The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    wed5 esdAtt ii3uMNS," march iocj' -
r f i
v : Isaaad Dally 2eept Honda? i ' .
tl SoaUt CovmtttU) 6L. Salem, Oin
Hendricks -.
f rad J. Tom -
" . Mnnarlai -Editor
, LN M. Mef tana i.r
- -"City tdiur
." , Ttlemph Edit.
aUdred Banes . : - Society Editor
Ti AMMiiUd ?ri la oaelusivaly entitled to tke nae for nbneetia of all mi
Nti naaUaaed fcnrnU..
m ti r bi ecaorwise
nrt Brers, 838 Worcester BId, Portland. Or. - -Jv?Vf'
01& C- 2i8W 28-lSS W. Slat -Ski
,! Payne, fiaaroa Bids. Bsrrnnclaoa. CWU.1 Hire!
i"l"M ClrcnlwUosr
tMw. . if Ana uauii
XmtT at ae Post Of flee In Balm,
, -t .- r i.
people that "Thon hat) redeemed. -
" strength to Thy holy Jiabltitlon."'
i i I
The Statesman 0f Sunday
-versary of this newspaper the first issue of which was pub
lished March 28, 1851 : . : ;1
,r- ? - Aif attempt is being made to fin4 the oldest readers ;
rJ. And especially the on, if there is one, who has read the
paper continuously from, the first number." There are several
. 'fwho have read it for50," 60, 70 and 73 years, and thefe are
'Tfanulies r'in'wHich has "been a-visitor during all the.yeafs j
;'J its publictioiWr.Vif Vir? 'rlrV f1 I
" Tf tereis VucbHallhe or
done- rA. t.h?s heln will be annreciated. ' '
j :C The cablegrajms , tell , of the final combat in China of the
s i forces of modern progress and Christian civilization Vith thb
h!ordes pf reactionary and blind superstition 1 j
j i 4 Represented on the . one hand by Maxshal ? engr the
Qiristiai general, bnihe other by the foUowersof Chang,
:'-eTwarlord of MancHuria; former brigand, and now probably
the richest man in ali ChinaJ " , tj. I j '?' -
; " wThe it forces foDowing Chang, have 'taken Tjentsiri,' the
j great port dty?faiidaie pressing ;the.armiesunder tFeng
towards Pekih; - iUnless thel retreat of Feng's soldiers' is a
! feint, and a master stroke of strategy, as is supposed by some,
fe indications are that the-totterdelibns unte'the Man-
' Cchurianwar-lctf '' :V: . K A
;.r,.. And thuswiU end, a period that seemed looking towards
i better-things i. qr Qiina, as the Western world' ideals reprcy
y Bent better -tunw opposea io viuij.auwuBrw w4u
I -Meals, excepting as graft of tKe"rich"arid powerful and Oppres-
sion ol the weaK ana, poor jnay -uivukiil.v"." ;.
' 5 ; The next' few. days will likely- decide ". how China is to
face for atime
- Whether she will face tne
vWvit is ftTie enough that experience is the mother of wis
dgm.;; It ought always to be added, however, that thought is.
" the otetetriciaxv'thtf
i have more experience than the young. But, it isn't true that
older individuals always are wiser than younger ones. Some
personsnever learn;jtheir lessons, and others acquire them
f i pasHv: while thevfre youngs .. ;'.-:!
( .Along trmeagoiSidneySmithV witUestn
in England observed that 'Of lndiyiduais living ai ine same
i periodthe oldest hasY of course, tho greateBtexperience, but
; amonenetions, of xnen'the reverse of thiis true. :: t .r
. : .Thb'iVnomeiirsfurancw
isrini!&3xtt j. 5
And we-otoday:havded to
of many years i or manT centuries; and. therefore, as far
ere fesVHay W risld
; sons
our superiors.
i' Oon ottfc vmiTie' :irnnrnf
5'i Smith did not disoute. with our ancestors-the pa
! talentirrli cn . tMy. ma "jr Biayj not be burf superios, but
ii the' papr Jspeftenie In whichU is impossible they can be
j ancestors!necessarily were be expected to have understood
I a subject as' well as'thosp' who have seen so. much more, lived
i so much longer -and enjoyed the experience of, so many more
li centuries?
i :r Obviously, it cannot be maintained thAt our more recent
1 1 ancestors, say those five thousand years back,- wanted wis
J; dora, or that they were necessarily mistaken in their institu
. ' tions, because their means of information were"m6re limited
I than'-btirs-I1''- " i"-' 4'- -.-ti
j ' But when it becomes expedient to change anything which
our-ancestors enacted Or set Hip,r WEafe tee experiencjed per-
; ; t j r And bid things jareKOT
i belief, rney are just xne oest
t n wwa rw it-v nn -v c it iui t hi iirTinii rn f in H' k iia mtii i ii iam
Itgreis.;---;: :1.:V-;.t(;''-';' K :!(
i ! China is beginning-to rnove" forward Kause Itls quitting
Ii the centuries-bid practice :of worshipping ancestors, t ; ? r
It jib lqnger; binds ''women's feet and wears a' pigtail b.
i cause the fathers did. T--3-';31r:
I ' 1 ,It.lS;iearning tnat ine iainers aia inings ufteuiai. uvir
I j because it was wise,1 but because thljy didn't knbjw; any betifcrv
l- Two Hemes for-Ctrdinafs -
Sc!vs Rome Houting Crisis
) ROME, Cardlsitli rno for per
ftnn&l or official reasons must live
in apartments in Rania'flnkny arel
aafa from the clutches of the hous-
W. H. Henderson . - Circulation) VfMtN
Ralph H. Kletsiag Advertis n Mhicm
X. JL'Bbet t i t ; XJTWtock Edltat
moitM u
is thin paper ul alav U tecnt
7 . m:
Celesta. Varttwetta Bide.:
BMc Ln Ancelen. Oniit.
OffinnieSi v Nrfws DenerisieetJi ,
jtaiorj.ow . job utptrtBat
Orecea, m eooond-alaas attttf.
If tit t.-SUk.
Thy loTing-kudness nast led the
Thou hut guided them In Thy
Ex" 15:13. -; -
will celebrate the .75th.'annU
she please communicate with
a ,iit r.
:-';. 5-f'. : .
a e
jigbi future or thedark.past.
inxnerieneed oersoris as our
always Jthet bestrdespite popu a
our ancestors couia au-
Tope Pius, carrying out the Idea
bf his predecessor, ifias caused td
be rebuilt into small apartments
f or'the use of the Church, Is ready
for-occupancy. 'It jfsthe famous
Talasa dl San Calllsto which. ,6
aether with tSe alrrr It ' trail-
x . t , f i ; v . ,yj f i j : : .. , i.j : - , ...... ;
' i
- 1 . . : . t
Mr., 8..SteTena and j Mrs. M.
TTennlng shopped in Salem Friday.
t The body ot Chester Jlannegan
Vvas found at Barriev, Ore., Tues
day mornlns. and brought to Ger
vais for fnrial on Thursday. The
funeral was held in the city hall
and was conducted by the Ameri
can : Legion and the Elks, '' - Rev.
Achbr 1 of ; Wood burn preached a
beautiful 'sermon and music was
furnished ' Ty f . tne'f Presbyterian
churchi .'He wailid to rest in
the Mas-olr cemetery, beside hia
father and arotber. Mm Hanne
&ari died suddenly last Saturday
riiorninfr and was burled Monday
morning. ' The family.' lias :. the
heartfelt sympathy .oftheentire
ommunityt- ta r their., -double ber
lavement, 'k :' f - . 1 p ' : ; :i , "
X- Mrs. N. Bilde' .has - been auit
seriously fllh:ps;weelr7v-"li-::
- Miss Alta ;Wynn was ; in town
friday taklag subscriptions for
Ihe Statesman. "? "We .;hbpe Miss
Wynn' wfll win In the auto tson
test.: !t '-i'l;i::;'"r'.:.CJ' -' ; ; : : : '
Mrs, . Fulkerson ) ,Tisited ; the
grade and high school this week.
: Mrs.' : Harrison county health
nurse, Tislted here Friday. : ; t,
. John Mills Jr.,' wife and baby
daughter -. arrired from Albany
tbls week to rlslt Mr. Mills' par
ents. ig ' r . ..;
T. Laird and fam&y'hate mored
In t&6 NoSock ! house inr 'iVest
fSecvstfav s . j ' 'fi fff t- f ;
MtsJX!). White of Salem Is
iuJttfier parenfs tor. and, Mrs,
ed. Brpwer this. week.' -; . s- - T 5
Fronts street is being improved
by the, addition of a few loads of
The pupils of the sixth and
seventh . grades entertained the
eighth and ninth grades last Frfc
day. Just after the noon" hour.
This was done in appreciation for
the programs that the entertain
era had enjoyed ln the advanced,
Oscar Berndt was chairman of
the meeting.
The following program -was
given: Vocal solo, .Dorothy Brown
ing; recitation, Veneta Rains; De
bate, "Resolved that, the country
is. a better place- for: children to
Uve.than the city ' , The speakers
for the affirmative were Dorothy
Pearson, . Carol Dasch and Grace
Mumford. Those for the nega
Uve "were Anp abell-Jomer," J u'aa-.
Ita TJorinah rand' JAmeTPearson,
The judges : were Mrs.' Ohmart;
Mr? 01bson"aadJ MrsVsplIii. Th
decision was rwo to one in iavr
of the affirmative.- There was
then a song by three girls' and 'a
stunt called "Mctfamara'S Band;
by three boys.""" . '
Last Friday, beginning at 2 : 30
o'clock the girls ball team from
the Prlngle school played the lib
erty school girls at Liberty. The
score was 29 to In favor, of the
latter. ... r - j.'H
i : Mrs. Ed Tuck 'has been ill for
the past two weeks, and Is still
confined, to her bed. ; tlf
Mr. . Sculley has returned from
the east where he was called on
account of the serious illness .of
his father:; "I 1
Rural Sunday "schools meet at
Middle Grove March 28. '
An all day session of the Junior
and Senior" "Council Qf Religious
Education", will fee held at Middle
Grove , jhf arch 28. . Basket xllnner
wnrie seryed cafeteria istyle.'Iot
coffee .Kill be served, by the ladies
of , Mtdd Grove church. All are
luTltecl , .to bring I ltinch : and stay
for all the session Teachers of
beginners:, primary. ,and Juniors
will, rind tne junior conn cm very
helpful and instructive. TTfee. pro
gram follows: Tbeine "Bulldlng.r
Text, Tor Other, Foundation Can
No Man Lay Than That is Laid
Which Is Jesus Christ" First
Cor-, 3:11. Thought,; Construc-
tlon Not Destruction." 11:00 a.m.
Devotionals, Dr. George J2-, Lewis.
10 1 15, Lessons for next Quarter.
; gCH AEFER'g j
The TelTow' FVont-rhonV 18T
1C3 Worth Commercial ' Ctrect
: t !.- !.': i ' '; v it
j k"MessAges From Genesis,! iS;e4
ToOze. 11:00, Song Service, Prof.
L. O. Miller, leader. Middle' Grove
orchestra - accom pan ring. 1 1 : 1 S j
"Foundation of Character Dr.
Carl .Gregg Doney. 1; 50.-ObJecC
Song Building- Day , pi" Day
Keiser "schooL, BaskejtJ ipi ni?
1:00 p. m. Delegate meeting and.
business session." .1:40 sng jserf
ice.: li55'Buildin-g-up'ur Suni
day -School Dialogu iFruiUand
Sunday school. . t; 10,-"Bulldlng is.
Life," Rev. Fred C. Taylor. 2: 50'
Song and ReeiUtion 'Bunders,5"
Pratum Mehnonlte Sunday school,
primary' department. U "Re
wards of th Bullderi,".Rev. C. C.
Poling. S; 50. song. "LltU Build-,
ere' Clear Lake "Sunday school.
l- , 1 nlov PTOSTam, T
?.;Mr. Artbur., Beardsjey presid
ing.' 1(00 mDevotfonaW Mrs.
W. Hicks, , io -ito Bible sUdy,
Beginners, Miss Margaret' F&he ;'
Primary,: Mrs. ,W. &. HicksiJ Jun
Iorsr Mrs. B. L Edwards. 11 : 0 0,
Object ; Song, . "Building. ' Da J by
Day'' .. Keiser Sunday schools
X1U0; '"Legend of , the pIppr,,
Mre.A." R Barnard 11? 45,-song,
"Buiiding,". PratumM.:E.; Sunday
school. ; 11: 50, Mnsic Middle
Grove .Orchestra. Basket. t)tnner
1:00 p. m. Roll Call, Offering and
Devotional Services. ,1 iZ5',' Song
and Recitation, "Builders," Pra-
lum Mennonite Sunday , shooU
Song Hazel Green Sunday, school'
Song Service. 1 : f5,.' Smoothing
out the.1bumps, Mrs. Bp I. Put
ham.' 2U0, SelectlonT Fruiland
Sunday school. flSoio,vbs Vqtt
know Welre j uiidlrigVpbun
Sunday 'schboL. . 3 : di 0 4 Sermonet,te,
Re;Fre4 .C. Taylor, ,3, ;2 i Cir,eet
ings' from . the, District Council
president.; ;T .."' .... H.' . ,
.Reports-, for Fourth- : Quarter.
IS 2 5. ;. Pratum J. , fi.Vj Sunday
schbol,: banner for highest, aver
age atendanee. ' Also, baqneffor
largest delegation to the District
Council, as per enrollment." Three1
Sunday schools sent "no reports;"
r Officers: Charles W. 'Cad yv pres
ident; William De Vries, vice' pf es
ident; Miss Cella Armstrong, secretary-treasurer.
Hazel Green
The Community club and school
gave a splendid program Friday
evening. The violin solos by Miss
Louise Johnson and also by Mr.
Slotum were much enjoyed by all,
Maurice Dunlgan , gave. a, reading,.
"Teaching llje.a'lf t prid' frhe
scbool tChildrt sang . .ahd I iiave
soniehort1Iaysh r ' i
;iMr,naaa?Mrs.i qoojiwin, aiidi
Childrsi- of. RedBlnffl: rl..: af I
gussKspi a,uni, urs. jASjaftLQCKey
and cousins Orvitle Luckey. v
Miss HuIdaT Stripling has re
turned to her sister's,. Mrs. ..Her.
man ? Wacken's afker ' snendinar
sereral weeks wittt her. sister, '."Mrs
aimer Mincia or. Riverside Drive,.
Alvin Van Cleave1 had his hand
uan severely Dy an engine ne was
cranking, r ; '
Gale Fox and mother of Salem
attended the program Fridly ev fl
ing. ; 'K.. r-'vsf.-f .wjrt i
' Miss Ellen - Clemens rspent" the
week-end visiting friends ''at Sa-
Mr. i Lahrman ws'' pleasantly
surprised Saturday evening.- .the
occasion being his birthday. Those
enjoying, the evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Dalke. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt,
Mr, and Mrs. Schulta. Herman
Klempel and Sister, Miss Lizzie
Klempel and Tom Dalka of feaiem
and the hosts Mrs. and Mrs. Lahr
man. It was' also the, birthday of
cousin Tom H Dalke. 1 T . , ;
Mr.i and Mrs. G: G. Looney and
children, attended the county, eon
vuntion'ot'Ytellglous lnstrnctlon'at
Turner Saturday. 1 f "
Mrs. Hattie yan "Cleave and
Clifton Clemens were elected del
egates to the 1 district "CQnvfenHoh
otf CouiWir '-of ' Religious i&strue-
tion Jton b held s at Middle Grdve
Sunday, March; 28 r'-it;
The women of the missionary
society 'will meet, at "Mrs. Hattie
yanvCleavei,to sew Wednesday.
All women' of. the community Are
cordially : invited to come. ; f This
wllle ah "all day meet!ng,vplease
bring lunch. . . ;rJ,-:
- 4
i i
H. A. Wright is in Corvallla
visiting his daughter. , ' A- i
Henry Gilbert substituted for
his wife as teacher of the interme-
NEW SHOW TOdAY-.Weda-Thur.-Sat.
1 -
l - and Strong
itomance Pathos '
' Thrflls Suspense -.all
foand in The .
sGdfd. Butterfly ?, j ;
- l,'i -rlN-rr t
fgradas srhlleVl! CMndrfd ' a
lilrhan'dl'KrslFRoti rtfrrlzht and
been called there on acco unt . Of
th' death of ; Mrs.. .Wright's
mother. . '' '
43melt fishing on the Sandy is
now a diversion of several Liberty
people. ' i : . t
v. Those who will represent their
respective' grades at - the country
spelling .contest held in Salem are
r.Uei Anderson, 6Ui grade. Wal-tej-
JEaplln ?th and 1 Magdalena
Echfltidt 8th.: '
iafri ahd Mrs.' Arthur' Glaudon
.oCAmlty " were 1 TiaUbrr. the
Hoffman home Sunday. ; .
'llr; and Mrs. C .H. Rains "of.
Oregon City "visited - his r brother..
Mr. X; R.-Rains and f amny, -Tover
the wek-ehd. -
' Mrs. 'O,--' T-Tabor and daugh
ter. Audrey of rSlIterton visited
Mr. and TarsTFloydl. Brnes re-
centlr itc-'. t' -iJ
VWhile Mr'. 'HurbeH'and Mr; Kal
siy were spraying, i the machine
caught .fire. ; Much damage Was
done ' to the spraying Outfit. "
' 'c'Linn Judd, who is working ln
a lumber camp at Sllverton, spent
the week-end with1 his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. P. J. Judd.
: Little Lester Nehman was' host
to a number of his small friends
Saturday, the affair being to cele
brate his Sixth birthday
rt-A; birthday party was given In
honor of Elizabeth Eoplin's tenth
birthday Sunday,'-at the home" of
be paresis. " Ah enjoyable - time
f waS xperieiced "by all present: '
. - -i
4 I-
" " ,. -..S . '1-
Mrs. W.
Slade was able to re
turn to her home, from the, Albany
general hospital on . Sunday eve
ning. "
V A matched : ball ' game between
the ' Shedd and Tangent high
schools resulted in a score of 6 to
0 In favor of Shedd. Tangent
says they will do better next time,
Rev. Mr. Pendleton, Methodist
pastor, will spend a couple of
weeks in California, where he will
be in company with Mrs. Pendle
ton where she is undergoing hos
pital treatment. Mrs. Pendleton
Is reported to be improving.
Our high school principal, Mr
Swarm la amnrlnr in tnlra nnr
4 ball team to the O AC on Tuesdav
evening to observe and take: notes
and post themselves on the work
ing system and tactics of the OAC
team. . ,. . ; r :
. Tne evening j services or our
church have been' changed to' a
half hour later, during the spring
and summer season. i
Miss Jammie Farmer spent the
Week-end. with her mother at. the
home ranch near McMinnville.
fi,In the, absence ot the pastor,
Rev. Mr,, Pendleton, Rev. E. B.
Fox will occupy the . pulpit next
Sabbath mornine and evening. On
Easter Sunday the church has ar
ranged to supply , a program in
keeninc with the day. .
'There will, be a matched" game
between the Halsey and Tangent
ball' teams on the Halsey diamond
onvFrJday i 's.
Our high school faculty. H. J,
Swarm, and Miss. Jammie Farmer,
has announced a. party in honor
of the high school and grade stu
dents for Friday evening.
A very successful .basket social
was-held at the. Evergreen school
last ' Friday, evening.' A. fine -pro
gram was given by the school
children. Lunch ' was served to
those .who. did jwt have .baskets.
Proceeds 'wereL over, $20 which
will be .'used, to buy library books.
, jnrs., ; n.-, . f Kne,, vno.wai ,in-
jurea, yery vseyerjy ifia, iming
the tank of her washing machine,
Js getting better. . ... -. .
T . Mrs.'. Claraace Sibp and- Wrs.
Edson, Comstock were" Friday vis
itors at the Arthur Dah- home.
ri 4Tbe Willardwomen's club was
entertained last Thursday by, Mrs.
Robert Bye. . dwing to the sud
den illness of the president. Miss
Emery, no business meeting was
held. Everyone enjoyed the so
cial get together..
-Mrs. w. j. xiaoeriy ls.Ui in a
Wgr na aiAiw mas,
VHlala R4 a4 tM4 ejniiii?
Supporting Cast '
are 5 fn f PoVdand; having
Fiy't-"1 "i.c3!Srawi
1AJMNI BRA Mtt FluX farM
nniiimBHilK athtotj.
WW tttmUWi
Portland, hospital leaving been' op
erated on Saturday morning. "Her
condition is very-favorable. Her
daughter. Miss Mildred, of OAC, is
with her mother J i
; ;F.;vLi ;Akers Is planning on
leaving the farm ihe has' rented
for two years. -His- health I will
not permit . his continuing farm
ing. They ril llve in Silvertpni ? ";
Mrs. i Geo. v Tether 'i and 1 Httfe
daughter spent the ' week-end tn
Portland ith Mr. Tether. The
little: girl celebrated her fourth
birthday Sunday and wished to be
with her father.- Mr. -Yether has
leased his new- greenhouse in this
district and is employed in -Portland;
but Mrs. Tether wlU reian
here until the new man ' takes
possession June 1. ,
VestSalem, .V . ,
A short while ago as Rev.'F. L.
CannelU, pastor ...of .flur,, local
churchy , arid i;Mrs.' VCanneR and
some ether Madies-f West 'Salem
were motoring in the neighbor
hood cof. Troutdale, Multnomah
county, the car skidded and over
turned. Strange to say i no ' one
was hurU But one new . wheel
was j-equir to repair, the mis
hap. .... , j , .. ... ! :
; W. L.' Fitts, our local i poultry
and fish merchant, goes dally te
Woodland Wash., and returns
with" 75 boxes of smelt. . Also H.
A. Burns makes frequent trips to
the. same place, taking chiroprac
tic treatments 4-here. j
S. C. " Burke ; who lately pur
chased the West Side, auo.park
is. .putting up a modern A room
C. L. Frazier .is constructing .a
dwelling house -near the Ieedham
filling station on River Drive road.
A petition was lately. circulated
that our town be annexed to Sa
lem" city across the river. A large
number of signatures were secur
ed. Of course seme tire opposed.
It remains td be seen' What the
outcome will be. '' .'; 1 ' i
E. C. Price and James Reed are
each engaging in the poultry bus
iness1. I
list of Candidates t 10 s. au, March 3
Beath, Erelyn
Blaco. Vi;m "
Blackburn, -Mrs. Itaht"
Crowthar, Mi. , B. 6.,-
Feller. Miu Bernic
r'andrich, Marie . .- .
t, 013,800
1,601, 8B
Greenwood, i'rancet if.'
uarrett, Kobrt
. S.780,800
, 8,000,433
. 2,600,600
. 3,202,800
. 1.800,200
. 8,015,900
, 2,674,535
,. 1,693,200
. 2.974.SOO
. 1,400,900
Gronkr JMr. Jueo....
Hall. Mi . O. -
Hnyts, Lcian ............
Henderson. Far -, , ,
H.yre, Mn. H. -1
Hoddlestoa, Mrs. Leo
Jepsen Ialbert
JudaoB, Mildred
Lanner, Ben La a -i - ..
LoTeland, Hit, . Itorance-
Milter, Ronald
McClary, lUworth
McVey. Mn. R. B.
. 900,400
8.942, 5
Nah, Mn. Winifred Mr. OrrU(
Pembertoa,- Latira J.'j:.LiUi.ui.
Penaington, Mra. J. B. .-i
PbtUipa, Helen t . .. ... ...
1'itt. Uaptafa Allen.
Berimbal, Mrs. Mary
Roberts, Howard
8aadaraoa, Alma
Shepard, Marrin
SkopH. Mrs. Ruth
Sayder, Violet
Steiwer, Russell
Smith, Mrs. Jno. N
Bmitber. A. W.
Thompson, Msrgaret .
vt iinams, stinm ...
Wiederkehr. Mabel
Wheeler, Mrs. Belle
Woolery. Cecil
Welch. Elisabeth -
Teater, Grace
Tonnj, May
Adams, Mrs. A. G. .
Antrican, Jennie :
Asher. Rowena .-
AspinwalL, Mrs. Mae
AshbaDEh. Mr.
U 9O0v40O
r 900,200
Barnes, Lawrence .
Brant ner, Leota U.
Bowman, Kutn
Bock. Mrs. Gds O.
Braden, Mrs. Winnie
Bryant. Adda B
Beuxu. Kellier
Clyraer, Mrs. . Geo. ,
Porhouse, Marie . ,
Crane, Clement D.-.'...,
Clark. Mrs. E. Q.
Chandler, Vrs. Gar
Cochran, ' Mrs. Praak "
Chapman, Andre ,
IMBBII,- J. i. -
Dean, C. K.
Farrier.' Ida
is 1.400,200
Fee, John II., Jr..
. z,on,a9
1 8,004,409
, 1,960,900
Good. Mrs. Ada -.. -
Hicks. Mrs. W. R
Hopkins, Margnenso
Hershbenrer. lxms .
Huffman, Katie
K nan tt Milton .
Keppinjar,- Ver
KeJkf, Mrs. X
Klampe, Valnta
Klaosar, Antoiv
Klean, Francis j
Lata, - Eelyrf 1
bytla. Elfa
Minn, Mrs. C)
Miller, Mrs. 4
Marshall, The
Poindexter. "V
Potts, E. J. 1
Powell, Mn.
Rafseabln, 1!
Richard; Grt
Snoderlr. Mr j
Swan, ' Archi(
Tichanor. lm
Towasand. M.
Waft, Mra."
Weiaer. Cla
Wynn, Alta
Wheeler.' M
Yonac Mra.
to the con
V How is
asked nls
is" always re:
feed: them o
Every now -a:
lects a dozen
into town an
grocer., . v
"Where do
then?" the frlenW
. "Oh, I . buy; A
grocer' was the
sponse. "I'm so miL
to , getting J.Bem ' tha
direct from the. lien,
A f oung man.from the
entering a hotel, saw a
woman exciteaiy waring a sma
blue1 parasol at 'a little white
poodle dog. . " j ; , 'T "j 'lV K'i
' Possibly the you he man thaught
the fuzzy, white dog was attacking
the beautiful lady.: - possibly there
Proved safe by rnillions and
Headache . , . . ,
Neuralgia ' ; '.
Aaplria la the trade mark of Barw Mannfactnre of VonoaceUcaeldceter of Ssllcyllcacld
Free Voting Ballot
This ballot Is, good for, ICO Votes for the candidate" ln The
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written on it. .Do not fold.. Trim. '' '" ? 11 '"
's Name .
' Anyone Can Vote for Friends
r m
I . Going in debt for current or running expenses is bad
.; f business whether practiced in the country or intown.
- .'-..However V-sharp 'line of distinction must bejdrawn
: r between incurring- debts for current expenses anf Toi"
..... - - i0 - tiebt for- productive 1 property, t For the latter vfur
nishes the means by which the debt can be paid off. I t
, TheInitcd States ai,onal is. aj ways willing to lend
1 . . , a helping hand to legitimate enterprises. ; ,
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