The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 22, Image 22

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1. y
February Business FaSur-j
r pa.?ac 1 iai ot any Sim
I !ar. Period in History
detail ', dtettrerles ot . Grahixn
Brothers .iWett and Motor
teaches? tfer; the week ended Feb
ruary 2tf were $45, a gain 'of 98
' cr cei er the corresponding
period of 1925, official 'figures re
reai; 'i Total re tali deliveries for the
month of February thl J-ear were
lt8 units; a gain of 75 per cent.
Sor the nine weeks Of January
aid February this year total -retail
deliveries were 3550 units," a
9( per cent Increase orer the cor
responding period of 1925, when
the total was 1855. '
Factory shipments la the final
week of February shows a gain of
50 per cent over the correspond
lngweek of 1925. The total was
576 as compared with 316 in 1925.
Graham Brothers made a new
high record in factory ' shipments
during the week ending February
C and 813 units were moved, a
gala of 115 per cent over; the ,cvr
responding period of 1925.. -"fche
excellent record of i-v'Ur
shipments and retail sale3 )f fira
h&m Brothers Tracks aud ' .M ior
Coaches during February .nd
since the first of this yf .''iply
Indicates that- the puhlU 'ocog
nlzes and appreciates m Motional
lines," declared Mr. : l.ohesteele
of the Bonesteele Mi, "Hcotnpany
in Salem. -
SOMk OF THE3 guysvwho git
up at 5 o'clock a. m., in the morn
In' and hit out tor the golf 'courin
would holler like heck if they ht
to git up at the same hour as,
split enOugh wood to itbteakfa-t
t-mf' ' " " .fa
tdd! The Oldi
f Low-Gost Desri
la dcvdojpifis and Introduc
ing the new Pont lac Six
4 General Motors has completely
i With the PbttdacShr. priced
at $825, itisno longer necea; .
sary to accept the ' limitation' ;
. -.i .t.- lu .rf hicrhirlced ficnirs nor tnose
ouaUtf could not be achieved Jfj have JiUhertcharacter..
alow-cost Six. , . fced low.priced sixci.
- t? iw 4. mMto In breath-taking perform- ,
Fj rSf ance, in striking beauty, in
prestation, the Posatiac Six laxurious comfort, in staunch
has been making giant strides construction, the Pontiac Sir 2s
towara teaacrsnip -mu ncui Ae vital embodiment ot Qusu
" because it is the living
' e aHd ' '
k iw- II riression ol oualitv ta
mfmctZrt Xy aspect of motor car value.
iu. cp? ir Kclla Cor a tsrice wdL
lsr thz -z only General Meters
cocH rossiifff achieve it. " t
. " '' 280 South Hijj" Street
K" -CHIEF-;- OF "
siwwMi-wiiiiil mmMm i In win k Jh n..
' . .
AT ,
Nxv . v -. 1
-vtx ivv .v
. j ' , . . J . i
VV WW n it
3 . ! '
Cadillac announces a line , of
j aistombcdicsspciallydesign- v
'l ed and built by Fleetwood- . ,w
J inrernationally known authori-
? ty. These new crearionr permit ...
fullest expression of indrvidual I
j- taste ana prexcrencc m cusram ;
j ' bodies of a character hkberto
' obtainable only through the
i most exclusive custom shopsCi
1 - y
, fur jtvem. Limouant JSrgbsm far CobrioLi for- tw '
mnd four. CdlapsibU Chnkt for turn. GMaptibk Cabrkla "
? tu Wr mhsfor four. IrnsU Drhm Ouriokt fur four.
CoiUpubl Cabriolet turn Udj ftjla for uvttu
Now on display n 4 vaiLHs .1 furcLwt
, Vv ' c i iy j OX til VOe
!ears ' of Designing and
Manufacturing Center'
i : on Production of Auto
i" Jmaxlns more than ,18 years
;j as, motor car bulldlHs, the d-
-',f ot the new Willys-Knight Six
.nrenty" marks th fruition of
i ears , and years - of nlannin g by
President John N. Willys and the
engineers of Winys-Overland, Inc.
? Ever "' since the Knight sleere
Tilye - engine was introduced, to
Ataerlcaas, Willys-Overlami's one
great , ambition has been to build
at moderate priced slz-eylinder
iatoroobile that would establish a
new standard in the industry. The
immediate ; success of the new
''Seventy" following its initial ap
pearance at the New York show In
January is eloquent testimony to
ifce accomplishment. of this desire
py , 1ts creators and manufactur
ers. , C " , i . -
The WiUyS'Knight Six "70" fs
essentially a performing ear. That
was the purpose In its design and
construction, plus 'the fact! that
Willys-OTcrland was able to build
a -high quality automobile, com
bining comfort and long wear witfc
a ,sleve-ralTe engine that would
Bell at a moderate- price.
. ; JSngineetfng tests on the hew
car ! at Cove Mountain, Md., has
proTed that the perrormanee of
the new' ''SQrenty" is surpassed by
no 'other American-built car of
corresponding price or type, and
these teSta Included . acceleration,
economy and hill climbing. In a
2500-mile trip into Canada, two
of; tho new "Seventies averaged
18 miles to the gallon of gasoline,
while a recent trip through a New
Tork f snow storm ot 218 miles,
established a gasoline mileage
mark of IS miles to the gallon.
'In performance, the new "70"
Was thoroughly tested from every
taecnanlcfif angle for months pre
ceding 'its introduction. Experi
enced drivers took these new
sleefe-valvo sixes' through gruel
ling tests to determine its ability
to stand the punishment of en-
gineeting tests. Accurate charts
were kept of the "76a perform
anee. On Core Mountain, & "70"
carrying 1057 pounds of. load
started at the bottom of this tor
tuous grade at a speed of 30 miles
an hour and rounded the top, at
26 miles, despite the sharp turns
on the climb and the continually
stiff ascent.
-1 TO determine the speed and hill
climbing possibilities of this ; car,
a lope driver took off from stand
ing start at the. foot of the moun
tain and dashed oref the top at
37. miles an hour.
' In acceleration tests alone, the
record charts showed that the new
"70" accelerates from 0 to 25
miles an hour In 7.6 seconds; to
35 miles an hour in 9.7 seconds,'
and ! to S9 miles an hour In 25
seconds. ' Despite the fact that the
new sleeve-valve Bix has a small
piston displacement, with a bore
of only 2 15-16 inches, and a 4
inch stroke, the car develops 53
horsepower and , is capable of 65
miles an hour.
.The climax, then, of Willys-Ov-erlaad
plans ' in building the new
"Seventy" 'comes in the fact that,
with a small engine displacement,
the -new car develops a steadily
increasing power delivery up to
its maximum speed. The new car
is exceeded In engine' torfcae by' no
American-built motor car engine
ot today. : The advent of the tew
"70" WiUys-Knight six gives the
Willys-Overland two sleeve-valve
sixes an prerland six and an
Overland four, which is considered
the greatest market coverage of
any present automobile manufac
turer. ; : ' ,
fmrDvment Tri. Metropoli
tan Traffic By Busses and
; : , Facilities 'od
1 h
- , " , SUNDAY MORNING MASCH 21, 1925v . : , r . m : ' :
1 . .1 1 "i 1 ' 1 ...... 1 . 1.1 ; - j--.; . , t ,
: 1 1 redictlng s an . t - ... bile , pro--ttkHt
in 1926 of .4 At'.00 and
itiiihig that the ,grc4ifoa years. of
rtpiu,have not yei irt-y- realized
i jiit-; motor "lndftvtiy,- Alfred
jtrim General '.Manrvj- ' bf the
icft Automobile - ioer or
Conit"-.v recommend k auto-
mobllo Vvinesa As piano " -r young
anen, . lit flKldressimg . tU'? opening
session m. ihe AatomoWJr Selling
Course r la West Slao V. M. C.
A- New . fork City; last night,
(March., 2nd.J
' "The deman'it - tot high gjrade
men, said Mr. :n.ti. . Auto
taotlle com pan lea Ta the present
day are bis enterprlsf hd they
need able personnel. Thr l sin ess
Itself Is on growing ba. "-Sere
are vast opportunities for ' -u
who can measure up to th. t
available. " . .
."There is every Indication t
production this year will be i '
to last, or about f, 300,000. f
country is prosperous There are
20,000,000 . Vehicles . in use, and
that means 20,000,000 prospects
for the. next few years, - threo or
tour million ot whom willl be in
the market this year.
v trucks on our highways with-
'3W years. Of these probably
E otV oOO will be-buses and other
commercial v.ehlcles. The bus
business la growing very rapidly.
ItwiH be a solution ot many sof
our metropolitan traf rice ditflcul'
ties. " ' -
, "Today there are several thous
and motor buses owned by trac
tion concerns and more and more
we shall find rubber tired vehicles
carrying the , traveling public ex
cept for certain specialized types
ot service such as the New York
"I am . an' optimist with regard1
to the relief of city congestion. It
seems probable that we are now
at the peak of this difficulty. All
over the country new boulevards
and similar developments are be
ing pushed forward in cities which
have had the same down town
streets for 50 years. r
I "We are Jusc waking up to the
needs bf and possibilities of motor
transport, Thero will be more
parking garages in down town
, centers and better traffic control
aa we understand- the problem
mofe clearly.
"Furthermore there wll be an
increasing trend toward suburban
lite. This, wiljf mean .increased
motor traf tic In - the '.residential
tenters and a further .building iip
ot commuter traffic for the rail
roads. J v , v
"A strengthening factor In the
motor business Is the rapid growth
in foreign demand. Exports
amounted to 550,000 vehicles, in
1925, an Increase ot 4t over the
year before. Within three years
this trade will reach 1,000.000
cars and trucks annually.
, "From the earliest, days of the
automobile business there have al
ways been casual Observers who
wondered how so many motor ve
hicles could be sold. .To those
well informed on the industry and
on human nature the answer is
simple. People want , t( travel.
.They must travel in their business
and they want to travel for Tecrea
tlon. Motor transport is a major
.industry supplying this demand.
"Aside from the replacement
market in this country there are
still enormous selling opportune
tie! among families not yet own
ing cars;" and the market In coun
tries beyond our . borders is just
beginning to open up."
THAT CUTE little sign they
have on! hotel room doors: "Stop!
Hate you left anything?", might.
In some ' cases , be , appropriately
changed to: "Stop, nave you uj-
tning left?"
That little cut or crack in
your tire today, tomor-,
row will bring trouble.
Ilefcular free inspection
and filling of tire chinks
is a part of my service to
customers, of course ! !
Expert Tire Repairing
Vulcanizing Retreading
Gasoline and Oil
Our Telephone Number is 471 Give us a ring
when your tire goes flat
198 South Commercial
tUL-j Li
Battery Wow
Pfi ce H e 'd u cfd o n
" - 'A'.
238 N. High St. Phone 203
lulFS-lf'fllFS- ai'MEESS
IFrEiinniSlhis SSacric
mad LwmJ LhhhI
1 '
. v Tax Included
FUI1 livo-Pcsscnscr Sedan
;Fcur-VhccI Crs&es . T
'-. A-BsttoQft Tires ;" 4 , -
The moment we tegah to demonstrate this
great Hupmobile Six, success was assured.
Ride in it drive it and you'll know, why.
Particularly if you are used toTiigher priced
six cylinder performance, you will realize
that nere at last, is a car which brings the
finest six performance down from thet
realm of high cost
HereS the same, or better, ix cylinder
smoothness at all speeds; and the same, or .,
better acceleration that yoiiv find in the
costliest sixes. , v
You'll be proud of its beauty, its cbmibrt
and the fact that it has all the tsoundpayins
investment value for which Hupmobile
has always been noted. ;
.-i ' ' 1, '
; ; Kirkwood Motor
'31 IT North Commercial -
Phon& 311
IS .
- Hsrfe-- 1