The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    .,it;L'lf; lir$AU.OV.VWOK -audita
i I .- Uj, iJi.r o i 1 i VhT?Aj.,1 iU.-UiirvttJr --
i s
Piety Hm; Club
On ' account of. the -bride tea
which ' the&alehi '-Woain'! club
wIll-ponsor Tn Wednesday of
next ' week t'metfibero of the
iWf- Hill; club have postponed
thl April , Weetlng, and wilt not
meet, again -until the: first Thurs
day; in May.- Mrs. E'fc. Cross.
IfcfeU&lVThtelsen' and krs Rus
sell Catlln wilt brf thir hot i A
Bridge TeaM Woman's I T
Club'Jiouse l$exitWee&S.".t
.rUterestinsTplans are underway
for what promises, be opVbt tie
largest -bridge benefit', affalra fit
thf spring 'seas'o&S- an': afternoon
of 'cards : on ' Wednesday, Jk$Tll "t
afe the ej inaejr'tbe spon-
' drnThf maleytt Wpmanii
clubMrSvr k Anaersbri 1 In
i charge of the 'afternoon ' Mrs.
William MeGllchrlst; Jr., Ts , chair.
man, . of the ' bridge ; committee,
- while... Mrs. J. Jf; ;Whiitii ' isj in
charge of the tea. ii J" '
- elaborate 1 decorations :ati.y an
attractive program.cUiive ,fa
' tures of . an 'extremely delightful
, afternoon. : All Salem women who
owjoy1 cards artf invited; t6' reservfe '
tables , for He-erent catling an jr
member-; of Mrr- McGllchrlst's
coimnlttee ,A ntrmber parties
within tfjartj are' being blairneT
-4hat-is twof-; three, "and, four
tikbjaf W1J be reletted as a xoviir
.the players VpVo'gresstogf 'among
theinselyea aa if at arfvite party.
The ao?hoatesa plan,1 Is being, par
, UcnUrtyemphasJxed; as. a-feature
' of Wednesday's event. each,, guest
. aasuming her , jbwn. feey. laylp
t'aT)lea will -be! prorided for ' air
tbostt reserrlngf theml ; ..
Friends of -the club who da not
plat tarda are Inrited td eome for
: the- tea hoar Jater Ain
noon. ' r '
tbe afte
The following are members: of j
then&rfdge committee: Mrs. wu-
ltanV-lScGnchrlst. Jr.', chairman
Hi. J '"Qufsenberry. Mrs. J
H,1 Darby, Mrs. Walter Penning
ton. Mrs: John L. Rand; Mrs. Clif-
' f ofd Farmer, Mrs. Walter J. Kirk.
MrSiWalte Page,Mrs-j A. ft.
Hoor.v Wrs. Herberttjff ' d
MTB.B.atld, Wright, " -; j 1
: On the tea committee on Weil
nsday those who, will act. are:
"MrsJ..T. Whittlg;'chalrman. Ms.
- F,'GMyera, Mrs..F. G. Bowersox,
Mrs; .aril . Iftnneii,r v,jjMrs: , Riy
Ifttkman, Mrs. E.V C. Strickland,
mVsX C.:sjnithrMrs.!fl.fB. Ber
rick, -Mrs. WiUIamBusIck.'Ms.
Alf red Berg. Mrs. iJs Wlllett,
Foley,VHrm.;'OUTe'r.i'ttD8t68u. MrsV
WT, G. Allen. Jid.fHrsi,, C " k.:
Robertson: ; ?, I " -v, . -
Bridge Group . M eeU t'; .. T,
, atiEl-Club : -
LMJaJTietorMKenzle was hps
teas on Wednesday -for. the mem
bertol Tier bridge Uub Vfteh. sh'e
entertained at an. "interesting it
falrrat the Elks.clubi - Talipa lb
the. pastel shades " ten te red" 'the
luncfteoii"table- which was- decor
ated with Easter norelties. The
luncffeoA was serredtin the ma'in
In the stoud .were: . Mrs Al
LKrauset Mrs. K. W. HeinlelnJtfr-
r . m . ...
a .
icst!j3.:V He 151 hats."
w taTjb t3 ccirc to
J ft
. - if
1 ffi""f
: xsa. Priia ta tzila rarijci Irca 4 ccnta to lv.,iLs kni ca r.iU',
A. SUfferKraVET.Eckertlnt
Jf Mrs: Lu C, Chausse,' Mrs. Fldyd
Riches, Mrs'" Ka'rt 4 itlngs. Mrs.
Heinleln. ; and. .the hostess, Mra.'
Victor McKehxie. .; :';
; The prizes or the af ternoorf-U
playing taking place Ja the ladles
parlor on the second floor were
won" by Mrs! Krauae And Mrs:
Riches. -
i At the next meeting of .the'elab
Mrs. Chaqsse will entertain.';
County 'Part fac
Conventionhi flighting ; ,
School Today I; ; t .
Delegated from ;f Ifteeji parent
ieacheni Circles hrougbuV M'ari
ion county wfli be In atendance'tof
day t J the county conrestloa
which. opha.aV iG'o'cWk at the
Highland, school. " ' '
: Mrs A: ' Mr Chapman, i assisted
by Mrs. George -WemlAroth 6f"Sl
lem, and Mrs. Margaret Martlh of
AumsTllle- ar - in charge of the
day's : . program, i Mrs; ; W. W
Gabriel of; Portland,;, the state
president, will, be, a guest of hon
or fort hesessions.'
r j. A? group.; of 'Interesting,, speak
ers, hare, been .securedUfor, the, day
Including. Miss CtfrpeHa MirTirf,
state liBTtfrfan;- Miss Mariair Wy-1
"ufati,: Y. W, - CAAv seqretaiT Bea-
jamtn. J. KIm"ber,: i boys'., leader;
and Judge Fred BaeU formerly of
the Juyentle -court yof- Columbus,
; t.i.yi iWhftev president of the
county organi-tati&n, wiir preside
af !lie jiieelln''ad0an Tdr rkti
bibi Sports .tbfoniny oii the 'ao
tirttfes; of Ihe year: ' ' '
J;. Luncheon wHll'be1 served at
noon, t lite4. Ico)4cK;inley. as
sociation' '" furnishing : 1 ' the hot
"J ilkh'eV Ihe T Liberty ; circle, the
'Ci&'t-bje oihbr circies'of tne
- - . v v . . - fc. . . t . .. ,
in KertfatuL i ?, : -n. ' , . .
" A large 1 nam bp r of , prominent
Salemi women ' are;, interested:.. in
the: first bl-ennial Northwest con
ference of the American Assoeta
ttoi 6F UnlrersitT Women, whlcli
epeiled yesterday;' and'. Will. close
fcbday; "in Portia-Mi maiiy- - of "the
ikrger branches of the! Assoeiatien
have registered delegates, repre
sentng prominent grocps - in both
pjcegpn .andWashlnkion. : Among
localities f repraented are Seattle,
iingjam, .I'acpma, Spokane,
jLiOpgyiew. Kelso. 43&lem, Corvallls,"
Eusener andr McMinnvilJe. . ,
dent cfcther.Salenx., branen, ; and
Mrsv' Roy Kleins Mrs.uE C, Rlebt:
atdt; - and Miss- Frahces .. Richards
all . plan ' in ' attendance
throughout vthe-entire conference.
' "The following delegates and ai-'
ternatea were chosen; last, month
to represent 'Salem: ' Mrs. J. H.
lautermazu Mrs.i C-.' A. Downs,
Mrs. Martin Fereshetian and Mrs.
II; A. Woodward, delegates; and
Mrs. -.J. M. jHvers.' Mrs. George
Hug. Mrs. I. : Patterson, - and
Mrs." F. G. Franklin, alternates."
; . Today's program win . 'continue
as follows: ' t ,
9 : 0 0 Meeting of , the Oregon
atate . division;'. President, -Miss
Moselle Hair, presiding'. --' Meeting j
.Jsst the fena yca ixfl
xaada to order forma.
Li 4
LlAiU WIW ftlir
4 - t
-.1 . x.
U. t
.. .
vv 1
Ls- vivv jir W :
of t"fie' Wasblngtb'n branches. Pres
ident. Mrs. Palaglus Williams,
-president of -hTffrBeT11ngham
branch. -V- V.'V" -
- 10:00 Pre-school educatldn.
Speaker. Mrs. Sara 'Prentiss; ii-
structor In child care. Oreg6a Ag
ricultural college. ''Slgnlf lcanbe et
the Pre-8chool Age." DIscussioni
Presiding, Mrs. UBVPi Cramer
ehalrmanT of educational commit-
tee of the Portland branch,". " .
tI8:30-IiuJic1aeonl." ; Regular
monthly: meeting of the Portlatfd
brchi T fa
Higher: Education In Washington
and t Oregoi. ? Speakers,! Judge
Austin E. Griffiths-; Seattle; Pro
fessor'- Hector .- Macpherson, -..Ore
1 "? fl Bri '-L- Tn (at nf !nM I m! a 4 Inn.
study '-i croups. - Presiding," Mrs.
George Marsh." chairman of tnter-BfttfQit'jralnsBtad-f
eectldn of
the Portland branch. ? '
lGitX f Reserved: to ,
; A short, play will be girek at
the. First Congregational .Sunday
scnooi cour tomorrow by a group
of six 'qirt-Reserves. Mrs. Alice
IT. OJoddnrtn irtv an Inspiration
talk: 'dhrlng the morning, whie
the "Bulidlajt of : the Cross" will
be an additional feature at this
Easter service.
Guests m Portland
Birtkddv Celebrated -
witjiSufpru'e pthne. ; :
' ; Mfs iohn Cornforth was the
Inspiration- for a delightful event
oi me: pasi ,wee-eira ,wnen a
groupVjbtf fiends; "mei; f9r a sur
prise dinner in her honor."
In the group were:
. Mr,and. Mrs. John. . Printx, Mr,
and Mrs.. Lou Clearwater. Mr. and
Mrs.: Jesse Martin. Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Xlckel. Mr. an Mrs. H.
Fueatman, ' Mr; 'and Mrs. Ter-
wllllger, Miss Grace "Stiffler, John
Clearwater, r Dee' Himes, -Mrs.
Chlldere ifiss , Mathews, Frank
Kat,Mrs. Schellberg, Mrs. Bliss,
Mrr and. Mrs, win Farr and Mr.
antMrs. Cornforth.
Writers to Make Trip to
Eastern Oregon
Dr.W. H Lytld will accompany
Albert Richard Wet Jen, Frank
Richard-Wet Jen, Frank Richard
son Pierce, and Robert -Ormand
Carie, 'all writers, on an Interesting
outing intd eastern Oregon'. The
"members 'of the party plait to be
gone f for week. Front Portland
they wftl go to Hbbd Riter ahd"
thence Into Harney county.
Chetneketa Chapter to Meet
MemDers- oi unemeieia cnap-
thg Danghters ' of the
American Revolution will meet
this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Homer SfidltH for the r April meet
ing, The' program? or. tne after-
noon will, oe a paper ua wmj
"Causes and. Effects of Jtne Immi
gration Law.t Of added, interest
will be ; the reports of the three-
day state convention held last
week in Portland. v
Hostesses today , will , include:
Mrs. Homer Smithy Mrs. Homer
Goulet.. Mrs. Alton. B. Hurley.
Mrs. J. B. Eakln, and Mrs. Carey
F. Martin'.' '"'
. Cheineketa , chapter.,Qadgters
pf' Amerldan Raybltttlbn. ,Mja.
Homer Smith, 675 Summer
street.. . ... , . .
' booked food sale. , Junior Gaud
of St,; t'Jful's ' Episcopal churcn.
lilemeyer's ;DrotoW';, ., .
, Cooked, food. sale. Royal
Neighbors.., SO. ticket office. J
. ; ' f arf on 'irounty.ParentjTehers'
association. Highland school. 10
o'cloclc i c.c'; :y , :i i- ' ;.?,
H Cooked food sale..' Salem Auto
mobile company, 151, N. - High
streets Oalr Grove Community
Indies' Ald- - ' . ,
' i JBaaT ' v
Eatteri reaper; . .First Preshy
terian church. 5 o'clock. " , i
'' Salem if uslc. Tekchers assocla
ttdn. ' 'ISjai rohyearce; 467
N. Winter streeU hostess.
- Wedneeday '"
;- Benefit , bridge tea. -v Salem
Woman's; club. ' Club bouse. . '
liiij fcr L: -: ;
, .... - i
. -4 ,- j
I- I I ''. II J HI , , ,
ttDOAK ?
(CsaUStud Mf .) '
.the. younger to reorganize the
business. ' get, additional .capital
and branch. out into-, new J fields.
The bankers were skeptfealcif the
third John t ngate's ability to car
ry Out the grand, plans thai were
in his mind, alter, only five years'
active association with the affairs
of the firm. -And, subsequent ef
forts pTored equally fruitless. The
men who had the money John In-
jfcatd i Wanted shook their heads
and 'doubted If there was a much
drgT volume ef sales awaiting ft
wholesale leather concern ' in the
Central City territory, v So, while
John Ingate's 'Sons prospered, it
stood ikfll." ; ' '-7
The proud structure put up by
John Ingate the first had, during
the years, been added to. or taken
under Its' wing with the decline of
uiver street, otner ouuaings, until
the firm sprawled along a third of
the frontage on a, block, shadowed
by the tpwering structures which
made a gulch of Main street.. The
offices of the company had. a cor
ner of the principal building, and
were dark and gloomy whatever
the disposition of the sun. Elec
tric lights bumed all day, the roar
of traffic was always in the cleri
cal workers' cars and the, air that
Waf jcircuiated4 by: the long, antiquated-,
ventilation, system - was
heavy with the odor of leather.
,On an afternoon In early spring,
Mrs Julia - Ingate, ; who' was al
ways depressed' by her fare visits
to these surroundlhgs,' sat facing
"her son, John, in his private of
fice. Her daughter,' Josephine,
was present, watching her brother
as If she were deeply provoked.
?'We shall hate' to have more
money, John," Mrs. Ingate was
saying. .''That thousand wasn't
half enough.. Everything has to
be , done a certain way now, you
know. One simply can't be skimpy
in such matters. We , wouldn't
want poor Josephine to t be em
barrassed because her decorations
or ' her music wasn't- as good as
Marion Harwood's. r i- -."
But, mother," the youngs man
interjected, "the Harwoods have
several millions at their disposal,
while we're beastly hard up. I hate
to have skimpy, as you call
it. but it can't, be helped. Tou
see .". '
"Hard : ,up!7 Jpsep&lhe r ex
claimed. "You're always saying
the business" is on the rocks, but1
- - ,
yoBvsaid only the other day that
the sales.: Increased fifteen .thou
sand dollars last month."' '.
'.'Yes, but they have to! . Costs
are- increasing, all the time.'... And
the Lubbuck people are offering
a 10 per cent discount for sum
mer orders,; and we've' got to do
that. too. There's -."
-"Well .the 'business 'never was
HARD UP When father was presi-
dent-: ." I" ,.-v?S'.., :
Aw, go to the devil, sis! Yoni
can be a hateful little beast when
you want to."
"There, now children!" Mrs.
Ingate exclaimed. She was silent
a moment, then: "Well, if you
cant John, you eant," she sighed.
t know--- " .
"I hope you understand,
inother. We'e hot broke, and the
business is sound, but 'we just
haven't, got any money to spare
right, now, that's. alL; . ' '.' -U !
Mrs. Ingate tried to under
stand. But it was hard for her
to have to see Josephine launched
)n society, in surroundings - that
were, the observant could not fall
to notice, not so , pretentions as
those" jwhrtad ktteride . the fde-
friends. The Ingstes position in
society was -assured and did not
depend on 'mere show, but there
Were ;eHiinUppeaVances to keep
up. So she sighed. ,
"By the way, mother." ! John
as Return Net
4 ' -'
. t -
. rDefcatof Suxanne Lcnlcn by Xlclen WiUr'of Calif ortia in ,
: tlielr returnengsmeniajbelnj f0ree;lbi thcXUria S the sec-'
'ond match draws nearcrTlic fact that the Americatt-stylo of ball It "
to mcil, instead of. t! Haropff - . t !ere i la tlie first Waich will
rtc'iUy ?1 lite V:Zl it Is t' r V Photo thovs the twawom-'.
n. Mmittctilv the worll's (PtpL
- r 7 ,.iz
. . ... . . .
fianaust telore ticlrlt-rTj
spoke up, "did jron send an invita
tion to Miss MacLurle?" j
; She did not answer him Imme
diately, and Josephine expressed
herself emphatically r "I believe
not, . . -
"t believe X asked you to," her
brother answered calmly, t wish
you would attend to it ; before the
list of the Invited is published in
the paper.. .I'm sorry you have de
layed so long.
Josephine frowned. ."Look here;
John,. you're not really' serious
(- about that, are yoh?"
4 "I thought I had made myself
clear.'! . .'.
"But we can't!
"Why not?" -'She's
a stenographer your
stenographer. Her father's a me
chanic or something. "tt
wouldn't- ."
"Well, grandfather Ingate waa
a whisky dealer, and grand father
LInbrook peddled 1 1 n W a r e,
Mrs. Ingate exploded. "He did
not! That was one of your father's
Jokes. My father's father was
proprietor ? of a large store.
. Her daughter was also talking.
"Really, John, t wish you wouldn't
be so obstinate. , . . Besides peo
ple might misunderstand."
"Misunderstand what?. Let. me
telCyou, somethinsr, Josephine. I'm
thfnklng of asking her to be my
wife.' 5
Both women opened their
months aghast. Mrs. Ingate ex
claimed: '.'John!" Josephine re
covered to say, remonstratlvely:
"You're crazy: ."
j "I am thirty years old, and en
tirely 'capable of selecting a wife
Xor4 myself. I ." He paused
as he heard a slight rap upon
the door, and his face broadened
into expectancy,
f "Come in, Miss MacLurie."
' When, as she opened the door
bt the office. Eve MacLurie got
the. merest gffipipse of the faces
of Mrs. Ingate and Josephine, she
lt of CandldAtMatlO a. April 2
Besth, , Evelyn .
CrowtKer, Mrs. B. 8
Feller, liis Bernire
Fandrich, Mari
Barret. Robert ...
Greenwood, Frances M .
Uronke, Mrs. Leo
Ball, Mis E. Ot
Hsyes. Lneian . ..
Sendersom, Faye ;
ire, Mrs. H. B
lidddleston. 34 rt. Leo
ud.on, Mildred
Linntr. Baul&h
tOTelaiid, Mr. Floreae
Maw, Bossell
Mifier. Ronald
MClary, Ellsworth j.
McVey, Mrs. R. B
Naslu Mrs. Winifred
Pembertoaj IJanra ...
Pennington, Mrs. 3. B
Pitt,' Captain Alien!
Phillips,- Helen ..
Reg-imbal, Mrs. Mary
feanderaon. Alma
ehepafl, Marvin .
Kkopil, Mrs. Ralph.
Bnyder, Violet '
tteiwer, Russell
mith, Mrs. Jos N
Thompson, Margaret
Williains, JTina .
Wiederkehr, Mabel
Wheeler, Mrs. BeUe
Woolery; Ceell
Welcn, Elisabetn . .
Young-, May . .
Adams, Mrs. A. o)..
Asher, Rowena , , , ,
AapinwalL Mrs. Mte
Braden, Mrr. Winnie... f
Brysnt, Adda B
Beurli, Nellie
Clywer, Mrs. Oeo. ...
Corhonse, Maris. - .
Crane, Clement C
Clark-, Mrs. K. O . .
Cbaodleiv Mrs. Ooy
Fee, John II., Jr.
fUxyi, Mrs. Ada..:
Bieks, Mrs. W. as
Hopkins,' MarrneTKe
Knanf, Mikon .j..-
Kellogg, Mrs. Vera
Kiampe, Vahnsr .....
Liis, tTelyn : .
Lytle, Elfa ....
Mtttnm, Mrs. Christine
Marshal Tneodor .
Pbttai K. J.-..
Powell, Mrs. Clere .
Siebards, Grace
8nderly, . Mrs. Boy
8wan, Archie .
Townsend, Mrs. J. A
Wejier, Claire ; '
Wyni, Alta .
Wheeler, Margaret .
Young,-Mrs. Merton C :
3, 128,800
5,0 1, 650
;v.?.v.s-'.-ivA-. ui.
.t vr- n I--- r 1 veri .-1 -'
w" .ffr--
.... . .
ess .that she had been the sub
ject of Quite recent discussion.- '
t (To be'contbiued.jl
In the jtext ' lastalnseatf Tbe
Points of a TrUngie, . :
Guests From Springfield
Miss Franees Hodge ,.and4 Miss
aye Spauldlng wilK spend, the
Eastef holiday lii Salem. 1 Miss
Ilodge is the daughter oft Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Hodge." Both Miss
Hodge and Miss Spaulding are
members of the Springfield high
school' faculty. : " '"
' iCMtiaoed (nav pgs 1.) -
supply their own witnesses.- -I
The j amendments -proposed-by
Assisting Secretary Andrews, who
ia in v charge " of , prohibition . eh
forceinfiBt, are designed primarily
to dry ujrsources of-llguor supply,
pebajs; )the most . . drastic would
permit warrants to. tasuefor.the
search of private dwellings on
evidence of manufacture of liquor
for 'commercial - purposes.; Other
imendniebts "won' I'd authorize
these steps :
"; - Imposition of severe- penalties
for the counterfeiting of permits,
prescriptions and other liquor
Imposition; of, llrptie penalties
upon those who--mai;e, sell of
transport. . liquor, ' made from de
natured alcohol or rum.
Requirement of .registration of
'boildings and apparatus which
have been, set, up in such, a way
as to make the manufacture of
beer possible. -
The placing of. all cereal bever
age plants under government sup
ervision. 1 4
The summary condemnation ;i of
vehicles seized in liquor violation's.
Before having, the bill drafted
Secretary Andrews consulted with
Secretary Mellon and officials of
the department of justice and. the
measure , has the full' support of
tne administration.
In a letter accompanying the
bill Mf, Andrews explained! the
search.of private dwell ings' amend
ment by . saying, that liquor, oper
ators are taking, advantage - of
existing statutes to use homes as
distilleries with Immunity.
. "Thev rent. them dwellings And
establish .. a family, therein, he alcohol or - rum for liquor manu
sald, "whose occupation Is to dls- "factnre or for selling, making or
All Silk
to Top
; Service:
1 ..,
... -t .
,-"4 : ifytSfC-h
Modernlstle no&roMery. tn.
blacky . saver -andr gold sjistin
guishes ft graceful evening wrap;
ornlfe s.t&i Hd blscfc crepa
de chint;' . '
till alcoiol ; rr 0e ootlegtrade.
We, can jbxak up theseBOurces of
supply only by. having, the law
provide that search warrants may
be issued on evidence of .manu
facture for commercial. purposes,.
; One of: the' hmendments propos
es a sentence - of two years in
prison and a- fine of $2,0005. for
persons ; convicted of denaturins
77s t'FU rjnf cttt '
' " i i-yyy- '-: qaasataaaaaaaaaaaY Snatl
Full! II
. k- .. .-- AX .-V. . .
' ' ! f - . -, ........... - - y ' - '
All silklaiffbheai
-rose, dawnr rose ooah boir df tn.
h,hf? ?reWatinum, pearl i
irchtaent; pink paixhment,; tawny San- ' - , : '
; fJ3 lusn;.purple sage, golds
: :fH taueronado.llan
...chainpae, bluefox J s ; 1
weight - emt?
.. i . i
transporting licuor made i .-a del
natured alcohol orrum ..
- More rigid- drjv lnforcement
J regulations 'were proposed by' thai
administration. ;
fl:00-7:OO KWV.(491.Ai fortland.
ft;00,7:00 KFWV 212)V Portland.' . -
- -' i ireaio ' .-
10rOO-13:00 KQW (491.5), Portland,
r Iteae. rs4ie ' : .
11 :8d-l :S0-KTBtt . (263), Pond.
8:80-;SO--KGW. (40L, - .. IVAisad.
Kadi debate, 4Jntrrarty C CrBn
ITniversitr 8othMm-. CaUorcia.
- Qnestion. i'BelTed. tksr war, except
: la-eases inasin,-r internal reix I- .
' lion, sboo14 b declared by the direct
ote' ot tba a people-' et Unite4
States." ..--v - . - i -V-
T.-15-S KVVrV. itlt)i Portland. tAut
roads hour. . " ' '
' " t'"' rEHTEET AWfET ' '' ,;
0 :oo -KfON -XZHHfr ! "Bsaen.-. , 6
6:80. n;an ; 7-7:80, , studio prof ram; V
7:80-9,- Von Besck , Municipal band;
9'll; KPON artisu't frolics; Jl-lS r-,
-fan' recital. -- -r-; '
8:0.0 KMTJd. . X239), , Hollywood 6-7,
ta4u. proersa f S-10,: . KMTia- eoiu f r
ore centra,' sjoren Pnwell-direetinr?
linn Zaroca Russian snnrana. . v .
6:S0KXX (386.9)1 Hollywood: S;S0-7,
erebestra ; 7:30-a,8tnaW nroranv; -9;
.program; -lv, presram;
Wee -a. - danee ornheatra I Ilr i a. , i tu
Filmland frolie. ' , w
B:8-KW) lA'ia&S. Ban rranclaeo.
7:20, or-c best rs: 8-11, danee orchestra
11-12, Henrr Halstead a orcbestrs
8:80 KFI. (487), Los
Anreles. :30,
rest pocKet' program
dance ercAestra:- 8-9. Anjcews s trine
trio; Virginia Ptohri. soloist; 9-10,
AU-Antrican - Bsvsimn qnartet; rlO,
JCFI Midnight- Jrolie.,-. - j
T:00 KPOA, (454.8),. 8enttln, ,7-8. intii.
cat pros-ram;' 8il5-fl:80, all-artist pro
gram; :oai, Jackie bonder's Ser
enaders. '. .. ' .
, The followinr braadeastingS stations
hare programs schedaled (or early 8un-day-nsraias-
nenry as oliowst" 42 mm)
1:00, KjrRC.KRfV KS,UUs-K11,. KNX;
1:00-1:20. KPUUKFL KKX; 1:80-2 :M).
KT-rJO, - kfWf KW, KKX ; 3 .-004 :00,
K"WI,.iI, KTBEi ?C -t.'i.-'-.ti '. i
W i " i "
George Jehlinger, "inc., with
headquarters' , 'In Portland and
capital stock of 2Sfi00l, Prldsy
filed articlesjn the state corpora
tlon department here. The Incor
porators, are. George II. Jehlinger,
Ira F. Cole and.JOan II. Jehlinger.
Other article! fplIow: ; rp-X'
Standard. Products ', companjr,
Portland (pa capital Block); J3,
tt. East, Andrew C. Dahr'and,W.
M. Scarborough. , .... k : ' ;
fi City, Electriot! company ., Port
land; capital stock increased from
110,000 to $2500 . J ;;i
Portland Feed & Fertillxer com-
pany, Portland; ; capital stock in
creased' from f45,t0O to JluO
000;; : ' t .',-':'; " ' i.--
j: 4J'
.-30- -