The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 5, Image 5

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The Name I 'LIiv S
Dafference ! W ; ; ; !
Bring us your Prescriptions, regardless rof whose name is on the blank or .
who writes it. We fill, it promptly with the, Highest Quality Drugs, and
just as your doctor prescribed. , -. t. v - .
' li;.;. I-, I ....... L J. It. W1LLETT .
' Fair but becoming cloudy lover
west portion;1 moderate tempera
ture; gentle variable winds. Max.
61;" Min. 40; Rivei- 2, falling;
Rainfall .09; Wind liorthwestj.
Will Visit Rosebure
Members of the siate board of
control wUl leave here early
Wednesday, afternoon for Rose
burg Wh&e on Thursday they will
inspect the Old Soldiers Home.
The trip wUl be made by automo
bile. The -board is composed of
the governor, state treasurer and
secretary of state.
" -t- - i
r - - .
Music, and Spring J
Tenor : banjos, ukeleles. Jtaro-
palch. tipples." See four stock of
. musical instruments. - Moore's
1 Muffytftuse.. 4 ' "I - . ( m21
Wells. TaDaian & Son ''
Real Estate f irm jreport a sale
and V exchange ; df ' tiro farmj and
city, residence propettles negotiat
ed by, them . the, past; week, one of
which"' iWasajf arm Inear Buena
Tlsta owne4 j)y i Jack Hall, priced
at tlO.OOOi ' The other a Salem
cityresidehce and apartments own
ed by J. M. Chappell and valued
at 6500;
Ladles 1 4 I !
Special prices of, 35 and flO on
hats at the Vanity flat Shop, 287
. Court, "i-i v f 'I lv? ? . 1 m21
To Recover Cosi-? -
In an action over a cost bill in
" a suit in the circuit court; here
. A. I. .Bettencourt was ordered to
pay costs of 3,35.50 to R. J. Bet-
tencourt, the defendant ,1a the
i case. Judge L. I. McMahaa sign
the order Safurday r 1J(
Free ' t, : t j I
With every nke at banjo-uke. at
I Moore's Music House, instruction
book, capo, pick and extra set of
strings; . ! m21
Here Are the. Winners
Of the three overcoats John
Sundin gave away free last week:
Reld Rowland, 317; John Dalton,
67: Murray Wadei 271. m21.
Dr. White, Osteopathy i
Electronic Diagnosis and treat
ment. J' K . m21
1 1 -
Expert Haircutting for Ladles
' By 4 men barbers - who will
please you. v Elite Beauty Shoppe,
over Gray Belle. -I i, . ! xa21
License is Issued f
Elmer LeRoy.Coyner of Bend
and Lucille E-Gray of Woodburn
were issued a marriage" license In
the county clerk's off ice here Sat
urday. l
Undcrv;ood Typewriter Co.
Direct Factory Branch.
S19 Court Street Phono St2
Typewriters Rented, Cold,
. Repaired
Ereciil rental rates to fctudeat
i XsSsS iI4berty j Streets
.t . 1 . ; . .! - . " 1
Agents THE
Arrested for Speedi
J. P. Edwards of Piedmont, Cal.
was arrested Saturday for speed
ing 48 miles an hour on the Pa
cific highway, and was cited to
appear in the justice court here.
Edwards was arrested by Captain
Bloom of the state traffic depart
ment. "
Elk's Dining Room .
Special Sunday dinner
12:00 to 8:00 76c'
Espoit d Amour Hair Waver
Produces attractive waves like
a Marcel hat stays in for days.
Call for Espoit d Amour booklet.
"Sraart Appearance." Specialty
shop, 453 Court. m21
', ' ; "''j ,
To Bettef Handle j
My Real Estate business, I have
moved by of flee to my home, 570
South Winter St. Phone 202. L.
C. Brotherton. The same man.
Glee Club Comes Here -
The combined glee clubs of the
University ! of Oregon will be
heard in- Salem, Tuesday evening,
March 23 when over 100 trained
musicians will appear at the Hell
ig theatre.' The mensahr" girls'
glee clnbs and the University sym
phony orchestra, now on tour,
will be heard.
Hotel Mario
Dollar dinner, served 5:45 to 8
every evening.' j2tf,
Mr. J. R. Maddisoit
Formerly at the Model Beauty
parlor, is still specializing in ladles
and children's hair cutting at the
Bob Shoppe, 331 State Street.
Phone 391. m21
Real Bargains j
Used cars. MacDonald Auto
Co., Cottage and Ferry. m24
Millinery Week j
At the j French Shop. See our
ad on the Society Page. M. Buffe
Morrison, Masonic Temple, 115 N.
High. ; m21
Fined for Speedi
H. K. Messinger of this city
was fined 15 by Judge Poulsen
saturaay 4 upon having been con
victed of exceeding ' the city's
speed limit.
Gill Bros. Garden Seeds-
Lawn and flower seeds. Pearcy
Bros., 178 S. Commercial St. m24
Dr. Marshall, Osteopathic -
Physician and Surgeon. m2 1
Perennials for Sale
Canterbury Bells, . Columbine,
Red Anemonles, a Iris and others.
Mrs. r W; W. Rosebraugb, 1422
State street. I , m21
Two Lots, 950O,
Block j north of . new' school.
south -Trees and view. Come
now. - Becke & Hendricis, 189 N,
High street. . . m20tf
: Salem'a Tiramng
Tays Cash For Furniture
Residence and Store
lOlO North
PHONG 511.
MTrstabIlshed Since 1916
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
, j
Gcncr&l Banlancr Buiinsci 1 4
ir ..Office Hours from
, , .
Asks Albany Crossing
The Souhtern Pacific company
has filed application with the pub
lic service commission for permis
sion to establish a crossing at
grade over Montgomery street in
the city of Albany. , j
Houses to Rent, S20 to S40
Four vacant. Becke & Hen-
drIcks,N189 N. High street. m20tt
A Horse That Never Kicks ,
In front of Shafer's. Harness
supplies, also suit cases, hand
bags, bill folds, purses. Nothing
takes the place of leather. F. E.
Shafer, 170 S. Commercial. m21
Special prices of 35 and. 310 on
hats at the Vanity Hat Shop, 287
Court m21
2-Piece Mink Fur-
Between S. Commercial, Miller's
and state house. Return to Gn y
Belle. Reward. ni21
Chittick Has Hearing
Charles Chittick was arraigned
in the circuit court Saturday,
charged with rape, and entered
a plea of not guilty. No date has
yet been set for trial. -The case
involves Beulah Springer, 14,
whose mother, Mrs. Anna Spring
er, 43, wase sentenced to serve
one year in the state,, prison on
charges of contributing to the de
linquency of her daughter. Chit
tick was represented' in court yes
terday by Martin Fereshetian and
Chris Kowitz, ;
"Dinah, "Always"
Hear two great hits at Moore's
Music House, 409-415 Court. xn2!
Si lOO Modern Home
Being finished, north. Furnace,
fireplace, garage, hardwood. Terms
to responsible people. Becke &
Hendricks, 189 N. High. m20tf
Azaleas, Mexican Orange-
Rose bushes. Pearcy Bros., 178
S. Commercial street. - m24
Heminway Silk Hosiery"
"They wear as well as they
look." Special 31.50. Sevart
Specialty, 453 Court. m21
Tire Is Stolen
G. R. Ely of 147 Marion street
reports to local police that a Flsk
Balloon tire and tube were sto
len from his car while it was
parked on Ferry street Friday
evening. ; f
Stop at Eleanor's
For your Easter hat and dress.
16 N, Liberty. m21
Have You Tried '
Our delicious hot cakes and cof
fee? Served all day. Champion's
Restaurant, 128 S. Liberty.' m21!
Building Permits Issued
Two building permits were Is
sued from the of flee, of the city
and freight service to and from
all points south to Medf ord and
west to Coos Bay points. Ex
press service at freight rate.
Depot High i and MU1 Streets
i v Phone 331
Oregon Auto Transportation Co.
Wood Wood
197 D Street Telephone 3 IS ,
10 a. tn. to S p. m.
- f.
This Is one of the best snap
"we have ever had ?'
A 102.1 4-door Ford Sedan
that you cant tell from new.
Thiit car baa everything on
It in the line of extras and
has ; only been drlren but
very little. Here is a chance
to save money, so why bay
a new one. . .
recorder Saturday. Jess Potter
took I out a permit to construct a
one story 'dwelling at 490 South
20th; street at a cost of 11000.
Charles Evans was issued a per
mit to erect a one and one-half
story dwelling-at 1851 Saginaw
street, to cost 34200. Daring the
past f-week permits for the con
struction of eight homes were is
sued, representing a total invest
ment of 322,703. Three permits
for repairs- represented 33200,
making a total in building permits
for the week of 325,900.
An Important Spring Event-
See our ad on the Society Page.
The French Shop. 1J.5 N. High.
Stop at Eleanor's
For your Easter hat and dress.
165 N. Liberty. m21
Plant a Walnut Tree-
See us for trees of all kinds;
shrubs, perennials, roses. Pearcy
Bros., 178 S. Commercial St. m24
Fined for Speeding-
Gerald V. Rampel of Dallas,
Oregon, was arrested by officer
Edwards Saturday and charged
with : speeding. Later the same
day he was fined 35 for the of
fense by Judge Poulsen.
Try Our Juicy T-Bone
Steaks. 4 6c. All you can eat.
Champion's Restaurant, 128 S.
Liberty. m21
West Fur Co. Stock-
Has been purchased by D. H.
Moaner, the tailor, 474 Court.
Further announcements later! m21
Arrested on Liquor Charge-
John Harris of Salem has been
arrested by officer Thomson and
charged with possession of intoxi
cating liquor. He was released
by order of Judge Poulsen after
having posted 350 ball, and was
cited to appear Monday afternoon
I at 2 o'clock.
Parking by the Day
25c, at Golden's Auto Service,
252 S. Liberty. m21
An Important Spring Event-
See our ad on the Society Page.
The French Shop, 115 N. High.
Divorce is obtained
Ecfna L. South was granted a
divorce from Claude H. Soutat in
the circuit court Saturday. They
were married in Polk county in
November, 1907. Desertion in
October.- 1923. is ' alleged. The
court ruled that South pay 32 5
a month for the support, of the
child until it reaches its major
Monthly Rates
For re-proof auto storage at
Golden's Auto Seivlce, 252 S. Lib
erty, r m21
During March Only
A discount of 10 per cent will
be allowed on all photographs of
children under 8 years old. Ask
for Miss Gunnell, 418 Oregon bldg
Gunnell & Robb Studios. m21
Son is Born-
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Charles Rock an eight pound boy
named Franklin Charles, Jr.
Sunday Dii
At the Salem Restaurant. Qual
ity: and service, 12-8 p. m. 75c.
Card of Thaaksr : H-
We wish to. thank our friends
and neighbors for their kindness
and sympathy during the Illness
and death of our beloved father
and especially members of the lo
cal GAR post, and former . com
Treated by Osteopathy and the
latest Electrical ' Therapy in
cluding Dr. Abram's Electronic
System. -.
; No Charge for
. Consultation v" '
- Physician and Surgeon
; '60s U. S. Bank BnUdlng
Salem, Oregon '
Fruit Tree Prices1 -:
Slaughtered ; :
Royal Ann and Lambert '
Cherrlse . ...... .'15c to S.Sc
Mazzard Seedlings. 8c and lOe
Early Italian Prunes ' -. e
per hundred 4-6 grade SS.OO
Petite Prunes (large "
i! strain) 4-8 grade. .... .10c
Buy immediately for the plant'
ing season will soon be over.
' 178 S. Commercial . . . .
(Sales yard in rear of. Store)
radea of war and : peace.; Frank
and Ed Harris. Mrs. Minna' Swing,
Mrs. Anna Dien, Mrs. Hailie Bear,
Mrs, Eva: Dingman, Mrs. Delia .De
Sart and Mrs. Bell Peck.
Extra fiood Black Dirt
For sale cheap,' delivered. Phone
33. Capital City Transfer Co.
: r ': ' m ' - m27
Millinery Week -j
At the French Shop. See our
ad on the Society Page. M. Buffe
Morrison, Masonic Temple, 115 N.
High. . m21
Services fpr Brooks-
Following is the program an
nounced for today's services at
Brooks: Sunday school at 10 a.
m., sermon at 11a. m., this morn
ing; Epworth league at 7 p. m..
this evening; sermon at 8 o'clock.
Rev. Madaen, who has been
preaching during the week of
special services wUl preach both
morning and evening.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing." Giese-Powers
Furniture company. - s20tf
You May Have Your '
Curtains - and draperies made
for: reasonable prices at Creglow's
Hemstitching Shop. 1253 State.
Conner In Portland
W. C. Conner went to Torl'md
'ast evening to attend a meeting
or the Oregon Poultry and Pot
SuxiK association, and a meeting
of the Oregon branch of the Amer
ican Poultry association, vhich
were held jointly at the Public li
brary to uange for th am ial
fall poultry shows and transac
tion of other important b ts.ness.
Mr. Corner is secretary-treasurer
ct the -C association.
Sunday Dinner
At the Salem Restaurant. Qual
ity and service, 12-8 p m. 75c.
On Dental Hoard
W. D. McMillan of FortlapJ.
Sturday reappointed a member
f the 8 tat board of dental exam
iners. Mi commission tvrers a
period, ot four years, beginning
April 1.
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
75c. Cash and Carry Cleaners,
352 Chemeketa St. f21tf
Steam Cleans Tour Motor
And chassis. It removes all
dirt, grease, etc., at Golden'a Auto
Service, 252 S. Liberty. mSl
Conference to Be Held Here
The Marion County Older. Boys'
conference will be held In Salem
April 29, 30 and May 1, it was an
nounced Saturday by Gilbert
Wrenn, secretary ot the boys' de
partment of the Salem YMCA. The
conference. It Is hoped, will be
held in the new home, of the
YMCA. The Salem Hi-Y club Is
sponsoring the conference.
West Fur Co. Stock
Has been purchased by D. H.
Mosher. the tailor, 474 Court.
Further announcements later. m21
Crop Value Jumps
The value of crops produced on
the Med ford irrigation district in
creased from 11,106,500 in the
year 1923 to $1,420,372 in 1925,
according to a report filed In the
office of the state engineer Satur
day. The orchard crops for the
year 1925 were valued at $1,275,-
We Are Exclusive Hatters-
Why take your hat to a shine
parlor? Eaton Hat Shop, 141 S.
Liberty. m21
H. B. VanDuzer of Portland
Saturday was re-appointed a mem
ber of the state highway commls
sion. His commission covers a
term of four years beginning Ap
ril 1. Mr. VanDuzer has Berved
as a member of the commission
for the oast three years. The re
appointment was announced by
Governor Pierce.
Furniture Upholstery
And repairing. Giese-Powers
Furniture company. s20tf
Suits Cleaned and Pressed ,
$1.25. Cash and; Carry Clean
ers. Down town receiving office.
352 Chemeketa St. f21tt
Dance Tuesday
March 23, Crystal Gardens. m21
Davenport Built in Wlado
1 L. L. Branson, of the Ira F.
Powers Furniture company, has
during the past few days built a
Sirchfield davenport and 'chair in
the window of Giese-Powers Furn
iture company ' here. . Work was
started on. Tuesday as part of the
window display opening.
Rexall One Cent Sale-
Perry's drug store, Thurs.. Fri
day, Saturday, March - 25, 26, 27
Bessie Love's not worrying be
cause she only weighs 100 pounds
and lias very slender legs, since
those very legs got her the title
role in "Lovey Mary.' Alice Be
gan Rice's 'famous story. .
Corvallia Elks Lodge dedicates
new temple.
.y .. i "1,1
' OewMwn, larkar tprrriMiidKis con
..Uiaing Koury bill. Pleat rll TFII
Two Quilts Auctioned Off
Following Evening's En
: tertainment V
Over 125 persons were present
for the program presented Satur
day night by the Waconda Ladies'
Aid society. . After the program
two quilts were auctioned off. ':
Following is the program pre
sented : 7 Vocal solos by Hazel
Russell; duet by Rose Mary and
Shlvely Nusom; shadow Illustra
tion by ' Mrs. Nusomr negro pro
duction, "Croon! a Lullaby," by
two costumed ladles; shadow illus
tration "The Young Man Waited,"
by Mrs. Palmer, J Reading by Mrs.
Nusom. Dialogue by Hazel Rus
sell and Mrs. Nusom.
One act comedy, "The Economi
cal Boomerang,'' directed by Mrs.
Nusom. Cast included Mrs.
Nusom, Mrs. Paul Tbwnsend, Mrs.
Cole, Hazel Russell, and Mrs.
Lemry. i ,
"Life," Johan Bojer; "The
Wolrd's Greatest Short Stories,
J. O. :Curwood; "The Middle of
the Road," Philip Gibbs; "The
Vanishing American," Zane Grey;
"From Sunup to Sundown," Har
ris & Leech; "The Perennial Bach
elor," Anne Parrish; The Man
In Lower Ten," M. R. Rlnehart;
'The Scarlet Cockeral." G. M. Sub
lette: "The Gentleman from Indi
ana," Booth Tarkington; "The
Guest of Quesnay," "Penrod."
'Penrod and Sam," ''Seventeen,"
Booth Tarkington; "The iVlrgln
ian," Owen Wister; "God Answers
Prayers," C. G. Doney; "The Mon
tessori Method," Maria Montesso-
rl; "The Child, His Thinking,
Feeling and Doing," A. E. Tanner
'English for Foreigners" vol..
R. O'Brien; "General Lang
uage." Leonard Cox; - "Practical
Kt. hack man n
Nancy Jane Schackmann died
March 20 at her home near Ilaycs
vtlle at the age of 26 years. She
is survived by her mother, Mrs.
James Weathers, five children,
Walter, George, Maldon, Wajie.
md Oscar, all of Hayesviln: two
brothers. A nion Banks of Port-
and and Albert Banks of Castle
Rock, Vash.; two sisters. Lanra
Clan ton t Missouri, and Gertrude
Rudishwux.r of Portland. FuneraT
services will be held at the Webb
unerai i).- -ior3 Monday. March
32, at 1:30. Interment will be
a the Hn 'grille cemetery.
In Los Augeles, Lercy II.--Ed
wards, at be age of. 41.. years,
son of Mrs. Sarah H. Ed.-rls of
Salem, tr-oilier. of Miles H Ed
wards ami JIurton E. Edwards of
Saiem. The' body Is bei?g for
warded '.(is Lose Angel-j to Sa
lem. Funeral announcemfc..t will
be made later by the R'gdon &
Son mortuary.
. . ... Sustained and Soothed
By an unf altering trust, ap
proach thy grave.
Like one who wraps the drap
eries of. his couch .
About him, and lies down to
pleasant dreams.
William Cnllen Bryant.
W. T. RigfJon & Son
Moriday March 22nd
I V - t- '-'.,.,.-.;- . ,.;.,,. ... .... ( - . -r - k . , ,( ... .... ......
WATCH tomorrow's papers and Tuesday morning's Statesm-in
Rabbit Keeping. EJ L Farrlng
toni "A History; of Art. 2 voL.
II? Bl CotterUl; "Applied Art.
PX J. Lemons; "The Best Short
Stories of 1925," E. J. O'Brien,
ed.; ."Seven Great Statesmen."
A, D. White; "The Confessions 'of
Jean Jacques Rousseau, J. J.
Rousseau;. "A History, of the Life
and : Death.) Virtues and Exploits
of General George Washington,'
MJ- L. Weems; "The Heritage of
Greece and the Legacy of Rome,"
.E" B. Osborn; A "When 'America
Was Young," J. T. Farls; , !
Books for Children J. i
" l"Made-to-Order Stories," D. C,
Fisher: 'The Boy With the U. S.
Mail." Rolt-Wheeler. " "
.. The Holllster Manufacturing
company with headquarters in
Portland and !. capital; stock; of
$4000. has been Incorporated by
W: H. Wheeler. Elizabeth D.
Wheeler and Arthur C Bull, i
Other articles filed in the state
corporation department Saturdav
gollow: i;-
Ballln Finance comnanv. Port
land, $3000; H. A. Ballin. H. L.
Reynolds and F. L. Clark. :
.Irrlgon Producers cornoratinn.
Irrigon, Morrow county (no capi
tal stack); C. C. Grimm. F. C.
Frederickson, W. G Corey, et al.
L 17 Roomed House and Furniture
rS Starts 9 a. m., Sharp 1 ! ;
House to be sold to highest bidder and must be re
moved from property by, April 5th to make room for
Chambers & Chambers new furniture store. Also all
the furniture and furnishings.' If in need of anything
you will, find what youj want in this sale. Watch
papers and bills for full particulars.
Sale will be managed and conducted by
10 years Salem's leading auctioneer .
H. M. BAKER Proprietor. T-; I
The purpose of this notice is to convey to you the ;
distinction of tho name of F. N. Woodry the ; ,
, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Furniture Dealer
who has honorably served the public in Salem and different
parts of Oregon for more than the past 10 years. I want
.s the public to know that I am not connected in business in
any form with the firm or Wdodry & Woodry or II. F."
Woodry & Son who by birth is a brother and came here, ;
within the last few months to run opposition to me and
get in on the well established Woodry name. " -
If you want an auction of furniture, farm sale or ret! estate -see
F. N. Woodry, the original "Woodry the Auctioneer"
of Salem the Woodry who established the Woodry name.
Auction Sale Every Wed. Kite, 7 R M.
at my new auction market and furniture store locatr
ed at 1610 North Summer street. ' Store open for
' private sales daily. Furniture, tools, etc. bought
t for cash. - . ' ; ':r
The Summer
J. Rottle's
:-:Jdhn j.Wdle;'.
415 Stats St
. . - '
Home of Walkover and
Cantilever Footwear
r ' : " The Battery Ma
' Bt'tnd easterners Brinj..v
Other We Ki.o ,
- mixMU) ' ;
8S1 Court St. Phoo t"
BISHOP'S Shirt ad
: t on Back Page
Street Woodry
Stqr e
v , i
.. - : 6821