.V: a5 V.(M -t4w-fes- "a--t-. V I. ' . - r. t ;-lTrTi. ' Phones ;40i anH 49 - H IS GOQDr That is yvhy tho demand for HOTEL ; - BENSON COFFEE isincreasing every day. You'll like . its flavor, ; Just ask us f or "HOTELfBENSON." r v Sardines, Fanes Norwegian . Smoked, 2 cans . KjPPyed erring,arge r r- Vcwir,:. kippered Snacks 2 cans -,.,.. : e Oval .rdrnea !:. I American Sardines In OiKl , fCanit' L?e" fiize r Rolmrvn TinV Pacq -. ---vf )vuvyy - Large uans o-u..w 'TKe Fresriess q ine wnoie country. , l ney are Kepi xresn Dy pure, ciean water and displayed heady in the fresh, open air. no Fair; frost in. the morning; gen- tie to moderate ; northeast north: winds; low humidity western portfp9f,Max. and over Min. 34; iUTer l.Hstationary; Bain fall none; Atmosphere elear; Wind north-.." "'fe tAili -K ' -'.i Water Main Burst -i ! ic A water ttln on the third floor of the Oregon building burst .about midnight Tuesiayi It was made knownWednesday j" It is aid the organ in tfie:Oregoa theatre was so damaged aa to put it out of use- temporaray The water also found - its-' wayr to . the baggage room of Ahe tJregonEleo tric depot. 1 'f r- Bishop's Shirt sale. Than one jcar? . For $ 2 we. e'an writeyour liahility insurance cot erink aaycar you dilre; iJWe nay a polKjtx fit your Jjeed. ' Standley & Foley. Bush Bank.Bldg. i4 mZ Paring Petition Iteoetred m A ietlti4 bearixtg .-2& names and 'asking for the scaring of Myers street from Commercial to Fir streets has, been received- by Mark Poulsen. city teeofder-i The petition will . be submitted .to the city 'council at its ;next meeting, Apr? 5.-m;hv i .Dr. Sfarshall pytcopsthlc Physician vanji surgeon, i m23 LeaTes For Colorado-' B. E. Sisson, 1 manager of Mil ler's store, was called ; to I Wray, Colo., yesterday afternoon on -e- !count of the death, of his. brother-in-law. - , V ;:. k tUi ' .. - , , ' Astonishing! He Defies All - Human law. At theArmory to nlxht. il t tnlE I license Suspended- Ivan White arrested Tuesday night for speeding, was 1 found guilty of - the. offense by Judge Poulsen Wednesday and his driv ers' license was suspended for 30 days. ' If Ton Will A'eed JJtngs i t Within the next i; year ! you can .save many dollars by purchasing now at the mammoth rug sale, now on,at H. 4. Stilt Furn. Co. "" Jv .'"! ,-r- m25 Mrs. Irene Scott I -f- ' i. ' " School for beauty culture, -is topening a new class April 1st, 24 5 N. High. - 4 1 m25 i --.- , - vl-1 " A Limited Number of Pupils -I; In piano, and vo(ce will be, ac cepted by Florence Moore; Fere hetian, 657 Chemeketa street. Phone 1741. - m31 I ! Case Is Dismlsse5-- i ' .t i On motion of the plaintiff, the base of Rose A. Piesinger against J. A. , Kaiser has been dismissed In the circuit court here, having been' settled amicably out of court. The order dismissing the action 9ras signed Wednesday by I Judge L. H. McSC.hab. 'm X'V ii, i-j Bfehop's ifiu 4;r?r Shirt sale. Don't miss It. jn26, i t. ' r,- , . Inspect Soldiers Home f v r ' i Secretary of State Koser and (Bute Treasnrer T. B. Kay, left at noon. Wednesday by automo bile for- Koseburg where they will Jngpect. ie Soldiers' Home return ing to i7?r tonight. They were accompac i X by Carle ' Abrams, secretary to the board, and W. A. 'Pettit, Salem; correspondent r for the Oregonian, I , p.- ' r OtirvatherMaiy Underwood Tyb7vritcr Qoj , -t -i Direct Factory Bwuaci ' C19 Court Street, JPhosia t23 TTTfrriten Rented, Coli ... : , f t""'r?i-;'W -r ' - . ji . " - 155 Nor tH : VOfcilL. Maple Leaf Salmon; Large Oval aWUJL :size, a can. Qval OCu.; Maple; Leaf Salmon, Large Flat f y vv V - size, a can ' ,' ,. , . ,, , , , O 7 jC .. .". $;0 MW4l Sea Clams. No. Tall ,-, C' . I Hv size, a can Olfli M size, a " Macaroni, Best' Semolina H' $.3 pounds rM..,,. .. J Our VegefeiWes is kncmn tKrbughoiit v Jixtra narge ror ueuvery NEWS IN Okrberg Here - ; Roy 'Oker berg Is home at pres ent from the University of Ore gon. .. He plans o leave this eve ning ""Okerberg w a - Oregon's mainstay at jcenter on the basket ball squad 'during, the past season, and was "mentioned for the .mil coast conference team. He Can alnmnus of Salem high : school; having played basketball and ten nis for the high school. . Talo a Iiook at the Iiarge Rug And Carpet display in the win dows of H. h. Stiff Furniture Co. c : ' m25 Suits Cleaned and ressed 1.25. Cash and Carry . Cleas ers. . : Down- town- receiving, office. 352 Chemeketa.St. v f ntf Forfeits Bail f.4i5" ' V'-- '. L H. F. Zimmerman jof Portland, who was arrested here 'some, few months ago on a charge Of driving while ;under:-etjnnuencecf In toxicating lienor; has forfeited the 1500 baa he had posted by failing to- appear: Wednesday for his heart ing - before Judge -Poulsen. His trial had been postponed for some time! because of his illness' Dan McClHteysMArgravrftrs-4 -i From lfi ofl Oi , atvMellow Moon Friday, Mafch 26."- ' ' n2( JjEV L. Li. Humi&r, Deitlstr-rfc,tj t Associates with." Dr ABeeeuier; 820 TJ. Si' Bank Bldg. ; m25 Eldon- Foster S;-- cfe '-F.; A-? v Eldon -Foster . was .eenvlcted by Judge . Poulsen ' "Wednesday. kt speeding ahd " bis! drivers'" license was- BU8pexued f or 3 0-days Dr. F. D. WtAgb'X4k':V:i-v ' Who formerly; practiced In Ke bxkahas opened a dental bfflca at 08 Salem Bank; of Commerce, bldg.. Phone 805 j - vP3 Sanderson Beedl Files ; ?', ' Sanderson Reed of Portland lias filed f or the republican nomina tion for udgeupf the circuit court, department No-. 4 , Fourth' judicial district, comprising Multnomah county. Mr,: Reed has requested that the following slogan be print ed after his name xu the baUot: "Fairness and common sense.'? ' ! V . Min . ' ' . f :i -J . ; Make a Saving of f 1Q Buying an Opal Range at this week's demonstration Hamilton's 8 40 -Court street, f . s'k mis Furniture Upholstery lv v -rAnd repairing.1: Gleke-Powers Furniture company. . s20tf Dr. Warner -to Speak - v. ' Dr. Estella Ford Warner, who Is connected with the Marion county child health demonstra tion, will . be the -principal speak er at the luncheon of the Marion-. Polk county realtors this noon at the Marion hoteL Those Interest- ed in health work are Invited to attend the luncheon. i - The Public Is Cordially j Invited ? To jtttehd 1 benefit dance, Mc Cornack Hall. Tuesday .evening, 25th. Maccabee Lodge.' Come and bring your -friends.. m2S Faces Statutory Charge : -' Wayne Bevens, 21, of Hubbard, was arraigned In the justice court here, charged with being the fath- t IM '. . i - r Salem's LeaClcs a rrrTTn-jr,-r" - 1 Pays Oaan For' Fnmitnre . BesidraceNand Store - - PnOOT51.: Established Elace-1918, V"-J i Estatllied 1SC3 s Xr;, CiTloa Cosra frosa 19 sW pu tojB T- r ,!.' i II il I I Commercial Street 4Pc L...w4p. - A w w 25 c 29c BE er of an unborn illegitimate child. Bail was fixed at $500 and Bevens is now In the ounty jail. He was employed as a timber feller In a lumber camp- near Sheridan,4 and was arrested there- by Walter De Long, Salem constable You 8e It Bat ' , 3 Still you can't believe it. -beyond the human mind. Ney, at the Armory tonight. It is Aba m25 S2JSO Per Iioad ; . .In 4-load lots or more for 1C Inch mill and block wood at Tracy's. Phone 2313. n27 Sale of Cooked Foods - t, - Hand made articles, by Central Congregational church. Sat., Mar. 2Itkv at Plgglx,Viggly. m25 - - - , !. , mi m m mm -- ... .: ' i ' WU1 Setvrn Fglttv Crtii, : Principal epeW.-Jf. Miller of .the state prison left Wednes day for Omaha, '.Nebraska,' to bring back PhirDavi8, a trusty who es caped from the Oregon' prison about a year ago while serving a term of seyeil-yeasi for larceny. He i was received .. a t the ' prison from' Wallowa' county in 1 22, ) See the Big Baf'air Carpet - -.Display at H Stiff Furniture Co. 1 . m35 ""t-4; - 1 1 ..hi. ii ii in ,v . ' n m .i .' '.. .' ;. hirt sV;ZXJVd& iC2 6 " ' - -J"- '' f Jf . Senator Eddy Visits ? - sute Senator B,L' Eddy,: ean didate for . president .of 4.he. next senate, was a business visitor in Balem W.ednesdayappearing . be fore the supreme -court as an at torney in a case e.a,appeal before that tribunal. - -v--i -. ? ', McDowell Choms in Concert ' With Portland stringed "quartet Friday, March 26 thU: Waller Hall, admission $1.09. Students 5 Qc; 1 i," m26 Dance Sat. at Clements Pavilion, Hazel Green; in2S Pre-Caster Showing Of . hats and dresses.' Bpnnet Shop, 138 South Liberty." ' m27 ...,. ,, - i . Class toMeet- - ' - ' . . The Mothers' class of the First Methodist church Sunday school Will meet Friday at 2 : 3 0 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. F. Shanks, 195 South Cottage street. Refrigerators Priced- . -- So you can afford to bay. Hamilton Furniture Co. C. S. m2S notel Marion - t. , Dollar dinner, served 6: 45.to 8 every evening. -. ' ; : 'j2tf Speeding Is Charged- ' Omar CoffeL 1790 North Com mercial street, was arrested Wed nesday night ; by i Officer- a. Wl Edwards and charged, with speed-; ing. ' He Is cited to appear ' this morning at 11: o'clock. 1 . " i i ' i . i, i - lite 'King of College Band-- ; ? Dean . McCiuskey's .Aesravat ors" from U. of O. at Mellow Moon Friday. , Vj; . TO26 - DAILY TRUCK EXPRESS and freight serviAe to and from all points south to Medford and west to- Coos Ba points- Im press serTicei.at freight rate. Depot High and . MU1 Streets ,t;r:s',-y : -r Phone "396 ; . Oregon Auto Transportation Go. TRACY'S FUED YARD': ' 167 D Street Telexhono C313 IFF: & BUSH, Bdnlicrs flQ ii Y0 LI L "We ? have a dandy - Ford Coape, 1923 model, .. wUl spot, light, automatic swipe, foot feed, rear vision mirror and U several tlieT rxtraar i, This mjk good solid little car. With 90- rnbber.,,, Dont, pass this .snap up at $2S3. . IT Arrested on Speed Charge?1 ! Nen Llnty of Turner was arrest ed Wednesday night by Officer O. W.Ed wards and charged "with ex ceeding the city's speed limit. ; He is cited to appear this' afternoon at 4:45 o'clock for- his hearing. Be Sure and Attend . . - The Mammoth rug and carpet sale at U...I Stiff Furniture jCo. m25 Toward Corset Shop ' "" carries a commote line or cor sets and girdle "brassieres at reas onable- prices. .H5 N., Liberty. - m26 Hats Cleaned and Blocked - -; T6c . Cash and Carry Cleaners 352 Chemeketa St, Ultf Prayer League Meets ; The wo mens' evangelical praye league will meet today at 9 o'clock at the .horn eof Mrs... Benjamin Bla'tchford, 174$ State street. Mrs. H. C. Lemke will lead."" . ' r Materialization I He Talks To the dead tpnight atte M- rMr , Tin 2 S mory. Saturday Is the Last Day . Of the big rug and carpet sale.' Get floor covering now and save. H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. m25 For One Week Only - Beginning today, 25 per cent count on all stamped goods at the Petite Shop, over Busick's. m25 Extra Ckod Blackmrt : For sale cheap, delivered. Phone 933. Capital City ; Transfer po," 1 ' m27 Call in and See . . . The Opal Range demonstration. C. S.'Hamilton Furniture Co. m25 Bishop's - Shirt sale. Don't miss it. m26 Bed Hot, -Dean Mcdnskey's " Mellow Moon Friday. m26 V- i Drifting Apart"; M i Fox- trot. ..-Record s department at Stiff's, - "25 ForalejCh acres near ,irjaepenaence, might consider part trade. Henry Tung. Independence' Ore. IU. 2 m2S Famitnre Upholstery And - repairing. : Giese-Powers Furniture company, " f s20tf DETAIL' ZONING . . - CHARTS ASKED 1 '. Continued foots pair 1.) Of the commission will be called, to which -members of the special committee of South Liberty street property?, owners will- be invited This ,i meeting -will 7 probably be held Saturday, April J., In 'the meantime, work, on the fill is to go ahead. The plan now Is to make- the flu Trotn . Trade street . to Mill street.". Permission will be sought from the council to continue the 111, and effort made to secure - the ' cooperation and support ot the owners, of the property adjoining the fUl. , Enough dirt Is in sight, mem bers of the special -committee of the Liberty, street property own ers Hold, to complete the fill this summer.. Cooperation of the Ore gon - Puifr & Paper company will baveto bo L sought, it is said, In regard to a culvert or span of some sort to bridee the mill race. While the Xiberty street fill Is being r conducted, the : commission will- be laying plans for. a compre- nensive permanent bridge - ached tile for Salem. The idea will be to make the- bridges uniform - in structure. while .the , need p of bridges is generally felt through out the city, ; and ; while . the com mission is .. not interested in any one section or tne citr. it-is nearly 1 uunrrttiiy conceaea mat the Liberty street bridge U the most pressmgiy felt want. ' As for the buildine boom, ha, sides the" huge building projects. uvu, as ; cue , 4W,veu First: Na tional nana nuoalng nd the zo.vuo Frank Bllgh- theatre, store and office bulldlnr. sevnrai other fair sized projects are loom- r Pomeroy & Keene, Jetrelersl are seeking to -remodel the1 front of tne piu. uregon notel buUding on State street between Commorf-fni and jLibertyv streets.; . The lower iooj o iqis Duuding will be the new location of the jewelers, who must more out of - their present location on the southwest corner of State , and Liberty streets to maae room for , the new t bank ouiiamg. K"- : i .-' Alterations of this building will amount to Spproxlmately-$10,000. It was brought out at the meeting 01 iue commission. The petition for- permit jf or the aleratlons was referred - by the commission to tne city engineer. - Permission was granted by the IHFLUEnZA As a prv?qtivs, mtlt and ?int ! 0 eight and morain, l . . . .. .. . i -' 1 i 1 . .; V,. i -' r1 , v ,t-- v , . - -r : ? T'j n V " i ' k - - v I . t.j .. . A v.. - f -;- f f - -K ' I . - . .x-itxivK-'vX;:-1' ..b ..;. a 1 'i'-'r'-'-yx- 15 E.'BBradleyTmaster of Idle Photos .shows the finish .and the cemmlssioa for the construction of the building- on, Chemeketa street between High and .Church streets by gMr.? Weller. Ground was broken Tuesday for the building. ... . , Mr. .Kramer, appeared , ence more before the commission seek ing permission t to ' remodel - his house, on Church street next to the senior high school to. put in a confectionery -', and light. lunch business. Before, , his petition Jiad been denied because Jhe construc tion he planned was not fireproof. Bat hia new plans -call for' tile construction; - and permission for him to go ahead was granted. - A petition for permission - to construct a one story store build ing at Seventeenth and Market streets was held over until the next meeting otthe commissions ff r -v "f f VllUEtif CORPORATIONS 1 "Thv rjordlmg; ""Parts -company wldiiuitrters' in Eugene lond capital . stock 'of $ 4 0,0 0 0,' has been incorporated - by . D. N. Nordling, PiibrordlQLgand A. B. Nordling. v Other articles filed in the state Otfrpdration ' department Tuesday 0ltoWt's'T? ''"r"' . -'- ?"it;,K- Low. conj pany, Corvallis, g$C 00 Kjy. Low, Herletta-Low andvP. J.Hahn. " jftHfgljIahd -Creamery company Portland,310,000; d; R. Shoe maker jj. B. Martin .and O. Fur- uset. . New York Bargain House, Kla nihtft Jails, IH.000; O, M. Hpc tort Wary E. McCormick and Bernlce Hector. E. H. Stone. Inc., Portland, $15,000; Janet R. White, Dorothy Lee and V. Kanklh. . FARM PiEtdGRAAI SOUGHT. EUGENE Ore.. March 24. MBy Associated; Press). Commer cial ;; secretariesf attending tne short course a the school of busi ness administration at the Univer sity of Oregon herp todayurged a full prograta -of -'Work in the field of agricultBrej'with six major de partmnts.j; : i - Ztv- Jot"- FOli ISFORMATlOTf - About jiAiLKo ad txups x)REGdriiEi.ECTn!p LISTEN- IN: ON - . Thursday, Marciv : ana ruier 01 sntucj.i, mnca tiub docs jgamDim resort, is ceuntH ing on scorinjf ynotherylcto tbeKentudtv Derby t turf dsssic With Bagenbaggage and Boot-tO;Boot, as areiult of the sthrring one two victory of the colbT in . tlie Louisiana Derby "ati NcOrIeansj Cimdldate rt the5nepnWro-a ' Nomination "Jff"f Senator, will deliver the ilrst. radio ipoUtical address of the campaign. . :. '- f1'-, v bonIvit!WH.e ' VM-" V ' The present assault on the direct Primary . - The attempt Ho dictate Republican politics and nomlna : r-Atlorw ta'this state. -'iw-' '" S.-i.t :" The ambitious .program to control the senatorial npmi- ; nation this-year-- -7' :- " t," ''iLm--i : . The purpose, later to accomplish the defeat Of .the senior , ) '."aenator,'as inY-.il.' -.i Paid advertisement AlfrediE. Clark .for United Slates - 5 -r Senator; Campaign , Committee - by theArnericari Osteopathic Asscciation as Normal v .Splneeek. ; v . s;. : ' , Sis Ostecp-tthlc pHysicians of Salem wilt examine any school child free of clurgtv 1 by, appointment, be twppn f hi-rihwTMt ' tit A inA 6 ttJ'tsLl on these "days. vit: ' i . u I' " - "1 '4 Hour Tarmnear Lexington. KyJ wmner - JSagenbaggage MEXICAN BANDIT TAKEN AMERICA DEMANDS ACCOUNT- IXG FOR TWO DEATHS MEXICO CITY. March 24. (By Associated Press.) JDne of the men who murdered Joe Hall, an American employe, of the Mex ican National - rail ways, last Mon day -near . Ixtlan, is ; reported- to have been euptured. j . This information Is contained in a telegram from the American consulate at Mazatlan, received at the embassy, here today. . It Is understood troops are now searching for the assailants .of Hall, who is declared to have been stoned to death. The government is continuing its investigation Into the Hall case and also into the murder recently near Ixtlan - of Rex Mcllpbne ami the wounding of E. H. Heidenkamp, both Amer icans, and the raiding by armed men of the ranch of Freely, another American, near Acamparo, The American embassy here has received no reply to its represen tations to the Mexican govern ment concerning the j attacks on Americans' and the 'government has not revealed the- outcome of Its investigations. -j NAME CALIFORNIA WOMAN EUGENE, Or., March 24. (By Associated Press.) Miss Margaret Barnard of San Francisco today was elected by the executive com mittee of the Lane county chapter of the American Red Cross as sec-. rttary to succeed Miss Alma Lupo, who resign"- three weeks ago. Obituary i Tinenitiil. Wednesday. AV W " " - r k oa niita- pftherfu t. the mai m - r . - . age of '31 years. Funeral an nouncements will pe nasae.iwr , av ittaKK fnnsral nnrlAM. THE ANGEL OF PATIENCE O "thou whqni.ourpestojifthy. . witr. '. P' vr.- '. With longings for the close Of Am: - -Lt A. He walks with thee,, that. Angel And gently whlspets,; "iJtf to-, ii. signed r- '. i-..y. Bear. up, bear onhe end snail .tell, ' ' r - - ' The dear . Lord ..ordereth : all thlngsiwellft-v'. t J, John G. Whittier. , RlgHoi &on ItADiO KTBR m 4 a nn . m . at s ;au p. j Wo Hor.iE PEmarmouT nOUSE A;DAr RECORU .BEAT. .3rv IV. Cnmvn rvirrcj i a Salem's goal- of- better than a1 home a day Is to be-realized if the remaining . nine, months -bear up thoir share as have the first three, For, although the mouth still has seven days to crowd into history. record of better than a home a day has already . been set: for March. Permits for the 'construction "of four - dwellings were issued from the office of the city recorder oh Wednesday. This brings the total for the erection of dwellings alone up. to 2 permits so far this month. These 3'6 permits represent an out lay iof $110,075. Sijt.iZiivr ' In January. 30 permits for erec tion of dwellings, wererisved, srep-- and In 'February 29 inch bermits were issued; representing the rm of $86,750. Thus,1 already- this, year, 104 ' permits 'hkve' been Is sued . for ! dwellings ; alone, repre seating a-ipotal of, $$0i,525. Wednesday W.' F. Mosher took out a permit from the office of the city-recorder to , construct a one and ; '.one-half story. dwellng. at 16 si. South Winter .street at a cost of $4000.- R.iA. Harris was issued a permit to build a one story gar age house at 20 $3 McCoy street, to cost- $750. E. A. Prultt received a permit to construct a one story dwelling at, 1195 Tamarack street at a cost of $2800.' A permit was givan to Paul Baker; to erect a one - story dwelling.-: at 1158 -North Eigh teenth street, to cost $2600. OpAW, JURY; FOR DAVIS FORMER KANSAS GOVERNOR IS TO FACE CHARGES hmbiii ; y TOPEKA. . Kan a.. . March 2 A tBy Associated. Press )y Selection or, a jury to try Jonathap M Davis, former governor of- Kan sas, . and . his son: RusselL on charges of selling ; a pardon, was begun In the district court after the defense failed to 'obtain dis missal or , postponement of the case. The ex-governor,came to canrt for the Second time to face a. jury enargea.wuh the responsibility of deciding whether .."he" corrupted the pardon now.erqf the executive of flee. . Ha was acauitted last Mav - f JOE WIIXIAMS .Hie Battery Matt - - - '" 1 SEBVICE OUT AST ' - Mak of Battery - - " -f .'. ' ". WJLL-IIUI is31 Court St,- 1! 'Phone 198 ( - TODAY j .1. T;-5 Til I ' -..7T a 4 A i . . i --- ? ? J r ' ... ii , - v - .. .. - : " V. rV ' ' i ? . , . ' v;i ; - . . .--.- . aKer3;L? Oswald,' young;' Hutcl;-- tuson i lawyer, testified t bat tha gxivernor;v,and Carl J. -Peterson, bank commissioner, had, conspired to seek a bribe for the release of Oswald's rlient. . Waltpr ' Hrnndv. convicted. - bank tpresident. from - tne' state penitentiary, Peterson was acquitted: . .I , ,; -j 1 Davis and. his son. will Le'triei togetbM-onthe eharre of -selling a pardon, to Fred W.VPpllnian, paroled banker, for $1,250. , -ii i . WOOL HEARING set 4 " , ; WASHINGTON, March 24. (AP.) -A public hearing on pro posed, .government numerical grades for . wool and correspond ing' grades for wool tops, to be . held , Washington April fa . announcement by the department " of agriculture,, which has. invited all persons interested-to attend. SERVICES ARE SET; f SEATTLE, March 24. (AP.) Funeral servicesr are to b4 held . iere Friday for-. William -A. Lin dahL owner of a Seattle cab Com- , pany, who died - Sunday. He was , born - Iix Kansas and . has -been a -yesident, of this city 2 5 years. lie is BUrvivetl by.hia widow, and his parents. Mr., and Mrs. John Lin-, dahl of Astoria, 'Ore.- - N.',l. LIVES Of FAtiLl . in .0I(LflllQ3 Happy JTcnsm Praises lyla E. Piiikhain'i Vcgetatle Gjsporr J ' In A snnny pasture in Oklahoma, n herd , of sleek cows was- grazing.;: T-hsy made a pretty' Picture. But the - ih ia woman, -iib r the blae.c becked . apronsiKi.fi. as she. i looked , at them. 'SUe -was r tired - of -- cows, tired, of her tedi ous wo x'k irrthe dairy. She was tired Jof Icookins ' for a hoaseful of boarders, ' besides caring - for her own family. 'The burdens of life" seemed too heavy for her' failing health. She .had lost confidence in ' herself.' i-;-. - One day she began taking Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound -and her general health began to im proved She took It faithfully. No.w she can. do her work without any. trouble, sleeps well and Is no longer... blue and tired. ; This woman, Vlrs. Cora Short. TL R. $s Box 896, Oklahoma City; C-Ca-: WTiteB Every bod. now says:- iMra. . Shorty what are you doins to your; selfr it- weigh" 135-and my ;wels!rtr" before -l took 'itjwss' 115. ? 1- have ! taken seven bottles of the VegetaVT: Compound.? . . w . . . Are -you. On the SunlItlloa4 to Better? Healtht; :a: '. - ;V ':, I V I . i t . i .-. " r i fl ;J i FRIDAY ! I Br.i W. Jm llercer, Dri O. H. Kent, Dr John L. jj.