The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1926, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE 0?XGON.lATi::iAK; CALHil, OKIIGOM-'i
Herbert Darbu to
Marry Portland GirV !
,. Bertha Junk Darby and Mrs.
D.P. Jnnk motored to Portland
on Saturday, afternoon "where they
vers guests at an attractire tea
given by Miss Anne Roberta . In
honor of Miss LaVerne ' Leyis, ajt
which; Miss Le-ris: announced; lier
glee'cluboS fhat TBChoo! I fiAlem
t-o: seasons ago". Tlje ; tallowing
la thq tlippins;" . :
'A'apeccialiy arranged, tour. f
teff JCaropean countries,'- bn "Vf hieh
they; vilj meet royal families and
hare an, audience with 'President
Ton Hindenburg of Germanyv-wlll.
be made by students and alumni
of Northwestern university next
sammer, It was annQunced today
and' to'lier inlerpretiTe- Imaging
'Each, ye ar the. CtJJ Music lut by 0 as tare V. Anderson; itfuninus
has brought to Salem a pianist oil who has just returned, from Eur
international fame.' Last year the! ona with the completed Dlans- :
artstw.asfllie inehfc Germaine . The trip-will require ten weeks.
Schint2er ' a 4 chaimiiaff French Fifty alumni and 100 students
lady, who, at present ia la Calif or- have already signed to go on the
nia giTlng -thirty-two - concerts in i tour. They will leare Chicago
engagement, to- Herbert J. Ilarby, i sixteen, day?. . Tester Mmi. Schin- juiy i ana Ban from New York on
toe,. marriage to be an event, pf J.1 w leaca-iij "in xnsnfuie oijjuly s on the jueyiatnan.- - - -
next month. Mis Roberts' aloVMusicaC Art San Francisco, oh- ' ' '-" ' '
L.heyina.-r-?- rr:f jr .,i is . Tha: member! of "(Barbara
"V$n. Lft& WQ Pty. W ' " t Veterans ' of , the- CMl Tar,
Observe: Founders Day -'!-y I hold the r regular meeting' o the
The .Women's :FreIgn; isslxin- J group at 8 o'clock this evening, at
ary society ,of the; Jasoi'Le.JIetij-.)l uie - Armory, j ' T " ! j
odlst church.SaiUcelebrate Foun, . : : ' -k:
ders Day"' cm Wednesday tteTrLatnqrtne Vincent .
noon, af J: 30 o'clock.'at the hom&l Becomes Bride,
of Mra. A, U Dark.-975 E street.! Many. Salem friends of" Mi
Twenty-five r women . ;of Leslie 1 Catherine Yincent,. daughter of
church will present the pageant. I Mrs.-Jennie C. Vincent; -will, oe
"The King's Highway." A social 1 Interestedjn the news of her mar
hour will follow, with the serving j riage to James B. Putnam, Jr., on
of light refreshments: i i ' ; l.Saturday March 20, la.Eureka',
-7 I-. . '. :' ' - 1 7 I California. -. v
yVliUiLMdies, AxcL .. . f. , I "The following account of . the
- The Indies Aid society o5 the I event appears in the Sunday Hum
Wqma's.eie -corps will hQld J boldt Times, published. in Eureka,
o, social meeting at the, home of I California
Mrs,-J.N, Qobextsen pn ThttradaJ
afternoon, ' March 25, at the;, home
of ,.Mrs, J. RobtBon, 1492
also announced 'her own engage
ment t to Clarence 'Hogan, which
came ras a surprise' to her many
friends.' ' -" ' . ' ' jr. V
-The wp ling to
Mr.Iiar L'ye-' only1 soifir Bertha
Junk DarhyTwia-te an'eteht of
.Friday. ApriLifi- -vt T
Both Miss' Levis ana Mr,, Darby
are former students' of, the tlni
Versity of Oregon 'wej-e : iMisM
Levis was a member' of -thehi
Omega sorority and Mr." Darby of
the Phi Gamma Delta, Ira teriiify.
Mr.'-Darby "has been ' engag in
- business for the past year in Port
land. '
'Miss. Eleanor Lup'ec of. Salem
and Beryl and Betty Barney pre
sented te cards bearing-tbe ue,ws
" of' the betrothal: as, thfl geta. ar
rived af-the. door. -----
ReceiTing wUh Miss BQberts
aa4-"Mlst Lfevfir at-' the jtea -were
IZxA. Ity'. P. Potteri -, Mrl. -rank
Eulaloha. "Kfamatli ' Falls: Mrs
Li. i. uuimy, urpnu jxaaue, uranaq
Ronde; Mrs. J. -V. Pipe, Linn, - Al
bany; Mrs." L. PaUersohi Mat
thew . Starbucks 5 Baker; Miss
Blanche E. HIeks. Mount Ashland;
Ashland; Mrs..' Octave " J. Coffin;
MUltnomah, Portland: Mrs. Ralph'
C.-'Crow, Oregon Lewis and Clark j
Eugene; Mrs., Mary Watterson,
Quenett, The Dalles; Mrs: ' C. L,
Crlder, Sarah Childress, Polk, Dal
las; 'Mrs. Alma-W; Moore, Susan
Revolution ;r,"Qretna Creen"
stance' d'Arcy-.. MpKaye) ,
Helen Hembree; 'music, "A T
(MacFaydn) ;. .-."CradJ,-.":
(MacFeydn) ? "Spring ; Joy! i
Rae- Felts ). Miss' Margaret
nady; accompanist, Ina Rae I
-' Those who have, been
delegates" and alternates., to'
state conference from Chem;
chapter ,ara as. follows; Deleg.
Mrs,- Cheater- C- Clark, chs
ir. tt m r nr.!
nah Lee Barlow,. Oregon. - City
Mrs.S. A."TxweiL Umatilla." Pen-1 A- Underhlll 'Mrs. John Orr. I
aieton; Mrs.! Frank, -H.. Churchill, 1 Alton B. Hurley, Mrs. W. li- J
u iiipaaa, jtwseourg: Mrs. w. vv . I airs, itusseu vauin, miss 4
McCredle, Willamette. Portland; I Rulif son. Mrs. W. 'A. Hansen
Mrs: W. T. Johnson, Winema, Cor- i Miss. Lillian .'Applegate; alt;
vallis; Mrs. Jesse T. Irvine, Yamltives, Mrs. Homer Goulet, cha
hill," Jklcllinnslllfi. j " . -: . I vice-regent, Mrs. David Loo!
vn tie special state, cxnference l ranees wrneuf jujb. x.
committee wun jars. Octave J. I n.:r. 6i jb i
Goffin; regX HI Multnoinaii chap l-Shlpley, Miss Marguerltft Locf
ter, and Mrs. Fletcher Linlr,:chair-tMr8 .'4.-ewvea, mra. xi
man, ' are" Mrs.". Frank E. Beach, I Thielsen and MJsa ' Frances
Mrs. John. -X.' Richardsont MlB8 ! "lcnarua.
-r.inei way uanay, Mrs. Ernest C. D. '. iw 'r-- -vf!r'
aIIard."Mni. WallafTl .VrJov cv auuwail
Mrs. Walter i L.. Johns6nt 5Mrs, tJ BecitoT 1
Clyde E. : Lewis. Mrs. . Thomas J. r Mrs. William S, McCall will J
Anrlers Mm! rT?: T TaMmaiio-a I sent her nunila in ntano in arf
Mrs; Frajik, E. Smith. Mrs Mary J tractive recital this 'eveninn
ai Ulioicaui .ffl O. XlUWJU U J. O Will- I Bi UVU CUllBI' I
USUI), 1B. rfUHU 1. Mttltf l .
Vtiia Tr,nif Mnrrc Miss Bowrnan Becomes
Thursday the" opening day, will at Ar?f ?
Rqberts, Mrs.i Bhea Lnsfr..o Sa
lein'Mrslvaerlna. JbhnsQn, Mrs.
John ;Vaoghn- andfMrt. rJE;;.
Mimical at Jligh. " t -.a
.'A' musical program will he given
Friday veihS -March 26,' lnv the
high, school auditoriumfot the
benefit of the 'high school band
-and to provide for other inciden
tal expesense of the music depart
xnent; - "' '. ' - "' ,-;
'The band numbers thirty; boys
and comprises a; volunteer organi
zations which" has held, weekly" re
hearsals under a. competent -diree
toe since last; fall. Music for: a
number of games, and 'several as
emblies: hasbeea given by the
band and these appearances have
won spontaneous' interest and ap
plause "from, 'the student; body as
well as the.' general public. 1 : ; i
i The . msicale Friday 'evening
Will f eatureuthree seectipnSjby the
band.t several gron&sv'pf chorus,
numbers, . voc,aI; solos : rrr,JMlla.Tk
Scott and. Lawrence. V peacon, -J a
marimba solo by Edith Findley,
a,solo dance:.hjrElIzabethWaUrs
ap.d "modern mnsic'?-; by 'theSix
Society,' Serenaders. " " - I '
Donald Poujade. atudent mana
ger orhe; band is lnrtchafge of
the ticket sales and advertising.
a in
A wedding of interest took place
last evening' in the study of the
First Congregational f church " of
.this city "when; Miss Catherine;
Vincent ot Salem, Oregon became
the bride . of James ;B, Putnam,
Jy.,' formerly of ; Salem; 5 but now
Among xecent activities-fit Vie of this tity. Rev. W. D. Ogg offir
Chemeketa chapter jof the Daug:h- elated at the ceremony which was
tres pt ' the. :Amerlca)f"RevoIuiiop attended br Mrs. Newton S.- Smith
haya been the, presentation ot pic- of. .-Salem, - sister, of "the -.groQnf,
tufes. to the'GIrla Industrial' school rEnnls- W.Patnam of 'Portland,
and the 'deaf jachooliEach of the j brother of the groping and Anguat
framed 'btctursTpresBiited was oil oiear oc,ureka. '..
down from' Salem during th first
of last week with Mrs. Smith and
the m other bf the ' groom, who
has. since, with the. other members
of the party been a guest at the
Inn, is a daughter of "Mrs. Jennie
C. -Vincent of Salem, - Oregon,
be as .fojjqws:
9:30 A. M.-Enrollment of dele-
10 Av M. State board meeting
12! 15 P. M A luncheon for
regents and other guests of honor
att the Sign of the Rose, Woodlark
buildings Hostess, Mrs. Octave J.
Goffin, regent, of Multnomah chap
ter. . - - .
2 P. Ml-4Conference called to
order by the etate regent," "Mrs.
'Betsy Ross Making, the Flag
box'.bt jBWPPlies . was also, sent 4U
Uld AU3 llftUU I III HDgtlUll; KV'
tlon, as, a. part of the -state actjv-
uies, . '
National 1 Y: W, C.
Worker'ls Guest
Pianist of Renown to;
Appear in 'Sale'm : '
Carol Robinson, concert pianist,
wiho comes to tie Heillg nexfMoii-
dy-nlht' Is; being, keenly-jantici-pated
in Salem by those wbVrere
: so fortunate as to attend, her xop
cert -two -years ago. :'Ty
'' There' is a freshness and buoy-
- aicy ln - Miss Robinson's flaying
that is refreshing to any listener.
whether, or Qt that one is mttsje-
all trained. Remarkablyv f clean
technique and an1 especially power
ful left hand-promotes a tone that
lends itself tocher-wilt an modd.
I i ii I I I1
Social Calendar
, General Aid society- First Meth
odlst. cbjirck. Cluanc parjors. ?i3
o clock; '
Jason Lee ,W FT. M.r S. Mrs.
A. Dark! 975 E. streets
BabaraVrictchfQ tpnDaai;br
ters er of Veterans. -Armory.1 8
. Mlss 'Katfierlne Aller, ot , thai Where she Is popularly known.
personnel, division oMhe national
Y.VW.- C. A.. spent Monday ': and
Tuesday in- Salem interviewing
students, "from - Willaraexte and
Llnfleld; cojjegea whp .are) Inter
ested In - Y.- W. ' C; f A, 'secretary
ship's ' as 'professions.! On account
of tae spring-vacation of the wi
lamette university, only eight su
The groom is the son of James
B. Putnam . of Salem, who . was
formerly state, librarian of Oregon,
and Is well, known, there , and In
this city where he has recently
been appointed assistant manager
with Woolworth's
Following a short honeymoon to
berpent in , the ' southern part' of
the following: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Way; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Saun
ders,'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ackman,
Mr. ands Mrs. Tim Tt Palmer, Mr4
and. Mrs. Woodcock, and.the. hosts.
Mr; and Mrs. Gunnsley,
Ceremony f n McMinnvUle
'At an' attractive church
ding which was solemnized 1
'Friday evening; March 19, at i
o'clock, Miss Ruth Bowman, '
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C,
Bowman, became the bride
Robert Elf strom, onjy son of.
and Mrs. E. V Elfstrom of (?on
cordia, Kansas. . The ceremony
was performed at the First Chris
tian-church in McMinnvUle,. with
the. Reverend Lon, Chamlee pf f 1-
beytoonr Jones; Invocation, Mrs. elating, v The single ring service
ueorga juurcn; salute to the I was used
flag., led by 'the- state chairman,
Mrs. , Walter; L. Hembree: "'The
American Creed, Mrs,. Fletcher
Unn; greetings, Hon. George Ll
Baker. 1 mayor oi Portlandr greet
ings. Sona of the American Revo
lution, B. A. Thaxter; greetings:
the vice-president-general for Ore
gon, Miss Anne M. Lang; ' greets
logs, Oregon Federation of Wom
en's Clubs, i Mrs. Sadie, Orr-Dun-
bar, president.; greetings, state di
"The bridal, party, with tbff little
.flower girl and ring, bearer, preced
ing to the altar, assembled before,
lattices ot i foliage and, daf fp4ia
with art baskets of. daffodils car-
'rying out the same co)or scheme
in the auditorium of the church.
Immediately, before, the ceremony,
Mrs. Lon Chamlee sang "L Love
You Truly," after which Mrs. R-
L. Conners played Lohengrin's
.-"V, -v'
Jittmmage-sare.'StPunl'siajXlld. '
Parish cKonee? r.T J f
e?7BrIarcIub.lrr"a. Charles
MeCarter, hostess. ' 3 Vs ;, ,
. - " . ' :Fmr ' :-
MacDowell club concert. Port
land String Quartet with caorM
Waller halL 8vl5 o'clock.1- r !
Ladies' .Aid. society. Frist Pres
byterian churchr2:S0 o'clocsu"
Rummage saje. St.' PauJ'siOuHd:
Parish house." ' V " ' '
MUsicale. . Sajem, high school
auditorium. -. ' -.
Saturday 1 '
Salem Woman's club.- Club
house.' 2:30. o'clock. ' '!
Cooked food eale. - St.- Paul's
. Guild., Neimeyer's drug stofe.
tfents. had: appointments will Miss the state Mr. and Mrs. .Putnam
Aller. I I will . return to Eureka to 'make
Rummade SalB at " ' !' ' their home.
Parish House .."7""' Five Hundred Club
i The ladies of Bt. Paul's .Guild lis, Entertained -
will sponsor the: annuaL'rnmmage Mr. and.. Mrs. Johnr Gunnsley
sales-held.: bythe. organization on were' hosts to the Ugo .Igo club
Thursday Friday, : and "Sturay Saturday evening. at their cojintry
of this, week. On, Saturday the. last I home In the 'Hollywood district
In, the. series of r cooked food, sales ,"500" was' the diversion, of, -the
will' be. held at Nelmeyer. s drug l evening. Spring flowers were at
I store ton "Nortl. Coinmerclaj street tractively. arranged about- the
to Give Comedy ?
-! - Eola community- club presents
E threeTact comedy next Friday
veuing. -March. 2$v at 8 o'clock
sbarx. at Eola. school .liouse. The
curtain willr raise nromptlr on
time. The comedy is given by the I Sweet Briar Club to Meet
locaL talent of, Eola. jM The Brush' College Helpers will
vocal' or T instrumental selections entertain "the memDexB of the
between-actSi ; 1 , -1 Sweet Briar club on ' Thnrsday
- An admission ol 35 cents and ( afternoon at the home' of Mrs.
.-X9 muia :Wii of conrgea u uus tanei ajcuBrior.
used toward community activities. Oregon Daughters of the
The following cast ; has ! been American Revolution to
:Dracticinic- dillgeritIr--for several Convene .tn Portland
weeks:" ' r ' I' The 13th annual, conference of
' John .Fenwick -A well-to do I the Oregon, Daughters of the Ain
hnsiriess nan; Ernest Brunk. . I erican ( revolution ' will open .in
: Elien Fenwick--His wlfe Mrs. Po"rtlan4 Thursday morning for. a
KrnestBrnnl. V .." r-, 1 three-day session. with the regents
: -Robert Fen wickHIs. son. Cur- j and delegates from : the i0 chap-
lis 'ereuson.- - ; t- 1 - i vers uz-iue uw uiesBui. ocssiyua
Elsie 'Evans His" niecw and will he. held:. at the. rirst rreaoy
ward. Miss Lorena lelke. . byterian church, with Mntnoman
Dorothy- Stevens - A young 1 chapter oi iorxiana me , uutes
widow, Miss Erma. Scott.;, V :'SV I organization. MrS. Seymour Jones
rector of the Children of . the h Wedding March.
Americai) Revolution, Mrs. James) Miss Hester Hillpot attended
G. Walker. Jr.. greetings, ex-vice-1; the bride as maid: of honor, while
president-general Mra. -Isaac -Lee Fred Smith; served as best man
ratterson; greetings, . Colonial I. for Mr. Elfstrom.
( or LJregqn, Mrs. J, B. Mont-f, The bride's gown was a lovely
gomery, presldeit2 greetings, or- l costume of pale pink crepe satin
saniwng presment f OI UregOnylwh flaro aVfrt I TTi. "Bhrtwftr
Daughters and Founders oi ! thejibottQ1;et was of fspring flowers. In
Patriots of- America;-Mrs. I L k u.r .w.. Vu "
lilies of the valley in the stream
Soule ; greetings, regent of, Mult-
" - a..f WH.w vlj-.. T V..- t,S tt.a -h-r-IAo nri
Gaffing greetings, ' the. etate re-i , . . ,,,, . 7Z .
rent mt ViAMi clusters of lilies of the, valley and
At credential MnmltiM W rose bnds. , ' ' ,
- , : . "t - - ii-.. ifi TTint ..-- .ni.
ray Manville'ehairnfts roll: W1f wejriasKw
of hatfonal officers, state voftleers ?R;.'ft Chartreuse green, with
and chapter regents wilLlso ah- r;lM -tri-arled-tullps and ear-
swer for their delegations) r' sum-1 nations.
mary of minutes of 1 2th annual! Little Betty. 'June Peterson of
convention. Mrs. Thomas AnrTera? I 'McMlnnvillei as flower girl, was
' . ,1... ' -- . v. .' '- : ,'-4 - 4.1 ' --Jt- 4 '
recoraing secretary; report of pro- irpcaea m ome ana;, cameo: a oas-
ram commuiee, - Mrs. Kietcher l Ket or sweet peas and roseDuas
Linn. , chairman; report of stand-1 'Ralph Chamlee, as ring ! bearer.
Ing rules, committee ; Mrs, George I wore white velvet suit and car-
Hartman, chairman 'of 'resolutions Tried the ring in the heart of a
pommittee; report of nominating; rose on a silver tray.
v , -,okuumhi, i. jrour girl friends served, as
vuwruinu; unaauncemenis. ' nnhun nna ht- mi,it.v an
Miss Ruth Barrendick wore pink
dresses, while Misa Velma Mer
chant And: Miss Clara VanjFossen
wore., pastel bine.
. Following the ceremony. Men
aeissonn'8 wedding march was
Ben Craigr-r-Engaged to Elsie,
PaVk Sturgess. .S-:-M.
May Craig--HIs youns sister,
juaxine jp erguson.
Rotneq. Badger Fenwick'a col
ored, chauffeur. L. A. Ferguson.
Airs. AmariIIa Badger h His
mother. Miss La Vern Smith.
Rosalie. -M-Jtomeo's -colored
sweetheatt, Miss. Gwendolyn John
Till HEQ P M 0
-' Ease your tight, achiiijr'eliest.' fop
4 twin. Break uv tie ccr "r tioo.
1'edl a had cold loosen up i jast a
'itrt time. 1 - ! .
Red Pepper Rub" i the cold rn
edfy' that Lrina. quickest" relief. It
, cannot nurt you ana it . cerviujr
seems to tr.l the tilitncsa and" drive
tie congestion sil scream rStt'out
.KotLir.-; . has "tuci - eor;2cx:trat.
penetratir heat a red. peppers.
cc;i3, co--jest ion, acmcg
when heat penetrate right tlown i ,.o
ralist. ro" "est ion. aciicn muscles t.d
or"., fil.1 jointa reiki cor J
ZlTt tzz -eri you trr!y
p- tou feel tie ' t
t jr-. rr.:"utes the e.
iri'-l t' wh 9Tl t: rc
, j - iriaj-xdi
s 1 r-. .on.
- t- r
ie; tr
'1 ttit i
i. Whc
of Salem, state regent
daughters, will preside.
Besides the usual routine of
business which .will.-show the ac
complishments, of the Daughters
of the American revolution in Ore
gon 'during the' past "year,8 elec
tion., of -of ficera is the. principal
business' of the, conference.? : Mrs.
Jones', two-year term shaving ex-
nlrPi! Mrs. TL 3. r AfiPerson of
Selma A Swedish- maid; Miss Yamhill chapter..', McMinnville,
statet ?vice-regent, ana. jars. wi-
Edward Antrl- liam' Bell of- Umpaua chapter.
Roseburg, are the, two principal
candidates in the field for office
of. state regent, and the report of
the- nominating, a Qur-
day afternoon will draw,, special
Interest as It is posible .that other
Veterans'8eeociatlon' will be held! 'niMafo nrfii ' be' nominated.
iu wuuuutira tin- iQursuay, .tirti i Election ana lllBaifauoa oiomceni
l, with-ajl patriotic organisations l wni take plaes Saturday .mprnwft
in the ropnty reauested to" send I xr. Fletcher - Linn,..- Portland
at least -one f ref resentatiye. , An 1 ra8t regenL'of Multnomah chapter,
Eda Nystrom.
A Policeman-
can. ' ,? i- . : -" -; ' ;
Coach L. A. Ferguson. '
Aarion County ; -; ,
Veterans - Association ; .
A meeing of the Marlon County
all day "session will be held 'with a
jot-luncheon "at noon followed by
a'prorram In the afternoon.' J J. F.
Watson of Ttirnerho is a mem
ber of Sedg? wick Poatr Ko. 10, , Is
the -president of The-association.
For further . Information concern
in gthe 'meeting those,-Interested
may,'caU;Mrs G,- ij, TeTwiJllger,
Visit in Portland' ;
Rev. and. Mrs. II. D.' Chambers
and- "Miss" Myla ' Chambers '- are
fending the early part of the
week in Portland.
r i
Gus Anderson t$
Go Abroad - : -
r?Iem friends of Gus Anderson
T-!:i t3 iaterested' la tht'iollow-
cf the) Chicago Evening Posfc. ?r.
Andc son; a foTmer Willaraclta
r:'!T---y studer t.' ana -ora r
6:30 P.: M.--Annual banauet.
Multnomah ; ballroom Program.
Miss, Butterfly,, waits, rE 'flat
(Angust purand), Tdna, Walker,
member, of Columbia v society.
Children of the American Revolu-
uom -iietty. Kqsa and- the. Amer
ican IS'lag,' eix members of Colum-
bia society, -Children of the Am'
erican devolution; "The IflntieJ,'
played ' as tho bridal party
-.marched to the v reception room
... - -
The reception table, lighted by
a musical recitation. Mabel . Lee I canaies in pastel snaaes, ana cen-
Dowling, member of Columbia 80- tered with flowers, carried out a
ciety Children. , of : th.e i American , .color scheme of pink and, white
. ' , . 1 ' m , ' i ' . ... : . .-a
Crepes Satin Face- Crepes all cleverly made as to! style
and worKma
To clean up we have groupeel this, one special lojt of
remaining sizes to sell at $ 1 AO; , -.
OL ft ft
i . r.
Is general .'chairman oV the confer
ence.: 'State offIcers,oHhe daugri-
ters a"j .Regent. Mrs. Seymeur
Jones:, first vice-regent, Mrs. E. C.
Arnerson.' - McMinnville: . second
vice-regent. Miss Sarah- H.Vah
Meters Medrora; cnapiam. jwrs.
George F. March, Marshfield; re
cording secretary, Mrs. Thomas J.
Anders, Portland .treasurer, Mrs.
Robert '.(TVright, Tortlar.di Tcon
sulting. registrar, Mrs. J. 1 Soule,
Baker; '"corresponding secretary,
Mrs. .Elmo S. White, Salem: his
torian, Mrs. Lnln D,.Crand&li;The.
Dalles; v librarian, .Mrss 4.P; M.
Brandt. Corrallis, '
. ' Regents Of state, chapters! are:
Mrs. X'A.' Bnbcanan,' A?toriar
;rs, QrC. Clark, Ch'er.c'vCj;
l:'n:.Mrs.;:::a C.:h-,ltx, Ccc....: -y.
Marshfield.- lIrs.,T.VM.-Van Sc y-
. . i; ( v 1 Low Price r : -
' Ladies' Union Suits To- Clean Up
65c and 75c grades tariff sold for l-.39c - 32q
JLtacies' 3c vests being sold for . 25c.
Ladies 25c Vests beincr sold fw
Ladies 19c Vests being isold for 15c
Ladies', Khit Pants, ligfrt weights 60c - 35c 25c
. New: Dress Crepes New Silks
V -New Voiles!
Striped with big checks to ma$ch--The newest
t . v. Stylish and Pretty . . : , . 1 .
" ,6. Inch Excellent Qulity
r" t ": - lew Patterns -, :
Ia Rear Ilocr
. -i'i,''- 1 I
HiffH Class riminery---Low-Pricci -
v4 ': 'J4 :
Loads of blowers Beautiful Goods ...
XoU are invited to; visit us. .
:f;:v?TiiauBLrro us1 P
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Will be issued on SundaK
. TjvnrU!i,.f Tiatro ftnA nf . the first iasiift of The Statesman bearing the date
of March' 2S.r 1851," will be printed together with early historical, documents and
tare old pictures of that, day. , JSiograppicai sKeicnes oi xnany oi vue umvz...i -ir,3rari6n;
olk courities- and histories of.tJiQ 'growth of Salem business fir.i?3,
4h A business!nien, will be, included. ' "
Fiff n rntfl a mdt. nosiafre DreDaid. : to any woint in the. Unilcd-r Stnt.t Tvrr-ity
cents a copy outside the United, States. Jten. cents., a copy at. the Statesnon cXXice..
...... - , .
Cirpulatf on, Department, , , -"
M QregonStatesman ' . .
- . : Salem, Oregon.
Gentlemen: - Enclosed find $
iltcK defray. cost -of inailing' copies of the
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OC, Crater- juaKe, Lieaioru; ;
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Ctstly cf Norttv trrn-1 :iv:r:,.y,