The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 25, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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"Sh" T " m.,-.
i ' 1 i-------bbbbmb
J - ' v Iiid Daily Xee?t rtmiay Vy
It - -- 1- Boat- Cosu-ereial fit, Sales, Onm '
a. 7. Rradricka-
-faaara .
rrw j. Torn
M. ler-fa
Wl. ftmita. -
. Editor
- - city :
Talagrapa Editor
, Society Jiditor i
or thb
Yae AaaoetataA 9mU MutmlMh miuj uutu. .n
Ucpatcaea credit toUiiMt etaenria
aewe pabliaaad harain. s
albert Brm.' IBS Vmui vm ti.i..
fnm dark Co, New Terk, 128-18C
Doty A- Paya. SWaa S.Wf . & rrei,
"t ClreahrtioB Offie-SS '
Aato ! XditofulOt
BorSaees Of fleSS mr Mf
Sociaty Editor i0
Zaten at tfca Peat Olflea la Eajam,
THE LORD "5HA.T..IIEALETH- "If tho? xill jJitlgenUVeaJkitt.tO
the voice of the Lord thy3od. and vUt do thst trilctt la right la Hla
eight, .- I will pot none 'of these diseases VDon. thee for lam
the Lord thst healeth Ttheet" v Ex. 15:26. : f V ! .
.- , - v ; . -j--m7
The head lettuce industry of the Salem district is def in
itely headed towards sneat things-It will in due timehecome
a major, industry here-i- .... 1 -
yx A giiTantic industry.' . , .
. , It started wth the shipment of six'cars two years ao ;
witli t the production of a toal s putput of what wpuid ha ye
. fillea rUten ?cax3 last yjear arid with the prospect of a thirty
car output tlfta; year perhaps rtranipjr tpy sixty cars'from.the
thirty acres devoted to the crop ; for te grpws iiaye learned
to produee 'three crops on, the same land ; succession crops,
one -rights af ter the other, with ther 'last harvesting around
::.Than1givmirlime-- ',-.'''' -'rrr-? i. v; i J r
And in this way they get from a ton totwo .tons of head
lettuce to the acre, arid, with the liberal -use, of -fertilizer, a
. higher ' quality and more dependable' results each year. ;
, Through the amjbitiousr experimenting, venturesome
spirit and untiring industry 6 the group of farmers, mostly
Americanized Japanese, on the Labish Meadows'lands north
of Salem, this city is on the way towards, becoming a great ,
head lettuce center--. ! ' , 5 . ! II
The center of a gigantic; pdus'drawinsr, Wg sums of
money annually f roin long distances, i And the 'prospective
big industry will not necessarily be iocated exclusively on the
beaver dam lands of the Labish district. . It is -likely that
some of the lettuce crops will be found to be better adapted
to iereht tocations;jtlwug none of them will be better
flavored or have larger heads than the Labish lettuce
-Roy IClkudaj the leading spirit of that
group of vegetable i growers,.whp started the now wonderfully
successful: celery industry there, jcbnmenced
. with head lettucis several y as ago. v ; . r t
, The Head lettuce growers art still experimenting, and will
never ;berg''
ey want thete have attained
intjUtjiU'f fhe lieisl'l cai piroupccr in'this wnh4
- try,oranycpuntryv4;i; -tlH 4:r--.t;' -U
.iWTieheyer -they; can certain!, of having attained this
point,r aridcan convince !the consunjers of the f act the sky
..will .be tte. Ji Jfe expiuisiw. of the industry. ; There
' has been going on'and there is stiU undex'way .an enormou
expdhsion of the nead lettuce inarkets in this country. Nearly
everybody is eating lettuce, "and trie best trade wants head
iettdcef and the best qimHty obtainaDle'of head lettuce. ' i
The labish" f amers, Japanese anJ American, are by no
means through JexperMenting .with new vegetables with "i;
view to produting them on; a commercial scale, in carrot'
shipments. They ; are! experunenting "Hthpagus with
new varieties of onions;v and with a lot of other vegetables.
Their "miUion dollar highway, will be more than a ten million
dollar highway (: before many ' years ; that is, the proposed
paved county .market roadT through their district will have
hauled over it more i than ten million doUars worth of produce
annnalhr.'. . L' . ; I f
ninTiiPi nuprift
Hun I lltUilLEJb flUlvl
Garb in "Just Suppose'? at
the Oregon Theatre; Shin
ning Tribute, to Art fl
fA " 1 '.- -r
. "Just Suppose," the new Rich
ard Barthelmess production which
cornea to the Oregon, theatre to
day. Is, ald to be the most'bril
Jiant and, colorful picture in which
that popular star has yet appear
ed. Many of the roles enaetedoy
Barthf Imesst inthia preTiauS (pic
tures, show hint' ln Tags or mean
attlrev In OlHabie BaTld'; - and
"The Bondb'oy" he "was r ragged
, country ; -youth'ij in ,f Fury, ,: a
IJmehoiisa:ssiloi.lad; in f'Sonnyr,
he played. the part of a doughboy,
though., ha puU on soma, pretty
good "clothes when he returns' from
the war ; ; in "The Enchanted Cottage"-
and i"Xew Toys' 'ho; Is fa
youth -in .eyerjday : clpthes; i, In
t'Shoe Leare," the enlisted Jackie
In Uncle Sam's Nary; and in 'Saul
Fire, .while he starts ) out i as f a
wealthy young artist, he soon .be
comes dilapidated and iwinds up
in the South Sea Isles, where
clothes are of secondary consid
eration. J fi J Yi j: '
i Only In ;"Tho Bright ShawjU
'The FlghUngr Blade" and "Class
raates'r.. is there anything 'ap-
croachinsr a fine, romantic cos-
tun ,f or tin, lie ; looked Very
grand as the West Point Cadet; in
"Classmates," as the s grandee :ln
"The Bright Shawl, r.-i es the
Patci tzliUr of firtuaa in '"The
A r r- -.-I- 3r.. j-S j... .,.--(."--
W. HLHeaderae H.denlaUaB Vmih
Kalpa li. Klctim - Aararttaing Ma a afar
Vnlr Jaakoakj MMrJbf)i)k
-.A;iote f ' UYMtoek X&lat
associated raxss
credited U taie taper ni elae Jeeal
A 7 : ,
omcis: . ,
- rtm.
W. Slat 8ts Oteare, ' Yarqaette Bldf.1
CaUi-l HJcsfa BU LnaUM OeM
X TJepertseMCSS et 1
Jea Peperfeei , i MS
Owtoi.laa aeeead-aUaa matte."
nia in "Just Suppose" he Js the
yery ' acme of magnificence." t The
most excluslre Fifth Arena tail
ors and. bootmakers, nor to .men
tion i cbstumers, c extended them
selyes to their utmost in building
civilian outfits and uniforms for
his wear In this picture. ,
WaJia Walla Valley Lists De-
ticit, tlectric Companies
Declare - ;
The Walla .OwaUaT VaUeyBail
road coipany which' operates. be
tween Milton end Walla Walla had
a deficit of $ 8 i 5 8. 8 8 in the yeuf
19 2 5, accordiag to, the. annual re
port of - the corporation , filed In
the offices - of , the public .sertice
commission Wednesday; f .3 i "
The operating- revenues :Ws r
$111,500.08, while the,' operating
exp&nses were 1119.SSS.96. f t i
The Oregon -and ' 'WashiBg.ton.
Telephone company 'Which serre
Hood RiTer had an -operating in
come of. $33,513.40. The operaU
ing rerenues ' were.. 12 1.4 3 57
with operating expenses aggregat-
ins $77,737.23;' . t- j
The operating incomer the
Sherman: Electric company; .with
headquarters ' at'lloro,.' was; $ 6,-
i uperauns; revenue was
530,443.41. while the ( operating
expense jwas $Z2,511.7& -
, MlTfl. pet? ean-wr ; -rs
EllT.l AT HE
Popular 'Actress v Has Glow
jng.Part in "The Gilded;.
Butterfly," Now Here '
In the, latest Pox Films, pro
duction, "The Gilded . Buterf ly."
at the Heilis Theatre today and
Saturday. . Jliss . Ima Rnbens Is
cast 9M Linda Haverhill, a beauti
fijl young American society girl.
She has been brought" up in lux
ury and the fact that her (father
has been living; on his friend? nd
relalirej and is terribly in debt
has been kept from her, , , L
At his death she discoTers. her
tru e statos and because - the man
Lwith whom she f ancies herself in1
ye prores xo oe simpiy a rorxune,
hunter, she becomes cynical.
Knowing no other way to lire, she
continues to - borrow money from
a friend of her father's until she
is called to account by him. r i
' About this time the falls In lore
with sn ambitious young Ameri
can and from tnen on her whole
viewpoint changes. .
Bert Lytell and Huntly Gordon
play opposite her in the leading
male roles. . Others in the stellar
supporting 'Cast are Frank Keen-
an, "Vera Lewis, Arthur Hoyt,
Herbert Rawlisson and Carolynn
Snowden. ... ::. - .
1 Bits For BreaJifast f
. JHead lettuce
It is ope of the late cpmefs, but
it is going tine and strongs
'f.- 'm ' ' '
And it Is 'headed for very great
things, r The thirty to sixty cars of
this year will gTow to thousands
of cars annuSUyr in good time. "
; It will be buUt on quality, fol
lowing the lines, of - least resis
tance, taking advantage of our
soil rand showers and. sunshine;
that make a superior product pos
sible. You can't stop an industry
built on such solid foundations.
They' get " above the. dead level of
mere competition. They travel In
a class of their own. . There . is
always room at the top. -
w , - ; ;
The people, laboring - on the
Diamond Jubilee number of The
Statesman which will be the Sun
day issue, are working over time.
almost following the clock around.
.They' are getting a lot of sympa
thetic outside help, too; for which
many' thanks. If you know of
something that is ancient and in
teresting in; Salem dating back
say 75 years', please let the States
man force know about it and do
it today. v ;
But a 71th birthday comes only
once, even in the life of A' news
paper, i Here Is hoping that every
reader will be here to help cele
brate the ope hundredth anniver
sary of The Statesman, and some
of them, the two hundredth. And
then some.. '".
- High boatman on the TJmpqua
nsed Miles fish twine 4n making
his boat. It gave him good luck,
of course. ' v. " " i, ,
(By Associated 1 press.) The
flexible provision of the tariff law
was attacked as a threat and as
a deterrent to business by Thomas
Walker Page, former chairman of
the tariff commission, in testi
mony today before the special
senate committee investigating ad
ministration of the law. - V
The f rinciple of . the flexible
tariff is all wrong, the former
democratic " chairman asserted.
Tariff : should not be flexible .but
should he stabilized by. fixed rates
set by Congress, he held; " I'.
"Business feels, that it Is under
a constant threat and cannot
make future operations,! he add
ed. "It is, a deterrent to business
and adds a speculative7 element
that is highly undesirable. It
has subjected the president to the
charge of tinkering or refusing to
tinker with the tariff for political
reasons." ; ; r ', : -i
Very often what appears to bo
gravity in a 'man is Just simple
dumbness. ' ' T . I t
It Won't Cost You
. a. Cent,
V i iSQhacfcrrs
J a.
. .
Cold in SA Hoto
KJ uses rai
He Got His Supply for His
'Fishing: Net Fromithei.-J
Miles Lfhen Mill
Jacob Johns of Reedsport, Ore.,
is mga dou nu on cue ubw'
qua river lor tne winter saimon
fishing, season, .High "boat means
that he-has caught more f ish than
any other man on the river during
the -jpeason.-:-: ' ".v., ; ,
. Mr. Johns. bought 110 pounds
of 1 "Miles Made" flax salmon
twine. He made this Into net
ana nas jisnea rit aunng tne jpast
winter: 'He declares thattho net
ia ? very- satisfactory, aad A feels
sure that U Will last' Just as long
as any net he ever fished lwith.
and in fact" says it does not fray
out as much as nets usually" do;
that It. stood the treatment of be
ing pulled ' over thBh edge . of ' the
boat remarkably wen. For some
reason he caught a lot. of fish.
There have ; been only .a few
nets of Miles Made twine in. the
water the past winter, and so far
there have been the very besfof
reports fronv their use. . v,
i It Is tery gratifying to the man
agers of the Miles linen mill-here
to. have such reports as the one
from the Umpqua river. It is 'not
less interesting to the stockhold
ers of the mill company.
There is no better " fiber flax
grown In the whole world - than
that produced in the Salem dis
trict. Jimmy Hawthorne, head
scutcher of the state flax indus
try, who "was raised snd learned
nts trade-in the Belfast district.
says our fiber is better than the
Irish fiber,' and' 20 'I per "cent
stronger. " ,l
i One thing sure, there is nothlnr
but this kind of flax.' fiber going
Into the twines and threads turn
ed out at the Miles linen mill
plant. As ; these facts, become
njore generally known, Salem
twine and thread and other flax
fiber products will ' take nrece-
dence, as a matter of course. In
the markets of this country. They
will sell on merit; on their high
quality;, on their strength and
durability. - r
. WASHINQTOK. Mareh. 24.
( By Associated Press. ) -The sen
ate today rejected; r&, to 33, the
Gooding Jong nd short haul bill.
; Thus representatlTes of tne ln
termountain territory again lost
In -their 40 year fight to prevent
trans-conunentai carriers rrom
granting a lower rate rf or hau is, to,
acuic coast poinu jthan to-later
mediate points.
MAI i?
Two years ago the senate pass
ed a similar measure, . S4 to 23;
but it failed of action in the house.
Senators from every section of
the. country were divided Jon the
measure, which wa snoh-partlssn
in natnr?. Two senators from be-j
intermountain territory- ynipps
and Means of Colorado voted
against the bill. L4kewise there
were 'divisions ; among senators
from the south," the middle west,
west and east. '' ;
'The recent, decision of the Inters
state commerce commission deny
ing seven trans-continental . rail
roads permission to invoke the
long and short haul ptiaclple ln
rate revisions to permit, them to
meet water! transportation 'compel
tltion was cited repeatedly" by. op
ponents of the . bill 'as; evldencd
that It was hot necessa-iVvA X
Uy Boy. Was Jlun. Down Just
-. About Skin and Bones, and"
No Appetite, Writes Mrs, ;
' Baker ofBoston'''",''
'Now Sturdy And Strong
"I am writing you in tho hopes
that other Mothers will read' this
voluntary ' testimonial r regarding
McCoy's Cod Liver , Oil "Tablets.
My boy. Emanuel,', was run down
completely, just about skin and
bones: also irritable and With no
t "I noted a wonderful Improve
ment . in. him 1 while taking ; your
tablets and purchased three more
boxes. " His appetite jrpicked up,
and he is how sturdy ana strong.
A,cheerful youngster and a happy
mother, want to thank you.. ..
, "You may print this at any
time or .anywhere you wish, o
T Ridgewood SCt Bx8toni Mass.
; AsMbody ;bullder,an appetite
creator, and to make: weak, skinny
boys .and girls sturdystf ong- "ana.
mil pi energy.. ner9; noiranj
Ilka 'Cod Liver Oil any nfiysiclan
wUl-tell yott'thaf.' - - .J
- But it'a Tile, horrible stuff', to
take, audits ant'' to , upsets any
stomach, so -now doctdrs are "pre-l
scribing, and wl5e, parents arr
buying, . McCoy's Cod' ;.Llver Oil
Compound. ,TabIetsr--eugarf coated,
and as easy to take" as candy. "' -
f Mothers," If any of yoar-chlldren
are weak;lthlnlr panyj?lveC.them
thesel tablets, as "directed for".?
days, and watch ' them ; gain1 flesh
and health f roia'day, to day--they
seldom fall bub if thai unusual
should "happen1 and ;"ypu axe not
satisfied ;with results-7-yoir druj-
-rltf t ant hnrIa 1 fn'oH'l'-" rA
-,e. -a 4 -a a t- 0 vv- ,6 a, .
Lf r 1 c -' - d'-TaLLsts-i.- a
t-' ta 60 cer.t t J CTr-f,
LI StTEU 1 11
Ml ' I ' 'I' ' '
8 rOOf :00 KFWV 2l2f7'tlaa4.
6.-O0-t:00 KW (481Ji, Portland,
V '' 310810 5 '
8:00-13:00 KSTWV (212) Portland. Or-
: ram, - orchestra.
a:u0-0:0O - (491), ,. . Xortla4.
udf rille, . entrtaimant. ' ;
9:00-10:39 KPJB - (263) .FdHland.
"Song sad Xetodias ( Tettarday."
7:50-7:45 KGW (491), Portland. fiprt,
market, pouee.
6;00-i-KyWH 1252), . ilollywood. '
dinner mnaie ; 8-9, . program, Albert
Kfrloriea Tiallniet. - Katall SaakA
bines -iBerf " 8-10. 'prorraBU"' Sol
blaea -aiaferf
Hoapil'a Hawaiian and Anhley Si
ten, voat duets; 10-ir, frelK- - -SiOO
KFI " 467),f Ir ' ,Aarele." r S,
. nightlr doings; 6:80, rest pocket pro-
trrm ; v 6 :45, . Baditorial l period 7-8,
program, atadents Cniversitjr ot South
ern California; 8-9, lara. Belle Patten
. .Wallace, eontraHe ; 9-10, - program ;
. 10-11, Jose ' Ariaa and i Meiicaa
rchestra. - .,- .
S.-OO KFQN (232.4), Losgj Beach. 6-6:80-
organ ; 6:80-7, amusement la
formation; 7-7:30, Spanish lesson;
; 9 :30-S. mnnleipal ' hand eoneert r S.
" book chat; 8:1-9, Long; Brack maaic-
ipal band; 9-10, studio program.'
:0O KMTB : -(288), - Bollywood. ' 6-7,
- etndio prorram ; 8-10, 1CMTK eoneert
orchestra, Loren Powell, director.
6:80 KTRC (268), San Francisco. 6:80
7, "Thirty Uinntes Before toe .Mike";
. 7-7 430 radio talk; 8-8:30, popula
songs; ' 8 :SO-10, dance nrasie, : Gladys
LaHar, intermission soloist. .
6:30 KXX (336.9). Hollywood. 6:30-7.
" orchestra ;'T-8, program; -8-9, program;
9-10, KMX feature program; 10-11, pre
'. gram: 11-12 .dance orchestra..
6:40 EPO (428.3). San FraneiscA. 6:40
. 7. Waldemar Lind : and orchestra; -7-7:SO,
Rudy Seiger's orchestra; 8-9,
KrO quartet; 9-19, A on string qnin
let; 10-11. Cabiriaaa' orchestra; 11-12,
'Henry Halsted'a orchestra.
Idat if CandldaUs at 10 a. m March
. ; cixr or asxpc
Beath, Krelyn - '
Blaco, "Wayne '
Blackburn, Mrs. Bnht
Crwwther, if rs. B. 8
Feller, Hiss Eernica ...1.
, 1,714,700
: 2,603,900
; 8,202,800
. 8.030,900
1,200. SOO
I'sndrich. Mario
Garrett. Robert
Oreenwood, Franeea V. -
tfronxe, airs. 10.-. ,, ,.
Hall. Kiss E. O
Hayes. Lncian
Henderson, Fare
Hayre. Mr. H. B.
Hnddl'eston,. 3tr. 10
lepaea, xaiiert .
Jadson, Mildred
tianner, Senlah .
Lerelssd, Mrs. Florence
Maw, .Kuasell ,
Miller' Ronald
McCUry, Ellsworth
Jicvtjr. Mrs. H. a
Nash; Mrs. Winifred
Oglesby. Mrs. OrriU
femhertoB, lura ...
r-ennmgton, Mrs. J. a.
Phillips. Helen .....
Pitt, Captain Allen
RegimbaL Mrs. Marr . .
Koberts, Howard ' . ,.
Sanderson, Alma
Shepard, Marrin
Ukopii, Mr. Jielp
Bnyoer, violet
Stoiwer- Kngsell
Smith; Mrs. Jno N
Smither, A. W.
Thompson, Margaret
illisms. Nina '..
Wlederkehr, Mabel
Wheeler. Mrs. Bella
Woolery, .Cecil
weica,. eusaoeta
Teater, . Grace
Yonng, May ..
In the Circuit Court of the State
.O-tiOregon for toe County of
Marion: ''.';.''' .'-V . ;,
c" -i - Department No. .
J. "O.VJohnffon, Plaintiff, vs. G. E.
wood and Esther M. Wood, his
wife. Defendants.
the - above named G. E.
Tood and, Esther M. Wood. De
fendants, v ,
"each of you are required to appear
and u answer the complaint filed
against' you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the last day of
the six weeks prescribed for the
publication of this summons, that
being the last day for your appear
ance to answer herein prescribed
by jthe order for the publication
of this Summons. If you fail so
to appear and answer, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded. in the complaint
on; file, herein, a succinct state
ment of which Is as follows:
That plaintiff have a decree
against s&id defendants for the
Sum of til SO. 00 'and Interest
thereon from the 2$th day of Jan
uary, 1925, until paid, at the rate
or seven per cent, per annum, and
the sum of -.f 125.0.0 special attor
ney's fees, and tor the costs' and
disbursements of this suit; for the
foreclosure of plaintiff mortgage
and the sale of the real , premises
particularly described ; in plain
tiff's complaint herein, and that
the proceeds lot said 'sale be ap
plied in payment of the amount
due jthe plaintiff;" that plaintiff
may be a purchaser at said ' sale ;
that the defendants ' and - all per
sons claiming by, through, or un
der them, subsequent' to the? ex
ecutions of .plaintifTs i mortgage
may be barred and;. foreclosed of
all right, tftle. claim, and equity
of redemption, in said premises.
and for judgment and execution
against 'the defendantsv for any
deficiency, and for such other and
further relief , in the premises as
the 'Court : may deem equitabJcVA
brief . description of saidr inort
gagedFe-Uses fa as follows Jots
Tea. and- Eleven In Block Twenty
Seveir'InlrewPark : Annex Addf-
' We. --'-.; - A
uon, eO-uie- uity or aiem, Marion
Couflty, Oregow x :
. This Summons Is . served upon
Lyou by publication In the "Oregon
statesman" by order of the.Uonr
orable L. IX. McMahan,. Judged oi
fthe' aboTe enUUed drcult- Court,
whlchf prdert is - dated March 2,
1826, and directs that this-Summons'
be published once a week
f or . six s weeks ; "and 'requires that
you appearand. answer herein on
or, before-the last day of the" time
prescribed for' publication hereof,
to-wlt thWiisth:" day jotiAprlt
1926", the date of first publication
i t j? 4 j
k w-7itax r:-r
i ; 2r-"f : - . . .rr '
- .C0C3ZXT., J.t
AaasaJ.1 Itrsu A." g, V r.r.V tiOS.POO
Aspinwall,' Mrsr Mae-
..', -i,so8,soe
4- eoo,40o
- ,i t Jt,80O,400
AabMinh, sr.
Barnes, Xwrne
Brantner, Leota H.
Bowman J Snth
Bock. Mrs. Gm Or-.
Braden, Mrs. Winnie
Bryant. Adda . Bs.
Beagli, Ksllio
Clymer, Mrs. Deo
Corhonfl, - Marie
Crane, Clement C. .
Clark. Mrs. 1U O.-
Chandler, Mra. Oay
Cochran,, Mrs. Frank
Chapman, Audrey
Dennis, J. J. :;
Dean, CX".'.:'....;..
Farrier,' Ida ,
Fee, Job H Jr.
Qood. Mrs. Ada ...,
, 8,900,200
. 1,740,200
. 2,980,200
. 3,842,200
. 2,821,900
. 2.400,600
. 1,500,200
, 2,914,400
. 980,400
, 1,9 W 500
. 8,572.833
, 2,008.900
, 1,200,400
Hicks, Mrs.-tv. Jt
Hopkins, Msigueiite
HershDerrer. rniis .
Huffman. aUa
Hatch. Franeea
Knaur. .JliJton .
Keptrinrer. Tera"
, 1,800,40a
Kellogg, " Mrs. Vera
Klarape, Valmar
Klanser, Anton
Kleen, Francif J,
Laia, Erelya
. ' 4,498,900
, ,8,002,700
, ' 4,422,100
' 900,800
t 1,5)3,783
. 1.8 00,2 OO
.ytle. lfa
Mims, Mrs, Christine
Miller, Mrs. V. M. -Marshall,
- Xheodero
Poindxter, yennat
Potts, E. J. .
Powell. Mrs. Clare-.
tagseable, . Miss ...
ichardsv Grace
Snoderiy, Mrs. Roy .
bwaa, Archie
Tichenor, I-islia O.
Townsend, Mrs; 3. A
Watt, Mr. Abigail' W
eiser. Claire
Wynn. Alta .
: 2,415,400
WbeeJer, Marfaret . ....
Young, Mr Mertoa C,
I kh9W 'of nothing, more diffi
cult thsnT disposing of a ' job . lot
of love whenjrou. are through with
it. r : ? -
:- .-, " ' 'I '. -. i . -
Four Sales Days of $1.00 VaIues:Rarely Equallede v No Need to
v V Elaborate, These Prices Tell t(ie Story; 3i , : -1 -
64x64 Jap Lunch -
. 3 pairs Ladies. Fibre
Silk Hose
' 3 pairs Pineapple
Stitch Hose
Ladies' All Wool
Jap Crepe Embroidery;
Kimonas .;r.
6 yds.32 in. Fast Color
2t-48x48 Table
51.50 l-adieslincess , -
$1-50 Ladies'
Ladies' 3ilk
2 Ladies' White Cotton
Waists . . "
$lr50 New
Corselteletts J - .
New 36 in. Colored Indian
Head, 2 yds.
23c 36 in Outings
5i, yds.
-40 in. Silk Wool Crtpe
yard . ' .
To make this the biggest four day selling event we ever -planned
you wiU find numerous iinadvertised bargains throughout the
VVai be issu w
. ! Reprcluctibti of page one of the first issue bf The Statesman bearing the date
of March v 28, 1851, : will he printed, together with early "historical documents and
rare old pictures of that day. Biographical sketches of rnany of the: oldest f-irnilies
; in Marion and Polk counties, and histories of the growth bf J3len business firms,
: - and business men will be included.: .';.-t .... v ;. -;
Fif teen cents a copy, postage prepaid, to kny ; point in the United Slates." a Twenty .
V cents a copy outside the United States. Ten cents a copy at the Statesman office.
Circulation Department, ;: " - '
' Oregon Statesman, . , t'-':r-'l':'-''- --;
...:;r;:&W-emrCrenf; ,:J:..i.-.Lt' mif .
Gentlemen: I3nclosed f ind $..:--SlXOM defray ebsttof rriailing copiel of the
Jtiamond Jubilee-ai-ber of -The Oregon Statesman ta the following addresses :
' ' " . ' - - -xr : " ; r ' " ' ' ' - -' '
a " " a--------------------------------------- MWW WM M
..-......4-i V'--. '".' .;-?'- 1 V ' ----..,- r -,. , ' " '
' ' "V . 4'- '- . ' 4. - N- f. I . " ' : - ' . : - 4 j.a -'. -y;- ' . '- . - - , .; - .1 ; ; I - : ,
. ; :. ' t ' ' ' ' j- f . ? .Iv-t-'1; vT"C",- -t? " ' " ' - ' . - - ' ' Y-
mm6mmmmmmmmmmmm0mmmmm mmmtmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmm mfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp,
jrS in f Iff 11 iilfjUrTfiilV ' IV''BiilriftffMlWmTlfll-fl-riT-T XBMLMBMMMmLImMLl JL- - - -----Jai--l
. v- s,,s. X-' -
' iGetawayT from- heye.l or.I'U
call my husband!" threatened the
hard-faced wojtoah "who had Just
refused the tramp some food.
, 1 "Oh, no, you won't," replied the
tramp' because he, ain't home.."
tVHow'do.yott know?" asked the
woman;' ; '' " -v -' ', .. ' 1
, ..a . s . z- .- i ' .r; . I s . -
' ;?-Because" answered - the man.
as he sidled toward the gate, a
man who marries a woman like
youis only home at-meal times."
V ' A 'minister while passing a
group of convicts -at . work on the
country roads,-became very much
depressed at the wickedness of the
World;- i.--:-.-'-"' - -"'-;-r--"
' VMy 2oodmen.Trr he i exhorted,
"we should 'Strive - to mendv our
.1 - V
i"WeIirw6t you think we're do-
Ink.n Jaskod1 No. 328. fdigglhgr
fiBhwdrms?" ' s ' ' i '
' X Scotchmsaf wishing to know
his' fate tonce," telegraphed; a. J
proposal of raarrmge-jto' tbe.-aay
of his choke. After spending the
entire -day-at th tetegraph office
he was finally rewarded late: In
the' evening ; hy an 'if f irxhatlVo " an-
;-lf 1 were-you.1" suggested the
operator when he .delivered the
message, "I'd think twice before
I'd marry a girl that kept me
waiting all-day for my answer,"
"No, na, . retorted the Scot,
"The lass wjto waits tor the' night
rates is the lass forme.'
5 Sickness sends a lot of folks to
church. '
.. 1 ,.'. '!: ; ' 1 ' ' - 'i ?
VTTk'C'm flu
- f1 fifk
11 cans 'Van
teirfti Pnrh- and
5 lbs. Calumet Baking
2 1 lb. cans
11 cans Alpine
Milk ,
39c Coffee
3 lbs.
on Statesman
1 1 1,Iisa .?ara?i t J3;;!l, g .rr.'.athsmati-
clan, ani tionly woman now ;
H connected with the Jnlted, States
Coast ana , ueoaeuc eurvey, sas.
recently -comp-sied a book which
la . complete history of the as
tronomical work of the - survey
sinco 1?4 6. . ' '
Of the 6 6 7: professions listed In
the United States, women fire en-
Hereafter, instead of ' soda take
a!littloL'PhUlipaF Wilk of .Jagoe
Ia" lnFateray limp. for .indi
gestion: or soiir , acid,' "gassy stom-
ach,-and relief will come instant-
iPor fifty years penulnet "Phillips
Milk of Magnesia has been pre
scribed, by phys5clahs because it
overcomes -three ' times as much
acid In the stomach ; as a . satur
ated solution of .bicarbonate of
Boda, - leaving the ' stomach sweet
and free from all gases. It neu
tralizes" acid' fermentations in the
bowels and gently urges the sour
ing" waste trom the system with
out purging; Besides, It Is more
pleasant to take than soda.' In
sist' upon PIllips.' Twenty-flve
eent bottles, any drugslorelAdt.
1 -' ! ' f ' J 1 - " "' V
Camp Medium
Tnni -
Maxwell House
lite tPkVtJm r54 1 1' :t)
r... Se- .-?.. .
-.-- r i? y
, . .-'i. i i V ' 4.-0 : : " " ,. .'
Combination Offer " '
-4 lb. pail Compound, f('
1 pint Wesson Oil L.':::hJyl'MJ. -.
2 cans Lye, 1 Mt. Hood Washing Vtmfar,)'
I Boh Ami; 2 Creme OiL ' Ql ml "
8 White Wonder Soap . , 01 li U
3 large cans Pineapple, - Ct HfT
4 Jellwett ;..::.U.nZ-l----.01oU V ,
All season medium weight, long sleeve,
ankle length ' tJ ((:
Union Suits --.)leUy
FpU CutBib ; , 01 iflf.
Overalls - v)l.ViU
.j ClT,STAmr;
VTf t T H .ll
i i :-..-( ilt:i ,11. S
'v : . . ."!. a v I ,
.?V '.T ... .:' . ,V. '
- ? ' - ... '' ." :. ' ... .i :
i - - j.fc.v. tt w.
'"fSfflfJWBa&i i. ifatVsiii Via-aiaSifeal? L
scars, ana yea unare te z&a
who has pencrizf i text-books.
ych-4-11-18-2 i -l-S-Uj
J . 1 1 1 - Sin H Ui Si- j at. - ' t '