The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 23, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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Phones 48 and 49
155 North Commercial Street
Sardines, Fancy Norwegian
Smoked, 2 bans i
Surely the Day After Day Increasing Demand for Hotel
Benson Coffee Is a Reflection 'of Its Uncommon Flavor j
Maple Leaf Salmon, Large Oval
size, a can..! . . '.
Maple Leaf Salmon, Large Flat
' size, a can ...........
Minced Sea Claras, No. 1 Tall :
size, a can . ...
Warren ton WMole Clams, No. 11. OA i
Tall size, a can. ............. OUC
Corn Beef, Large size
Macaroni, Best Semolina
3 pounds 1 1 .
... 25c
Kippered Herring' Large Oval or :
.... 15c
( 3'ior j , Vr Y
' Kippered Snacks J Y
2 cans Ui- -4
Large ;Oya't Sardines
2 cans -, ......
American Sardines In Oil
5 cans-; illi
Salmon, Pink Hose,
Large Cans ..Jl-
49 c
25 c
The Freshness of Our Vegetables is known throughout
the whole j country. They are kept fresh by pure, clean
water and displayed neatly in the fresh, open air. .
j No Extra Charge For Delivery
" " l "" Y; I ' ,
" """ i
Fair and mild gentle; to' mod
erate winds. Monday Max., 73;
min., 40; river, .1.7, falliig; rain
fall, none ; atmosphere! clear;
wind," north. . f - ! N"-- ' '
Speeding Charged-
Doy Deckeman of Cottage Grove
was arrested, early Sunday morn
Ins by officer O.jW, Edwards and
charged with, exceeding the city's
speed limit. Hej posted -J 15 cash
bail and was cited to, appear be
fore Jndge Poulsen for his hearing
"March 27 at 10ja, m, '
Dollar Sinner, served S,:4S to 8
every evening. , ,. ; J2tf
-r j T- L ' '
Ir. P. D. Voigt Who
Prtrmerly practiced In Nebraska
4feb'll a 'dental office, at 5 ft8
f Bank of Commerce Bldg.
FhnnA 80S. ,'. m22
BirycleIs Claimed- j
t Robert KeideUK 174(1 roadway
street, called at the police, station
Sunday and claimed a Crown bi
cycle that had "been 4 turned - in
there. - - . ' .
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Glese-Powers
Furniture company.
Two Lots, ?300, Terms .
' Block north of new school,
south. Trees and view. ' Come
now. Becke & Hendricks, 189 N.
High street.
Arrested on Speed Charge
C. A. Andrews of McMJnnville
was arrested -Sunday by officer G.
W. Edwards and charged with ex
ceeding the city's. speed limit. He
posted 1 5 cash bail and was cited
to appear March 24 at 3 p.m.
Special prices of $5 and lib on
hats at the Vanity Hat Shop, 387
Court. - m23
Clothing Lost-M t : ,
R. E. Merrick of Portland has
reported toi local police-. that a
black . handbag . belonging to his
("daughter,' and containing several
articles of women's clothing was
lost Sunday near Albany. The only
mark, of identification t he could
give is a University of 'Oregon
sticker on ther bag. -.-
Falls to. Stop
Mart Guald of this city was
fined' $5 by Judge Poulsen Monday
upon having been convicted of
falling to stop before entering a
through street.
Take a Look
'At the large rug, and carpet
display in, the windows of H. L..
Stiff Frniture Co. m23
Case Is Dismissed -
N. Rubenstein of Eugene was
arrested here Monday on a charge
of speeding and having no driver's
license. His case was dismissed
by Judge Poulsen. .
Extra Good Black Dirt
For sale cheap, delivered. Phone
933. Capital City Transfer Co.
Big Sale Wednesday Night
Woodry's, Summer street. m23
Charged With Intoxication
S. Owens of Portland has been
arrested by officer' James and
charged .with being intoxicated.
Date of his hearing has not been
set yet. . . . .
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Patton to Speak
At the meeting of the Unitarian
League last night E. Cooke Pat
ton spoke on "The - Conventional
Church." A general discussion folr
I H.
Too Many in Seat Charged
. Irwin H. Painter of Portland
was arrested Monday afternoon by
officer W. O. Edwards and
charged with driving j his car with
three adults in the front seat be
sides himself.' . f,,
Save On Work Clothes
Men's Boss of ' Road overalls.
$1.65. The Man's Shop. m23
Chinrilla Fur Rabbits
Six months old $5. Phone
2094-J. m24
Building Permits Issued
x Three building permits were
issued from the pt fice of the city
recorder Monday. C H. Hoppe
.took out a permit to construct a
one-story dwelling at 1995 Broad
way street at a! cost ; of $1000.
Adam Engel took out two permits,
one for a two story dwellingwith
garagev t7 4 5 Stewart afreet to
cost $8500 and one for a one story
dwelling at 1415'North Eighteenth
street at a cost of $36004
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
75c. Cash anii Carry Cleaners,
S52 Chemeketa St.
f 21tf
S4 1 oO Modern Home
Being finished, north. Furnace,
fireplace, garage; hardwood. Terms
to responsible people. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N: High.? m20tf
License . Annlied
One marriage license was taken
out In the county elerk'a office
yesterday. This was applied for
by Charles Lee McCprmick of
Wooburn. a farmer, and Elisa
beth McCormlck of Corona, Cal.
They-were marrledL. later by J. T1.
Hunt, Marion county Judge. ,
W?JS Stale d
VM-StbgS 'Llherty Streets
Und:rwocd Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Drandi
019 Court Street Phos S53
Typewriters Rented, Bold.
;s;--.:r. Repaired
Cpeclal rental rxtei to 'ktsficati
Four in Seat Charged
David Biddle of Salem was ar
rested Sunday by Officer Thoma
son and charged with driving with
four In the front seat. He Is cited
to appear this afternoon at two
o'clock, i 1 i
Dr. L. E. Hammar, Dentist
Associated with Dr. Beechler,
320 U. S. Bank Bldg. m23
Arrested on Speed Charge
J. Knox of Portland was arrest
ed Sunday by officer G. W.. Ed
wards and charged with speeding.
He posted $S. baiPahU was Cited
to appear before Judge Poulsen i
for his hearing this afternoon at
5 o'clock, v
Salts Cleaned and Fressed
$1.25. Cash and Carry Clean
ers. ? Down town1 receiving- office.
ZS2 Chemeketa St. 1 f21tf
Hamilton to Speak
W. M. Hamilton will be the
principal speaker at the luncheon
of the Rotary club to be held to
morrow noon at the Marion hotel.
Mr. Hamilton is head' of the Salem
branch of the P. E.' P.-company.
"Sleepy Time Galw
: Brunswick record. At Stifrs.
' .. I m23
" -.. Salem Leading -
Pay Gash For Fwraltaiw
Reafdenee and Btor
1010 North Bammes;
j PHONE 511 -"Established
fihtes lOir
WH1 Meet This Evenmg-i 1
A' meeting of the sons of Union
Soldiers of the Civil War will be
held at the Salem armory this
evening. A short business session
will be followed with a social
event to" which will be Invited
members of the auxiliary. ,
Blue and Gray
Work shirts,' 7 Sc. Extra values.
The Man's Shop. m23
Divorce Is Sought
William H. Chase has filed a
divorce case against Mary A.
Chase. They were married in
Iowa in April 1883. Dessertion in
NovenVber 1924 Is alleged.
Azaleas, Mexican Orange-
Rose bushes. Pearcy Bros., 178
S. Commercial street. m24
Charge One Arm Inert-
Cecil Evans, 1496 North Com
mercial street, has been arrested
by officer George W. Edwards and
charged with driving his car, using
only one arm. iiK L
Real Rargainsxm 5
Used ar.sMacDiCraald Auto
Co., Cottage and Ferry, . : m24
Visiting In Salem
Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Bulgin of
Miami, Florida, are visiting in
Salem for a few days. Rev. Mr.
Bulgin is the father of W. L. Bul-
Pfionc 727 L
and freight service to and from
all points south to Medford and
.west to Coos Bay points. ' Ex
press service at freight rate.
Depot; High 4 an Mill Streets
Phone 8t ?,
Oregon Anto Transportation Co.
Wood Wood
167 D Street ' TelephoM S318
LADD & BUSH,BanIiers
ISataMlshed 184 '
General Dr.r.Tnr.j Bxidnzz ,
. . Otncm Honrs from 10 a m. to S p. m.
ilf you are looking for s
light sedan, don't fail to see
this nice Star: -
A 1924 model, rubber OA ;
new paint, with ail the ex
tras you would care to have
on one car. You mnst 'see
this to realize what Mlae
yon can get for t-ift3.00.
ILVi U k lloii i
gin, and brother of L. G. Bulgin.
Salem realtors, ' He formerly oper
ated a large ranch south of Salem,
and, over fifteen years ago, held
revival services here nnder a large
tent located where the new YMCA
building now stands. The visitors
win; make a trip 3;to- California
after leaving Salem.
Save On Work Clothes
Men's Boss of Road overalls,
$1.65. The Man's Shop. m23
Fur Stock Is Bought
D. H. Mosher has purchased the
stock of furs from the West. Coast
Fur company, and Chester Mee
has bought the machinery tn the
plant. John Horgan, former man
ager of the West Fur Coast comr
pany, and a son-in-law of Mr. Mee,
is to open a fur shop and factory
here. Margaret Haniger has pur
chased the storeroom fixtures of
the shop.
Ladies'! t -
Special prices of $5 and $10 on
hats at the Vanity Hat Shop,' 387
Court. v - "m23
Speeder Picked Up ,
Dwight L. Patterson of CorvalUs
was arrested Sunday on a charge
of speeding and had his driver's
license suspended for thirty days
when he appeared in the justice
court Monday.
Yesterday by the Use
Of medicine, Dr. Stone removed
a large cancer from the lip of N. J.
Fasmark, Molalla, Ore. m23
Portland Man Fined
-Ray E.-Leslie of Portland was
fined $10' in the justice court Mon
day when he appeared to answer
to a charge of speeding. !
See the Big Rag
And carpet display at H. L.
Stiff Furniture Co. m23
Possession Charged
Russell Crossan, charged with
the possession intoxicating liquor,
was arraigned in the Justice court
and had his case continued! He
was released on his own. recognis
ance. Crossan was arrested ""by
officer Hickman. '
Plant a Walnut Tree 1
See us for trees of all kinds;
shrubs, perennials, roses. Pearcy
Bros., 178 S. Commercial St. m24
Overcoats Given Out
Three overcoats have been given
away free by Sundin the Tailor
as a feature of the opening of hisl
new store on the corner of Ferry
and Liberty streets. All last week
visitors wrote their names opposite
numbers, and the three lucky
numbers drew the overcoats. The
winners are Murray Wade, Reid
Rowland and John Dalton.
Gill Bros. Garden Seeds-
Lawn and flower seeds. Pearcy
Bros., 178 S. Commercial St. m24
Houses to Rent, f 20 to 40
Four vacant. Becke & Hen
dricks, 1S9 N. High street. m20tf
Tables Painted '
(Further preparing for the an
ticipated influx of tourists, work
men at the Salem auto camp have
repainted 26 camp tables. Al
though' an -early - run of tourists
was predicted, attendance so far
this month has been exceptionally
Save On Work Clothes
. I Men's Boss of. Road overalls!
$1.65. The Man's .Shop. - m2 3
Dr. F. D. Voigt Who
Formerly practiced In Nebraska
has opened a dental office at 508
Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg;
Phone 80S. ' m23
Part of Cast Chose
" The senior play for Salem high
school is to be presented the even
ing of April 23. "The Whole Town
Is Talking, by John Emerson and
Anita Loos has been chosen, as the
play to be given. - Monday morn
ing the boys for the -. east .were
, The Battery Maa "
" Ta ot th
Bast of Srric
6S1 Court St. T Fhons 1C3
ni Fruit iTree ' Pric es j
Royal Ann and Lambert
Cherries . . . . . . . 13 to ase
Mazzard Seedlings. 8c and 10c
Early ' Italian Prunes
per hundred 4-6 grade 98.00
Petite Prunes (large -.
- strain) ; 4-6 grade.. ...1 10c
Buy Immediately for the plant
ing season-will goon be. over,
! PEARCY BROS i ? ' j
178 8. Commercial . . . .
(Sales yard In rear of. Store)'
picked, the girls to be picked later,
Deryl Myers win have the role of
Henry Simmons, a manufacturer.
Other" roles are Ezra Webb as
Chested Binney, Don Taylor )as
Don Swift and Don Deckenbach
as Roger . Shields.
Save On Work Clothes ?
Men's Boss of Road overalls.
$1.65. The Man's Shop. ' m23
Fire Deartroent Called
The loeal fire department was
called upon Monday , noon to ex
tinquish a chimney fire at Stein
bock's second hand store at Front
and Center streets. Virtually no
damage , is reported. .
Dr. F. D. Voigt Who
Formerly practiced in Nebraska
has opened a dental office at 508
Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg.
Phone 805. - . . m23"
Dredge to Start ,
Although - it waa originally
planned to hare the Monticello,
government dredger towed to the
location of Its work by the North
western, river steamer making
regular runs between Portland
and Salem, it is now thought the
Woodland, river steamer, will do
the towing. The work of the
dredge is to 'Start the end of the
week. .
For Sale Cheap
44 acres near Independence,
might consider part trade. Henry
Yung. Independence, Ore. Rt. 2.
' m28
Hearing Dates Set
The public service commission
'Monday set April 2 as the date
for hearing application of the
Wauna Toll Bridge company for
permission to construct an over
head crossing over the tracks of
the Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company near Cas
cade Locks. The commission has
fixed April 6 as the date for a
public hearing in connection with
an' alleged hazardous grade cross
ing on the line of the Portland
Electric company a short distance
south of Milwaukie.
Forestry -Head Chosen for
Conference at Rome,,ltaIy,
This Spring
George W. Peavy, dean of the
school of forestry at the . Oregon
Agricultural college, will" repre
sent the Oregon (- state board .of
forestry at the International for
estry conference- to ' be held at
Rome, Italy, this springy This
was announced at a meeting of
the , state forestry board here
1 Dean Peary will sail for Rome
on April 6. He also will visit
France, Germany, Sweden' and
other Eureopean : countries to
make a study of reforestation and
taxation problems. The board ap
propriated $500 as its' share' of
the expense of the trip.
The forestry board will hold a
district meeting at Klamath Falls
April 26 for the purpose of inves
tigating beetle control operations.
' The board went on record fav
oring immediate steps to enforce
slash disposal methods in the Port
Orford sedar section of Coos
5 W-i LL
Rexall One Cent Sale
Perry's drug store, Thurs., Fri
day, Saturday, March 25, 26, 27.
Rxravation is started
Excavation has been started on
the property adjacent to the south
end of the paper mill and west
of the ' Oregon Electric trestle.
Construction work of the addition
to the paper mill .will be com
menced as soon as the excavation
is completed.
Auction Sale, Furniture '
Tools, etc. every Wed. night.
7 p. m. at F. N. Woodry's new
Phone 511. The Summer ' Street
Woodry. - m28
Car Is Stolen; "Recovered
Lambert Feskins, Jr., 1445 Qajc
street reported to local police that
"his new Ford roadstef, Oregon
license number 29-223, waa stolen
from In front of the Oregon the
ater Sunday morning. Later the
same day the car was recovered
by officer W. O. Edwards.
Blue and Gray
t Work shirts, 75c. Extra values.
The Man's Shop. m23
Arrested on Liquor Charges
Vivian Moyes of Eola and Er
nest Jachapelle of this city were
arrested early Sunday morning by
officer George W. Edwards. Moyes
is charged with speeding and
transportation of- intoxicating li
quor. Both were released later
Sunday . morning by order of
Judge Poulsen, after each had de
posited $100 bail. They are cited
to appear this afternoon at two
o'clock.' -
Be Sore and Attend . ,
The Mammoth Rug and Carpet
Sale at H. L. Stiff's Furniture Co.
Fined For Speeding
Elworth Dettmer-of t this city
was fined $5 by Judge Poulsen
Monday upon having been con
victed v of exceeding the city's
speed limit. G. M. Haywor was
levied $5 by Judge Poulsen for a
similar 'offense. .
Confesses Jobs
Walter Biggins, arrested re
cently -at Oregon City, Monday
confessed to the officers that' he
was Implicated in the robbery of
the Troutdale bank In Multnomah
county f last December and also
played a part In robbing a gen
eral mercantile store at Monitor,
Biggins said he was assisted ' In
both: robberies by Norman and
John Moore and. Emil Knorr, who
are now serving terms of 10, yean
each Jn the penitentiary, for at
tempted robbery of i the Scotts
Mills bapk on December 2 4, 1925.
Biggins will be taken to Portland
for prosecution In connection with
the robbery of the Troutdale bank.
Mrs.' Edwin Thomas Returns ,
MreJ: Edwin Thomas, -wife of
Edwin Thomas of. the advertising
department of The Statesman, re
turned to the city Monday afternoon,.-.,'
materially - improved fn
License Suspended '
Officers Monday suspended for
SO days the driver's license Issued
to DightLattersoh of, Corvallis,
who; was1 arrested here Sunday
nIght.-Xor speeding... Patterson Is
a student at Oregon Agrlcaltural
college..--'., f ..-'., . ,
: ; In Los Angeles, Leroy H. Ed
wards at -the agetjof 44 years, son
Of Mrs. Sarah II. Edwards of Sa
lem, brother.of iMUes H. Edwards
and Burton E, Edwards of Salem
and Mrs.. Frankie Hart, Conneil,
Wash. The body is t being for
warded from Los Angeles to Sa
lem. Funeral announcement will
be made later by: the Rlgdon &
Son mortuary.
Sustained and soothed
V? V an tin fait A.ln . .
"j uu.a.caus ituai, Ap
proach thy grave.
Like one who wraps the drap-
: eries of his couch
About him, and dies down to
pleasant dreams.
William Cullen Bryant
W. T. Rigdbn & Son
MOTHER :- Fletcher's
Castoria is a pleasant, harm
less Substitute for Castor Oil,
Paregoric, Teething Drops
and Soothing Syrups, espe
cially prepared ! for Infants, in arms and. Children . all acs. '
To avoid imitations, always look for tlie signature of
Proven directions on each package. . Phjskians everywhere recommend ij,
. The week-of March 22 to 27 has been designated
by the American Osteopathic Association as Normal
Spine Week. ' . ."'i - : " ' ;
The Osteopathic physicians of Salem will examine
any school child free of charge, by appointment, be-
tween the hours of 4 and 6 p. . m., on these days.A.
Dr. W. L. Mercer, Dr. J, H. Kemp Dr. John L.,,
Lynch, Dr. L. C. Marshall, and Dr. B. H. White.
TT o
mm- 1
At a iSacnfice
Royal Anne cherry trees from. .v0c to 3."c
Peach trees 20c to 25c
Apple trees, 4 foot and up. -..:.. 25c
Italian prune trees, 3 to 4 foot Cc'
- These Prices Are For Immediate Delivery ,
Office in New Salem Hotel Building, 169 South High Street
Sales Yard in Rear of Office
Phone 1718
Residence, 111F21
John J.
State St
- . . ' . ....
AT 9:30 A. M.
John X:
.State St .
AT 9:30 A. M.
Thousands Pairs of Quality Shoes Sacrificed at j
Now is your Great Opportunity to buy
Spring and Summer Footwear
for Little money i
We are going to remodel our State street front and windows very shortly; therefore
we are compleled to cut our stock to the smallest minimum to save- much' unneces
sary handling, and as good shoes, such as ROTTLE'S quality have a p p e a 1 e d to
thousands of thrifty; and satisfied buyers. You are now assured of bigger values at
unexpected' prices that will tempt youto buy not only two, but three or four pairs.
; ,BelQware.a',Pew,Comparative Prices as It Is impossible to Quote Them All
$4.00 Men's Outing Bals.
Sizes 5 Yi to .11
a pair
1 VUlg
G'r o u p of 'Children's
Shoes and low cuts. To'
close out i I QC
a pair J.. vl OD
This group ) consists of
Patent Kid and Satin in
black and tan Calf, Ox.
fords . or strap Slippers.1
To close out 01 QC
at -........reOD
One lot' of . Men's and
Boys Oxfords "OQ' Q C
and Shoes ...veO
One lot black and brownl
low heel, high Shoes ju
the thing for gardea ir
8chool .,wear. Sizes il .
a pair
Misses' and - Boys Shoes
and low cuts. To close
out ; 49 fiC
a pair l....4f"Ocf
One lot,, very fine Kid,
flexible low heel Sandals
Values to $9.75 consist
ing of black and tan Slip
pers, Pump and' Oxford
ties. To.close, " (j Q
out a pair :..vJOD '
Spuntex Chiffon Silk
Hose, all shades op " .
a pair
2 pairs for.
Men's $10.00 grade Walk
Over Vici . black Kid
Shoes. To . Cl GC
close ouf a pr. )O0
Group of C h i I d r e n f s
Shoes and low cuts. To
close out OC
a pair OJu
One lot f Men's and Boys'
Oxfords' and CO Olf
Shoes at, a pr. 0uD
' A group of ladies Slip
pers in black, patent, Kid
and Satin and tan Calf.
.Medium; and. low heels.
Wide range of styles to
close out at (o pr
a pair ,Ua
i i .
Very fine selection of
Pumps and Slippers in
new shades'and styles
patterns. To Q( OC
close but; a pr. v UOj
Men's Walk-Over Shoes
and Oxfords
a pair
Men's Walk-Over Ox
fords and OA n C
Shoes, a pair V .UD
Shoo Our Windows
-Come Early -. Bargains Galcrc
.The Home of Walk-Over and
Cantilever Fpbtwear