The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 13, Image 13

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to be
iu: 1926
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1 1
ParticulariyTSuited to; a "WartrT Climate
$JS- . "'2z'- ivtJAv - f SLN i .v. .. : j
tMVi XKCwA "' TNr-''" ". "" .
SSS-s- !
-"J- . 1
GOOD lines, attractive and
appearance, and cozy, well
roomy within are the outstanding features of
this exceptional bungalow fqr the family that
is small. It is' essentially a home for the
South, built first in Cal-
ifornia and wholly lack
ing any . . provision for
heating beyond; the open
grate in the living room,
more for ornament' than
utility. ,M '(--" ! -
This - fact I however,
does not preclude its be
ing built in l colder! cli
mates. Your contractor
can easily make the "nec
essary Changes . in ; its
construction jto provide
basement and heating
plant. The 'extra cost,
beyond the j excavating
and the .heating outfit,
would be QotaparatiYely
trivial. j j
Built low Jwith I the
floors practically upon
the ground 1 e v e 1, the
best landscaping results
would be obtained with
the dwarf varieties of shrubbery. And it
should be provided with a profusion of this.
That was contemplated in its designing, for
in California no home is complete other-
.4 ...
.! .....
i ' I "
The Common Brick Manufacturers' Association. Cleveland, Ohio,
for this design.) Leaflet on brick
fiBut the Upkeep Expense of Such Houses Is Small
See us for -common brick, face brick, building tile, partition tile, silo tile, sewer
pipe, drain tile, yitirified sewer pipe. , ,
AlteWork oh: Building, Save
Basemeriti to Be Com--pleted
This Week4 '
i !-
.vBy;the end Jot this week aH the
work on the sYMCA's new Lome
will be finished except in the base
ment, it was! predicted yesterday
by those working on building.
Daring the; past week the wal
nut flooring has been laid in the
main gymnasium. Now the wood
en flooring for the entire building
has been laidi I There yet remains
the rubber tiling floor; for the lob
bies and the finished concrete and
tile floor for the basement.
, Artistic doors hare been placed
to the main entrance of the build
ing. One of the entrances opens
into the men's lobby and one into
the boys lobby. The doors are
paneled and are finished In dark
brown, to harmonize with the gen
eral color scheme of the exterior.
Woodworks! trimming ' of. the
walls and ceiling of the entrances
has been painted cream color to
match, the stucco. The lower por
tions are finished In colored tile.
Insurance of
IIcUI Theater '
Will BE MUD Hi
t - , j 1 4 '1 - :.!,-, ' .j-
i . .. -V. ; ;'
appealing in
arranged and
I U. 5 f
I 1 II 41 11
this is invariably the customs
r "
construction aeiU.
Mantels hare been constructed
on : the fire place In each lobby.
They are made of fir and finished
in dark brown, in keeping with the
finish of all, the woodwork trim
throughout the building: , '
- In the, boys shower room work
ot setting the tile has been com
pleted. It is expected that by the
end of the week the tile will have
been all set in the men's shower
room as well. f
As for the swimming tank it
self, a water test must be given be
fore work, of setting the tile can
even be started.,- .The tank- must
be, filled with water, and- allowed
to stand thus for ten days, to test,'
positively the worth of the tank's
concrete walls and bottom. Then
the actual work of setting the tile
will take weeks, it is thought.
In the gymnasium , a : drinking
fountain has been Installed. Next
to it a sanitary cuspidor, in which
water will be kept, running. Stage
of the men's lobby has been-finished
oft With the contractor's
work on the first; second and third
floors all but completed, it is ex
pected that moving in of the furn
ishings (for the d6rmltory rooms
will start at the first of next week.
' I JUST heard, of the sad case ot
a man who used Llsteririe for six
months and then ; found, out that
he was unpopular anyhow. ' " -i
DOWN SOUTH they have, col
ored mall carriers, v Would ja caU
'em' blackmailers t.
"75ns Xk'" Afr
All Kinds. Tel. 161
lobby, : 183. North High
j The entire front of the bungalow is taken
up with living and dining rooms, both large
and well lighted, insuring maximum com
fort. From the dining room a hallway leads
to the two bed rooms in the rear, past kit
chen and bath and the
stairway to the storage
attic. The arrangement
is very convenient.
Directly in the rear of
the living room and ex
tending to the rear build
ing line of the house is
the patio. Around the
entire side of the house,
facing the patio, is a cov
ered porch to which one
has egress from living
room, hallway or .the rear
Patios are novelties in
the North where their
possibilities for adding to
home enjoyment and to
general living comfort
are yet to be discovered
and appreciated.
For the summer after
noon and evenings they
offer a retreat of both
privacy and relaxation where one may, at
very slight expense, surround himself with
all the many delights of an outdoor flower
garden. In old Mexico, home of the patio,
. ' 4 A . M
can lurnisn complete arawings
I crossed the ferry at early even
ing. The winter night fell black and
I saw my city looming before me,
Fantastic, lovely, pierced with
Towers were stretched to the
height of heaven.
With lights in chains of yellow
and blue
Oh, did men love forgotten cl ties.
Nineveh. Carthage, as we love
March Good Housekeeping.
WE CAN only hope that 1928
will do the Charleston what 1925
did to cross word-put zles. "
Light Weight .
Easy swinging
! -,
-. -. "ft. )
" ' I t
' ' ' i- '" '
- ... 1
. . f- : t ..:
Rooms on . Mezzanine , Floor
Beingt Partitioned, Rail
ings Moulded
Plasterers have finished their
work in , the main auditorium of
the new Elsinore theater, under
construction on High street be
tween , State and Ferry street for
George Guthrie, owner of the Ore
gon theater.
Most of the plastering work in
the front of the building has been
done, although thesintrlcate mold
ing necessary is expected to take a
week or two.
Rooms on the front of the mez
zanine floor are being partitioned
and plastered. The men's rest
room will be in this part of the
theater. The plaster railings from
the mezzanine floor to the room to
the rear of the main balcony have
been molded.
Work of decorating the interior
has been started in full swing.
The ceiling and walls of the main
balcony is being finished in veri-
colored tints, giving a massive mo
saic effect. The scratch plaster
coat takes the color scheme in a
highly attractive way.
Panel work of the railings of
the main and mezzanine balconies
Is highly eleborate. The panels
have been decorated to represent
coats of arms and are finished in
various and bright colors. The
entire decorative scheme is in
keeping with the general gothic
design of the theater.
Several units of the great organ
have- been lnstaled in the roomy
organ chamber, which is built just
over, the front top of the stage.
The remainder of the units will
be installed this week. The large
pipe that will convey the air to the
organ has already been installed.
For finishing the walls of the
room just to the rear of the main
balcony buff color has been used.
Decoration of the remainder of the
front will not be started until the
plaster work is completed.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
of Detroit, in the State, of Michigan, on
the thirty-first day of December, 1925,
made to the Insurance Commissioner f
the State of Oregon, purnsant to law:
Amount of capital stock
paid np t 2,000,000.00
Net premiums received dur
ing the year 1.211.9A8.S3
Interest, JirHendi and " r
rents received daring the
year . 222.980.07
Income from other sources
received durinc the year 80.00.
Total income A 1,434,958.70
Net losses paid during the
meat ezpenaes . 218,046.65
Dividend naid on caoital
stock during the year 27,280.50
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 431,388.57
Taxes, licenses and lees
paid during the year.... 55,009.58
Amount of all other ezoend-
. iture 184,884.98
Total expenditures f 917,060.28
Valfia .f al ? , t A,nfd
(book ralue) . $ 865,714.44
Value of stocks and bonds
' owned (market value ... 1,253,108.74
Loans on mortgages and
collateral, etc " 1.881,680.61
Csih in banks and on hand 562.285.46
Premiums in course of col
IhImib written since Sep
tember 80, 125 294,504.14 .nil miti k. and
accrued - 52,646.76
Reinsurance recoverable - 1,237.63
Total admitted assets.... 4,311,177.78
- Liabilities
Gross claims for losses un
paid 1
Amount of unearned prem
iums on all outstand
ing risks
Due for commission and
All: other liabilities -
Surplus over all liabilities
Total liabilities, exclusive of
canitsl stock of 82.000.-
0OO.OO 2.311.177.78
Business in Oregon for the Year
Net premiums received dur- .
ing the yesr 4.289.55
Homer H. McKee, President. -.
Ralph J. Daly, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
.Insurance Commissioner. Salem.
Easy to install. They work without hing-
cs so that you can take them out for clean
. I ing Neatly and soundly made. -A neces
f 1 sity in every well ordered kitchen. For
sale at our retail sales room.
We also have ' -
Ladder Stools' Bath Stools
M . . Step Ladders - it
; Flojcer Pot Stands '
Ironing Boards, Flower Boxes
Telephone Voutl tlr Unnoer
iwo. Salem
-1830 ;
Broadcast Shaw Play as
Theaters Decline "Risque?'
UONDON. A Bernard Shaw
play has ' been broadcast with
great success to the. British listening-in
publicr-not one of his long
talky plays, but a bit of tomfool
ery Shaw wrote for a theatrical
garden party 20 years ago.
"Passion, Poison and Petrifica
tion" is the title of the extrava
ganza. When the heroine. Lady
Magnesia, is asked by her maid,
"Why do you not undress, get in
to bed and end all this hubbub?"
She replies, in distressed tones:
"How can I, Phyllis, with all these
people listening.
It is said! to be the only Shaw
play that has never been prodnced
in America.; ' Not even the Thea
ter Guild will risk its reputation
on it. i
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
of Boston, in the state of Massachusetts,
on the thirty-first day of .December.
1925. made to the Insurance Commis
sioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant
to law:
i Capital
Amount of capital, stock
paid up 1,000,000.00
Net premiums received dur
ing the year i 9 1.725.011.15
Interest, dividends snd
rents received during the
year i 118,763.87
Income from other sources
received during the year 1.105.39
Total income 8 1,845,480.41
Net losses paid during the
yesr including adjust
ment expenses $ 901,761.77
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 612,921.37
Taxes, licenses and . fees
paid during the year.... 51.686.34
Anvoui.t of all other expend
itures 4 80,461.03
Total expenditures $ 1,646,830.51
Value of storks and bonds
owned (market value)....
Cash in banks and on band
Premiums in course of col
lection written since Sep
tember 30. 1925.....
Interest and rents due and
Reinsurance recoverable. ...
Total admitted assets.... 3,363.308.77
Gross elsims for losses un
paid : 8 300,812.23
Amount of unearned prem
iums on sit outktsnd
ing risks . 1,297,307.05
Due for commission and
brokerage 5,615.00
All other lisbilities 44.324.00
Totsl liabilities, exclu
sive of cspital stock of
1,000,000.00 9 1,648.058.28
Buainers in Oregon for the Yesr
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $ 6,898.22
Losses paid during the year 2,224.51
Losses incurred during the
year 2,869.51
Bamuel Appleton, President.
II. Belden Sly, Secretary
Statutory resident attorney for service.
Jsmes Jlc I. Wood.
Synopsis rt the Annual Statement of the
of Canada, on the- thirty-first day of
December, 1945, made to the Insurance
Commissioner of the State of Oregon,
pursuant to law: '
Amount of deposit capital.. 400.000.00i
Income .
Net premiums received dur
ing the year.. $ 2,660,637.58
Interest, dividends and
rents received durinr the
yesr 188,880.90
Income from other sources
during the yesr 74,745.95
Totsl income 2.923,764.49
Net losses psid during the
year including adjust
ment expenses . $ 1.424.073.34
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 881,813.26
Taxes, licenses and fees
psid during the year 74,746.20
Amount of all other expen
ditures . .. 811.127.31
Total expenditures .3 2,691,760.11
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value). ...$ 3,811.311.40
Cash in banks and on hand 460,851.0it
Premiums in course of col-
lection written since
September 30, 1925 423.220.54
Interest and rents due and
accured and re-ina, due.. 54,731.29
Total admitted s suets....? 4,750,114.32
Gross claims for losses un
paid 9 720,361.00
Amount of unearned pre
' miums on all outstand
ing risks ...w - 2,189.253.54
All other liabilities 204,748.78
.Total liabilities. exclu
sive of capital stock $ 3,114.365.33
Business la Oregon for the Tear
Net premiums received dur
ing the year 30.S43.8S
Wilfred M. Cox, President.
O. 8tubington, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service,
David M. Dunne, Portland.
BuilcZng Activity Increases
, as Warmer Weather Is
Experienced Here 1
Many deals were j put oyer
through the office of P. D. Soco-
lofsky, local real estate - broker.
Harry Harms sold a fine strict
ly modern 5-room bungalow on
Madison street to Mr si. Grace Gil"
strap. !
Mrs. C. W. Soth worth sold her
strictly modern 7 -room bungalow
to Mrs. Dell L. Schellberg.
E. C. Goodlin sold his home at
1545 Belleview to Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Albin.
Ward K. Richardson sold his
home on North Liberty street to
Richardson, this deal was made in
cooperation .with George Thoma
son. j
C. H. Craig sold his home on
1945 Maple Ave. to Mrs. Grace
Scharmerhorn from Idaho.
Mrs. Grace Schermerhorn sold
her home at 1945 Maple Ave. to
Edward M. Law and wife.
C. R. Moon sold his lot on N.
Winter to M. Enesento.
H. T. Wiebe sold his 9 acre
home near Dallas to John Jones.
E. L. Spaulding sold his half
acre home in Oakhurst to Mrs.
Grace Schermerhorn. This deal
was made in cooperation with
Brown & Johnson.
Venerable Press Relic
Lodged la College Hall
SEATTLE. A printing preas
built 125 years ago by Adam Ka
mage is a prized relic in the Uni
versity of Washington museum
here. This press printed the first
newspapers in four Pacific coast
cities -Monterey, Cal., Portland,
Ore., Olympia and Seattle, Wash.,
and gave to San Francisco, then
called Yerba Buena, its second
In 1815 the Ramage was ship
ped to Mexico from New York
City. From Mexico it went to
Monterey in 1834 and was used to
print official orders of the Mex
ican government. Twelve years
later it printed Monterey's first
newspaper. ; ,
By 1847 it was, turning out the
Star in San Francisco and in 1850
It had gotten as far north as Port
land.' . In 1852 - the: ' Columbian
was being run from ; the Ramage
in Olympia. Next it went to Se
attle where its last useful days
were spent Jn printing the Gaeette.
Although it has seen 90 years
of active service the press still Is
in good condition mechanically.
New Russian Radio Station
to Have 18,352 Mile Radius
LENINGRAD. Russia is striv
ing to keep pace with the United
States and England in radio com
munication. A number - of ' new
stations are in course of construe
tion. The plant at Leningrad will
have a radius of 10,000 miles. The
aerial masts, 20 in number, will
be more than 1000 feet in height,
and regular communication will
be maintained with China,' Japan,
Europe and North America. Long
and short waves Will be used.
! ' A
' ': '
siblocoTURNACES ;
Salem Office and Display Room
i . ... ,?; or write , :
Eastman Brothers, Silvcrtcn, Orccn
Woman Holds Front Rank
; In Minneapolis Symphony
' j MINNEAPOLIS. Disregard
ing conventions wnich have ruled
out women from many ranking
symphony orchestras In the Unit
ed States. Miss Jenny Cullen. a.
first violinist, continues her post
as the only woman player in. the
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
of 87 pieces. ,;i .1 : . fc
The fact that she , occupies a
first row position .near the con
Wheii You iAfe Thinking of I
Ten years of building experience has J:
given us a thorougn knowledge of the
business. Our expert workmen will
give you quality in construction!; We
not only advertise to build but build to?
advertise. .
U. S. National Bank Bids.
Cool in Summer
Warm in Winter
Not only r that, but yoW
house is posiriveljr protected
'against fire--when roofed
with . ? . K'J-V' ''
Asbestos Shingles
Time-proof, too. as well m
water-proof. They look like slate
cost but little more than best
wood shingles, and last as lonjr as
the house but never need paint
Ins or any other attention, ; t
Let us tell you more about them.
Johns. Manvflle Asbestos Shin-
ees are examined, approved and
beled bv the Underwriters
Laboratories, under the direction
. of the National Board of Fire
Underwriters. Given Class A rat- '
- ing when laid American me thod.
Oregon Gravel .
; Company
Hood at Front Street
Salem " ; .
ductor's stand Is not altogether
the result of courtesy to her, for
Miss Cullen is one of the 10 first
violinists with the symphony. Hbe
has appeared several times as
soloist at the Sunday popular"
concerts . - i,
Miss Cullen for many years was
concert-master of tho famous
State Symphony Orchestra of
Sydney, Australia. Previous to
that she was a playing member
of the renowned Scottish Orches
tra of Glasgow, Scotland.: , j
iiWmTf"IMM'"'l"',im"BI " ' Mi'Mi,umuadi.minui in. i
- r
275 State Street ,
tmmmmm aasmiBiiai iiriamsnraiisniBiisniMBiuHitiiiiilimk.
ta bmS-i
Just because the E A S T -MAN
is a low priced 'furnace ,
does NOT mean that it is a '
cheaply constructed furnace.
X- : I - " - -," ' : . . - ' . j " '
On the contrary, the work
manships material and general
design of the EASTMAN com
pares favorably with the hich
est priced furnaces on the mar
ket J
But do not take our word for
it,: or your neighbor's word for
it, but come and see, for yourself