The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 23, 1926, Page 1, Image 1

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1 5"
; ?piice five cz:rrs
SaroueTi. Hughes Joins in
ilimpaigifitf Repriesent . :
v .' Marion County
' Folk County ' District I Attorney
Seeks Term; fierce to File
'Candidacy Ipy Saturday -:"
a'! Report f -
Interest in Jocal politics in
creased! Monday; when Samuel A.
Hughes, ot t5 9 Chemeketa street
filed with the secretary of state
his declaration o candidacy for the
republican nomination .for the of
fice of representative in J the? legis
lative assembly1 of Marion county.
; Mr. Hughes slogan is -S : t '.1
Will; -work tor.f conservation
andv development "o. the natural
resources of Oregon" ! '
; aWitlt ? the '. entrance ofiMr.
Hughes a spirited race Uor legis
lative honors Is seen In that". six
Marion countyTnenhave now- de
clared themselves 'candidates: for
,the four office to be filled at the
no". - .; .; rr J ;
Others who have already de-
. clared -themselves willing ' to. ac
cept the honor are A. N. Moores,
Mark A. 5 Paulson of Sihrerton,
P. W. Settlemler ot Woedburh.
Mark D. McCallister and Hi H.
Vandevorti 41 - - w ; ?
t Another development of' the
day came with, the statement that
.Governor -Pierce would - file -his
declaration fori the democratic
nomination for the office of gov
ernor next Saturday; He said hi
probablywould filel by-paying---a
fee f 100 and! not by petition
.The, governor's i platform which
b,as been 'partly completed, wlll
feature restoration -txf a - state "in
come tax and other so-called in
.dlrect tax levies!
i William Hareombe; j of Dallas,
democrat,' would' serve the people
tcf Polk county as district attorney ".
-f-r another,-5 terml Jfe: fair ihd
; i Tpartlal Administration, Is the :
f &:ogandopted jby? Mr,;Harcombe.
s He la now serving as district at
torneyfor Polk 'county by appoint-
ineht" 'ZT p-: -'
"-Two candidates forejudges of
the circuit court" for the 14th Ju
dicial district, 'comprising Lake
' county filed declarations ; in the
state department. ; t
.V- T. S. McKinney, republican can
didate, requests that the following
slogan be printed after, his name
on the ballot,: I -h, i '
"Impartial administration of
the law.";,- ;4ti r. ;7
, Orlando &f. Corkins. democrat,
lias adopted the! slogan :v - .1,
, "Prompt attention toi business.
Full time to the duties of the
office." i .
' Edward B, Ashurat of Klamath
Talis, democrat, Nha filed for the
office of district attorney of Klam
ath county j; ; t
EUGENE, Ore., March 22.
With the relative humidity of the
atmosphere down to 28 per cent
and the temperature -75 degrees
here today, forest f ite danger is
seen, according to Nelson P. Ma
Duff, "supervisojir of ,the Cascade
national forest. Thirtr per cent
humidity Is' the danger point for
fires said the supervisor. This
.point was reached yesterday n v
BEND, Ore Marcli 2 By
Associated Press), i-i- Danger of
forest fire on the flat countrr of
the Deschutes 'national forest will
develop shortly unless' there is
rain within a short time, forestry
officials said today following re
ports from theL ranger stations.
Two years ago -a forest fire 4id
serious damage, -during April on
the forest adjacent kto the high
; desert country. V ; . il l '"
Only Once
t r-
5, i-
' Can you celebrate a Diamond
Jubilee! I AA:':: ,:
How does At feel t
V TJie Oregon Statesman" wih
tJron know on Sunday, March
28, when it shall, have "com
pleted ita first 75 'years', serv
; ice as a Newspaper, j, ,
' Many 9l residents, and bus
iness men" wilt' find their biog
raphies la; this edition. Lack
of time, only, prevents invita
tions being extended persoinal
ly. Editors will appreciate factSt
volunteered concerning the life,
.or activiUes; or business and
professional men bf Salem
; ' . . ; ' - j
, PASSED BY 920,000,000
Too Many- Appropriation Bills
; Cause ' Treasury Deficit; "
- - Warning Sounded .
WASHINGTON, - Marcli 22.
(By Associated : ! Press. J - The
treasurr anounced today that Income-
tax returns for March; the
first tb be collected under the new
revenue" law,' probably ; would ex
ceed by 120,000,000 the original
estimate of Secretary Mellon.' '
Coincident, with this announce
ment," Representative; Tilson ' of
Connecticut, the- republican 4 floor
leader, 'warned the' bouse of. a
treasury deficit for the fiscal year
beginning! July because of too
misappropriation bills.j ! V
The 'tax J collections for March,
which included only those f,or the
first quarter of thertaxyear from
individuals , and ' Corporations
totaled :80,0d0,000 at the close
of business1 Saturday, but off icials
expect them to reach $420,000,000
or about $21,000,000: less than
was collected for the same quarter
a syear ago, when the - tax rates
were higher. .. l'"' .
r-Secretary Mellon Interpreted
the Increase over 'the estimate as
due' to stimulation of "business In
anticipation " of nvtabc reduction.
WithMthe J reduction1 ln sight sev
eral months ago, he sad, business
generally '- had made ' investments
inra -direction which would prove
helpful in revenue collections.
- - On the. face of the March re
turns, the treasury estimates the
total income tax collections for the
fiscal' year" ending 'June , 3 0 will
amount "to tv$ir71.00d,00T
against $1,760,000 a year ago a
$1,80,000,000 which it has been
estimated i would have' been col
lected this 'year under the old
rates: 'These figures do mot in
clude collections of .miscellaneous
taxes, many -r of which' were re
pealed by 'the new law." '- '
. Mr. Tilson' in urging! that the
brakes be applied to appropria
tions for the first fiscal year 1927,'
declared congress is in the un
happy position of a man who has
k:at'c&ecabdo'''-thot any
money in the hank. The new rev
enue law and , appropriations lat
ready ; made he said," no w give ah
estimated aeiicit of nearly $30,-
000,000 next year. The govern-
meht's bank,' account for 1 9 27h"e
estimated -in-this way: j
Receipts for 192743,824,-
530,000. j "' ... !
New tax reductions $319,000,-
000. . .
Txpendltures $3,494,222,000.
-This would . leave a - balance of:
$11,307,000, he added, .against
which congress already has drawn
checks for an overdraft of nearly
$30,000,000, ' 1 i 1 ? r
NEW YORK, Marchj 22. (By
Associated Press.) Mrs. Doris
Merger Kresge's suit against her
husband, Sebastian S Kresge, for
2500 shares of his chain store
stock was called in, supreme court
today ana ter attorney answerea
"settled."! Mr. Kresge's 'counsel
nodded, t
Neither' the word nor the nod
cast any new light on the terms of
settlemenU Values'frora $1000,
0U0 to $2,000,000 have been put
on the stock Involved which Mrs
Kresge said her husband promis
ed her under apre-nu pi tal con
tract. She alleged thathe are
her only a small part of the stipn-
lated amount ; and la lien of the
rest presented her with a cloth cat
from one of his own. 10 cent stores.
Version of '.he agreement i?sued
iir. Kresge's signature tneutioted
fio money but said: 'A!r 3. Kresge's
rleht .in certain shares ,of S. S-
Kresge's sf-orts has been confirm
ed, thereby making Mrs.resse
independent for -the re3t of her
Lfe. . i'- ' :
Salem Public Schools
-PEESjarcnro ; .. . .
' " . ' Eestie Sparks
Lestle 1 Sparks, instructor for
physical education Kf or ooys at
Salem high schoolv Five .and one
half vears in Salem school System,
Seven and one-half years, teaching
experience. Graduate of Willam
ottA nnlversitv. Soeclal work and
summer school at University" Ot
California, i Also coaches fresh
man basketball and varsity track
at Willamette runlverslty. Had
charce' cf - bors V at-" Salem ' play
ground for last two summers Con-
sidered one of the best playground
Btlil EOOffiR
Pennsylvania ; City ;Thrown
Into Panic as Water En-,
- ' f . -
ISO -Families Alreadr Driven from
i-W? :r'.i " wi-- :
nomes; in uvuieis.
. Troops Are, Patrolling l
Streets ,. ' '
OIL CITY, Penn.. March: 22-
(By Associated Press.) The flood
waters . o. f the Allegheny - river.
which this afternoon Inundated
Oil City's business district, drove
150. families :i from their homee.
and caused damage , estimated
from two and a, half , million to
five "millions of dollars; started re
ceding late;tonight and Conditions
were returning rapidly to the sta
tus that : existed before tofays
rapid . rise..: - ;i f -
; The drop was accounted for in
part whenr an" ice t floe;went? out
in Tlonesta creek; 20 miles north
of here..ii-;,:: ."' .-s--
Residents driven ' from ' their
homes by the rapidly rising, water
Were, being cared far by friends,
the Salvation $ Army - and the " Red
Cross.- - The 4 flood" area ; tonight
covered an area 10" blocks long
and four blocks wide, i taking In
the heart of the business section.
The "water was f roim "three'to five
feet deep and approximately two
hundred business , Places v were
flooded; i ' V
Industry generally throughout
the city was at a standstill due to
high; water and Jack: ff . electric
power. Newspapers were forced to
cease publication. Telegraph com-
panies were driven froin their of
fices and "; established .temporary
quarters .-where operators -worked
by candlelight. . , 'J : ,
An 'additional menace was dis
covered tonight when it: was. found
an oil line crossing QU; creek had
broken, adding danger' of an oil
fire, -Fire "Jiarshal A&)yim
mediately ordered the stream. pa
trolled to prevent anyone wlth
lights: approachinir the . j vlclnity.;
"The flood,, generally .admitted
the worst ever experienced in1 this
section assumed disastrous propor-
aons'thls afternoon" when'anew
movement of ice In the Allegheny
river sent oil creek up from two
to seven feet within five minutes.
The gorges, however continued to
SACRAMENTO; Cal., March 22.
T;5overnor Richardson I today
granted the , extradition of E.
Shirley, alias Emory Slater, who
escaped from the Douglas county
Jail,, fin Oregon las June and now
neia at uaaersiieia. : ; :
W ii. il 1 . I I 1IT4 .' ' ' ' -
' !
'- ' . -.-, t.t 'y y-r kS , V'-' 4 : ' '1 ' 1
HI . "
Battle " Atlantic - Storm for
Days ; Sails" and - Gaso-
line "Cone- -
TIS AVDLLE, Fla., March '2 2.
(By Associated! Press). The
sloop rigged yacht -Calliope, a 55
foot s boat : owned - by jW.; E. D.
Stokes,- Jr., son of the New York
hotel magnate, . was :. beached en
Merritt Island four miles north -of
Cape' - Canaveral,1 Fla;,' on - the
morning' of March - 15, after ?ra
three days' - battle with the sea,
coast guardsmen announced here
tonight Stokes and his crew of
two men were landed safely. N
a The party was . brought here
and young Stokes left for : Wash
ington 'immediately, guardsmen
declared.. - The yacht, abandoned
where it . beached, has not been
moved. : '
. The landing followed a fight of
three days and nights, against an
Atlantic gale, part of the 'time
without sail, or rudder. The fol
lowing is a detailed sketch of the
iMjat's fatal trip, as s related by
guardsmen : , ;
Thei Calliope with Stokes and
two other men aboard- started
north .from . Miami late in the
afternoon, of March: 11 and the
same night was struck-by a ter
rific gale, the foresail .Was carried
away and the' sheet blocks were
wrecked, with great' seas breaking
over the' boat.
vOn the twelfth, the sails were
repaired and the journey resumed
with the motor running. The po
sition of the boat at that time was
estimated at 610 miles off the
shore. A . steamer hailed' the
small craft "during the afternoon
and after several attempts sue
'(Continued on page 8.)
CHICAGO, March 22. (By
Associated Press.')- Sympathies
wrung by feminine tears will
have no part in .evaluating the
.heart balm for Marie Gftecheany
who la 8uingDr- Leonard,.-'En-sminger
; ; of Indianapolis) for'
$50,000 for breach" o promise
to ' marry " heir, Superior "kludge
Timothy; Hurley ruled' today.
fIxck "upUhe Jury."; the Jpdge
'ordered when 'Miss' Grischeau
burst into tears while relating
the story of her love affair to
the jury. "We are not going to
have-a weeping verdict in my
court," Judge Hurley told the'
woman's 'attorneys after the
Jury. was. taken out. . .. . -j
"Neither can a ' lot of senti
ment be injected into the case
to influencethe jury.". Unless
your client' controls her - emo
tions -in r'.the presence of jthe
jury I will dismiss the case."
; The case'was' resumed "and
Miss Grischeau wept no more.
LY close'at'fixish
Last Week of Special Vote Offer
'nere, Contestants Work
';; "Scoring
(By Auto Contest Editor)'
The'race' for the radio is. over
and the 'winner Is Miss Elfa Dytle,
of Woodburn.Oregon. This youfig
lady is 'doing .'some very good
work. She -worked 'from-mornlng
till late at night' and the result
was that she was the winner' of
the J 125 Atwatet-Kent radio. 'The
amount Collected" by each candi
date will ' be"' announced on April
12th. " '-s-i--'r
Again I may say that the race
for the special prize was very close
closer, in'fact," 'than even"'tne
contest editor expected. "'A great
many of the contestants seem" lo
have gone to seed in the last two
weeks. w Even "two or threeryearly
subscriptions .would have changed
the tdne Of the entire list. ''"
rMaafi of ! the contestants who
vere leading at the start last week
for the general prize at the end 'of
the contest slacked up in" their ef
forts;' We do not . knowwhether
this1-was- through over "confidenie
or just natural laziness anyhow
many' of them have lost "their lead
ing position simply because they
did not : protect their position last
week, and again ' some "of them
listened to the idle goSdip and the
result was that they laid down and
did nothing. ' ,
It Is the steady, persis'ent every
day effort in a contest of this kind
ihr.t will win; - No one can expect
to 'land" any one of the prizes
by spasmodic working. Any con
testants who could secure a great
many subscriptions in a very short
titae, as has been demonstrated by
their record when they really felt
like working, have been compelled
lo step' aside by the . candidates
wiio really cared enough about
winning to make a Eteai'y, persEst
ent and systematic campaign. J
The territory has! not oeeh half
canvassed. There are hundreds of
new subscriiUons to secure as well
as renewals to collect. - Do not
take up your time fin-iing excuses
-x-xei the otes. In other words
I do r ot worrywhy-a blahenlays
a vhite egg, get the egg.
On March 27 another vote per
' (Ctntinned on page 8.
- -r-
PORTLAND, Ore., March 22.
(By ' Associated Press.) Arthur
and A. C. Smith, special state pro
hibition agents and former gov
ernment employees, recently" con
victed on charges of conspiracy to
Violate national dry laws will be
sentenced ' tomorrow by federal
Judge Wolverton.
The court today overruled a mo
tion by "the defense for ' a new
trial. '
HealefJ Discussion : Resujts
From Ambassador Hough-'
?r 7 foh's Statements '" " 1
Plainly Spoken Criticism and Vlg
i'orous Defense Brin? dashes? t"
on Floor; Members Are
' . Active
t WASHINGTON. March 22.
(.By Associated Press.) The' sen
ate got itself into an inquisitive
frame of mind today on the Euro
pean situation. "- , f
Ambassador Houghton's report
ed observations to; newspaper cor
respondents, painting ' a t rather
gloomy picture pf. conditions over
seas; formed ' the basia of more
than, jan hour's debate with Chair
man Borah of 'the '.foreign 'rela
tions committee and Senator Har
rison, democrat,. Mississippi, ' as
the central figures. ' J1 " I
- Hajf -- a; dozen other senators
participated' and there was both
plainly spoken criticism and vigor
ous defense of the American am
bassador-'to the court 'of 'St.
James. - On one nolnt. Senator
Glass, democrat, Virginia, light
ened the weighty discussion by-de
manding that there be ""no secret
agreements among senators.' He
referred to a brief whispered cdn-ference-
between Senator: Moses',
republican, - New Hampshire, and
Senator Borah, doling a colloliquy
between ' Borah and the Virginia'
senators.' Senator BOrah 'had
made a point of secret agreements
among- the European -powers at
the time of the1 Locarno public
agreement and declared that these
were responsible in- large measure
tor present conditions in Europe.
The chairman of the foreign rela.-
tions committee ' gave it" as his
opinion that when Xrazil "defied
the other nations and blocked
rHef many entry 'Into the council
of the league of nations; she4 had
client support from the great pow
ers ' ' ; - '"-.- '"" "5 -"-
' Senator Glass-' said - Mr. - Borah
was getting into the field of "con
jecture," and the" latter retot ted
that it was "not the field 'of con
jeetnre, but the field "of "common
sense." v.:.-. t .
Interrupting the discussion.
Senator Johnson, republican,' Cal
if ornia, declared the' American
people had - a" right to know the
facts about what is transpiring in
frurOpeJ and Senator Borah agreed
withhliri. '' : " f " ,-""
"On what theory are we entitl
ed to; know the' facts?" then de
manded Senator Glass. "W h'a t
right has" Ambassador Houghton
to be offering suggestions to oth
er governments?" ' ' V " '
'Senator Borah declared lat the
United States was asked to J ojn in
a vbrld disarmament' conference
and that it has" right! to get: the
possibilities1 of disarmament.'
Senator Harrison opened n pi the
whole subject' by charging Arabas
sador Houghtoi-f - with"4iarting
"subtle pr6pagana,r."here it home
td''tear down the- work '"other" men
arts- lryiji;Ho'd6:i,Yte'said' fco'itw
f erred torthe action of the "ambas-
cador .calling'' newspaper corres-
pondents in to the state depart-'
ment and 'making, frank "state
ments to them about' "the Euro-!
pean situation T 1 1
Heports of such- an InterTlew
have cbeen ' Spread 1 tar' ana wide,'
have " 'caused - much 'owtu'ettt
abroad, and have led the state de
partment - to - declare' in' a ' lov tual
statement that Mr. lloughtort bed
not opened' hla miad about Europe
to -"'alyr'unbf f lels! ' 'person. z5 Sen
ator Harrison "' dW'-notT at'terptto
.xplaln the incident entirely; but
he "hinted that lhb'j ambassador
miht have made tis observations
a the belief that his name would
not be connected with them. ,
- Then, extending'; Ms ; attack tq
President Coolidge ' and Secretary
Kellogg, : the , Mississippi senator
suggested' there ih.ust' have. been,
some "connivance between- Care
f uH Cal,Nerv6ns' Nelly and
"Gloomy Gus." 0"f lT
This aroused Senator Fess, re
publican "TJhId, TWho lampooned
(Coatianed on pr s)
'is ,
r .1 .?
pEND, 6re.yMarch"r'22.---The
two-room school ,. house at 1 De
schutes, nine' milef north of Bend
was completely destroyed by tire
just after 5 o'clock: tonight,' ac
cording: to word'receiVed in'Bend;
The cause ""of "the ' fire was" un
known, no fire having been in the
stove 'since early -morning. Hiss
Anna Moore i3 tie teacher ia ttat
district. '-. -
' '- ; rrrr t-' i "
Bfeetlng of Chamber of Commerce
lists irty Jiemoers;
' Others Sought T
, If Salem is to be on the map
for: the' auto." traveling', p'ublicit
will be necessary to ' establish an
information "bureau of "the ,Ainerl
can .Automobile " association, gen
erally; known as the AAA"" '.; ..".
"This was the 'consensus of opin
ion of the many 'interests . in- Sa
lem that ' were - represented at a
meeting called last evening at the
Chamber of Commerce to .discuss
securing members in Salem ln the
AAA.';- . ; -
It was shown that . the . auto
traveling public from the south se
cured Its road information ; from
offices of the American Automo!
bile association ' located in all of
the larger California towns, and
in Oregon in the cities xf Ashland,
Medford, -. Roseburg, Eugene ' and
CorvaUis; -. --r -; '1 ;-r i.i?y
- The AAA, offices in these cities
naturally directed travel, through
cities where- the AAA maintained
information-bureaus.- And Salem
naturally, was not mentioned.- B'.
C.- McHenry,: field secretary of the
American Automobile Associatiba
in - Oregon, in-teillnx of the seryi--ces
rendered its members, said; -1-
"It is our hope to establish a
full time : branch'bffice in 'Salem
as an : information branch, ftd be
placed in charge of a trained AAA
official. s - 1 --';-'T
We ' give not only road infor
mation, but general' Information
of the community where we have
an office'. ' The " AAA" looks after
the matter of legislation affecting
tourists. ' .' " "'
" ""Members .. of the American
Automobile' association are ""each
entitled to free towing2 service!
We establish1 this " free service
every' 20 'miles'" The "AAA" Jlas .a
'five-mile" emergency ; service free
to its member's. The association's
membershlpcard, according to" the
law's Tof "Oregon," must' be accepted
in lieu of bail, up to the amount
of 2$. . . -;, . , .:' . ' K
It the tourist happens t& get
In difficulty, the AAA will
its legal department at the servi-
fcesibfits members. "- The associ
ation also handles matters' of theft
for Its members and ' help in 'all
cases of accidents." " ' 'i ;
Although Mr. "Mcllenry has been
in the city only one day, already
there is 'such interest in the asso
ciation that 0 members have been
secured.' "To establish an' infor
mation bureau In Salem, 200 mem
bers' are required. Corvallls .has
248 members; Eugene more than
300. " Klamath' Palls T.' 278
members" in tie assdclation.:
"'' 'S1TX IS TO BB MET " -I
, MOSCOW; Idaho, March 22
(By.- Associated-'Press;)- Repre
sentatives of .ther ? University of
Oregon will wait -upon Dr. A, H.
Upham, president tt Hhe' univer
sity "of Idaho, next Wednesday or
Thursday 'to discuss the possibility
of hfs becoming the head of the
Oregon"institutionV he :was in
formed today. - . j : 'v-t - I
'"'They will include Dr. i It D.
Sheldon, dean v of Hhe'college of
education "Of the . University of.
Oregon: ad" Vernon . H.VaWater
and O: P. Skipworth, members "of
the board of regents. - ! ? j- ' ; f: f
' '. r'- ' . ., . - v ; 3-.! ' -' '
- Oregon real - estate brokers
whose 'license's Ao . operate were1
suspended because of fraud, - will
find -hard sledding in the state of
Florida, according . to a . letter re
ceived f at the . offices of ; Will
Moore, state - real - estate commit
sioner, from the Florida :Teal es
tate department, i . -, t tv ;
X T.he-- Florida 7of f Icials have re-!
quested Mr. Moore to send to them
a complete lis t of , the n ames of
real: estate .operators whose )icen-'
"set td '" operate In 'Oregon 'have
been'suspended.4' 'It was indicated
that' these ' men WOutd ' be' barred
ffom"operatInir in "Florida. '
: .. . . . - - . n k ...
PALM BEACH, Fla.. l'Ar ch 2 2.
(By Associated Pres? ) Al
leged Immodesty on th tart;cf
both aneh ahdrwomen has xrc'--.;t-ed
the Palm Beach police;.'-1 rt
ment to take drastic steT'ii r i
fOTcJng Jaws against lad A u .
posure, said to, occur i ; a
Beachstreets and beach ."
"'Any person who ar -i:, ' "i
the treer or. beach th. . ; -modestly
clad will be arr I
fined ' the " maximum ar:
the first effsnse rf f25 '.
ccat cxrosu:.," C . '.I jT:
of 13 tab T : . r
Open Hearing on 'Prohibit:::
Question Is Set'for 'April' -.
" v 5j Lasts Two Weeks i
. , - i . j : '-
Six Days to Be Allowed Each Si !a
-'tV Present Case;' All Other
I. . IJquor Bills Are !
v -.r i - Sidetracked 7 ' ',
' .-,; . '
"vyASHLNGTON, March 22-U
(By; Associated" Press.) The prd
hibitfon Issue which has agitated
bouth $ houses 5 of. "congress tbis
Session as pp' other ijuestioru 13 to
be ;iven J a ' public airing before
the senate" committee during the
two weeks beginning April 5.
i This twai "determined ; upon to
day" by the- senate iudiclary con
mlttee whlci" appro ved; with but a
single dissenting vote the progran
recommended by its snb-comn;t-tee
of .five for hearings "on tL 3
pending measu'res'f or modif lcat!oa
'of the' dry laws." : 1 :'i'-- ;
'.Senator Means, republican, Col
orado, wllF have charge - of Ca
hearings and he will attempt to
hold; both wets and "drys strictly
to ' the subject" of ' the bills' at Is
sue. Each side will have' six daj3
for the "presentation of Its cssa
with 'the "wets taking the stavi
first. Besides - approving- the pro
grbm fo'r""hearings, the eommitt ka
endorsed the' faction of the sub
committee' Indefinitely postponing
consideration of a bill by Senator
Edwards, democrat, -New -Jersey,
for' repeal the" Volstead act. The
Pleasure1 was -pIgVonholed,l It was
explained," because' its " passage
"would leave 'the- government with
out any authority 'to' enforce tha
dry constitutional amendment. '
' Th first measure "that will te
considered will be that by Senator
Bruce,; democrat, Maryland, 'pro
posing to 'change ihe eighteenth
amendment-'so that those states
ahd Jeommunities which we re wet
when the dry law- we it into eff :;
agai could" be wet but wok I T,
have to depend upon the federal
government 'for the 1 limited sup.
ply bf f intoxicants: ' :
Then the beer hills and tLa
Edge measure' to remove the re
strictions en - prescription whiskey
will have their innings. There are
three beer bills In proposing four
per cent, 2.75 per. cent .and beer
"non-intoxicating, in : fact.;- Sena
tor Edwards democrat. New Je r
sey, is the author of the first, and
Senator Edge, republican,' New
Jersey, - sponsors the other two.
Wet leaders have no "hope that
the committee will report any of
the bills favorably., They asked
for the hearings,' they explain, to
congress can elecit officially tLa
opinions of enforcement "officers,
educators, minis'ters'and others si
to 'how the' dry' laws should te
amended so as to make their en
forcement less ' difficult.' genat . ?
Walsh, democrat, Montana. ffL
voted against the hearings, based
his opposition on the ground tl "t
theywere requested merely fr
the'porpbse of spreading wet jro
paganda. ' :': " .1 '
' Prohibition , was . touched : uroi
briefly today In, the senate, Seni
tor Bruce interrupting a detail
on' thi European lituation r 7
he ;wanted.. to , bring . the ser -1 3
back to a consideration of a e:::
lousdomestic situation. He thea
read a newspaper poll sho-'77
2:727,573 votes, against, prohili.
Uon to-520,497 in favor of .It, . , .
In zhlnzizzi
, Public ' hearIngson " proLILItl ; -X
were set to -begin April 5
': - ; :' . '
The. ? 5 1 2,0 0 0,0 0 0 . is Sep sr 1 :
offices "bill 'was passed ty ' t' 3
senate.' . " '
,-. ..:- r f v
' The . trupreme cWtT r-fc;I ti
review the Doheny 'ca lc?s3 c I
contract case.
.... '
The supreme 'court cvern:: 1 .
motion . to. dismiss tti Chi:
water diversion procceilr .
."""'"'. '"
""AmtissaJcr lie Li. :s r..
ed cbr-rvtllcns c t r r-
situatioa were d; I .
senate. - 1 " - - - - - .
'T".a trer"-ry tr.r.:::nc: : 1' :
March income tar rtir- - -t!ywot:!l
-eiceei c -: '
l to r t '
' A't'll r
ratr-r 73
N1 T - y,
The r--? :
' . . j. ,A
a . -r .1.