The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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i ST
Imd Dally Kxeept Monday by ' 4
SIS 8auta Commercial 8L, Sale, Oregwa
R. J. HeadrUk . -.. Menace?
.freel J.Tooie. afaaarlngEditor
. .f .Mr' " v Ouy Editor
tadred Beaea . .. ' . . Baeiety Kditor
Tee iMMlihd'hw U esehieively entitled to the se for pablleatlea of all iiwi
dUaaUfiee credited to tit or Ml etowrwlae credited la Uii paper mad Im tne iocal
aewa paulieaed heroin. ' .- i . ,i ... ,..-
- ' , BqsntEss omcES:' - 3. , ?-. - - ,
Alter Bvere, SftS Wereeater' Bide. ' Portlaad, Or. ' ,. ' . 1 : 1 V
Taoaaae , Clark Co New York, 128-18 W. Slat St.: Cnteage, Marqnatte Bldf-S
lOety A Payae, Kkaroa BMg, Bam Franeieea. Calif.; Higgiae Bidg. Loo agelea, Oalii.
" Circa la-tioa Offlee58S
Ante Coateat Editor.. 10S
BiftitM Ofnee ,H or SSS
ftaotetr mia. , .- ,f;nrf
EaUrad at tao Poat Offle la Satan,
- : f - 1 March
the sea;-and Jehoyah; caused the
-wind. . And the children of
sea -upon. the dry ground." AKx.
'"Worth Jl6o,06O,OOO, John
York, makes his daily luncheon
cost of aboiit 20 cents. . That didn't enable him to live to 86.
Nb make i him worth $100,000,000. But in each case it prob
'ably helped. "Fit ood and a reasonable limit on the amount
would Increase the number of octogenarians and help , them
Lrt think with mpre. accuracy- - ' ' '
' 1 4 n : . . .
o reaas a paragrapn in an
And it contains a lesson
If we can be sure about anything, it is that health is the
chief ' and most important element in the most desired of
fij human .conditions, contentment, whether for the rich in
material things or the poor in
And though -most men
1 health is the easiest to a
It of happiness. ' The rules
f not dimcult to ooserve.
. The way to harden the body
7-upon it, in the days of good health to exercise it, and habit-.
Xuate it to withstand all kinds
.1 j i.i.
l .jgive H proper foou, . wu-cu,
plest food .
ft. For the body itself,: when
rH doctor,
M ' The muscled may be strengthened by a vigorous use. of
tViPm hut not sn the nerves :
r2 exercising the muscles - in every way that is suitable, care
,j -i x t au.' 1 a. ... mnA oa
SnOUlU le UKcIl IU syUC tUC
ft The eyes, for instance,
strong a light frpm strain Jn
... . SOUllds 4.. ')' "rf
I . T1 V..m elinnU
. J-.ut-ii.'i-JL' Urrtk W ?
. . . ,, uu v rz aim. a.i itr ux auin duuuui iiu - . v ''
.uutu k kW va
t for then the same vital energy
hrain has a irreat deal of work
rV- in ? rxna ' Uinaf
' . .-r. m. A UA a - AAA - tA. U VAAat - VUV W W
: canacities' in no rther light than that of physiological func-
. f . t . .
t tions and to manage them accordingly nursing or exercising
. , them as the case may be; remembering that every kind of
- physical suiienng, maiaay or
the mind
oreamc function. " .
The notion pf soul as
p.; : . For the brain is the key togood health, and thought is
it only the organic1 function of the brain; and it has toobeysthe
material, merely lodging in the bram and needing nothing at
all for the performance of its essential function, has led many
t ,ts jiiuycx: xcav. s -..f. . j -
t r it js most important to
: of sleep which is necessary
man's whole nature what winding is to a clock y "i 3 r ;'
Anrl w nf wootPm ChtrrT
' . VMw mm ,3a
in a section where the luxury
where this booni ''nature's irreat restorer.", that "knits up the
women according to joaquinv3iiuer, tne "most oeaumui
women in the world: with the
. X 'i
.i.'.L:iLliiMi. i
For there is beauty as well as strength in good health
The, sleepless tests performed ' on university students
recently by professors resulted
etold ; rno one can use
: - t
iiau ouitiucuM siccit f .
The Marion County , Bee
manently organized at! the '
meeting yesterday afternoon
A meeting that was well
keepers from all sections f
Now there will be a county bee Inspector, arid there will
atuve, urguuixeu, muruugn wom'in j siamping ouc ; ana
" . fc. -
prevenung Dee cuseases - - - - - '.;
So that it will be safe
operations and for new .men
All this i3 Encouraging inrnahy ways, (it will mean the
jjoflination of the fruit blossoms. It will be the best of all
Insurance policies against the
..... i.iuutv n.- uutbu, ui, iuvic uituuu ttixttua ana nungar-
an vet.rh33TifI TTuham rlnvpr
win neip cairying ana swine
farmmj? in many ways
, The bee keepers are among bur mosif useful citizensH IC1
is, a fine thing that we are to
will becema the greatest honey
lor v,-2 tne making 01 the
w. h. Headaraoa ' cirtmiatu. aaaf I
Ralph R. Kletitog - Advertiatag afaaager I
vki - - . - I
X.A.RlMtoBV - t UTMtoek EdilM I
4 Jf jmij
XeSra Dopartecet.'lfl ilM
Job Departaiaat Ill
Orafoa, aa saoond-alaaa tnatUr.,
21. 192a
Moses stretched out his hand over
sea to go back; by a strong: east j
Israel went Into the midst of the
14:21 - 22. . ... 4 r - .
F. Andrus,5 Yonkers, New
on boiled rice and milk, at a
1 . '.. : .- '
exenang v.
and is the truth.
purse -
and women do not realize it.
tain or preserve of all the elements
of its preservation are simple "and
is to impose labor and effort
of noxious influences; and to
' n t: i
geuerany epeaa.iUK, ac
' r .; '.1' i"-
properly prepared, is the best
thev are weakened by it. While
ucivcs auu ociura sua
should be protected from too
the dark ; from the continued
-..s ': tr?r-v r'.i
natrcF Wfrtncpd nrtiispfl too
V,W o f Hnrino- Hition:
i: 0 7r'-7'
which forms thoughts in tne
to do elsewhere .
loam tft V1PW hlS intellectual
v - ww
- . , ,i
aisoraer, nas iwa cwwk
something elementary . andim-
,. - i. y -4 : y ijs ..r
allow the brin the full measure
to restore it for sleep is tb:a
oro fnrt nnatp In that We live
" aaaa, a- w .
01 gooa sleep is easy to attain ,
to exertion and repose as -any otner
.M m.1rM:.rMr;iman orwl raiififul
CI. .... , V I - '
strongest bodies and fairest,
, . X
as any sensible person could
his brain properly who hasn't
. ; - .. '
Keepers association was per
Salem Chamber of Commerce
attended, by representative bee
the county.
' . .. ( . . '
- ;; - i -rA.- -;-)::CV:n(Zl -
for bee keepers; to extend their,
to engage in the industry and
failure of our f ruitrcrops. Jt
nniij ntttav ataal".lA,;M .l.w
ana poultry Dreeding, and good
L t
have'maiiyimore-ITf ttenuThis
district in the United States; 1
oest bco country cn eirtlL. v
The certainty that the flax
i paper string, which -was announced in The Statesman of I "
yesaeruay, 13 very encouraging
I a-i - v m m mm - .
it win aaa to tne casn returns from tne crop, au tne way up
, , . , i . ' ' f i
to the manufacturing of fine linena ; ." : .
! ' - T
fiuiii uic giuwiug ut t uie pup uii uui iniuu, r
It will tend to make it possible to pay the farmers; more
for their crops. ' That will help both the farmers and the
whole industry, for the foundation of the entire structure
is the raw materials. .' !
Many things are transpiring to make the outlook brighU
er for the coming greatest and
Salem district
. , And not the least of them
flax-waste can be utilized to make a universally used and s
high priced manufactured article; in fact, a number of sue!
articles.-:..: . i 1 '
Tftnv wao llarin T Vita aannnA mrtn
christened and. being rery anxious
to hare hia-name recorded correct-
ly on the birth certificate.
marked to the clergyman: : '
"Pleeze will yo nama my babe
samelike I gtra ya? . f
make such a request?
asked the
clergyman.' - - " . .
"Wella, ya Bee itsa Ilka die.
My firsta boy I tela ya I; wanta
heem chris'nd 'Torn' and ya putta
"Thomass on ieesa paper. Now.
I wanta dia .boy nama 'Jack. No
wanta heem nama 'Jackass.' .
The assistant minister - an-
nounced to the congregation that
a special baptismal service would
be held -the following Sunday aft
ernoon at, S o'clock, and that any
inf ants to receive the rite should
be brought to the church at that
The rold clergyman, who was
deaf, thought that his assistant
was speaking of the new hymnals.
and lie added a bit of information:
"Anyone not already provided
can obtain them, in the vestry for
a dollar, or witb red backs and
speckled edges for one' dollar and
a half."
1 ' A" negro maid ; was 'heard to
I nttur th followlne: '
1 ----- - w -
"Mah husband ain't had a good
Job since he lost dat place at Pro-
hibltlon headquarters on Broad-
way. He was running an elera-
Bt Tt to
1 - . a
"There wasn't a nignt ne aiani
I Aln.t m0Ch chance ot setui
another job like that
(Con tinned from paso 1.)
diction to pass upon the reserva
tions or that it has attempted to
do so. . ! ? " '
partment ls the" council mereiy
has suggested that the nations ad-
Geneva on septemoer-i to aiscnss
these reservations;
the league. bat
among the represen-
j who under the
reservaUona must accept them in
I , A - . 4k
ence to the court becomes ef fee-
tive. ,
" tneso nations oesire to taae
gibie objection to the United sutes
I whether each nations, acts separ
ately upon lUown Judgment with
acts after consultation ' with f the
oXhJT' .ta narirn
stands it has no authority to enter
intej any agreement tor modifica-
1 tion ot xne reservaxions, ur ior
any interpretations of them or any
amendment of the statute 'estab
lishing the world court, beyond
linn, 6ns,
l 1 :w Pleasant Vahlits
c -pTTf i
reaches the stomach all distress
gOca. XtUUiya VI iiiuiinuuu! aaa,
heartburn, sourness, fullness, flat
ulence, palpitation, vanish. ; - i
1 Ease your stomach now! v Cor
rect digestion. And i acidity for
few cents. Druggists sell millions
cl acliasei -Aiir."--
waste can be used to make
10 me , uiuusiry 111 -. geiiertu..
" .
' "" ' "1 L '
' ' '
most enduring industry in the
is the announcement that the
what is required by the reserya-
tlon themselves.
It Is the official riewpotet that
action: taken By the council ot the
league could not affect the United
States in any way.
(Oon tinned froio pace 1.)
of these brand new cars.
Now is the time to work on your
extensions while they count you
extra .votes. - For - Instance: If
some One gave you a one year sub
scription during the first period
and should sow give you the last
four years It would, count you
.256,000 votes besides the clubs.
Remember this week tells the
tale if you want to wlnv Aigood
lead secured will be imposible to
overcome later-with a smaller vote
offer in effect. Every day counts
vitally from now on. Next Satur
day night at 8:00 -o'clock Is the
hour. The third period vote sched
ule, the biggest of the remainder
o fthe campain, is closed after
that hour. Next Saturday is the
last chance. If. you -are ever going
to do anything, big for yourself do
it now. : " , ;
The winner of the radio will be
announced in. Tuesday's paper as
it was Impossible to get the re
cords figured up and checked
closely in time for Sunday's paper.
Xdrt ef Candida tea at 10 a, m. March 20
ctzt or saxxx
Beatb. Evalya S.839,409
Blaeo. Wayne J. 013,800
BUckburn, 'Mra.- Ruth..ii 1,842,300
Crowther.s Mra. B. S a.uws.xoo
Feller, Miar Beraiea
1, 619.80
randrteb, Mario
Garrett, Robert ....
Greenwood, Francea M.
Oronke, lira. Leo .
Uodaey, IJoria
Hall. Miaa K. O. .
Hayei. Juclaa
Henderaoa, Faye... ..
Hayre. 3lrm. H. B
Hoddleatna, Mrs, Loo
Jepien, Dalbert . .
Jadaoa, Mildred
Launer, Bealah .-
Ixireland, Mra. Florence
Maw. Kaaaell
Miller. Ronald
4 .....
3,204. 30O
Z. 445.500
Miller, Litha
McClary, ( Ellaworth
MeVey, Mm. B. B
Monkers, Varaoa
Saah. Mra. Mildred
Ogleaby. Mra. Orrilla
Phillioa. Helen
' 800,240
. 800,200
4. 493.883
t .2 61,600
, 1,07450
Pitt, Captain Allen
Recimbal,' Mra. Mary ..
Koberta, rlowara
Sanderson, Alma
Bchlace, Ida , , ... . , ..
V, .n a : U.evin
Spopli, Mra. Ralph . .- -
savdar. violet
Steiwer. ' BaaaeU
Smith. Mra. Jao. N.
Smitber, A. W.
Thorapaon, Margaret .
William. Aioa ...
Wiederkehr, Mabel
Wheeler, Mra. Bella
wootery, vecii
Welch, Eliiabeth ... .
Woodry, r. K.
Wilaoa. John
Yeater, Grace ,
Young, May
Adana, Mr. A. O. 1
Antriean, Jeanio
jS. 1.900,460
, 1,400,200
1.300,400 .
JLL. 1,401,200
H 3,004,100
.. 2,011,900
, y u ' .900,400
Aahor, Kowena
AapiawalL Mra. Maa
A.tibaagn, ur.
Barnoa, Lawrence1
Brantaer, Leota II.
Bowaaaa, Bath
Boekr Mra. Go O.
Bradea, Mra. Winnie -
Bryant, Adda B. .
Beo4(li, Sellia
Clymer, ; Mra.- Geo.
Corhoaae, Maria
Crana, Clement C.
Clark? Mra. E O. .
Chandler, Mra. Gay
Coebraa. Mra. 'Frank
Ihapmaa. .And re y
. , 900,200
' 980,400
- ,8,004.400
. 3,941.403
- 80O.400
Doaaia, ' 4. 4.
Dean, C K.
Farrier. Ida
Fee. John H., Jr...
Good. Mra. Ada
Hirka. Mra. W. B. ..
Hopkiaa, Margaerita J
Herahbarger, Louie
Hoffraaa. Katia -
Hatch, i Francea
Humphrey. Mra. J. P.
Kaaaf. Milton
Keppintar. Vera
Kellogg. Mra. Vera
Klampe, - Valmar
Klanaer, Antoa .
Kleea, Franc ia .,..,
Lytle, Clfa . .
Mb mm,: Mra. Cbriatine
Miller, Mra.' J. M.
MarahalL Theodora
Potndexter, Venua
, 2,800.400 J
: 2.003,700
. : 1.306.SOO
K 3.418J05O
i 1.578.738
Potta, E. J- i
Powell. Mm. CteTe
Richaada. Grace
Snoderiy, Mrs. Roy ..
Koran. : Archie
i 1.80000
t A.800.2OO
Tichanor. Laalia O.
Townaend, Mra. J A.
Watt. Mra. Abigail W.
Weieer. Claira -. ...
Wyna.- Alta ,,.
Wheeler, Margaret
Yoaag. Mra. Morton C
i".,f aJhanaananaaaBaaaaaaaa) '.'
I EUGENE,. Or., Marcha20.(By
Associated press. )- Af tec i Jong
silence Billy Reinhart, basketbaU
coach at the University of Oregon
today selected a; mythical all-coast
basketball. team as follows: '
.i Schnss,1 Washlngtonp, and Hig
glns; California,' forwards;" Oker
berg Oregon : center Dixon, ' Cali
fornia," and Westergren Oregon,
guajds.'';.f 7'. ' ;'' '' I
Care Should Be Used That
Substance Used Does Not
' -" Injure Pack I
:Good "care of ' Oregon "cherries
grown for canning purposes calls
for sprays that wDl not injure the
cherries for canning. ; " " ?
From approximately June 5 to
20. the adult fruit-cherry flies ap
pear in the orchard and stay for
about three weeks. " These flies
sting the cherry, placing the egg
underneath the surface of the skin
of the fruit, hence the adult flies
are attacked. As it is their habit
to lap up greedily any sweet sub
stance on the surface of the foli
age during this period, sweetened
poison-bait spray treatment has
been developed tp kill them.
The formula for the preparation
of. the poison bait is as follows;
lead arsenate,' one half pound;
molasses or sirup, (never honey)
two pounds; and water 10 gallons-
This amount Is sufficient for
spraying approximately 50 trees.
Three spray treatments are giv
en, the first when the adult flies
appear; the second about 10 days
after the first; and the third about
one week after the second. . Ap
proximately one pint to one quart
of solution to the tree Is sufficent.
Cherry sprays with lime-sul-tate
solution or, nicotine sulfate
injure the canned product and are
not to be used.
The direction for spraying fruit
flies are to be followed closely to
insure cherries free from cherry
maggots. Complete directions
can be obtained from the O. A. C.
experiment station circular 35,
MEDFORD, Ore., March 20
(AP.) The Medford high school
signed a contract for a home and
Lome game with the Eugene high
school next fall.
union Pacific . will establish
general office in Eugene.
Homestead Idaho and Oregon
wm build $75,000 bridge across
Snake River.
No. 1 wheat, white ... $1.35
No. 1, red, aaeked ...... 1.30
Waito oata .40
Gray oata ' .,.,., .. .42
Bar lay : ' ' . , 43
Barley , - .0
Top hog - .13
Bow ' : u. 90.10
Dreaaod hora ... .18
Top ateera
2.00 (ij 4.00
Spring lamb under 80 lba. . .13
ueavier s. 910
Lirht bona .
Heavy heaa .
Old rooaters
Batterfat , , . . .44
Creamery batter .. .450.46
Milk, cat. , j. 44
Medium egga , , , .18
btandard egga j.9
General Maxketa
PORTLAND, March 20. (By Aasoeiat-
eo rreaa wneat: BUB, bard white,
March. ApriL Mar 8148: bard whit. HS
Baart, aoft white, western white. Marrh
April, May 31.47; hard winter, northertr
apnng, Marc it, April, May 31.44; western
red, March, April, May $1.42..
Oat, No. 2, 36-pound white,' feed and
gray, jiaren, April May 32H..
Corn No. 2 KY shipment. March 832:
ln,M SO 5(J. il. V 9 U.k . :i mat
.Mnlrun, Btndrd, Marcb. April f 23 ;
dBKlJ f U.IV
PORTLAND, Ore., March 26. By A
aociated. Press.) Buying prices, valley
timothy 820; do eastern Oregon S22.50;
alfalfa fl0.5Ofer2O; elover, nominal; oat
hay $20; oat and vetch $21; straw $9
per ion. celling prices f J a ton more.
PORTLAND. Ore.. March 20. fU. S
Departaeeat of Agriculture.) Receipts
ior .cri approximate J : (Jattle 9475;
calves 190; bogs 84&0; aheep 2195. -
Cattle compared with weak ago: Steer
25c to 50c higher; aha atock steady to
6e higher; bulla ateady; ealvea and veal-
era - mostly 50c higher; week's baik
pricear Beef ateera $7.75 40 $8.75; one
load Monday at $9 cowa and heifera
oia.73; top heifera f; top row $7.23:
eanaera and - cutters . $3.504.50; bulla
4fta; ralvea $69.50; vealera 87
12.50. w-ith.a few at 81S.
Hogs compared with week ago: kill
ing classes fully. ateady; loader piga 25c
higher; week 'a bulk prices: Light butch
era $14r 14.10; Aeaviea and underweights
$13.50 down; packing sows $10.50 1' 11:
alaughter piga $13.5013.73; a few
atrongweignte - at $14; feeder pijs
. Sheep compared with' one week ago:
Fad iaraba 25e lower: bulk 8l2.25di; 12 AO-
yearlings quoted up to $10.60; ewea $8.60
PORTLAND, Ort, March 20. Cattle
nominally ateady. Receipts. eat tie
ona; caivea aona.- Bteera $7.758.75;
meaiuA a .uveffi ?.7S ; common $630 ;
cannera V and cutter ateera - i$a.60&a
7.25; -s aei f era, r good, $7.258.00;
eomntoa and median $5.00 7.25; eowo.
good $6.25Q7.25; common and medium
$ 4.50 y 6.25; eanner and euttera $2.60
wfa.ou; puna, gooa Deef f yearling a
eluded) $4.00 5.00; eommaa to mediant
1 cannera ana bologna) $3.5064. OOt
ealres. medium to choice (milk fed aa
f.wio.w; culls and eoaamoa
ao.uofrus.oo; vealera, medium to choice
ii.wiftjjs.uo; euiia and cemmena $6.60
11. ' ... - :5 . - -,..-'..-(': -,-
Hogs '- atrong. reeeipta none. Heavy-
o iju ids.) medians, gaed
and eboice $18.00013.60; mediaa
wetgata tzoo to 350 lba.) common, ma
dium, good and choice 813.85 a 14.00:
: . , . r. . . . . '
io (
200 lba.) common.
mediam. good and choice S18.85&14.00:
us 11. 11 Kuv to ziiu lba.) common.
"'" gooo ana cnoice I13.00C4 14.00;
packing kon .- f rona-h and Mutki
$10.0012.00; alaughter piga (90 to 130
lba.) medium, good and choice $12.75 ft
10.7 a; feeder a aad atoeker piga t70td
$14.O0.l.0O. ' 1
Soft or Uy hoga and roaating pig.
vvwwc. u Bw.e uoiaiiona. 1
... Sheep ateady; receipt none. " Lamb's
gooa ana choice tMt. Adam) ,$11.75(3)
12.50; lambs, medium to good valley)
$11.00011.25; heavyweight (92 lba. up)
iw.u(tfu.j.j an weight. eva
common $0.50 (4? $11.00; learUng wethers.
Died 1 am to choice $9 00(1)10.50: eWaa
common to choice $5.50 4i 8.50: cannera
$Dd ClUU f?.50V5.50.
Candidate for Republican Nomina
tion for Governor of Oregon. '
Legislature to Be Asked for
:$500 Reyvard for, Cap-.-ture
of Holdups
Payment of a reward of $500
by the state of Oregon to the per
son or ' persons who submit evi
dence leading to the arrest and
conviction of each person im
plicated in the hold-up and rob
bery of Southern Pacific passen
ger train No. 13 near Siskiyou
on October 11, 1923, wiU be rec
ommended to the next legislature
by Governor Pierce, according to
an executive proclamation issued
here Saturday.
Evidence in the hands of the
officers showed that the train was
stopped as it emerged from tun
nel 13, near the summit of- the
Siskiyou mountains, by three
masked robbers. The bandits
first dynamited the mail car, and
then turned their guns upon mem
bers of the train crew. The mail
clerk, engineer, fireman and
brakeman were killed during the
holdup. ' ' l
It was said that Governor
Pierce recommended payment of
the reward at the request of gov
ernment and railroad official's who
have conducted a world-wide
search in an effort to apprehend
the men responsible for the hold
up and killings. The IXAutremont
brothers who lived in Southern
Oregon, have been sought in con
nection "With the crime, but "they
have not. been apprehended.
Lya de Putti Declares Story
of Attempted Suicide
Is Unfounded
. From the moment Lya de Put
ti, German film star, arrived In
this country, she has been busy
denying rumors which preceded
her. (
A short time before her . de
parture from Berlin the wires
carried the story of an attempted
suicide. Now Lya insists that she
merely fell out of a window while
waving farewell to some friends.
Then when the ."Rage of Eur
ope" as sne is wiumg ior ner press
agents to call her, was about to
sail from Cherbourg, Berlin dress
makers attempted to prevent her
departure by presenting claims to
talling over a hundred thousand
marks. Miss de Putti brands this
incident as A plot of the German
film concern, Ufa, to keep her In
Europe. :" v
When she arrived here she gave
reporters ner age as zz, dui me
ship's manifest raised it to 26, and
from other sources comes the in-
formation that she 'won't see 32
again.' Nevertheless. 22 or 32,
she has been a prominent and
popular - figure in Germany ever
since the war. 'Tis Bald Lya went
to' Bucharest when - the Rouman
lans were driven out ot Hungary,
was charged with being a spy for
Hungary- and sentenced to death.
Influential friends " obtained a
false passport and she escaped -to
Berlin. " . :
.. ghe has been married - twice.
Her first husband was Hungar
ian district governor and her. two
children are his. She has been. a
widow ; for two - years r since the
death of her second husband, Lud
wig. Christiansen,; :af Norwegian
Recently her name was connected
with Count Salm. : Gossips said
she was to marry him after "he had
obtained a divorce from Mllllcent
Rogers. ' Again she rises to shake
her head and say 'neln." . In fact
she attempted to convince news
papermen that she ha,d never met
the count. -
It' been a long time since we've
had a movie actress who has been
- .'.--- - - - ' A
0 mm F LM STAR
VLrr .ik i bba-v , a
jf, ' y4tel Aa rMrDnrr'Mfei A
"' ta Kcd sd !, ,,cV J
-v-. , 1 hvmr. mm nt h
I 1 4. I 3 osW. v ef r- ew
WX. frHfVf-l riCTf piT".-
i fc . - -. . -1 it-. ?
such good copy.: It won't be the
fault of the . Parmount publicity
men if she doesn't succeed in
American .fUmsi This will gire
fans a chsnce to see whether good
press agenting Is powerful enough
to "put across'. another actressy
Windjammers Sail Main v v
Again as Movie Ships
SAN PEDRO Davey Jones,
late of deep sea; points, is holding
oren house here these days. And
he rubs his hands 'and chuckles
right gleefully. for the ghosts of
dead ships are sailing the Main.
Almost a score of famous old
windjammers which made, history
a couple ; fof generations ago are
limping into the harbor under
frayed ; sails.- - From rotting
wharves where they have been
tied np for years, or from mud
banks where x- they have been
aground and forgotten, these grey
beards of the sea are coming here
for a new lease on life and prom
ise of successln new careers.
James Crure, Paramount direc
tor, will nse them in a production
featuring j the story of the frigate
Constitution, famous in the first
years of the nine-teenth century
as "Old Ironsides." Thereafter, in
the fashion , of motion .picture
props, they probably will rnn the
gamut from doubling for the Le
viathan, to a part of that fleet of
a thousand once launched against
Troy. . ' . ' :
WASHINGTON, March 20.j
(By Associated Press.)- Charges
and counter charges during recent
prohibition debates concerning
bootleggers frequenting the senate
and house office buildings were,
given added point when reports
spread that a man had dropped a
case of liquor in the house office
building today and fled.
While police authorities dis
claimed knowledge of the reports,
prohibition enforcement agents In
dicated that they were true, and
that a sufficiently adequate de
scription of the man had been ob
tained for a Warrant to be issued.
The man was said to have-become
frightened by the approach of a
police officer. -v f ,
"Ham and Eggs" is Popular
Meat Dish on Dining Cars
CHICAGO The old standby of
"ham and" ls the most . popular
meat dish on the dining cars of
45 leading railroads of the United
States 'and Canada, it was found
In a survey made by the National
Livestock and mJr Board. . i
A questionnaire sent out by the
department of agriculture on meat
consumption in the home, showed
a preference for beef, but I the
Livestock Board's findings dis
close that dining car patrons pre
fer pork, each of the roads Inves
tigated - serving ham and bacon.-
Roast beef was the most popu
lar Deer aisn witn siriom steak a
close second and lamb chops in
equal favor with the steaks.' P
Rattlesnake Harvest Time
at Cisco; Oil $100 Gallon
, - '. " .-.'7 I
CISCO, Tex: Rattlesnake j oil
at 1100 a gallon has brought. a
new Industry to this section of
Texas. Cisco long has been known
as an oil center, but this Is an en
tlrely new phase of the business.
The oil is used In medicine. ; ' ,
This Is the time for harvesting
the rattlesnake crop,' because the
rattlers are dormant. A keen' eye
and a quantity of dynamite ; are
required. . Search Is made, among
the hills for .a den of rattlers. The
den is dynamited and . the snakes
are brought out. They are then
rendered Into oil.
. One snake produces only a
small quantity, but sometimes sev
eral hundred snakes are. found in
one den. . ' :
Nane's Advice 1
Rid Her of Pimples
"Brooklyn. MrsrWionie Fensterer
'"fritea -Mjrpimples and black
beads got so bad I leered It i was
eczema. I confided In a nurse
t rlend of mine. I had been trou
bled wli n cooailpatiOD and lodSgea
tloo rot some time. $he advised
om. 10 try Carrier s Little Um Puis
You ao see by my picture thai the
treatment has done wonders, and 1
tm now Iree from constipation.' . .
; Chronic cobstipatfon many times
au - pimples. Carter's Little
Uvtr Pius encourage the bowels
o ettmioate the poisons. : ; T '
VuggtK 25 & 75c red Package.
. -s,. : v;;-'-..x-.v.;V..--V-::'' - '. . 4, -
Free Voting Ballot
, . .This ballot Is good for 100 votes for the candidate la The
- Oregon, Statesman Subscription Campaign, whose name Is
written on it. Do not fold. Trim. -
Name ... .'. ....... ....... ; . . , , , . .
Address . ............. ; . .
- Anyone Can Vote for Friends
i Sits Jc or ureaiiTiisT.
: !
The Marion county bee keep,
ers ' ,; ' ' '.
m V -
And the future of this coming
Industry looks brighter than wr
before. It Is going to grow fast.
We are to have a veritable lan.t
flowing-with -milk and honey.
Milk and honey go together,
for the crops that maii the late
bee pasture are In the'aln on-
that are the best tort cows.
One of the bee keepers fit the
meetUigyesterday afternoon said
bis . hives of honey' bees had made
SO pounds of honey each In two
weeks, from the maple blossoms.
These blossoms help to make pos
sible the greatest early honey flow
in the world, which the Salem dis
trict has." And will have the same
for the late honey flow. when the
rlirht' riAsturA 'is nrovlded.
. - . . mm.. m - i
: M
The nse of the flAx wast' In
making paper string and other
paper products, now proposed , 1y fr
some of the biggest aper mill in-
tcrests In the country, will mako j
the world sit up and take notiro
of the coming great flax and linen
industries, which are to center in
Salem, and the most reliable and
permanent.: The raw material
comes from th land each year.
and thus will be available for all
time by rotation will leav tho
land better after- thousands of
years of continuous cropping.
The flax waste Idea is going to
make ' linen mill stock more val
uable. Every scutching mill will
have flax waste, and there will be
no scutching mills of consequence
in the United States very far away
from the. Salem district- only as
far as the fartherest limits of wes
tern Oregon, and Washington.
MEDFORD, Ore., March 20.
The Medford National guard bas
ketball quintet defeated the Eu
gene National guardsmen tonight
31. to 20. Both teams were com
posed of former high school stars.
PORTLAND, Or., March 20.
The -L first . Oregon. International
salon of-pictorial photography will
be held in Portland September 13
to 25, according to announcement
made today' by the Oregon Camera
club. . '." v ; '
Don't Miss
BISHOP'S Shirt ad
on Back Page
Rubbing Alcohol .
Is In daily use by hospitals
, for relieving patients in
cases of bruises, aches
lameness, sore muscles,
stiff jolntsetc. f
Pint Bottle , gg
Perry Drug Store
11S South CommercL, treet
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