The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 23, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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Sermon by Rev, Fred, C . Taylor
In the First Methodist" church, on
Sunday morning. ; .? ,'A
Bible text:, "Except- aj grain ot
wheat falls , into the earth and
dies it remains a aing-lej fcrain hut
if it dies it, bfeara. rich, frUiU"
The larger and richer life comes
through the observance of the law
of suf feTtcandisacTificeH It may
appe fro'be .aj contradiction of
tera? tbwT?S that we liVe by dy
ing or pitfiV bj losing, j but. it, Is
through thisi way".that. the. harvest
' or, Zruitago comes. ; .' - j; ,' ' x-
This law operate ln thja world
of .nature. : Th4 grain, pf wheat
propogates itaelf through sacrifice
and? deapi. -- Iti is buried. i in the
earth that' it misht lose itself in
a richer, and larger harvest, , .
It he seed would, live a single
grain it must save itself, and not
die,.-but K ,it would lire- and be
glorified in a golden, harvest-and
giyer. to the world- a higher and
nobler service, then it must- sub
mil to this stem inexorable law of
self-denial and sacrifice, j -
The daffodil 'and tulip bulbs !
sacrifice . themselves- in j bringing
forth the - wonderful blossoms as
well as multiplying" themselves).
Safed the- Sage wrote- tha parable
of the silver dollars, ini the tes
selated floor' ofi I the old;' Palmer
Bouse hotels in Chicago', and told
how fn fifty years they were worn
away and lost to their owner. But
the bulbs Which are planted in the
earth - to die, bring forth a i rich
harrest and, live again injthe larger-way.
" ";; 'Y "j'.v"'V: . j
This law of sacrifice found its
highest expression In the .life ,,o
Jesus Christ.' ' lie gay a a shining
example of' sacrifice for. others.
In toil and service and death, he
gaye himself. $!oaJ other toight be
enilched and ennbfiled;j '
. he words of ; scorn and unbelief-
addressed td him byi his ene
mies when he hung upon khe cross
"tie. saved others, himself He can
not save'' were expresslte of the
law that operated in. his life. ,' He
could not save himself and at the
same time save thera. I r
TOben Peter said: to him "Pity
...- t
Serious iUness and com
plications often, follow, an
ordinary- Cold. Chock it;
Use. tha old RfiliahTty Safe
and Proven RemedyiLax
ative BEOMO QUlKlNE."
fTha Erst and.Orfginal Cold
5nd Grip Tablet. Prbven
Safe for more than a! Quar
ter of a Cenftxry.. A ,
7 s
; -li "IS . 'P -X -
Price 30c s
Rubbing Alcohol
is In daily -use by hospitals
for : relieving : patients in
cases of il bruises, achea
lameness, s o r e muscles,
stiff joints, etc. i;
, PJht BotOa gg
I perry Drug Storei
15 Eontli Commercial Etrect
'TO' "'" '!'-
i It : kN?
'ffi. .r'
h . . : S-i
r "
thyself this shall not be unto thee
the Master'. rcpUed ,"GeV th be
hind me, SaXanfbr ihoo.'savour
est not the things thai be God,
The. thought of self found no place
In his life.' ' , V; f
When the woman was healed by
the touch of the hem of his. seam
less robe. He said ''Virtue, hath
gone- out of, me.f, V Vitality, and
strength, wera given In his, misis
try. to othera, . And: his. sacrifice
on the cross was the climax of his
whole "life j of serviced and, suffer,-:
JjogV; He gave himseltj. for. thfl re
demption ot "the-w6rld. ' " ' '
, The law of the larger: life fit the
Christian religion, is. tha trot sn&
fering and sacrifice- In service to
others. All human progress, and
effective ' service , eomeaT in this
way. When tie. self -We' dies. Is a
devotion to soieVUlldealo?
vision there Willi be a goldett ha
feat-of noble deeds.. 4 .
Only when mankind, losea itself
in-sacrifice for others doe nobiit
ity live and become glorified.
Henry Ford says "The success of
acquisition, la dead. coaL but' the
success by . contribution ia - living
fire." Like the grain of) wheat: we
must be .willing, to give, ourselves
if we would bear l ricjt harvest.
When we die to self and. sin we 1
live in a new:Iif a of righteousness.
Paul expressed it in the words "I
live, yet not I but Christ liveth in
me." -';. -s ; . ;r
Martin Luther, expressed it "If
someone should- knocfc at my
heart's door and. ask . who . lives.
there? I must, not say, 'Martin
Luther lives.' bere.; ' for Martin
Luther Is dead' Jesus Christ lives
here." The t glory of, ; PhlUlps
Brooks was" that, hqgave5 himself.
for others. ' Countlessotbers, likej
Francis WiUard, Russell ConwelL
jInoI jaJdam t,; fan f ojlaw
this law of the larger life, and in.
the xacrifiee of themselves have
been r glorified in the richer har-
vest. And at last in the death of
the body, if we are faithful, and
true. 'to ouf God we will 11t& in
the ' glorified, life of Immortality'.
Sermon . byi Dr. . Norman K,'
Tally, First Presbyterian church.
n Paul: makes frequent use of the
military, figure, ana. in tnls pas
sage brings it to its full develops
ment. The Roman legionary sug
gests to Paul s imagination th
Christian'a.,7armaur p t libl."
' All life -is": a warfare: t the b4i
liever wages a Christian warfare
against all the powers" of evfl
There are- alternating periods Of
Li quiet- and-, attack:. - There are evil
days wnen our moral and spiritual
attainments ara assaulted.
I These assaults arise, 'from our
portion" in, the wotld. onr. ignor
ance and Inexperience, and, the
called our passions, appetitiea. and
desires. Assaults are sudden by
nataveC ; They' spring. Out of. Che
vlssitudes of life, as w,e. alternate
between the joys of- prosperity
and , the midrWlnter. of our ad
versities. Like the closing of an
ambush,, the springing, ot a lion.
or. the coming of. a. thief in the
nighty evil assails as.
Ajmout is useful in proportion
as it is worn and'exerclsed before
the 'attack. Thre ia no time to
put it on in th' emergency. ,-We
j)ut on the armour or God oy prev
ious knowledge of God's truth and
prviou8 practice ot the Christian
rirtaes. - ; '-
Onr armour ' consists of the
gjrdle of truth, the breastplate of
righteousness, the, helmet oL sal
vation, the shoes of peace the
shield of faith, and the sword of
the Spirit which is the , word of
God. That is to say, our armour
is made out, of certain habits and
dispositions of mind and heart in
duced bjr much the
Divine..; , Jt K 5
; We sat .the. armour, on. bs seek-
the "secret places of the Most
High", in prayer, and-feeding; on
his word, we put the armour on
y cultivating an- attitude 'of de
pendence and receptivityHtowarda
God. We fight not in our own
strength, but in. God's, as . David
did when - .ho . triumphed over
Goliath.-'! ;v7.C4.. .
: .Every- guccessful fesistenCQ: In
creases our i firmness of tooting,
builds up our confidence, adds to
our strength,-, and ' makes future
victory more probable. - Therefore,
let us do all to arm ourselves with
God's armour, and then let ntJ
defy the "world.
sermon sre&Aad at Pint
CongregaUonal Church by CharIeF?d heal eruptions such as ash, pim--
E. Ward. : . -; -;
Be ye perfect . aaj roar Heaven
ly Father Is perfect," f
The success of. the Christian, re-ligion-
has- been largely-due- tor its
impossible moral standards. (By
life and teaching Jesus set ethical
goats that seemed utterly beyond
th reach of nun. ' Pt-rhsns nnna
of his words sonnfled moxe, fthaorX
Free otmg Ballot ;
This ballot is good for 100 votes for the candidata in Tho
Oregon Statesman . Subscription - Campaign whose.': name' Is.
written on It, Do not fold. Trim.
Narrfo :- -:
'Address . . . ,
; .VOID AFTER BlAllCn 27TII, 192G
than those; of tur, text. Tet the
quest, oftbe soul, to attain: that
moraL perfection. 'f.
'Other religions have-not set Ton
possible ' standards for their r" ad
herents. The. ? ancient" Hebrew
code wis (jultevattainable.! It did
not 'require super-human self-control-
to demand only "an eyet for
an eye and a tooth .for a tooth
Neither ws it mpossibl to "love
enemy."- The- moral standards of
Mohammed and Confuciusi '' and
Buddha ' are quite possible. I f But
centuries ' of Confucianism! left
Chinese womanhood with bound
feet; ; Hinduism left Indian ; with
wife-bjaylng- and infant marriage
bargains';' ' while . Mohammedan
eihics left mangled. Armenia i; '
It is the "UnpossibleJ' i In the
ethics of Christ that has made, his
moral coda the ideal of every race
and agevV Ha . he. Set' standards
that Peter and John.' Martha : and
Laxaras-co4Ud-hive fully kltalned
such a standard would not satisfy
asUAnd any ethical goal we might
attain would- not- sufficiently inr
spjre the generations yet to . be.
God has planted, within us the
questing' spirit and. endowed us
with almost endless capacity, to
grow intellectually and.- spiritual
ly. A Tennyson said "men, may
rise to higher things, on their dead
selves as stepping stones." Jesus
points humanity, , to, ttfie moral in-
finite-: "Ye shall be. perfect.", Man
cannot aspire to. anything, higher
than that. .,ThereIa no limitation
to the moral coda; ot C hrist. .
Ontf civilisation owes ' its ataln-'
ment to man's effort to-Piach this
fmpossible" gotft tSf Chrtsf, -'
Take Jesus' ft doctrine"' of the
strong upUf t.Ing th'e" weak,; ' The'
sick, brQken.,anct unfortunate in
Jesus , day j were, ief;t jta:f(l)lftior.
themselves. . The, . German- pbilos
opher,; liet2sche prpno..nncel this
doctrine., of. Jesus-j immoral ,.and
said it would cause; the race, to de
generate, - But na. fathex nor
mother sacrificing for their of f
spring degeneratea thereby. The
building of hospitals and orphan
homes doesn't , weaken the.' race
: The doctrine of- personal purity
which Jesus taught sounded , impossible.-
Indeed ' too -many peo
ple today- fall short . of the goaL
Yet every honest Christian strives
to. 6a "pure, in heart", that he may
"see God:!; jd. the.; wholo race
has beeh ennoblea by its effort to
come .up to ! Jesus, ideal "in' this
regard, . .... - .-
Jesus seemed to setvan lmtioa-
sible standard in the. mattdrrof
vengeance i '"Lov ydI enemiei,
pray "f oft those wh6 despitef-ally
use you." Yet increasing -multi-'
tudes'.aie rising, toward, his goat
How Impossible, seemed , the
ideal of human brotherhood f , The
very. idea of . a Jew being brotherly
with a Roman o a Samaritan was
absurd: And- we have not yet
attained this Ideal Our vocabtt
lary indicates nnbrotherly spirit?
rnlgger," "Hun, Hankie
"Chink." "Jap." are words gen
erally used with, bumptious pride
or, contempt. Our Christian love
for those jot another race is a long
distance affection.; WI1J. our Fath
er's; ho uke of many abiding places
intrlude some tenemahl' dwellings
with;litle sunshine and fresh air
where these 'foreigners' may feel
at home in.Heaven?rj i
Yet great strides hare been.
made in brotherly, love, since
Jesus' day. Human slavery tins
giTen;Vayfbefbre it;' political op-,
pressionand. poverty arsi on,? the
r.wjns7':t -
. tvjeaait. do perxect aa your,
Ileavenly Father is perfect." Thei
gpal.'ia. tdri away. bat. the spirits
goes "on ih" quest, with Jesus as
guide, '
' 'i
America has
Huisooro survey starts on
CoreJuf market road. r:..';
face, 4eck; and Arms, Caall
Mado. Smooth, 8j,
' Specialist'
Any bVcaldnar out of tbe--sk!rL even
fiery; itching eczema, can be quickly
cri, rr ' "l1 .T -T
lmfmm wt aft. m n.
properties, this, sulphur preparation
f oegros at once to-sootne irritated skin
jjics auKi nog wuna. .
It -seldom fails to remove' the tor
meot and disfigtiretrlsnt. and you do
not have to wait for: relief from em
barrassment. , Improvement quickly
ebowsr -; SutTcrers f rota" skin' trouble
should obtain a small jar of Rowlcs-Mentho-Sulphur
from any good drug--gut.
and. use it like cold
For Frt SmmpU Umd Tkit AdvtrtUtmtut f
wr11 cvuj. rrvusMALiAU Inc.
Mau9 Ave. , bk Vwiw NTV,
Union OiIsService;Statlon to
1 e Moved Withih Imrrm-V;!
f. ', v-
Work";Ot i removing Oik TUnion
Oil eompanii's service station fr4m
the 'southeast comer of State and
High streets wilt be started either
the last at this week- or the first
of net : week, according' to Frank
?ligh ownej of .the (corner,
I Vacating, of the corner is made
necessary because 'of the $250,000
theater, store and. office building
project Bilgh has for the quarter
bloeav" iacluding the-' corner. ". Al
ready - excavation on ' the quarter
bloe,k to the. rear 'ofi the service
station haA. progressed Vapidly.; f T
-' The service, station will, move
one block south, to the Bllgh. prop
erty on the 'southeast corner . of
High., and Ferry , streets. " Work ot
tearing down the old buildings. 04'
this, property, is to, be started this
An old frame building, on the
corner bouses the Newcomb Tire
shppa transfer company. Middle
j Grove Nursery, and a small - res
taurant. These have already -been
given notice to vacate. - It is. un
derstood the old house next , to
the corner, will also be torn down
'ALBANY, N. Y., March 2 2.--
(Ify Associated Press l--Ah 'fTbrt
to restore to. the - tetate statute
books a state ijroni Mtipn ' e'nf brce
met. act was defeated 'in- the : sen
ate tonight by a vote ot. 27 to 24.
Five' republicans Joined th-fuU
democratic membership iif oppos
ing the enforcement neasurai
know.n as the. 7alea bilt,'4 ";
6:00-7:00 KGVV (491J) Portlandi
6:00-7:90 KJfWV (8ia PortlanA?!'!
. MT7SIO -v C
19:V12:0 KOW (491.5) Portland, :
8500-12:00 Kl'WV (218) Portland.
9;I5-10:45 KFJft (23) ; .. iPorUaa.'
S2.W& ;. : " -
730-8:45 KOW ,(491.5). PorUaL
Weather, , ilaxket." Spwrt. '
8tQO-lQ:00-r--KGW..i4ai.o) Portland. Pi-
:aneiai, book review. Auction- bridge.
7:0tk3:00 KIWV (212J Portland.
jjaBsenjenfc guide, Idy'o flour.'
T:30-8:15-rSrPJR , (2CB)
Scout Story.
PorttaBdl Bqj
:00 KPI 47), w Wfer. V, night
,1 doings; 6:30, -st pocket program;
6:45, Ksdiotorial period; 7-a, dance
music; &-, 8ren Artists' instmriiNi-
: , ,tak i ouartet.- VirciniaJ Plahrt.- aola1att.
9-10, Louise KVog trii, harp, cello and
Tiolinf ' lOr 11,: ballad hour of'popaiai!
8:00 KMTR (288, HoUyirood, 6-7,
: studio program: 8-10, KMTR concert
.orchestra.. . -i
StOO KH)S (22), Lou Beach. -6:30.
' rsraa: . :30T imnunuit
3 7-8, .Studio, program; 8-9, studio
ijjjg' Lon Bejica Aero
club 0.;4--KWB .252J, Hollywood. 6,7. in
' :ar csusic;' 8-9, Patrick-Marsh dance
r v-reiietra; 9-10, program, DaT W-ard
, ajid bis banio: 10.11. frolic.
6:30 KNX (336). Hollywood. 6:30-77
jorcncfctra, 7-7T43, program; 'S-9; pro
Kam, " ivuigroTo-'s Junior Symphony;
i Tom Mitchell baritone; 9-10, proeram,
ocbe4ta; . J. Howard- Johnton, tpnor ;
irroTie night, danea prumesra.
8:40 KPO (428.3). Saa Francisco: 6:40
- i 1; Wldamar- Lind. and orchestra: 7'
7:30, Jludy-r Seiger'ov orchestra 8-9.
Wdio program; 9-10, trio aBd, Gypsy
J ad- Marta rlose harmony team ;- iO-11,
. i orchestra, 11-12, . Henry Holstedi or-
ehestra.' .
7-.30 KPXP - (250),V Colorado Springs.
. f vnuora lirowa, -; j?re Wler;
.Alien Matnies, . Kenneth Brown, qnar-
tet ;Mafy.j. Smith, t soprano; Daisy Ann
t Thompson eoatroltor Bennie 'Wreath;
. Tipanist; ranee Curtis, pianut.
: R- SPE(CK, Distributor; galexn, Oregon-
At small. 3 hen-pecked. worried
lookinK man was ahout to. take an
eiamltfaiion for life insurance.
Yoa. don't dissiDate. do von?"
1 1 evpa i
iready for tests., "Not a fast liver,
or anything of that sort?"
1 The' lftie' man hesitated 'a mo
ment," looked a bit frightened,
theri-replied, 'In a small, 'piping
voice;"; 7t sometimes ch'ew a little
: A . confirmed . hypochondriac,
meeting hispersonal.yhysUian on
the street, said to, him : "Doctor, I
have; just . come, from a. popalar
mediearr lecture and I am much
afraid 'that I have kidney trouble."
' "But, my dear fellow, said? the
doctor, smiling, "the. curious
thing a boat thaf disease -is-, that
the victim does not experience the
least pain or discomfort.'
; "I knew it!"- gasped" the hy
pochondriac. ' "My symptoms - ex
actly.". ' ' -
wice. as the., horse-bus slowly
wended Its .way up
the door at. the rear opened and
slammed. . At first those Inside
paid little heed, but the third time
they demanded to-, know why they
should- bo , disturbed In this f ashf
iOn. . .
"Whistt" cautioned the, driver.
"Don't spake so loud. He'll over
hear us."
, "The hossv Spake. low. . Shure
Oo'm desavnijhe crayture. Every
toime he t'ara-111 'doorj. close- he
thinks wane ye2 ts gettfn,"down
ter walk up th hill, an' that sort
o' raises 'isp,errits." -
in i ' "' ii . 'i if .. "
Amotion of athieh hncol
lectlbii, reompilatlond lssemt-.
natfoH oV tijnblylntoVaa&oi-a'p-gardlng
tidnar derejisar the
purposes- NpetMgtt4',
aEsclatp)n ' Qf.e'jcijn which filed
articles, th 'state corporation
ieiaiykt(hea.Ionday. - ,-.;
incorforatdrs are Eugene
?Ioshbergf r of WoodburnHafry
Brurebaugh, ' Fred ! J,. Mahnke,
y irajjffejch and'; Ffed; m.
JJrs Trunk's ftsrtion be
cause, it is a shame-tflfuffe'r with
rheumatism! "v.-"-- '
This Prescription does-'iiot ruin
he stomach, it doesimt depress
the heart, neither' does'it require
dieting 'to make it effective.
Trunk's Prescription does not con
tain any mercury or narcotics,' but
it combines those certain medical
elements necessary-in the success
ful treatment or rheumatics- ana
gout, according to well Informed,
pre'sent-day medical opinion, TJrlc
acid solvent and excellent" lirer
medicine. -
: (Irnnk'Precrrption seTls -for ?1.75 at
Perry's Drue. Store,. Hi So.' Commercial
St. Adr.
V jCarsT wont chatter,
witiii Para4rd iti the
crank icase- IVs-.t&e'
r-.? ,-1
rTHe 'Armory,;
Tuesday" i Night
' Tbfc- World's Greatest'
,s i y: ' Mysteryj. Show ';
Ab a-Ney. .?;
- Tha' Arabian. Seei
5 iTSf , In a gigantic exhil
? It tion. ot the;ocoult.
In a rlantic exhibi-.
.A zZAY 1 Sir Oliver Lodge's
.Great' Cabinet Seance
Cdaan s Doyle's Spirit'
" - Pictures
Ask hint any question
Jlo'can tell you. " " -
'tl No children under .18
1 years admitted without
x .g?U.- MM. . 1
l I
West, ail of. Portland. - Thft-imnt-
-. .Articles of incorporation r also
were filed - here Monday by the
Fertiand - Retail -s Merchants assr
clationrXncorporators are Charles
I' Berc. Lpa ffrhletn r VTurnlHI
- tuucj, j. raaiuis sou ai"
pert Green. The purpose of the
association is to bring about an
economical distribution system
and 'remedy existing trade abuses.
Other articles filed were:
Ochpco Hotel; company, Port-
. iJil 'ilj-.lilijl.r
'n. ',' - n , it, . aa r
4 - i-i f'Jt; - ' ' V ("! lV
.. . .) . .. u ......
hit ' v- , -. . ; ' IT'.?'
r mw
" A four ; cprncrcd'
lore triangle a
screen story of
remarkable heart
. appeal filled
with real drama,
humor and path
os a circus
. of entertainment
with a sideshow
of thrills.
A Super Picture
' Superior Merit
.... I!
' - ' - - -1 . . ,
' j " PiV r"
jTHE WJOE AND ' " NX 1 '
' OpalinYoiir 'WPI l IS ? -'ld
,.;.!. mss??;
1 ii BagBMBaegaasiaaCii r1 I 'll ' "" "' 'iq n MmnmMWmrmrmrr-rmmHwm m i iiiiiimiwi iiii wiiiiiiiOTi ..saarsi,-:....:... . E 1"1 1 I
Bemonstralioh- . .. i
Call in and sample the delicious,, cookies
fAlofsee the tfeatitiful Opal Ranges in. the nevy finisK-:Sanclst6fiqi,-?alsO"Khibe:aridvrayt.
Pbreclain"; The new smooth 'frexich tea is
v.t t -t-.1 -r .il.'"'-1 ''-"rr:i!r!"'-':"?'j" ' ii- : Kr;rL.' r-f n ' ' ' n v.
tne aeiignu or. eyeiy.nousewueusmg.uie iNewMpai' rvange, 1
improved 'rustproofoven is another new feature of. the Opal
Fang; Ijjlt js ther mojt reasonably priced .range t on -the " mar!:c
and :'atx the. same; tiihevKwe; think, ; the'mbst satisfactory; whc. it
cornea to use. ,, " .
, - " iEvery3VormuvLoves, Her. Opal
Comein now. YoU'rnightasw of-thc "
range at once,: Trade in, your old range on a new one. "
land, $50;00t: r John-1 Karnopp,
George TFjKirnoppa'hd "M.', M.
R a 1 p h ; Schneelock company,
-fortland;'capital- stock - increased
trow: 115Q.00 o"; to $4 o 4
& LaGxande Building; & Loan as
sociation, LaGrande; capital stock
ittcreaaed from $500,000 to ?2,-
Cnlp - Creek Anderson-Mlddle-ton
; logging camp at Rujada,
opened.. c , , -'
- NEW TODAY - I ; jjt
V l 'i.
From the Story by '
Comedy - PROF. BURRASTON - News
i bt rv a, ?' I
S W SaBaw
Continues throughout the iveeh
OKEGOX ."Simon the Jester,
by-William J." Locke -yrlth Xfi'sc;;
O'Brien' and tLIilian ;Richx
HEUjIG University of; Orcgoa
Glee Club, '8:20, . v , s. i .
BLIG1I Vaughn Orchestri and
Josie Sedgwick in "Daring Days."
I and
EVENING. S5 '- 50c
and ether tilings
free merciia:;;;:; .
During ; 1 'b demons Irat ia r '
we will give any $ 1 ' ; rf I : T
. in. tha store or credit of C1
on any thing you may s ". :
with reah! ran ga" t..'.i.'
Mal9 a snail C f - " d 7
the ' .desonstr-'. i .
will .toll yo-r :
- wanted."-