The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 20, Image 20

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    ; nlD .SiincJay School Class
i 'ATLANTA. 12
fcHadrrer r the .' Atlanta Federal
1 Penitentiary.- haa - len ; elected
u $rf sldent of, a radio Sunday school
T elaas organized bj th Baptlat, Ub-
. t0118 ll8ten l to the'pro-
tabernacle baa been -enrolled as a
member of the Tadlo class.'
. Gibbons la aald 'to havebeen
converted Chrjatlanttyby, lis
tenlne In to the Agoga t programs
over the radio. He la i a patient
in the prison hospital. . ; -1 - L '
Worgi,ifauh.tij0W -tetter of
the Atlanta4 Journal; la teacher of
the '-class and' the programs - are
Broadcast orer WSB.
- -
- -4.. ;4W...tM.ii4l.ii,..Ui...i '
I ' . ? - : v . k . . .. v. . .. .- .fc ..
to grow in public prefer- f
i cncc because its genuine
Ti?. rbeatitv ia counted with
liveliness and smoothness
through its entire speed
grange with easy han-
r; dling and restful comfort,
: over aU roads and t with!
:. the stamina that always',
results from conscientious ;
.' manufacturing. Of course, I
i Oldsmobile She is a good
car to look atbut it is a:
' - 1 . . . H
ocoer car ioonvc s t
If" '
I .- - --
1 Inill
Tbacw niastrstod U
Um D Lazs Cock
XllTre4 in Sslaai -
870 NorthJIUchStreet , ! f JTiOne 2125
Driving Over- 'Rough,; Nar
- row Roads of Peru is ;
: Severe Test on" Cars ;
.' '
' Motoring orer the rough, nar
row roads of the Andes Mountains
Jn Pern la a serera test for drlrer
and Tehlcle, but. the use of cars la
steadily gaining, y ; :
In thla country little known to
the arerage person. " Improved
roads are almost entirely absent.
In their stead there ' are mostly
rocky, narrow ..trails which, wind
sharply '; around the' 'mountains
with treacherous declivities yawn
ing on all aides. : " ' "-'i .'.,; ?
It waa of thla section that Ftah
els J.. Day, of the Peruvian, Autoe
Ltda., . Lima, dealer in Dodge
Brothers Tehlclea, : rho recently
visited Detroit told of come of the
hasards- with which, drivers, have
to contend. j'' j. . - r. . .. ,
The aturdlness of Dodge Broth
rse Motor Cars and Graham Broth
era Trucks, which Is necessary to
negotiate these ; hazardous tralla,
has won for them the .admiration
ot all business men and motorists
of the country; said Mr. Day.
Mr. Day told of one road which
rises to an altitude of 14,000 feet
above sea level and then dropa to
4000 feet in the course " of 80
miles. Over this road, he aaid,
95 of the vehicles used are
Dodge t Brothers Motor Cars and
Graham Brothers Trucks, r
" One asks how the Peruviana
control travel over these narrow
tralla when traffic might wish to
go in -both directions at the same
time;- The v have devised a quaint
system of rules to prevent : colli
sions. Traffic originating In the
upper reaches of the Andes, say
Lima," Is permitted to move down
only on Tuesday, Thursday" and
Saturday o each week. Traffic
from the lower reachea la allowed
to move upward only on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday:" ? i
"The Peruvian government ia
alive to the need ot improved
roads," said Mr. Day,' "but' instead
of spending vast Bums ' ot money
In Intricate engineering feats to
cut such roads through and
'What th5 DUblic thinks of Dodp-ft "Rrntrir.ra
r-,-i current sales; . " ! . " 1
v f -
Yct February, ,with. actual retail deliver-
;Ies of 18,516; cars surpassed it by 24 per J
ft V: 1 : !
Midsummer business in month of
iWmier Storms ! .1
" v
A $10,000,000 investment in new buildings
and equipment has brought new high
production records but still i there v are
indications of a serious shortage. I'
" r h fThetime to buy is NOW. s .
suXor: the car is better! than ever before'
0 price astonishingly low. ' 7
around the Andes range; the 'of
tlclala haTe'been content with op
ening such trails as will permit
easier and more frequent' motor
vehicle traffic. , - .--i
? 'Aa : an- example 'of ,thls, road,
or traU building," Mr. "Day said,
"at the head waters of the Ama
aon river, high In the . Andes
range, the government has begun
the cutting of tralla from, the old
town : of iQultoa, formerly famed
aa one of the big plan tauon ! rub
ber center, ot the country. At
this point where the , road engi
neers and . natives 4 are at " work
there Is but one motor vehicle in
use In the entire section and that
ia a. Graham Brothers truck? ; f
f Iqultos, related Mr. Day, is now
a village of but 6000 InhablUnta,
but through revival o f the rubber
industry due to increased- selling
prices, it Is , becoming a factor
again in the commercial lit of the
country ' - ;
i ! VllmlUtlon of all weight that
lfiay croaa the suspension bridges,
the only tTpe used, is placed on all
vehicles. ; For. . this reason the
Dodge Brothers vehicles have been
found most suitable for the trans
portation fo the natives. . - ,
1 I "Peru Is rapidly showing the ef
fects of Increased capital from the
United States. The North, Ameri
cana are exhibiting more energy
han the Europeans who formerly
occupied dominant financial con
trol of Pern .and : ' other .South
American countries. United States
products are supplanting British
made goods in a large measure."
Said Mr. Day. ; V . -.
; "United States capital controla
the largest vanadium mines- in the
world which are located high in
the Andes range ot Peru. This
valuable ore enters widely into the
manufacture of high - grade steel
of which Dodge Brothers, Inc., ia
a large consumer. The vanadium
Is mined 20,000 feet above sea' lev
elr. It is brought out of the shafts
la small bags which are placed on
the backs of llamas which" tread
slowly down the narrow mountain
tralla to a lake where the bags are
placed - on a barge ' and ; ferried
serosa to the opposite shore." The
bags then are loaded on. freight
cars of a fine standard gauge rail
road which carries It down to tide
water aat Callao, from, whence It Is
shipped aboard vessels northward
to United States ports.
"Peru has a wide variety of
climate. In the tropical sections
the finest long staple cotton in the
world ia 'produced. This cotton
la exported to the United-States
Lor the manufacture of fibre cord
automobile tires. .Other agricul
tural products include coffee and
sugar cane. Mining is the., prin
cipal industry of the country, gold,
allver and copper being produced
In large quantities."
Mr. Day who la an electrical en
gineer, was born, tftlXndon, Ehg-
land. "Seven yearsiago he went
out to Peru with hlSTPTrt and fam
ily to engage at hia prof easion.
Two yeara ago he aw-Ui increas
ing demand for motor vehicles in
that country and obtained a'fran
chise for handling Dodge Brothers
vehicles. Results to date Indicate
the wisdom of his selection; for
there are now in operation ; hun
dreds of these cars. ;
0.! Henry. Memorial Prizfe
t . Awarded to 'Julian Street
NEW YORK. The Society of
Arts and Sciences announces rthat
Julian Street is the winner of the
O. Henry Memorial prize of $500
for the best ' short ' atory by an
American writer published in an
American magazine during 1925
. The story for which the prize
Is awarded was "Mr. Biabee'a
Princess," and which, will , head
the contents of the '1925 volume
of O. Henry memorial award prize
stories, which Doubleday "IPage
and company will soon publish.
Tying with "Mr, Bisbee'a Prln
cesa" for first prize Waa, Wilbur
Daniel Steele's "The Man' Who
Saw Through Heaven," but Mr,
Steele has won two prizes from
the society, ' he waa" barred- from
the money award. The second
prize of S 250 goes to Wythe Wit-
Hams for his "Splendid i With
Swords." Mary Austin'a "Papa
go Wedding" took the. prize of
$100 for the best, brief story.
'ftj o
if r -
'1 r K.'
i. ' N.'-
a: -- -t V'--'
- $1006
- $1069
ExdseTax reduction effective NOW-. X
llo reason' to' Belay your purchaae
'0- 474 South Commercial Street M
' .
fill - 1 , a .
Telephone 423
Ten Thousand Air-Bandits
; Annoying Osaka Broadcas
OSAKA. In Japan .y'steallng
the - air" is - now . a . misdemeanor
and one that is causing much an
noyance, to radio broadcasting
companies. One company in Osa
ka haa estimated there 'were JO,
000 "radio' robbers" stealing -its
program! ' '.'
Every radio set In Japan Is sup
posed to be listed with the gov
ernment 1 and the' broadcasting
companies are permitted to charge
a small fee for thelit- programs
This charge averages around two
yen a month. That many thou
aanda of. radio usera are .escaping
this fee Is the belief -of the auth.
orlties .who have started a canv
palgn to Weed out thaj'f robbers.'
r, !
i errs I inawri
A "i aiigs
many ot the basic' principles of
Ford car construction have been
adopted by the Industry generally.
For 18 years, the engineering dlvl-
stantly striving to improve Ford
cars and the industry has -been
striving to better , the. features it
has taken from Ford cars. It is
slon of. the company haa been con- significant fact that while nam
erous refinements have been ef
fected In Ford cars. in that period,
neither .the company nor the in-
duatry has evolved any. Improve
ment upon these basic principles."
'amphletr Dated ,1908,De-(
scribes Operation ot Uld
; Model T Ford
A worn and tattered Ford car
catalogue bearing the date of
1908, now in the archives of the
Ford Motor, company, is a mighty
impressive piece of literature. Not
only does it graphically Illustrate
the infant stage of the ' world's
greatest Industry, but also furn
ishes some interesting compari
sons with a number of features' ot
automotive engineering often quo
ted as-new developments.
Back in 1908r the question of
from which aide the car should be
controlled was regarded aa of lit?
tie Importance. Henry Ford, how
ever, ; recognized tne ract inat
when automobiles became as pop
ular aa ho intended to make them,
safety in traffic would be greatly
increased by the left hand drive;
So, with the advent of the Model
X, Mr. Ford plpneered the move-j
to popularize thla type of control.
Aa the number of automobiles fol
lowed his precedent until. within 4
few years virtually, every car made
in America waa left hand drive.
The torque tube drive, now one
of the outstanding construction
eatures of many of the finest
American and European automo
biles was invented by Henry Ford
and applied to the first Model T in
1808. - f, .
The principle of three point sus
pension, now practically universal
ly , recognized, made its first ap
pearance on a Ford car in 1903
and was included in the specifica
tions of the Model T.
The 'Multiple disc clutch is fre
quently quoted as a "new improve
ment," yet a multiple disc clutch
constantly bathed In oil was one
of the features of the 1908 'Model
In a recent statement, the com
pany reviews the 18 years ot man
ufacture since the adoption ot the
Model T chassis: "since 1908
' ' . - - .- 1
Let us shbW you libivCiiice UieNevlmprl
4 s; r'C' ForcJsare to drive -
Onr of used Fords is becorriinfir so much lower- that
wje welcome trade ins. .-. w .. ; j j,'-?.::
Get ryour new car now and break it in ,beforet, vacation
days are here, u course we give aavanrageo terins.
Phone 1995 fori a demonstration
v alley Mot
- V
, L -. :vxxi;u ;.;.;v;,v'..: :j: : :Vy.v.:.v.-.-..-.!' " .v.--:-; $r''' jf '-i'r '. r-: -J
The New '
Smaller down pay ment
and s maller
monthly payments f
Me lowest credit
cost in the industry
With the most efficient motor ever
intoa light car of its size and price, this
Overland Standard Sedan is the power
leader in its class.
Its accomplishments are amazing over the road
it is" fast and easy riding, on hills it is a wonder
for performance in traffic or on the higfrtray it,? f
Ia marvelous in its snappy getaway, i fl
Try it out you wilt say that nothing like it hza A
ever before been oiterea.
Look at the lines sit in the deep, roomy body
exalnine the details of finish and equipment
until you have made a thorough study cf this car
you cannot begn to : realize just how remark--able
it is in every way.
General Repairing
All Work Guaranteed-
; Sd. .Sedan
c i;c- -NJ c
Comer; Ferry and Cottage
; Telephone f!09
f ":
icdd Nortartxrr".