The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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' i f
:Jf : '
' ..Plant Shrabbe.
The. grounds Y-Virst Meth
odist, church jot this clyj are un
dergoing i spring beauttacatlon.
Snrubbryvpt varied sorts' is being
,;"plantedfm tho parking strips on
v State .and Church streets, t
ri-.Tor late cheap; delivered. Phone
Mal City. Transfer ;Co.
,!Too Many in Seaf -i T r ;
. B-. Fuller, was fined 25 by
' Judge" Poulscn Tuesday for baring
driven bis car with four persons
In the front-seat.? !-";
Cbnctlla Pur Babbits 1
Six months, ,614 JB..J'hone
20 9 4-J. .1 m24
Too Mach Speed' ' .
H. B. Millard was fined S by
Judge , Poulsen Tuesday for bar
ing ' exceeded the city's Upeed
Suits Cleaned and freosed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
era. Down town receiving office.
352 Chemeketa St.,
License Suspended r ; ,
Joseph,, Descrano was convicted
by ' Judge Poulsen Tuesday of
speeding on his motorcycle'.. ,. His
driver's ileenso was suspended, for
30 days. ,iV. i , s
Sir Oliver Ixtfgesv; t - '3
GVeat'CabinetSeance Aba
Ney, the Arabian jseerY Armory
. .WM.O- - ? - .
, . Receive Son 4i -i i
pine pound son has been born
" to Mr. and Mrs. FL W. -poorman
t 790 North Summer street. - He
' has received the name of David
Why Buy New- ' ;
When bid will do? Eaton's Hat
Shop at 141 Liberty reblocks and
renovates all kinds of hats. Also
cleaning, pressing, i dyeing, j Tho
very best. Phone 1919. m24
One License Iaaued
; Roy A. Sharp and Lareva Cron-
ser, both of Salem, Houto 3, were
'issued a marriage license Tues-
day, In the county (clerk's office.
1 .i
i" ii i . i -i. mi ii .
Underwood Typewriter Co. j
Direct Factor Ernac&f
CI 9 Court Street v rbone 223
: Typewriters Rented, CoU,
Repaired . ...'-
Special rental rates to clzi:it3
Y r-&0r Liberty Streets
in 2 4
erne court Tues-
u temporary, restraln-
J: Inhibiting Alex Ander-
sL other residents of Jackson
from - grazing sheep Aon
Jhat is known under' the law as
unfeneed cattle .range. The order
was requested by the Big Butte
Cattle 'and IIorse Raisers' asso
ciation. The . hearing in cbnnec
tlon, with thfr -issuance- of ' a per
manent restraining ofrder has not
yet been 'set by the'co'urt.V- -
: " . -.. t i't-.Aii.
; '" i i n-' :r
yicaleaslxlcan OrtUig
u'Roee bushes! Pearcy Bros., 178
alizatlon 'examiner is In Salem." He
will conduct the naturalisation ex
aminations, i . ., ,
V.f I-V
Card of Thanks-. f .
,We .wi to express ; our .thanks
for - the ' beautiful . flowers . and
words of sympathy during the
bereavement -of our husband and
son. Mrs. Willard Tinker and
Mrs. Mi H. Tinker.
Changes Plea, to. Guilty . ,
X Russell' Crossan, arrested Sun
day on a charge of possession of
liquor, appeared In the ' Justice
court' Tuesday, and entered a plea
of guilty to the charge. He had
previously pleaded not guilty. The
case has- been ' continued until
April 10, '
7 ' : : :'J ' r'
Tlie Public Is Cordially-IiiTlted.
' To attend benefit dance, Mc
Coruack; Hall, Tuesday evening,
25th.' Maccabee Lodge, ! Come and
bring your friends. 4 - m2S
.;, . .;.,,.-. - t .
Fined For Possession- " " ,
: t.E. o; Jacbappe' of this city was
fined 10 ty- Judge Poulsen
Tuesday upon having been con
victed of the possession of Intoxi
cating liquor, r Vivian '' Moyes " of
Eola, who was arrested,- "with
Jachappe and charged With speed
ing and transportation ' of liquor,
was ' fined only on the charge of
speeding, being assessed $10. :
Come la and Get Acquainted
. Farmlngton,s,'147 X.'IUglu.ni24
Spewing, Charged- . 'V
Ivan White was' arrested Tues
day evening by Of fleer O. W. Ed
ward and charged with speeding.
He Is cited to appear! this after
noon at z ociocir,,
1 " ''' " ' ' '
I.' Salem's Leadlas
auctionheii :
.rays Cash or Fnrnltare
0Re12ence ud Ctore
. tlO North Bammec
n : kione sii;', f-
TstaMUhed Since 101(T
S. -CommertCiJ street, f m24
rM ' . .mi ii I..I-IUW 4
!V1 l.Tomlinson.' district rtatnr-
LiLDD & BUSH, Bonliers
: ;; K- Etabllxhed iszs , - '"-
Ill General "Banian Pusinses
' ' 1 OfSee Conn from 10 lb. to p. as
ii&Uty Meats,
lenges to Debate , ,
' Guy Fitch Phelps, j of this city.
has addressed a letter ; to' Judge
Wfniam.,N. i Gatens challenging
him to meet In debate In princi
pal cities of the state on the ques
tion of modification of the Vol
stead act. Mr. Phelps would stand
for rigid enforcement; of the pres
ent law. wo reply nas as yet been
made public. ' i
Buy at The Public Market
Farmington's, 147 N. High. m24
Plant Walnut Tree?
See us for trees, of j all kinds;
shrubs, perennials, roses. Pearcy
Bros., 178 S. Commercial St. m24
Kiwanlans Meet.
Members ef the Salem Klwanig
club held a banquet at the Mar
ion hotel Tuesday night.: The af
fair ; was "ladies : nigh t T . Rerl
Norman- K. Tuliy, pastor of the
First- Preabterdn. Church of fia-
lem and aember of the Kiwanls
club, was the principal speaker of
the 'evening'.',- ". l.'A -
A Limited Number of Pupils. ;
. In piano and 'voice will be ac
cepted by Florencn Moore Fere
4hetiah, 657 Chemeketa : street:
Phone 1741. ; U mJl
Real Bargains ' ; v ; -' i
Used cars. MacDonald Auto
Co Cottage and Ferry. - m24
Dance Sat. at Clemen's
Pavilion, Hazel Green.
Boathouse Is Moved - -
Spong's boat house, for years a
landmark of Salem, is now located
at the foot of Chemeketa street,
having been removed from the
location on the Willamette slough.
Steps are now under construction
leading to the new location. The
boathouse win be readyj for the
spring canoeing rush byf the end
of the week, it is thought. H
Hotel Marion -ti.f I ; . '
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every, evening, t .'"j-. ,'.' J2tf
I'iurt Around tlw? Cf tner . ; ,
Fox TroL R,jcord LKjnartiniani
fct Stiff's.- t .4, . ml
Meeting Called
George Hug, -city superintend
ent of schools, has notified mem
bers of the commission j on ac
crediting of the Northwest asso
ciation of secondary and i hiaher
schools that a meeting of tho com
mission, of which, he Is chairman,
will be held in , Spokane 'April 6.
The commission consists of three
and freight service to and from
all points south to Medford and
west to. Coos Bay pointsi Ex
press service atvfrelghtt rate.
Depot; High and ' Mill Streets
A. Phone $$f 4 -f-i i
Oregon Amo Transportation Co.
167 D BtreeC Telephone 313
f If you are looking for
light , sedan, don't fall to see
this Bice Star: - .- :
A 1D24. model, robber 90,
new paint, with all the ex
tra you would care to have
on one car. Ton must see
this to realize what value
you can get for $493.00
en eaeh from Oregon, Washing-
n and Idaho. Besides Mr. Hug.
ose representing Oregon are W.
L Smith of Salem and C. A. How-
hi of -Marshfleld. I : r U
ta Cleaned and Blocked .
7BeJl Cash andt Carry Cleaners;
2. Chemeketa. St.
Iraiinway Silk Hlciy ;
'They wear as well as fiey
joki- Spectr.l $1.30. , Swart
f peeialty, 455 Coui t. r ' , -Hna 4
lit Attend Congresa
Clad In red over-blouses with
lack tie, blue 'skirts, trench caps
t nd Army . bonnets, a delegation
of S 0 young people will represent
Vhe" local Salvation Army corps at
congress to' be held In Portland
Inext Saturday ' and Sunday. 7 By
courtesy of the local chamber of
commerce, each delegate will wear
! a t'booster". ribbon for Salem. The
congress an annual affair and
will be conducted by Commission
er Glf ford -of San Francisco.
Ask.' Hint Any Questions? ,
"He can tell you. Aba Ney, the
Armory tonight, - ;, m24
Gill Bros. Garden Seeds .
Lawn and flower seeds." Pearey
Bros., 178 S. Commercial St. m24
Cheney on Paper "
Alvin Cheney of Salenr has ben
appointed to the staff of the Bir-
ameter of OAC, the' daily publica
tion put out by students. Chene
Is active in industrial Journalism
and. Is taking that department
course. In elementary. He stands
high in the number of printed In-
.-. , " 1 : : " " 1
$4 10O Modern Home l ; ..
Being finished, north. Furnace.'
fireplace, garage, hardwood. Terms
to responsible people. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High. m20tf
92.S0 Per Load -
In 4-Ioad lots 'or more for IS
lneh 'mill and ' block '. wood.-: it
Tracy's: Phone 2313. .'tri271t
-t-.-.w'nr .1-" c---t j '
WiU Hold Hike ' ;
A two 4 dkys hike,r he flrsf. of
the' year) will be held by the mem
bers of Salem Troop No. "4 bf the
Boy' Scouts. The boys will jour
ney -to Mehama Friday' afternoon
by an to. They wfll camp Friday
eight near Mehama. Saturday
they will hike to House' Moun
tain. - ' '
- . .
For Sale Cheap ' - " '
: 4 4 ' acres near Independence,
might, consider part trade. Henry
Yung. Independence, Ore. Rt. 2. .
; ; - . m28
McDowell Chorus in .Concert ;
' 'Jv'lth Portland stringed quartet,
Friday, March 26th. Waller Hall,
admission -31.00. . Students 50c. ?.
": m26
Special. Army Program '
Rev. F. L. Cannell and his sing
ing f chftdren will be the special
attraction at the Salvation Army
Saturday night next. Rev, Connell
Is the energetic pastor of the West
Safem Community church, and an
Interesting speaker: " ' " "
Furniture 'Upholstery 'J1 l ;
" And repairing. V Glese-Powers
Fumlture.cgmpany. ; , s20tt
To Sponsor picture
"On Flanders Field,
movie to
be shown in Salem 'April 28 and
29, will be sponsored by the Sa
lem post of the Veterans of Tot
elgn "WarSi-z ;
Houses -to Renti $20 to f40
Four ? vacant. Becke & . Hen
dricks, 1S9 N. High stree't.- m20tt
St. Paul's Romnuge Sale ' ;
At Parish House, Chemeketa
and Church. Bargains In clothing
ror everybody. Thursday; Friday
and "Saturday . . .;, ;m24
two Xiots, sw.ermsf k
Block, north' of , . ne'w VschooK
south. 'Trees.and' Tiewfr-. Come
now.! Becke & Hendricks; 189 Ni
High street. - "Z.'Sy" " 2tf
. - - iv''T "T v - f
Troop'Is'CanJjsed-" 1?
A new Boy Scout troop aasbeea
organized Iri the district ijust -eaat
of the state farm. It- was made
V Fruit !lVee;Pricesl
Royal Ann and' Lambert '
Cherries ; . .... . 15c to 35r
Mazsard Seedlings. Be and 10
Early Italian:' Prunes. - -
-per hundred 4-C grade. fS.OO
Petite Prunes (large J
.-strain) 4- grade. v.-.,. 10c,
Bay immediately for the plant-'
ing season will soon be over.-.
, J . i 1 78 B Commercial - . . .
fFaTes" yardIn rearf r ')
known." herenTueaidayv-; Gordon
Tower, Is. serving as, scout. master..
Already ''thi -tro4p. boasts tyr 15j
mambora.' t.r V l' v
He Really .Helps Yon!- v ;.
Askr him. Ana Key, Armory, to-
nigbt. . ' ,
.i " t'
Jefferson Organization- Cej
V: ebrates Twenty-fifth u
JEFFERSON, March 23. En
clidChapter a El SKo; 70 cele
brated their 25th anniversary at
the Masonic hall Tuesday evening
When ' the 'charter 1 was granted
Lona ' . G. Looney k was elected
worthy matron. She .gave, a very
interesting talk on the history of
the chapter, also read the minutes
of .'the first - meeting. She has
been en active member ever since
the: granting of the charter. : -Other
charter; members are D
H. -Looney, Ed Hahn, Mrs. A. E.
Phelps, F. E. Wall and Mrs. F.: E.
Wall.- all of whom -were called
upon to. talk. . Letters" of greet
ings were received and read from
Mrs. Hawk of Bay City. Mrs.' Hud
elson of Salem. Mrs. Anna Tucker
of. Salem. ' These ladies ' were
charter members.
Ed Hahn teld of how.'SS tyears
ago Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Looney
and' himself came to lodge to
gether driving' a horse and hack,
while - last Tuesday night they
came in a car.
The p rogjt a m consisted of
speeches. Jim Johnston ' played
his violin.; The remainder of the
evening was spent in social acti
. The missionary society of the
Methodist Episcopal church held
its meeting at the home of Mrs.
V. D. Looney Wednesday after
noon. Lunch was served to Mrs.
H. C. Shields; Mrs. J. G. Fontaine,
Mrs.' ,J. - L. Farlow;Mrs. C; M.
Smith, Mrs. Randolph, Miss Addle
Libby, Mrs. Longiworth, Mrs. M.
S. Allen, Mrs. Robert Mcllvenna,
Mrs. C. H. McKee and the hos
tess, Mrs. V. D. Looney.
3-v- . . . . '. x
Dissatisfaction : voiced at
Rigid Construction of New
' 1 . Ordinance
, SILVERTON. March 23. Ad-
yertlsing, signs and other inter
ferences to pedestrian traffic are
-being -taken oft Silverton's side
walks ; as. the result of a recent
city ordinance 'which prohibits the
placing of such signs or merchan
dlse of any kind more than 18
inehes'from the buildings. -
The enforcement, of this new
ruling Is creating a lot of dissatis
faction in the business district, as
it is felt that the general enforce
ment of this ordinance is unwar
ranted. , ' . :; . '
This' question has come up'sev
eral times in the past year or two,
and lways as a result of the
blocking of the sidewalks by one
or two business houses- , ; " y i
The majority . of , the' business
men are of the opinion that the
present administration is Impos
ing too many petty restrictions on
the city and that disharmony will
result ' '" - - ' ':'' . '-'A
' : , - t , .
Hih Men Are Reynolds 25,
Rue 23 and Dale With
'" 22 Kills-
'7-SILVERTON. March, 22. The
f Silverton Gun club entered a score
of 70? in ; Sunday morning's tele
graphic shoot. The high men
were . Chaf les Reynolds 2 S, CUf f .
f Rue 22 ' and Buck, Dale Jz. Un
fortunately several, of thejelub
members could not be present to
take part- in the shoot, and a de
fective trp added : further handl
cap O fthomakng pt : a perf ect
core.;!,-, v Ji'f It -' 't i : ;
Lea Kiliian Is I Fined S !i
bySilverton Officers
'.SilLVERTON. March ZiLeq
Kill Ian of Salem was arrested here
S$hdaj lght and fodged 1ft Jail on
a charge of being drunk and dis
orderly. The officers ", who 'made
the jarrest had previouslyt ordered
Kllllanlto 4eave. town, -'Vnd his
failure to take their advice cost
him $25when" '.appeared in
court this morning..
Trie' Gilded Butterfly", -Will
Open Today; Bert Lytell :
' -"Is Co-Featured
: Beautiful Alma. Rubens and
handsome Bert Lytell are. co-featured
in the For Films produc
tion, "The .Gilded ButterfjyVnow
playing' at the Heilig theatre. f
: This rlDDln drama of society
tells the story of a lovely young-
girl, Yaised tohelleve herself, eno?.
mousiy weaitny -wnoimas , ne
self 'desUtute at the death of her
father. ; J 'dS.iz
, She has alway had everything:
she wanted she - knows ; nothing
of earning money, nor of saving
It so she borrows money and sets
out to 'keep up the show." Her
life from then on forms' the basis
of an absorbing story which comes
to. a thrilling and 'unexpected cli
max. "' ' ' ' '
Others In the cast are Huntly
Gordon, Herbert Rawllnson, Vera
Lewis, Frank Keen an, Arthur
Hoyt and Carolynne Snowden.
John Griffith Wray directed tho
production. . - . , . ;
Legion to Sponsor Old Time
Dance Tit Silverton Armory
SILVERTON, March 23. Sil
verton is to have its first old time
fiddler's contest on April 3. This
is to be held under the auspices
of the Modern Woodmen and is
a result of the interest that is
being shown in this locality in .the
old time dances ' and old time
music. . , ;
Several of the old time fiddlers
have already signified their will
ingness to compete In this eon
test. Saturday night, March 27th,
the American Legion is sponsor
ing an old time : dance at the
Armory. !
I Bits For. Breakfast
Wanted, oldest reader-- ; ,
The person who has read .The
Statesman' for 75 years, if .there Is
such a person. : j " ' '
There are several who have read
it a good many years,, and. at , least
one who. has read it 73 jreafs. .If
you know a 75 year reader,' please
communicate with this office. This
is wanted in connection with the
Diamond Jubilee number on Sun
day. '-.''
, - . v , :
If there is a farmer who has not
planted, Hu bam clover this spring,
he should get some seed ad plant
it. D. A. White & Sons have seed,
and can get more.. ihis clover
makes the best late bee pasture
knpwn and it Is gord for the other
uses of clover,' iooi The, honey in
dustry should be pushed, for many
reasons; for fruit pollination, tor
one. . . . . ;'-)
, , Nothing is going to come of the
straw Vote agitation ' tor flight
wines and beer.' The vast 'major
ity of the people 1 of' the "United
States are far from - being, excited
about all this fuss, and the politi
cal, leaders who keep their ears to
the ground are not going 'to risk
their .futures in getting In the way
of the 'steam roller" of; aroused
public opinion.. - y '; '
r ... ..' .- "
The Bits for Breakfast man, had
occasion yesterday to' look trp the
well know Quotation, ."All of
Clean Child's Bowels with
; "California Fig Syrup" v
; Even if cross,? feverish, bilious,
constipated .'or full -of. cold, - children-
love -the; pleasant taste of
"Cillfornla" Pig Syrup." A tea
Spoonful never fails to clean, the
liver and' bowels.v -V.V '
Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for, babies and children
of all ages printed on bottle. Mo
ther!;, you must say 'California
or; you may get an imitation fig
I V. '
eyrup ASv.
which I saw and part of which I
wpi.f MIfi tfatvia, state: librarian;
fond "It la 'Lalinv in Vlrgii; f he
trsnslsilojB-lhelgg. "All ., of ' which
misery I saw and part of which. I
was." It Was supposed .to refer : to
the experiences of Aeneas. Do the
Willamette . university v students
know. who used this expression in
the way It Is commonly qsoted?
That, is, -AU of. which I saw and
part of which ! was." Ot was it
used in the original?.'
Salem4" Traded and Labor
Council Sponsor Lecture -
r'. . oer tot pni -. t
" ..... . - f ,. . Jl .if TJ , , t-
''--- ' i' , 1 -. a
Kate Richards O'Hsret- of -the
United 'Garment :W6rkers;j will
speak "in he, Salem armory ou
Friday April 2, under the auspices
of the Salem Trades and Labor
CounCU. ' .'." : i
! Every effort' ki being, expended
on the part of the organization
here to promote the lecturer f who
speaks ' on 1 prison labor from the
Tiewpolnt 'of a: person who rhas
served one term In an ; eastern
prison.' , '' ' ; 'vr? - J
r Plans 5 for publicity include the
placing of 1 5 0 window: cards and
the distribution ef more than 1000
handbills rr lor to the lecture
F. J. A. Boehrlngei; president of
the eouncnJ Willi preside a chair
man! : .v., "t, , ifil'tr.
" Announcement was also . made
JasVinighi' that "the Wflfamette on-
lverslty debate teams will meet in
the . Labor Hall next Tuesdajr,
night at 8 o'clock ttf tallp th the
proposed ' child labor amendment
to the federal ; constitution. The
object of the .debate Is to bring.
the college students out of their
usual atmosphere and to familiar
ize them with the attitude of . real
laboring men. ; '
Larger Crowds! See "imon
. the Jester", Witn tugepe.;
O'Brien Starred j'.s
rv Prances , ' "Marion's admirable
screen "production.'. "Sltuon v.tha
Jester,' in which Eugene pBr!en
and, Lillian Rich are featured,
proved thoroughly delightful 'to
the large audience that witnessed
its premier showing at the Ore
gon theatr yesterday. : The iW9Tk
Of these two screen artists, !as Well
as that ,ot Henry Walthall, form
er screen star and leading mem
ber of the supporting cast, and
William Piatt was highly artistic.
The . storyv of ' the picture re
, o;) mum
W- - Mim -V -. -
- $.'
- ' - The week of March 22 to 27 has been designated
by the American Osteopathic Association as Normal
' 'Spine Weeky. U i , I l ::'f '-"'.r '.'rV-."' '');-v -
The Osteopathic physicians of Salem will examine
any school child free of charge, by appointment, be
;' fween the hours of .;4 and 6 p. m on .these - days.
JJrlljuercer, Dr. OIL KemtDr. John
1 ynchDr ' JU'.CL Marshall, and Dr. B.. HVhite;.;,
vn i,' ; .! -i ii
H a J T ii m IX
Now in Fall Swing
Thousands Pairs of Quality Shoes Sacrificed at .
;' -1 '
Now is Your .Great Opportunity to Btly Spring and
Summer Footwear, for Little Bloney
We are going to remodel our State street front and windows
very shortly, therefore we are compelled to cut our stock to the -smallest,
minimum- to savo much unnecessary handling, and as
good shoes such as BOTTLE'S quality have appealed to thou 3
aads Of thrifty and satisfied buyers, you are ' now assured of
bigger values at unexpected prices that will
not only two, but three or fou pairs. ( j "r t
. Mercilesa Price-Cuttins, Knife Turned Loose! .'
A group of Ladles' Slippers in Group of Children's Shoes End
black,' patents k Id' and : satin Id V cuts. 'To I'-J i- r f
and tan.: ealf. Medium and, low Iose"ont, m pair. ; .CD C
heels. Wide range of .styles to -
?Z?nt Et' 'S3 05 Group of Children's Shoes end
-? ! :. -. m , -- , - - out'a.palr. . ; 3. ... vXaUL)
Spuntez Chiffon Silk Hose, all -"
"j :; "-"f: :fr Men's 10.6oVade ValH-Over
arpair, ,yvrf"''v,;r' V1C1 Black Kid Shoes ni ff
2 pairs for' i . . . ; . .Sl.73 J To dose out, a palr.. . '
. Shop Our Windows 4 rae
rrs ' r
-VMA..'- IivU V" I . ( m . .
'iMTri '," 4 is static ut::tV;V
A rD Ucn cZ V.r.:";-Crcr en
zri..TTJ:, ": " CxrX.lcrcr Feet '.-car
- ' ' l . i .VTM-. :... - '
volves around. Simon de Cex, who
la' jtko prime lot llfej l3Ri.,a a
tew wee ks io lire, .iijs friend an l
secretary;, is enamoured of Lol
Brandt, a circus woman, and
Simon seeks to break up this
mtch.. In so doing he falls in
love with the circus woman which
brings about all sorts of compll -u-tions
anil 'exciting situation itad
inUhe end reveals a startling de
nouncement. . , .
. There's comedy -rich and rare.
Comedy of the wholesome type,
there's a circus with all Its per
formers and performing' animals,'
a sideshow with Its human fros.
The. picture Is 'well worth one's
whiie, v:c , .
; Qfcituary.
V5'- . . , Atkins r-
;:Atnhe jregldencev lt 4 : FCPry
treet, Oliver J. Alklns. He H
survived by biswlte. cue.fon; and
onedaughter. ot. Portland: a, sjt
ter, 3Ira- Clara Howard of Salem,
and a brother in - North Bend.
Funeral services will be held from
the Terwilllger. funeral home to
day at 3 p, m. Rev. R. L. Put
nanr will officiate. Interment will
be in the IOOF cemetery.
. ... . FUNERALS . ,
V Funeral- services for the lato
Leroy H. Edwards, father of Mrs.
Fran tela Hart, of Connell. Waih.;
son of Mrs. Sarah A. Edwards. Aif
Salem;, brother of Miles H. , Ed
wards and Burtpn Edwards .of
Salem, ' will 'be" held on Friday,
March 2C, 'at :2:3-'Crb'ttt',thfc Rtg
don , mortuary.rThe- concluding
service will be held at upa rei-
lows' ceme'iey.
' there ij4' V6 iifivriV ' "
Ye 'tldUds that gof geotfslV '
: I 'pese ,-,. ,y;t ,,j., ,.,,.,,
'".Atound the setting -sun.
Answer: have ye a homo 4 for
, j- ' those s , "r
Whose earthly race is run?
The bright clouds answered
. . . ,"We depart, .
' We vanish from the sky;
Ask what is deathless in thy
' "heart,!: 1 ,w
For that which cannot die."
- Felicia' Ilemans.
W. T. Rlndon z Son
I. . i li i
' The Battery Mai
1 CU''J, Then Bm How ' Quick '
. Wa .Oat Thar. ,
531 Court' Bt,
Phone 1 3
TYeate'd by OsCeopathy? and the
latest-1 Electrical. Therapy. In
cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
System." : : '
v v jf0 Charge fcr
-, V -Ccasultation , ,
"(physician and Surgeon
" " 600 U. S. Bank Building
'''. . Salem, Oregon
415 tate Street,, n ,;.
Early Eargains G!