The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Dsiinquent'lncomes Tan '
-. ': ' 'Warrant's -Cc;ir2d V
vSuprene-Gourt Rules Sheriff Slasher of CIslssp Coiia
t fcerve Iapecs; Many Decisions-1 Ian Jed Dqwn ly
l Varrants- for "tifa
v Jastices on Tuesday
m . w f .t . ... ar - t . - - t. .
'arrant for te collection of
t : . .. . . i
1 . .oeiinquem 'income taxes placed lot
' ' 'the hands of fJT.?riff Harlfcy- J'
Slasher ff Clitsocounty fdii ser-
! 't&-'e T;UiJ cording an
-? oRlKon rit tent by Justice fttowit
-andvhandea tlown. by the state su
At the time the warrants-were
Issued by .the stat tax commis
sion: and- placed- in the bands of
ithe Clatsop, county sheriff he bl
Ejected to. Serving "them withdut
Vfifst receiving a ruling . of -: t1e
; of the courts as to whether the
? procedure waXlegaL It was con
tended by the sheriff, that In event
me ; warrants were not valid he
;quJC bOersonaJly. liable under
' his bona. - . -t i
- The state ta$ commission ten
filed mandamus, proceedings -- in
1 ,
thdtaipfema. court to oamper Sher-fc -Alllkatoc Oil. company -vs. S.i.
tiff Sliisher to serve the warrants. Baseel, appellant; appeal from
Douglas connty; action-, to- recover.'
merchandise. ? Opinion" by Chief
Justice? McBride. C Judge1 J. W.
Hamilton affirmed; )
Edith R. Ohjson, appellant, vi.
Thomas lit O bison,' petition' for re
hearing, denied, in opinion by Jus
tice Rand.;'-. 'i'-:-fi-T't, . '
In the'' matter of the estate 6i
Walter I. MacMallen,: deceased.
Vivian Waller, administratrix, ap
pellant, vs. W. K.' Royal and Hunt
tngtoa ant:sEnsQai sfiaeyantsrsKD?
peal from Multnomah county. Ob
jections to ; cost bill." Cost re
taxed. :iVffc:.. S"
Petitions: for rehearlng; denied
In State ' vs. Cavender. I Appeals
dismissed on stipulation ini Salway
vi. Miner aid iiLBe Ti.f Rita
hotel. ; . 5
rA demurrer to the complaint was
wea Dy tqe saerin-9 attorney, out
: tbis was overruled in the opinion
1 fianded, down Tuesday. " ' !
The 'supreme. ;ourt 'held In its
.?7opinion that tie, 'State, tax cotn
.Vmiaaion l&one of the state's, agen
.'"v'.ete fa f the, collection of public
, revenu-ahd'tbafc H exercised its
right by coming- into court for the
"-purpose of obtaining a direction
-f to- another lawful agency to per-
r . Other-opinions- handed down by
; . the ourt Tuesday follow:
. --1 1 Fred C. Feldshau, appellant, ts.
1 t Clatsop , county: annciat - trom
. ' lVashlngton ceuntjt appeal from
A : Judgment Jha amount of 21,614,-
,s? ? dpinion i by . Justice, fcelt.
Judge GeoreeilU Bagley reversed;
Louis Knight, appellaHb, vs;, k
A.". Baker, appealt from Clatsep
false iirrfprisonment. Opinion, by
Justice. C6$how. Judge- iil La-
ylte Teverwid.'-.r;. , r:" ;ri J:
j - Jatksonf county vsvXJrjiiam, yi
rich et al, appellants; apral fro'p
Jackson county; ' aotlf n for tax
foreclosure-V Opjnion j; Jusdie
Bean.-? Judge C. M' bjanas $rei
versed.-- .-, ! ,
' . Audrey: P;Ellenburg vs. Chap,
fillenburg; appear Zrjii Douglas
county; suit for divorc JOpinlcin
by Chief Justice McBridej Judge
J. W. Hamilton affirmed -
1 -.;WS Ji, Barton vs. b S Browi,
appellant; f appeali from Douglas
county; action to' recover money.
Opinion by Chief Justice MeBride.
Judge J. W." Hamilton affirmed.
if f
Scotts Mills
Mr. and Mrs. R M. Bennett and
son 'Talbot of Mllwaukfe, Ore.
visited Mr. and Mrs W. A Ser-
ressig and their ; mother,-4 Mrs.
Talbot, on .Sunday.;? ; ; :
- Miss La Verne Rieb-, who la al
ien ding the U. o O., is spending
: Jber spring vacation with her par
enta here. . v '
. . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Magee wert,
i Salem visitors ;Tuesday.' .. 5 -Jr
I ,0. H. Brougher went to aleni
Monday wbere he is enjoyed Ja
the tax- coueetlng -office- ac me
court house ,.v '
- n.., i,V,r the high school
TC-Wliie roast 1 at Jack's
bridge Tuesday evening! ;
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. lMulvihill
and. daughter. Ruby HaMet, Miss
Llla Brougher, John Brougher
and Miss Esther Bauraan of Port
land attended a f am fly rfonion at
the borne of . their Jartiili,' Mr.
and Mrs. A. It. Brougher; Sunday.
In the afternoon picture- were
taken of the group , which mclud-
d Mr.' and Mrs. A. L." Brougher,
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Brougher, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Brbugher,; Miss
,f If tC Brougher, Miss .Esther :Baa-
. j c' ban, John and Ira Brougher.' ; ,
. 1 ? f Dr.. and Mrs. O. C. , Bellinger
lf i fimtl vlntfixi-Vetiillnt t
Noble Sunday. . " , : f i I -
ii J Mrs. Leon HIrlzel anJson;Ber-
Jera, jaarion uirtzei ana momer,
f , Portland' wem In town We d
, nsday afternoon.' ek' "business.
I The prune dryer blo'nglng to J.
I?. Coulson burped , to the -ground
'Wednesday about six o'clock, it
- pitching , firi from sparks flying
; ifrom dry f ea naV -was burning
" arby. : s',V'w.-i:" -t
Mrs. J.;B, Jrreneand,fiaunh
ter Helea were!8ilverton visi&xrs
; Thursday afternoon.: W V i '-
. . - . 1 -
- -i V
Miss Hulda Stripling is visiting
her sister, Mrs. McRae at Stayton.
Rev, Miss, tuckey and- parents,
Mr and Mrs. James5 Luck ey,; vis
ited -Uncle John Luckey-at Wood
burn Tuesday ' - 4 v-; 4
t The eighth, grade, .Sophia Hash
lebacker and 1 Julius Blotam; at
tended the 'Court when a number
of persons were being naturalized.
Miss Alice Ha3hlebaeker chaper
'oned the'class.-'' t'
M On G dod 'Friday the Woman's
Missionary association will ' heva
prayer meeting at thchurcS at 2
o'clock, AH are cordially Incited.
V - ' " -' t f," "i
. - ' Clovexiclalet
. Walter Blaeo and son Marccll
are over from 'Newport for a few
weeks looking after their lrane
orchard, 'i: :-C:-J
Mr. and . MrsVUI Morrisad
son Deane. drove- dbwn. ta the, Big
Sandy Saturdayrn, a Asking trlni
: Mrs. Morris .as tailed toCair-
f ornla lest jreek to.the beds i I? on
her. sister, who, la. juie. 'seriously I
Mrs Mi f FlIflet was agreeably
and MVWulson d K? &t?1
daughters Margaret and Mildred.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ev MnlvIhCl and
daughter Ruby Harriet, Mr. and
Mrs.' Leslie Ramsy and two chil
dren, Gaylord and Gertrude, Mr.
Hazel Greer
An Eastqr program will be grvm
by the Sunday school "Xpril 4ta,
at llo'dock.. . ' '
. !L C. J. Lathan of Salem. I belp-
ing Max Woods with farm wort. J
t Homer Davis of Scetts MUIs
spent Sunday with home folks.-
24, when her. chldren and .a few
frenda gathered at her ; home to
spend the evening. - An enjoyable
time was had and at a late hour
ro tti tkiA ralrsv vft s ArTA(l
Those present; were Mr.: and Mrs.
M. Flillet, Mr. and Irs.t.1 Arthur
Kunke, Gordon Kunke j Miss Lln-
Quest, Miss Charlotte Linquest of
Salem, Levi Fliflet, MI?s EJith Flt-
flet, Albert Fliflet, Oscar; Fllflet
and Mrs. Loveland of Saksm. t
' - - - - Li "i .i
7".- '.- : .
T- 1
capital " st qck' -jolT SlCOiv u (T,- has
been - incorporated by, lias -Wise;
Joe Ay Harding. Otto; Hennig.
et al." :l : ' , : ' - . . '
Other articles filed. n the,' stale
corporation departmentJiere Tues
day, follqwi . , -..'.
aserPechin Motor w company
Tlgard Xta.oap; P. B. Case, P
E. Pechln,A. E. Case and lu
Pechin,;.-4 .jlj i'- ' ' y :
, ; East Side Printing compa
Portland, . 1J0.000; Robert
Campbell, . Ei C McDowell, aid
Harold C4 Eastman.
V National-Tank & Pipe compaiy,
;PrUandi ?000i James H.; Ml-
ar.kpy Neil Malarkey and C Oate
. Olajla Bee; Ranch: chibt ; Silter-
ton, S1S90; George. W.' Steel
hammer, jW. C-EIsenhart ' and
.Otorge-Wi.Hnbbs, 1
: Then; Army' Retail si ore, Port
land noUce- of dissolution - 1
m'fts irt GIFT RACE
I tpMtiBaM: ftttia-: af .14 ;. tUi
uted In the Statesman's great p 90-
mariiy cpmpeution, J gift
With the end of the entire am-
nalen bnt 11 davB distant, caodi-
datea. aye fighting " f uyiously or-
posmons in, the ''motor car class."
Second, payments on- subscrip
tions areblaying a. prominent part
In. the cmipeUtloQt with the- aiost
of the candidates tk-?s la&tJJew
days, ery candidate should nn-
aerstan 1 tne vaiue ot socong pay
ments.: pf ake It your, bnsinss tit
confer fith the contest! editor on
this. suiect,; - V'f Jv t-
The fecond paymen t plan is- a
short ct that makes It possible to
be one If the successful ones these
next Vtht- days AT -littlv inathe
matlctnrill.: prove it. 'ifitfiVfiy
It possible to make( a .five
year ffbscrlptlon produce for yoa
, perfod 21,000 regular
lus-10 0,0 00 votes on dub;
16,006 votes- Or. a lifef
ptlon at 150 to the SUtes-
ould earn you, 3 2 7,0 0 0 eg.-
ular Jofes. also-' two ljibs of 100,-
OOOJach or a gtand tetal of 527r
-00Cf!,otos. !. ' ri :s
4!few-jBf these would work won
ders for any one in the campaign.
A life subscription to the Oregon
Daly Statesman,; city or country,
costs 'A one year subscrip
tion received in the first period
of the.campajlgn now, lengthened.
byfour years woulrfoxrnt you at
the very least a toUl "of 288,000
votes, plus 100,000 bonts club
votes or a grand total of 38000
vote. In addltiotf to the schedule
6W0rextr yokes' atq.iven for a
new subscriptiqn Just ia" mere
handful of ' long ttrm subscrlp
tioni would be sufficient to put
fhe candidate wiUt wthet lowest
score at thevery ,top of the list
tomorrow.' . ? if .., ,
.The, keenest and most vigorous
kind qt work" 1 ' necessary from
ot,cai .iljroa ie to be declared
one ? ot ino pig( .prize . winners.
There is no pthry tofwln ex
tept by :the hardest; kind of work
every minute of, the time during
test.' i - r -
x r. '!. .".
Ashland Bids asked for $75
000 addition to junior high schoc
t i ' .
6fT Persons rnspect'tfistoric
NSport' During. Blossom
OaFete-Or,!-., ,
Btosso m Day brought 6 1 7 peo
ple to historic Ghampoeg .. park.
Thare. were-103- cars; The malbr
portion of ihe visitors were presi
ent for the first , time, and nearly
all were either en route to or from
Salem. ." ' ' 7 : ' . ; ,
Portland sent the" major portion
of the visitors - One interesting
visitor -was W. A. Wheeler, born
on his father's farm; now Halla
day addltion. within the city limits
of Portland.. Mr. Wheeler found
ed the Washington County Inde
pendent at Forest Grove- tn. 1879;
Marion county . visitors were:
Salem, C. Butte, Billy Butte, Rob
ert and; K-i Butte, Mabel Butte,
-William "Butte,. '-Carl-, Butte,
Gerald Volk, Hetty and; Martha
Reikenbaum. Emma Butted 1 May
dalene Butte, R. W. Kelly, Ada S.
Kelly,. Betty Jean Spencer,. Glenn
S. Pearftin, Dorothy Butte,; and
Virginia Butte. Hubbard: Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Barrett, -Mrs. A.
R. Bevens.
CONVICT ship -v:
' (Cntin4 frank TX i.rm'-A,t.
York,' and twice robbed- him. His
second, crime was to bold up- the
Shattuck family in April, 1&23L
He, and his gaas locked- thez: la
the wine cellar of the Shattuck
residence and stole 1 90,000 worth
of jewelry '.;;t;4ji.;',,5-,- f
Mourey was traced to Paris and
Shattuck 9 proceeded. tbere, later
appealing to . the president .r ot
France to save Mourey from the
gufllqtine. ;- of-;.; . u ,
' Mr,, fihattuck'- paid, a. reward of
11.5,000 for the capture of Mour
rey. He fl)ed at Lenpx, Mass.;;in
April. 1926. , r
DRYs Wit proposal'
: - 70 dispense ton C
ContinoeU from pag 1.)
cent alcoholic content is, a mistake
and will lead to multiplied eva
sions of the law and diversions )6t
beverage use. This was the x
periehce of the govef nnfent befoe
such permits, whidh were, fdrinlrr
ly jf ranted, were - cancelled.
new. evicience b'baenl .resented
to indicate that this malt tonte
will not be used as a subterfuge
ror evading the law, . ;,,
is not a Question as to
whether the government techni
cally can Issue a permit f or the
in diking, otihis malt beverage but
whether, it should insist bpon ite
policy ot preventing; k BO-called
j?alt:medicinal liquid which is
easily diverted- to beverage use or
which added to near beer
to mke potable beer, .- ' "
Th bes't, way to enforce; the
prbHibitiqnVlaw Is not to' loosen
its provisiona but to tighten them
and carry out the expressed, pur
psefj of the act, namely : That it
-shall' be construed and enforced- so
as to" prevent the use or Beverage
intoxicahts.' .
. . Although there was a lull In the
halls of congress on the prohibi
tion i question for a day at least,
the 18th amendment was attacked
again, in 'the supreme court this
time by a minister- of the gospeK
Dr. A Stanley- Copelaud of Buf-
falOi. who-. filed a petition asking I
for a review of his conviction for
violating the law." He was-sentenced
to three- months imprison
ment for dispensing wine af whatt
he called, religious meetings in;
front of the government building
in Buffalo a year ago- '
V" He contends that the prohibition
amendment did not make it un
lawful to possess and dispense
1 . . 1 1 . '
; OREGOV- "Married Flirts,"
with Pauline Frederick. Also
Talbert's Chocolato-FIends'Jaxz
, nElXIG Peg7 Hopkins Joyce
in "The, Skyrocket." ;
- " -5 . . -i - .,-'
: Br.rGI9 Mystic Clayton . and
ITarry Carey i& "Prairie rPifate.
f freight tr&lsf; between- Houston
and! Galyestojj and- Injured ;
pfeOTErmART ir;ousTRY
, t Continued from pp ', i.
scutched, that is, made, into fiber,
when it can be disposed of, aid
perhaps -the "stte can ge its
money' put et t. t
' ; A Seatu firnv. nag sougnt a
quantity eF the'japer stocky" or
wasted of- ihet scutehefr flax; at
rthree;. and; a half cents sfe0ujid,
for apnoistering wora. 'inis may
be a . goodontlet f o? part of the
flax waste-rbut the , making, of
paper string; being" investigated.
may, be. a much, more profitable
one, for all of it., ,. ; 3 i !
Two f ulL cari of upholstering
tow. has been sold the past few:
days, to California furniture, mak
ers." ' '; - ' ' .' v.
t ' Most of the re'cleaned and cer
tified; seed has been taken out by
the growers, and la now la the
ground about two thousand acres
for the state, and. four hundred
A resolution favoring Represen
tative 'John H. Carkln ' of thU
PORTLAND, March.' 30.-By
Associated .Press.) The m4tt, tonv
ic which federal .Prohibition offi
cers have decided!, may be sold in kf or) the Oregon Linens Inc., the
drug stores.-c4ttdpt be., sold by
Portland firms without,- prosecu
tion. District, Attorney. Myers in-?
dfcaied, today, '.
"We would. Koj onto them at
once and; prosecute under the state
prohibition law, no matter what
the f ederal, law mignt-have to say
about it," he said!
iv;o. rsn-i.
. : ,r.
O- hi j
: : , I
tft it-
Mr. and Mrs. Wflllam Hall re
turned last weekv Irom rlslt;in
Jackson county. i U 3 4
Miss Ruth ; Hall, iai eturned
home from visiting her. lister," Mrs.
La Rue of Oregon CIty.j '
VMrs; FefgusoA oT Jelfersdnvwaa
in Marlon Friday giving lassoni. in
basket making. 1 ' L ' Y
i ;. Mrs,: De L.aught .Mm. Conklln-
ahd Mrs.' L. A. DoerQef wr Sa
lem visitors Thursday ah, the homo
of Mrs. Q. H.- Colganv . '-' .
H 4 The Presbyterian church r.wIH
hold ita congregational i meeting
Thursday etenlng rtl: U'U-i,
' The youn people of Marud' are
considerably interested : in tennis
playing these nice days, ttll'
a George Stephens expects to
make a trip , to Tillamook, Satur-
r:z7 conrOPATions; I
. i TriA Mnrnai'-i Ortteer ConiTanv
with beadqnaxtcr3 la. r c rjl ajrd an dJ
4 t
s 't
.:.Z2 cf .
:. ,' . ' -r . ' -
Beauty. At Iivw-Gost
.r ; v. opment In liome Building ;
"",.-". '
OJ RCHITECTS have discovered that art effect
Cfo, surprising beauty is produced by laying
brut irregularly''p
We of projections ' and recessions : instead of
a'in ooth surface . 1 . ' '
a It costs but little more to build with brick
F , '..- .1- ' f.t 'f t l. 4: !
f . follow tue tnan wiia pensnaoie macenais anu
rybeautiful effect Othe fskintled?' brick vf& (m
xhwl causexnousanus zixjre cn anon, nomcs. -
. The illustration sbovefci "JntZed" brick
is taken from a home tn the North Shore district
. of Chicago where architects are building many Of
r thefinest homes widx "sJantIc4".brick walls.
A 1 1
II f
1 f
cTNTr for rraac home pian books
OClXi. TIm Hom oa Can Afford, Jphm)
10. Your Nut Howie. (oOphm) IQc 1-owpmL
. t
t?;cxnc NoRTHWEST.Bmac
(Contlnad iron PM )
a foot, with all sections reporting
the storm continuing late today. .
- Temperatures e a B ty t o d a y.
ranged in that state from -10 de
grees, above sero at good land to
24 above in the eastern part.'
. It was snowing in-all sections
of Oklahoma except the soutb-
. eastern lata today. :
, At ; Kansas City the- snowfall
had reached a depth of. eight and.
si&alf; inches late today and con
tinued falteringly: i ?
!M forecast fpr thei remainder- of
the week, held out little hope for
an immediate break iji., the.wihixy
conditions in the southwest.. -It
was expected, that show 'wonld
contlnua tomorrow; in; eastern Col
orado, Nebraska, Kansas Knd.
Missouri. - "-'' 't". :
."F; A. Horton, failrDftd brakel
man was blpwn, frpm. the. top of a
latter, near Stayton Enougn. is
being held for; alt comers. Three
car of. seed were sold 1 to the
Portland linseed oil milfs yester
dpty;, 45p sackim a, ear. It brings
around 12000 a car, and the sacks
come back. The. price is - down
now; around. $2.30 a bushel. An
other car will be ready in a few
days, the seed will kep going out
at the rate of a car every 10 days
te two weeks, indefinitely. It is
beiag. threshed. -. at. .the . rate- of
V about 100 bushels- a day, and this
will go pn till the new crop comes
In apd-it will tnen1 kee ri?ht oa.
Tr-o "Xewi Vnlforn- .
- In a very - short time, th peni
tentiary; guards will be-la uniform.
The--uniforms- are-; bating ' made
ther, - and, are ' aboujt ; finished.
,Thy will be- olive drab; neat and
natty . xne. , nniiormi wia. oe
furnished; at- cost -to-1 the- state.
They are' only. waitqg for..- the
buttoas to- arrive. ";
.i C. i . . : , k i.. .. i ;.i
a proposed hy Sauue
bill in congress. was endorsed.
5 Conservation and protection of
wild game and- fish is urged- and
the . Jackson county delegation, to,
the, legislature , "instructed sup
port such' measures as-, will! make
it "impossible for any. future gov
ernor to build a political machine
out of the'igreat- gam organ?a
Uon of our state," and that game
commission funds, be spent ex
clusively for- game- protection and
conservation i -
. - ;;:;:-:: :-? i "'S;;.,:
The voters were urged' to vote
against the "Uthlhg bilL't, which
has for its purpose, the diversion
of 10 pet cent of. the ga.m&-.tun'da
into the general fund. The pre
amble to): the4 ! platform-, se forth
that the object of" the convention
Is to "destroy minority dictation,"
restore "party solidarity,"! and1 to
make the primary., system strong
where it is. no Wr weak,"'
at l
VAQci;:ATio;j - -onczi.
SiajLliox is i)i:,rovr ::: r
. PORTLAND,; March 39. (i:y
Associated Press.) Following' the
drscovery of two cases of smallpox
da, one .of thegrade1 sclftwl-i here,
250 pupils ot the school will' be
vaccibated by health author ft Ifs
tomorrow. Children who. decline
.the treatment, will be placed under
quarantine In their Ko'mes for 2 1
days, officials said.
March. SO. Mt. Washington Kas
'.scaled by; dog sled for the first
j.Ume- in history, today. when Arthur
x. vvamen, veteran muslfer of
Wonalancet,. drove his,; six giant
cross-bred- huskies tb the summit
r andT back m a little more. than. 15
. t
(CaatinuAd from p 1.)
initiation- of, a previously defeat
ed income j tax- bill wad attacibed
as furtl3hljl& nft relief, and it v
urge.d, tjhat. its, aJoptiqn "would
bpfid ap .another executive organs
itaitian nf ti Atn ." - f... U
, VAt 3:0 - 7:30-and 9:3tr
: : rift h tint sn w : i rt pt t f
JimiWSU UK lIHe&'TlChll
, Including- Chorus of Charletdn: Dancera
t . : . v - ' -.. v ' :t '. . , . t-:
, - " AISO ; '
- . -.r',-.- .' With
- ?r ?:;: "CON'RAD NAGEli -
i f
i i
a, lower level oF prc
.J" i " .. . . . ! .
Regular $ 1 .25 .GuagbarBL .Values
Blue, pink,' laYnHer
tan,- etcJ; in approved
s p i;i n ; styles for,
hojne cear. Sizes,
' small, "feiedium- and
;large. ;
. Afe this price;bne can
,;:nbt afford' to rrirake
'them, for; the cost of
the materials alone
d d.f.
d thitJr
.8 f- - .
' .-t '
Oue Munclfed Bnissiere
. WcJBaiideaux Brsieres silk strirja' madras,-:
vr8ilk-- braid-tnXnnaedv -ejastft; insert.'- Air sizes. I
se lf