Til I Pi n. 5 n c t c c 1 I-. ,'-jjrc!Iisiinici:23 . nn i zi . l u , I . . " i . f ... r c c,TIie Housewife -Money J WASHING POWDER aims !Cf lb. pkff. Ti OC ( W fcYTnAfrr-LVnniTT.i r J19c d25d Xtoz. Bottles U. ' ', I ' A (,' SHRIMP This year's pack C j 2 Cans ' - ' I J j PEAS No. 2 Tins ; I, C 1 2 Cans : SI FRESH RANCH EGGS I i 1 2 dozen 1 iHL 39c I WALNUTS Soft Shell No. Vm j MACARONI Porter's or Mrs SchilTs, per pkg. ' , : , ' ' , S " ' Scl 23c- mRMH OTT- SOAP ClEr-i.-JL: PINUViTLE Large SDced No. i9c U t 2y2's; Special, can. ! fl CANNED MILK Sinclair's . or C and Armour's, 3 cans 8 ' " " 0 C BROKEN RICE ! - Of Special, 4 lbs -. -j, DC MATCHES Cartons of : : I in ' Six Boxes. ?0LLAND HERRING Midler's Herring v " .XU-1D. Keg. i , 4 $1.65 4 w"5 Fish in keg ALT 7c 15c 49c 69c 3-lb. Sack 8-lb. Sack 25-lb. Sack 50-lb. Sack Dairy ft- - - i . r i - . - M W . 1 -, n . - . I ii I i in. I1 p. Vtil2SH3N:CtjjR 5; iiSPALi :a ViLfiWT if ; il- 4-in. Richary Bordered Crepes in, all the' V new shades,-Brick, Nile, Tan, Redf and 0 ' Black, etcWyVery C OA C A f i speciaUy priced at V U vlU i36-in. Fancy; Striped Baybrock: Fabric VGuaranteed fast colors. ! CA " Very special at J- -...-.i... U C -32-iiu Kajburhie Ginghaia. Guaranteed ast colors. Reg.. 35c 1 i 9CP: r i36-in. Percales, many new patterns to ihoose from, r Reg. 25c' ; "I A -C i Very specially priced at U JLIC - 36-inch English Prints in all the OO. new snrinz shades. ; . 35-in. Dependable Bleached Jlcslia. O. Very. SpeciaJ SZJJJjLjj;i'. ! .. I O C 35-Jn. Cretcrtnes in many .attractive OCp natte'rns vcrv snecial at li ,......;... w w 9-4 Pequot Sheeting' v W Dry Good3 Dept. (Limited) 59c 7.C iO. r J. T. Cirri's Thread. 6. N.TJ Clark's Thread, all sizes, L!.-.c!i and white, 1CD and 150 yardj. Li rr.il pd cr.a box to a Dry Gcci3 Dept. 1 S. Ccmerchl r2 ft ! it -0 TT) ' - . n f " i f ' si j i : f . n A . new J shipnent of- Men's ' and Young Men's Fancy Caps, all colors, and Q AC new shades, reg. $20 r ,. ?1 y J - A full line of Men's Arrow collars, 9Q 1 Reg. 20c; 3 for Ll.,:. Oil C -Van Heusen, Van Esty, Van Jaek Van Glow and all other styles; reg. 50c, OA 1 Sale Price : , :. V: CtJQ Men's and Young Men's Fancy Belts, reg. $1.00 J. : .:' .:.. 69c Men's and Young Men's NoTelty. Shirts such-as Broadcloth and Silk Stripes, for merly priced at $29 ana $2.98, collar ,bend and collar attached, '- SEffel $1.49, $1.98 Men's Rayon Hose,' drop stitch and plain; Formerly priced at 49c ., , Oft j. gale' Price - Ll;.L---- LVC Lot of Men's All Wool Sweaters, red and black. You can not duplicate for less than: $4.50. Special C 1 Q C 1 Sale Price ?...;:..:. $lVO, ' Atlas Union Suits, closed crotch; a splen did garment. Reg. $2.49 ; . - C 1 C A Sale Price .Ol.i)U; Limited quantity as longas they last I . '. Men's and Young Glen's ; Khaki Pants,; i Laced -Bottoms, reg. up to: i, ft AO $3.95; Sale Price )! JO, Men's Khaki Pants, a real: 01 1 Q saving: Extra Special Jui V Lmkf. One lot of Men's summerweight Union Suits'. Odd-lots, broken sizes; some-are ; light fiber silk; formerly sold up to A Q U ! $3.95. Sale Price : ... JOC Men's Dress Hats; our $438 Hat Special, . All colors and shades . 4 - ; . QO- AC latest styles '. L 4 Ladies' . Spcrt and Golf . Dresses of .the same materials, silk and wooL Less than y2 price. - r ' '": , Up-to-date Dresses just arrived. - Canton Crepe, Back Satins and Crepe De t Chine .and Floral Designs. A special purchase on this sale. 1 ok o Joe" . Tvill !:ccn SUra " A new shipment cf Twill Checn CL'ra la all. E?rir2 new thzlzs ..... ....... i J , fc - - - r-" cus- i .. ...... ... .- "" ' " ' , ,'JJwe,a'''"lll,'l'll'.''"-18 ui i' i.iikwwww yay TIT p O . ' w X .v . J I A: i A new shipment of Ties, should be sold for 98c We are going to put thfera on riA ' this Special Sale for-J -J : Men's Flannel Night Shirts-4 j , t AO real saving ; special price ' ,.., ,,..1 OC Men's SidleyS ' and Paris Galrters . OQjr' Reg.354 ;:r-,;-v 1 , f 6 C Men s Cotton Dress Pants ; . , Reg$1J98, $25 Boys' ? All Wool Slip-on Sweater; Reg $3.98 orange and blue stripe; wt A Special Sale Price OU.tV Fiber Suit Cases, . Special Sale Price ' 98c Peerless Kids' Togs; Suits, .a, real fancy ' Tweed. ? A very good makej, , f nn Regular $35 L OL.OV ;B6ys longies Suits,'speciaLsaIe,Q-yihr price lJ-- ......nXimV . Young; Men's Suits, long t pants, v regular ' $15.00. i New shades.' and c hM - dn ,nr Style U; 'JS i $V.UO Men's An Wool Suits Men's AU Wool $19.85 $24.85 Suits U- Men's AU Wool Suits 1, f The W. L. Douglas and the Certified Shoe made by Stonef leld Evans. The seal of high quality such as Tici Kid' Certified : Combination Tarzic or Bankers last.' ; Reg. up to $9.95 ? " CC. AC Special j. Men's Dent i- ' Men's- Goodyear Welts, Motor Men- and. Policemen Shoe. - Reg. price rv. Qv ajJ : $6.00 Special 0VD. SSfiS" - Ladies'; Silk and Wool Hand woven Sport Coats; an Oregon product at price . 51 Lot 2 Another group of Ladies' Tailored. Coats, latest styles, and materials. rv - - V Lot 3-i-Extra' iFancy Drcs3 Coats in all the wanted shades, fur trimmed. , Special S22.S5, $32.50 Windov, Sliadcs 0 Window Shades, "fancy bor ders and fringe, good oil shades," factory samples, limited to cne customer ' . " . ' . C O Each J. .. ; .... i C Eascncnt Store 5 ' V TCOUR $14.85 4ST 5 W Anil t . " H '1 ' r s ;Satupc3ay' iWapch.;13th: i 1 ' Blankets Part Wool Blankets, Single, double ' bed size, r,eg. $2.49 Sale Price $1.89 72x80 Nashua Blan kets, fancjr borders, reg.3.98. f Sale Price" I 4 v V ft- Millinery Our Millinery Dept. is att ready waiting : to greet you' with new styles and low prices. You wiU find that you can - save ; on your hat ;from $10 to $3.00. So if that means any thing to' you come and look them over: and then judge for yourself. Hats from 98c $2.49 : $2i7; 66x80 Heavy double size. ; Our . former low price $4.95. On this sale - ! Up to C JCIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES v-:-:;- 25 to;346V;;:riV-; . . w - S UHii III' ; . ' ... - Light Globes A 120-10, 110-25 M J'p 0.T Electric Glob e s - j 1 on sale at 9c each T j v. i. Slip-on vctrs AH WTcoI GirLTSIipon Swcatc i upstairs in: Ready-to--0- Iwear department ........ Oil r5V Tailored Blouses '..'.. . . " .'' " -Just received a new.shipmcnt cf Ladies' Tailored :;..'Ol Cn Blouses. Special v JL J Children's , Gingham 'Drcczcj All 0 Sizes ........, ... w.i Vre have adicd a coirir!:te Hhd of ..Hat Shapes to Our MiU'acry department at a crcat taTir. ChiUrcn'sICcvCrrr.-.T IT: v.lrVrl;? C1.I3 IdC1.C3. r: - . j ? , I lint ,v