The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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" Y7DDIJE$DAY MORNING. 24 1023''
Oregon Head Coach Divides
Honors With California, 1
:f uWashinbn;
. -
t -
Mythical All-Coast I basketball
.ball fire. r' 1 .'; ;f .4- v
l'lyer - PotiUoa. -PUoe.
6cbusT .WV. . .-F li.t- .Wash.
Wiggins 7;. t a, -calif.
Okerberg: ,i.C..;,... Or.
Dixon. O. ... I,.;. Calif.
..Westergren ,;;.a, . J , .... Ore.
- gene. March ,'. 2.3.. (Special.)
WilllAm' "Billy" f, Reinhart. head
coach of the University of Oregon
basketball team V which i won the
tforthwest section title and - lost
the Coast conference champion
ship to California, picked the fire
named as his mythical All-coast
quintet for 1926. j ' J : '
' j ' Reinhart was chosen by the
, sports writers of the university to
j. select the fire players, he thought
" - were the .outstanding men in the
'conference. j
" -''In picking Schuss of ; Washing
ton for a forward berth, Reinhart
' stated that' one. of the hard
est man In. the conference to keep
from scoring. He is" of the rugged
'type and able to'wlthaland a sea
n of hard playing and lots of
'jgames. ' He is a good dribbler,
'shooter and ' is aggreashre. His
jdefense and of f ease. are well bal
anced, i V; r ';!'. r V:
Higgins was giren me omer
forward position because of his
'heigh th. long shooting ability. He
Is an all-round man good both on
-defense and offense. He has been
-playing center for California all
season and was named on one all
ieoaat team at this, position. Rein
hart shifted him to forward be
cause he is an outstanding player
and had a lot to do with Califor
nia's : winning the championship.
But he and Okerberg ; were both
centers and one had to be shifted.
.Higgins is not quite the finished
jail around basketball player Oker
berg is as he is weak at dribbling.
V - -
v. Okerberg of Oregon was named
"at center in place of Hlg'gins be
Vause he is one of the best drib-'hlers-
and follow-up aihooters In
: the conference. Okie; led in In
diTldual scoring honors in .the
-northwest. He plays with less ef-
! fort than almost any other man on
Uhe coast and: is able to withstand
a hard grind In schedule.
- -! 1 Dixon of California! was given
i the ; guard berth ; because of his
..aggressiveness, speed'j and worth
fto his team. ; :i-:Zi f:y':'
.To Westergren of Oregon goes
; a place to which no candidate on
.the coast could eren run a close
second Every, coach ; or critic
. chose ' Westergren for the other
guard position on the mythical
. rite. " He is small,-but is one of
the fastest players In the confer
erice.' He" is" what Reinhart terms
rVa ball hawk." It was Swede who
. led the Oregon attack aadept up
e speed of the game. He was
: 6iis, iiidigeshoii
Oiiw a few f Pleasant Tablets,
V? Stomailx Feelk1 Fine!
So pleasant, so inexpensive so
Jqulck Id settle an upset slbmach.
fTbe 'moment r,Pape's: Dlapepsin"
'reaches the" stomach ill pain and
distress from Indigestion or .a sour,
assy stomach vanishes,
i "Mm Jons know "lU'oaaglcrT All
rirngglsU rccommehd ; this 'hafm-
ss stomach correcUTa. adr. v;
Ve ? are
. .. . .
: V -m ;flere
-; arid our s t o c lc i
larger than scver. ?
. In checking over your
:-spring: needs don't forget
'i that. we have a hfcr stock
ui new ami seconu nana
W 1 HWii
furniture, stoves' hardware, farm implements,- machiri
l ery,, belting', sacks, tents; tarps and camping equipment
at prices 'that are right. ',";" jv,
CapitiirBargairi Houss -
THK.iiousn of a Mixxioi Lun o:.::. ...n::: .
205 - 245 Center Street - Telephone 338
o Navy Ready
. Congress, is being
the size of the late Shenandoah)
machine guns' and small cannon
ships so large. Rear Admiral
pointer) showing ' members of house naval affairs committee size of
with the Shenandoah. . '
Inch In diameter a total-Cjf 200
holes and -lose tbnt 25 per cent
of her gas' vol erne; in 'five hours',
although during that tjjnejbe con
tinues to carry bui her mission.'
', 'Non-inflammable helium. fleveN
oped - by the United States as a
buoyant gas fF alrihlps Inplace
of explosive HydfogEn, would -'insure,
of course, that even Incen
diary enemy bullets would not
senL the dirigible down In flames,
says Admirabl Moffett. j
Filled . with helium, an airship
of this type could fly at 50 knots
an hour from the Pacific coast, to
the Hawaiian islands with a mili
tary load of 43 tons. It is esti
mated. At 7 0 knots she could ar?
rive in Hawaii with a military load
of 34 tons. j. ,
If necessary she could carry" six
fighting planes, , weighing j a ton
and one-half each. 5.900 nautical
miles at 50 .knots an hour and still
have a; reserve of fuel good for
another 1200 miles at the same
speed. -. " .- j
i Inflated with, hydrogen, the
same ship could, better jlII these
performances 40 to 60 per cent,
experts aver. I."
, While pleased at ' the prospects
of the navy being strengthened ic
the air, army men hope lhat the
land branches needs., will not e
overlooked Repi'esehtaliyMqrln
of Pepnsylvania, tcharm.Ahj of the
house military affairs r; committee,
has V bill calling?' qrcDtUtructlon
of 22pQ army .planes, tnthe next
flve yearsr' !' v x'Xjif".-i "y.
also one of the elite' ;ftf individual
scoring 'honors. '-' ' - 4 i "'
Followinir, tBe7'OrBgjiiiCalI
forhla two-game "sefles ' fo'r the
coast, conference, Clarence' "Nibs"
Price, chose an all-star 'team for
the 'series.' On his" team were Wat
son and, Higgins, forwards; Oker
berg, center; and. Dixon and West
ergren, guards. He .hadn't seen
Schuss .of Washington , play this
year and thus gave the forward
to Watson. J ';', '' '
Reinhart wouldn't chose a sec
ond team; because of the closeness
of the corapf tltpra. However, he
would give lonorahie mention to
Gunther , bfv Oregon forward;
Miles, -Idaho;, forward;, JJIman,
Montana, center; Raker. O. A. C,
guard; Jost Oregon, guard.- As
these were named first byhim the
writers name them as the second
five.- . . '
PORTLAND, Ore.. March. 2 3.
(By- Associated. Press.) The sen
ate - sub-committee - on j bridges
today agreed to , post pone for 'a
week further consideration of the
Jones-Johnson bill to authorize
the construction by private-Interests
of a bridge across the Column
bla river at Longview, Wash., said
a telegram from Senator MeNry,
of Oregon, to the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce.
. a . . i ; '
.. f. , i. - ia
" 1 rj-iS
: . .'I'.. .
io Build Greatest Air Battleships'
, v eicociooo'ca
""""" " - - ; ' i
the nary to appropriate for two COOO.OOO cubic-foot dirigible (thrice
which would be flying arsenals in
against the most modern fighting
.William A. Mofrett, chief of nary
Likes Pitchm as
h i WeWas'Bolen
, s ...
By Norman R. Brown'
23. ''If that boy can keep home
plate in sight, watch him go," re
marked " Jimmy : Austin to me.' as
we watched Stewart O'Neal Bolen,
young-son th paw hurler, do: his
stuff In the daily workouts of the
Browns.; . . j
.' And young Mr. Bolen does Im
press one that way. For when
ever he got the ball over the plate
:Jf- Vr y?-
jSar ,.:-:f'
CCD, coo Gqnaro Yoi?do o0
Hundreds ol dries have found
concrete streets one of the best
investments they ever made. An
cnitstanding example is Loagview,
, Three years a-o the site of Lons
? yvsw was cdj swamp and grazing
' land. Today it is: a model dty of
industries and homes. ' '
' Concrete streets played an Inipor
tant part in this developtaent.
Longview, with 8000 population, ,
riow has square yvxkc4TOi
..Crete ttreeti- ICO square yards to
; each inhabitant. 5 . l
And finer looking streets yen have
xxever seen. They, are true and event
f absolutely bttt of bumpa and tuts.' - -They
are always, safe to drive on,..
! wet or dry. And they cost practically
nothing to maintain. ., .'
These are some of the reasons why t
' more than .1000 cities laid concrcts .
streets ia 1925.
- ' AXl fti facts mrt in, :
' StTMU." A in your cop
A Notional Orrastization to
. . . -
. .
4 , -
3 -'Improve mnd Extend th U$t of Concrete Z
-si 4 ' , .' ..;'-... - . . ,
- . . ,?. t- .
t uiiuii is
if? T'NU-ri
V 'f'.iiii,-
- wCVC3
time of war, fully protected with
planes. No other country has air
bureau of aeronautics, is seen (with
proposed machines as . compared
even the veterans of the team had
a hard time, connecting with it.
A chat with Mr. Bolen later
drew out the fact, despite his mod
est nature, that he showed' his
stuff to advantage in the Western
League last year by leading the
league in strikeouts. He fanned
184 men in 291 Innings. He is
sued but 143 bases on balls. He
worked In 47 games, won 17 and
lost 13, and permitted 320 hits in
the' 291 innings he worked.
: This Bolen lad Is an Alabam
ian and got his start in the south,
breaking in with Mobile in the
Southern League three years ago.
That club let him go to Hattles
burg in the Cotton States League
and then he went -to Tulsa in the
Western circuit, where he labored
the last two years.
. He probably will go to a faster
minor league outfit this season,
however, for more training, as the
Browns,, have four other lefties
Zachary, Falk, Wingard and Gi
ard. The first named is a vet;
Wingard has already established
himself; Falk has had a year or
so of big league experience last
year, and Qiard had had bir.
league training under the Yankee
tutelage before joining the
Lays Part of Blame .for
Cnmf Wave toTtHe iblic
r FRANKFORT, , Ky.-r-The pub
lic is held by some-inmates of the
Kentucky State Reformatory to be
in a .measure "responsible for the
prevalence of crime. .
A story In the Mutual Welfare
League Courier, a magazine pub
lished by the Institution, says
that the unfriendly attitude of the
public toward convicts released on
expiration of their term is a great
factor in inducing the convict "to
follow the path of crime, or ; the
line of least resistance."
In the absence of temptation,
anybody can .be good.
ConcreU is the .
aristocrat of Pavements '
31 Ulliti
Rrst. Rounds in Non-Winner
Tournament to Be Played
vfi by, March 28 i '
The following players qualified
last Sunday over the lllahee Coun
try club golf course for the Non
Winner tournament - for the Al
Kranse cup. Don Young. R. Bone
steele, R. McLaughlin, O. L. Fish
er, L. C. Farmer, O. S. Olson,
George Hug. Tberon Hoover, C.
Steusloff, Ous Hixon. Fred Wil
iams, Carl Oabrielson. D. Sibley,
Fred aMngis. Jack Elliot and P. D.
Qulsenbury. First rounds are to
be played on or before Sunday
March 28.
PORTLAND, Ore., March 23.
( By Associated Press. ) Harry
Dillon, St. Paul heavyweight won
a technical knockout over Nig
Yeager of Portland In the main
event here tonight.
The referee stopped the fight In1
the eighth round after Dillon had
puaished' Yeager throughout the
preceding rounds.
Len Malody of Larmle, Wyo.,
won a technical knockout over
George Sollhs, Salt Lake llght-
TTTT . Td ;? ' Tl
jmave a ameu
" . ' s.. . ' . i; , .... .. ,
cThese Words
The choicest tobaccos grown are
bought for Clamel dgarettes. Mil-
libiis of doUarsare spent everjrye
to insure their uniform quaUty.
No money & spared in the mak-
6 v,""vf
carefully and aged long. The exclu
sive Camel blend of fine Turkish
and Domestic
of experts. The .paper in which
Camels are rolled is specially marie
in France to obtain the best. Nbth-
ing is too good ' or too expensive
- -
welghrfarthe hlathjroaud of the
semi-wlnd,upf . ; : i ' t. ; . ; . ' :
!,! COEUR P ALENE. Idaho, Mar.
2a.4-By AssoeUteI r Press,
George McCormlek,' Spokane, mid
dleweight bdxet won a technical
knockout over young Firpo. Burke,
in 6-round - scheduled bout here
VERNON; Cal., aMrch 23.-(By
Asoclated Press.) Eddie Huff
man former heavyweight cham
pion of the" nary, . knocked I; out
Tony Fuente, : so-called Mexican
heavyweight ichampion, in. the fifth
round of i a schedulecf 10 round
bout here tonight. '!,
SEATTLE, "March 23.--(By As
sociated Press. Jimmy Duffy of
Oakland and Ted Krache of Ho
quiam. Wash., two of the leading
welterweights .of the pacific coast
fought six rounds to a draw lu
the main event' Of a smoker here
tonight. ; 4
NEW! YORK. March 23. (AP)
The ' Portland Rosebuds and the
New York Americans are on an
equal .footing in their intersec
tional. hockey series for an ad
vertised nurse, of S20, 000, duty to
a victory by the Rosebuds, 3 to 2
here tonight. .The ; Americans
were outclassed In the game,
which was played under the western-rules.
; .', '-
Beware of the salesman who
starts in by setting dp the cigars!
A vuuaw.u u t.uicu
tobaccos is the work
it r.
- ' I
-" c It- fS?4i iC .
H. J Hcynolds Tobacco Co. laston-Salcm, N. C
I : LI ST EN I M; i;l
6:00-7:00 KOW (491,5) fortlaad. : '
6:00-J:X bHtYfV. (212) PortUnd.
: ' xusio
8:00-11:00 KQW (491.5) PortUnd.
?" Concert, :? ;. i
8:00-12:00 KFWV (S12) Portland.
XJurt, orchestra, wind jammers. -7:00-10:00
KOP (31) Portland.
8;3O-10:S0 KTBB S) Portland.
' RBW1
7:30-7:45 KGW ( PartUnd. Mar-
kets, sports, police.
-KiWanU elab frolic.
6:00 KFI (4.67), Lot Ancelet. .
niffbtly doings ; 6:30. Vest pocket pro
Krans; 6:45, radiotorial period; 7-7:80.
f rorraa. atrinr enaemble; 7:30-8. Nick
Iraru' 'detective story; 8-9. prog-rant;
9-10. Boonlar prorram: 10-11.' Owen
Fallon Calif ornians; : Jackia Lacat,
' aoloiat. i-"r ' ;
6:00 KFOS (232.4) Long Beach. 6-6:30
rBrartoa'a theatre . orsaa; 6:30-7,
amusement information; 7-. iaveator'a
hour with entertain meat; 8-9, stadio
, prorram; 910, prorram : 10-11, dance
' orcbeatra. ;
6:O0 KFWB (252) Hollywood. 6-?, dinner-
music; 8-9:30, BUI Hatch's dance
'. orehe&tra; 9:30-10, Joke contest; 10-11,
fro lie. . . - . - -' ; '
6:30 1CSX (836.9). Hollywood. 6:30-7.
orchestra; 7-8, studio prorram ; 8-9,
pi-ocram ; 9-10, prograni; 10-11, danca
music; 11-12, dance orchestra. . ' .
:?f KQW (21). Ra Jose. 6:30. V. R.
department, of africnltnre proxram
poultry; 7, California farm bureau pro-gi-am;
8-9:30. mid-week prayer serr
icea of the First Baptist church.
6:40 KPO (4128.3), San Francisco.' 6:40
7, Waldemar Lind and orchestra: 7-7 :SO,
Rudy 8iKer'a orchestra: 8-9, prorram;
9-10. orchestra; 10-11. Waldemar Lind
and orrheatra; 11-12, Henry He Is ted 's
orchestra. i
7: AC (280), Corrallis. 7:20, pi
ana solos; 7:30, short -cuts in sewinf ;
7:45-8, "Th Marie House The .Man
ager's Job," by household science de
partment. t
7:30 KAV60 (348.6), Pullman. Wash.
7:30-9, George Hunt, ban joist; Genera
Byera, whistler; jafs skit, Ifaudine
l - f
that , will make Camels a better
smoke. But not a cent is spent to
We beKeve ' that the smokers of
-Americawaiit smoking, quality
WltilOUt IrlilSo
Camels simply will not tire your
taste or leave a dgaretty after-taste,
no matter how liberally you smoke
; a CameU,, is the pdssword
to the quality cigarette, with all the
Bartaeho.fLouite. Fletcher; PaU.White
nacfc, rMier.: ' ' ' i '
8-1S JCHJ (405.21Xbh Angela. 8:IS
10:30, progrant, Mildred Ware,: contral
to; Nicholas Hearne Jr., piaaiat; Up
,, tomUt.BMlo qoartet; Yederich Mae
i hi array. 1 viola; j Carolyn loe - Fevre,
I; MonroeUk trio; 10:30-11 :o,
lon Clark a dance-orcbesCTn.
One-Fifth of Austrians
4 Living At State Expense
. VIENNA. One fifth of the
population of Austria is Urlng
altogether or In part at the ex
pense of the state, 'ere are tbe
official figures:
Government emploa: 190.000
Government pensioners . .122,000
War inralids, ..... . . C 0,0 00
Unemployed recelrlng aid 162.000
- - 624.000
; Official inquiries have resulted
In finding that on an average two
persons are . dependent on , tbe
624,000 receiving direct mala
tenance . from the government,
which ' includes city ' and commu
nal ". administrations The estim
ated total consequently is 1,672,
000, or considerably more than
one fifth of tbe population.
The taxes, which rest heavily
upon the city especially, are calcu
lated as being from' 3 5 to 46 of
Income, depending upon who does
the ciphering. Houseowners com
plain passionately of their treat
ment by the state..
Self reliance, self-control and
self respect are the main ingred
ients in the formula tor making a
man a man. - ' ;
v. V