) selling at frbm .
St.50 !6 $3.00,
High quality r Rayons ,
jof the pastel shades j
made up in ,
Veste st --.79c 98c j
stepuii :.J..98c ;
Chemise .:4-4--"$l-29
Gowns ....L..$3.98
Brassiers 35e to 75c
T t t
Underarm. box . and
bags in the wanted
shades; - : , . - . i
Mrs. Lou Grotei Mr&l Edr- Pratti
Mfitt keUirr Tayloi- Mrs. B.Oi
MolL Mrs. Mercer, ' . Mrs. Arthur
ttitlen'rjfflra-V Corydon Blodgetr,
JarsFerdr Allen Mrs; Zona AQett
and the hostess. Mrs. MtCall.' Mrs.
LZbha Allen, Mrs- trUeyand Mrs.
Blodgett. assisted. ,
Ai.the'neit meeting of the club-ifrs.-;Bann
will be hostess
Mrs.' Newmani Is Honored
Mrs. Mary Newman was the
honor guest at a delightful af
fair of last mid-week when her
daughter, . Mrs. T. F. JVIesch. en
tertained for her-pleasure at the
Mesch home in. Momingside. Pur
ple ad white lilacs decorated the
room. Birthday refreshments
were eerved at the tea hour.
In the group were? Mrs. Mary
Newman, the guest 'of honor, Mrs.
Andrew Duncan; Mrs. George
Crater Mrs. T. B. Jones, Mrs. Ed
ward Ostrader, Mrs. George .Bor
is, Mrs. William Johnson; Mrs.
Crowley, Mrs. R, W. Hans Seitr,
and the hosteA, Mrs. T. F. Mesch.
Former Willamette Students
to Go Abroad
A host of friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph W. Barnes (Ether Par
bunagian) will be interested in the
news that they are now on their
way.: to Paris, France, having
sailed at noon yesterday on the'
Minnekadah. Mrs. Barnes, Is the
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. M. B.
Parounagian, while Mr. Barnes'
is the only Bon of Mr. and Mrs,'
E. T Barnes.: Mr. and Mrs, Barnes
have been in New-j York since a
year ago last October, where Mr.
Barnes has been very successfully
engaged in newspaper work. For
the larger part of the timet Mr.
Barnes has "been with the Brook
lyn Eagle though more recently he
has served on both the NeW York
Times and the New York Herald.
During the summer he will have
the 'position of Paris correspond
ent of the Paris edition of the New
York Herald. Later, Mr. and
Mtsj-Barnes plan to spend several
months touring Europe. It Is the
hope of Mfss Mary Parounagian.
sister, of Mrs. Barnes, that she will
be able to join them for the tour.
-Both Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are
.graduates-- of-WiHamette ' Univer
sity L Mr.- Barnes with rhe class of
'22 and Mrs. Barnes with the class
of 23. Mr. Barnes lareFreceived
htar msster's'degree from Harvard,
and' since going east has taken
additional work at Columbia Uni
(Continued- from page Ig)
Now. this spring, morning there
was a new something; happening
thatrhe could not explain. Silence
seemed to fall on all nature.' There
was a hush, and ah expectancy that
even the --trees' seemed' to share.
rThere'was not a sound, and yet iti
seemed as if-the very air was vo-
cal.With some strange music. Dan
felf it in - his soul, and he stood
still in ' wonder as the . east deep
ened in Itgi-gloW.' r
j Suddenly' there was, a sharp
eartfiuake as" if some mighty
force hatf been released, but there
was no sound or reports The
ilence continued as before'. Four
Roman soldiers came running;
We aW. showing the
new spring colors in
plain -and fancy cuffs
98iro $1.75
Of crepe de chine,
Rayon, Georgette and
printed crepes
$2.03 to 53.98
; Bouttcnicrcs .
Madevupbf most'every,
i ; conceivable1! 1 o TraK.,
j ; r Others' of pleasing Tf
Y r combinations u i-
trim the garden" aT if they were
greatly frightenl? aid Ury sped j TesurrelHtioitii SbtnlidnK;;1; rlsQn
away in the direction of the city.lChHsti hadientefed .bis own. life
AfmoatraT'Sjoiiee- 'aottSf women
caiae toward thw-gardeir- Dansawi Tteenir&tWTt&iiWrt-dtfubtj
they were going to enter. He Dan replied, "Because He Jives, I,
wondered it-he ought to atop them 1tox, shaU Bver "
and tell them' that something
strange waa taking place," but' he
seemed unable V to -decide what he
should do. They passed through
the-Qpratog? the- stone-wall, and!
. . .. --j , v . vv, s..
next. Ienttrther earned o'ut1fHltfT' " X
en, eveaI Wsaid. rti tetW tpWpHlbi$' Mf?JS , .try
tha rt- & J to befrtoreranP afad' genial and- af
Dan ittitsire:-'-fie8 tliml&Mfii -free'tln-. me: with
tftougftJne'dld'not gor inMdet- He
ivu mayoe. mo- owner; on" roe
garden wbuid- notVUke It" if : tie
onccp p aiuns uie roansjue. xney
wouir?nqc go n; wiurout their
shepherd;' Presently two men came
ronkinfrom the cityr They went
Into -the, garden; Dam's " curiosity
getting the' best ot hltrfhe went
over, and stbodTin- the entrance.. -
Juatr a lew paces beyond' there
waa air opex' teinb. A stofie had
beeir- rolIed away." The' broken
Roman-seais-wete' stll "clinging- to
the rdeithr of the tonxb.. One of s the
men had 'gone inside..-He came out
and called the other to look )ln.
see," said he -There are the
linen clothes lying. Over there is
the napkin that bound his face
but he is not here. Let' us "go and
tell Jthe others." Then they went
awayj ' '
Cautiously- Dan stole' over and
looked in. It was now empty. The
clothes were neatly folded and
everything was in order. Yes,
there were the Roman seals,
broken. The earthquake' must
have done that. But what was the
light in the sky and what was
the meaning of the silence. Dan
could not make it out. It was a
great mysteryi to him.
As Dan passed over "The Skull"
that morning he noted that the
crosses 'hkd ' been"- taken down.
When he' returned In "the even
ing he found the, cly was all astir
with the rumours'df the resurrec
tion of Jeeas, the .King-of the
Jews,.who Had been, crucified, and
his disciples" were,, telling every-
wnere tnat He Baa; risen, from -the
tomb f.1 Some" of thenr? it was
claimed, had- se"enr and- talked
wtth' himl So he told hi father
and the' neighbors who. gathered!
around, what he had witnessed as
he lingered near the garden.
He told them .of his going in
and Rio'king-' Into the tomb. To'l
them of the glbir" inr the sky; and
the eaTthqvake'' and ' the silence."
Told them of the frightened sol
diers, of the coming of the women-
and of the two men who came run
ning, and looking into the tomb.
Dan was sure that the story told
by the' disciples must be true, from
what he had seenrandy heard'.
IlB felt sure, too, because In his
heart a strange thing had taken
; usingr pure
i.' f
f place. i t He vat. a witness to-the
r with" kr!ne' quickening' po wer i
KQmthntSd fronrpas L)
Jtles- s5jdrstefltnJ characters, of
a rarr arrnt tttsity irrrTir i iinv nin inr
Kf trS-deyeJoptug anf' lb-
gwjwinq gtmoge iowaro tu gooiua
17 "WhAffry 3jJ3Wt
lb v m'trTRUtf ttat'FiSttr ou'i
i rareiyi Know wirep:f youT nave.
leadlanrl bif outside arid
i uiH, cit juMfc. uuantt "rauuo Life? vSUC '. OlcT "gOS tyttUHJU. UU. WUH
of thef nSotserloui'proMenwcpn jVt-kaiidVmanif I
fron'tairotomonwtea Cljcll,!
-.1,;. ., Jjffe- -JS kSx. ;
i f
I--- If -i-rp
I gM. 415 StaU Street : JLJHl '
lni The Home otiilSO-reit ' ? !: ySwT
sSrsfsS?? and CantUever Footwear - l:'V-'ifiiifcfca
I t "
. - . - lit
-y- KmJ , - ' ' - -.-1 - '
VMWe'UZt . dtim
best material: inside. Change your
color desired and we wllladly-show ouif worfc :
Estimated )GIaaiy;axiaFm&.
. . .. . .. . .... .
the 'ravagta efteet of jhst insid
ious disease- called: halxtoli f
I . - .-', ' -m : i .
- THe-other;. atr- I: stopped to;
ohldfera'sbhblh cfiiidT; ahdfwTiW
I asked the cause of Il ls mlserv h'
lahbere'drV'OrammaausUV r-y
poller skateP and -she!: won't give '
',k-.v" - .j'W
, eava-
" r 1 -m VT 'VT -t !.-
"A. r
e Could Not Losa .
f dEh'-Sterve' DohbglTKtCtiito'o :
ood a? ibekrey for" the'Jtf3vtes."
thV eitikt parlsUxaneWai Tall-;
"Rtdmj fdr the KtnV. ills.
jTlrst'work .was ito'xie'Vhorpiin; !
atrj-aoe" "wtthl;; ate-automotile, -ih : ;
t(itb: tbecar-Vas? aupbftseXto !
Fuller s verjr ;
house to, any '
GfVcn"'; ;V
-.T1 .-x'"
v ' " ' V i
- v
Stats and High Streets
2218fSfcLts Street
With he ;Red Cross Pharma ;
- . - . . - .- . . . - f . 5 . ." . - '- - . - - .. . . -
t 4 :
- .