The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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i Jin ' i i - - i r it i 1 n i r
Phones 48 and 49
Make your Easter. morning breakfast a complete success:
Serve HOTEL BENSON COFFEE. It has that appetizing
aroma. Itgives
"Hotel Benson.?
Apples-r-very ; choice '.Yellow
Newtons, per boxL.......
Macaroni--Best Semolina
3 pounds ..I...
I Spaghetti Best Semolina
3 pounds .....
Fresh Eggs i-"
2 dozen.
No 10 Crown Pastry
Pref erredStock Telephone
Our front windows are magnificently decorated Jith the Keenest and Most Ap-7-petizing
Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables,' gathered from the .Very best card-
1 OurWeatherMan
; ; raix
" Local rains and snows cast,
rains west portion; not much
change la temperature; moderate
southeasterly winds. Max. 59;
Min. 41; Rain none: River .6,
stationary; Wind, "southwest; At
mosphere cloudy.
Partnership Dissolved
C. N. Needham, prominent local
.baby chick raiser and realtor, an
nounced Thursday that . he has
. dissolved partnership with P. L.
Foster. The two operated the
Salem Realty company. Inasmuch
as Needham is no longer a mem
ber of the company, he wishes it
to understood that he will no
longer he responsible for debts
Incurred by the company.
In Prices "
Peggy Hops ins Joyce,
, today. a3
.? For an Appointment
WlthJoe Maddison of the Bob
Shoppe, phone 391. a4
: i.fUi.
Week-End Guest
. Miss Leota Angel of Portland is
a week-end guest of Mar jorie
V Brant. . .
Easter Hams
And Easter lambs.
147 N. High.
Citizenship Class to Start
- A new class in citizenship will
be started at the Salem . YMCA
rooms tonight. Members of the
class will prepare for the next
session of the naturalization
court, to be held here September
29.' C. A. Itells, secretary of the
local association, will Instruct this
Pie Plates With Server
Saturday special 98c.
ton's. '-'
if" -a3
Moved! "Moved T .... .. .......
; U. S, Miller.Ahe watchmaker
and jeweler,' has moved to 157 S.
Commercial St. Tyler's drug store.
Fined for Intoxication
L. LaChapelle of this city was,
fined, $5 by Judge Poulsen Friday
upon having been convicted of be
ing Intoxicated.
George Schnlx, the Barber -
It now , located with the State
St. Barber shop, No. 1266 State St.
, - " ' - a4
Marriage Ucense Issiiel -;
License to marry wai issued on
Fridajr in McMinnville to Ruth
Ines Bowman of that city and Rob
ert Lewis Elfstrom of Salem.
Undcnvood Typawritcr Co.
s Direct Factory Branch
C13 Court Street Plume S3
" TypewTitera Rented Bold,
Repaired -r-c!xl
rental rates to ktudeats
? 1 5y BUte and
I v Vj?Oa N liberty Streets
' -
1 155 North
you real coffee contentment. Just say
d1 .7C
Matches -1 Carton
(sue pkgs.)
Palm Olive Soap
..P1 I J
6 bars .U-
Van Camp's Pork & Beans OK.
small siseL x 3 f or...- .. L& C
Van Camp's Pork 'Beans, m r
largesizfel 2 fort;.:.;r4)C
Liberty Bell
C. : Syrjlp,-gal. size
Pe a s 1F i-r- Femck'sJ3rrur
ens and orchards of the land.
Fined for Parking
Bob Royston of Salem was fined
$1 by Judge Poulsen Friday for
having parked overtime.
Hemstitrlilng and Pleating
Mrs. Biwer, balcony of- J. C.
Penney's. a3
Rabbits for Easter Dinner
Phone 108F31.
Will Go to Eugene
Mrs. Freda Murray has resigned
ber position as stenographer in
the legal department of the state
highway commission and will go
to Eugene where she will be em
ployed in a similar capacity in the
offices of District Attorney Medley.
Last Chance Today
To see Peggy Hopkins Joyce in
the "Skyrocket," Heilig theatre.
Road Finances Set
The Portland & Southwestern
Railroad company, with headquar
ters in Portland, had .net operating
income of $39,212. 19..dnring the
year 1925, according to the annual
report of the corporation filed with
the public service commission. The
operating. revenue of the company
was $225,770.44, while the operat
ing expenses were $153,409.78.
Hats Cleaned and Blodcefl '
75c. Cash and Carry Cleaners,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Sngge&ions for Eastei
1926 spring lamb, extra choice
chickens, special made veal saus
age. Cascade ham or bacon. Cross
Market, Phone 1880. Free deliv
ery. a3
Large Clierry Pack
The Salem Black Cherry associ
ation probably will ' handle more
than 50 carloads of cherries this
season, according to announce
ment made here Friday by George
a grower affiliated with the organ
ization. O. E. Brooks will have
charge of packing and otherwise
preparing the cherries for ship
ment. Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Patriarch Militant, IOOF
Old-time 'dance Sat. April 3,
Derby hall. Admission, 50c a3
Fined for Speeding
M. V. Aranson of Salem was
fined $5 by Judge Poulsen Thurs
day upon having j been convicted
of exceeding the city's speed limit.
The New Fuller Celling
And wall brush will be a won
derful house cleaning help. Phone
707. The Fuller man. a3
Would Start Buses
The Southern Pacific company
has filed application with the pub
lic service commission for permis
sion to substitute bus service for
street cars now operating between
Springfield Junction and the city
of Springfield, 1 in Lane county.
Salem's Leading -
Fays Cash Po Fonltvre
; Residence and Store ,
101O North Buunec
Eetaillshd Since 191ft-
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
... ,. Established 1SCS
General Banking Bu$In$e$ ..
Offloe ZXovrs from 10 vu to I f an.'
2 7 i P
.v. w
Commercial Street
i . -. . --
Cane & Maple ' $1 "jfC
. . fA
The change in' service Is necessi
tated, the application pointed out.
because of repairs now being made
to the Springfield bridge over
which the street cars are routed.
Full Fashioned "
All silk chiffon hosiery, $1.95.
Howard Corset Shop, 165 N. Lib
erty. a3
Counter Claim FiUtl
A counter affidavit has been
filed by James Coates in circuit
court to the affidavit of Grace
Coates, who attempted to have re
opened divorce proceedings in
which a decree was granted her
husband. Alleged misrepresenta
tion was the basis of her claim.
He refutes this in the affidavit
Hand Kmlroil"fl
Handkerchiefs for Easter gifts.
Swart Specialty Shop, 453 Court.
Cooking Glass Pie Disti
With nickel plated server, 98c.
Saturday only. Hamilton's. a3
Even Reed Returns
. Even E. Reed, son of Mrs. Cora
E. Reed, county truant officer, re
cently with troop G, 11th cavalry
U. S. army, has been discharged
and has returned home. He was
recently at Monterey, having been
transferred from Imperial Beach.
Darwin Tulips in Full Bloom,
Chapin bulb farm, 8 miles north
of Salem on the Wheatland Ferry
road. Cut flowers on sale for
Easter. a 4
Asks for Divorce,
Pauline Bottenburg filed for di
vorce against JNea uottenourg,
Friday, desertion being charged.
She asks for restoration of her
maiden name of Pauline Ramsey
er. The couple were married In
Salem May, 1924. She charges
her husband deserted in August
of that year.
Hotel Mario
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening. J2tf
Nominated as May Queen . ,
Honor of being one of four sent
ior girls at Linfield college nom
inated, for May Queen has come
to Mildred Pratt of Salem. Elec
tion IsjBet for April 15.
The Sky Rocket
At the Heilig today.
Qu lit y Released
Morris Quilty, the man who was
found Wednesday afternoon by Of
ficed W. O. Edwards on Falr-
graunds road nearly dead from
Pbone 727
r Th Battery Man
' Sytma.Uc Work
- Hot . ObMi Work.
631 Court St.
Phone 19p
Wood Wood
167 D Street Telephone 318
1 1
We havei 1034pverlad
Roadsttir with the removable
back 90 " rnbber, lota .of
extras, and ear that will
ve good serrlceu The Pfice
lsJS323.00. "
,D .
drinking u denatured ? alcohol, was
released Thursday morning;; after
he" had -recovered from the, effect
off his iarInlnr.Abotafrbfthe
stuff found : on his person 'would
indicate -that he had obtained .it
at a drug store in Albany. ?i
See Our Windows
.TFor'Tacnette cleaner demonstration.-
Latest model house cleaner.
Hallk & Eoff Electric Shopr537
Court St, . VlTa3
Waldorf Case Up - - ...
i Circuit court Thursday was' the
scene of T. E. Waldorf's &eae
against the city of Salem. fts$
dorf is endeavoring to inhibit the
city, from paying for the service
of Stevens & Koon., engineers -tn
making a general survey and- ia-l
ventory of the . Salem Water fc
Power company. Waldorf que
tions the legality of transferring
street improvement funds to the
general fund to meet the payment.
One of his chief charges, ia.thit
the city has no definite proposal l
buy the plant, and hence is not
warranted in paying for the. sur
vey. Carl Pope and Bert "Macy
were attorneys for Waldorf, aria
City Attorney Fred Williams rep
resented the city.
Don't Fail to See
Peggy Hopkins Joyce,
H a3
First Church .!
Of Christ, Scientist, of Salem,
Ort, announces a free lecture on
Christian Science by Mr. W.
Stuart Booth, C.S.B., of Denver,
Colo., member of the board of
lectureship of The Mother Church,
The First Church, of Christ. Scien
tist, in Boston, Mass. at the church
edifice Monday evening, April 8,
1926, at 8 o'clock. The public is
cordially invited to attend. a4
Vacation Started
Students of the public schools
of Salem were dismissed from
their classes at the regular hour
Friday afternoon and will not re
turn to school until Tuesday morri-.
ing. In observance of the Easter
season the school board J-ecentlH
declared Monday, April 5, a. school
holiday. '
Look For
The Path Across the Hill.
Do Not Fail to Get One
Of our $1.50 pie servers and
cooking dish for 98c, Saturday
only. Hamilton's. aS
Fuel Bill Less
Due to the mildness of - last
winter, considerably less fuel has
been used for the Salem schools
than was used the winter before.
It is estimated that the fuel con
sumed for this school year will be
about 25 per cent less than that
used last year''
Quality Meats
Farrington's, 147 N. High.
Suits Cleaned and Pressed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office
352 Chemeketa St. 12 It?
Juniors Seeking Stage
The junior class at Willamette
university is having difficulty in
obtaining a suitable house ia
Which to present their class play;
which is to be one of the principal
At the residence 1Q65 north
Cottage street, early April 1,' Em
mett Butler, age 30 years, son of
Mrs. Abbe' and stepson rot Lee "Ek
Abbe of Salem, brother of Joe But
ler of San Francisco, half brother
of Glen Perry of San Francisco
and Frank Perry of Salem. Funr
eral services will bo held Satur
day, April 3, at 2 p. m. from the
RIgdon mortuary. Mass for the
repose of his soul will be. hel4
at a later date on account of Holy
week. :W ' i . ' '
- Jv . j i AMtderaon f ) - f
In Ahls city. April 3, William
Anderson, 70 years old,; a resident
otTurney. . Funeral services Sat
urday, April 3 at 3 p. at the
RIgdon mortaary: . Interiaent in
IOOF cemetery-" J
I, who In boyhood wouldrace!
with the round, drifting,
- clouds of the June-time, ;
Coveting all that they' whisper;
: to mortals of voyage and
.vision; " 4 t ,
I, who was tranced by the call
; of the Walkyrie storm la the.
- midnight . . - r f
Awed by the pageant of stars
. ; and the , vanishing ' glory of
rainbows. --;-.- .
How can X fear the Unknown,
i .t the seat of the nlghtand the
, 'morning!- . . s f '
Robert -yaderwood. Johnson.
V. T.'lUsdm E Sda
features of the May day festivities.
The Heilig has been used Iq "for
mer; years but will not be available
this year as the play-will hj given
Friday night, vaudeville night" at
the Heilig. If satisfactory ar
rangements cannot be made to se
cure the new Elsinore theater, the
class may stage its play at Waller
HalK4 The objection to the chapel
is, however, that the stage is not
well equipped and .the seating, ca
pacity Is small.
Suggestion's for Easter
ljspring lamb, extra choice
chickens,- special made veal saus
age. Cascade ham or bacon. Cross
MarlwtJ Phone 1880. Free deliv-t;x------o. . " "'"s.
Charge; Failure to Stop . t ' .
v :Leige, JCurta of , Salem was er
rested Thursday afternoon brOf
ficer Edwards , and charged with
faiiure jto stbb before entering '
through street n , v
' ; : I
G C Patterson
: Shoe repairing moved from 14.3
S. Liberty to 260 State street, a 4
Bankrupt Stock of West Fur Co.
Being sold by Mosher the tailor,
474 Court street.
Fined for Speeding
Plui Berndt of Salem was fined
$5'-by -city police judge Poulsen
Thursday for having exceeded the
city's" speed limit,
Easter Eggs Assorted
r: Special for rest of week 19c a
lb at Schaefer's Drug Store. a3
Too Many in Scat
Eugene Lebold of this city was
fined $5 by Judge Poulsen Thurs
day upon having been convicted
of driving his car with four adults
in the front Beat.
We Have Receive!
A new shipment of the finest
Easter hats at very reasonable
prices. These hats will be on disr
play Friday and Saturday. Come
early. Mrs. H. P. Stith, 333 State).
How Convenient to Serv
' "Hpt pie Prom the cooking dish
held in nickel server, 98c, today
only. Hamilton's. a3
Administrator Named -
, W. W. Emmons has been ap
pointed as administrator of the
estate of Susanna Heist.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Value Rhoten Estate
Appraisers, in .probate value the
estate of John II. Rhoten in Yam
hill county at $12,000.
Try Farrington's for Saturday
Meats. 14T N. High. a3
Junior Guild
Cooked food sale at Neimeyer's
drug store on Saturday, April 3.
. ;.- a3
'' ' . . . .- ' i
Escapes From School
! Wilbur St. Clair escaped from
the state training school, it was
learned Thursday.
Woodry the Auctioneer
Buys used furniture. Phone 511 a4
lnrchase Home Sit
uan j. ry win soon build on
property in Fairmount addition.
purchased recently, it was an
nounced. Mr. Fry and Harry
Hawkins have bought a portion of
prbperty from Schlndler brothers.
The Fry land Is at Lefelle and
Reservoir streets. Mr. Hawkins
bought at Lefelle and John streets,
Both lota are 100 by 150 feet.
Peggy Hopkins Joy co
in the "Skyrocket,
Harry Stone and Tom Gaw-
ley Listed Among Instructors-
for Work
Fourteen Willamette students
will leave . for .Portland at 6
o'clock this morning on the fifth
annual trip of the YMCA class at
the university. Return to Salem
will be made this evening.
While in Portland, intensive
Classes will be held at. the YMCA
of that city.; Harry TStone nd
Tom Gawley are prominent among
the Instructors who will lead the
classes. UThe boys " will be
scbooled In, the' working of every
department of the Portland asso
ciation.'-- ::S .
Trip wilf be made Ed
Barnes, Robert Paulas, and C. A.
Kells will drive the, boys down
and back .in their cars.
NEWPORT; Or., April 2. Pe
titions seeking the recall of Mayor
Ileury Rudlman and six council-
men are being circulated here; and
are reported to have secured more
than 'the required number of signatures.-'
The move la' understood
to be' sponsored by the t Newport
Businessmen's league, fw h i e h
charges the clty iadminlstritldn
with inefficiency and gross, extrav
agance." Vi" -'"- -
Pershing Goes io Hosmtat; ;
i ' f Will & -
... ..s..r.i::.;.-: .. . -
f ' I
John J. Pershtagi retired general ot the army, is undergoing
treatment in Walter-Reed Hospital. Washington following his. return
from Peru and Chile, where he attempted ai arbitrator, to settle the
Tacna-AHca dispute. 'He Is seen with (rfeht) Frank B. Kellogg,
secretary of stater Just before entering the hospital. Note effects on
his countenance of strain. imposed
Bill Would Recognize Ser
vices of Squaw Who Aid
ed Lewis and Clark
WASHINGTON, April 2. (By
Associated Press). A monument
to Sacalawea, or The Bird, an In
dian woman who contributed ma
terially to the success of the
Lewis and Clark expedition to
Oregon, is proposed i na resolu
tion favorably reported today by
the senate Indians committee.
The. monument, to cost $5,000,
would be erected at Fort Washa
kie, Wyo., where Sacajawea died
at the age of 100 years and where
she lived for many years.
She was unpopular with the In
dians because she aidd in bring
ing the white people into the In
dian country. As Sacajawea'a
story was unfolded today by Sena
tor Kendrick, democrat, Wyom
ing,, author of the resolution, she
was living on the Missouri river
with her French husband whel
the Lewis and Clark expedition
reached that waterway. She went
along with the expedition as an
interpreter and was able to induce
the Indians to sell horses to the
whites,; thus enabling the expedi
tion to get across the Rocky
mountains. "She probably is the
most famous Indian woman in the
annals of history because of the
high service which she rendered,"
Senator Kendrick said.
(Continued from page 1.)
intercepted message that the tank
er Shirvan, the George Washing
ton of the United States line and
an unnamed freighter had also
joined tbe- race. The indications
were that the Shirvan would be
the first on yie scene by several
uours dui ipe omers an pusnea
on so that no chance of a rescue
might be lost. ' -u
The Laleham sent out another
call saying: "Please do utmost
to arrive before dark." And then
the Laleham spoke across the
water to the Shirvan asking her
If she would stand by when she
arrived until the Mauretanla got
there. The answer from the Shir
van was: "Believe you in sight
nine miles away. Do you wish to
abandon ship. and for me to take
you off?"
This was at 5:30 o'clock. The
condition of the Laleham had by
this time evidently become acute.
Finds Vaccine .
for Lockjaw
Dr, Gaston Ramon,' of Pasteur
Institute, Paris, Is inviting sclent
Ists la other countries to conduct
tests of a vaccine which he be
lieves will provide perfect and
durable tetanus (lockjaw) ' Im
muplxation. tvTwo years ago . Df .
Ramon, discovered dlptheria yac
on him by the mission.
as j they (almost Immediately ' told
the Shlrfan: "We will abandon
ship' at Mnce.
;' The stricken vessel wirelessed
the Mauritania that its crew was
abandoning the ship and going to
the' Shlrvah but added:-',1
"Pleasb1 oome-aheadf .- . .
"We will proceed s, long ajj we
can be of assistance," 'tbe Maufe
tania responded- and? continued to
steam on, receiving from moment
to moment the, record, of the res
cue. In the first boat from the
Shirvan,!l9 men were taken off
the Laleham and the sinking hulk
was set afire lest it become a men
ace to navigation. While it burned
the remaining 18 men stood in
the glare, and waited their turn.
In two other boats they-too were
Then the Shirvan announced
that it i was proceeding to Fal
mouth and no more aid was need
ed. . The three other ships turned
quietly hack intb: their scheduled
paths. J ., u
"One man making a good job
of it was enough," Captain Ros
tron said today. "1 did not wan
tp seem to butt in on the rescue."
MEXICO CITY, April 3.(By
Associated Press) . Five persons
were killed and -92 men. women,
and children were injured, many
of theni It is believed fatally,
when' att "entire section of the. bal
cony collapsed at the Titanic mov
ing; picture theater here this eve
ning and fell upon the spectators
below.' j
Forfeits $25,000
4 i io Get Divora
In winning her divorce suit from
John V.YoKt,-son of Philadephia
nackeri Juanlta Clark, Follies girl
lost Tt5.0'Cno: "She" repealed" in
cdiirt jthal ,ber husband's, father
contracted ftq. give her that sum If
she was still married to his son
on . Jan. i, 1'926. She desired
freedom more; she declared. Cru
elty,wfcs the charge. ;
- !
-f " sNl
- y :
I - r ,! r
J-. .- "
Fred C Taylor, Minister
16 :60 'AFM.--Sunrise Service oh "Boulder KnollT
Offering for
11:00 A. M. Sermon "Jesus, the Livinff Savior";
. j.Sacrament of ; Baptism and Reception of Members', j -'i'-iAttthetofeAa-.ltt
Besan to -.Dawn,"-. Harker : '-V
v ' -.'' -"' ; V""-- " ' v.: 1 L : - -- -,fi ' . .
6:30 P. M Epworth Iieague Serviees : - -
730 P. M.De Molay Cmandej-knights Teniplir O
.1 "i- -i Solo: . ''GlorteA Busii' Peccia ; . :
ft V iv T "Prof.
; -Ahtbeitl; "Chrlsr Triumphknl,-Pletro A. Yon
'.:) ,V, Chorus
Pickwick Stages Havcfbrcc
Schedules Eacfvj
t -:: ? From This City yy
, X ' Pickwick suge leaver the
Terminal hotel , in Salem Usmo
times every 24 hours now; t TO
a; nfc, ,7:30, pv m. and 4li85.a4,jm.
They run' through to San Frau
cIscQ. without stopping,, lni,3.0
hours. Or passengers may , stop
over4 al. any point, and he pllcjgd"
up by 'a later stage, on the 'sarao
. --These 4 stages'" have TrecTTfilSg
fdhslr serviced
ti-.a,hey are. UrJUi g , t yy
lare iropi awem -.ior tio.ou;
found trip., foTo Los Angeles.
Vtwayv ISgf f foun, tslp.
$52.50. ; v . ':"-.
"These stagesTnake' the", time
between- Portland and San Fran
cisco In 32 hours. " -J
The members of the .accommo
dating force at the Terminar hotel"
can. give you further particuls'ts
about this service if -ypu'vrat
them. .'vv
petitions for altering cf ' several
buildings were ' .referred, by vt5:
commisslpn.,,. Prominent -among
these Is4 That of Pbttieroy &JKeene
to 5 spertd approklnlatelr' 31W
n namodeline,.the front iof . tko
building 'which houses "at preseiit
theOregon hoteti V-J ;A
The Jewelers plah to mavelVltKr
store tirptnj the ksouthw8 corner
of Liberty and. State, streets,
thin location' off Unb north' sidb ot
State between5. ConimorciAl and
Liberty, s. Moving: is necessary tw
make way for .the, 10 ,storyt bonk '
ouiiaing me saiem rirst. ixauonai
bank is planning to construction
the State and Liberty corner.. .
- f i t ; . J
A .'chirdpraCor.' Is V'rKe
Specialists Consult 'one whoi
cart, tell qu exactly, wlwh
can be done in your paricujj
" Consultation Is Without
Third Ftoor Oregon Building -
1 J " .
Hand dipped
In light anc4 dark v ti
coatinrj, some witli.
Nut Tops, in originj
5 lb; bossfes;v dios
tor 36c ia.l ii;,;
2 lbs. for 70c
The" Yellow Frpnt iTione 107
1133 North Commercial . Street
The Ppnslar Store
ethodist Church ;
j im r-.
..'K 0 2 : I'm
a. jBi.- jjunaay acnooi oession,. ,
World Service
W Hobson
yCh oir