The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 21, 1926, Page 11, Image 11

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13th end - Center fit., jrV HUmer,
pmstor; r"iJeae 684 N, Winter, phone
ettUM. - S -rieea at 11 a. - guaday
school 10 a. -. H. II- Grallapp, aaper
intendent. Cottar trayr meeting ( at
M. Schatider 2305 Nebraska Are. jla
abeeare of the paator Her. J. W. Buck
ley will occupy the pulpit at the "morn
ing nervice. There will be do evening.
service. . . ; . . , i i .
Knrth Winter St.. 1 ' Jef feraon A
Thotnaa "'Acheaoa, S4f orH CJilhert- Wt,
aasintant. in charge ef -tU; junior church.
Take the North Commerejal street far to
Jefferaoa avenue--.Tuie church:, is en
gated i a Pre-Eester ETangelitie Chrn
aade. We are entering- on the ; eec.nd
week of the meeting with two eerrirea
each Lord's Day, and each, nicht of the
wpk, Satnrdsr excepted, at 7:30 p.m.
. Tie erntral theme of the meetings. ;is:
The Ifeexage of Christ for the Man of
Tdyr That Christ has afmeasage for.
oar day we are an re. Toaieeover. that
message and apply it to our lives is the
perpoaa' of these meeting. 1 he meeting
s different. . A fioe spirit of fellowship
revails. attendance " is frowinr liner
niKnuy. . ano ,ne umih are rrunvBl.
A chorus choir, under the direction! .-rf
Prof. Ctark. leads in a fine worsiuvfal
song service, Bsersperoea wm oint, ns:0
1 . . . . J 1 rwl
cnvrui. uutrwH, au bviv ih mesa
aft b the pastor are net sensational,
bat are devoted to a sear ik r for tr:h,
with a fcarlesa appeal to foilow it. ' The
services of the coming Lord's Day will
be in keeping- with the spirit of the cam
paign. The pnblie is urged to share with
us in the service at 11 . and at T:30
p. m., and are assured of everjr Christian
curtesy. Also- throughout i the .-week; at
7:30 p. nt. The church sehool convenes
at 9:45 a. nu, lor Bible study. Junior
church at 11 a. t ilc-, Wrenu ft charge.
Three chapters' of the Epvrerta Xeagoe 'at
b.3fr . m.y. Welcon to aU.
(On Church street between Chemeketa
and Outer Sts.) Tterman Kendall Tallv,
I. D., pastor. ' 9:30 p. m. Sunday school,
H. K. Barrett, superintendent 10:45 a.
ra., morning . worship. 8srmo-...The
Christ of the Ares," by- Dr.-Tully. Ab
thenv "Mr Taith-l6oks , Cp' to T6ee,
Sehnecker. - Bas sok, "Hear My Cry,",
Millia-an Jy Lioyd Thompson. Organ
numbers : Grave; Adagie ' V4 Conata II. )
MendelnKehu; and "AJlegrb Vlestoso So
nata If),;. Sleadelsaehn -:80 p.i m
Young Peoples1 . sociel tea. . 7:30 p.i m..
evening worship. Sermon, The Panoply
of God," by Dr. Tulty f Soprano eolo, "I
Sought the oLrd, Stevenson, by Ruth
Esaery Riddle; Organ numbers : f'An,
Eastern Idyl," Stoughton; "Off erioire.
Batihte; and "Antienne," Batiste. - Mon
day 7:30 p. m, at the church4 a tilled
meeting of elders and trustees' for nomin
ating a building committee to b sug
gested to the Congregational meeting lor
action. - v - . . . i .
In Z evangelistic . servlre. Sd, snliject;
"Where Is Thy God IV, Services during
the week Tuesday evening J.-aa. ' Prayer
and .praise Friday even in- Bible study.
Saturday evening the young people have
their meeting. -.- A welcome in the. Taber
nacle to all services. , '
Corner of 5th and tiain. ta Js", Sa
lem. Sabbath school at - 10:80 x and
preaching at ? 11 3 a. nw iM.'. V. meet
ing at 4 p. as. Prayer weetins Wcdnea
dary at 7:30 p. aw subject; BeT. 11.?
The subject for th Sunday .lecture will
be: "la the Sabbath Saturday ior Sun
day! Does the Bible Cite, the Jews One
Day Bud the Christians Another !' Large
crowds are attending why not yonf Sine
ing begins at t7:30. Come and let us
compare, notes. ' , , ' : .-, A --
services. Sunday acuol 9:45 a. m. Dr.
Frank Sj St-huti. Young peoples' meet
ings atf 6:30 preceded hxtk half boor, of
prayer.. Topics , "The Holy Spirit , Qual
ifies for Leadership Lather. D Cook,
is the leader. Sunday will be the be
g inning-ef special revival servieesi- at -thta
church. There will be meetings every
night next week. The paster at the earnri
est request of the church will conduct the
meetings. The meetings. wU beght each
evening at 7iS0. The meeting will co-n-tinue
until Easter, All are invited to all
of these eerviceev Xon will enjoy :, the
splendid : spiritual t atmosphere of ; this
church on the corner, i ;..",.
I. B. 8. A.: (
tion, meet every Sunday in Derby Rail,
Court and High Sta. Honrs 10 to 12 a.
l, ' and 3 to 4 p. m. Puneral services
conducted free of charge in Salem and vi
cinity by local Bible class. Jhone 1450 W.
All interested in Bible study, cordially. in
vited. " . -.',-"' f. ' -
i . f ..
18th and State Sta.. O. Koehler. pastor,
Sunday school 9:30 a. m. German ser
vice 10:30 a. m. Luthei Leagu t T
p. m. Instruction for children on Satur
day from 1:30 to 8 p. mi- : i
' 241 State St. "If X can atop one
heart from breaking, 1 shall not live in
vain." Worship with ns (Sunday snorn
isg, at 11 o'clock. - Sunday school hegisn
at 2 i3a promptly. - An interesting -as well
as helpful meeting for the young is our
Young Peoples Legion, r 5:30 Sunday
evening. The regular Sunday night ser
vice is evangelistic chuck full of good
cheer "Happy- Thoughts.; she subject.
Public meetings held through tne week
on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at
8 a. " Sincere greeting 'to' all. j
Tabernacle CstlVy Bt, Phone 1434J.
H. E. and Mrs. Cs swell, pastors, residence
17? r S. Cottage St. Sunday school con
venes at 2 p. m., Mr. Roysteon, superin
tendent. Afternoon preaching . aerviee . 3
p.m., aubjectr "Where to Build."! Even-
- Corner of Capitol and Marion streets,
M, Denay, minister,- residence, 969 Mar
lon St., phone 445 W. German services
11 a; in..' Sunday school 10 a. m. Fred
Q. Kruae, Superintendent.
- . ..... - m .
! " V ; rtEST' (SCETHODIST .
Corner of State and "Church 8ts., Fred
C. Taylor, pastor, parsonage, 636 State
St., phone 974. Director of Religious
Education, Miss Mary E. Findley, office,
128 8. Church 8tH phone -872. - Wesley
clhsi meeting 9:15 a. ra Class leader, .8.
A. Wheelwright. Sunday school 9:45 a.
m., H. F. Shanks,' superintendent. Morn-.
ing worship ll a, m. . Dr. Taylor willM
rpeach concerning 'The Law of the lar
ger Life.' - The male- chorus ' will sing4,
"Steel Away" and "Rock of Ages."
Junior church in Annex at 11 o'clock.
Miss -Findley. snperintendent. Svmoj
this morning by "Mrs. A4a MilerJ -'Studies
in -Methodist Home Missions. n. a
month the . miasiorary- interests of the
church are .presented to the Junior church
congregation. - JThe three chapters eftbe
Epworth League meet at .8:30 initheit
respective places. Evening aerviee ' "at
7 :80,; sermon i "An Appraisal of JesUsJ
Wednesday at 2 : 30 - p. . m.. general Aids
at-the ehnreh. Thursday 7:30, mid week
devotional service, led by the pastor.
Strangers "and friends welcomed to aH
services of First church.
Cottage and Chemeket. Sts.r Rev. Mar
tin Fereshetian, minister. Church school
at 10 a. m. Graded instruction. Class
for thos of high school, college age and
adults under the leadership of Miles Mc
Key, the superintendent. Devotional ser
vices at 11 a. m subject of the sermon:
Jewu. the Greatest Teacher." In this
sermon Mr. Fereshetian will discuss t'..o
t-Achmg method of Jesus and will lKua
lrm from the parables u'.tartd by the
Master. A constructive sen mm in v hick
the vr-uane.nt elenieats rf CUristian Life
will be shown. Mrs. M. Fereshetian,
contralto soloist of the church will sing,
"Eye Hath' Not Seen," aria fro mthe
Holy City, by! Ga'l,.- Mss. .W. A. Denton
at the organ. The Laymen's League will
meet in the Emerson Room on Monday
evening at 8. The EmeTson class will
meet at the parsonage on Thursday even;
ing . at. 8. Bertrand Russell's ideas on
philosophy to be discussed.
The First Spiritualist church of Salem,
will hold services at their hall. Fraternal
building, this Sunday evening. March 21
at 7:30 o'clock. M. C. (Juick of Port-,
land will be speaker and message bear
er. The public is cordially invited to the
, ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal)
Church St., at Chemeketa. Rev. H. D.
Chambers, rector. Holy Eucharist at 7:30
a. m., ' morning prayer. Litany and ser
mon at 11 a. in. Evening service at
7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Sixth
Commandment," and ' "Faith and' Con
science. The 4:30 a. m. service is a
corporate celebration for those confirmed;
and all who have been presented for confirmation.-
by the present rector. All
other communicants invited. Sunday
school '9:43 a. m. ' Young ' peoples' Fer-
lowship meets at 6:30. p. m.. in the psr
ih. house. The Lenten services aro, on,
Wednesdays at 7:30 p. m in the chap
el, i !
Corner of N. Winter, and Market Sts
Mortimer C. Clarke, minister, residence,
1228 N. Winter, phone 1356W. Services
11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics:
"The Revival Wt Need." and "The Con-
i-fession of Sia.'i' -Special singing at both.
Corner Chemeketa and Cottage . Sts
Rev. J. R,' Buck, pastor, residence, 751
Chemeketa St phone- 89. Services 8
lO a. m and 7:3 P- m. Sermon topics:
Selected a m., and Congrtgation ' singing
Rosary and Benediction, .Academy choir
sings at children's-matt at H, regular
choir sings , at 10: Catechism ? tn acad
emy at 9 p. ra. Saturday, Mass in hurch
st 8, in academy on 'Saturdays,, at 7.
Lenten' devotions -on Wednesday and Fri
day nigh ta at 7:30. - .v - ;. ; f- ;
X urn iii
and High Suu, E. C Whitaker,
paster, residence-, office 294.- - Assistant
pastor,' Vivian G. Whisler, residence.' 507
Center t., phone 2041 W. Services It
a. and 7:30 p. m. , Rev. K, C. Whita
ker, our new pastor will deliver the 'mes
sage at both- services. Miss Whisler will
have charge of the. music, i At the morn
ing hour the choir will sing, "Great is
Jehovah. and aVthe-' evening hour,
"Rose Softly .Blooming.' Triete Powers
will sing a solo, Sunday school 9:45 a.
m.. Dr. H. C.' Epley, superintendent.
Youh. gpeoples meetings:: 6:30. Senior
Endeavor will be led by Vernon Wiliiams
and Intermediate led by Mildred Crab
tree and 0iaJach ' and Rose Dickinson
will sing a duet.
1346 N. Church Stn J.. J. Gillespie,
pastor, residence, 1345 X. Church St,
phone 1873M. Services 11 a. m and
7:80 p. m. Sermon topics:. "The Bible.
Church," and "Watching and Praying. r
,-unaay grnooi 10L a. m., Mrs. Walter
ISarkas. suiicrintendent. Youiir toilr
meetings 8:45, subject: 'The Power of
the Tongue," Claudine Gflleapie,' leader.
Regular weekly praye service' Wednes
day evening 7:30, Lyle Knox, leader. -
Liberty and Marion Sts., Ernest H.
Shanks, pastor, residence. 549 N. Liber
ty, phone 1920. Service 11 a. m., aud
7:30 p. m. Sermon topics: "The Vision
of God." and "Is It Harder to Be a
Christian Now Than 25 Tears Agot" Pre
lude to evening service will include the
prise cration, "The Challenge of the Mo
dern Woman," by Miss Carmelite Wood
worth of Lin field College, winner of the
Ort-gon Oratorical contest. Sunday school
y:3 a. m., f-d. Schnnke, - superintendent.
Young people's meetings,' 8:30 p. m.. A
splendid young people's meeting towhich
all are invited. Week day services Thurs
day evening for one hour, 7:30 to 8:30.
Come early ao aa to be sure of a aeat
School of Missions will bold its last ses
sion of the spring semester on Tscsday
evening at 7:30. The study b,ook is
- uco uynanuw, jerrigo.
15th and Mill Sts.. 1'atriis JhihHn. pas
ti'A residence. 2095 Trade St.. nhone
877 J. . Sorvices Swedish 11 a. tn.. ai.d
English 8 p. m. but day school 0:45 a.
nt. ' xoanir peoples meetmL's. 7 s. m.
Prayer meeting Thursday 7,!0 p. ru. Yon
are all cordially m '.tad to our services.
- Corner 12th and Mission Sts., A. 8.
Henderson, - pastor, residence 1135 Mia
cion St., phone 1903WV Services 11 a.
m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 10
a. m., r.. ti. oling, superintendent. It.
B C. E. 6:30. Mildred Pearson, leader.
Old time prayer meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7:30 Mrs. Hiday, class leader. .
residence, 1935 Maple Ave, phone 1917
W. Service 3 and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school 2 p. m, S. Burkey, superintendent.
Young peoples' meeting, Friday evening.
Week day services. Tuesday, Thursday and
Center and Liberty Sts., Charles E.
Ward, pastor, residence, 440 Center St,
phone 59 1IC Services 11 a. nwnd 7:SO
pr m. -ermon topics: "The Quest; and
"Poison Tongues' The quartet will
sing: "God 8o Loved the World," p
Stainer and "Seek Ye the Lord," by
Roberts. Sunday School 10 a. m Mark
McCaHister. superintendent. Mid week:
Bible study and prayer meeting Thursday
T;S&r; .The. Sunday eveajn service1 wiil
be of especial interest to -a IV god ipusie,
illustrated, sermon.
, .4.,,.,- .
and N. 17th SU.. K. L. Putnam.
patter, residence, , 1 106 . Islie, : phone
1425J. Junior pastor, Mrs. Putnam.
Services 1 1. ai. m and 7:30 v. m. Junior
service.' 11 as. n. Sermon ' topics, - VThe
Vine and ..the Branches," and,. "Jesus r
Barabas." Music furnished by .' Mm.
Moses' " orrhet-tra. - Sunday school : 9:45
a. -nu, E. W.jCooiey, superintendent. Vol
unteers wilt visit shut-ins in afternoon.
Christian v endeavor 6:30. Four ' grader
C- E. societies, nltereeting meetings for
young folks.; Choir practice Wednesday
7:3 p. m. Ladies will have an slWdsy
meeting ..Thursday. Church school same
day T-w p. m. "rtday evening Volunteer
social st paraonsge 1106 Leslie St. The
Silverton and . Staytou bands will be invited.'
and Washington- tits.. Carl
F. Miller, paator. residence. 1655 N. Lib
erty, phone 133U. Services 11 a. iu and
7 :ao p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m.. B. J.
C. Patton, superintendent. Young peo.
pies' meetings. 6:30 n m tonic: "West
China." Leader, Mrs. Lyra Dorm. At
the same hour Alice Edinundson will teach
class of older people on subjects of
J arnica. Prayer meeting; Thursday T :30.
'I . . ;
lTth and ChemekeU Sta., F. W. Lau-
ner. pastor, residence. 268 K. 17th. nhone
1008W KrTiM 11 m aiul U n. n
Sermon topics : "One Accord," and "lee
r 1 : . . . . ,, . , . . .
aonMiii oi. wB. sunoay scnooi
s.f m O. B- Strsusbaugh, superintendent.
Young peoples' meeting at 7 p. m Elmer
ICnrs. will ImmA 1 v uivIm, TIiiim.
day evening, Mrs. F. W. Cauner class
Jar, resdienee, : 251 Mission St., I phone
i4.iw. services 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.
iumlay schoof f0vip. m. - Young peo
plea meetings Friday night at 7:30w -Ur-ble
study or evangelistie meetingu every
niht at 7:30 except Monday. All are
invited to these apostolic gospel meetings
where Jesns of Naiareth. the Almighty
.'eaurreered- Saviour is working the-aame
as in Bible days. Uelt., 13 j8; Rev., ,.
So collections. ':.'
vLiberly and .Center,- St, . C. C. Poling,
pastor, residence. 4" tater Kt., plionc
1J. Services H d 1:30 p. m.
Sermon toiJie:i . Christ Ou? Gnide,' and
"Hidden1" Tmhtk." Special' -music by
choir. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., L. L.
tfturst . .!..'. nfendrfint.V ISeuior and
Intem'fi!ite a-ir-::e at 6:30 ism', Jun
iors mi H 3j ta. Thursday; evening, st
7:3u ,-eek .sv r.-viees,; SO . miautes de
ved H .BM, -t ,---iy int JftSin. . Full at
tendance is tiepircii, . ?
::J!?iR-2KB '
iiri ?.,m..; ,Sc;., f. f and Mrs.
Hopkins, pr.t tt.-.- i ei toncp : 190 Marion
St. Srvit-e-5 i fi. rir.; cad 7:.10 p. m
Rw; ic " " - ' et'i'ervice
en Sunday. Sunday srbeol 9:45 a. m..
lrank uuMrilier. s,'irierit."nd,-T,t. Senior
young peoples' meeting :30 p. m., leader
Walter -Seamster. Junior yoarg peoples'
meting at 0;4iip. m leader Miss Warro.
Prayer and praise mateing Wednesday
even tag - at 7 :30. Miss Ames- Gardner-
Sunday night.
19th and Ferry Sts.. H. C. Stover, pat-
tor,, residence, 245 S. 19th St, phoae
1924J. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m.
Sermon topics: "Love's Gift," and "My
Gospel." Sunday school 10 a. m., C.
C. Harris, ; superintendent. Senior and
Junior C. E. at 6:45 p. m Week-day
services, Thursday evening at 7:30.
17th and Nebraska. Ave P Ci Hoff
man, pastor, residence, 1743 Nebraska
Ave. Services 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. ra.
Sermon topic: - "God - Calling For Cab
orers." and "Harvest Time.' Sundsv
school 10 a. m., W. W.' Rose nb ran gh, su-
'rmienaent. Junior and Senior meet
g at 6:30 p. m. Ladies aid Wednesday
afternoon. Revival services every: night
during the Week except Saturday night.
1 237 State St., Ralph IX Bullock, pas-
South Commsxciat- and Myers Sts, J.
Willard DeYoe, pastor,. reefdeuce. 348
Myers, phone 188J. -Service1 11 a. m,
and 7:30 p. m. Sermon topics : "Par
don,',' and 'Watching Jesus Die.?' Mrs.
Paul Utley will sing ill morning. Miss
Gladys Mclntyre in evening. The chorus.
st ootn services. unday jehool ;45 a,
m., E. A. Rheten, euperintendent. Both
Epworth Lesgues at 6:30. Senior ted by
Margaret Leavenworth, subject: "Differ
ent Religions Cults." Intermediate led
by Roth Haseltpn, subject: "An Inter
est in tne Biggest Thing Going." Spec
ial revival service every , evening this
week except . Monday evening at 7 :30
o'clock. Subjects: Tuesdav, "Elijah at
Mt. Cartnel;" Wednesday, "Daniel in the
Lion's 'lien :" Thursday.. "The Handwrit
ing on the Wan;" Fridav. "A Little He
brew Maid;" Saturday, "What Think Ye
Of Cn""ti" Tuesday will be a dsv of
prayer for the meetings.' - There will be
group prayer meetings st 10 o'clock in all
parts of sonth Salem, si the afternoon
at 3 o'clock a rally -prayer service at the
church. At 7 o'clock men's prayer ser
vice in Leslie Hall led by L. C. McShane.
t ' i. i ,
! Sutherlin Drilling resumed on
Leeper Dome oil -prospect.
This Nimrod, Paid For His
Hunting; is Envied bV AH
cisco has a policeman who is the
envy, of all Nimrods. He is per
mitted not only to hunt IrGolden
Gate park; but he also gets paid
for it and he finds hunting: good
Each year Patrolman Warren
N. Phillips who is the official ex
terminator of predatory animals
in the park, takes around 100 fox
a year; 25 to 30 weasles, a coyote
or two, coons, Eawks and other
undesirable of animal life who
come to the city's play ground to
prey on the domesticated - crea
tures of the patfkr They- come
from the Sutro forest--a densely
wooded tract In the heart of San
Francisco and from' the open
spaces down the peninsula appar
ently unterrif led by the- bright
lights or rumble of night' time
tfaffic.. r ?
upon Augusle ;who . had declined J raid against the "palefaces" pear . ,
to .accompany Cplorow on his. lastj Meeker. " ."r " x
Stern Ute Justice Dooms
Big Buck to Garb of Squaw
Augusle, a six foot Ute Indian
buck, for 3 8 years has worn the
garb of a squaw and has been en
tirely ignored by fellow males of
his tribe because in 1887 he was
a 'conscientious objector' and re
fused to take part In tribal raid.
Augusle now is more than 80
years old- but he will remain a
"squaw? for the rest of his life.
His sentence never will be re
voked and thece is no chance for
a parole, claim the present tribal
leaders, who succeeded old Chief
Colorow, a score of years ago.
li was Colorow who pronounced
sentence "back to the f squaws"
i --
r ; " First
Center and Liberty
a :
11 :00 A. M. "ThQuest' ' N
- 7:30 P. M. V'Piwbn'Torigues"
. Illustrated by the six reel picture ' .
of Joseph Lincolnts bwk."Dr-Nye.V. t
The Challengeo tKe Modern
; J Woman ' '. . ' ' " 1 I '
. Miss Carntelita Woodworth -
I Winner of Oregon Oratorical Contest
j r v t 7:30 Sunday evening -
Pastor's Message: 'Is It; Harder to be a
- ' ' . Griristianr " : v
Morning Sermon:? 4 'The Vision ;bf God
' .r SpIoHis :Grace; is- Sufficnt," (Eborall)
;: k ' . 1 J1 Miss Grace FaWk - s
V : ,rs Itew Ernest -HSnanks1
' ' Mow $S0 I
'V -
t fX ' -.".'''. kl ..- --:''r" -r ....... ,
u i -. -... ".
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. . .-j . ' ,.- rv " r - - t '
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bandedt irx contrasting fabric or color.. ,
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materials are indeed superb. .
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Sport Coats
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4tFif th 'Avenue Styles at Popular Prices
Prices on Hudson Brougham, Hudson Coach and Essex Coach are reduced as
of March 10e This is in addition to the . Tax Reduction mae February, 27
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other charges. ' ' : r ' ' . " , '
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would be : 'T - "!
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ESSEX "6" COACH - - - - f 735:
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Nothing More to
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All cars are equipped with front and rear
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radiator shatters, Moto-Meter, combination
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Don't bdrnisled bv f.o.b.orfactorVlisttiricesJ.
charges which greatly-increase the;' actual
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