The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 03, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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1-1 T '
. f ' i-----: - . ;
Evangelist. H. J. Banlon closed
a Beriea of meetings here lastSunl
day eTeniog. Daring th? past fe
day ne has called, oa a' number of
.fW'fi etung?tthem -acquainted
some very good books and
i)e for wblcb ne ts agent. J
L It? Is very doubtful if any other
pace in the, state of Oregon the
site of,tratnm of with even dou
ble the population cn giro a'rd-
pprty for Sunday school attendance
as 'was 'siYen' by the Pratum Sun
day schools last Sunday at Middle
Grove. At the Hayesvllle district
Sunday school convention the
4 average - attendance for both
' schools - for the .last quarter' was
over" 40 and had there notj been
4o lunch slctness here during; the
past. month, the attendance would
hire been much larger. The Men
nonlte' Sunday school reported, ah
t average attendance over 130. They
also have a very large "cradle roll
ttd hove; department; ;-TbeTetlj-odjst
Sunday school had! 31 at the
convention. ' ' ; . ' '
t Edna JJeyers andWt3. Branch
are both, suffering, from a serious
atCack, of .pneumonia.
..A. short Easter program . will be
held at the Methodist church Sun
day morning. t
Quite a number of people from
Sllrerton. attended the closing
service of . the evangelistic meet
ings here last Sunday night.
Auburn .
There, will be a special, Easter
service next;
ay . , afternoon
with a group of young people from
me jason Lee cnurcn, , assisting
members andfrlends of the : Ati
r" burn 'Sunday school are invited tp
b e present and help in the service
and. to' encourage the young, peo
ple. Aev. Poling will , bring the
The Sunday school,, convention
of. the , Hayes vllle S'u nday school
district, which, held. an. all day
session at M Id d ie G rove . Sunday,
was pronounced, the best for. many
years, 'both in attendance and in-
srest. A. large number, of Sun
ay' school teachers were present
and were busy taking notes during
me address given by Mr. Tooze
oU the: lessons for the coming
quarter. ' There were delegates
from every school in. the district,
and some of the schools attended
In a body. Quarterly reports' were
'sent from each of the schools ex
tent the Brooks M. E. and Hazel
vGreenv A number - of newly ' or-rafiired-cradie
roll departments
',ww& reported. The3 Froltlandt
SjAnih chooi carried "6ft: loth j
lfawA4 one for the. largest delej
ration -it the convention, a'fftfxhe
; for the highest average attendance
f for the quarter. '"".'
V The schools reported a total en
rollment of 1050, with an average
attendance of 982. The attendance
" t the convention was estimated at
from 600 to 600 The singing
;Vas led by Prof. E. O. Miller and
"special music was rendered by the
Middle OroVe archest;. The en
tire day's program was complete
.for both) seniors and juniors ex
cept a song number from the
-Pratum M. E. Sunday school. The
' I Tr CsltX Orrr TVino-w Wo1 I
Tooze, . Dr. Fred C. Taylor, Rev.
R. Stover and r Rev. Burns,
while Mr. Cook; led ili the devb
tionals. . t W ' f .
The Middle Grove Sunday school
la to be congratulated on the' able
- manner in 'which the speciarush
' era and the ladles made the day
pleasant and comfortable for all
resent, also for the beautiful de-
corations. The- Jqne-convention
prill be held inrnijlahjt
! Idso Suiter- has Returned .home
'.from Portland, wherefce, had an
,d Deration on "his nose
; J. Brownlee has sold his home
i here to Mr. A. Henne, and , has
rented a house at 1910 Waller,
""Salem. Mr. Henne moved In on
falonday., '.' -i
1 At a meeting of the school board
! Mrs. Roy; Hammer was engaged, to
Heach the ' first room And; Mrs.
f'BeuIah Fisher the primary room,
? Leo Kenney has returned from
: California and is located just west
bf the Four Corners filling station.
Scotts Maii
Mrs. John Kellls, who has been
Visiting her: sons: here the past
lem Sunday, u-y ' t
. . O. II. Brongher, who is working
' .'in Salem was home on Sunday. i
: Mr. and Mrs. JrN. Aniundson
and daughter Beatrice were visit
fprs in Salem aturdayl'5 ;
! Miss La Verne Rich who ;fias
i been spending her prIng;vacatIon
, Iwlth her parents here retafned to
. 'the TJ. of O. Sunday. . '
I Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ramsey and
- sNir. and Mrs. Harvey Brouger went
. to Portland n Monday, Mr. and
"Mrs. ; Ramsf lremalning for a
while; Mr. J?lW troing to on-
ault a speciljuttiffc i y "v " " :
. Shirley Dtfsagan, who spent his
'turned to OAO Monday.
t spring. vacation with relatives re
t ' Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hogg were
visitArs In Mt. Angel Monday.
. Miss Nellie Groshony who has
Xjen; In Portland for several
r"n onths has returned home for the
,ji immer. . ,
l(- Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bennett and
- m Talbot and , Mrs. Bennett's
mother, Mrs. Talbot, of Mllwaukie
.' i ttendeithe Community. Club here
riiaywnight.-' . ' -."r.v
; ?Tf."an.lTIrs. T7aif?rcottwere
ihQz'zias in lit. Ansel Monday, .
-1 J'r
7 "Mrs:-J. Br Lawrence and daugh
ter Heleh visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim ; Shepherd on the
Abiqua Saturday and Sunday;
. ' Mr. and Mrs: Albert Rich,' Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Rich and daugh
ter and V Mr. and 4 Mrs; Almond
Rich and small son, were visitors
in SIlverton.Tnfesday- . . , , ,
' Mrs? Dora; Kuriey of, Aumsville
visited her; daughter Mrs. Arthur
RIchr and family last week, '"r
: Mr. 4nd Mrt. Hugh Magee spent
the week end visiting relatives and
friends In Portland. : v
'. -: Mrs. Kate Lundwing. Miss Mary
Enge and irs. Herman Lundwing
were id euierwu uesuu? uuua
Mrs, O. II; Brongher visit! it her
daughter 'Mrs. , Engwaf, Edlad at
Lyma's MiU - - Wednesday ana
Thysday -'i '
Mildred Henningsen. is in jCen
tralia visiting . her . slater,1 Mrs. R.
R. Armstrong; ; &
i John; Blankenship anLRcrt. Sal
chenberg have gone to work on a
ranch in, British Columbia to work
for the summer: , '"v . Jf.
Mr and ifrsrNoble kenning-
sen visited thelf xnother, Mrs. Julis
Henningsenr Sunday i . . '
- John J. Roberts has . had. hit
ranch house and outbuildings re
painted. -
Jessie Eakin has gone wits
friends to California.
James Fry has bought another
Incubator. This gives him a
hatching capacity for nearly 4000
Mr. and Mrs. If. N. Bradbury
and family went to Quinaby Sun
day to visit Mr. and . Mrs. Otis
Mrs. B. Sutton of Portland spent
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. L.
. Roy Sharp and Loneva Crouser
were married last week. On their
return from. a short-wedding trip
some of their friends treated them
to an old fashioned charivari.
Mrs. Blanch Albright of Mau
pln. On, has been hired for princi
pal of the school next year, and
Miss Lorena Zielke for primary
work. '
' Mr. and Mrs.
Portland' visited
Sunday. ,. ,
A. P. Olson of
George Clymer
Daniel LInd of Tualatin is a
new employe at the golf grounds.
Mrs. W. V. Johnson and Mrs.
Aubrey Johnson of Salem called
on friends in the neighborhood
-.M;ML ILwMcMillln entertained a
group of little people Saturday af
ternoon, the occasion being the
fifth birthday of her daughter,
Beverly V.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Reever and
daughter Eatricia La Vern of Leb
anon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
M. M, Magee on Sunday.
Mrs. Jones, who has been, ill is
much improved. ' '
'. W. Jl Culver ' is having "his
house remodeled.
Mrs. IL Dickman was a recent
Portland visitor.
h Majofy, Maxine.and Daryl.Dror
baugh of Salem spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. O. Fryslie.
. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Va,n Cleave
of, Portland weTe guests of Hr.
and Mrs. D. JL.- Harris Fsiday eve
ning. . '
The M.. M. Magee family have
moved into their new house,
a Mrs. George.; Hager, who under
went an operationJs reported as
doing nicely. ''' t '
The Bole J8mlth, Tncker and
Irvin family "motored to Mehama
last Sunday for a picnic. "
Mrs. Mary Irwin was married
to Mr. C.: Rank.jSaturday .even
ing, March 28. j )r;heir;; Rosedal?
friends gave them, a charivari
Tuesday evening. i
A: birthday party was held at
the home of Mr,' and Mrs. Tucker
WidneBday veningU M?rchsJf , ;
Kenneth Cannoy has come back
to school after a week of sickness.
The Sunday; school classes "of
Rosedale Friend's church will give
their, Easter program Sunday
evening April 4. . f -
W. E. Edwards and daughter.
Mis Athena of Fossil, recently vis
.'.ted Mr. and Mrs.. Roy, Ohmart and
family;. Tit. Edwards "and sons I
own, and conduct a 3 0 0 acre
stock and alfalfa ranch.
h Mr. andifrsJ, p. a; HoaVlsb
tp thank the parents and patrons
o Ithescbool forthe1 many beauti
ful flowers and j Words of appfecb
uwu Wiliwix uaw ucou muv v
them during the , last week. The
value of such tokens ; of esteem
can never be estimated.
Robert Sphoon and family from
Sllverton have moved ? onto the
place owned by! Mrs. ( A. E. Rae.
Roberta ' Sphoon has ' started to
school here, Another 'now fam-
"jly .nas inpved ritp thtf VJZ; Axh
derson place Mr. Hannon of Sa
lem, Biola and 'Ennis Haftnon en
tered school last Monday..
Those who win represent tneir
graaes irome iniermeaw room
l M m . .
as follows: 3rd ' grade, Helen
Dasch;. 4th, Lois Wolfe; 5th. Or-
pha May Dasch.. j . ;
- Next Friday nighVApril -2, will
te.e fe'gularjmeetlDgpf,tlie.par-ent-teacher
association at the hal.
: :(NedpEast
f v-
if f
Leaders of the Red.' Interna
tipnale continue - to cling, to their
dream of a world revolution and
to that end are epreadmg their
' Last Sunday a family reunion
dinner war given at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dorman. Many
were there, and a royal time was
had. -.4 ' ..
Mrs. Dick fates and son of
Woodhurn' are spending a' few
days At the home of her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Dorman.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hogan of
Portland visited &4 the home t of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rains last Sun
day. . Miss Bernice Colby, who has
been working in Portland, has re
turned home on account of sick
ness. Mjrsl Fred Berger pf Portland is
theuest of . her parents, Mr. Snd
Mrs. E- D; "tuck. ,
Mrs. Carl , Gibson ts spending a
few ' days with her "parents at
Aumsville, 1
North Howell
,,Mrs. Warren Gray and Kenneth
Gray spent last Wednesday at the
B. Wiesner farm,
Mrs. Eva Graves visited with
Miss Lorraine Fletcher in Salem
last week.
Marinus Schaap has purchased
a new Fordson.
Susie Coomleri a Monmouth
student spent last week end with
"her' parents.
' "A new Ford car was delivered
at the Oddle home last Monday.
-A family- re-union- is being
planned- for -next Sunday at : the
B. -Wiesner1 bpmff,, if heing their
sixtieth wedding anniyeXfafX.
Hazel Green
' Mr. and Mrs. B. C. 3?elinski and
children, Louis, Quentin and Hel
en, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shnei
der and son, James, spent Sunday
with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Sherman of Shaw.
Miss Bertha Williamson has pur
chased a Ford coupe. Miss Wil
liamson is employed in telephone
office at Salem. She and her sis
ter, Rosaliewho is attending the
Parrish junior high school, are
KillsMan With
"Unloaded" Gun
" "He I told . me It wasn't loaded.
and said I- could point It at him
knd pull the trigger if X liked, .Z
Ijm; it went off. and he fell over
gtory.0f death of Dean
(Pennock, Chicago youth, in a road
house-told by Frltzl Snow, cabaret
fsinger, -who is -being heldr-chars-
ed with his in order.'- The two are
5hown. .
& m
h i--y.x... '
Z.-: WW:::: : '' '
it, y "J -
X ' ' i ' w . I
! - ' i- ' ' i.
Seethes c&Fre&tPffi
propaganda among subject, races.,
In Turkestan, among the Islamic
population, word of Moscow is ;b
ing taken seriously, and European
staying at home and driving to
work and school.
Mr., and Mrs. Charles Zelinski,
Sr.. and son Martin of Salem, wefe
visitors at their; son's, B- c- 2.elin
skl's, Thursday.
' Alvin Van Cleave's children and
Jack Hall's daughter, Marie, have
the whooping cough.
Ilayesville district Sunday school
convention was attended by 19
people from here.
Mrs. Cairo of Portland visited
her brother, B. C. Zelinski, Thurs
day. Joseph McCaffery is home from
school at Mt. Angel.
Mfs. George Parmentier is on
the sick list.
Louis Peterson and grand
daughter. Bertha Williamson, vis
ited her daughter, Mrs. Herman at
St. Paul Sunday.
A fire at the school did little
damage. The insurance win pro
vide1 for most of the repair work.
Hayesville and Hazel Green
baseball teams played on Hayes
ville field Friday afternoon. The
score was 17 to 4 in favor of Hazel
Green. j
G. CJ. Looney boasts of yeiiow
tea roses blooming on March 31.
This is Oregon -not California.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Steiver of Port
land spent Sunday with Mrs. Stei
ver's mother, Mrs. Ella McCaffery.
The house of Raymond Jung
wprth caught tire last week,' but
the fire was quickly put 'out by
the mill men.
John . Thomas' house burned
down last, week and everything
was destroyed. The house , was
covered by $1,200 insurance, but
the loss was S3Q0O.
The Lyons Hi school will give
a play the first week in May, 'It's
name is the "Country Doctor,"
Mr- John; Thomas and family
are recovering from the. smallpo.
John Jungworth had his family
vaccinated not long ago for small
pox. It was done by Dr. Allen.
The doctor was called for Wm.
Downing last Sunday. He has the
Influenza. Billy Rimbey also has
the Influenza. The rest of the
family are getting over it
Forrest Nydegger is working
for S. D. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berry are
Hvlng In Lyons.
Miss Katy Kuiken is home from
The dance last Saturday was
well atended. There will be an
old time dance in Mehama April
3. " - '"'
; A party was given Wednesday
night for Billy Prjehard. -
.... W. -II. -Houghton has sold his
meat market to H. A. Bowman and
Sons pf 'Falls City. The family
will occupy the Lawrence Roberts
property. .
Mr and Mrs. W. F. Riches "and
son, Stanley, attended the" funeral
of a relative at Silverton Sunday,
Mrs. Emma'Jloberts left toriheri
home in Salem Friday after?stfen&d
Ing the week with her old friend j
and neighbor, Mrs. C. A. Bear.
The high school glee club gava
their first public program Friday I
evening, aiarcn zo, to a large ana
appreciative audience. They gave
their concert at j.Staytonr April' 4".i
Mrs. Ella England Is musical di
rector. ' ' ' -ff
John M. Watsoh was -iuWoodV
burn Thursday. ' He presided at
the county veterans' association, r-
W. Blaco and Son are over from
Newport looking after their prune
orchard. ": ,
i BevrMr. Uty;ot Stayton Js hold
ing special, services at the Chris-''
zian. church, . '
I Mrs. Scott; Fnnston Is entertain J
tag her. brother -i. from Portland
They and family spent Tuesday in
Salem. , . .. ..t y:
Charles Hebel recently.pnrchas
ed property joining the Bones gaf
age on the north.- ' , -. - T - ;?
; Mrs. M..T.; Miller entertained.' on
the afternoon, of the 24th in honor
of, ? her ' sister-in-law,. Mrs. , Ques
nall of San Francisco,,,
"Mrs." Mr A,. Hfll has Justadded
800 chicks to her floclt,' - r - ; ;
' i Mrs; Weyland Savage of Seattle
is vtsitlng relatives, v ' ri
Dr."" Estella; Fordf Warner and
Misa, Yenita "Stroud county nursed
spent two. days last week holding
powers .are ,4dpin-? with appre
shows a soviet-demonstration ic
one of main thoroughfares of
Taschkent, Important Turkestar
a health clinic at the school. They
found but few cases heeding im
mediate attention. They were as
sisted by Mesdames G. Moore, C.
W. Hewitt,-0; P. Civen and C. A.
Bear. . 1
Easter services will be; held in
both churches Sunday morning.
; Mrs, .Caroline Lewis.; worthy
grantfraatronjof ;tfae. Eastern? Star;
paid. a yisW'tothe" local "chapter
March 24. Several -ylsitors were
present. ' ' "; - .'. " :v
. The fire company was called
out Friday afternoon when a
small blaze was discovered in the
roof of the A. S. Davie property .-
The high wind which was blow
ing that day made the situation
doubly dangerous, however, the
blate was soon extinguished with
slight damage done to the roof.
The Keys family who occupy the
house was not aware of the fire
until after the alarm was turned
Stayton will have another half
b'lock of pavement laid this year,
preparations for which are now
being made. The new strip will
be laid from the corner of the
Bon Ton confectionary to the alley
back of the post office and along
the Stayton hotel property. This
is a step i nthe right direction,
and it is hoped the time is not
far distant when other streets will
be paved.
Work was begun monday at the
new site for the flax plant. The
bridged drive ways, and old lum
ber sheds are being torn away
. I : .-"r--'. ;! vj . . 1 -. It:
I''l c'-."f.t."' . .'.wv'. 1 .. '-'x '. ... ....... rT;. : . .
v --V'W.-i:-'r-::-f.1:-1j i tt( fitm(" V ' -' t- --"-r'' r " --i i i i i "
n n n ri n n. n n n ri - .-- v . j- - ; . nnnnnnfiri'"
4 1111 fenflK h !' .
' PATHE ts.V a.i!!t;.i -LI" Lur.
1 i - "WmM&i&c ;:EVENlKa;3Sc-50c: f: I r r Mv ,
: jr r i I. I : h . - --.: . J. :
U ii U u ii u ii Li U L. Z , - - -i u b U u u . i i.
' ' ' ;v . .
by wprkriUn. and, other changes
about the plaeewttl followlr !$ev
'eral new,' features ' will be built
during the- next few weeks. I
Mrs.; S Roy- Brenner was given
pleasant surprise qo Wednesday
of lastj weejfHwhen her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P.. II." Lambert, her
hrother, Lynn Lambert and family
and Mrs. Sarah. Davie, with well
filled - 'baskets gathered at the
Brenner home, to help Mrs. Bren
ner celebrate her birthday with a
o'clock,; dinner V The occasion
was si Sj roost en joyable one, And
the hpnor guest was taken com
pletely -ijbyZ surprise. ; - j
v ;Dr. F, E. ,Beanchamp f Albany
was ' called ' here in consultation
with his brother. ii. -' A.! Bean
chanjp' lover the complicated, case
bt;Alya ;Ctj Davis a j high schlool
student whose serious illness jfor
the past; seven .weeks has been
baffling the local; physician, j
. Chas.'Gehlen, senior member of
the firm- of ; Gehlen ' Brothers, net
with .a ; painf nf accident Sunday
which r misht easily have ben
much worse. Mr, Gehlen was
chasing sheep when he stepped1 in
a hole i throwing him .heavily in
such a manner as jto cause i a
severe sprain. It was at. first
thought the leg was broken.
For the past 10 days' or more
the city streets have been a
veritable skating rink, with chil
dren of all ages on rollers. The
city council became alarmed lest
some accident might befall some
one. So on Monday a special
meeting was called, when it was
decided to rope off a certain sec
tion where skating is allowed at
certain hours'" only.' ,'-
Joseph Skejton left first of the
week for southern California
where he will spend the Bummer
visiting his children. Mr. Skelion
has been an employee at the San
tiarrt woolen mills, holding the
position of head spinner for a
number of years.
Many Stayton people drove over
to Salem Sunday where they
joined the Blossom Day caravan
in a sight seeing trip through the
prune and Cherry belt about the
Capital city.
Peter Hirzseifen and wife came
oyer from Portland Saturday for
a week end visit with his mother.
Mrs. M. Hirzseifen. Mrs. Peter
Hergseifen Is a sister of J. M.
Mielki of this place.
Mrs. John A. Shaw of Albany
and her son Robt. A. Shaw and
wife of Astoria were greeting old
friends and. acquaintances here
Sunday. The Shaws were resi
dents of Stayton back in the
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Richard
son and Mr. and Mrs. Lura A.
Thomas of Salem attended the
funeral of, Mrs. D. B. Hill heTe
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. James P. Davie left Mon
day morning for Portland where
she is spending the week with her
'TORNADOES and shipwreck. Love and ad
venture on land and sea. Tingling, with thrills.
Massive in production: , . !
A big spectacular special with all. that the
wora implies.
j. f
children ZNerraanZ a a d'-? Victor
Davie and M-s. R JL, Dfowtf.
'; Mr. jand Mrs. Tower "of Port
land were Sunday callers at "the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W-
Crabtree. - f-
Funeral services,. were held , at
the. Weddle mortuary Sunday aft
ernooa' dvecithe remains of Mrsi
D. B Iinr hose death occurred
in Portland last week, after a brief
iI!nesa.J-Mrsv:irill -was a residen
of Mtlil Cltyl j The funeral service
.. "ff--
was conducted by Dr. Polling, pas
tor pfj the First Presbyterian
church of Albany assisted bythe
aea 111 " ' J J " i j'i Hi J 1 ii i mi ii in ! i ii i i 1 1 1 1 wiiiif ' s
40 ; pair ChildrerCi Half and ThTffe
Quarter Hose 25c Pair
These are standard,
"c "uac in spiiiiK cuwra, greys, vans, wniie,.
etc. Artificial silk fancy cuff tops. ' Sizes 6 to
9, aio 4 to 6 in infants art silk hose id this lot
A special purchase economy for us, economy;
for you ! r i -
! ..... 'fi t t ? mr p ; i
i i jliETihree men wanted herv5 All three FOVGtmtov,
X3- her! Which wbri?:
fif1i4m.nirioeI t3tuCelpectacularly fata;
one of .the finest sea thrillers the screen, has ever. seeno
;i-:OJp,ppiQKGHEST;. -:
MH1: Ciy pastor. The Min pty
chojrhad charge to t the" music.
The body was. taken te Lone4Oak
cemetery in Stayton for burial and
was. laid; to rest beneath a canopy,
of beaotiful flowers. - Mrs. Hlil
was ,4"fJ : "years "of ageanaS'fca'vjeei
her husband, D. B. Hill, and three
children, beside a host pr friends,
to mourn her .departure. She' was
a member of the order of Eastern
Star, and . Rebekah lodges and, a
devoted;, emmber of theTjesBy
terlaa chu rch. She was a daughter-in-law.
of MrsJMary -Ililt' of
"stayton. 'tzi-.i:!
g -
:. i
.. - rt- 2 .
brands, of firood mercerr
- . r , . , ... . . - .
m f c f f mm