.t p'SK-i 1 t i ? 1I IIIV Certificates of Of f ices for Which Nominations Will Be Blade , . mv iu vuuaiy vients; t osmosis io HQ r uieu T ; 1 ' . Include Many Honors - , , ,CertI8cati6n. of offlcea.for which nominations will be .- made At the primary, election May.j81, Friday were forwarded, to. the several county clerks In Oregon by Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state. These offices Include: , One "TJnited States senator, one representative ' in congress from eachVof the; . three .congressional district; .governor, three Justices of-the state supreme ; court,, one superintendent - of -public- instruc tion', one labor commissioner and one . public , service, commissioner ; from the stale at large. ; 'Judges of the circuit court are to be - elected -in Are judicial dis tricts at this year's election. -.They follow: j--r Fourth judicial district Mult nomah county ;one judge to pre side over department No. 4, and one Judge to preside oyer "depart ment No. 8. -- V Tenth. Judicial district. Union and pvallowa counties'. Eleventh judicial district, Gil ' Ham, Sherman and "Wheeler counties.,."--., L i Twelfth; judicial-district. Polk . and Yamhill counties. , Tourteenth Judicial district, Lake county. . In each of-these districts, with the exception of Multnomah, coun ty, one judge is to be elected. - , District - attorneys -' 'are to be elected in Benton, Klamath, Mult nomah, Polk and Wallowa coun ties. In J 5. districts of the state sen ators are to be elected. These dis tricts; together with., the number of senators to be elected in each. follow: ' , ' . First district, Marion county, 2. j Second district, linn county, 1. ,Thlrd district, Lane county; 1. '.V Fourth district. Lane and Linn cbuntiesi 4. , . - , J Sixth district, Jackson county, 1. X'; Nihth district, Benton and Polk counties, .1. j V ?. Tenth district, Yamhill county, one. h , . . , . i i .- ; .. Twelfth district, Clackamas 1 county,!. , Cv. v- - ' w 'Thirteenth district Multnomah ounty,'J. .. . . . ' Fourteenth district, Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah counties sue. . , . , ..,.. , . , t . Fifteenth district, Clatsop cotm- Jy i.t . i , t i. Nineteenth district, ; Morrow, tTniatllla and Union -counties .. i Twentieth . - district, Umatilla ; county;; . ; a ; -.; . ' ! Twenty-third district, Baker; county," " Twenty-flrst district, Union and Wallowa ccmniejt; JK , . RepresentatlTes are to be elect- ui-ir ..Li... . Vi .. ...v-'tr.,.,, -n, Son's BpHaajr Joy ueaa r fTour Bfother is Kow Your laddy,,i Writes Father Whose betters WiD Be Delivered on Every Birthday UntO Boy Is Married ' '" ' VTNELAND,C N. 4 J.i April 2. (By Associated Press ) . Despite the death of his father, two days ago, -5 year old John S. Steven sen, Jr.r will liaye the guidance, of that parent during every. year un tlT.hfr reaches maturity. It became known., today ,wlth 4he, discovery of an unusual "plan evolved by Mr. Stetenson, " several months' before .his death. ; - - -. - ' . The, father," 3 f, a University, of Pennsylvania raduite and reter- an ; of tae World- war died, while .undersoiBg.n operation.. : Among his papers were. letters written, lo his . son, .counselling, . him in - the way he ,should . go, : with instruc tions ta have j one letter delivered each, September, v on . the ;l son's birthday The letters were) pre pared for the. Tespectira ages at '8EA UDBSES" TD Romantic MeTodrarta, of Ship Heid.to African Port . ' -Will BeShbwn . in,'Sea Horses' at; t life. OfeigaataStl theater " .Eaturday-y Sopar ..od Monday, Allan Dwanjs scirring" cin ema version . of ". Francis ; Brett VounV gripping . novel ., of, the 'fame name... Jack , Holt abandons the viJe open spaces for the boun ding billows. . t ,'t.:x . . You can readily fee, that ihe has ternpcr'arily jut away the flve-gal-Icn pomfcrero, , flowing handola. s. f'l J r1- .Wwf- Wi 1 JMBV H " , i ti 1 M K k ed in, 30 districts In the state, as follows: - - , -; - ... First district; Marion county, 1. Second, district. Linn county. Z. Third . district, Lane county, 3 Fourth district, Douglas county, two. -..-.--... Fifth district, Coos county . . Sixth, district. Coos and Curry counties., 1. , -,5. t Seventh district, Josephine county. J. ..;.'., j , Eighth. district, Jackson county, two. Ninth district. Hood Hirer cOun- tr. 1. . a-- ' . Tenth district, Benton county," 1 Eleventh district; Polk county, one. . ...., ; . .Twelfth district, Wasco county, one. '. - . . ,,-Thtrteenth district, .Yamhill county, - .,.... Fourteenth district, Lincoln and Polk, counties, 1. , . , - Fifteenth district, Washington county.-3.. , Sixteenth district,. Clackamas county, 3. . i r Seventeenth district, Malheur county. 1. .., - ; , Eighteenth district. Multnomah county, 13. t - Nineteenth district, Clatsop county, 2. Twentieth district. Columbia county, 1. .. . , ., ., , - Twenty-first district,-Crook, De schutes. : Jefferson, Klamath and Lake counties, 3. . ( Twenty-second ..district, Morrow and -Umatilla-counties, 1. Twenty-third district; Umatilla county. ,2. . , ... Twehty-fourth .. district. Union and .Wallowa counties, 1. Twenty-fifth district. Union county. 1. ... ..Twenty-sixth district, Baker county, 1. : . . . .. . .. Twenty-seventh district, Grant and Harney .counties, 1 . ..... V Twenty-eighth; district, Gilliam," Sherman and Wheeler counties, 2 . Twenty-ninth district, Tillamook county, 1. '.(. -Thirtieth district. Clackamas and Multnomah counties, 1. . .. Under the law the county clerks are directed not Jess than, 30 days prior - to ; the . primary election to prepare printed notices containing the -. various l state district and county offices for which , nomina tiohs are to be J made Jn their re spective counties . and mail two such , notices to each Judge and clerk of . the election in each pre cinct. It i is the .. duty of these judges, and . clerks to poet the no tices in public places in their re spective; precincts. , - The renubllcan and democratic parties.pnly are'subject to making their, nominations at the primary election . - - - Is Marked attier s Jbetier iii It Si I which they should be received by the. boy.--.- . Mr. Stevenson - confided to friends he "believed he had only a short, time to live. ; The .first .of the letters, ..jopened today, was dated three months agio. It read: ..'Dearest boy of mine: . . Your mother is now your daddy as well as your mother. Daddy has been taken away , to : see Sissy Ann; some . day you .will .come. to see both of us. Daddy Is proud of his- Dicki boy, and knowa&that-h will be good to his mother and take, care of her always. :,JEach year, until .you. are-4)ig, you will, get a letter from your daddy Dick on your birthday. And then' you will et your last letter when. you, are-; married.' A big kiss and goodbye." - ' western, shirt and. other accoutre ments that have heretofore identi fied him with the picturesque, west and Is now .nattily attired in- the white .cap', trig: tie and bluejacket affected by; the men who so down to the sea in t ships. .. .The -sold, braid on .his cap indi cates., that he la a captain, .and the serious, .expression 4 on his .face proves that he-. isnot unmindful of the heavy responaibUlty that is the lot af a chief -officer;- "Sea l HorsesT is a " romantic nShfclodrama, in which most' ot.tbe acuon takes place on : an ' ocean going, freight carrying ship, cap tained by Holt, and in an out-of-the-way port on, the -east coast , of Africa. The central character in the compelling plot is Florence Vidor who,, with her four-year-old daughter. Is en route to Africa in search of her, missing husband. .Her dramatic and terrifying ex periences on board ship and her WJl''4iMMi.vli w- waruea thrilling adventures inAf rica f ui nish the nth. degree, ot excitement and entertainment, -The. entire production has been made p-n, an extremely elaborate and spectactt lar ; scale.: The life - and . atmosj phere of the colorful East African port are-vividly and faithfully-re produced. George Bancrofts Wil liam Powell, Allan Simpson, Mack Swain , and - other - -film- favorites round out a powerful cast. WDOt ifJlFRrST SHOWS ACTIVITY Prices Are Nk Betterf But ; DeclinirigTendency Has Been Halted BOSTON, ..Mass., Aprilr2 (By Associated Press.) -The Commem cial' Bulletin! tomorrow-will- say: "Rather wide interest in wool is reported both 'here' and. in the west , this week, mora especially in the west. Prices here, are: no better,-but the declining tendency seems to, have ..been. fairly, well halted for the time beingt while rather - better demand : from some of the smaller mills is, jin eyidce. . 'In - the west buying: has." been more widespread with good . to Choice fine and fine-, medium wools, clothing. l to $1.05; and occasionally a bit more for choice cJipV, clen , bass, . landed ; Bpston. Grease. .. prices , f or, . both . fine and medium clips-in the territory sec tion os range from. 30. to 35 cents, according to the wool, with some heavy shrinking clips in the range of 26c to 29c ... "The fpretsn markets, are gen erally firm and occasionally a bit dearer with consuming centers moving at moderate pace. . ''Mohair; is steady in local market. , Kerrvllle, Texas, j sold 400,000 pounds Tuesday at about 59 cents for goat hair and close to 69c for. kid -hair.", , , . . . The. Commercial Bulletin will publish the following, prices: , Scoured basis: Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple '$1.02 0(1.05; fine and FM combing $1.08051.10; eastern clothing 90c $1.00. Mohair, best combing 65 Q 70c; best carding. 50 55.C. . . . flHOTIFOL Peggy Hopkins Joyce Wears Wondreful Gowns in 'The Skyrocket," Here If you want to . see. beautiful clothes, worn by a woman who knows how to wear them, by all means see -Peggy Hopkins Joyce in "The Skyrocket," the current attraction at the He'ilig theater today. .- , ...... t After viewing this master-pro duction, which, by, the way was di rected by. Marshall NeUan,- we have discovered the anawer to the popular question: "What is the lure of Peggy Joice."-The answer as we see it is that regardless of what might be said, about. Miss Joyce, there can be no doubt that Ehe is every inch a woman, and therein lies the charm, or rather the. lure. ..- There is no question that irlhey continue to give her such-vehicles as she has in "The Skyrocket" she will become one of scraeadoms leading personages. She has every thing that goes to making an artist of tjhe first caliber. . . Her poise la nothing short of marvelous,' .her beauty unquestioned,, and above all else she really can act. , Her pejf ormace , is surprisingly good. T.hia is Miss Joyce's screen debut, and .Mr. Neilan with, the years-.of experience he has behind ihim was wise - enough not to attempt ; the picture without insurlna; himself against failure. He surrounded her with a production and support ing cast thatns second, to none of any production released this year. IWLEDIG f lilPHlME Indicative of .the. growth of . Sa lem as a Jobbing center comes the announcement of. the- incorpora tion - of the . Daniel J. Fry - Drug company, with headquarters here, to do a .wholesale drug business throughout western Oregon, from Portland to Ashland, with Daniel J. Fry Jr,, Orris J. Fry and A. S. Hussey- as the incorporators. The. new company, has a capital stock of $150,000 ; and will be equipped to fill, all of the general needs of the '400 -drug -stores in the-territory- supplying most of them with much . faster service than can1' be secured out. of . Port land. The new firm-will be .in full operation - in .about' .three weeks, it is estimated,' and plans to have at least five salesmen on the road.-.., ? V':----k. J'''r-' fl f .Repeated.-requests .from' retail druggists of , the valley and south ern Oregon for establishment Cf a jobbing chouse at-a point-wterie ttjir needs .-could . 13, proinrtly 6erved4.i-It "y- resr-" ' . le for orrar!'-'f,'" rf tho cc ;ty, it FEflTUBE OF PI0T1E wffiWlDg v n Do a you remember when you were "a child, usually about the first., of March your .. mother started" giving Jrbu sulphur and molasses; - or perhaps, hefore or after each meal a good, dose of medicine containing iron? , In jtho90days most people, thought it .necessary to stock' their medicine cabinets .with patent remedies to be used as spring tonics or blood purifiers. Since with' the years, we are growing' a bit - wiser, many are beginning to discard the so-called tonics, in- bottles and we are mak ing good use of our every day cabbages, , onions, celery, lettuce, turnips, i carrots, spinach, etc. Vegetables and greens are so rich in miueral alts and most of them can be obuined . throughout the ye'ar'. .. !. ..With a varied menu containing these -vegetables , it will not be pecessary to consult .your drug gist or doctor, each spring, for all that is really necessary is the ad dition of - a few- more greens in your diet. ,w jOf course, if you eat nothing but bread, meat - .and potatoes jery, . day . during . the winter months, most any of us would feel the. need, of a . change in diet, whether it be obtained from a bot tle or from a garden. i It cannot be emphasized too Strongly that all the iron needed for the blood may be obtained through the genereus use-of green vegetables,, but . don't wait until spring; to begin using them. Tou cannot crowd into a few weeks or a month the foods which should be eaten regularly all winter. For the Invalid Tray .r..While your patient is seriously, possibly dangerously ill meals and medicine , are alike monotonous but when . convalescence com taences and he patient once more begins to take an interest in life, it should, be a pleasure as well as a duty for one preparing the In valid's tray to keep the menu or dishes served on. the tray from becoming uninteresting Meal time is looked forward to eagerly during these long days -With the. morning paper and the doctor's visit, it Is about the only bright spot In the slow passing day, unless one can have visitors or read books. ' You can see how a clean tray carefully, set with shining glass and silver and , with attractive china. and appetizing food nicely garnished will produce an appe tite, when the patient previously didn't .think, he was hungry. i Do have hot the things that should be hot and cold things cold, but occasionally it is a good idea to ust change it around and instead of serving,; a, hot broth, .have it cold and jellied and perhaps serve some fruit jelly in a, little basket made out of an orange or grape fruit shell and. it salad dressing Is served use a lemon cut and scal loped to form a small container. It la not easy to balance a heavy tray on one s lap while propped up In , bed, as perhaps you .know If you've tried It. If you are fortu nate enough to have an especially made bedside table which extends over the bed, the base resting on the floor, then you need not worry. There are also short legged stools or tables which stand over one's ap,.nd which are firm enough so as not to slide easily. A boy could make one and enjoy the work, or your local carpenter could quickly build one at little expense. No matter what yon are cooking or serving, vary it. Serve the food on colorful dishes, . stand the cus tard, cup on paper or lace doilies, use your, nicest silver and china for the salad or main dish, and above all, do not place the oldest, most unattractive salt,,. and peppers on the, tray. A flower or a joke, a favor, a puwtle or something not expected , will act as a surprise and make , on ..forget for a mo ment being uncomfortable or con valescent,, if . m Individual Bread Crumb Omelet ' 2 tablespoons : milk or . stock 2 tablespoons sfot graham bread .crumbs ' 1 egg Piwlwwi? Careen tie 176 NORTH COMJIERCIAL STItEET . -.- - -. - . ' ". i'--.'-'' .; . , ' ' r ... f x ' ' ''If': --'-i'f'' ' ' - ' -'i'r ' ' i " Our regular Prices of Bread, v iy2 lb. loaf, 13c, 2 for 25c; 1 lb. loaf 9c, 3 for 25c Cookies, 2 dozen for : ; ,VJ , 25e Butter.Horns, 6 for t" " , ?5c. Apple Turnovers, 6 for'., 25c Cakes, 'all varieties J 15c up lo 50c Doughnuts, Cinnamon Rolls, Tea Sticks and Buns, v per dozen I '.."v,, : : : 20c Pies ... . ..... !.,r.; -J LaOc and 25c ililk, Bread, Tench and Rye Bread, 3 loaves .. .25c ? - ' -f .. r - Vc w5crve:C6feo and'tlunclica'' ; Try Our Urucb'i Cdsdjr t l-CillG 111 14 Tiny pinch of salt Dash of pepper, if allowed. - . Pour the milk or stock over the bread, crumbs and . set aside for five minutes. Separate the white from the yolk of the egg, beat -the white until stiff, the yolk until thick. Blend both with the soften ed crumbs, add seasonings, and either cook over the fire in a very slightly greased omelet pan. or turn into an oiled baking dish and bake in a moderate oven 350 de grees F. until just se, about six minutes. Serve immediately. Recipes SALMOX IXAF 1 can salmon 1 c. bread crumbs N 2 eggs 1 tsp. lemon juice U c milk 1 tsp. salt. Mix salmon, crumbs, milk and beaten eggs, season with salt and lemon juice. Make into a loaf and bake 25 to 30 minutes in a moder ate oven. Serve hot with white or lemon sauce. .( ... ', Baked Apple Dumplings '4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 level teaspoons Calumet bak ing powder 2 heaping teaspoons lard or but ter, 1 cup milk. Sift flour once, then measure, add baking powder and salt, sift three times, rub in lard with fork, and lastly add milk, toss on & well floured board and roll out a little less than hi -inch thick. .Cut dough In rounds large enough to enclose a small apple. Peel apples and core, place apple on dough, filling cavity of core with sugar, a dash of cinnamon, and a small piece of butter; press dough over apple and bake in a moderate oven 325 350 degrees F.) for 35 minutes. , St. Helens 200 men will have new paper mill ready to run by November 1. State Prosecyies Man for Doubting Existence of God 4. " r-v It '.t - x VS--7'.-"'." $ ?- . Civil liberties protective organ izations are preparing to make an other Scopes case. of the prosecu tion of Anthony Blmba, .Brockton, Mass., on the charge of. blasphemy under a 229-year-old colonial "blue law." He is alleged to have questioned the existence of the God of the Bible in a speech. 1 SAUEM MARKETS f QBJUH Kb. 1, wheat, white No. 1, red, sacked White ta Gr7 esta . 1.39 0 . .41 .80 Barter Barley poukT irtTToii" " um beep Toahora ..- .11 8ov,..-w tViO.!S Dreasad hoc , It Tap- ateera 06.0T um 2.00 4.00 Bulla . BUItil Spring- laaba nnder SO Iba. 1H Haarier .." - 8 10 Liehl lina . .. .20 Heary haaa - "l Old r 691 - . r ) .ag BOS. BtTTTEB AKD BDTTBSTAT tarft - f , t - ,43 Creaaaety batter Milk, ew. ... Hedhm egg 8tandard agca .4304 a.44 .IS at aufiw B iHraiii M LDVJ FACTS SSI Dr. Waiter. Hi Brown Oec clares PeTcehtae Can ; B.e Decreased Then! were. 852 births In Mar-' Ion county-last year, according to a 'report submitted Thursday hy Dr. Walter H. Brown, head of the Marion county childV health dem onstratlon and county health of? ficer. Of this number ijut '48 died showing , an infant -mortality tor Marion county of ,56.3 deaths per 1000 births. Infant . mortality average for the tJnlted States is 72.2. . ' j Dr. Brown estimated : that one half of the deaths. following birth can be accounted for by prenatal defects. which -are undoubtedly preventable. Nine. of .the 4X deaths were caused by. premature birth. Six died of injuries re ceived at birth. During the year there were 533 in this county. . The greatest fac tor was heart's disease, account ing for 79;deaths. Hardeniug of the arteries, ending in apoplexy, rtsulted -in . 4 8 deaths. Tubercu losis claimed, 21. . - Suicide claim ed 6 victims, .while .accidental crushihgs accounted for 15- 1 General .Markets J 4 HAT - ''-; j - POBTIiAND. April 2. ( By Associated Presa.) Buying price: Valtey timothy S20; do eastera Orefon $2250; alfalfs 19.5020; clover nominal; eat hay 20; oat and vetch $21; trw f 9 per ton. Selling pricei f2 a ton more.- STOCK - POBTIiAND, April 2. (U.. S. Depart ment ot Agriculture.) Cattle and calve nominally steady; no receipt. Hogs about steady; receipts .170. (87 direct.) .. . Sheep and lambs steady; no receipts. . BUTTE AKD BOOS PORTLiAXD, April 2. Eggs steady, eurrent receipts 22e; fresh medium 21c ; fresh staadard firsts -24c; fresh standard extras 24c; fresh undersized nominal PORTLAND, April . Butter steady, net oasis, etr cube city S8Vie; stand ard 88 He: prime firsts 35e; firsts 37e; prints 43c, cartons 44c. - Milk, steady: best churning cream 41c; net snipper's track in sone 1; raw milk (4 per cent) $2.35 ewt. . o. b. Portland. - POULTBT PORTLAND, Ore., April 2. Poultry firm less 5 per cent commission; heavy hens 26 27c; light 23 24c; broilers H4 lbs. or better 85 40c: ytmnK white ducks 25B28c; etpoai 40e. ONIOKS AND POTATOES PORTLAND, Ore.. Apri 2. Potatoes firm 2.53; onions 1.752. ' m. .... ..... . 'NTJTS. HOPS AND CASCASA PORTLAND, April 2. Nuts slow, wal nuts Noi 1- l26c; filberts nominal; siraonds -3084c. - Hops ! quiet; ,- 1923 clusters 22 HO 23,,se faggles cominaK - - Cascars bark nominal, steady 77e; Oregon gnp nom.'.n1-. . i., BBXE? PBODTJCB KOTBS The ImpaHal valley cantaloupe crop this year will be fully - three weeka ear lier than usual, according ta word re ceived by local fruit brokers. The acre age in the valley i practically the same as last year and the crop in good condi tion. With weather conditions remain ing favorable, the first cant's should ar rive in the local mart about April 20. - Supplies of -asparagus continue liberal, mostly California stock from the Bay section, i It is generally more or - less white and 1b aot in great demand. Green California stock moves readily at 1314e per--pouad and local at $1.752.25 per dozen bunchea. - tthubarb supplies are light and sell at 810e per pound. .. . Kev potatoes-are bringing 2025e .per ponad and at the price are only moving in small quantities. Strawberries are steady at 3.7S per crate of 12 pints. -..)!. . ; . -. - - ' NEW YORK DRIED FRUIT NEW YORK. N. April 8. (By Associated- Press.) Evaporated apples Dull; choice 12Vs13c; fancy, 13 M $14e, , : Prunes Quiet California!, 612c; Oregons. 9liic. . Apricots Ji'jrra ; slabs; 20 22c; choice, 84 V4 25 V4c ; extra choice, 28 26 He. Peaches -Firm:- standard, 1920e; choice. 19tt'20c; extra choice, 20 21c - Kaiftins -Steady; loose Muscatels, 6(5$9V4c; choice to fancy seeded, 9Va3 11 He; seedless, 715e. ' n . CORNER C03DIERCIAL AND FEUKY Ueliveryhree , STOP! Put For SOay. account service to reliable people, you cannot beat Lehman's Orocery. Our low overhead,-and careful management enables us to givo you casft pnees plus good service and courtesy. . - c . . PHONE lYOUR i)RDER 305 torn Hair, Premier Coffee! - mw .......... imm .............. ..v, Mother Uats, lare packarre, . . . . - vuuuici jLoiiinj jrowaer, i id. can ......1....'............ 2.' Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. "m'r' Best Creamery Butter, 2 lbs. r J"r:TV""V7 mmZ SpinacbV fresh and crisp, 4 IBs. -1 T- 1 - a ttm 1"" ' Brpccoh, mce firm hcadb. lb. J Lettuce, head i.u.lL: - ' -f ywcryt uuau ;-.t i r Beets, CarlrobV Afiibaraus, ' Green -c - ' ' rCltC',. ; -v idlslies.Cabade . " "S" .Li-- - . :. i ; . . r . M m- W &- I - - ' - - " ' j i i.' Al.W arinna whlcll Wsl held at the church and school last Friday night was a great success. Following is the programV r VlpHa solo; Joanl Evansr npsiae aown drill. . first and second grades; selection byRnVsel, Beutlers or- cneBtViir'.wTaklnS- ",tto Censnsf seventh grade; - ? Jolly Farmer third and fodrt grades; "Ora tlon.V "-Ralph Coulson;, ."At the Dance," first and second grades; Instrumental. Russel ; Beutler. play given by Mr. and Mrs;' Harry Evans and. daughter Joan, Mr. and Mrs.5 Forgard and. daughter Mil dred, Mr. ' Jtnd Mrs. Brown and Mrs, .Peter Eglier .was the closing naraber.;. .; .; .J . . f t The .Fruitland;.Snnday' school took-, both-banners at-the Hayes tjlle '.convention t.held . at.Middle Cfrove. They took the banner for highest average atendaace and for being beet .represented ; rt -a - vt s 3 I Rer. Guy Stoverf .Fruitlandspas-! tor, spoke atf Middle 'Grove last Irisiit on one 6F tHese.'ferands wfiexi ycu buyv BUTTER BotK irfc the HestriiHe possible.; iTHeyj are Jmto!eln this county, iri a sanitary; upto date Elctory by.tu&eklT.butlter;, rrlaket. Sold by leading grocers and markets iri Salem. - if YOUR grocer does not haiicle it, send us tils v name. We'll do the rest - Shelburn Creamery Company Jefferson, Ore. as HeEto1as:i'siix;.'3i it COMPANY coming Jcehenner tne more i enjoyable by serving nieat that is fresh and tender. Delicious roasts,,chops, steak-thatJl melt in your moujh that's the .kind we provide. Gbri customers., recommend us to their friends, and our success is due to the endless chain of satisfied patrons. ' " Mcdowell: m arket 1- w' vWhert a Dollar Does Its Duty' 173 South Commercial " Telephone 1421 l ; on the Braftcs alid LlSTEI tmfizli! special: 1 1W. iVEGETA3LES AND FRUITS ' -- ......VI... Sundy.A;playl1gas ilso eiv'en by the,riAti-Canrr EiTea, gl: tome . of Mr. and Mrs. Harold KeBsllag last Saturday night. It was -well attended." t . ; 1 Miss t Deibra Mills Ylsited isaW Fruitland recently. f s ,Mrs..oble Andrews has reco ered from a slight attack of the1 lnnA "... - .' Vf , An Easter program will be held at the church Sunday erenipg. BOr BOiiEN SEXTET VANCOUVER, .JVash., , AprU j, . - ( By Associated '. Press ) . R0y I "RrtlPti. rancher, was sentenced tn. day to 10 to 11 years In ihe.staui penitentiary , following 'his recent ' conviction of .murder in the sec- f qhd degree ;f ortho 1 slaying ot 1 Walter jhemlng' jk farmhand. I Flemine disappeared last July and t lateV his headless body was found in . the Columbia river, near, yan courer, .. .rt , I Nutridc and -j ' ..ij.t. vna i x Phon6 2G3 " rf-.... .3 j. - , , f -- i 'aa'aa ' J '' ' I aUelicioiio . i I V