The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 18, Image 18

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f iA. .k.
Efficient V illy Ovirl a il
Agency Operated; Ser
viae and Sales Feature' ,
' 1i
A Worn-
- Tke old adage that
an's Place ; Is in tb Home': ba ap
parently been diaproren bo ; often
that jaly ,tne outstanding icUrl
tiea of the lair sex in the world of
bulnes no v. receire mention In
. the dally news columns. ' V
Howeref ont In Iowa where
men are men and women f boost
for g$o roads there are a conple
ol yeunt ladles, modest withal,
who ihte made an exceptional
mark in the realm usually i domi
nated; r the male sex. In other
worda,-these two clrli are auto-
mobile jdealera. -MZv
; Five" years aco a woman as pro
pr!etrot an automobile establish
ment wonld bare been sneered at,
lit ape two young ladles in such
bnslaess. bat the Misses - Mar
garet ffell and Rath Stockwell
baye- f iguratirely : " speaking,
donnf dj the greasy overalls land
made an outstanding success of
this fullness which usually boasts
only -men representatlres. iT-r
, T& blisses Ijleil and Stockwell
. are proprietors and owners of the
Nell 3&5 Stockwell Motor company;
Willys-Overland ; dealers in Mar
shalloyn, Iowa, Their place of
business, which : occupies I two
flooii cf an uprto-date building;
includes sales, general repairing
and jdAy and night service - and
storage. That two young; women
shouldt enter so actively the aulo
mo bu business would seem rather
unusuaKtn-many places. but in
Marshalltown they are accepted
on the same, basis as the opposite
sex, are members of the local au
tomotive association. Insist on
adopting the most Improved sales
" and service methods and other
wise conduct a model sales i and
service business.
Both Misses Nell and Stockwell
were familiar with the intricacies
of an automobile long before they
entered the retail end of the bus!
ness. . 1 Spark plugs, ? cam shafts
and bearings, the very vitals of
the automobile, presented ; no
enigmas to these young women
who were seeking some field out
side that of housework in which
to make their way.
Miss Neil is an adept; in every
mechanical feature of an automo
bile. I Equal to any mechanical
emergency, this . young lady has
on numerous occasions completely
torn down and built up various
types of engines ; merely f to be
come familiar with the various
tiona.' Miss Neil has several nt.
to-coast trips to her. credit being
one, of the first women to ,make
such a trio abd on Ane Wutan.
suh a tour totalled more i than
ao.000 miles before she finally
parked her car back home." r t? ?
Mias Stockwell, c while quite a
veteran in the automobile : busi
ness, became acquainted with the
automobile's mechanical features
through a peculiar coincidence. In
company with Miss Neil, later to
be'l her bnsineas; partner, .Miss
Stockwell was1 making a western
(tour in 1922. In : atempting- to
assist fellow tourist. Hiss" Neil
had the misfortune to break an
arm, tbe accident pushing all the
driving responsibilities' on T her
companion. Miss Stockwell' took
charge of the Overland touring" car
they were driving and henceforth
became an ardent disciple of the
motor car. . : j i ' - .'-
i Both young ladles tint entered
the retail automobile business as
a' "curbstone'? operator. - making
the . business of selling; .automo
biles a sideline. . In 192S however.
these, young ladles : became so in
terested In i the automobile busi
ness as a profession that they
went into it in earnest; selecting
the Willys-Overland franchise.
That these young . women are en
thusiastic business folk is indicat
ed by the fact that in their first
ten weeks , as. " Willys-Overland
dealers they sold ten car loads of
Overlands and ; Willys-Knights.
During , the remainder ; of ; 1925
these dealers oversold their sales
quota and both partners are look
ing forward to a record-breaking
business In 1926, iThat they have
met competition- fairly and give
their owners a fair policy haa aid
ed, their success and has made
them a , part of ,", the automotive
business In their locality. ' Both
women are lovers of sport and are
particularly Jond of a day in the
woods, with rifles as a contrast , to
their busy hours selling automo
biles. .
Oregon Association, is Con
, gratulated in Work Done
In This State
Reduction of 5 tax
on passenger cars
to s ;..
(Automotive Dally News) ;
CIIICAQA, March 20. Possible
further advance this spring la the
price of gasoline, with a resulting
drop in prices in the summer. Is
forecast by the. Wisconsin ' State
Department ot Markets. k In a
statement which reached . Chicago
from Madison, the department
says that although a large part of
the season probably will see high
prices, cuts will become apparent
when "the tourist demand begins
to slacken.! ' . lK - .'. : "
Reviewing the price range dur
ing the past two years when a ser
ies of advances, haa boosted the
prices .5 and - cents, the statement
declares there is no reason to- ex-
parts and their methods of opera- pect a similar condition this. year.
On the eve of the signing of tbe
new tax bill by President Coolldge,
George O. Brandenburg, secretary
of the Oregon State Motor assoc
iation, received a letter from the
National Headquarters of the
American Automobile Association
complimenting 'the . Oregon Motor
Association on the aggressive and
helpful part it took in the success
ful battle for the reduction of the
Federal automotive excise taxes.'
The tact that in. the last, analy
sis the motorists , were able to se
cure reduction of $80,400,000 or
21 of a total of tax reduction of
$287,000,000 speaks, volumes not
only for the aggressive fight wag
ed on their behalf but also is con
vincing testimony to the value of
organization In the national, as
well as the. local field, Mr. Bran
denburg emphatically declared.
He said in part: .V '-r-
"In a congratulatpry letter, we
have just received from Ernest N.
Smith, General Manager of the A.
A. A., who supervised the fight, in
Washington, we are, assured that
without the help our local club
and the A. A. A. clubs contribut
ed through direct and indirect re
presentatives to congress, the
share of the automobile owners in
this year's tax. cut ; would have
been much smaller than it actual
ly is. :. ; -V Vr v Yrl
"When the Administration lead
ers first figured the tax possibili
ties, tbe maximum relief assigned
to motor vehicle owners waa $34.
000,000. By , sheer persistence
and refusal to compromise; when
other interests showed signs - of
weakening, we were able to make'
it $80,400,000,. an increase of
$46,400,000. It may fairly be
said that this difference repre
sents the sum that will remain in
the pockets of the motorists as a
result of the organized campaign
of the A. A. A. and its clubs. ' "
'Of course, all motorists benefit
In equal measure from' Federal
tax relief but it was only made
possible by the dues of club mem
bers and by the ability of the clubs
to call the attention of their repre
sentatives in congress in an effec
tive way to. the interests of their
- The motor vehicle federal excise
tax cut applies as follows:
Repeal of 2H tax
on tires, parts and ,,v ; '
accessories . . . . .$ 25,000,060
Repeal of 3 tax on - f .
trucks . 9.000.000
New Model 31S4AAA
4-DoorSadjm . JLUe?U
... . I I 1 !
-ssiw-'.Jt ' '!'" .. '. ? t'.1TmTTmmm ,T-."'lL v . . .-jl
Ot O .i; - i ;
- .. .... ; . -i
Step ;'pn. the plunger Cars all
twice welcome, is a
V Y motor car so free, from care as
tbe new Cleveland Sixl
Welcome,a thousand times welcome,
is this great car's "One Shot" Lubrica
tion System For h means goodbye and
good riddance to all the usual aotomo
bile bother and expense of keeping the
chassis at all times thoroughly lubri
cated. I i 'tl-'-'tV i-f.
Talk about simplicity I With a mere
press of your beel on a plunger, "One !
Shot lubricates every bearing and '
bushing in the entire chassis nsfanfjr
almost quicker than you can bat an
eye, ! ! "
All cars roust follow suit in adoptfas
acentralized system of chassis lubri-cTtion---pr
i behind the ffxnea. Such
higher-priced cars as Marmon, Packard,
Chandler and Stutz have already adopt
- ,f
, i
ed centralized chassis lubrication. Just
ask the dealers of other cars to guar
antes whether or not their next models
, will be so equipped. See what they say.
And talk about power I Cleveland Six
has power to talk about. In open com
petition with other cars, Cleveland Six
is capturing a long string of outstanding
performance records particularly in
mountain climbing. It steps right up
the steepest hills as if the hills lay
-, down to let it pass!
I r. Many modern simplicities of engi
i neering make for easier steering, more
k' positive brakes, quicker starting in cold
I weather, easier gear shifting. In every .
' .way you consider it Cleveland Six Ur
: the big' thing today in its price class.
Just do a little comparing. That's the
K simplest and surest way to pick the'
I right car. -
' i .. - '
r-A W T , ,1 CL1TBLAMO
MacDdriald Auto. Go.
f Corner Cottage and Ferry ' i
't i
: In his letter on the -outcome ot
the tax fight. General ..Manager
Smith of the A. A, A. predicted
that the organised motorists will
be able to secure the 'repeal of the
remaining 3 tax on - pasenger
cars when the next tax revision is
undertaken' by congress. He said:.
"Above all other things this
campaign has demonstrated one
tact of paramount Importance to
motor clnbs; ' namely, that when
organized, motordom speaks as a
unit its voice carries great weight
in national legislative matters. All
A. A. A. clubs are to be congratu-
Every advantaffe is yours when yon buy a used
Ford car from an Authorized Ford Dealer.
You are sure of good service; exceptional
value; liberal terms; courteous treatment
as long as you have the car, and a fair
trade-in allowance when you are
ready for your new Ford. Come in
, and see our selection of used b ords.
Valley Motor Co.
" 264" North High '
lated on the big part they played
In making this campaign a com
plete success and we hope the con
stituent members will appreciate
tbe result.':-' .
WHAT I CALL, gratitude is
when some 'dame with . a pro
nounced odor of green onions on
her breath gits up and ' sings
"Thank God for a Garden.
-THE STORY of a woman who
sent $15 conscience money to a
Salem firm makes me wonder why
this conscience idea doesn't work
the other way sometimes.
tThat You Have Been Looking
- -T
,G0x3'2 Massasoil Cord.
31x4 v Massasoit Cord.--.
32x4 Massasoit CorcL,..
Full Size..
Full Size..
Full Size..
Full Size
Full Size..
Full Size..
Full Size..
Full Size..
Full Size-
$ 8.95 Tube $2.15
15.93-Tube 3.70
160 Tube 3.75
Balloon .'-
$135 Tube $35
170 Tube 3.80
185 Tube 3.85'
18J25 Tube 3.85
19.20 Tube 3.95
.-... 215 Tube 3.95
21.95 Tube 4.50
....... 25.15 Tube 5.25
29J20 Tube 6.95
: Smith &: Wa&k!
Court at High Street Phone 44
mm ; ;
in n pi
"DEFINED body lines lower, longer, hugging the ground; refined
-- V spring design longer, smoothereasier riding; relied finisha new,
durable lacquer that stands all weathers and outlasts all oldstyle finishes;
refined fittings solid, substantial, beautiful fittings; refined uphol
stering, top; refined radiator new design, but the same cooling capacity
(no Star Car ever overheats); refined frame and chassisnew reinforce
ments, lighter, lower and stronger than ever; refined heavy natural wood
artillery wheels -style, strength, speed with safety. ( i
Tomorrow's Car Today And TODAY famous the Million Dollar Motor.
All refined, to the last degree of perfec
tion. The same record-breaking power,
but smoother, guaranteeing a power per
formance far ahead of any car near its
You know what a success the Star6" is.
Well; see 1 this refined : "4 " and marvel
that again such a value can be dupli
cated and built delivered here for
$636. ; .' -
- f aj 3-i
we present tKe famous Star "4'with the
powerful Million Dollar Motor in a new;
conception of the advanced value that has
won unquestioned leadership in the low
cost field. See this famous car in its refined
Following the sensational event of the
new Star "6,," this refined four sets a
new pace in exceptional value.
All the features that have made the Star
TTStar "6" comrade car to the Star "4 '
41 offert you thereservt capabilities of siXCylv
ti : Lm -
ifcrtormance, ax newly lowered low prices. JJ
- ' ' I
- ... 5 . -. ..
151 North Hijjh Street. ; :"j Telephone 97.
1 '