. i biamsrjiyjioilee Edition . iDidmonu Jubilee PdrjC3 :l io8 - - Section!; : I f .ir V o - : -SEVENTY-SIXTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 19?6 - vw. : --i PIlICEiir " ' y ' -.- -' - "t ' - '-, - ! ... .... .... -,. .. , . j A ,m.. ...... ,-..f--vr"' "-" -.'.-i...-.. ..,.-, titf f. . ' I Over lilu 1 ! -T r- . -Ar - ....J," i C J J r 1 4"; -AM i; ,'..3.i. ?. .III- b ( m ! v7 ' , : f '; 0) 1 ft i Lo6IiD..:;IiiIie: i Ciilizsitioni'ni- -iNewHtOFueri eays j m: io&i Surprise Shown That .Anything; Fon yilderness Then ; . iuiown as uregon could Kesemble Favorably Those , " " Newspapers Circulated in East v--i " . - ?' , '4 '. ,: ; i - . H.vvjJu:.;f-li, U- ff'-viviir 5 ,7. 4.-. I New.Yorki .August 2.'1851-: "Dear Sir:-Yesterday I received ;ttoxiffh-tha:tostoff ice" a package: of your papers, for which t -feel under dbligatioii. to you. Printers say your paper looks like civilization; .: ;OURPAPER looks' like ivilion! ' ,i New York surpHsed that, anything, from Ore ; gon .could, look .lik civilization I ; Back, in the year f .Seventy-five years have passed since that letter was writ ten .Here and there within the, broad, Valley, of the WiUain- ette .rerilnants; of; that early pioneer band still reside; many ofrth,em surrounded by obvious signi of wealth that stand in strange contrast, to . t hepn vation ol these early journeys, in strange; contrast to' the privation of these early journeys in th 1840s, 60s, and 60V out to the "Par VesC' overland, by ox-team, or by ship to Panama,; mule-back across , the Isth- xnusjf pjr snip again np.tne -acmc coast. i; 1 . :A few Btiil stirvive who can tell of those days when "any- ining resembling civilization in Oregon' was truly to be marveled at... But ' their number tik t snalL And even their children, and; grandchildren, surrounded by .modem, roads, towering citaes;;f4stjralnw and faster wire and air, communi cation, fail to understand those; early!: momenta jn Oregon history, when the foundations of this section were being laid. ynroughoutj this entire; period, .seventy-five years today. The Oregon Statesman, founded by pioneers! edited first by a man who crossed the Isthmus on muleNback, and since then by men of equally sterling character, this paperihas recorded tnrough- irth, marriage; and death; the lives of those; whose labor l&k now created here a&vilization envied, by that same expressed astonishment . Jfcats anything on.", establish. cent of the second oldest newspaper in the Northwest? Why is it second, by some twelve weeks, instead of first ? Was the task of establishing a press simple? Could it Jbe accomplished by the meiB purchase: of. a press, .the ordering of paper and mk, the lungql a staff of reporters and editors, engaging wie services 01 a news association t , j . y.No the taskj was ; not -simple, judging from letters and document filled, with, thfc Oregon Historical society, the S.tat4.ubnry.nd preserved in. private . collections which, tafcea jtogetheri, piece j,out this narrative for the -Diamond Jubilee numbk?;lU -A Jl:.-j . I . .. ; r 1. -First '"4suef;0j:?Td jtatesnian :; appeared i op March ,28; ;iTjiat :'firB(lJcpyi:..as printed on a press that came arpund ;Cape Horri 'an'dtf up the Columbia river, ; over the identical path taken, by the earliest, pioneers, and af ter( much: of the .delay andjinfdrseeri difficulty, which marked the early r; i ,The name was, taken -from the Ohio Statesman, printed at Clumbus; Ohio; an organ long since gone the way of all fles:axnuel & 3iurton; then representing Oregon Terri try fa WIuQon Conjectured: that I the Whigs were to estabjislia partisan, paper in Oregon, . (This paper, appear ing t?relve.weeks prior to The Statesman's first issue was the AdLiLlB<lxbur&PJk wa,s tobecdmea:cahdidate for re election as delegate to congress from Oregon and was anxious to have a newspaper, of his .political faith, to support him. . Diiring.the.first election in June, ,1849; the, campaign' had been one of men, rather than of .parties. .Mr. .Thurston, was a staunch democrat , He was also a Methodist This faith had 3 large vote td Oregon; Many of these Methodists 'were: lb$ .Whjgs: He,; therefore was; flhxioiis. to win. another election before party lines werel.strphgly drawn, and parties thoroughly organized." tTher Oregon Historical Quarterly of September; 1914,- prints Mr.1 Thurston diary, ! kept - diking first ye.ar;in .congress, arid hfle. his reference to placing Jmocratid paper Jn Oregon brief ,4t gives aiiinterestirig due to whathe had in mindi "Jannarv. 1 3, 1 1 RKfL TnHaw J.had a !ongtalk with Mri iw?n piay cwg&n about going to Oregon ) to start; a Demi Oatic papers j.-imi -I "January 19, 1850 Dwrlhg tie session wrote a letter to gr;,9rane.of ;thd jNew'tYork fvenmg Post, relative to go-; ig to Of eso to start a pa-t r r v ? ' t --- - ft ! - TFiirfe,1 ygigKgg nrntetfe :&".itSw. "'tt ' - will t.mmmpmmimm.m-am- .it. im in n liiirtiHMt tnnwt -.w.- kiMlikkaiw!ta. ! " niliix . ZI7.. .TT. . n - . ...... t hi , u tin.i . - yiirT? .r! T rr ,i T.hd..n I .Tr.."" .f w.ji,..- h "-rftoT" TL'iV'J T - Wh.M. kM. m.-mm. WWT' '" - i ! il.Mii.il Wl tert..rfam. FKUaT.J UOismo, Miica s iwi. A. r.lcr. arf&ric Al : ruNu Ism. Tnua. HUM MI 1 J.l.lhn.bwUi:Pn. li4.HiM. I f(H ITT. . . 1. . . V 1.1. Wt. l.'fc Ihm W..VM I, . 11 a.. r.. rwaf . iwmi llxc nnrr. . llwM.r. ... rv m. - rlti-o caw , . liiaikMXi liMfcfc HI 1 ii . - 'mmrnt-b V. to M jiii.Iij. fim4 t m l ll'. M I ll I 1 III .M I -jr rmtmmmm '-yr-lli I li ito to-, ml a. wMm to -.Uit.-r V" Oli I toi 1 ti iniiiit 1 ik.tami.Htt km wMjkk rrtj atowM to Mk to Uk 11 1 -M.naaf torn, A." Ttoj Milkkitotilaik) totoMto, toMMtMtHto toitotf. it-irtoanatoi mm.-w, p iii.it. m4s to toMi iitoi.torl(k.. TtotMrikBintoato.. " 1 n urn i mi k TT1 .-l-T7-1- '": ' r-i-toA. . MMnto. mm mmm Mto. -- VTt7.T-nTrjl-Jl "tOM.uk, ltog.1. pa.' Sr., lMiU,i.lM ,toa j., .JUriJTL a II Tto to. to... to, toK - i.t.t.to. iytou rctoZ?to,A-tokr-wi ' --l'",'V; - ' i 1 p. rn77!T ----.ktoto lltir ;!rv" 1. f-j-' o w-a-p. utoA..ito MHMi,i(HifliM.' K- - fl!:?.,,-. 1 Tttoto iwtoM.i ton totoitoa.i WttoTbtoUTLt. "- "tltoiY"k.toto. tTVVI' ' W4totoMaiH toM. a - f-1 - --.- $ ; mc--wjto. jk,to.-,to-.toto..M t- . - m to-rU7-ZL TifSS ,rn .r..-' ----tort.-toto..to n in IZZTJ? toZtoi 1! 1 r.toMtoto H,k wJl, waitoikiVitotoA.toiatotoM Cto-T---. tol OLITT "' ptoi- TtaiMtoMHMIkitolnnii n.TT iau" 7 Wk m tot toto atok air ktotol V. XZk ii, ... mmm,.w M ito 4 -tITrTtoto,to--toJi.l',,5, toTSTtor"T . rr8-fc . to to Mkto Ihto ito to4 n toil ito ' tojto tokto to4 tot toto,toktoito.-nk- toA?toto-- kW.to-irrsrT": Ctoiltotol,toWMIi '' 1 l.kif witt 1 in 1 11, Ito toll miUir " . fl W ku, Mtoank. ktol,M to-.rto,..to,.toktoto toTtoS., toj-- is..,.- - to. i 1 k. tow. to. 1 toto I, ..TM.rr.j.Tt'-w!rf.y- r t.r.. . -r ttoto.toi-to.Ato r-r M- "- - r .totoStotoktorytjt jc-n-wHi- toto. -. - mwmmmmmrmrmmmM- iii,' 9tkX, 1 1 iw. i 1 .ii Jtot I k. . .1 . . J-"bn . run .im iliiijt Yn' 1 to.-t tw-to. --totokto., ito?toSrrk-Ti. .JszSLwtr.-: & , -r Niks: ti; r r .'ii in n klin.l . . I - 8 witoT. ! tototo to. ""tk.kto 'i2i.r'.,-'?to ft ."J ZT..tollJtotoJto7Ztol CTkl-ttl.t S H. - Jii! --t ,iu.Tto.-ttoj-,.oto.k, Tttol!Tto' . .1 . totototo, -k.n tot im i totol tmm mm. Im . I.I II i . ' -' ' 1 limn. : ... 1 .. i if -i -to- a-;L -ii in 1 1 mm Lf''' ,'r '' t-" " TT'i . .' Tt.to.ttoto..l.'.k1..iW "irf totoi iliiiMtoj, I.to-.f rilto .ton i, it .totnti. toitotototo J11 HiTtoM . - n j A,tto. totakk.4.totfk, ftoto-. t. . toy to.toto-to.to--k.toHM4.T-: iw i-to,r to irto-- o-r to to. r .--V T.VrrjTrrTT . itoTT . ,rto . - . ..to.tototototo.tof; ikw.toto ...-ii,. rffato-to. ;- -totatotojMto . LLir mm Wtoto-. toto toto. Iii mmt i Mkii.lmiiiiiin k- to to. W Ml... toto B M-"i'i'l-''i--.tok-lkto1. Tto, (t to to ". to ?i.A.to rMtoto.k.i i iiiiiJtotoAjtoi.totoili.Mtoto.toto-to-i. n-.. I w. ton .Hi. mm m a'toMk totS" -toyto.totoltott - ""to ) toto. Tkl.-Ttoto?, itoi to I to tofc, - ktototo ,i ii toitto I tot to-j ,-" to. toM, n.fkto ml toto .M-k.hto to. to. to. y llii. .ii i fi i.l to .jjn tor,to to.to . II Tto. la ntol n-to I --- --y-kk-to,,! - jtoi, .Hito.i.kl. immmmmft m WtoM totoi a aitou. , l inn. " kto -m. to. ill ii "Hi ' ll H.- atok totoi 'totoi to- . 1 to, --toi.il t toif-7?j;Z2 Tto.. Wk. toto . ,k.a-to to, tolto. -. rfa 1 toiato,ktototo-to -H to-,- toi-k-M -toto,' On, . I to "'""""; ll i i. toW to totoa to. -toto toto , Ml. to-, to. .-. ,to k-, , 4.17 - ' -i. toto. -to i.ml.MiatomalM,,, fcakto. -Hkl-toika, Ito Tani tmm Mrmmm,m mmmmimt. ' , --. . rB , , I r i ml Cl r--Ttototorfk-tottotoatoato "'" '' ' " '' I-- --- .l..,. .!.. . ! toto to. , I . kk..to kr.to tototoa-ltoto I -W.-k'tol jl toriftokaatoaa DMA mmt mm mm mm toto kar kaato !Ml..iiiaai kito-J mmf mmm kkto.M ka-' atotof toiAf Mitoto, toMf MtoWMl v TyiiXprtTX.aiij: ," ii l" , toto rtoto toto,!-. tomtoa, kaaaaV .mmm mZ l"- -atoto totoi ml, ,1 B T jtoZT JIllagT.'-' mml'm S HHK- 1 l! .- toji.n La.a.wa Mill wpi Wtoy mmmmf, ton A i7, alaa ginii . m to iMa. i.i in A. L. Bca I to MM to mtoaf ; mm,-W.iii.Mtom.aa, tmmmt to Ototo 1. trnf. Ua.f ,1) l i li 1 1 . I I i ll .. -. C Altor. Mfaaaatowj. topaal al aaaaa. t Tito Mai 4a toto mmm -M----tof a-tM. . ,-.y , Cto AtoA, -jk.i0a.'l mm ml -Bf k.ai to -to, tokwtoto. Ito aMtoMaftoto. TaaatoV toaaatotoalto. to I a at. I. to. to aahr. Wktototoatotoh.kto.lJ P I im j If mm mm- to i iiaj 1 1 l.to.in iii toto toatototof. W.toai aT j.mtt. to toto ato Im - mmt mm U mm mm , mm mp. inn. ato ato. torn, ibaatoaf tot Hkoalatoaatotoaa; K mm I 1 1 aktot. A to iaj ii, tmm mm, , Maw a to- In m,m af to .a..iiHto y iliii ilk lam, attoaa.l -a.ai a ai.a aa.l iifto- : mmmu ml mm Vaatoto aratoa kaka. mmm. W4,laa .a. k-. l T ' tl -r-totototi ltoT aaaaj ii- mill alit,ai.a.- .Mini, Ckaa ..; tVa ja aat mm mmm hmmhmmmmmmm ll fc ...nl.nl ka a, toalaaMtoartaaai- Makiina . haitonni In faaiai Ito to-aktoto (toto. knf.r.M tof, t--. Mj to k Ma, Hi i MB, in I, I ilit, ,. . rf la toto. Kamfaii "";.-- toto- MtotolttojMl l rrzrr:irrto tolknnl i kto mi k al I ar m. a 1 to to. a. kcto. k totot af to. Ofto-toton i TM toto a to to IMnjklak toto-.ktonatot toltoto toto to --fa a.iimto) tto mmm. tiHto a Ml. to ill flrlf . v Wan i Maj . tow. mmm mt LtoVl to to, k to. aM- a to.;- ala.iaaaaM to. .i nlli. to. u -to- af toj I mmmmm aaa ; ktoto to c'a-av. h toto-to -toWft I bvltotWctoT flnWy vVtofeMK 9 ft toV'toW 1 to vvtoVJuW totototoTtotfy. k ton i ii tot ma af tto Mm- mt totoatotow t ka i . to . aaaa Tka aakk. to I. ik-ika f i au to ttoakto .af ikaa r-. tot ik. i ii II I aafato-tol Amiito . aaafatototoi k to. af Ito mmm mmt mm tmm. Ato toto. a. a .Ito. mm- wtoa . to a I H aal k.to aWy i. .in to laIn T tow mutf. Ttoto totoiwlf to-nar ara totoa. toito MtottoT lliiiii.itoni totoi. Hto i' aa to Ltoto aAtotoMtoAAW A to 4to toamto- totoHH to a 41 'mmmmmmmWJftj mmm mm mwmmwmlWTf totojVaMjto Jfj -toto a . kkt : tokt. IWto, kto ) T to , totoatoatitoki.-afa aaa, .'.. m tmf m mnfmi ftokwm mm akto to ka aa aW. Tka, toto t .ifcia, totaa to mm a taato. Baia-a mm. a to aaaa ml mmm, auk mm a .' ; SeTenty-tly jeari ago toda7K copies of this four pago newspaper made their first appearance. The press upon which the paper as printed was shipped from New York, aine around the Cape and up the Columbia, being delayed many weeks In. transit, due to rough Beas. Asahel Bush, its first, editor,' crossed, the Isthmus of ; Panama on mule back to reach the northwest. Q papers estab lislved in that day when Oregon was part of the wilderness, two only surrlye In the year 1926, The Oregonian, which first appeared ' on December. 4, 1810, The Oregon Statesman, March 28, 1851. , - , . - , o . . . . ; .ft . a. -Iff on L- . i P - AiiniveFsary of- Biivl: rs rom Friends Throuirhoul State and Nation T.T.u!: n i f a -Hj --.. .. i . i i - r . l . i . - T OSnd of First Three QuarterCentury of Service as I rp ifCy Vf.VXKorthwesi : Newspaper .ViMiiVj ,Tr.- titbit -4 - : t -J OlXOWlNG letters have been received cdngratulat jur Afici ouiicsjuaii on iue completion oi us jirst . j hreeuarta: centuries f as a newspaper," and extend V ing oest wisheiT W continued success and achieve ments during the coming years. v v .l: The Oregon Statesman, . . :' " . ; i Salem, Oregon. ' v, Dear Sirs: In that fraction of time which links your first issue ;of seyehty-fiye years ago. .with your, Diamond Jubilee editidn .pf today, ? a !ew scattered: settlements j here in the Willamette valley have expanded into one of the, finest, and most productive areas of our. whole country.. In that period Our country, itself has pushed, . aside divisions uncertainty and provincialism and taken its place of world leadership, i It is a Iwtmgi distinction, to have completed seventy-five years of useful service as a ; recorder and interpreter of events through an era when history has been shaping some Of its toost vital chapters." " ! ' J r ' . ' ' ' I wish to add my hearty congratulations upon this mem orable anniversary of The : Statesman Publishing company and to wish you continued growth and prosperity , , : GEORGE A. WHITE, i ' - vi Brigadier General. V 'Portland Or., March 20, 1D2S.. Y 1st ..t' thevUths-I .was . at 6i41dd, i IJass. and: going atOre-ori City.; The are A Wa Stockwk 47aI a r "ivt1 ry itusseu." r-:" v, r.-. ;cn -Air. Bees Veil, left-hci-a todAy.V t to lTay;li; l was absent S ..v - . i Anxieties? Difficulties AspiratiQ R8Vedled.8iep IM.. H I a- fc . J 1, U'.l-J HfiSE tTTERS, secured through tJie ''courtesy. of vIJ:-!' LAdd & Bush, bankers; tell a graphic story of the a-.-. ' A.nxitles, difficuities and aspiration's of the little . . group of men who established Th Oregon States- man tnree-quaners oi a century ago: - - . , r i . r i . . -- A . ... ; , WaWngtqn, July 28, 1850. ' ij. Alfant; Jeremiah t Driggs; John Burkhart, - Anderson CoxHendy J,. Petersoti Win. B. Haley, J, S'Thinlop,, John Courtney;. Isaac Courtney.pleant.Ilobinette.Cal Finley, Hk'JIai Spaulding, iLuther AVhite, Jacob Spore,' Russell Watt; MrPutriam; Wm, Stephens; (in,fdrk3 Willamette) , MrlT Hill afid Messrs IIamjltog,.all of-4ibvcoanty;?i t,'f l - UiAei.b.earerfrorr;tois:ictter;.is;f --ATto-lIto ito I, t-'l v rr ' -i : . . CA-v-VV-V A'AVvv k at. -jvfeeniyniin; x v w iAaiy-Ai a wiis aDsent i tr'e.. .wu gentlemen in Oregon. Please" lend him your aid and patron- ito uia cuiyCxiJXasc. v , . t . v, ; v ; . , v ,. , .. ,' I I am,. Sirs, Yours truly, etc. S'AlVIX R. THURSTON. ((kinfidentiaL) , . -t - j .Washington, Aug. 11, 1850 A.u My Dear Sir: . This will be the last tetter from me before leaving for Oretron. but fmmHiatelv nn r ceipi; nereot you win write me. - - - It is now made certain that a WW - , ,.. . r - . . 1 r.vuu au v MK . HOJ for Oregon, to be established at Portland, and t be edited by W. W. Chapmari;-formerly .delecrate :in:fion: fromr:Tnwi This is; certain. , A. lMr; Abrams, direct from Portland; wis herej Yesterday,, who, isio take Jiis family out to Oregon, and from him J received the-information. iThi then estaWispb the fact which I have before conjectured: ."-ui..;. . v ; It is alsd certain: that llarion inii nn'?-9' -,rii the two j neayiest" counties in tha Territory, have drawn the lines ana organized accordingly; and thi3 will probably be f . . r. ' ,11-:..'.' ' . - - . I : - . . . I have apprised you, that the friends of The Statesman" are aa.L atok.. to V ll .. - .A to 1 a.. . '. . . - .toto , a-wUto-A. geipmg supscnDers; ,ana;,tnat ,tne paper .wiu be V You .will thereforA liavA a rjinsiiTfififtTi wifK Pneeoif im - y. - 7- - - -mmr a -mm mmm, m mrmmm Wfl vf . aj V. " V jto- mediately, on arriving in the country, and with the leading Democrats, and pursue such a, course as you and Russell; in consunauon.witnane iJemocrats,..shair think propen -.You wilL show, this . letter , to Russell, which he will cons jfiert as confidential. - You 1 will understand my position; 1 have no objections to parties, organizing, but while I am a, delegate I shall not encage as a nartisan. but consult sofclvthft hr-.t interests of Orecron. ! It wouTd hf fniuHff ions' fn'r Tif ffni-o any other course; and I , trust the Whigs will not seek to draw me to any otner posiuon, ; jLt tney attacK me and endeavor to run ine downVlien" we shall tr6' befor4-thA' ttnU ftW the issueV but-om9 what hiaiIam for;0reson. L..f; ; . v , If;y6dand Rtfssell form a Dartnershm" vnii" pftW h establishment ion thotteras tindsrstood by hini. i You. wj7l pay a sum yearly ito keep tho concern in aa "rood condition as when ccfTzzzmccdm :Yon vtUI cUtoTantee to insnro t!r rr- Mr. Robert J. Hendricks, . . - -. - L : Salem; Oregon. . . My Dear .Mr. Hendricks : f The Oregon- Statesman has had a long and noteworthy history; ; Always "it has..bec'n in the midst Of affairs; "and always its' voice has-been potent rfor,gopd causes.lrhe old-timers remember: its eatly service; the present .'.graeration;-. reads Jindl'depencW, on it ; In any survey of my own modest career, it must be recorded tthat it was on The Statesman that I had my start as reporter r.r,d city;editor. I am proud thus to .have been identified, with The Statesman; and I am equally proud that the friendships then, made particularly with. Mr. Hendricks--have endure J through all the intervening years. . Very truly yours, " ' . 1 EDGAR B. PIPER, , Editor, The Oregonian. Vtototofttotototototototo ' - - - The Oregon Statesman, ' : f r Salem,; Oregon. , , Congratulations on reaching your seventy-fifth birthday. May, you increase, in . wisdom,! stature and best of all in circulation.,. v;; :;f ''1!::':" ' fv;--.--'.-..-----.--,- My next birthday, a little less than two months, win h- the 82nd. The Statesman of December 31 : Sam T R?mr SOn. editor. "effOsed" tht fnUnxurincr Tirvnn V10 ivMeinn nf -rtr w . . c3 . HKW aaw vvtow&wu wa a.ij. marriage in Salem, Christmas Eve, 1866.- . . i ' mitt mm t mm-mm m ... ,. . ueorge Himas is, a printer , , , . We wish hhn success ; . : ; : v : He is glorious Rigg'd . 1 . May his spouse stand the 'nress . My sweetheart's name yvas Anna Fj. Riggs, and $lic i me yet, and we are .proud of .iiavinf? one great, err r v: My personal acauaintanca with ThA Rfrm 1 Olympia, then in Washington Territory,' and it vcs or - exenanges wnicn irot into the officA rf thp Piwnr ; caul, wiejirst newspaper nortn of' the iJoIurr.bia river, , tl:3 first issue of which was on September II, 1852. -Sincerely, . GEORGE II. Hll-mS, ; Oregon Historical,Society,.PprtI.:nd, Of. . ; House of Representatives, The Oregon Statesman; ' ;. r ; . . - i;..SaIemf.pregon.; ;. - ;: ' t' ir Sirs:' I conirratJilflfft Th frrn Cf - , jts Diamond Jubilee. Incite s75.ycars-of service-it been an myaluable factor in the de velopment not only of its im mediate" locality; but cf tha Willamettd valley, the Hi cf Oregon and the Pacific Icrtli westat. " 'y-:-- -". .'- Vlh additlort to: it3 advocacy of sound principc3 in pcllt!:"l and economic matters, it hr.s been a-stronsr-forco on-tI:3 right, side of social questic::, including morale and c Ju: ra tion, vlts record of useful nee-. entitles, it - to. the continue! confidence of. the pcorl n: ! an abiding prcstio nnd 71c.- perity. .. . . ; ; .As a reader forr.-.r. J i forty j-earj,-1 wish i t c ed succee:.. Truly y - :.,:;;::,,,7.raHA,,J:. ith ild. , i'a y" 0.' The Oregon GcntL.T.e:i: grrndr.jn in a l t:...r3.tlrr:3 t A 4- V m- t Oregon." ; with great Euccesshajctut he fosia viewinOrc-on. lle . -' . f v-.--- ' -;:: ;- - ; : ' - s