the oncGON statesman, salem. okego& SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH S, 1928 ' .."PORTAMCE"1 xr ;i PRIZE RACE in ret lata than J: JO tonight as t?y can' , ' - ' j J This, la a teT Important week . . ..... anil I la V I o-Vi 1 w tm- K rmrtknt that erery candidate do 1 tite or; hr utmost to put his Vote y Standing as high as possible today. 'he special enort mat you make odayv may be . Just the subscrip ts .and rotes tnat yon will need - A.-. : .. ' ' a tn trr you in luts wioniox ci&ss. , a,v mi - a llUhe contestants halt now. tor , Aa a. - , a t a nxxsg!ai ii mey acK up or iei, thfrenthuiasm r wane t-tf ' they overlook' one opportunity to better their chances to win they take the !de prate ;rl8k ot losing the big prizes already partially won and 'which reallr belong to them. The Candidate who fails to do his or her utmost during ithe remainder of this week Is in danger of bring ing- dlsrnal disappointment ttpon himself as well as the friends who jare naturally as interested In their success as .the , candidates them 'selres. ' , I In order 'toake It absolutely fair to all. the sealed ballot box will be In effect next week. " We m ir Jiabi iellere that this la In the Interest ,f all the candidates and maces it bsolutely fair to everybody as we bit the last week of the great con test. Thla la a policy, followed by Tirarticallr all of the bis: contests conducted over the many parts of the United States for years back, as It Is recognized by all as a fair way to -wind up a contest." " The seal will be placed on the box after the final turn-in tonight, and. the box will be carefully "pro tected from that time until the box and the ballots are handed over tb tbe eommrttes" of Judges when they meet iat the -close of the con test. - We believe ..that, this plan is ab solutely, fair to everybody and in the best interests , of . all candi dates ; ' i Everyactive candidate In The statesman's free gift distribution who does not none of the grand prizes wiU .be paid 10 per cent ash commission on the total amount of business turned in to Tbe Statesman office. , 1 It must - be remembered, how ever, that, the candidates must re--.1. iva if there- desire to nar- , maim ticipate In this commission feat- tore, wuicu is ivFwwi lowing rules: I "There will be v cash commis- fldon of 10 pr cent paid to all active non-Drixe winners. An active can didate is one who turns In at least f 25, on subscriptions . during the life" of the contest, " "but it' Is dis tinctly understood that in the t mt candidate becomes in active by failing to make weekly cash reports of not less than $8 a week for the last three weeks of the contest, he or she. will become disqualified and thereby forfeit all rights r'a commission." hn&T.Jrk'jB In accordance with CFopentn announcement; of the contest and must be - adhered to. This small request is placing no hardship an ony one, and this method of warning is made that there will be no misunderstanding. IJGHTMNO KILLS TWO TEXARKANA, Texas, April 2. (By Associated Press) J Two persons were instantly killed and lour others seriously Injured late today fwnen lightning struck the I farm home of W. N. Johnson, two and a half miles northwest of Ued water, in Bowie county. The Jead are Lola Johnson, 17 year old daughter of Johnson, and Claude Hunter, negro farm hand. b get and getting things you don't vant. , XOTICE.OF SCHOOL ELECTION r. . ' , 5 $fate of Oregon, County of Marion. I School District No. 24. ss. "Notice Is hereby given that at the school district bond election : hereby, called to be heldt Asso- ciated Oil office, in Hotel "Marion I building, in the city of Salem, in ' and. for school district No. 24, of Marion jcounty. Oregon, on Moa ; day, the twelfth day of April; A D. IS 26, between tbe hours of two t rt'dock n. m. and seven .o'clock u. m. there will be submitted to - the legal voters thereof the ques tion of contracting a bonded in debtedness In the sum of $120, fivn oo. a follows: J19.250 for the purpose of pro- mrinr fnnds With Wblcn to pur chase a school site In Tuxedo Park addition, being lota 2, 3, 4, 5, and th wt 79 feet of lot. : ana i 1100,750 for the purpose of pro- caring funds wltn wmcn w rw and furnish a school buiiaing on said site; all la and for said school Almtriet. - i : : The vote to be by ballot upon i whiph shall be the words "Bonas Yo- and "Bonds No" ; : and fii ntr shall nlace a cross (XT between the word "Bonds and the word MTes'V or between the wora Bonds" and the ' word "tio," - which indicates his choice. .The Polls for the reception of i'hr haiinta &Bt 'for or against the contraction of said indebtedness will, on said fay and date and at Uhe place afofla!d, be opened at , the hour of H o'clock p. m. and remain opeaJjintll 'the hour of unn nVinrU il m. of the same dAy when tbe same shall be closed, . Bv order of the District School Tloard of School District No. 24 of - Marion county, Oregon, made this VICth day of March, A. o. iszo. ; H. IL OLINGER. "Jchalrman District School Board. Attest: W. H. Bnrghardt, Clerk. a4-7-jx A- iwpM breath does' much , . to Union Rooter CAPITAL TYPOORAPBICAU CJflOJl No. 319 Presideat, O. T. Evens; eee i retary, U. D. Pilkeatoo, Meets teeoad Saturday. :0O p. a.;r ;. . ! c CARPENTERS CXIOM . NO. 1085 . VwU Tkin. evening. : Arthur Tack, i or, president t W. Pettit, (wrtUrr. - Skilled mac aaniee tarnished. Phone 17. SALEM ' UN KH ? LABEL, "LEAGUE Meat at Labor Hall 'rail of preel daat. P. W. Seer, secretary, Boa 443. Be lcm. Ora. Lodge Roofer I WMiwwWiiliaiiwiJIlliMiiiluilininilJ ljwiwiwiwwaiwi''iii'''iwiiiiiaiJiiiiisiiiMiiiiai rRATERNAX. ORDER OP RAGLES, m every Wadaaatfay, v rraiernny M. Willett, Sea'y. Tal. SSS-R. KNIOHTS OP PTTHIA8 MEET 8 AT Fraternal Hall ovary Tuotday , ovening. VisiWri iavitao.' Pra4 Draaaaa, L C: Vtltw Lenoa. K. of R. 8.- - tt 1 I rniiiih4 ar BMtraiBK (tiet Mo !dy) at aalaa mo cihui w wiin. g PSSW aawa? LocalRivtes: Foiiassincd, Advertising: a I DalbaA SBBoa B Oao tima . S cant pr woro" H Thraa timaa . 5 eoa to par wora eeott par word Hiv zimaa 1 daily and Baa. 20 eeaUpor word In order to oars tko atoro tkaa oao tima. rate, adTerti lament st rns is ennaaentiTO UlUO. ' ::. H ill, AW. mmv . Z ?5 a Ada. raa Baaaay unii ' foaa-timo rate.- 1 i AawtUment (except Peraoaalt iaod Bitaatioaa Wanted) will bo tekaa low tho telepbooo if tha adTertiaer iag 1 a" anbacriber to phono. M I Tha Statesman will roeeivo ad Tar- I Stiaemeata at aay tiaso at tha day or nirbt. - To inaaro propar eJaaaifiea- g i tioaa ada. aboula- no t betoro 7 p. aa. I 1 ; TELEPHONE 2S OR 683 aaiMiiniiinwnwiisiaiiiiawiaMBaMW Money to Loan ON REAL P STATE T. K. PORD (Over Ladd Buh Bask), ADVERTISINO HONEST ADVERTISINO Taoao ooW ems moat bo kept frco front anything; of a questionable nataro. Miaropraaaa. tationa will not b tolaratadT' Infor mation showing- any qaeitionable la tent on tho part ot tho adTertiaer should bo reportoa to in is paper or tho Salem Ad Clnb. Auto Tops SEE US POR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. 3. Hull Ante Too. and Paint Shop. J7 8. Commercial. CalStf Help Wanted Uake tour spare time pat. have easy aelHng article. Call at 429 Ore gon,. Bldg. mornings. . 9m$8tf MA KB TOUR SPAKE TIME PAY Hare aa easr selling article. Csll at 429 Oregon Bldg morning. 9a2tf WANTED BOOKKEEPER; MUST know ante parts. Married or single. State sow rnneh experience in - book keeping. 958 caro Statesman. 9a3 Help Wanted Male 11 WASTED TOCTNa MAN TO, WORK IN paint shop. O. J. Hmu Ante Top a Paint Co.. 86T B. Commercial Bt. Ils3 Help WantedFemale 13 HOUSEKEEPER FOR OREGON HOTEL. Wanted Employment 19 CARPENTER. - FINISHER, 85e HOUR. 950 caro Statesman. la4 MATERNITY CASES BY PRACTICAL anno. Ph. 2294-R. Call evenings. 19a3 FOR GARDEN PLOWING. BASEMENT digging and team work. Phono Tift 19ml4tf r For Rent 21 FURNISHED APARTMENT WITH garden. 1898 N. 4th. 21m24tt FOR KENT HOUSES AND APART- menu. jr. .u. wooa, e etato ere. 31ml2t( PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14' BY 7V". wording "For Rent", price 10 cents . each. Stateamaa , Basiaeaa Office, oa . groand floor. -':;'; For Rent Apts. 23 WELL FURNISHED APARTMENT, 858 Center. Phone 921-W,, - a3a3 FOR RENT 3 ROOMED APARTMENT Phono 1238- W. t- Z3- FOR RENT-FOUR AND FIVE-ROOM - apartaaeata. 1311 Court atree. Phone FURNISHED MODERN- 5-ROOM APT. ,with bath. 700 North High BW 3ao- LARGK 3-ROOM APT. FURNISHED OR anfnraished. 1138 Coart St. Phono 385-BT. 23m25tf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14" BY, 74 wording, "Rooms to Beat. prieo 10 cents each. Statesman Baainesa Ollico. groaad floor. ' For Rent Rooms 25 2. 8 OR 4 WELL FURNISHED HOU8K keepinaT rooma. Close in. 541 Mill 8. TWO STUDENTS jM AY RATI ROOM I with aleeptag porch Biralegee, m anew-1 or heme, ia convenient location. - Ad- dross A. D earn Statesman. S8f2U ; MINUTE MOVIES Sahara ; Serial '. SCORCHING SAtS Episope 14 if RIVAL ROBBERS HAREM ; -EL ' t SCAriEM i ALLAH IS MAS 'LED A BEDOUIN',, BANWnT.j WHO MATES AND'ENVIES - 3 t 4- t;For mritTtritS":23 v PRONT 8LEEP1NO ROOM. $2.00 PER week;. 8 haskaeplng rooaa, famished aad bath, 81B.OO. i3ri Perry. VUSAsj1! FURNISHED ROOM, POR TWO, TWIN S? Breakfast. Roloae roqnired. . Boaaoaablo. 84S Market St. . 25a25 ROOM rOR RENT POR QENTLEMAX , la naodara home. Close la. atote oaaao., Addraaa Home, earn Statesman. ' - 1 - -.- - . . S&f2tt For Rent Houses 27 FURNISHED S ROOM HOUSE, OARAOE. Call 15M State Bt. 37aS FOR RENT S-ROOMED HOUSE. 818 per ateata. Phono S044-W. XTmSotf , FOR RENT Hoaae. , Famished and unfnmished. 89 to 340. Childs A Bechtei, Maaonie Temple. 27a3tf PUKN1SHEU AND UNPUatNlSHBU ? f Browa anal Johanna, 109 8. CWa'l. - S7J17t POR RENT S-RCOM HOUSE CLOSE in, 3 go. , 8-room konao with apart asoata. close la 3&& 7 -room hoaae 328. 8-room- honso 325. . Faraiahed houaa $32.60. Parnithe4 bouse 335. GERTRUDE 3. ii, PAGE 492 N. Cottage Street. 27altf For. Rent Farms 29 I HAVE 8EVERAL IRRIGATED FARMS for rant. P. E. Thomaaoa, Tomer, Ore. Phone 6XX. 29altf Wanted Miscellan's 35 FURNITURE PACKINO FOB SHIP menta. Oieao-Power Faraitaro Co. - SoiSOtf WOODRT TBI AUCTIONEER BUYS aood faraitaro for eaak. Phoaa 611. 35atf WANTED PRIVATE MONET POR farm loans. Wo haro aoToraj applica tions on hand. Hawkins a Roberta Inc.. 305 Oregon BMg. 85dl4tf For Sale 37 LAROE CHRYSANTHEMUMS, 25c PER doten. J. i. Hall, end South 12th, Box 26-B. 37a6 FINE SILVER PLATE. GOLD BELL, almost new O saxspboae at a sacrifice. See it at 8 Raral Ave. 87m21tf RABBITS POR SALE, stock and roang stock. PboneTD8F31. BREEDING Lee Ohmart. 37a4 PAIRMOCNT HILL. BEAUTIFUL COR ner lot. Small house. Fir and Super ior Sta. By owner. 37a4 FOR SALE CARPENTER'S TOOLS and cheat; also one storage battery and radio. Phone 1 592-J. 37a? It EC El PT BOOKS SIZE 3" BT 8-. 60 receipt forma la book, 15 eoata par book or two for 2$ eoata. Statesman office, SIS Sooth Commercial fit., Sa lem S7f25tt TRESPASS NOTICES. SIZE 14x9 INK, printed oa good 10-oanee eaaraaa, ocar fng tho' words, "Notice la Hereby Given That Trespassing is Strictly Forbidden Oa These Premises Under Penalty of Proaecntioa." Price lSe each or t for 25c. Btatoamaa Fab. Co., Balem. Cragon. 37stf FOR 8ALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, TEN cents a. buadle. Circalation department Oreren Statesman. For Sale Livestock 39 FOR SALE TWO HORSES OXE horse 817; one horse $25. Rt. 4. box 125-M. William Cox. 39a3 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN Office 420 8. Commercial. Phone 1198 Rea. Phono 1868. 89m23tf HORSES rOR 8ALE 18 HEAD AT anction; weight 1300 to 1500 lbs. each. Right ont of work. Sale to be held at Hnbbard Feed Bam Habbartf, Ore. Starting at 1 p. m. W. A. May, own er. M. H. Hastetler, anctioneer. : Wood for Sale 43 DRY WOOD FOR SALE, or 622. PHONE 254 43a3 BEST GRADE OP WOOD 4 ft. and 18-inch. Dry mill wood. Green mill wood. Dry second growth fir. ' Dry 4-ft. ash. and oak. FRED E. WELLS Prompt delirery and reason a hie prices. 280 Soath Chareh. Phono 1542. 43fl8tf BR1QUET8 THAT LRAVE NO ASHES. HILLMAN iUEL CO. i 43a21tf 16-INCH BLOCK WOOD, $3.75 PER load, 4 loada $14.00, also dry fir aad oak, aay length. Chaa Chrtstensaa. Phone 149. 48aprll COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE TELEPHONE 1855 HILLMAN FUEL COMPANY 43n31tf WOOD 8AWING. PROMPT AND CAREFULLY. HILLMAN FUEX. CO. i 43n21tf WOOD, DRY. SAWED ANY LENGTH. HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 - 48n21tf 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB. 3.90 PER CORD 18-ta. stry milt. $4.59 par anad, dry fir and oak. Phoaa 142. 43n5tf COAL ALL THE dETTKR KINDS HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 43n3lff 18-INCH OID FIR SECOND GROWTH oak aad ash. Phono 72P2. U. D. May field. 43fl8tt SALEM FUEL TRANSFER, 752 , Trade 8 tract. Wood. Coal. Brioaeta. Transfer and. Marine. Phono 629. 43n20tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, $2.75 16-in. 2nd fir per load. $3.73; 18 Inch old fir per load, $4.25. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2318. Tracy Fuel Yard. 1067 D Street. 48a23tf GOOD COAL PRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES. HILLMAN FUEL CO. "r TELEPHONE 1855. 48J39U CITY AND COUNTRY "WOOD SAWING. Also old boards. Fisher Bros. Phone 1319. t , 43iltf TV, Ponltry and Eggs 45 I BABY CHICKS THAT LIVE, MANY varieties, jsegtaaiag April -a, enetom hatching prices mnch lower. Phone 82F21. Lee's Hatebery. 45m28tf TrmTiVi . -TUe BANOfT v SHElVf EL HAZ ARD ENTERS TfeNTAM R)R HIS ACT roin t t LOVC GOOD - HE Reaving-. USTOTH CAMP OF-OUR. ' rKirs.iu- CRAWL OVER. TH ROLLING DESERT TO, . A POSITION . OP VANTAGE .. Wf av . RILsccDaneoua FURNITURE'. ?rpUOLBTKRI AHO rapalriag, w Oiaee-Pawawe J. rnrnt aro Store. - . y A ;i : f ,-.- - z a20tf IN8CRAXCB OF AL1 KINDS 1 I Firo. Llfa. Aatoaaahtlo, Caanatty.Ae. cideat and Health! . - : -ym, ; BUS8ELLE ASPISWaJLL" , ,222 N. Commercial SU Phono S. Wo write Sarety .Bonds. m ' Slatf Personal 55 HIZi TREATMENT FOR APPENDICITIS - "It-Is-WooderfnL" Froo Information 1 Addreas Hiss Co Portland. Oregon. fi5el-l?S Money to Loan 57 FEDERAL FARM LOANS 0H - Wood. 841 State BU F. L. S7m7tf 1 HAVE MONEY TO LOAN TO ASSIST yea ia haying or haiiding a homo or bnsinoaa property ia Salem, or to re fund your present mortgage. No stock to hay. Chaa. Hodkias, over Millers Store. Phono 98. 87m26tf t Money to Loan 57 LOANS On city property, closed without delay. Reasonable term a. Monthly paymeata. State SaTiaga and Loan Association. 1am W. High. ; 7apl14 Wanted Loans 59 WANTED Money to loan en good real estate se curity. W. H. GRABENHOR8T CO. Real tore. 134 Sooth Liberty St. Phono 515. 59ml3tf HAVE PARTY WANTING PRIVATE money oa farm security la soma .of $2000.00 and $1000.00 at 7. A. C. BOHRN 8TEDT Realtor, Loans,' Insurance. 147 No. Com'l SU Salem, Ore. , 59ra28tf Real Estate 63 Own Your Home GOOD WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 39 acres, 27 acres praaes, balance pas tare and garden. Good 6 -room plas tered honse like new, prune dryer aad barn for 84300.00, $1500.00 down., 165 acres, 100 acres elesr. balance pasture-, good hoaae and fair barn and ailo. $45 per acre. 173 acres oa pared highway, two sets good buildings, all in cultivation, $105 per acre. 370 acres, 220 acres plow land, good buildings. 8 miles from Salem, $50.00 per acre. MeGILCHRIST PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 140. ' 63altf rO SALE BY OWNER ONE 8 roemed modern house; one 4-roomed modern bouse, located 860 and 869 8. 12th St. inquire Eaton. 869 8. 12th St. Phone 2007. 63 GENUINE FARM AND HOUSE BARGAINS 40 acres, 21 cleared, the best of well drained aoil, 4 acres good mint land, 19 acres the best of pasture with some timber, log house, good new barn, .fruit house, well fenced, on a msin road, 10 miles from Sslem north, priced finest of running water, family or chard, 84850, terms. 80 acres good nut and berry land, close to town, want suburban store in Salem. What hare yon? 1 acre, 4 rooms and nook bangalow, garage, bam, en the highway, $2200, $10OO eaah, balance to auit. 8 rooms, woodshed, fine shade, lot 60x183 feet, $1050, $200 cash, balance to suit. 5- room new bungalow, woodshed, ewer, city water, lights, $1475, terms. 6- room strictly modem new bunga low, $4250, terms. Hudson coach and cash for 4 or S naa bungalow. : -SOCOLOFBKY. $41 State. - 63a2tf LOOK plastered Good 6-roora 31800. honse, snap 4-roomr plastered house $1000. 4 - room papered house, $800. 5- room house, large lot, all kinds of fruit, $1750. Any of these houses can be bought with $200 cash, balance like rent. We have a restaurant and a nice lot to trad for 8 or 6 acres. 15 acres improved, want city prop erty. ' THOMASON, 331 4 State St. , .. . 63atf 5-ROOM MODERN BUXGALOW BA8E ment faraace $4000. Trade for acreage close in. -Large house near Highland trade for. - acreage. New bungalow fireplace, $3000, fine buy. , 7 -room bouse corner, $4200, $500 down. 6-room boose, large lot, Summer street, $5000, $500 down. - Small house, corner lot, $200 down; business location, $5000. Business block, $35,000. 8 acres all set with fruit, 5 room . house, basement $4500. Trade. 10 acres fully equipped with stock. machinery, and furniture, crops all in $6000. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE. " 482 N. Cottage Street. 63slt( 62 ACRES V mile Monmouth. 52 acres 'all seeded to clover, rest timber. 39OO0, terms. 80 ACRES 13 miles north. Yamhill county, some bottom land, timber, 20 acres cleared, extra good soil. $7200. 160 ACRES Near Hood River, 40 acres under plow, 3 million ft. timber, ssady loam soil. 850O down. BUS8KLLE A SPIiNWALL 222 K. Commercial St. Phane 3tt. 68a3 WHY PAY RENT When you can buy a home with a mall payment down, balance like rent. r 300 down, $15 month. Price $850. Hoaae S rooms. Snap. $ 800 Honse and lot or $1150 with 2 lets. $1000 Cosy bungalow, 4 rooms, owner in California. Must sell., sscri fice. If yea are looking for a snap. see this one. $1550 Cosy 4 -room ace lot. $250 cash. If it's a home on easy paymeats Bee CHILDS BECHTEL, Masonic Temple. Phone 1727. 63s3tf FOR SALE ALL OR PART OF MY home, 1750 Market street, consisting of 2 a eras with plenty of frott trees and 12 -room . house., ' Rollinc - xronad. Pin shade - trees.- cement walk and parking all finiahed. Water and elec tricity. Mrs. J. L. Psrrish. 83s3 MOT REStST.THE WU . IIeVlfti- "Trw how cAri pfove itth ajwld jre weANP. " hazards . J:J, S a(J7 J-LZy r J husanw; r7 : : another fWfVHP ietuswde jwsufflt 4 MANUEL NlfiriT CLOAK " US W For siLa jft w s room cxgalow -j? large- attic,' doahle 'raaarraettaa.' -mod-v era except heat.- 4 lots 17 traH trace. 191 Roaemoat Are, Wast Salem., r : : -'- -- . I y,;' f.: g3may2 $2500Locatd soath. rms. haeement. - a large ooraor, easy terms. $3300 East, 'new, faraace, faa fmlt $300 cash, balaace $2a moath, iatereat. paved street. $4500 Strictly modem new hoaae. Ire I-lace, oak floors, wilt take soldier's oaa. $3500 S rasa., and two lota, aorta, par ing paid, will exchange for acre age of same raise. Bungalow Coart aad part meat hoasee ia Port land tor good farm an to $40.- ooo. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTEOR , 216 Oregon Bids. 63M28tf THE BEST BUY Modem home on State St. Owner lear iag the city. Mast sell t a sacrifice. Price $7500. Only $3500 cash will handle deal. Strictly modern 7 rooms. Large lot. Ideal location, fhii home .is well built, doable constructed beat material. Was -built for a home by owaeiv If interested in a real home take a took at 1765 State St. or see Childs A Bechtel, Masonie Temple, will how yea this home. - 63a3tf REDUCED PRICES ON HOMES ( Lowest prices ever quoted en these.) ' SACRIFICED, owner aaya he must sell modem 5-room stucco, large lot, $3500, alao, new tile stucco, paving $4500. See these IMMEDIATELY. CREEK location, good 6 rooms, pav ing $2400. Lot worah nearly the price. . J SOUTH, good 6 rooms, $2856. $300 down. Also, dsndy bailt new home that $250 or soldier's loan will handle. SUBURBAN smsll home close ia. some fruit, $2000. Another strictly modem on paved highway $5950. MANY good-, buya in lots, bnsinesa opportunities and cosst property. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY. 218 N. Liberty Street. Phone 651. C3s2tf 72 ACRES IN WALDO HILLS ON paved road. 6 milea out of Salem. No buildings. All in crop Hooking food. Possession in 80 days. Price 85.00 per acre, good terms oa bal ance. 25 ACRES Silvertoa road district about 6 milea out. 5 room bouse, bam and shade. New chicken hoaae. 8 acres ia cultivation, 6 acres timber, bal ance pasture. A good bay for . $4000.00 half cash. 8 ACRES of view property, small build ings, close in and only $1500,00 terms. VICTOR 8CHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 No. Com'l Bt. Phone 577. 88ml4tf SACRIFICE BARGAINS 5-room furnished Bungalow North Salem, $2400, good terms. 7 -room furnished bungalow, large lot, gsrsge fruit, niee locstion $3500 easy terms. i 7Vi-aere snburbsn close In .niee bungalow and other bldg. Fine soil, $5500, terms. 2 &-acre suburban, close in, 4-room bungalow, snsp, $2000. terms. Fine, well improved 138 river bottom farm. 100-acres in cultivation, a-ood lo cation, $100 per acre, good terma, take city property. 2 all modem 5-room bungalow large lots close in, clear $7500 for equipped farm. . For real bargains see ns. ' PERRINE 4 MARSTERS 212 Com. Club Bidg. 63m31tf Investigate OUR NEW EASY PAY MENT PLAN . IN HOME BUILDING Bulgin & Bulgin 275 State St. 63ia27tf GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION " We have ovef 8000 properties" listed lor exchange. Every kind of property, very' price, every location. We esn match - your exchange EXACTLY. If yon would like to trade year property TODAY, come in TODAY. See GA8KILL, EARLE. Realtora. - Saeceaaora to Parker Realty Co. 186 8. Liberty.' Phono 2242. 25 OR 50 ACKE8, 8 MILES OUT. paved road, best soil, buildings, 'ma chinery, cheap, 1396 No. Front Bt. 63s21 Real Estate Trades .65 . TRADE 190-ACRE FARM " WELL IM p roved. Southeastern 8. Dak. for Vol ; ley farm. Good city property to trad for email farm. Eight-room' modern house, swell -location, $2700.. F. L. WOOD, 341 State St. - : 65m23tf See OUR EXCHANGES THI8 "WEEK 100 acres near Eildyville, Oregon, to . exchange for close in acreage or equity In Salem house. Good country store aad filling station - for small tract close in. 50 acree stocked and equipped, for city property. We can get yon s trad that will pleas yoa. ' SALEM REALTY CO., 462 State St. 85ml7tf , POR SALE OR TRADE ' V4 acre fine land, near Fair ground stores, covered with cherries, and loganberries. Fine building site Good terms. $6O0. - -Five-room house, paved street, ce ment walks, all in good shape.' $1900. Four-room house. South Liberty , street. Street sil paved. Let 75x143. Fine location. Price $3200. Terma. Eight-room houae. Highland avenue, with aevan lota. Fine location paved street, lota revered with fruits of stl ' kinds. AU East front. Price $5250. - Fine apartment house. Will tske good honse in city as part psyment. Income over $200 per month. Price $18,000. 40 acres highly improved, not too far front Sslem. New six-room hoaae, all plastered, good bare, 36x40,, wood abed -and cellar, plenty of fmit, consisting of prunes, apples, walnuts, etc. - Me&tly bottom land. Cash, 'a 11 ?8500. Fire-room houae, basement, lights, water, et. Gravel street, close to pavement. Price $2100. rj,Tu fine acres close te Salem, seven y.rootn honse, electric lights; good barn, -etMcken-house, good cellar, good well. May take aome trade. Price $7500. A large another of ' lota running : from $250 to $1200. - '- - - Fer farm aad city loaaav aae-me. last. frO. W. LAFLAR, 410 Oregon Bldg. - t - - -f -' ... - - 65a4 VtU, D0G-I! -1 .- IFVL WERE ,NS NJ HjftT. FAR . ( CAMP C'My,iWBBER,R,VALrJ r , I MTIVIJ . I AN 1 l UMP 'A MflN MJUvv. rN'r. 1 HI . trrrfcj 151.-. f i ; - rt,' 1 aJ , ANDNOW.pftNS, VVE: - - VlHE IS Up TD S0M&TM HCr z t VUST CUT rACpV -; - , r r VIC t-igST WATCH HifrV DARK. ID -T7. TUF dasjs OFOKRA.MTHEftl; U3RD HUNTER, t ."TH 1NKIN Or DIAMrV DEAD.S CENTER 1 iwd til I uiv . ' ERCHS on a 7 . m 67 ; RARE BARGAIN On accoaat siekaesa, erwaer mast sell 20 arrea with partly completed hoaae. . Only $2000. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 14? No. Com'l St. : Salem, Ore. .- . 730tf FARMS FARMS FARMS . We have some of the best farm bar gains la tha valley. Large and small ones. 165 acres, fair hldgs.; stock, crop and implements. Price $100 per acre. -Terma. - ANOTHER ONE 140 acre. 130 arrea la crea. bldga. Price with atock, crop and piementa gl4o per eere. FINE 110-ACRE DAIRY FARM , All cultivated, fine buildings, on' paved read; a real farm tor $16,000. Will take city property as pert pay. For farm bargains, 4 Sec CHILDS - A BECHTEL Maaoatf Temple. Phone 1727. 7aStf Real Estate Suburban 69 MUST BR SOLD TO SETTLE AN ESTATE 18 1-acre lota, plated ready to build on each tract. Paved highway, close to City lfmita and car liae. Only $350 per acre. Best opportunity for in vestment around Salem. Contractors aad builders you had "better look at this. For bsrgsins and exchanges in anything eee Barber, 200 Gray Bidg. 9m25tf Automobiles Wanted 77 1 1 CASH , PAII Ante' Co. FOB FORDS E I K E H 77ml2tf Used Cars for Sale 79 See MacDonald USED OAR 1924 Overland roadster 1919 Ford Touring 1921 Cleveland Touring 1924 Ford Coupe Franklin Touring. Dodge Touring BARGAINS $275.00 $ 75.00 $400.00 $395.00 $550.00 $ 75.00 .$ 75.00 Chevrolet Touring We have many other good buya, don't fail to see them, convenient and liber al terms made. MacDonald Auto Co. Cottage and Perry fits. Phone 409. Mermen Willys Knight Overland 7altf 1924 Studebaker Special Six . .880O.O0 1923 Packard Touring $1850.00 1921 Pierce Arrow Sedan $1100.00 1925 Cadillac Phaeton $2650.00 4 Pass. Lincoln Phaeton $2000.00 VALLEY MOTOR CO. Csll 1995. Ask for Mr. Olsen. 79m30tf We have a very large and select stock of both open and closed cars. And if yon are in the market for a good used rar, in juatice to yourself you can't afford to not look them over. . Ford tourings $25 to $225 Ford Coapes :$250 to $450 Ford Tudor sedan $475 Chevrolets $ 50 to $350 Overlands ., $ 50 to $750 Bnieks $100 to $550 Oldsmobile Coupe $350 Hudson Speedster $470 New Overland Sedan, license and equipment. $750 Cash Terms Trade F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 365 N. Commercial St. CADILLAC HUDSON Phone 1260 ESSEX ?9M28ft Eiker's Guaranteed Used Fords ' 1925 Touring . 1924 Crape . Ford Sedan 1925 Roadster 1925 Touring . $335 i $335 9345 'ZZ..'..-.7Z.ZZ. 335 coupe $455 Stock, complete. 54 other cars to choose from. Some as low as $45.00 EJKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 79m23tf Reliable Used Cars f have a complete stock of good ataadard makes at all times. It will pay yoa to look them over before you bx. - , . . - . Fred M. Powell Motor Cars $50, N. High. Telephone 2126. 79m 9 tf . Rebuilt Used Cars Ford Touring ... Ford Coupe' ... Ford Coupe .' Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet "Turing Dodge Touring $135 $165 $275 8350 .-..$200 3175 rora. limes: $350 Newton Chevrolet Co. 525 Chemeketa. Phone 1000. ?Omtt .' Nominating John E. Madden Because he is the master of the famed HambursjFIace, near Lex ington, Ky. . Because when it breeding of race horses his leads all of the rest (for .nine years. he has produced more win ners, and greater money earners, than any other American breed er) : Because he uses his supremacy to aid the army in producing good cavalry horses; . . Because he produced the Win ners of two! out of the last three Kentucky derbies- Zev and "Fly ing Ebony, as Well as a string of other defby. winners; Because last season horses bred at Hamburg Place won 38S races and $b3S,7I0; j'-r , Because fee maintains a ceme tery for the equine great. . Buy a Want Ad It Pays Big :ReaT-T&tat comescOLthe 1 nam4. CLASSIFIED DUSIkESS DIRECTORY' Of Reliable Baslness and Prafesstomal lrrh ArTmgd lav- I' Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference jUraTJXAXCB GOLDEN . AMBULANCE PHONES) 809 and 883-R. Iav or night Servian, flstf AUCTI0HEKB.S i i M. i i V N. WOODBT Salem'a Leading Expert Lives tor k, Far attare and JKeal Estate Aactieaeer aad Appraiser. - I ' Kes. and fitorev 1610 N. Sam mar Street. Paeaoi 611 Per Sale Data Established Since 1916. ' 6tf ACCOUNTANT 6. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND AaeV itor, 331H .State. Phone 2098-K. I al7-'26 BATTEBT AND ELECT BICIANS B. O. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES, starter and generator work; 171 South Gobi mere iaL I Phon 198 COURT ST. JOE WILLIAMS BZ0TCXXS AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN COLUMBIA BI eyrlee and repairing, 887 Court. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. ibICK L. U. HUM Chineae Medicine Company 4 Help aay known disesse. 420-426 Stste. sautr CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. I SCOTT, PSO. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phon 828 R or 87. H. B. 8COFIELD. PAL1IRR CHIKOPRAC tor. 328 Oreron Bldg. Phone 2104. mVf pRB88MAKHtU MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler 'eStore. Phone 117. EUSCTBICIAKS PI.EENER ELECTRIC CO. HOU8E wiring byf hour or eontraet. Estimates furnished.? Phone 980 171 Court St. ! FARM PAPFB IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper aead 15c ' the Paeifie Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. i POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trisl for ithe best and oldest Journal in the west. The articles aad adver tisements, are of special interest to the Soul try breeders of the Northwest orthwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street. Sslem, - Oregon, 8 FINANCIAL INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN ON 8A lew homes, business blocks and apart ment bouses. Schneider-Bell Co., 147 North Commercial St. Room 4. Phone 577. i 26tf FOR SALEr FIRST AND SECOND Mort- Ssges. Trust Deeds, Contracts on ouaes Will net 6 to 30. . BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg 189 N. High SU Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONET te loan on good farm security. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Inauraace Company money on city residences and business property, at 5Vs, pma a commission. Hawkins A Roberts, Inc., 205 Oregon Building. i d-14tf FLORISTS FERNS,- CHOICE ROSES. GLADIOLUS, perennials, ahrabs. Weeping birehv4ria, etc. Bennett N yrsery-o. Fairground Road. :Tel.,128Q. , jH, . 'Wt2 s Irisurel r Tour torn or car bow J , - Phone ll-- BECKE A. HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg..-. 189 N High St. -- l Jt-'tt LAtnrDRIES BALEM- LAUNDRY COMPANY 268 8. High ttreef. Phoae -25, West, larg est aad: best." F.italMshe4 1889. TRY THE HOMB ET, WA8ri 'llAUN. dry. Phone 171.1356 B .Street. JTTtf CAITAli CITY LAUNDRY Paoa 165. Service)' with a amlle.-, JuaUr "wfrk'. , 1264 Broadway, j , .- J14tf jLASXBS ,yAIX0RPttt . .. - d. H. mosher -j-Tailor for' men and wemen. 474 Court St. ' : - i MATTRESSES' ' MATTRESSEgf RENOVATED BY THE Capitol City Bedding-C.f -1190 North Capitol. Called tof nd delivered: All work gnarenteed. Phone (19. t!9tf i. JaXDXOAtir MOUNTAIN - BALM "vCOUGtil RKHKDY Phone S17-W " . . MUSIC STOBXA GEO. Ct WILL t PIAKOaV PHONO- rapns. sswtng macainst, aaeet muate astoKpiaao atudiee Uepalring phoao grapafand sewing maehm.s, 432 attate etreet, Salem. BBBKaaaKMsamaHHSsaiBasaaSDSHSBBSSaaassaBBast 1 't SEWSPAPRRS THE- PORTIaAND TELEGRAM. SALEM Agency The Ace.: Tel. 939. . , THE" OREGON STATESMAN, '60 CENTS - per aaonta aeuvereo; to . year, haeae early each worn i nr. ' Tel. 23 er 883. KUESERT ST0CX FRUIT,) NUT AND SHADE TREES' fearcy Bros.. 17 a. Commercial. - - ;P facziso 'AItd shxpfivo - FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKINO ' aad 'ahlppini, U SUff'S Fniar Btorei. favone - ..- Buy d'Wairt AtTaysrg By Ed Wheelact lLOVZ'S. THERE r jsa '" OUT FLOWERS, WIDDIN0 BOUQUETS Funeral wreslhs.v dectjratfoasv C.'F. . Breitnaupt, florist,; 12i .. N. liberty. 0 3-31 FAPIRHANalaTO AND PAINTXN0. PHONE OLENN. ADAMS FOR hoOSK , deeeratiag, paper haagiag. tiatiag, ate. Hetiahte workman. . .- - . , . FIAMO nmERs , . I ' EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Ptaaa taaer. Leave erdera Will's Masiie Steve. PRINTUfQ FOR, STATIONESfT, CARDS.'. PAUPH lets, programs, hooka or aay kind of printiaa. i Call at tee Pii. ing Department. 21 8. Cemm.rei.i. Tel; M. 53. - - ...... PLUMXINa PLCMBIN0 AND GENERAL . REPAIR work. Graher Bree, ltd 8. Lihertv. rnssff B3u ftt RADIO v 8PLITD0RF RADIO, SALES AND ' ' . ; . -; SERT1CI - ' v ?i Ne betfer . radia made at aay. price - High aad Trad t Radiolas ; For Every Parpose Every Par " All Bteaderd Rise of Radio Tnhe . HALIK A EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP ' -83T fViort St. Phho 488 XEAZ. E8TATS IP TOU HAVE PROPERTT TO BELLI ir if yoa are looking (or a home, tares, or business property, -e as. BECKE a; HENDRICKS - i "r 189 N. High St.. Hrilig Bldg. 8tt REAU; ESTATE ,f HARRIS OFFERS ' . . t NEW MODERN, 8 rooms and Urr sleep ing porra: nait block aoath , Parrtoh -school ; full bssement ; fireplace : well built; 33800; terma. NEAT 5-ROOM COTTAOE N. Sammar and Jelieraon; bath, garage, lot 5s7$: aouse practically -new; , bargsia a 82800; terma. . IT. -,. ' j- vv RIS. MAsealc' BldfJ TL' 79 1942J. ' OAYSVOERS , . CITY GARBAGE CO. OWICS PHONK oa. 107 - B. vommercial. ties. Phonal FOR GOOD 8CATENGEB) SERVICE Cal, 107, Hal em Scavenger, Cummin had Trotter. . -' - - a3tf . BaBaaaasassmsiSBsasSBBaaSBBaaasaaBBsasasBBaBas SECOND HAND OOODS WANTED EVERTTHINO IN CLOT1U- lag and shoes. Best price paid. Capii '. tsF Exchange. 842 Norths Cemmeroial Phone 1888-W. : TRANSFER AND HAVXJXO TRANSFER AND HAULING OP ALf .r kinda. Pkene 19F8. r. .' . V WE t0fE "STORf AND KHIP'BOUBE '-i noia gooes, wnr cpecnalty ia'piane ant faraitaro ssevrug. - W alao lnak rasa try trips. We handle tho heat real aneVit wood. Call on aa for prices. We glv I good messare,, rood oaalityhad go ' service. Lamer Traaifer Co. Phoa 931 , CAPITAL CITT .TRANSFER. COi 3i " iffie 804. Coarn . ft. At.'. sw,sia wavaavvevpeev Ais.Uull rCmnae aeles ,rate . riTiii ""m tmjjL th- tiww on i Is urc1of the rkar,'8U Xla. . glfartoa-r-Y a all, M'WK.- -iL as.. -uady only 8 180 p. j - -8 ii 0. p.' mi)' A: V3 p.'ar."8uadsy )aly, I McVlnnrilf A-iA . L 9-in . .. "L I m. L0ND6N. nrU.J-.frjy .Assd- elated iPress.Jr-Kp fChVaca wsj PrtnCBss VltfloMaslstpr at'. Klnig; pnsumonVA t' MarlBoroufctf hou. Except for ihlSaBbdunlsment tTr, paystclans utteiKlIB K,Ser"illd ot lsabe-' n otf!Ua ' bxnieha; V, The PrfRiw-'of 'Wmless stni 'conflijed to-his room 'a Tor k bouie ivfter thi operition on his sar earlf T Portland Steahxrr'TJenoT'in takes ' capmtttV ciTtdtUfc cone W MtbBwI.fuin.'Vr e V f 7 I t rates NOTICE op;fix1 ACCOJCXT- In 'thV Cnty Cpurt 'pf ths State. In tbVniatter on tlw JSsUU or .: . r 'i ai aii vi .' " "Z SALEaTaFATER. LXGfli ?E'a f'W'stni'l" Ja-ftlO p. lav. j 8:15 p. JO). M .,4 .j TiHaaeh-S.i :ti at,' :f p.- as. ' " - .'.?! -i ? .'r.-ess ' f or , l&fermati' KottJs .hersbytEmni Jhat A- -c Ian Jones, thfi taBdefsfjTierl admlir-' s iatHtoiftyftk t$awxtrjcijtabth MtUeT, tleceawid, a tI41'hts fink. ; accoaBttMt8ilch?in'laltr3tor in tho'.eountjr oH4ttihe State tif . Oregon, jfor Marten i .r-vjjr, 4a4 ' tnalsa"lJ cou&"h&a Appelated nd- 4 setUT84y.(rieal da? AprlU' lttH iff ttfQJtfjtoi tft.fSi 47 m at- th,e-'oirf t rooja' f ;sald " coor I in tbe city pfSAlpr i3 altf jcountT and Bateas' ,h'e t Jme sp d, place for- the' h'eatJifc of j jpaieftlons Jo -the nal-aaconor and' settjeiaeat thsreof.and that1 all persons la- t tereetecC lo-sald estate H7 appear-? on or )ef ore said tlate asd file a'nr ob3ectl6Tslhef;eldtr ' ' J " , ; . Dated at , Salera, Oregon, tr.l , first published" ".lUarca 6," 1926? Date of last publlcatJon'Atrlt ..1. 1 t46.-' - ' , 'i' . i " - ALLAN JCNTVJ Admlilalrator ot It x I .tate ;f riUabcLH jui:: er, C : - - -' -' .m 6-l-sa-27;,a z: d. iv u 'Air. Very T-:-T el :s -eu :t c nodify the handicap of bomeli J -3SS. ' . t ' a . - - ' ... -r -T '-iw