nm Oregon "stathsmai :-s:? trCz ac : : t I. is : T "at Union Rooter CAPITAL - TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION Na. 210 Preaideat, G. P. Evans; see : retary, M. D. Pllkeutoaw Hmu second ' Saturday, t;00 p. - CARPENTER8' UNION NO. IMS Meets Thara. evening. I Arthur . Tack - or, preeident; Wm. Pettit, eeeretary. ' Skilled Btchiaici faraisbed. Phoaa 179. SALEM UNION "LABEL . LEAGUE UmU at Labor HU call of prael ' dent. F. W. - Sears, secretary. Box - 443. Salem. Ore. -. ' ; LoaiRpoter FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, mwi un Wednesday. Fraternity Hall. 8. M. . WlHett, 8m. TeL 889-R. jnnQHTS" OP FYTHIAB MEETS AT j Fraternal Hafl avery Tuesday evening. 1 Viilton litittd. Ft4 Dmim,: a C; Walter Lenon. K. of R. 8. tf XSbt Oifsoa fitstmnas Pafeliahad ervatrv nsnraina' 4 exeont Uaa day) at Salem, taa capital of Oregen. j T Local Rates For Classified I - Advertising - i Daily or Sunday I Oh tima ...'., S caata per word I Three times - , a caata par wora i , - 8 Mid par word I i Six Una i 1 mo, dally and Baa. 20 coats par word j la order to "eara the mora than Ma time rata, udvertiaeanent meat rua ia ; consecutive iaaaee. -. : j i . No AL taken for lesa'fhaa 25 ente. j Ada. raa Sunday ONLY charted at j i one-time rata. r t T- Advertisements (exeent ' Personals ! aad Bituationa Wanted) will bo takan i over tba telephone if the edverUear ia subscriber to pooaa. Tba Btateamaa will receive atdver- j Itisemeata at any tima of the day or : j night. To insure proper aiaeaificev i i tioaa ads. shoald ba in befora 7 p. VL j TELEPHONE 28, OR 683 Money to Loan ON REAL P8TATKJ T. K. FORD (Over Ladd Both Bank) ADVERTIStNO f ' -E0NI8T ADVERTISING Thaaa ol ibi nut b kopt fro from anytbinf of a qaaationable aator. JaiarproaB tatioaa will not ba to (arm tod. Iafor BiatioV aborwiBf aay queationablo la tent oa tko part of tba adawrtisar thoald bo reportad to tbia.: awa papar or tba ib wni. - Aoto Tops, 5 BEE CS FOR TOP AND PAINT WORK. O. J. Hall Aato Top and Paiat Shop. . 967 8. Commercial. 6al6tf Help WantedMale 11 WANTED 20 MEN TO CUT WHITE fir naar Lyon, Ore. ; Liorce tiaabar, S montla' work. Addreaa Atto Schwab, 1 Gerraia, Orogoa. . -f. t Uai30 WILL HOU.TWOOD f OIYB, ME A chance ? Submit ho to, Crodarick Paul. 1531 N. Uuipou, : HoUywood. CaiiforBia. ' - t ' - llm8d Help Wanted-7-Female 13 "WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, I"OR MAN with childroB. Maat ba eapabto. Phono t 13b24 i: A4rMWiinta3dr4.,17 yv (WANTED RESPONSIBLE MAN WITH '. SAW MILL, to locate and Cad body ! f timbar easy, to gat.. Goad., road, abort haaU Call at 1810 Trade St.. withia tba ant four . or ; tiw daya. . . -. iTai4 WANTED TOP . GRAPTINO BY EX 1! port graftor. Phono 111P21 or in ,: qui ra at the PruitUad Naraary- 125 MATERXITT CASES BT PRACTICAXi anrae. .Pb.2284-S. can areaing. v . , . --- .. . - i. , , ll rOK GARDEN PLOWTNQ, BASEMENT' dinimc and taaaa work. Phone ISPS. For Bent 21- FURNISUED 'APARTMENT gardaa. 1S98 N. 4th. I - WITH 21m34tf FOB RENT HOUSES. AND; APART v meat. P. A Wood. 41 8UU Bt. ? - . -. .j Slml2tf POB RENT GOOD CORNER ON HIOH , way for " filling -aUtioa. , Bocolofaky, 841 fltat. i--- . ! Slmi5 ' '"Whil a, blessing' It is to, be poor and n6 hire to i daclde w her e to r pend tbVbmlnr; tot months J AO. 1, tUI, WBLtO No. 1, red, aaeked wane oata Gray oaU Bar lay FOBS, XCUTTOB AMO BMT ; Top hoga - ..in,, . i ' Bowa ; , tHtf-IO Dreaaad hoga " ' i Top atoara ,,.,,, j, - , ,09.07 Oowa i - B-OOW4QO Baila ; U TaJ i Bpriag laatba andar 80 lba.. . .! tt Heavier . . ..PpyLTBT Ugbt aena Heary haas , old rooatora J114.t3 Hroilera -. ' EDO S, BUTTER ABO BUTTERPAT ,.,-. ,44 .. ' .450.48 ; a.44 ; .18 , ' .18 Battarfat Creamery Batter Milk, eat Mediant agga standard agga In trying to be good, some people, sncceed hnj'An makinE themselres miaerable- : . V STOP CATARRH 1 OPEH L ' . NOSTRILS AND HEAD Sara Cream .Applied In NoaK trfta BeUevea Uead-Calda. ; afOncc - enim,, w-m ewwexe-w-w-'--- - Tf Weill 9 A w11 abM alrWTrB aVmfl ValTI ! head u aJU-cd ma& joa cant breathe, freer? Wauae of a eold or eatarrb, joat get a'4mai! bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a Iktio of .1 tbig f ragrant, atieptki cream. Into your nostril and let it Senetrate Uiminh - it, nauam ; i2 a it i k i. .A - , , K ,t ... - -- 1 ' MA .jf . of Tour KmA ai' .. Vai;n miiamaq, swollen mucous mexn- xi-umj uu joa ge-, loaxant reiiei. -. Ah ! How good it fcehv, : Yonr bos wila arc open, yonr bead ia clear, bo xoore bavkiaf-, snuffling, blowing; bo BMre Bache. drjaeaa or struggling ,0T E,r, C Balm ia juafc what aufTerers from head colds and eatArrh need, W delisU. 21 PRINTED CARDS, 8IZB 14- BT TH", werdiag "For Raat." prioo 10 eoata 'aoca, SUtaama Baaiaaaa Otfloa, oa tToaad floor. .-' - ;- - . , - - . For Rent Apts. ; 1 23 MODERN APARTMENTS, 1311 COURT atreet.i : : HSmSO NICELT FURNISHED APARTMENT. 590 Union.' Phono 587-J'. ' 23m28 APARTMENT. ROOMS. . Uaioa. ' ; BOARD. 160 X3m28 PIVR ROOM FURNISHED APART meat.., Oroaad floor. Mid Bt. - -83m24 FURNISHED ; APARTMENT. PRIVATE bath. 45 - Court fit. Pboao 1057. i , 8Sm2 PRINTED CARDS, SUE W BT tH. wording. "Kooma to Raet." rWa 1C . eoau aaea, , Statoamaa taaUoaa Off lea. frovad flooe . - j For Rent Rooms 25 - TWO STUDENTS MAT HATE i ROOM with aleeplag porch pririlegaa, in asod ra homo, ia eoavenient locatioa. Ad- draaa A. Dw eara StaUamaa. , i tSfStl ROOM FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMAN, la aaadaray homo. s Oioaa in. Kefeo - encee. --AddroaaT Hoa)a, ,ara Btateamaa. - V ' - - . S5f2t For Rnt Houses 27 TWO-ROOM HOUSE 5 rago, Ughta, water. 1460 N. 17th. . -FURNISHED., OA- f 15.00 per month. S7aa24 rOR RENT ALMOST NEW.? MODERN ' .- foar room - hoaaer breakfaat- nook, far Bare. 25. Vacant April 3rd, 2074 McCoy.. Pboae 950-R. , 27m30 S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HAS FIRE place aad farnaeo aad lapipad for gaa. Oarwa. Phoaa 2044-W. 27mlltf FURNISHED ' AND UNFURNISHED bob aee. ' Browa and Johneoa, 108 .8. Oom'l STjlTtf For RentFarms ! 29 4 HAVE 8EVERAL XRRIOA7XD FARMS for rent. : P. B. Thoaaai Ore.. Phone TX. Sa1tf Wanted Miscellan's 35 . WANTED COLLIE DOO FOR CATTLE; ; Phoaa TS 1. . . SSrnS. WANTEDA FEW OATS WITH XIT; teas. .Addreaa 783 earavSta teaman. ' - i s 85m21 WINDMILL WANTED I WOULD BUI a second hand .windmill. Phone 1748-R. FURNITURE PACKING FOR 8HIP aaoBta. Gieao-Pewer Fanitara Co. ' . . ;6tJ0tf WOODRT THE AUCTIONEER BUYS f ornituxa for aaaa. - fhoao all. SSatf WANTED PRIVATE MONET FOR farm loans. We hare eovaral applica tion haad. llawkiaa f Roberts lae.. 805 QregOB BMg. - 6dl4tf X For Sale 37 FINE 8ILVER PLATE, GOLD BELL, almost new C saxapbone at a sacrifice. See it at 849 Rural Ave. 87a21tf FOX TERRIER PUPS. BOTH TOT AND . atandard aise. Plako'a Petiaad, 27 .Btato. . . . - S7m24 RECEIPT BOOKS SIZE 8f BT H", : 80 raealpt fermr ia book, 13 caata pat book or tw for 28 eentav Btateamaa '-office. SIS South Commercial St, Ba ' lasa. ' ' i ' 87f25a BURBANK AND r GEM f SEED OB Ublo potatoes. Pboao TIT. S7a27 PIANO FOR SALE NEAR SALEM High grade piano most bo sold at once. Big redaction ia price aad terms 810 , monthly to-rood party.. For parties-: Jara wriU ,IIendrickJUno JBtokeraga: 418 kortb'Borca Are, beattiej wasn. TRESPASS NOTICES, SIZB .14x9 INS, tuim on goo lu-ennee eaaraaa. Dear. th-- 'Netiee Ia Hereby Given That Treapaaaiar is Strictly Forbiddea Oa Thaao Promisee Under Penalty of Prosecuttoa." Priea 15 each or 'S far 25c Statasmaa Pab. Co-,, Salem, CragaB. s- t -U' i- f ., . r 87atf , . , i i t FOR BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. TEN caata a handle. Circulation department QreroB Statoeaaaa. 1 ' - ' : .For Sale Livestock 39. TWO- GILTS AMD A BOA& PHONE 10OP3. , Rt. O..BOX 132. 0mS4 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN: Of flea 420-S.' Commercial. Phone 1198 Res. Phone 1866. ' 89m23U ..,.;.5y4ioT.Sale . 43 BRIQUETS THAT" LAVE NO ASHES. .H2LLMAN FUEL CO. , 43a21tf 18 INCH BLOCK r WOOD, -S3.T5 PES load, 4 loads 8 4.00. also dry Hr aad oak. aay lepKtb. sCbag Chris tanaen. ' Phone 143. . 43aprl COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE r TELEPHONE 1855 . -'HILXMAN FUEL COMPANY -- . .. - ,. - , 4Sa31tf 16-INCH MILL WOOD PER LOAD, 82.75 16-ln. 2nVT fir par load, 83.75 18 - inch old fir-per ioad,-64,34. Prompt delivery. Tel. 2Jlr Tracy rval Yard. - 1061 D ftraat;: k t'43a2tl WOOD SAWING, PROMPT AND .. CAREFULLY, HILLMAN FUEL CO. - WOOD, DRY. SAWED ANY " LENGTH. HILLMAN FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 ... '-. , . v ; r .-43naitf 4-FOOT GREEN SLAB; 88-90 PER CORD . 16-ta, dry mill, 84.60 par, load, 'dry fir aad oak. Phoaa 142, i 43a&tt COAL AI.L THE dETTER KINDS . yriT.i.-tf av FUEL CO. PHONE 1855 i 4Sa21tf 16-INCH OLD FIR SECOND GROWTH - aak aad aah. Phone 72P3. M. p. May field, t 43tl8tf BEST GRADE OF WOOD . 4 ft.-and 16-Inch. ! - .' Dry mill wood. - ; Greoa mill wood. i 1 .-Dry aoeoad growth fir.' i Dryid-ft. aah, aad oak. ! PRED E.- -WECA8 . Promnt deliverr aad reaaoaable prlcoa. 280 Soath Church. Phone 1542. 43fl8tf MINUTE MOVIES a e a a " " 8 " ' - .- i I ,".- f SCOtlCHiNG-SANOt? For.nent ... Wood for Sale r 43, CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Also old boarda. Fisher Bra. Phoaa 181. ."iv-.ri-: -43jl3tf GOOD COALDRY WOOD" - -PROMPT- DELIVERIES. J is i HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855. 48j29tf SALEM 4 FUEL . - TRANSFER. T52 . Trade Street. ' Wood, ; Coal, Briquets, ; Transfer, and Moving.' Phoaa 829. ' - : 4. 43a20tf Poultry and Egg3 45 BABY CHICKS THAT LIVE MAN I varieties. Our ; custom : hatebiaa will please - yoa. Phone 82P21. Lee's Hatchery. 45fl6tt Miscellaneous 51 MILK FROM REGISTERED JERSEY cows. Taa ricbosi, boat milk aav earth. lOe per qaart deUreed. Phoaa 4F11 ; for fraa sample. : . , ii FURNITURE repairing. Storov? --s-ss CPHOL8TEBING AKD Gieao-Powi ra f Farnitara r - - --1-7 - 81 s20tf Lost and Found 53 LOST: DAPPLE GRAY HORSE. Weight oO. Reward. Phono 12SO-J. &3m25 LOST GOr,D AREAST PIN ON SOUTH Commercial. Return to Boneateele Mo- tor Co. Reward. &3m2& Personal 55 i ,., HIZS TREATMENT t ;: - FOR APPENDICITIS "It-Ia-WoaderfttL" Preo in format loa Address Hiss Co.. Portlaad. Oregon. S5al-925 t Money to Loan 57- FEDERAL FARM LOANS S. F. L. Wood. 841 Bute St. 87m7tf LOANS On city property, closed without delay. Reasonable terms. Monthly payments. . State Barings and Loan Asaoctatf oa. 189 N. High. ftTapiU MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY HOMES. Let me explain our- HOME MORTGAGE LOAN plan. a"?4 laterest, ae earn : Bsiaaioa,. Chaa. Hodkina, Room 6 over - 'Miller' a Store Phoao 96. 87j7tf .Wanted Loans 59 PRIVATEv'iMONEY ON FARM SECCR c ity. - BojprTfid SUteamaa. 69m24" flO.OOqf WANTED 6 TO 7. GILT . adgo first mortgage on Salem Brick Building with lease. No commission. - Addreaa Box 3976 care Statesman. - - !. S9m20tt HAVE PARTY WANTING PRIVATE money on farm security in sums of 82000.0O and 81000.00 at 7. A. C. BOHRN8TEDT " " ( Realtor, Loans, Insursnce. 147 No. Com'l St. Salem, Ore. 59m23tf WANTED Money to loan an good real estate se curity. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Realtors. : 134 SouU Liberty St. Pboho 515. Sffmlfttf Business Opportunities 61 OIL STATION AND FRUIT TRACTS ON highway, good paying station at a bar gain, coma and let na tell yoa about this, lO acre poultry ranch, close in South Salem, to exehanga for Salem residence. One acre modern house and poultrjr buildings, incubators.-, brood ers, all stock aad equipment, ii North Salem, close to highway aad street i' ear, good' borne and paying - coneern. Prieo 84.50O. For bargaia prices and exehaagea see Barber, 200 Gray Bldg., Bolem. 61ml8tf Real Estate .63 Own Home CREEK LOT BEAUTY. .WITH PAVING - and walk, trees. $1300; Beeke Hen dricke, 189 X. High street. - 63m20tf MARKET ST. New 7-rdom borne modern in every way oa 65x90 lot, paved St. - $8000, some terms. 8TATB-8T.' 7 -room modern house - close in. priced to sell. PARRISH . 8T. New 5 -room modern home, fine location, $5750, term. FOR HOMES PARMS TIMBER ACREAGE SEE ' .. ' BUS8ELLE A A SPIN WALL 222 jN. Commercial St. Phono 36. -... 1 i 63m24 Buy . a new fully, modern 4-room bunga . low on 8. Oom'l St. for $8400. Cash $300 aad balance $30 per month. f-. y-J t ,. Year tima and money are Iott , by not baying a 6-roora boaso in good - condition- for- $'2800.. Casa $500.; balance $25 a month. Home aad garage, two-room new. bouse at ; .-$875. - Easy payments and terms. Or How 'would an apartmeat ' bouse ' with four apartments partly fur nished a( $4500 anit you t $1000 down, -let the house pay the rest. Parma -ia .Oregon are worth- mora than in w California and sell for leas. 43 acres, '7 miles from Balem. Build- rng; wood, - and ' water. Good lead . at $4000. . Very . easy paymento. Now is the. best tima to buy. your home. -- A fully modern S-room homo, near ly now, on North Cottage at -$3600. .$30e down,- balance like rent. . -V i ULRigH AND ROBRRTS ? A' -I33ftNortt Commercial St. ' - MORE OOOD BUYS - 2 4 -aerea- aubarbaa home- Bear Balem, modem ban ga low, bath, water,' lights, ' saap,' .$3200 easy terms. - . 'Ail modern 5-reoai bungalow N. Sa lem,, garage $300 terms. Grocery aad Confectionary fixtures lease, '4b is' Is worth investigating. -acres subnrbaa homo ; fine all modern, buqgalow. garage, . fruit,, a fine home. , -; S'J :j t.:.:- 2 good aubarbaa bomea for resi dence. . Good farm stock ' tools- poultry feed for residence property. See enr liat before investing. PERRINE MABSTEUS, ' 212 Com. Club Bldg, . ... . 63m20tf $3750, LARGE MODERN HOME, PAV - ed : corner, - excellent- condition. - Car lino, - near achoals, soma terms. Best bay we - know. Becka Hendricks, 189 "N." High' street. ' ' t ! 63m20tf NEARLY NEW modern 0-room cottage an Patrmont Hill. Paved street garage. " excel mat- -view; $4500. A. C. Bohr natadt. A47 Ks. Com'l 8t fUIeaa. Ore. , . .. 63ml0tf -it' ; l"-! .. . aanr- . .a. Bsv w hltV j IS FASCIMATED BY , CsjFV-rrrvtS ..7HS - r a,W Tt It TntAtatl .. f ''"f -rT't int. t'-" ARCHUJAV1S'-: : Real Estate 63, 4-ROOM NEW, FURNACE, FINE FRUIT, $S30O. cash 8300, balance $20 month, 8.. inUroat,. - ... -.. . - . .. ,. . . 8room cosy beasa. aeuth, newly palnt- - ed, basemeat,i large corner lot. owner - will take light car part payment, $25oo. . 5-room aad garage, basement. N. 16th, ' $30UO. i -i , - : -r-' r 4-room aad Book, modern atneear house, ' priced to sell at $3300. -- - 8-roem modernr homo in beat residence ' district, very close in. $75oO. .Beautiful aew boras close . ia sooth, $tfOOO, : large new stucco homo, tiled ' roaf ; oak trees, $12,000, attractive homes oa . FeirmoBBt Hilt. $6604 aad $8600. WINNIE PETTYJOHN, Realtor. ' 216 Oregon. Bldg. ' 63m21tf ' LOTS LOT8 LOTS - Some Special Bargains - in Lota : On " Easy Payments. 8 430 Lot 60x200 ft. ' 8 160 Lot, Depot addition, or 8 lota ' for $425, terms. $ S50 Fina lot. North' Salem. . $ 250 Lot on Marion street. $ 600 line lot. Paving paid. $ 650 Bountiful let. 8. Balem. . . ; $1100 Baya two lota. 8. Salem. $2350 Not far from Btato House; an other ne for $1650; $850 and $1000. . .-.. c " For Lo's That Are Bargains See -CHILDS BEOHT EL Masonic Temple. 63m2tf 5-AC BE ON HIGHWAY WELL LOCAT ed for sub-dividiag $3500. , . - r ' IS aerea on highway, trade for hooaa and lot in Salem. 3 acres and modern home close in $8500. Will trade. Trade bouse and lot for baaiaaaa - corner n S. Com'l street, 3 aeraa, 5-room bouse, $4500, trade 'for boase aad lot in Salem. 4-room bouse, paved atreet, $1750; f 800 down, $20 and interest par month. : 7 -room bungalow oa Lincoln and Liberty St. $4200; $500 down. $30 aad interest per month. -Small house E. front, corner, $2100; $300 down, $15 and interest per month. Attractive home close in, $4000 aad mostly up. spanlsn stucco, new home, souuu. GERTRUDE 1. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage Street. 63ml9tf NEW HOME Double constructed with concrete porch, oak floors, paved atreet and one block from bus line aad school. Price for OjUick sale $2650, $200 down, balance like renV - a f W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. v'lfl S. Liberty St. ' 63m25 $3800- MODERN HOME, JUST OFF Summer St., block to school. ' New 5 rooms, full basement, furnace, trays, abades, screen, linoleums, built-ins, . wired, for electric range. Paved atreet sidewalk by alley. Terms. Owaer 1063 Market 8t. Phone 2296-W. I . - . 63m24 CORNER TO LEASE OR SELL ON terms., 100 by 82.5 suitable gas ata tion or store. Beeke & Hendricks, 189 N. High atreet. . 63m20tf GOOD INVESTMENTS 4 Iota. 50x100 feet, .Booth Salem, oa ear line, paving paid, $'275 each. 2 lota, fine corner for filling atation, on highway, large building, for quick sale, $10,500, terms. 26-room apaitments, income $185 per month, cloaa in. $12,000, easy terms. 11-room modern very close in oa Liberty street good business location, 7850. terms. Tun prooerty wilt double in value in less than 2 years. . Call ns for houses of any site or Troe. Socolofsky, 341 State. Phono 970. . 63m24tf 23 OR 50 ACRES, 3 MILES OUT. paved road, best soil, buildings, - ma chinery, cheap, 1396 No. Front St. 63a21 Beach Property 16 Cottagea Completely furnished, will pay good income on money Invested. Price 8850O. Well located on Roosevelt highway. W. H. GRABENHORST CO, 1 Realtors 134 S. Liberty. . 63m24 72 ACRES IN WALDO HILLS ON paved road. 8 miles out of Salem. Nw buildings. All in. crop looking good. Possession la 30 days. Price $85.00 per acre, good.terma oa bal- " a nee. 25 ACRES Silverton road dUtrict about - 6 mi lea ont. 5 room bouse, bars and sheds. Hew chicken boase. 8 acres ia cultivation, 6 acres timber, bal ance pasture. - A good buy for $4000.00 half cash. 8 ACRES of view property, am all bulld iags. close in and only $1500.00 terms. - VICTOR SCHNEIDER. Realtor. 147 No, Com'l St. Phona 67T. . . ' 63ml4tf THE OWNER OP A 3-APARTMENT flat with .monthly income of $85 and clear and worth $10,000, will trade it for a farm of equal value. The owner of a close in roomirig ..house worth $8500 clear and rented for $ years at $60 per month, will take a farm up. to 85000 Jn exchange.. Farm of 25 aerea well improved and 8. aerea : of prunes and 3 , aerea of berries W mile from town and high school, value $5008 terms. - $25 down, - balance 6. We have- 10 good bare fruit aerea T miles out on good road for $1500 with, a little down and a little a month. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON , 209 U. 8. Baak Bldg. . . Phono. 140. i i 7 - . . . - 63m23tT ' i ; r Special - ... ' ' Dairy Farm, . Stocky Crop and Maehia- err. -W'sll trade for. Salem or Stiver ton l: property. . 25 aerea on- the -highway with rows, horses, and crop for SaOOO, ' waut small tract Bear Balem.'- 8 lota with , fruit, aaao for $50O, with $100 -- down. M acres of timber wn- paved road, will trade.. 40 acres near Salem on paved road, bargaia $50, per acre, - waat boas ia Salem. Lot aad yea- taurant, trade for close ia acreage. 4- room plastered noose, anap for $1000. THOMASON, 8311, State St. ' V ' 63m24tf KK KKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKO K! 1 -K K FOR SALE!- K K Good 5-room house; .basement ,K K and garage. Vacant now. Priee K K 82.0O. Small cash payment, K . K balance $25, per - month, iaolad-. .K K . ing interests ' . K K Modern .home and garage to- K K rated at 1935 N. Capitol St. K K Price $4500. Good terms. K K Modem , bungalow - located at K K 1885 Fairgrounds Road, between K K .N. Snmmer aad N. Wiater Bra. K K 8mall cash payment, , balance to. K K suit. Vacant now. Possession K K at oace. ' - K K ; W. G. KRCEGEtt - - -K K 147 N. Commercial St. B3m25 K K . K OKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKO kvv. af ZoCtSoEL " L.nBBBBTW B. BTmBBBWB m . , .a - , -WW 8 ra-ST Sana ami - -W 1 S Bw -'. - .. & vT . .ft . 0 maaa. ,, . Real Estate' 63 $2500 HOUSE, WORTH' MORE, t SEE 805 Cross street, eleeo to schools, etc, cement basement, garage, corner lot - with trees, view; $600 will- handle. . Becka Hendricks, 188 3J. High . street. . 63m20tf PAIR MOUNT HILL LOTS, "8700 ON UP. All pricea, aisea and facings. Beeke A Hendricks. 18 N. High St. 63m2iMf HIGH CLASS TRACTS NEAR SALEM 1 10 - aerea 6 milea east. $350O. 2 5 acres 2 miles N- E, $5000. . ; 3 2 acres 4 milea North. 85950, ; JO aerea 2 miles N. E, $6000. ! . 5 5- aerea 1 mile South, $706O. 6 2 aerea one mile West, $4500. ALL THESE ON PAVING. BECKE A HENDRICKS ' 189 N. High Street. 63m20tf r .,, - j FOR BALE 4-ROOM HQCSE. : . VILL trade for email bouse or iot addreaa Box 60. car Statesman. i- OSmtiS GREATEST TRADING ORGANIZATION ON THE PACIFIC COAST We have over SOOO properties listed for exchange. Every kind af property, . every price, every location We eaa . match yonr exchange EXACTLY.' If " 1 yoa would ' like to trade year property TODAY, come in TODAYS Sao A OAS KILL A EARLE. Realtors. ; Burceasor to Parker ReaRy Co. 166 B. Liberty.; Phono 2142- $1.S50 ' Bays a good 4-room house, sleeping . porch. Paved St. $3,000 . ; A cosy 4-room home; Well located. Oa pavement, $500 down aad terms. $3630 " New stucco 4-room house. A bargaia. JSUIAMM 4tSUeUlM 275 State St. 63ml4tf OLOAN8 AND FIRE INSBRANCEO so HOMES FOR SALE $ 950 Two-room home located on S. Cottage St. Terms like rent, $1850 4-room home located on paved St. A REAL BAR GAIN. Terms. $1C50 Nearly new attractive " room bungalow, plastered, fireplace. Easy terms. $1C00 Good four-room homo lo cated on paved St. Easy terma. $2650 New four-room home with oak floors, paved St. $200 down and move in $3 ISO Nine-room home located close in on S. Commercial . 8W Terma cash. $5500 Nine-room home in good ' rondltion well located on Fairmount Hill; Vi cash balance terma. Lot 50x150, fine view. $5600 New stucco home ' $500 down, balance 850 per month to include 6. $4750 Modern five-room bunga low, well located on S. High atreet. Garage, plen ty of pretty flowers. $4250 6-room modern borne with garage, basement and fire- flace, block from car ine. $4500 5 room, -basement, three garages, located at 555 N. Cottage St. $4200 7-roonr home with lot 75x 162. located at 1535 8. Liberty St. A REAL BUY. $8500 New modern six-room- Eng lish stylo home, best of construction, well located on FairmountyHill. - IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THIS HOME. LET US WRITE YOUR FIRE IN SURANCE. Tt; ri. GRABENHORST A CO. Realtors'. 134 S.-Liberty St. Phone 515. . 63m25 o O LOAN 8 AND FIRE INSURANCEO Real Estate Trades 65 TRADE 190-ACRE FARM, WELL IM' f rosed. Southeastern 8. Dak. for- Val y farm. 'Good city property to trade t -.for- aauaH. "farm; Eight-rooiU modern boute. swell location, $2700. ' F. L; WOOD, 841 State St. f . ; - ' ; ' 65m23tf ' See OUR EXCHANGES THIS WEEK - ISO acres Bear Eddyville. Oregon, to exchange for close In acreage or equity in Salem bouse. - -Good eoantry store and filling station . for small tract close in. 60 acres stocked and equipped, for eity , property. -. We eaa get yon a trade that will please you. BALEM REALTY CO, 462 State-St. ' 65ml7tf T I . T Real Estate Farms-67 802 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Excellent land, well located near Woodi burn; buildings. IP YOU ARE LOOK 1NO FOR A REAL FARM BUY COME AND SEE US. . - - - - -- W. Hv GRABENHORST A CO. 184 S. Literty St. . 8?m25 44-ACRE. J?AJRY . FARM . 5 ROOM house, electricity in, 3 ailoa, large barn, oa. Weat Side highway, 1.8-4 milea to Monmouth, $150 per acre. City homes ; close in farms ; Monmevtb Normal, school town. . . , Guy Deming ' " Monmouth. Oreg. i-JfJ-J. '-'a--'!'!r !.':-;. ' ic si 87m28 FIVE- ACRES-- With small 'house, excellent', soil with a boat threw . acres ia Jvoganbenriaa. Prioei $2500, $200 down. : balance liae reat.1 8EE.U8 -TOBAY.t t- ' I W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . 134 S. Liberty St. . ! 7m25 ' : i '.'' 1 .' .. . . BEST BUYS FARMS 120 acres. 20 aerea timber and pasture good bldgs, rich black loam -soil. crop: goes with place. Located Howell Prairie. Price $18,000. PINE 110-ACRE FARM '.' Located near Amity, on West Side Highway, all cultivated. Good buiid inirs. Price 818.000.. Will take city property for part pay. f ? v FINE 70-ACRE'FARM! ? Half in crop, balance timber and pas- -' turc, good buildinga, well located. Price for short time, $100 per acre , v - . FINE 87-ACRE FARM r ' .'Near Silverton road,' good -buildings , Borne stock and implements. Crop. Price- $6500. Terms, - i lV BEAUTIFUL 100-ACRE FARM 1 ' Stock, crop, implements,, good bldgs. Price-$140 per aero. . , CHOICE 10-ACRE FARM ' Jaat east of Salem for, price $3200, ' real anap.' Improved 5 -acre for $2758 and a 8-4 acre ' tract, cosy 4-room . bungalow for $1650, with terma. . . . If it'a a farm . - , , , . Sea CHILDS A BECHTEL. ' Masonic Temple. : ' ..A 67m23tf I .? rrbD rut im rzTAhnz. Tb THS BRITISH CONSVA - w A ... A . awTBsawr BS W a - rnjar-w. "-war - $aZ IDC? Real Estate Farms 67 60 'ACRE DAIRY and flax 'arm. Tumar AamsviUe dtatrtet, 2 ailoa. Jargo bam, . good house and outbaildisga. Excellent soil. -Onlv t5O0. - A. O. Bohrustedt. -147 Nov Com'l St, Salem, Ore. 67mlOtf WELL LOCATED FARM : Pour milea oaat oa paved road,' eon . aiating of 43 acres. Price $8600, terms. Or owner may accept homo in town "".a part payment.'- ' W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty 8t., 67m25 Real Estate-pSubnrlan 69 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN rrOME New 6-room bungalow and garage. S aerea all ia cherries, pears and prunee. $4500JOO $500.00 rash. Balance terma.' - -- NEW SPANISH STUCCO 4-roaaa modem, cement basement. ; All for $4250.00 $500 cash. Balance . - terma. $5300.00-2-$ 1000 CASH ' Baya cjose in 8-rooa bungalow mod em. On pavement. , $1400.00 $300.00 CASH" - 4-roosa house. New and oa pave ment. . . 4 ROOM HOUSE STRICTLY MODERN Hardwood floors, basement, fireplace, ready to step in. Shades and tights. No mortgage. $400.00 will handle. .- Hast like rent. . 6-ROOM HOUSE. NICE LARGE LOT on pavement. Reduced to $13uO.(u csuu.uu cask. See GASKILL A EARLE POJt P RUPERT 166 8. Uberty St. Phono 2242. ' " - 0m27 Wanted Real Estate 71' ."WE WANT FARMS" WE WANT a 40-6O acre equipped iarm tnat win trade for paring groc and cwfectonery, building and business with living quarters and tartHjvnts to rent. WE WANT 25-40 acre farm with little timber, that will take 7 acres on Saving just outside of town. This as good buildings and lota of fruit. WK WANT auail farm 8 miiea of Salem for a good business, making money. WE WANT small improved place for a modern bungalow. WE WANT a modern Salem Home in exchange for one of severs! fine Port land homes; also good business prop erty. WK WANT MORE GOOD LISTINGS TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 218 N. Liberty St. Phone 631 ' ' ' 71m81tf Automobiles Wanted 77 CASH PAID Aato Co. FOR FORDS EIKER ' 77ml 2tf Used Cars for Sale .79 Hiker's Guaranteed Used Fords 1925 Touring . 1924 Coape Ford Sedan 1925 Roadster 1923 Touring . 1925 Coupe Stock complete $335 335 $345 $345 325 $455 rare to as $45.00 i. 54 other choose from, gome as In EIKER AUTO CO. Liberty Street at Ferry. Phone 121. 70m28tf Good Used Cars 1918 Chevrolet Touring. 1921 Dodge "Touring. 1919 Ford Touring. . 19d4 Chevrolet Truck. 1925 Ford Truck. Newton Chevrolet Co. 79ml2tf , Reduced Again This Week Do yon want a good LOW PRICED CAR! Tourings Coupes. Roadsters, Sedans. Don't fail to see these un usual Bales Values. MacDonaid Auto Co. Cottsre and Ferry Sts., Phone 409 Willys-Knight Overlsnd ,- - . 79m21tf , . 'Wanted: . . Old Fjords For New Valley -Motor Company's atork of used Fords. is becoming so much lower that we welcome trade ins at current mar ket prices. 1923 Roadster .... ..$195 1923 Coupe, extras, new paint $285 1924 Coupe, new balloons .$385 .1928 Regular Ford Touring $160 1919- Touring with starter $ 85 Chalmers Rosdster $165 Sport Tourins Star - .... $435 Buiek 4 Touring ... . $125 "Vjilley Motor Co. - 'Salem Ford Dealers. 79m20tf Give Some Considera tion to the Family They want to go Biases Visit folks and get there quickly, wny not buy a '.good. used cart You can buy a smart ' reliable used car on surprisingly easy term. - tep in to oar sales room and examine the used eara on display. .You'll ' fee' fhe soundest buys in town.', Good looking reconditioned honestly - priced , -- honeatly represented and .eold oa '. Odr- easy payment plan; ' And in addi - tion, we will give 70a a 42-piece -dinner set with, each and every used car, you ' . purchase. " F.-W. Pettyjohn . Co. 365 N. Commercial St. Phone 1280. CADILLAC .r-. HUDSON. .ESSEX ' 79m21tf Reliable Used Cars -. Wo have a complete stock ' ataiJrt mlu at all times of good It will pay yoa to look them over before yoa f boy., . . . . Fred M. Powell 'Motor Cars $58 "N. Higlu ' - Telephone 2126. . . - : ' H 79mOtf ' ' It "waf disclosed that President Coolidge dvobts the necessity of sending ' a , representatlre " to Ge nevaj to explain the world court reeerVattons. " "v. - - . fnpr was - - axe aPFlCE . . . .IEANC5 WER DiAMA BC - COMES AUIARt " ihed Business Dir r -!. f : ... . Of IlellaMe BaubetM tutd Prof ealonnJ Firms Arranged la , . AlphAbetlcisl Order for Quick Roference AMBULANCE GOLDEN AMBULANCE PHONES 609 and 883-R. Day or night Service. f!4tf AUCTIONEERS P. N. WOODRY -Salem's Leading Expert Livestock, Far nitara aad Real -Estate Auctioneer and Appraiser. " ' Res, aad Store, 1610 N. Summer Street. - i Phone 811 For Sale Data - EatablisBed Since 1916. ofltf ACCOUNTANT 0. ED. ROSS, ACCOUNTANT AND And Itor, 831 Vx SUte. Phoaa S098-R. - - . , n7-'26 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON ' EXIDE BATTERIES, atartar and generator work; 171 South (Join mere iat. - .i..--.t.),.'t Phone 198 COURT ST. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDSN COLUMBIA BI cyelea and repairing, 887 Court. CHINESE REMEDY . I L. L. DICK L. M. HUM Chinese Medicine Company Heh any known disease. 420-426 State. a30tf CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO. CHIROPRACTOR 256 N. High. Phono 828-R or 87. H. B. 8COPIELD. PALMER CHIROPRlAC tor. 828 Oregon Bldg. Phone 2194. m5tf DRESSMAKING MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttons. Koora 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phono 117. 5 ELECTRICIANS ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co.. Phone 1384, -822 N. Liberty. : - FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. HOUSE wiring by boar or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980 171 Court St. FARM PAP PR IP YOU WANT TO 'GET THE BEST farm paper aend 3 So ' the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months' trial subscription. Mention this ad. , POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stampa for apecial three months' trial for the beat and oldest Journal in the west. - Tba articles and adver tisements are of apecial interest to the - poultry breeders of the Northwest North wet t Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street. Salem, Oregon. ' FINANCIAL FOR SALE FIRST AND SECOND Mort gagee. Trust Deeds, Contracts on houses Will net 6 to 80. BECKE A HENDRICKS Heitig Bldg, 189 N. High St. i Jl-tf FARM LOANS PLENTY OP MONEY to loss on good farm aeenrity. r r CITY LOANS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on eity residences and business property, at 5V4, plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberts, Ine 205 Oregon Building. d-14tf FLORISTS PERNS, CHOICE ROSES, GLADIOLUS, perennials, shrubs, weepfng birch, iris. . etc. Bennett Nursery Co. Falrrround Read. , 'iul. 1280. .t - - r- flfi.'te CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS , funeral wreaths, decorations. C. P. Breithaupt, florist, ,123 N Liberty. ' Phone 380. - XN8TBANCB Insure Tour home or car now Phone 161 BECKE A HENDRICKS Heilig Bldg.. -189 N.' High St. jt-tf LAUNDRIES 8ALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY 268 S. High street. Phone 25, oldest, larg est and best. Established 1889. , TRY THE. HOME WET WASH LACN dry. Phone 171, 1356 Bg&treet. JUtf -n,, , , i ,. CA-TAL CITY LAUNDRY Rhone 165 Service with a smile. Quality work. 1264 Broadwsy. Jlttf LADIES' TAILORINO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women. 474 Conrt St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY '1 HE Cspitol City Bedding Co.; 1190 North CapitoL Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Fhone 19; flOtf MEDICAL- MOUNTAIN BALM Phona 517-W.fT." COUGH REMEDY ACTJ8T0 STORES' GEO, C. WILL PIANOS. "PHONO- graphs, sewing" machines, sheet mnsie aad piaao studies.' Repairing phono graphs and aewing machines, 432 Btate street,- Salem. - -- - ' - - NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM, SALEM Agency The Ace. TeU 939. THE OREGON 8TATE8MAN, 60 CENTS per monta aeliverea to your home i' NURSERY STOCK -'- ' ' - FRUIT. NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearey Bros 178 8. Commercial. PACKTNO AND SHIP PINO FOR EXPERT 'FURNITURB PACK WO and shipping. eaU Stiff 'a Farmiture Store.- PI"" V, ,,,, i'asB aniii PAPERHANGING AND PAINTCfa -' PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR KOU8E t decorating, paper haagiag, tinting, ate. ? Reliable workmaa. ,tr ,,. . . - By Ed Wheelan a - , - t . T' r Wil ISrrl 1 1 , . joe'williams ; mKWSrrSWrtrnmmWtt"' 11 ewu laiawaiwaamwaamwai J rarw I vaMM(.a- -. . ' . -'. . .. ' PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Piauft tuaer. Leave orders Will's Mnsie htore. PRINTINO FOR STATIONERY. CARDS, PAMP11 lets. programs, hooka or any kind of printing. Call at the Stateaiaaa Print lag Department, 215' h. fouimercial. Tel. 683.' PLUMB IN a PLUMBING AND GENERAL KEPAUt . work. Graber Bros, 154 8. Liberty. - Phone 5.o. a',t RADIO i SPMTDORF RADIO, SALES AND - SERVICE Na better radio made at aay price. Vt-'awTDar. --VTA 'Tf High aad Trado Radiolas For Every Purpose Every Purse AH Standard Sisea. of Radia Tubes : ' IIAL1K A EOFF ELECTRIC 8HOP 37 Court St. Phone 488 . 1 sy-srrwpzaa REAL ESTATE- IP YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL Ir if you are looking for a homo, farm, or baaineaa property, aee ns. BECKE HENDRICKS 189 N. .High Bt.. Heilig Bldg. , 8tt REAL ESTATE HARRIS OFFERS . GOOD 7-ROOM. HOUSE, .lot 59x137. 1405 N. 17th street' eaat front, paved street, fine location, only $8300; ver ": eaay terma. , , . .. 8 ROOM HOUSE, fine condition; lot 45x137. N. 17th street, paved, autnbos. Rent $30, or boy and pay like root. FINE LOT facing east on Capitol . and ahaded by the big'oaka aear Parrikia achool; 43 -feet froatage . aad 12-fU. alley rives practical frontage of 5.V feet; 150 feet long; $2350; eaay terms.' FINE CORNER lot with east front on . Stewart Street one block south of Par riah achool; 50x125; new paving front ' ana side; best of sew homes surround- -Ing; price covers paving and every thing; $1650; terms. BARKIS. Masonte Bldg, TsL 795. 19AI SCAVENGERS CITY GARBAGE CO. OFFICE PHONB 85, 157 S. Commercial, Kes. , Phone 2290., .-, FOR GOOD SCAVENGER SERVICE Call 167, 8alem Scavenger, Cummiaa aad Trotter. Htf saBssBHBsaBaBssaBaBBaawnsaBSBK SECOND RAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH . ing aad shoes. Best prices paid. Caps : tal Exchange. : 842 North Commercial j Phone 1368-W. , ' i X -.V TRANSFER AND HAULING DAILY TRUCK, express and freight Serf, -ice to and from all points south ti '- Medford and weat to Cooa Bay point Expresa service at freight rate. Depot -High aad Mill 8ta.- Phone- 896. Ore gon Aato Transportation Co, m3 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL. kinds, Phone 19FJ. . . - WE MOVE 8T0RE AND SHIP HOUSS ' hold goods.' Our 'specialty ia piano aid furniture- moving. ,Wa also make com . try trip. We hsaiila'tha best coal an wood.- Call on ti far prices. We give good . measure., rood ouslity aad good service. Larmer Trs.nafea Co. Phona an riPTTll. rtT-TV , V CMC' br nm - - - -- - ,rjcn KX. ; di, x-noneiv-vo. -uiatnuntiag, low i .warding and -atorste our specialty. Oa - onr rate. .. ... -: BALEM WATER,' LIGHT A' POWER uuks jius asaia-waaMKisl St. Tt3 per .cent discount oa domestic fiat ..rates paid ia advance. No deduction, - for absence or-auv eauaa nnlaaa wbi is shut off yocr. premitee. . , HAVEL ' - Safely, Swiftly, and Comfortably ' la buses of the Parker Stage Lines., . Stages leave for-. . -- '-' Silverton T a. m.i -11 a. m., 8" p, m. ' Mt. Aagat 11 a, eav,-$.p. m. Dallas 7 a. m., 8 a. 11 :25 a. at, , . 2:10 p. m., 5:15 p,V- . '' Falla .City 7 a m M0 p. an,' O 1 1 aV ' anal. ! 1 Independence 7 ". jU, 9 a. m ' 11:15 a. m., 3:10 p. m 5:15 a. m.. Sunday oaly 8:30 p. m. . - , Monmouth T s m., 11:15. a. m 8:10 p. m., 5:15. p. m. Sunday nly, 7:10 p. m., 8:30 p. m. . McMlnavllio 8:30 a. m, 2:10 p. m-, 5:15 p. m.-, y i . ; , ... . ' " Newberg 8:30 a, nu, . 2 ;10 p. , a.-, 5:15 p. m.'-' f -. 1 ; ' . t Tillamook 8;30 a, n, 3:10 p.. m. v Call 222 or for laformatton. J Genera.4 fJailxeta. livestock' PORTLAND. March 23. frj. S. IW. part ment of AgrieaHAre.l Cattle aat ealvea nominally steady; so receipts. rri V. a000, yearUngs excluded. 84fr$5.50: calves, treBium ro choice, niiiic, feds excluded S647: nils sna 4.50. v .: ,-. . . T , rors, stesdv. no receipts. v Sheep and lambs nominally steady : no reeeiuu. Lamaa. med 1 It iTl tea . a h ni em D I. pounda down $11 f 11.75;" heavy weifhts, medlam to ekoiaa 41-nasnd. nr. tim u Outside quotation baaed on. best Mount Adams, oahtera Oregon -aad similar type, IVV'1 ur aanba- aeHiag above. GRAINS .PORTLAND, March 53. V. . .t. " 7 Aaaoriat- ed Presa.) Wheat: BBB, hard ah.te, March April, May $1.47; hard -white! ,,"rt Mrch, April, May $1.48; soft white western white. Mareh. Aril 2 w a -i w wiBt' "orthern. eprmg.; March. Ann L MiT.nit-'..., ' Mareh. ApriL Mav Sl.aa " I " . . Cora, Noi 2 KY iiiitm' Xf w , . April 31.fidi No. . ,- April $30, 'jrr,, jsiiirun, standard, Mareh. April $'.. May $2.50. . - . . ' - ' S : . -. 4- " " : ; ' HAT M PORTLAND. IfiMk mip-'...'.., , ' ea rTrii.1 Hotibs nn,.,, a . , t?P 82. eaattrn .Oregon " ',() alfalfa S19-50fi!2i-. Z, hay $20; . oat and vetch $21: straw . e ion. Belling prices 8 1 on OAIRT EXCHANGE . ed Press.! Net tt- to,. . """'. " prices: Butter. t na. firsts 86 Ve. Pr-" fW,U 37 pulic current receitU ailc. : caix poa tjitjs 'The ' andersigned - 'will'' recclrg sealed bids tintil 7: 30 o'clor n m Monday the-Cth c!sy of - o, ior.-,iu9 , c..;. a i: -Rings of standard r-ti same ma now ty t Salem, v ' -.- . ; .: , - 123 F rn t i B ri, ..t 'j aay or all tsjj.;-r to X vii.,,iQULci'-,;c.;!T. i;.